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My 2nd blog! An account of my life as I try to recover from (or manage) mental illness.
Planet Me

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Hello, I'm Ghostranch , also known as Jess. Welcome to my second blog, which is a continuation of my first blog, "Invalid Item. Here I will keep writing about my life as I work hard to recover from various mental health conditions and turn things around, hopefully achieving my ultimate dream of being able to find and hold down a job.* I'll be honest, things will get ugly in here at times! That is the nature of mental illness and I use blogging as an emotional outlet to cope with this. I hope my faithful reader(s) will continue on this journey with me and that any new readers who happen to stumble upon this strange planet won't be too freaked out and will actually decide to stay. All are welcome here! I'll try not to be overly crazy!

*I actually achieved this in February 2015, becoming a part-time Support Worker. Then in October 2015 I got a new job as a Clinical Support Worker and have been working full-time when my health permits. My goal now is to maintain this job and study a MSc Psychology Conversion course in September with a view to becoming a Clinical Psychologist or a Social Worker. It's a BIG dream! Sometimes I feel like I can do it, and sometimes I don't. I suppose only time will tell!

I'm docked at "Blog Harbor from The Talent Pond, a safe port for bloggers to connect.

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April 1, 2014 at 5:50pm
April 1, 2014 at 5:50pm
So... guess how much junk food I have eaten today? None! *Bigsmile* It is 10pm and I haven't had any of my usual "bad" foods. As I go to bed around 2am (*Frown*) these days I will probably need to eat again before I sleep, but I am confident that I will choose a healthy snack.

But as of now I have had 13.6g of sugar. This is excluding the natural sugars from fruit and vegetables. I can't believe it (bit paranoid I've made a mistake!) I'm not going to pretend it has been easy but it hasn't been absurdly difficult either. I tended to get really intense cravings after doing something active. Then I just wanted to grab something quick and sugary, like a cookie, rather than spend time preparing something healthier which I knew wouldn't make me feel instantly satiated. I guess I could make things easier on myself by preparing some healthier stuff in advance!

I have snacked on clementines, falafel, cherry tomatoes and flatbreads. I also had porridge and wholemeal toast with peanut butter, but not in the same sitting. Today was the first time I have ever tried peanut butter and I was surprised how salty it tastes! For seem reason I thought it would be sweet. My main meal was tofu, brown rice and vegetables. I had LOADS of tofu (which is rich in protein) and still felt hungry 2 hours later. *Frown*

My total calories so far today is 1070, which I know is nowhere near enough, especially considering I went to the RDA this morning, walked my dog twice and went to the gym this evening. Yeah, I definitely need professional help with my eating disorder. *Rolleyes* But I'm still waiting for that. So in the meantime I will focus on food quality and when my referral finally comes through, hopefully I can address quantity.

But that's enough about food because blogging about it is making me hungry and I want CAKE! Haha!

I managed to go to the RDA today and I'm glad I did because it was the current class' last riding lesson. I am so sad! There are two children in this class that I have become very attached to, more than I ever have before, and I am going to miss them a lot.

This evening I practically had to drag my sister to the gym. We hadn't been for a couple of weeks because I have been seriously lacking in motivation. So has my sister! It was tough getting back into it. I found it very hard-going.

Considering I am still very depressed and getting frequent suicidal thoughts, I am not doing too badly when it comes to functioning! I have always been good at forcing myself to keep going when I just want to go catatonic. My care coordinator called me today to ask how I am and said he can fit me in for an appointment tomorrow so I don't have to wait until next week. That's good! I am anxious about seeing him again though, especially as Mark won't be there. Should be fine!

Now I'm going to try and find something to distract myself from FOOD!
March 31, 2014 at 6:59pm
March 31, 2014 at 6:59pm
Hello, my name is Jess... and I am an addict. *Frown* That's right, I can't get enough of the white powdery stuff. I think about it day and night. It dominates me. I'm a slave to it. It's ruining my life.

I am, of course, talking about


I have come to realise this stuff is pure evil. And I have also come to realise that I am hooked on it -- totally, absolutely, completely dependent on it. How did this happen? I have no idea.

I did not know that somebody with a restrictive eating disorder could be addicted to junk food. I did not know an underweight person could be dependent on sugar. I guess that is why this has gone unchecked for so long. I didn't know I had a problem because I am not overweight. How can skinny, little me possibly have a sugar problem? IT IS TOTALLY POSSIBLE!

So I urge everyone reading this to check the sugar content of the foods you eat, regardless of whether or not you have a weight problem. I bet you will be surprised at the kind of things sugar creeps into. Google it and look for all the different names sugar hides under.

Starting from tomorrow, I am kicking my addiction. And yes, tonight I have been like the smoker who decides tomorrow is the day to quit and then puff, puff, puffs away on as much tobacco as possible! I am getting my last sugar fix!

I have thrown away some stuff. I feel bad for wasting food but I couldn't donate it anywhere because it was already opened. Plus, I was seriously considering binging on it all. *Frown* There is some stuff I couldn't bring myself to throw out so for now it is in a tied bag, on a high shelf. It is unrealistic to think I can go the rest of my life without cakes and sweets etc so I plan to cut them out entirely for at least two weeks and then reintroduce stuff slowly and in moderation. I know I am setting myself up to fail by still having treats in the house but it stays there until I can think what to do with it! Don't want to throw out more food. I have a lot of willpower anyway, so I think I'll be able to resist it... for at least a few days, anyway!

Tomorrow I am shopping for healthy things and any suggestions here would be very welcome! I'm thinking:

*Note0* Lots of fruit and veggies of course (natural sugars from fruits are fine. Refined sugar is the evil stuff).
*Note0* Wholegrain pretzels (I am aware stuff like this probably contains sugar, but much less than "junk food". I'm aiming to be well under the recommended guidelines for added sugar. In the UK that is 50g maximum for women).
*Note0* Wholegrain crackers
*Note0* No sugar oatmeal
*Note0* Nuts

This is snack-y stuff. I need lots of snack-y stuff because I tend to eat little but often throughout the day, rather than three big meals. But any healthy, easy-to-make meal ideas are also extremely welcome (no meat, fish or cheese!) They need to be simple because I have little energy and motivation to do complicated things right now. And also I am a terrible cook. I have Quinoa, but I've never used it or tasted it before. Anyone tried this?

