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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1967937
Here you will find my daily journal of small stones and inspiration!
I hope you will take the time to enjoy my blog!

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January 27, 2014 at 8:44pm
January 27, 2014 at 8:44pm
Today, I am going to expose you all to a cause near and dear to my heart. The American Cancer Society and the Cancer Relay for Life. I have lost family and friends to this awful disease. I have friends and family who are in the fight of their life as I am typing this. Unfortunately, there are friends and family at this very moment who do not even realize they are in the fight. Please, take a moment and consider donating to the American Cancer Society or maybe even join a Relay in your town. I am a committee chairperson for my town's relay and it is so fulfilling knowing that the work we all do is changing people's lives and adding birthdays across the country and the world. If you are on Facebook please consider checking out the following link. I have "purpled" my profile please "purple" yours!


My post on Wednesday will have to do with this same subject, please come back and check it out!
January 25, 2014 at 10:55pm
January 25, 2014 at 10:55pm
Why do people think you want to hear their music? I want peace and quiet, not any noise at all. However, someone likes to play music loudly. This person seems to think it is ok and tells me to turn on the TV to drown out the music. Now, I have TV noise and I can still hear the music! Come on, I am trying to write in here!
January 24, 2014 at 6:14pm
January 24, 2014 at 6:14pm
I have been named as a captain for
~ The Poet's Place Cafe~  (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave
. If anyone reading my little blog is a poet you ought to stop by and check it out. We have a "Poetry Professor" who gives us inspiration and new poetry forms each week, we run contests, and most importantly we constructively review our fellow poets! The page also has a listing of the different poetry contests that are running on WDC. If you know of a contest, even if it is short stories and poetry please email it to me or just put it on my blog!

I have been sick for the last two days! STOMACH BUG! Yuck! It has really affected my writing. I had a great idea for my entry in the 30 days Image Prompt. I destroyed it when I wrote it! UGH! I think I will try to rewrite it as a short story when I am better! It was a great idea!
January 21, 2014 at 10:39am
January 21, 2014 at 10:39am
National Hugging Day *Heart*
Prompt: When you are introduced to be people do you hug, shake hands, nod your head or just verbally acknowledge the other person?
What's your style? Does it make a difference who the introduction is too?

I think I nod my head and verbally acknowledge the other person. It really depends on who the introduction is to. If i am meeting a co-worker for the first time it is a handshake. If it is a relative I have never met before then a handshake but if it is a cousin's boyfriend or whatever then it is a welcome to the family hug! But I a NOT a hugger! I am a keep-my-personal-space at 2 ft thank you person.

On another note we have another Arctic blast in Western NY. At least it is not the blizzard conditions at least!
January 19, 2014 at 11:10pm
January 19, 2014 at 11:10pm
January 18, 2014 at 9:36pm
January 18, 2014 at 9:36pm
BCOF Prompt: Tonight on the news another shooting incident at a Philadelphia School. Two students were hospitalized.
Prompt: Why do you think children are taking guns to school? What is escalating this violence? What do you think as a society as a whole we can do to stop this? Will gun control really make a difference? This is a very controversial issue in our country.

Honestly, I don't know! Isn't that a terrible way to begin a blog?
Why do I think kids are taking guns to school? I don't know
What is escalating this violence? I don't know
What do you think as a society as a whole we can do to stop this? I don't know
Will gun control really make a difference? I DON'T KNOW

I had all intentions of researching this subject and knowing all the ins and outs of gun control and the Second Amendment, but life got in the way and the only answer I have is "I don't know!"

We can try to control bullies at school, because SOMETIMES they are the ones with the guns. But, bullies have been around since time began and they will find a place to bully if it isn't at the schoolyard. But, maybe a few lives will be changed and a few lives will be saved.
I don't know!

What is the root cause of all this violence? Should we limit the way kids play, no longer allowing them to play with guns? I am 40+ years old and we played with guns. We watched Bonanza and Gunsmoke and when we didn't have a toy gun to play with we improvised. I can remember taking clothespins and rigging them up to resemble a gun. But, if we limit the violence the kids are exposed to it may save a few lives!
I don't know!

