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Repository for my Zanier Ideas... on writing, and life. |
Welcome to my Abode! This collection of dusty thoughts and the like shall gather, perhaps... if inspiration should strike! |
Do What Works? August 30, 2024 at 8:44pm Writing rules
I want to tell you about what has to be the worst writing I have ever read. You may gather why I do not tell you the title as I describe it.
It was a published book, mind you, but none of the unpublished so flagrantly defied all reason. Every word was confusion like listening to a lecture made of words that sounded like English but did not have the same meanings. But there were a few that were absolutely revolting and enraging, as one might want to first burn the author a... [Read more] First Line Technique August 26, 2024 at 11:47pm One way to build in a first line is to make the second paragraph start with a statement of the scene goal.
I have to get a ride to work now. I've got a fifteen minute window. I am going to be in so much trouble.
Okay, that's a second paragraph. But what is the first? Well, the automatic thought is the first phase of the reaction part of the MRU, which is the second paragraph and is what the POV does. The first one is what the POV sees, smells, tastes or touches. So now we ... [Read more] Carver and Powers and other groups of words August 25, 2024 at 4:22pm What five words does your character overuse?
I thought of this in learning about the Carver method, a military scale for deciding what to do items to prioritize.
Now I thought, if a character were using those five words a lot, say one in every other sentence or every third, that would focus their presence in this space of action. If done at the right frequency, it would telegraph that this person had warrior energy... [Read more] The Tao of an Artists Passion August 22, 2024 at 11:56pm Passion ... is the flood that overwhelms you and deposits you in the winner's circle.
It always makes the tiniest spark and smallest whisper win.
It is the elf that knocks things in or out of your path. Seldom seen, always present:
It is the glamour that makes distractions pale and work dazzle.
It is the divination that reveals the path around enemies.
Do not let a lack of inspiration stop you--but do not press on without it.
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