And if anyone wants to join me on this sugar embargo, please do! It's easier to do these things alongside other people -- we can help each other. Though I have been kind of jokey in this entry, I am serious when I say I am addicted to sugar. It is very real. And I want to beat it. Tonight I feel determined. I hope I will tomorrow too! *Worry*
March 31, 2014 at 3:02pm
March 31, 2014 at 3:02pm
Pick any movie you want (that you haven't already used) and explain why you picked it/why we should watch it.

*Video* Trailer:

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I have been in agony over this! This prompt is too hard! I wanted to blog about my favourite movie but I have too many favourite movies! I managed to narrow it down to Finding Neverland and The Artist and I was about to flip a coin to help me decide when I suddenly remembered Life Is Beautiful ! ARGH! How to choose? So... I wrote the titles down on separate small pieces of paper, folded them over, muddled them up and chose one. Finding Neverland won.

I went to see Finding Neverland at the cinema in 2004 with my mum and sister and we completely fell in love with it. In fact, we loved it so much we went back to watch it at the cinema a further two times! The film is a semi-biographical account of the playwright J.M. Barrie and focuses on his relationship with the Llewelyn Davies family, who inspired him to write Peter Pan.

Apart from one, tiny little thing (that I will get to in a moment) this is the perfect movie, in my opinion. The acting performances are mostly wonderful. Johnny Depp is absolutely incredible in the lead role. Honestly, this is the best I have ever seen him! To my ears, his Scottish accent is spot-on. And he is so completely charming! Depp's Barrie is innocent, childlike, gentle, quiet, fun, intelligent. At times he is flamboyant, but somehow in a rather subtle way. I don't know how he does that!

Kate Winslet is brilliant in the role of Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, the matriarch of the family. She's strong and stoic. She's totally dedicated to her children and ensuring that they are happy, to the point where this becomes a fault when she tries to hide her illness from them. And Freddie Highmore is fantastic in the role of Peter, who is grieving after his father's death. He even manages to steal the last scene of the film from Depp!

The supporting cast are mostly wonderful too but the one thing that isn't quite right for me is the youngest child in the family. Now, I feel so mean for saying this, but that kid can't act! Seriously, if it weren't for him this film would be absolutely perfect. *Rolleyes* I'm going to hell, aren't I? *Laugh* But he isn't in it enough to spoil the film and everything else is so great it is easy to overlook this one little negative.

There are many other things I love about this movie too -- the story is completely compelling and beautifully told. It looks gorgeous and there are some lovely touches, such as when we see Barrie and his wife entering their separate bedrooms and we can see wallpaper beyond the wife's door but a fantastic imaginary landscape beyond Barrie's. Another small but effective touch is when we see the scuffed carpet at the theatre from where Barrie has stood anxiously tapping his cane upon the floor when watching audiences' reactions to his plays.

I would definitely recommend this movie. I have seen it countless times and it never fails to move me. There are scenes in it that always bring tears to my eyes. It's such a heart-warming, emotional story. I can't wait to see it again. And I only watched it a couple of months ago!

Also, if you haven't seem them, I would definitely recommend checking out The Artist and Life Is Beautiful. Both are amazing! Maybe I'll blog about them in more detail another time.

But for now... yay! 31 days of movie and TV related blogging complete! *Delight*
March 30, 2014 at 11:06am
March 30, 2014 at 11:06am
Pick any television show you want (that you haven't already used) and explain why you picked it/why we should watch it.

*TV* Trailer:

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Aw, I was hoping I would get to blog about Game of Thrones for this challenge as I have just started watching the third season and am loving it! I really think they have done the books justice and the show is completely gripping. But... I also wanted to blog about In Treatment and I think less people will have seen that, especially in the UK, so I am going with this one for this entry in the hope that I can get more people to see this wonderful show!

In Treatment is based on an Israeli television drama called BeTipul and centres on psychotherapist Dr. Paul Weston, played by Gabriel Byrne. Each episode shows a psychotherapy session with a particular patient. I believe when this show first aired that it was shown 5 nights a week and followed five different characters in their therapy sessions (two of the characters came together for couple's therapy). The fifth episode of the week showed Paul in a session with his own therapist, often talking about his struggles and concerns with particular patients and also his own marital and family problems.

I read about this show when it was first about to air in the UK and really wanted to watch it but never got round to it for some reason. I'm not sure if that's because I was busy graduating from University or something like that! As someone who is deeply interested in psychology, and not just because I have a personal experience of mental health problems, but also because I think the human mind and its capacity to "go wrong" is fascinating, I really thought this would be a great TV series to get into. But it wasn't meant to be that year!

Anyway, some time in 2012 I was bored and flicking through TV channels late at night when I saw that In Treatment was about to start. And it was the first ever episode. I couldn't believe my luck! So I settled back to watch and I was totally gripped right from the start. The first episode features Melissa George as a patient called Laura who struggles with her relationships and has also become erotically transfixed on Paul. For the entire epidsode, it is just these two characters talking, nothing else -- no flashbacks or anything -- which might sound kind of boring, but I can hardly even describe how compelling it is! Honestly.

We first meet Laura when she is in a bit of crisis. She has come straight to her therapy session after a wild night out and she looks a mess. She's tired and broken. The atmosphere is emotional and intense and Melissa George does a great job as the fiery yet vulnerable Laura. And Gabriel Byrne is wonderful in the role of Paul. He's softly-spoken, thoughtful, reflective, gentle. Sometimes he conveys so much with just an expression. I am totally in love with this character!

And the rest of season one doesn't disappoint. The other patient stories are just as fascinating -- there's Alex, an intense and abrasive fighter pilot who has a shocking story, Sophie, a young gymnast who is struggling with suicidal feelings and then Jake and Amy, a couple trying to decide whether or not to end Amy's pregnancy. The characters are not always likeable as we see them at their most vulnerable and emotionally raw but that's one of the reasons this show is so absorbing. I like complex characters!

In Paul's session with his own therapist we get to learn more about him and his personal life, which is also very interesting. He also talks about his sessions with patients and explores his increasingly complicated relationship with Laura and how this is impacting on his marriage. I like that this show doesn't shy away from exploring the ethical issues that can crop up when it comes to therapeutic relationships.

I've watched season two of this show as well and was very pleased that it maintains the same high standard as the first one. Season two brings us new characters but they have equally interesting stories and problems. I have yet to see season three but I am really looking forward to it. I would also be very interested in checking out the original Israeli show but a quick look on Amazon tells me it is very, very expensive! Oh well, maybe I'll purchase that when I finally get a job!

I honestly can't praise this show highly enough. It's just intelligent, completely compelling television and I would definitely recommend it.
March 29, 2014 at 7:45pm
March 29, 2014 at 7:45pm
What comedy movie makes you laugh the hardest?

