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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

January 22, 2024 at 12:25pm
January 22, 2024 at 12:25pm
Here are the two prompts for Week Three

Prompt # One: I hereby resolve to get a job.

Andre say's "Not Likely".

I hereby resolve to take better care of my teeth.
Merit Badge in The Blogging Banana Bar
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  Congrats on Your Super Effort

in  NaBloPoMo 2023  

with  [Link To Item #1985857] 

The Bar is Always Open    from   Andre  or Merit Badge in Hot Potato
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  Thanks for helping Andre fracture some New Year's Resolutions!

As for jobs, this is what I experienced lately. I could probably not get out of my driveway. Too much snow. So, no danger of me getting a job. and my internet does not allow me to earn money at the level we presently rent. If I made any resolutions like this, it would collapse as I made the sounds of the words.

So, let's look at teef. Nope no sense in doing any resolutions concerning teef either. I noticed on the picture Andre sent out one day a couple weeks ago he has big teef. Beavers have big teef too. Beaver teef grow out as they wear down when they chew wood. Human teef just fall out if you don't take care of them.

I always say I don't make new year's resolutions. Then, I realized I was thinking I should try to do more walking on my treadmill. And I was thinking that on 01/02/2024. Horrors! Is that a New Year's resolution? If it is it is already trashed because I have not walked on that treadmill since 01/02/2024. However, I might get it done again one day soon. I have been sidetracked by baking new recipes of buttermilk bread in my bread machine. I never tried buttermilk recipes before, and they are exceptionally yummy. I think my children would have liked the new recipes. Too late. They are all in their 50's with their own lives to beat up.

It has been windy, snowy weather for two weeks. I'm tired of it, so, I hope it goes away again soon. I watched a documentary video this morning about the Mohawk Trail. I think it would be fun to go vacationing by driving the Mohawk Trail. Maybe not in the winter as a lot of it is in Massachusetts. Probably under more snow now than we are.

As for new Years resolutions I wonder what qualifies as a resolution. It is easy to look out at the desolation of snow bound forests and resolve not to visit any outside places near my home for the imediate future. Almost impossible not to resolve to do something or to resolve to not do anything until winter is resolved.

word count on WDC = 402



January 22, 2024 at 11:54am
January 22, 2024 at 11:54am
Prompt: The function of the artist or writer (Blog City)
"The function of the artist is to make people like life better than before."
Kurt Vonnegut
What do you think the function of the writer is, if any?

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

I read about one book every 7 to 10 days. In that frame of thought I always like stories nonfiction or fiction that can give me a quote about life that is very real. It makes me know I'm not alone on the earth, there are other people who see what I see or experience life in a way I have.

I doubt all writers are viewing this as a function of writing. I do think writers fulfill a human need to experience things that others experience in life. And when you set out to write a picture with words into someone else's mind, perhaps you just want to express what is on your own mind without realizing how it will affect the readers.

As for another prompt I noticed, snow has been blanketing our atmosphere for several days. It was so thick in the air it looked like the air was foggy for two days. Not fog, when I filled the bird feeder mornings, I noticed the air was thick with tiny snowflakes that accumulated to about 8 or 10 inches of cold white snow on the ground.

Keep Warm.

January 22, 2024 at 11:22am
January 22, 2024 at 11:22am
Prompt: winter birds

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

We have a lot of birds that brave the weather here in the winter. Cardinals, doves, titmouse, bluejays, chickadee, nuthatch, and some I forgot to name all show up at the feeder daily. Also, crows show up regularly, but do not usually mingle with the smaller birds.

Whatever parrot pellets are discarded to the bottom of the parrot cages are recycled to the ground at the bottom of the feeder. This is a treat to the crows who check out the ground daily to find whatever pellets may have been thrown out.

Doves are hatching eggs as early in the year as March here. When I first learned this, I was surprised because March weather is not to be trusted. It can be blizzards or warm enough to grow grass.

The birds will fly in to clean out the feeder even if the wind gusts are in the 40 mile per hour range. We have wooded areas heavy with brush, bushes, and trees quite close. So, lots of cover for birds to take shelter from storms or hawks.

There is a cherry tree outside an upstairs room window. One early morning there was a huge owl sitting on a limb in the tree. I watched it swoop down toward the feeder and catch a mouse. Then it came back onto the limb of the tree and promptly swallow the mouse whole.

I know mice simply die if something catches them and they cannot escape. I doubt they stay alive long enough to contemplate their fate.

Even though this is about birds, deer also visit the bird feeder in early evening when birds are usually bedding down for a long winters nap. Whatever is left in the feeder is often licked clean by deer.

Over the weekend the weather put down 8 or 10 inches of snow. Until it melts, which is supposed to happen during this week it will continue to keep a chill in the air.


January 22, 2024 at 11:22am
January 22, 2024 at 11:22am
Prompt: winter birds

BCOF Insignia owl for signature use

We have a lot of birds that brave the weather here in the winter. Cardinals, doves, titmouse, bluejays, chickadee, nuthatch, and some I forgot to name all show up at the feeder daily. Also, crows show up regularly, but do not usually mingle with the smaller birds.

Whatever parrot pellets are discarded to the bottom of the parrot cages are recycled to the ground at the bottom of the feeder. This is a treat to the crows who check out the ground daily to find whatever pellets may have been thrown out.

Doves are hatching eggs as early in the year as March here. When I first learned this, I was surprised because March weather is not to be trusted. It can be blizzards or warm enough to grow grass.

The birds will fly in to clean out the feeder even if the wind gusts are in the 40 mile per hour range. We have wooded areas heavy with brush, bushes, and trees quite close. So, lots of cover for birds to take shelter from storms or hawks.

There is a cherry tree outside an upstairs room window. One early morning there was a huge owl sitting on a limb in the tree. I watched it swoop down toward the feeder and catch a mouse. Then it came back onto the limb of the tree and promptly swallow the mouse whole.

I know mice simply die if something catches them and they cannot escape. I doubt they stay alive long enough to contemplate their fate.

Even though this is about birds, deer also visit the bird feeder in early evening when birds are usually bedding down for a long winters nap. Whatever is left in the feeder is often licked clean by deer.

Over the weekend the weather put down 8 or 10 inches of snow. Until it melts, which is supposed to happen during this week it will continue to keep a chill in the air.


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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/judithd/day/1-22-2024