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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1967937
Here you will find my daily journal of small stones and inspiration!
I hope you will take the time to enjoy my blog!

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March 29, 2014 at 6:55pm
March 29, 2014 at 6:55pm
Serial Experience!
Part One

Prompt for March 29, 2014

Photo albums. On the first day (today), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to. On the second day (tomorrow), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

I love photo albums, mostly physical ones because I haven't gotten that involved with digital...yet! When my mom passed away in 2010 my siblings and I went through my parents' house and divided up what we wanted from in the house. I wanted the photos but I figured we all would. Much to my surprise no one wanted them but me. I now have roughly twenty boxes of photos. These are not just pictures of my siblings and I but are all the pictures my parents had.

I have photos of my grandparents on their wedding day in ~1908. I have my parents' wedding albums, and the wedding albums of my siblings that my parents had made. I have pictures from the 1930's through the 2010s and would not give ANY of them up!

I can;t think of any picture albums bring brought out at inopportune times but I have a great album of awful family pictures! My Aunt and cousins put together a photo album for my parents 3oth wedding anniversary. They titled it "The Browns- How We Know Them" and it is full of great, funny candid shots of our whole family. There are picture that will be treasured for years to come. Every once in a while I will drag out all the books and thumb through them. Especially this one.

I had a few pictures on my computer from my digital camera, but all of a sudden I can't download them any more! It is like the camera and the computer no longer "speak" to each other! I will figure it out someday though!

March 28, 2014 at 11:28am
March 28, 2014 at 11:28am
It's Funny Friday!

Prompt for March 28, 2014

Your worst DIY disaster(s).

Oh, I have too many to tell! I remember when I was but a little lass learning how to bake. I attempted to make my very own cake from scratch, and my mother allowed me to! She let me put in the ingredients and then she baked it. I frosted it very nicely, trying to get it to resemble Ken Hutchinson, "Hutch" from Starsky and Hutch. We pulled it out to serve it and the knife would not slice through it. Evidently you need more than flour, sugar, and milk to make a cake! Go figure.

In Metal shop class in High School I made a tool box for my dad. A couple of us girls decided to make that instead of the traditional trivet. We did a great job until it came to spot-welding the handle on. Once you spot-weld there is no turning back! The handle on mine is just a tad lower on one side than the other!

*Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm* *Facepalm*
March 27, 2014 at 7:10pm
March 27, 2014 at 7:10pm
It's Opinion Thursday!

Prompt for March 27, 2014

What is your opinion on gun carry laws (concealed or not)? Is it legal to carry a weapon in your home state/country? Does it make you feel more or less safe?

I hate to admit this, and I find it a very disturbing fact; I can not tell you what the laws for guns are in New York State. I know Governor Cuomo signed a law limiting the number of bullets that can be in a single magazine recently, but other than that I have no knowledge of the gun laws. I don however, have an opinion on whether gun laws work.

I believe that gun laws only limit guns and weaponry for law-abiding citizens. I fear that many criminals can find a gun, legal or illegal, at the drop of a hat. They won't pay attention to what the law says, or how much of an arsenal they can have. Most are using the guns to protect whatever their occupation is, and more than likely that occupation is illegal as well. Why would they feel compelled to stay within the laws?

That being said, I don't feel any more or less safe with the gun legislation. I don't think, or at least I hope I will not have a run-in with a criminal. There are ways to keep ourselves safe and then there is fate. All the gun laws in the world can not protect you from fate.
March 26, 2014 at 8:48pm
March 26, 2014 at 8:48pm
Prompt for March 26, 2014

Before answering this prompt, check out this video:


Which animated character would you like to hear sing your favorite song?

First of all this was hilarious! Captain Jack Sparrow.... really? I have so many rotten ideas for this prompt! Most of my suggestions are going to be Warner Bros. (just cause that is who I grew up watching) The Tasmanian Devil attempting to sing ANYTHING would be worth watching or listening to! "Just Keep Swimming" would be great by Sylvester the Cat or Daffy Duck. How about anything country sung by Foghorn Leghorn? Well I say..

This has my mind racing In all the wrong ways! Tweety Bird.... What's new Pussycat?

I have got to stop!
March 25, 2014 at 8:45pm
March 25, 2014 at 8:45pm
It's War Chest Tuesday!