*Video* Trailer:

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Well, there are just so many to choose from but I'm going with Dodgeball because I think that maybe, just maybe, it might be my favourite comedy. Possibly! This prompt is making me feel very torn so I want to mention some other comedy films I love: The Artist, Little Miss Sunshine, The Road to Eldorado, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Groundhog Day, Back to the Future, the Toy Story movies, Bend It Like Beckham, The Truman Show This doesn't even scratch the surface but I think I'll stop there!

Argh! I don't like this prompt at all! I want to blog about all those movies! I love comedy and I love different kinds of comedy as you can probably tell from the range of movies I've listed above. I love slapstick, silly, clever, spoof, dark, satire etc, etc so choosing just one is incredibly difficult for me! But I'll stick with Dodgeball because this is my go-to movie when I am feeling down and just need some very silly, pure escapism.

This movie tells the story of a group of oddball characters battling to save their local gym, owned by Peter LaFleur, from being taken over by a bigger, more impersonal company. Peter and the gang enter a dodgeball tournament to try and raise the money needed to keep the gym. Then the owner of the bigger gym, White Goodman, also enters a team into the tournament to try and prevent them from winning. Sounds silly, and it is, but it's also hysterical!

Peter is approached by former dodgeball champion, Patches O'Houlihan, who wants to help them train but he has some very... um... unconventional training methods, which are very funny to watch! *Laugh*

There are so many hilarious lines in this movie, but I'll only quote one because most of the time the comedy is in the delivery of the line. But I can't mention this movie without including this quote:

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Love this! Love the absurdity of it! Love how it is delivered in the movie! One of my favourite quotes EVER! It just really appeals to my sense of humour for some reason.

This movie has what all good comedy movies should have, besides humour of course! It has a quirky plot, loveable characters that you care about and root for and lots of heart. I've seen it multiple times and I never get bored of it.


Tomorrow is Mothers' Day here in the UK and I've had such a difficult time choosing a present and card for my mum this year. Most of the cards have such sappy, syrupy messages and we're not really that kind of family. We love each other very much but we don't express it often. That's just how we are. Also, it's kind of hard to find a card that conveys the following: "mum, sorry I put you through hell by trying to kill myself and sorry that I am breaking your heart through continuing to shut you out of my life. I don't even know why I'm doing it". Yeah, Hallmark don't seem to have a card that expresses those sentiments in a cute poem. *Frown*

Anyway, I finally found a card that doesn't make me want to throw up. I also bought her some bubble bath she likes and a photo album that says "New York" on the front because she is going to New York next month and is very excited about it. I thought if she gets some nice photos and/or postcards, she could put them in the album. I don't know! Is that a lame gift? It's the thought that counts, I guess!
March 28, 2014 at 7:00pm
March 28, 2014 at 7:00pm
What upcoming show or movie are you most eagerly anticipating and why?

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Well, I kind of already answered this one in a previous entry when I said I was looking forward to seeing The Hobbit: There and Back Again. But after researching upcoming movies a bit more I have to say I am very excited to see Big Eyes for several reasons. Firstly, Tim Burton has directed it and Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski have written the screenplay. These three worked together on Ed Wood, which happens to be one of my all-time favourite movies! Ed Wood is a biopic about the very quirky director Edward D. Wood Jr and Big Eyes is a biopic about another rather oddball character, Walter Keane. Do you see where I'm going with this?! Big Eyes has the potential to be just as awesome as Ed Wood. *Delight*

I'm also excited to see it because it stars two brilliant actors, Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz. I thought Amy Adams did an amazing job in both Her and The Master and I am looking forward to seeing her in something else. The only film I've seen Christoph Waltz in is Django Unchained but I absolutely adored his performance and I can't wait to see him in this role -- I think he'll be great.

To me, this movie just seems to have all the right ingredients and I am now definitely eagerly anticipating it. I had never heard of Walter Keane before reading up on this film but then I hadn't heard of (or at least knew next to nothing about) Edward D. Wood Jr. either, and that didn't spoil my enjoyment of Ed Wood at all. I don't go to the cinema as often as I would like because it is so expensive these days, but I am definitely going to try and catch this one.


Um... so as I think I said in a previous entry, my GP referred me back to mental health services because he feels I need more specialist help. I'm not doing too good and so today called my care coordinator to ask for help, which I've been told I can do. Guess what he said?! "Try to get an appointment with your GP". What the hell?! Seriously. If I go back to my GP I am 99.9% sure he'll say, "have you called the mental health team?" and will want to direct me back there, which is fair enough because there isn't much else he can do. My care coordinator also said another option would be to go to A&E if I feel desperate, but I'm pretty sure if I do they'll assess me and direct me back to... you've guessed it... the mental health team! *Rolleyes* I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the ridiculousness of this situation. Perhaps both... *Laugh* *Cry*

I think maybe it's time to give up on the health service and just get on as best I can with my pathetic half-life until either a miracle happens and things start to get better for me, or I find the energy and courage to end everything. Alternatively I could look into private treatment but I just don't know if I've got the energy to explore this option.

Everything is kind of falling apart right now. But I am surprisingly upbeat about it at this moment! Perhaps that's my mind's way of dealing with the panic I am also feeling? Who knows? I don't! *Laugh*
March 27, 2014 at 7:25pm
March 27, 2014 at 7:25pm
Which character's departure from what television series was the most shocking to you? No last episodes allowed; we're talking important characters leaving and the show continuing on for at least a little while without them.

*TV* Clip:

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*Major spoiler alert*

Argh! I didn't want to repeat myself in this challenge, and I already blogged about ER, including this particular moment, but I have to go with it again because the death of the character Lucy Knight was THE most shocking departure EVER for me for two reasons. Firstly, I just didn't see it coming at all. I had no inkling as I hadn't heard that the actress was leaving the show. It was completely out of the blue! Secondly, the manner of her departure was extremely shocking.

Lucy Knight was a character featured in the 5th and 6th seasons of ER. She was a medical student assigned to Dr Carter and she was totally adorable! She was just really sweet and lovely and I liked her a lot. She's a really loveable character because she makes mistakes but works hard to learn to be a good doctor. I always enjoyed Lucy's interactions with John Carter -- they seemed to have quite a love/hate relationship! And I also loved her interactions with Dr Romano, who grows to respect her after she really fights to get help for a patient.

In the sixth season, a man called Paul comes to the ER on Valentine's Day and Lucy recognises that there is something wrong with his mental health but the senior staff, who are extremely busy, don't really pay much attention.