We, as a society can try to control guns and the only people who will have a tough time getting their hands on guns will be the law-abiding citizens because criminals will find a way to have possession of what they want and need. Or gun control may save lives.
I don't know!
January 17, 2014 at 9:15pm
January 17, 2014 at 9:15pm
What city would be the coolest to visit?

I want to go back to Gettysburg, PA. I am a huge Civil War buff and Gettysburg is the closest battlefield to my home town and is also the site of one of the bloodiest and most influential battles of the war. I will not go into specifics about the battle but if you are interested this is one of the best movies about the three day battle, known as Gettysburg.


There are plenty of things to do in the area, most (if not all) pertain to the battle. Here are a few of my favorites from when I went in 2003.




I also enjoy ghost-hunting and encountered a few in the town and on the battlefield. At one point I was walking with a tape recorder just recording any sounds around me and at a point in the tape all ambient noise stops and the only thing you can hear is marching soldiers and you can hear their tin cups hitting against their haversacks. During a tour of the battlefield my mother and I stopped to take pictures of some re-inactors at a campsite. There were at least ten of them in the pictures we took. When we got the pictures developed there was NO ONE in the scenes, not any. I could see if some had maybe gone behind a tree or something but all of them.... Creepy!


On an unrelated note I finished my poem
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#1972103 by Not Available.

January 14, 2014 at 4:38pm
January 14, 2014 at 4:38pm
Okay, I have this great idea in my head for a poem to enter in
Stormy's poetry newsletter & contest  (ASR)
poetry newsletter gift point contest
#310188 by Stormy Lady
. I have been running it through my head about 5x each day. I then sit down with my pen and Composition notebook (yeah, old school again) and the pen moves the paper gets filled with lines that rhyme, I reread them and they are CRAP! It would not appear to me as Writer's block, because I have ideas and Ithink pretty good ones, it just seems they are stuck in my head!

I have tried to do other poems, and they work out ok, I have been reviewing works so that I get fresh ideas, but this one piece is driving me nuts! Not that it isn't a short trip! LOL.

When I FINALLY finish it I will post it on my blog.... don't hold your breath though!

January 13, 2014 at 8:29pm
January 13, 2014 at 8:29pm
Hmmmm... Learning styles....

I hate to admit it but I learn best at a desk listening to an instructor while I am taking notes. After the lecture I would then reread my note and rewrite them neater and clearer than when I am in the class!

Old school I know! *Blush*

Even when I am learning new poem forms on this site I have to write them out on a sheet of paper and file them away in a binder. I guess I have trouble learning if I don;t get to write out the instructions myself.

This can lead to trouble in the workplace, though. I have a team of five associates who work for me. None of whom learn the same way i do or like each other. I have learned to let each person dictate their own style. Otherwise, nothing would be accomplished. The one girl who works for me is visual, I need to literally show her the steps to follow. No amount of writing directions would be as good as letting her follow along. Another of my associates tends to be like me and need to have everything written out for her, but then she wants to see how the job is done and adds ger own notes to mine.

I would say that it is extremely important to know what your style of learning is but it is almost as important to know how others learn and adapt to that. If only teachers were able to take that kind of time to teach the students. If Sally is visual and Bobby is hands on wouldn't it be nice to be able to teach each in their own way?

January 12, 2014 at 11:41am
January 12, 2014 at 11:41am
Silent attack
muscles tense
scared little dog!

My puppy dog (he is actually 8 years old, but a puppy in my eyes) suffers from seizures. He started having them withing the first year of us having him; he was less than one year old. We, the veterinarians and I believe they were originally triggered by a high fever Toby had acquired when he was 4 months old. The fever was so high, we took him to the emergency vet's office where they gave him subcutaneous fluids to bring his body temperature down.