Prompt for March 25, 2014

What is one of your favorite tourist attractions from your hometown? In other words, what site do you absolutely insist your friends see when they visit?

It is not in my hometown and it is located about 90 minutes away. I am talking about one of the Natural Wonders of the World. What is this astounding tourist attraction? None other than Niagara Falls!

Niagara Falls actually consists of three distinct falls; the Horseshoe Falls, the tallest and largest of the three; the American Falls , and the Bridal Veil Falls. The Bridal Veil Falls are separated from the American Falls by Luna Island. Horseshoe Falls, located mostly in Canada measure 165 feet high with the American Falls being closer to 95 feet high. During peak tourist season, the water flow measures six million cubic feet per minute, at night the flow reduces to half of this flow. The flow averages at four million cubic ft per minute. The flow is regulated through the hydro-electric plant located on the Niagara River.

There are many attractions at Niagara Falls, mostly on the Canadian side of the river. These include casinos, museums, The Hard Rock Cafe, Marineland, and various shops. The Maid of the Mist is a boat that runs during the summer months, taking tourists within meters of the base of the Horseshoe Falls. At night the Falls are illuminated in colored lights form the Canadian side. If you click on the link below in the evening you will be able to see those lights. If you live in the south click on the link during the day and you can see the ice and snow!

This is a definite must-see!



Prompt: Do you have animals in your life? If yes, what do they mean to you? If no, why have you opted not to?

Anyone who has ever read my work knows that I have a dog, Toby! He means the absolute world to me, my little buddy! He is a sweet pup, who is prone to seizures. The medications cost $100 a month and many people ask whether he is worth it. I hate this question! My Toby is my child, and would you even consider not giving your child the medications he or she needed?

*Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints* *Dog1* *Dog2* *Paw* *Pawprints*

Prompt: Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a single activity - running, chopping veggies, folding laundry etc.

What's it like when you are in the zone?

I totally get in the zone when I am knitting. It can't be an intricate pattern because I have to pay too much attention but a simple pattern and BOOM! I just knit and purl or knit and purl to my heart's content. I can watch tv and knit at the same time and just knit away!

I hate when I think I can do this with an intricate pattern and then look at what I have done and realize I have to take it apart! I don't leave mistakes in the work, unless it can be hidden! Then oh well, life goes on!

March 24, 2014 at 12:19pm
March 24, 2014 at 12:19pm

It's Wildcard Monday!

Prompt for March 24, 2014

You're on a train (or other similarly isolated area) - how do you pass the time? Daydream...

*Train* *Traincar1bl* *Traincar2b* *Traincar2b* *Traincar2b* *Traincar2b* *Traincar1r*

Here I sit on the Chicago Special, I am heading to Dallas from Rochester. I decided to take the train because I am afraid to fly and driving by myself was not a viable option. This trip seems to be taking forever, and I went coach instead of getting a Sleeping Car. I should not have gone cheap, but I did and hear I sit, in the coach car smelling everyone else.

I think I will go to the club car and grab myself a sandwich and a drink. This train has an observation deck with a car made almost entirely out of windows. I take my drink to that car and relax. I grab my sandwich and drink and lean back to enjoy. A man in the corner of the car is reading his newspaper and has a magazine on his lap. Wait, he really is not reading the newspaper but using it a a ruse. He keeps glancing over the top of it as if waiting for someone to walk in.

A younger woman, wearing a long trench coat has entered the car and the man in the corner has tensed. He now sets down his paper and reaches under the magazine. I see a glimmer of metal as he grabs his gun. There are shots and the whole car goes black.....
March 23, 2014 at 11:23pm
March 23, 2014 at 11:23pm
The Sunday News:


I understand this is not a real news item by itself, but I found it so offensive that I wanted to comment on it. This picture was posted on the local radio station, WBEE 92.5, Facebook page. The original caption for the picture, it has since been edited, read "Airliner Found". I could not believe what I saw in the picture. I believe the whole posting had Breaking News written above it as well.

This situation with a huge 777 airliner missing since March 8th is truly a tragedy. No matter what has happened to the plane it can not be good for the passengers or the families involved. There are men, women and children aboard that missing plane. They could be dead, held hostage , being held as pawns in some giant terrorist plot. No one knows, the families have to be grief-stricken and heart-broken. For this radio station to make such a "light-hearted joke about such a tragedy is awful, in my mind!