Later, the staff are celebrating Valentine's Day with a party when Carter leaves to find Lucy. He enters a quiet room and Paul, who is lurking behind the door, stabs him in the back. Carter collapses and the camera focuses on him while he writhes in pain. Suddenly his eyes lock onto something and the camera switches to what he is looking at -- Lucy Knight, collapsed on the floor and covered in blood! *Shock*

It is really brilliantly filmed for maximum impact. I'll never forget how I felt when I first watched it -- it shocked me to the core and left me with a sick feeling of dread. It was just so... staggering! And the episode ends there! In the next one they are found by Dr Weaver and the team battle to save them but unfortunately Lucy dies. I was really sad that they killed this character off because I thought she was great.


My day has been horrible! I've been so down and I skipped going to the conservation group for the third week in a row, which I feel so bad about. It took me ages to get out of bed and then it took me ages to get showered and dressed. I had to absolutely force myself to deal with some stuff here on WDC that needed doing and also to walk my dog. Everything is such an effort at the moment.

Both my doctor and new care coordinator said I can contact them if I need help or anything and I'm tempted but I don't really know what either could do. I want to let them know how badly I'm doing and try to get some more specialised support in place faster but I am also terrified of getting myself hospitalised. The thing is, though, I think about wanting to die most of the time these days. *Worry* Maybe I should be in the hospital...

Urgh. *Frown*

Edit: But I'll be fine, I'm sure! Don't even have the energy to act on those thoughts.
March 26, 2014 at 6:25pm
March 26, 2014 at 6:25pm
What show or movie will you always watch when it comes on, no matter how many times you've seen it before?

*TV* Clip:

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Two shows immediately sprang to mind when I read this prompt: The Big Bang Theory and Friends. Both of these shows get repeated frequently on TV channels here in the UK and I watch them over and over again! But although I love Friends and have probably seen it much more than The Big Bang Theory, I am going with the latter for this prompt because I love it more.

Several people in my family, including myself, suffer from misphonia, which literally means "hatred of sound". This doesn't mean we hate all sounds but people with this condition can become extremely irritated or distressed by common sounds such as sniffing, snoring, the noise from biting nails etc. A major one for my family and me is the sound of people eating. Yeah, we can't tolerate crunching, chewing and slurping sounds! Because of this, we will often put the TV or Hi-Fi on when eating to cover those sounds. I normally eat my dinner between 6pm-7pm and there is usually an episode of Friends or The Big Bang Theory on at this time so I tend to watch either of those, depending on what kind of mood I'm in and which episode is being shown. This means I have seen pretty much all the episodes to both shows multiple times because they just get repeated over and over and I tune in most days to watch!

I don't feel like I'll ever get bored of The Big Bang Theory because it is so funny and watchable. Though I have seen many of the episodes multiple times, I still find them laugh-out-loud funny. I adore the characters and I think the writing is extremely strong. One of my favourite episodes is when Penny finds out that Leonard has never had a proper birthday party and decides to throw him a surprise one resulting in lots of comedy! I love the part when Penny takes Sheldon to an electronics shop to buy a birthday gift and he ends up trying to solve other customers' computer problems, leaving Penny extremely frustrated as they need to get back for the party! *Laugh*

The reason I love The Big Bang Theory so much is that, like all of the best comedy shows, it has a great mix of clever humour, moments of emotion and loveable characters that you come to care about. I love touching moments such as when Howard sang a love song he'd written to Bernadette. This part is genuinely moving and I swear I had tears in my eyes! Also, as someone who is interested in science, I find the science-y stuff in this show extremely fascinating!

I think this show is still as fresh and funny as it was when it first aired and, in my opinion, the writers have done an amazing job of developing the characters whilst ensuring they still remain recognisable as the characters we grew to love in the earlier seasons. A good example of this is Sheldon and his relationship with Amy. I think this was handled really well because Sheldon is still comically obnoxious and socially inept but being in a romantic relationship adds a new and interesting dynamic to his character and I am very interested to see if and how this develops further.

But I suppose the main reason I love this show so much is that it is about quirky, oddball people who do not always fit neatly into society but are doing just fine anyway. I can relate to being viewed as "different" and "eccentric" so I really appreciate a show that celebrates eccentricity. *Heart*
March 25, 2014 at 8:25pm
March 25, 2014 at 8:25pm
Did you ever watch a movie you weren't supposed to (like sneaking into a theater playing an R-rated movie when you're too young to buy a ticket yourself)? If so which one and how did you feel about it afterward? If not, were you ever tempted to?

*Video* Trailer:

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The only thing I can think of that kind of fits this prompt is watching Drop Dead Fred as a young child, even though it has a rating classification of 15 here in the UK. I think I was probably about ten when I saw it, though I can't be sure on that detail. It's not too bad though as there is nothing ridiculously inappropriate for children in it that I can remember. If it was being released nowadays then I should imagine it would have a rating of 12 instead. It's pretty tame! Unless I am forgetting something...

Also, it isn't really bad that I watched a 15-rated film when I was under fifteen because my dad was aware of me watching it! In fact, I think I watched it with him, my brother and sister. I'm not sure what my mum was doing but I don't remember seeing it with her. It was on one of the TV channels one year at Christmas and we just happened to catch it.

As a child I thought this film was hysterical and very cool! It's about a woman who's childhood imaginary friend, Fred, reappears and causes complete chaos. A stand-out scene for me takes place in a restaurant. The central character is on a date, or meeting a friend or something, when Fred pops up and of course she is the only one who can see him! He then proceeds to cause her to spill her wine, yanks her arm up and also makes it look as though she throws a plate of food over her head among other things! Sometimes you can see him doing it and sometimes you can't, so you get to see the situation as the other diners are viewing it. I loved this part as a child!

I have seen the film as an adult and still like it a lot. It is very funny! It's pretty dated and silly but is good to watch if you just want a bit of escapism. I haven't seen it for years though. Maybe I should watch it again soon -- I think I have it on DVD. *Bigsmile*


Today I saw someone from the mental health team. ARGH! Turns out I'm not discharged for some reason. It's all very weird and confusing. I met my new care coordinator and didn't like him much -- found him kind of rude and cold. Mark attended the appointment with me, which I am grateful for because he said some things I didn't feel able to say.

