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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2020667-me/day/10-20-2019
Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
October 20, 2019 at 3:38pm
October 20, 2019 at 3:38pm
so life has not been good to me, or maybe the word I should have used was that I caused my own problems, which of course I did. I ruined friendships and other things i valued, due to my own issues, which I now got a handle on.

I said things which hurt people, one in particular.I never meant to hurt anybody but I cant change what was said, nor will it ever bring a friendship back, but I have been working on my issues and am really happy where I am right now. Not that anybody ever reads my blog. But it dont matter because this blog is here for me anyway.

I am gonna get things back where they need to be, with in me, with or without anybody by me... It is after all my life and my mistakes(which by the way are the only thing that could be called your own).

Over all I am an ass, am I allowed to say that here? there is no doubt... I speak without thinking and hurt inadvertently with out a pause for the cause before hand which could have and would have saved a valued relationship. but I dont blame her for any of it.... I blame me and my stupidity. I wish I could fix it, but I'm not going to because ti try that would only cause more friction between her and me.... so, this time Ill just let it go, after all I deserved it.
October 20, 2019 at 3:29pm
October 20, 2019 at 3:29pm
DAY 2525: October 19, 2019
Prompt: Night Noises

night noises? yes I hear them, all kinds. bugs, cars,trucks, people having conversations in another room, and even couples getting friendly, when I am staying in hotels. nothing really bothers me, I sleep with either a television on or a radio on, not loud just enough for me to hear the sounds.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2020667-me/day/10-20-2019