Many people commented on the picture and showed their disgust for the joke. I think that is the reason the caption was edited. To me this picture was posted in poor taste.
March 22, 2014 at 11:33pm
March 22, 2014 at 11:33pm
It's Creation Saturday!

Prompt for March 22, 2014

Let your mind wander back to the Middle Ages and imagine you are a scribe in the King's Court. Tell us about the goings-on in the castle (accents optional, but encouraged)

Methinks there is a scandal afoot in the kingdom! My lady, the Queen, laid her eyes upon the King in a compromising position with her lady-in-waiting, Lady Penelope. His Royal Highness hast too quickly forgotten his manners and forsooth forsaken Her Worshipness. Hence, the guards have taken him since to the tower with his mistress in tow. Methinks this hast been a bad decision and hence he shall be smitten upon her wiles while there.

My Lady hast declared this as her official opinion on the matter at hand:
"Upon her arrival to thou kingdom the Queen has been upon the throne, not forsaken her position and been nothing but a pawn in thou's gay affairs. Hence and forsooth she has laid down her own life more than once to satisfy her king. Thou hast betrayed her confidence and therefore thou hast been banished to the tower with the former Lady Penelope. May her lice spread to thou and thou's tools and may thou's tools wither and fall from thou!"

*Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown* *Crown*
March 21, 2014 at 9:51pm
March 21, 2014 at 9:51pm
Have you ever been embarrassed in public (and had people laugh at you)? And/or have you ever laughed at someone who had been publicly embarrassed? Tell us the story.

You know, I don;t think I have. I would think if I had I would remember it and honestly I don't. I do go out of my way to avoid this kind of situation though. I hate the thought of being embarrassed like that! I can think of a type of embarrassment that happened about 20 years ago to me. I went to an autograph session starring Buffalo Bills player Don Beebe. This particular player had a great play in The Super Bowl when the Bills played the Dallas Cowboys. Jim Kelly had been intercepted and Leon Lett was running the ball back for a touchdown. Don Beebe stayed on his butt the whole way down the field. When Leon Lett was about to score he began to showboat. Don Beebe reached up and striped him of the ball, costing him a touchdown in the Super Bowl!

The whole time I was waiting in line I told myself I was going to speak to him. I have a problem being star-struck and dumb-founded when approaching an athlete. I got up to the table and put down the paper I wanted him to sign, I began to tell him "That was a great play in the..." then he looked up. He was looking me in the eye! The man who played in the Super Bowl was paying attention to what I said! That is when I blew it. All I could say was "in the uh uh ummm" He then said "in the Super Bowl" and smiled. I died! I said yup and walked away! What a memory!

*Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football* *Football*


How do you know I am not both already? Just kidding! I would rather be super-intelligent than extremely good-looking for several reasons. First, guys can get bored with good-looking. Second, looks wear off, intelligence doesn't. Third, the right man will appreciate smarts over looks every time!

Guys will only think you are good-looking for so long and then they will move on. As soon as you open your pretty mouth and say something stupid they will look for another. As I am writing this I am dying to read what the guys have written.

Looks will wear off, every one gets old. You will either end up wrinkled or looking like Joan Rivers. I would take smarts over that every time!
March 20, 2014 at 7:47pm
March 20, 2014 at 7:47pm
It's Opinion Thursday!

Prompt for March 20, 2014

Have you ever taken a road trip? Give us your opinion on the "must see" city/cities to road trip to/from/through.

My mother and I took many road trips to visit my sister in Texas. However, twice we went on road trips to sightseeing destinations. One was to Gettysburg, Pa.. The other, and my all time favorite was to Mt Rushmore. We drove from Rochester, NY to Rapid City, SD. in August of 2000.

My mother had always wanted to visit Mt Rushmore and my father always would tell her it was a pile of rocks! After he passed away I decided that Mom was going to see her pile of rocks. One day I told her that we were going to take a 2 week vacation and drive to Mt Rushmore.

We decided to stop at the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum on the way out so we drove up through Michigan saw the museum and then headed across the country to Mt Rushmore. The look on her face was so worth the drive out there! I would say Mt Rushmore is a must see!

*Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray* *Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray**Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray* *Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray**Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray* *Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray**Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray* *Car* *Carb* *Carbl* *Carv* *Carbr* *Carg* *cargray*

If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

Oh, this is so easy! It would have to be, without any doubt.... EMERGENCY!


I LOVED Johnny Gage! I had my own plastic fire helmet and a couple of fire trucks to boot! Loved these guys. If you watch carefully you will notice NCIS Special Agent Gibbs is the Animal Control officer in this episode!

March 19, 2014 at 9:12pm
March 19, 2014 at 9:12pm
It's War Chest Wednesday!

Prompt for March 19, 2014

Artificial Intelligence: If a "robot" looks, acts, and thinks like a human, but was created not through "natural" processes, should it be considered part of humanity? Give us your thoughts about the future of Artificial Intelligence in science.

I never gave this much thought. I guess if the "robot" seems human how would we know it wasn't human. I don't know whether science will ever reach such a point or if society will "allow" science to reach such a point. Certainly, there is nothing, that we know of, which comes close to this kind of science. Of course, I add the disclaimer, that we know of!

Humanity has such an intolerance of anyone who does not look or act like their particular group that I can not fathom AI being accepted. There is so much room for improvement in our society and I do not believe we are anywhere close to accepting this.
March 18, 2014 at 11:45am
March 18, 2014 at 11:45am
30d Blogging Challenge:

It's war Chest Tuesday!

Prompt for March 18, 2014

Tell us about a TV show or book series you like. What makes you keep coming back to watch or read more? Relate this to your knowledge and understanding of cliffhangers - how do you write a good "cliffy?"

I love the TV series NCIS. I mainly began watching it because I love Mark Harmon, I continue watching it because of Mark Harmon, Michael Weatherly, and the plot lines. They do not always continue plot lines from one show to the other, but they do at times. When this happens it is a continuation of a major plot line. This was true with the Port to Port killer. This character appeared and reappeared over the course of a least one season. When there is a cliffhanger it is a good one. An example of this is when Ducky had his heart attack and the NCIS building was bombed. The person watching did not know until the beginning of the next season who was okay.

The best of these cliffhangers had to be "Who Shot JR?". I am sure anyone old enough to remember this is going to mention it in their blog. The writers of Dallas not only shot THE MAIN CHARACTER, but they did not let you know if he would survive and they left you guessing who had done it all summer long. Everyone was talking about this the whole summer and millions - I think- tuned in on a Friday in September to find out "Who Shot JR?". This remains the ultimate cliffhanger and will be the standard bearer for years to come!

*Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv* *Tv*

BCOF Prompt:

What in the WORLD Did I agree to?

I felt this way in the beginning of February. I had signed up for the 30 day Image Prompt Contest and Marci Missing Everyone 14 Days of Romance Contest. For the first 14 days of February I had to writing pieces each day, for two different contests. I kept saying to myself everyday, "What have I done?" I got through those days and actually won Marci's contest but I feel that my writing suffered because of doing two contests.

Now, I have my own Raffle and Contest plus I am participating in the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I fell this month is going better but I have not written many poems, like I have in the past. I need to find a happy medium between blogging and "actual" writing. Perhaps, next month will be the one!

*Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing* *Writing*

Blog City Prompt:

A mad scientist aka LYN approached you with an offer to enhance one of your senses but dull another. It is not optional, he is going to do the surgery but luckily you get to choose which TWO SENSES. What's it going to be

I would choose to have my sense of taste dulled and my sense of hearing enhanced. The sense of taste involves 4 different "tastes" salty, sour, sweet, and bitter. I feel that as long as I could still sense them it could be dulled and I would not lose too much. I would not want to lose it completely because much of your sense of taste lets you know if something is possibly a poison, acidic vs basic taste, for example.

I would still be able to "taste" foods as we normally consider taste because it is actually your sense of smell that gives you the "flavors" of food. This is why foods do not taste as good when you are sick. Try this for an experiment. Taste a food while plugging your nose, the most prominent things you will taste is the sweet, salty, sour or bitterness of the food.

The sense I want enhanced is my hearing. I have noticed lately when there is a great deal of background noise I can not hear as well. I want to be able to hear like I used to. I want to hear the birds in Spring and customers in the store over the racket in the area.
March 17, 2014 at 11:54am
March 17, 2014 at 11:54am
Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt:
Coffee or tea? Or neither?