Anyway, I now have to wait for an assessment by a psychiatrist before they decide what to do with me. Feel so exhausted and disillusioned by this whole process and am sick of the endless assessments. I don't know how long all this is going to take but it's very frustrating because I need help now. I am still so close to the edge. And Mark is going home tomorrow. I feel so worried about how I'm going to cope. *Cry*
March 24, 2014 at 5:36pm
March 24, 2014 at 5:36pm
Do you have a favorite screenwriter? BONUS: If you don't have one or know any (or even if you do), why do you think screenwriters aren't given as much prestige as actors, directors, and producers?

You know, thinking this prompt through has made me shocked and appalled at my lack of knowledge when it comes to screenwriters. As a writer and movie-lover (and television-liker!) I really should be paying more attention when it comes to the people who write the films and TV shows I love and from now on I absolutely will! I'm pretty ashamed that I have watched countless movies and never really cared much who wrote them. That definitely changes now!

Okay, so the screenwriters I've highlighted... I chose Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens because these are screenwriters I've heard of, which isn't surprising considering how famous they are for The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. And along with those films, I also very much enjoyed King Kong and The Lovely Bones . I also quite liked Heavenly Creatures , which just Jackson and Walsh did together, though it is very, very disturbing!

I also highlighted David Magee because he wrote what is possibly my favourite movie ever, Finding Neverland , which is a beautiful story of the writer J.M. Barrie. And I've seen another movie by this screenwriter, The Life of Pi , which I thought was pretty good.

And then I chose Diablo Cody because she is also another screenwriter I have heard of and I was very impressed by her debut screenplay, Juno, which I blogged about here *Right* "Invalid Entry. Another screenwriter I have heard of is Paul Haggis but I didn't include him in the opening of this entry because although he wrote the absolutely brilliant Million Dollar Baby, which is another of my favourite movies, he also wrote Crash, which seems like a good movie, but actually isn't when you really think about it.

As for the second part of the prompt, I really can't think of any reason why screenwriters aren't given as much prestige as actors, directors and producers. I personally have never paid much attention to any of the behind the scenes people when it comes to films but have recently started becoming interested in directors. But I have no explanation for this so really can't fathom why other people overlook the writers. It's bizarre considering how key these people are to the process! *Shock*


Today I finally, finally, finally got to see my regular doctor as he is back at work! I can't even describe what a relief this is. My appointment was brilliant because although I was talking about pretty intense and upsetting stuff (like my overdose and how bad my mental health is right now), I was talking it through with someone who shows me genuine compassion and respect, which I have rarely received from people in the mental health team. My GP may not actually be able to do a whole lot but at least he listens and cares and sometimes that is all I need. And at least he tries to help me.

Anyway, I told him I want to try medication again and I am going to give Citalopram another go, which is actually the first antidepressant I ever tried. It didn't do anything for me back then but maybe it will this time round. I really, really hope it will. I'm starting on the lowest dose of 10mg and I've only been prescribed two weeks worth. My doctor said this is because although he doesn't mean to be judgemental, considering my "history" it's for the best. Which basically means I can't be trusted with medication anymore. *Rolleyes* *Frown* I'm worried I have completely blown my chances of ever getting sleeping tablets again! *Frown*

Right now I am extremely tired and finding it hard to focus so I am going to stop blogging.

March 23, 2014 at 3:43pm
March 23, 2014 at 3:43pm
I am so sad, stressed and tired right now. Mark has gone to visit his friends and I'm at home eating, eating, eating. I am so scared by my appetite. It is HUGE, honestly. I am always, always hungry. Always. And I am sick of it. I am sick of food. I think about it almost constantly. I try to eat something that should keep me full but about an hour and a half after eating I start thinking about food again. After two hours the thoughts are so persistent I can hardly ever ignore them. So I eat again and I feel like a failure. I wish I could figure out why I have such a big appetite and why I always feel so ravenous. I am a very small person so surely I do not need this much food? It stresses me out so much. I don't want to be eating every two hours! It is disruptive.

And I can't bring this up with my doctor because he knows about my disordered eating. He'll just tell me I'm not eating enough and that's why I feel hungry. But I get this ridiculous appetite even when I eat normally and I doubt the doctor will believe that. I get this ridiculous appetite even when I eat excessively!

And now I have eaten so much popcorn my stomach hurts -- that's on top of the nutritious soup and very filling bread I just had, plus all the crap I had earlier. But I'd be willing to bet anything that I want to eat again in two hours!

Really can't stand this. *Cry*

If anyone has any tips on how to curb an insatiable appetite please let me know!
March 23, 2014 at 2:02pm
March 23, 2014 at 2:02pm
What was one of your favorite cartoons as a kid? Or today... if you still watch cartoons today, you can totally talk about those too. *Laugh*

*TV* Clip:

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Hmmmm... this is hard to answer because it kind of depends on which part of my childhood I look back on. My tastes changed depending on my age and what my older brother watched -- I was very influenced by him, especially when I was aged 7 and younger. I have chosen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because I definitely remember watching this at a young age, even though I can't really remember specific details of episodes. Also, I had a collection of Ninja Turtle action figures so I must have really loved the show to want to play with the toys! I remember those figures better than the show, actually! I remember deciding that Donatello and Raphael would be girls because I considered red and purple to be girlish colours and I didn't want all my toys to be boys! *Laugh* My brother had an action figure of Splinter but I didn't and I wanted one. *Frown*

What I remember most about the cartoon show is the theme tune and I could sing it even before I played the clip above! *Right* *Music1* teenage mutant ninja turtles, teenage mutant ninja turtles, teenage mutant ninja turtles, heroes in a half-shell... TURTLE POWER! *Music1* *Laugh* I can picture the characters very clearly and I have an image of a delicious cartoon pizza in my head, but I really can't remember plot details to this show though I know we watched it all the time -- I haven't seen it for many years. I doubt I've seen any of it as an adult.

Other cartoons I enjoyed as a child include Tom and Jerry (can't seem to find the correct link for this), Rugrats (which I loved but can't stand now as an adult -- my future children certainly won't be watching this!), Arthur (which is lovely) and Doug (another show with an awesome theme tune!)

As an adult I still enjoy cartoons -- I have been known to watch the odd episode of Arthur though I am in my late twenties! *Blush* I've tried to find Doug on DVD too! Every now and then I watch The Simpsons but I don't like it as much as I used to. I also enjoy Futurama and Family Guy (which obviously are not for children!) but only in small doses.

One that I always hated was The Ren and Stimpy Show. I thought it was absolutely disgusting.

This was a fun prompt!

March 22, 2014 at 5:38pm
March 22, 2014 at 5:38pm
Who is your favorite director?

