Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2003843-Everyday-Canvas/day/8-15-2023
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
August 15, 2023 at 2:09pm
August 15, 2023 at 2:09pm
Prompt: Ghosts and Memories
Do you believe ghosts may exist? Can memories be ghost-like? How did they become a ghost or a memory? How do you think ghosts feel about this world? Have you ever seen a ghost?


Honestly speaking with what I know and remember, I have never seen a ghost, but I believe unexplained stuff can and do happen. For example, I've had numerous dreams that came true. Some were about family members who were far away in other countries and about whose exact situations I had no inkling of. Others were about personal matters that also came true.

Yes, memories can be ghost-like as they pop up at unexpected times to haunt us. Especially, now that I am old, I am always haunted or maybe visited by a sweet or sour memory.

As to the question about how the ghosts feel about our world, I can only say, if I were a ghost, I'd stay away from this mixed-up world and from its wars and famine and disasters and people fighting over nothing and hurting the planet and one another.

Getting back to the question of the ghosts' actual existence, it remains a debatable subject, and I am not the one to deny other people's personal experiences. Whether these experiences arise from cultural and historical beliefs, environmental factors, or personal experiences, who am I to say they are real or not!

While scientific skepticism exists on the subject, in the long run, science cannot explain everything and sometimes does it wrongly, too. Then, some potential explanations involve stuff like sleep paralysis, hallucinations, or emotional attachment to things and places that lead one to perceive paranormal activity.

Yet, there is also parapsychology as a field and parapsychological research. Still, the findings in this field, at present, are far from conclusive, but they do not strictly negate the existence of ghosts and other paranormal activity, also.

In short, I believe there are some unexplained things out there and they may as well be ghosts and other things, or even plain speculation. Maybe someday, we'll find out what that phenomena is, which is fascinating and perplexing us, and if ghosts really do exist.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/2003843-Everyday-Canvas/day/8-15-2023