I prefer to drink coffee throughout the day. I like to grind my own mixture for my Bunn Coffee Maker. What I purchase is a cheaper bag of coffee beans, usually Eight o'Clock brand, in a dark roast with bold flavors. Then, I go to the specialty coffee section in Wegmans and pick my poison. The last time I purchased the beans, I got Hawaiian Coconut coffee. I find the flavored beans are usually a lighter roast and less bold flavor, which is why I mix them with the cheaper yet bolder beans. This blend usually gives me a great flavor plus the kick in the pants I need all day.

I, however, do prefer to drink tea at night. I like the herbal teas, such as camomile and vanilla flavored teas. I do like a cup of Earl Grey once in a while. I bought some Earl Grey Creme at Teavana a year ago, this is expensive tea but it is very, very good. I love Celestial Seasonings Christmas teas as well. they have a Sugar Cookie tea that is wonderful! I buy several boxes of it at Christmas and then savor it throughout the year.

*Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl* *Coffee* *Coffeebl*

Blog City Prompt: ( Wee bit of blarney fer ye!)

You receive a mysterious email and the subject line reads Everything you know is a lie. You open the email and read further: Act calm as to not alert anyone, but everyone around you is not who they say they are. You need to quietly get out of there and meet me at the spot where you had your first kiss. You know the place. My name is Lyn. Tell me about that special place. Have you been there since? Now,you know Irish are noted for their blarney, so have fun.

I can't believe everyone has been lying to me, and now I have to buy a plane ticket back to Nevada! What a terrible week this has been! I can't believe the email I received from Lyn! I can't believe she knows the truth! I didn't think she could handle the truth! Well, my plane is boarding so I better power down the laptop.

I have rented a jeep from National Rent-All. A four-wheel drive vehicle is the only type that will get me to where I am going. I have to meet Lyn at the spot of my first kiss. What a remote area to meet at. I got my first kiss just after I landed and now I have to find that exact spot again! That was so long ago, but a memory that will last a millennium!
Finally, I reach the spot! I still can't believe Lyn knows about this. All these years she never let on about it. I didn't think anyone knew! Well, anyone other than the landing party.

I need to get the bolt cutters out and I hope there are no cameras in this section of the fence. They have a policy here of shooting first and asking questions later. Just like that first step off of my vehicle that night. I had just landed and the soldiers were on to me! They asked if I came in peace and I told them that I came in that, and pointed to the aircraft! The first one to meet me, a rather tall man with a buzz cut kissed both my cheeks and then escorted me to their jeep. It was a rough ride over the Nevada desert. We got to the "hospital" and they gave me a complete physical, they said I "looked the part" and they gave me complete instructions on how I was to live in their land. I was to never tell anyone who I actually was or how I arrived there. They said I could conduct my business as long as I never told any details. That is why I can't understand Lyn knowing.

Well, here I am at the exact spot of that first kiss. I don't hear anyone around but it may be more difficult for Lyn to enter Area 51!

*Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9* *Monster3* *Monster5* *Monster9*

30 Day Blogging Challenge Prompt:

It'sWildcard Monday!

Prompt for March 17, 2014

What impact does chocolate have on your writing? It could be consuming before, during, after or that you include it (subtly?) in stories. If not chocolate, then ... but what else is there?

While I do love chocolate, it is not my weapon of choice when writing! *hears groans in the crowd* I prefer wine. A lovely cool glass of Moscato goes down very well as I am typing away or writing scratch notes on paper- yes, I still use paper and pencils! *hears shudders from the masses* My preferences are sweet, white wines but I am venturing out into the world of semi-dry and dry whites and semi-dry reds.

I just completed a 5 week class on Wines of the World at the local liquor store, you know even writing that seems a bit off! The wines that we tasted in the classes were dry or semi-dry and had a wide range of complex flavors involved with them. Yet, I prefer a sweet sipping wine, chilled ever so softly. Of course, I don't touch the stuff when I am writing before 3pm. Then again it is 3pm somewhere!

Honestly, as I write this I am enjoying a large mug of Hawaiian Coconut coffee with a ton of sugar in it! But, you don't believe me, do you?

*Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2**Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2**Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2**Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2**Glass* *Glass2* *Glass* *Glass2*
March 16, 2014 at 11:38am
March 16, 2014 at 11:38am
The Sunday News!