*TV* Clip:

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I guess I could quite easily have gone for Tim Burton for this prompt too because I seem to like directors who have distinct styles that you can easily recognise in their movies. Or possibly Peter Jackson because I am so in awe of what he achieved with The Lord of the Rings movies. But I've gone with Mendes because American Beauty and Road to Perdition are two of the most awesome movies ever made and are definitely included in my top 10 favourite films.

For me, Mendes' films are very visual, which I know seems like a silly thing to say, because aren't all films visual?! But what I mean is, when I think of his films I see certain colours and I see angles and lines. American Beauty is, of course, a very red and white and cream film. Everything is very precise and the scenes are very artistic. On the other hand, Road to Perdition has dark but quite deep colours -- I tend to think grey and moss green and burgundy. And again, I think of very stylised and artistic cinematography, where every scene feels like a photograph come to life. I know Mendes worked with cinematographer Conrad L. Hall on these two movies and I feel they made such a great team. Then there is Revolutionary Road which feels very muted to me, with lots of pastel colours and coffee and cream shades.

I also think Mendes does an amazing job of creating a claustrophobic atmosphere in his movies. You get a real sense of this in all three of the films I have mentioned so far. In American Beauty Kevin Spacey is wonderful as Lester Burnham who seems so jaded by the banality of every day life -- his deadpan expressions and monotonous voice perfectly convey this. There are several scenes that also capture this so well, such as when the family are sat down to dinner, with the parents seated either end of the table and the daughter exactly in the middle between them. Everything is so formal and perfect and balanced it's almost maddening! I totally get why Burnham loses it in this scene!

I really like Mendes' quirky trademarks, such as slow camera pull-ins, which make everything seem very heavy, adding to that claustrophobic atmosphere I mentioned. And I like how he ties in rain and water with death and tragedy. The shooting scene in Road to Perdition is a wonderful example of this and is such an incredible moment -- visually stunning and breathtaking, so intense. It's slow yet startling and strangely beautiful too. I also like how Mendes uses reflections in his films, particularly in Road to Perdition. I love the scene near the end where you can see the character Michael Sullivan standing at a window and also see the reflection of the waves of the sea on the glass -- just incredible!

And I can't blog about Sam Mendes without mentioning the wonderful film Away We Go, which is an offbeat, quirky romantic comedy. It's pretty different to the other Mendes films I have seen but I totally fell in love with it! It's such a warm movie and it has a lot of heart. There are some real laugh out loud moments but also parts which made me tear up. To me this film isn't quite as visual as some of his others but then it isn't really supposed to be a big, flashy, stylistic movie!

I was anxious about this prompt because I didn't really know how to talk about directors but it was easier than I thought it would be and I enjoyed writing this entry a lot. *Smile*
March 21, 2014 at 9:20pm
March 21, 2014 at 9:20pm
What's your favorite movie of 2014 so far?

Gonna have to look into my crystal ball to answer this one!

The Hobbit: There and Back Again

*Film* Interview:

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Um... the only new movie I've seen in 2014 is Her, which I know is a 2013 film, but it was released on Valentine's Day this year here in the UK. So I would have gone with that if I hadn't already blogged about it here! *Right* "Invalid Entry *Rolleyes*

Instead I've picked a film that I am looking to forward to seeing this year and that I anticipate is going to be pretty good! To be honest, I wasn't too impressed with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. . Compared to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, it is rather lame (the book too!) and I felt a bit disappointed after watching it. But I will see it again some time -- perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for it? However, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is much better, in my opinion. It is more interesting and exciting. The pacing is better. The special effects are wonderful.

If this pattern continues, The Hobbit: There and Back Again should be fantastic! I am definitely looking forward to seeing it. I know a lot of people feel that Peter Jackson is just trying to cash in by making The Hobbit into a trilogy but I disagree with this. The Lord of the Rings was his baby and it makes sense that he would want to lavish the same care and attention on its younger sibling! I think he loves the worlds Tolkien created and wants to do them justice. Plus, The Hobbit is a short book and I'm sure some areas needed fleshing out a bit before they could be translated to the screen.

Anyway, I really hope there isn't going to be a prompt later on in the challenge asking us to blog about a movie we are looking forward to seeing this year! *Rolleyes*


I've had one emotional roller-coaster of a day! Firstly, I am getting pretty overwhelmed with stuff on WDC at the moment. I've got so many reviews to do and some other stuff that I won't get into. I might have to miss out on an awesome opportunity because I can't get a handle on my anxiety over something that is pretty stupid. *Frown* I can't even describe how tired I am of my mental health problems dominating and ruining my life.

This afternoon Mark and I went into town because I needed to pick up my new glasses and then we thought we could browse in some of the shops. But I got overwhelmed by the noise and ended up having a bit of a meltdown. While I was trying to pull myself together a bit, my mum's partner and his daughter spotted us and came to say hello. That was embarrassing and I'm hoping my mum's partner didn't see I was upset. I already feel self-conscious that he knows I tried to kill myself last week. *Frown* He picked my mum and me up from the hospital, which was awkward!

This evening Mark and I had an extremely emotional heart-to-heart, which we needed but found intense and draining. We are both still reeling from what I did last week and I suppose it is going to take some time to recover from that. I will never, ever forgive myself for hurting the people I love. I only hope they can understand that I did what I did out of sheer desperation and because at the time I felt like I had no choice.

I am still incredibly down but just trying to take things one step at a time. I am hoping to see my GP next week and am seriously considering asking to try medication again, which is a big, big deal. I want to start planning what I need to do next when it comes to finding employment because I can't cope without having a plan in place, but I also recognise I need a break from all that. I am so worn out by the whole process -- the finding a job advert, putting everything into the application and then waiting... the waiting to see if I get an interview... the waiting to see if I get a job... I just can't do it anymore. Not for a while. And I don't even know what I want to do now because I am so done with the environmental stuff. But I can't think about all this right now because it is too scary.

I guess all I can do right now is continue taking one step at a time. I just wish I was the sort of person who is okay with that! But I'm not. I just want to run, run, run and get everywhere fast! I'm impatient. I always need to feel in control.

I'm very, very tired and probably rambling so I will shut up now! I apologise for any errors in this entry.
March 20, 2014 at 6:36pm
March 20, 2014 at 6:36pm
Tell me about a popular actor/actress you simply cannot stand.

*TV* Clip:

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I was drawing a blank on this one for a while and then I suddenly had three to choose between -- Hilary Duff, Eddie Murphy and Kirsten Dunst . Although Murphy is a terrible actor and seems like a complete douchebag in real life, and although Dunst dripped and moped her way through three Spiderman movies, tainting them somewhat, I am going with Hilary Duff because she blighted my teens with her grating voice and irritating hair.

