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Rated: E · Book · Mythology · #2035276
Anna Grace was not like the others in her village. No one knew why.

                                      Anna Grace

                                      A Fable


                                      Terry Burres

Anna Grace didn’t know when her real birthday was. Her papa had found her under a wind swept tree just above the high tide line one morning in May. Her papa took the tiny baby back to the cottage to Anna Grace’s mama. She was so young that she could not roll over by herself. Mama thought she must not be only a few months old. Papa had retrieved the basket that had held such a tiny bundle.

When no one came forward mama and papa raised her. Every one who met Anna Grace agreed that she was beautiful. She had long soft, sable colored hair. Expressive, dark eyes that sparkled with laughter.

She was a happy baby. An active child as a youngster. Anna Grace was a kind and gentle soul. Anna Grace, however, never spoke a word. She had tried many time but she was never able to speak.

Anna Grace had music in her. She knew that she did. However, the music that she held within herself would never come out.

At times Anna Grace would disappear. Her mama and papa would know just where to find her. Anna Grace would sitting under the tree that grew beside the bay where she had been found. Often the three of them would pack their supper and wait for the setting sun to  paint the waves with golden colors. Anna Grace seemed to be drawn to that spot on the beach. She had never been in the water. Swimming was not an activity for for young ladies in time. She would sit for hours on end watching the sea washing the sand of the bay.

One day, when Anna Grace was almost eighteen, she was laying on the sand watching the waves when she grew drowsy. As she slept the sea came closer and closer. She did not awake until the waves washed over her legs. As she sat there Anna Grace could not move or believe her eyes.  Her legs had been replaced by a tail like a fish, only much larger.

As the tide advanced she felt herself floating on the waves. She gave a swish with her tail. Anna Grace found herself in the water swimming with an ease that surprised her. When she was out in the bay the waves rushed over her head, Anna Grace was not alarmed. She was over joyed!

As she dived and played in the waves, she became aware that she was not alone. There were mermaids and mermen all around her. For the first time in her life Anna Grace found her voice.

She was told that as an infant her mother had placed her in a basket, as was the custom of her people. The basket was anchored with sea grass. A storm had caused the basket to break free. Anna Grace and the basket were tossed up on the shore by the waves.

Anna Grace laughed  and talked with her new friends and family. She had found her voice. She had found the music that had lay inside of her for so long. The sea was filled with music that spilled from her in shear delight.

Far away she heard her land bound papa and mama calling her. With a flip of her tail Anna Grace raced to the shore line. Her parents stood shocked as Anna Grace told them all she had discovered. Her papa and mama were torn between joy that she was so happy and grief over losing their Anna Grace.

From that day on, for the rest of their life, papa and mama spent a large part of their days sitting at the beach listening to the songs that filled the bay. Long hours were spent talking with Anna Grace. When Anna Grace had little ones they would spend part of their time with their grandma and grandpa learning about the land bound world. 

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