Prompt for March 16, 2014

Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, though this is not required.

I knew as soon as I saw this news story that it was going to be my Sunday News blog!


It made me smile the first time I watched it and it made me smile again now. We can not have enough "happy" in the world. It is much easier to walk around with a smile on your face than a frown. I believe this wholeheartedly! If you walk around with a frown, then you feel worse than you are and I feel, you drag everyone down with you. Walk around with a smile and watch how contagious it can be.

Now, I know there are many of us facing various problems in our lives, and it can be extremely hard to smile because of the unhappiness we encounter. But, if the mood strikes you try to be positive for the next 24 hours. Smile at strangers as you pass them, hold a door for someone, smile and nod or say hello. See if it improves your mood and theirs.


I joined the 30 day blogging challenge with trepidation. I never thought I would be able to write every single day! Yet, here I am half-way through the month and not only have I done the 30 day challenge (one entry was a day late) but I have also commented on some of the Blog City prompts and the BCOF prompts. I am enjoying writing and I think I have seen improvement in my writing as the month has progressed.

Some of my favorites have been the Creation Saturday prompts. I love creative writing and this gives me an outlet to write very short stories. The blog about ghosts was interesting this week as well. I have noticed I have not been writing my poems as much this month. I need to find a happy medium between blogging and actual writing, if that makes sense.
March 15, 2014 at 11:20am
March 15, 2014 at 11:20am
It's Creation Saturday!

Prompt for March 15, 2014

Spring Break

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Well, before I went to bed last night I heard an awful noise. I could not even imagine what it could be but it came from my bedroom upstairs. I was afraid to look but I had to. I crept up the creaky staircase with a flashlight in my hand. I don't know if I grabbed the flashlight for the light it would give off or for the protection it would give. Bam! There was the noise again. This time I could hear it quite clearly, and it was definitely coming from the bedroom. There were three distinct sets of noises!

First, there were three sets of footsteps across the bedroom floor, then there was a chattering that almost sounded like laughter. Then the Bam! I was about ten feet from the bedroom door by now and the noises kept coming! Step step step step step... chatter chatter chatter Bam! What in the name of all that is Holy was going on? Then, there was a "boing". This noise was followed but a different type of sad chatter and a few sighs.

Curiosity got the best of me and I ran to the doorway and what did I see. Three little monkeys that had been jumping on the bed! These little monkeys had gotten in the open window and were going across the bedroom floor, laughing, and then jumping on the bed. Then I turned my attention to the bed! Oh! Now I knew what the "boing" sound was! There in the middle of the mattress were three springs poking out. Those three little monkeys broke my bed!
March 14, 2014 at 9:18pm
March 14, 2014 at 9:18pm
Prompt for March 14, 2014

Try to come up with five what ifs. Pick your favorite and turn it into something funny -- short story, rant, essay... Your choice.

What if...

the Earth were flat

ice cream tasted like vegetables

my dog could speak English

work were fun

I were the President.


News from Italy...
Christopher Columbus, the famed explorer, who recently set sail on the Santa Maria, accompanied by the Nina and the Pinta, has been reported missing. When last seen, the three ships were sailing into the sunset from Spain. Once the ships dropped from sight, several Italian ships were sent off to ascertain their whereabouts. This is the report that has been sent back from the search and rescue boats.

We have reached the edge of the horizon where the expedition was last reported to be seen. All we see is the edge of the world. Evidently, Mr. Columbus was mistaken and the Earth is indeed flat. I am reporting from that edge and it indeed does just drop off here. The water seems to just stop, where the three ships have gone is beyond me, but from what I see there is nothing beyond this spot. The Earth just stops. Wait, wait I am getting a signal from one of the other ships in the search and rescue party. They are reporting a very interesting sight... let me send the broadcast over to them.

Yes, am I on? Oh, okay. I am here on the search and rescue ship Told Ya So and we are picking up a vision of a ship floating, yes, floating in space. Wait, there are three ships just hovering off this edge. They are adrift off the edge of the earth. I am getting a better look through my spy glass. It appears there is some one with a sign on the largest ship. I am getting a better look now.... The sign is coming into view....

Well, we don't quite know how we are going to handle this, but one thing is sure.... Christopher Columbus has indeed proven the world is flat, repeat the world is flat! Now back to Steve and Bob in the studio...