You see, my sister really liked the TV show Lizzie McGuire and I recognised it for what it was -- badly acted and annoying! If I came into the room and my sister was watching it, my mood instantly darkened. Hilary Duff cannot act! Take a look at the clip above! *Up* Her facial expressions look so forced and fake. She can't even act the part of someone tossing and turning in bed! It looks like someone pretending to toss and turn in bed! *Rolleyes* Her voice really grates on me and, I'm not sure why, but her hair annoys me too! And this is going to sound really mean but she has the kind of face I just want to slap! *Shock* It's hard for me to pinpoint why...

I had to suffer through many episodes of Lizzie McGuire. I had to endure listening to her sing "What Dreams Are Made Of" in The Lizzie McGuire Movie (though thankfully, thankfully I wasn't ever forced to watch the whole film!) I did, however, have to watch Cadet Kelly with my sister. Do you know how excruciating that was?! And... Hilary Duff tried to ruin one of my favourite films. Cheaper by the Dozen is a silly but rather charming children's film that is mostly very good but Duff has a few scenes in it in which she displays the sheer awfulness of her acting skills.

Argh! Yeah, I can't stand her. But I feel kind of mean for what I've said here! Sorry. I'm sure Hilary Duff is a lovely person... even if she can't act!


I've had a pretty full day. I met with the mental health advocate again this morning and my complaint to the mental health team is ready to be sent off. That feels kind of scary.

This afternoon I played the piano for the first time in months. *Shock* I wasn't as rusty as I thought I would be though!

This evening Mark and I played badminton, which was fun until I got ridiculously hungry and couldn't focus anymore.

After that I went to a pilates class with my sister. That was the first time I've done pilates. I wasn't expecting it to be so hard! My muscles have certainly had a workout.

Unfortunately right now I am in a very bad mood. I can't seem to snap out of it. *Frown*

But I'll end on a positive note. I have a new poem in my port:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1982549 by Not Available.

I think it's okay. I even kind of like it. *Smile*
March 19, 2014 at 7:10am
March 19, 2014 at 7:10am
Talk about the moment when a favorite show of yours jumped the shark.*

*"Jump the shark" is an idiom (named for a scene in Happy Days where the Fonz did just that) that essentially means the point at which a show begins to decline, often after a particularly cheesy, unrealistic, or gimmicky scene that feels like the show just threw it in there to try to keep interest alive.

*TV* Clip:

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I just want to start off by saying that I will be talking about key plot details in three shows in this entry -- ER , Friends and Scrubs -- so if you haven't seen these shows yet and don't want to know what happens, don't read any further. *Smile*

The first show that came to mind after reading this prompt was ER thanks to the whole Dr Romano vs. Helicopter fiasco. So yeah, this character gets his arm chopped off after he backs into the tail rotor blades of a helicopter. Although this was pretty outlandish and shocking, they actually handled the aftermath of it quite well and it added a new and interesting dynamic to this character. However, in the next season, Dr Romano's arch nemesis, the helicopter, returns! *Rolleyes* Really. A strong wind blows a helicopter off course and it crashes down on top of poor Dr Romano, killing him instantly. It was kind of ridiculous! I feel ER dipped in quality a bit after this. But I already blogged about ER in this challenge so I won't talk about it again too much.

I was also tempted to go with Friends but can't really pinpoint a defining moment signifying a decline. It's possibly when Joey fell in love with Rachel, but I'm not sure. I think for this show it was more that they kind of lost their way with the characters and started exaggerating their defining traits. So Joey became too stupid and Rachel also seemed to drop several IQ points to join him at his new level of stupidity. Monica became too obsessive, neurotic and "shouty" and Chandler became too sarcastic. Phoebe got too quirky and flaky and Ross became overly annoying.

But I'm going with Scrubs. I'll admit I haven't seen every episode of this show but I really enjoyed the earlier seasons. They were slightly offbeat, very funny and had moments of great emotion. The characters were comical and loveable and you came to care about them. The storylines were strong and there was a great mix of patient and main character stories to keep things interesting and exciting. This show felt fresh and pretty innovative to me. I also discovered some great musicians and bands through Scrubs, such as Nil Lara and Boston. They always seemed to blend the music so perfectly into the show, choosing songs that truly complemented what was going on in the scene.

But I guess the moment I feel it "jumped the shark" was when they killed off the character Laverne. This felt so false to me and it seemed like they chose to bump off a semi-important character, that people liked but wouldn't exactly miss, purely to pull in viewers. It didn't serve or add to the overall plot in any way. It just felt manipulative and cheap to me. I feel Scrubs really went downhill fast after this and I stopped watching. I've seen the odd episode here and there of later seasons and I'm glad I stopped watching. It looks like it got so, so bad! Then they tried to "reboot" it with new characters and it just fell completely flat, in my opinion.

It's such a shame. This was a really awesome show and I wish they had ended it on a high. It's kind of sad what happened to it! It shouldn't have gone that way.
March 18, 2014 at 8:23pm
March 18, 2014 at 8:23pm
We already did something popular you don't like... but what about an incredibly popular movie or show that you've never actually seen?

*Video* Trailer:

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I feel like I'm the only person who hasn't seen this film! I know it is considered a classic. I've heard nothing but good things about it. I want to see it. I just haven't gotten round to it yet!

I avoided it for a while because I was a bit anxious about the violent content. It's funny, when I was in my early teens I could watch pretty much anything. Blood and guts didn't disturb me. Violence didn't disturb me. Then I saw Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and though I loved it, it disturbed the hell out of me! I think that's because the first murder just totally took me by surprise and was so disgusting that it left me feeling pretty shocked. My mind kind of went, Whoa! That's gross! No more! and for a while after that I felt pretty squeamish about seeing blood on the screen.

However, that seems to be wearing off and I've seen some pretty gruesome stuff since then, including Django Unchained , which I thought was amazing. So I think I'll cope fine with Pulp Fiction. I've seen two famous scenes -- the dance one and the part in the car with er... poor, unfortunate Marvin!

So yeah, it's just a case of finding the time and motivation to watch it really! I'm looking forward to seeing it. *Smile*


So... I went to my voluntary work and I have no idea how I made myself do it. But I did. It was okay. I got Murphy's bridle on for the second time ever, which was great. I was so relieved because a new volunteer was watching me do it! That could have been embarrassing!