Prompt: "Take note, take note O world. To be direct and honest is not safe." Is this quote true or not? Why?

This is very true! Telling the truth and being frank and honest can lead to many issues! Sometimes you need to shade your truthfulness with tact. With some tact a truthful statement can be said without hurting friendships or feelings. There are times when little white lies need to be used as well. When a heavy woman asks if a dress makes her look fat the correct answer should not be "No, but your body type does!" Telling her the dress is not flattering for her body type might be a better way to handle it, or perhaps even saying she looks pretty in it would be better.

My husband says "you should never ask a question you don't want the answer to". I disagree, I think people's feelings should weigh in on how direct and honest you need to be. Telling a boss that their idea is stupid may be the truth but you will be the one without a paycheck if you say it. I think tact is just as important as truth!


PROMPT FOR: March 14, 2014: Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

I can't say I have seen a ghost for sure, but I am pretty sure I have. It was when my mother and i visited Gettysburg National Battlefield. There were three different occurrences, two involved just me and one involved both my mother and myself.

The first was in the town of Gettysburg itself. I decided to go for a walk into the town with a tape recorder, basically looking for ghostly encounters. As I walked the main street I spoke into the tape recorder stating where on the road I was and what was occurring. I noticed no unusual sightings or noises as I walked the street. At the top of the street I turned around and headed back to the motel. When I got back I put the tape on rewind and listened to what I recorded. That was when I heard them, you could hear a group of soldiers marching past me. You could even hear their tin cups clattering against their muskets! Now, I don't know what else it could be, I think there were ghost soldiers still marching through Gettysburg!

The second incident happened on Little Round Top, where the Twentieth Maine fought on the second day of fighting. When I was back in the little area near the monument I took many pictures and when they were developed I had many orbs in the pictures. It is common among ghost hunters to detect orbs and assume they are spirits.

The third incident involved both of us at Spangler's Spring. We stopped the car and got out to take pictures of re-in-actors at a camp at the spring. There were at least ten of them, some by the rocks and some patrolling the edge of the woods. When we developed the film and took a look at the photos there were no soldiers in the pictures. None of them had anyone in them. Now, could they have ducked behind the rocks - sure. Did they all duck- I doubt it! There have been many claims by visitors to the site of men appearing to be re-in-actors that end up being from the beyond.

Did my mother and I see ghosts? I am pretty sure we did!

March 13, 2014 at 8:58pm
March 13, 2014 at 8:58pm
It's Opinion Thursday!

Prompt for March 13, 2014

Are we doing kids a favor or a disservice by "not allowing them to fail" in high school? (make-up tests until they pass, extra credit, etc.) How does this affect their preparedness for college and beyond?

I think this is a terrible disservice! Teach children how to be responsible at a young age and they will grow into responsible adults! Catch a fish for a man and feed him for a day, teach that man to fish and feed him for a lifetime! Teach a child to learn, actually learn, not just to pass but to thrive and that child will continue to learn.

I work retail and there are many younger high school students working in my store. I can tell the students who have been shuffled along and allowed to pass. They have no work ethic and they have no respect for themselves or others. They glide along knowing, or thinking, that no matter what happens they will be passed along to the next level with no effort on their part!

This is a disservice to those kids and to the next generation, and to us. How can we expect them to stand on their own without having to work for it? Teach a child to learn...

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March 12, 2014 at 12:49pm
March 12, 2014 at 12:49pm
It's War Chest Wednesday!

Prompt for March 12, 2014

You are invited to spend a week's vacation with a famous person, past or present. Who would you want it to be? Why?

Oh, with all the snow and blizzard conditions we are experiencing here my first and only thought was Jimmy Buffet in Key West.... for a week!


In a tankini, well, a tank top and a pair of shorts, with a Pina Colada! Warm Florida sun beating down on my Western NY pasty white skin, slathered in SPF 45 so I don't burn too badly. I can smell the salty air from here! Maybe he would buy me a Cheeseburger in Paradise!


We could go sailing and deep sea fishing and at night he would sing his songs around a huge bonfire. We would even toast marshmallows to make smores!
Did I happen to mention we are having a blizzard today?
Oh well, I can always dream!

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman**Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman**Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman* *Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman*

The year is 2024. You are invited to a dinner at the White House in your honor. What is your accomplishment?

Oh please! I am NOT invited to the White House, I LIVE in the White House! We are just wrapping up my first term as THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! . I was elected in 2020 at the age of 49, my platform was eliminating hunger in the US and ending welfare for those who don't deserve it. I have increased spending for NASA and with the help of Buzz Aldrin we are very close to sending our first astronauts to Mars! During my first year I was pleased to welcome NASCAR Sprint Cup Champion Tony Stewart to the White House, and the next year the Super Bowl Champion Buffalo Bills! (Hey, if I am President anything can happen!) Well, I don;t have much time for blogging as President! Gotta run to my next appointment!

*Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman**Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman**Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman* *Snow1* *Snow2* *Snow3* *Snowman*

Prompt: Laptop or desktop?

Laptop for sure, is my weapon of choice! However, I usually use my laptop at my desk or on my bed, using the bed like a desk. I hardly ever use it on battery it is almost always plugged in! I love the feel if a laptop's keyboard, much softer than the keyboard of a desktop. I am interested in getting a tablet of some sort. Something that I can use outside without all the glare. One that gets the internet and acts just like a laptop only it would be a tablet. Does anyone have any suggestions?
March 11, 2014 at 5:54pm
March 11, 2014 at 5:54pm
Let's have some fun.. You returned home to find a DEAR JOHN letter oddly enough from your favorite piece of furniture. Inquiring minds want to know what the letter said. We are looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
I came home after a long, tiring day at work and found this letter. It was taped to the wall where my recliner used to be...

Dear Sharon,

         I can longer remain in this house. The last five years have been more than I can take. Honestly, they have been more than ANYONE can take! Living this way has become unbearable and I feel compelled to let you know why! Please, after you have read this DO NOT try to contact me. I will get a restraining order if necessary! Please don't make this difficult on any of us!

         I have to leave for several reasons. Most importantly, I can no longer support your fat, lazy butt! Your weight has become an issue! My springs were not designed for that kind of punishment. You have compressed them to the point they just can't will themselves to bounce back. The way you pounce into my cushions. I shiver at the mere thought of your frame falling into me. It is a wonder I still have legs! Someday you are going to throw that weight around and you, the chair and half the living room will end up in the basement.

         Next would have to be your over-exposure! Every night you come home, strip out of your nice work clothes and put on those God-awful pink sweats. They have holes in them, for God's sake throw them out and get new ones. You land in my cushion and some of your skin escapes through those holes and you touch me. *shiver* Your skin touches me! Please, for all that is sacred, get new clothes!

         Lastly, your feet are an issue! You take off those smelly shoes and socks that you have worn all day and then put those feet on me! Those skank feet on my lucious velour are appalling! All the Febreeze in the world can not make up for the funk in those shoes! PLEASE just put some odor eater powder on and then some socks!

         With this I must leave! As I said do not try to contact me!

B.O. Lounger


Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Tell us about it.

I have and this is a very personal story to me. I was betrayed by my own siblings after my mom passed away. My one sibling felt that I had stolen from my mother while I was staying with her during the last months of her illness. I assure you I did nothing of the sort! However, this sibling got in my face several weeks after the funeral SCREAMING that I had better make all this up to my mother in the next life because I (expletive) her over in this one! Then, while standing roughly one foot away from me, with his finger in my face, told me I was dead to him! Yes, less than a month after burying my mother my brother was now disowning me.

Now, you would think that this was the betrayal, but alas, it gets worse. I found out later that another family member told him where a "book" was in the house. This book supposedly told of money that I had "borrowed" over the years from my mother. I do not deny that money was borrowed, but my mother had told me this was all taken care of and I should forget it. The betrayal part of this occurred when my one sibling told me I should take the book and destroy it. This is the same sibling who told my brother where the book was.

Can you imagine what would have happened if I had taken the book and my brother had looked for it? He probably would have had me arrested for something! I still speak to the other sibling. That person does not know I know about the betrayal! What a mess! I hope no one has to go through this because of their family's stupidity!


Chances are-

*we will get a foot and a half of snow on Wednesday

*that snow will melt by the weekend

*Wegmans will be very busy tonight!

*I will get snowed in on Wednesday

*Tony Stewart will rebound at Bristol this Sunday

*I am going to start a novel this week!

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