Going there took so much effort and when I got home I needed a nap to recover. When I woke up Mark and I walked Jade and this evening we did a bit of shopping. I bought some new shoes and a top. I needed a bit of retail therapy!

My mood dropped this evening and I just crashed out on the sofa and wallowed in my misery a bit. I didn't have the energy to do anything to distract myself so I just needed to wait for it pass. That wasn't much fun. *Frown*

But I feel a bit better now and was able to do my Blog Harbour entry *Up* which I didn't think was going to happen.

And now I'm going to stop blogging because I can't be bothered to say anything else!
March 17, 2014 at 6:51pm
March 17, 2014 at 6:51pm
Which existing movie, old or new, would you love to see remade with modern technology/actors/etc.?

*Video* Trailer:

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I have this version of Rebecca on DVD and watched it a few years ago, very much enjoying it, but I don't actually remember a whole lot about it. I was surprised to read on Wikipedia just now that they changed a key plot detail. I don't remember that at all! I will have to watch it again soon.

However, as great as the 1940 adaptation is, it is very dated and I would love for there to be a remake of this movie where it is given the full works! It's such a great book with an absolutely awesome twist so we really need a faithful, big cinematic adaptation of it!

I often think my sister would love the story of Rebecca but she gave up on the book because she couldn't get used to the style of it and she wouldn't be interested in seeing an old, black and white adaptation. I'm sure I could persuade her to see a remake though! A remake would bring this fantastic story to a wider audience -- to weird people like my sister who do not appreciate classic films and books!

I'm not sure who I would like to play the main characters though. There is a rumour that there is going to be a remake with Ralph Fiennes but I don't know if that's happening. That would work for me though -- I can definitely see Fiennes in that role. He would be wonderful, I'm sure! I really think they should cast an unknown actress in the role of Mrs de Winter, though. She's just such an inconspicuous character (we don't even learn her first name in the book, though she's the narrator! *Shock*) so I really think they should play on that. As for Mrs Danvers, maybe Maggie Smith ? I'm not sure! And who could play Rebecca? I have absolutely no idea! I can't picture anyone in this role. I imagine her tall, very slender, dark-haired and harsh featured. Any actresses matching that description?!

This was fun to think about. I really hope it happens. *Smile*


Today has been tough. I had a review appointment with the eating disorder team. Travelled all the way to Aylesbury to be told they can't offer me any support because a new team is taking over services in my town at the end of March. The psychologist will, however, suggest to the new team that I get some CBT. She'll also be calling someone from the service I have just been discharged from because there is a lady there who she thinks could help me. I am not at all happy at the prospect of returning to the service I am complaining about but I had no strength to argue against it. And the lady she was talking about is not someone I have an issue with so hopefully it will be okay.

This evening I saw my therapist and told her about what happened last week. She was supportive but gave me a huge motivational speech about how precious life is and how much I am valued. It was a bit much for me to take in right now, especially when I am still in a very dark place mentally.

My energy and mood crashed after that. I met up with Mark after my appointment and we just sat on a bench in town for a while because I literally felt like I couldn't do anything. I could hardly speak and even the thought of walking back to my car exhausted me. So I just needed to sit.

I am feeling a little better now but only because I'm forcing everything to the back of my mind. I am anxious about going to my voluntary job tomorrow and I really don't want to but I have left it too late to let anyone know. Also, a few people are going to be away tomorrow so me not going too might leave them short-handed and make things difficult. I don't want to mess them around. But I also don't know if I can do it. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.

I just really want to give up on everything right now. I can't see a way forward from here and I am very, very exhausted. I don't know how to build myself back up and I don't think I have the strength or energy to try anymore. *Frown*

One last thing, I just want to say thank you so much to the people who are continuing to support me when I am having such a difficult time. I know I have a few emails to respond to and I will. It's just taking a lot of mental effort right now to do anything so I am having to do things in small doses.

March 16, 2014 at 6:42pm
March 16, 2014 at 6:42pm
Which deceased actor or actress do you miss the most?

*Video* Scene:

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This is just going to be another quick entry from me tonight because I am exhausted after a long day of travelling and socialising (went to my Grandma's 80th birthday party in Yorkshire).

It was hard to choose between Heath Ledger and Philip Seymour Hoffman for this prompt but I have decided to go with Ledger as he died in 2008 so I have had longer to miss him, if that makes sense.

I was so shocked when I found out he had died. What happened was such a tragedy and such a tremendous waste of an exceptional talent. He was only twenty-eight years old and he was only just beginning to show people what he could do.

I loved him in A Knight's Tale , which is such a fun movie. And okay, it wasn't exactly a taxing role, but he still did a nice job!

But he absolutely blew me away with his performance in Brokeback Mountain . He put his heart and soul into that character and it was incredible to see. It was a heartbreaking performance and a captivating one. He made me forget I was watching a movie and I became completely caught up in Ennis Del Mar's life.

I always felt that Ledger was robbed of an Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards until I saw Capote and Walk the Line . Yeah, I have no idea how they chose between Heath Ledger, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix that year! 2005 was an awesome year for movies (though it's completely ridiculous that Crash got Best Picture *Rolleyes*).

Anyway, I feel sad when I think about Heath Ledger and what he could have become. He was shaping up to be one of the best actors of his generation.
March 15, 2014 at 3:59pm
March 15, 2014 at 3:59pm
Which character of which television show would you most like to see a spinoff series about (i.e. a show specifically about that character... examples include FRASIER who was originally a character on CHEERS, JOEY who was originally a character on FRIENDS, and PRIVATE PRACTICE which followed a character that originally starred in GREY'S ANATOMY)?

*Tv* Clip:

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Now this is a character who needs his own show! *Laugh* Can you imagine? It could be so funny!

I'm joking, though. It wouldn't really work, of course, because the beauty of the Janitor character is that he is so weird and unfathomable. A TV show focused on him would ruin the most important thing that makes this character so comical as we would learn more about him.

I'm not really interested in spin-off shows, to be honest, and I think they rarely work. Joey certainly didn't work -- I thought it was awful! Joey's character works in Friends as part of an ensemble but by himself he's kind of boring! And they exaggerated the things that made him such a great character until he became a caricature of that. I think there is a big danger of that happening with spin-off shows.

I was tempted to go with Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory because I think he's great but then I thought this character works so well in the group dynamic of the show and would perhaps come across as too obnoxious and overbearing in a show focused entirely on him. I like this character in small doses -- I don't think I would enjoy him so much in larger doses!

So I've put The Janitor for fun, but my real answer to this question is: No character. *Smile*

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