He is on zonisimide now to try to control the episodes. There had been about a year with no seizures, then in October he suffered one and then again last night. The poor little guy, the medicine keeps the seizures from being "too deep" but that leads to a frightened little dog. Of course, it also leads to a very frightened Mommy and Daddy! His seizure last night "only" lasted two minutes from onset to him being alert and needing to go outside. This morning you would never know he had an episode last night!

I am just so glad that we adoopted Toby, who knows if everyone would have been willing to keep him because of the expense of the prescription. He is the best little guy....EVER!

January 11, 2014 at 11:40am
January 11, 2014 at 11:40am

I don't know why but this is how I feel today! Happy! If I didn't have to work I would stay home all day and search for reruns of Kroft SuperStars shows... yeah I know I am aging myself. But please these were the BEST shows when I was a kid!

This was my FAVORITE one...

January 8, 2014 at 7:39pm
January 8, 2014 at 7:39pm
Patience is a virtue
Possess it if you can
Seldom found in woman
Never Found in man.

I can not find who penned this but I know my mother repeated it often to me. Now, I will let you know that just because my mother said it does not make it true. *ducks lightning bolts*

I don't have much patience, neither did my father so I will claim it is genetics that causes my lack of this "virtue". This is probably not entirely true. I have a lack of patience because I am a high-spirited, high octane, low attention-span type of person. I prefer to have everything happen NOW! As in right now, no waiting, no "good things come to those who wait" nonsense. I want everything, now!

What does that mean for those around me? Craziness! It means that everyone around me is subject to my ranting and raving when I need to wait for something. Can I control this? Maybe. Do I want to? Maybe not. It is part of my personality, whether good or bad my lack of patience is me. I could change but then I would be changing who I am. I don't want to do that, nor do I honestly think I could.

There are some people who have the "patience of a saint", my mother for example. These people, by way of their calm, less hyperactive personalities can wait for things to happen. Not me. I think you can learn patience, but for some it just can't work. I think people are inherently patient or not. God bless the two furthest edges of the spectrum!

January 7, 2014 at 7:05pm
January 7, 2014 at 7:05pm
Hello, form the frozen tundra known as Western New York! You know it is cold when they cancel a hockey game!

I certainly hope everyone is home and safe in this weather. It isn't funny when pipes are bursting and power is lost! May you all be safe and warm and cozy. With a cup of hot chocolate and a good book!

When I curl up with a good book of poetry it will definitely contain Robert Frost! There is something timeless about his bucolic writings. No one makes stopping by a woods more comforting and welcoming than Frost. I also enjoy reading anthologies of Renaissance era poems. Poets I do not enjoy are Poe and Chausser.

I also find myself reading fellow poets, right here on WDC. Some of them include; 🌕 HuntersMoon Marci Missing Everyone Dave . Please feel free to venture into
~ The Poet's Place Cafe~  (E)
A place for discussion on poetry, reviews, contests, etc.
#1937709 by Dave
to share your poetry!

Please stay warm, check on older relatives and neighbors, and keep your pets warm with water available!

January 6, 2014 at 7:56pm
January 6, 2014 at 7:56pm
Well, 2014 had a rough beginning but it has mellowed a bit, for now. I have discovered that sometimes you need to meet a force with an equal and opposite force to remain on your feet. That being said, sometimes that force is meet with an even worse push!

It is getting cold again in Western New York, we have a State of Emergency in several counties including my own. The wicked winter winds are howling! The winds are so gusty that even with the windows securely shut you can see the curtains blowing during a gust. I have been drinking many cups of tea tonight. I began with Earl Grey and moved on to Celestial Seasoning's Gingerbread Holiday Tea. I know where there are a couple cans of clam chowder calling my name as well!

I am thankful we still have power! There are blizzard warnings to the west of us, but that is approaching Lake Erie. That area usually gets the brunt of the heavy winter weather.

The prompt for the day in The Blogging Circle of Friends pertained to whether Is it harmful to see the good in everybody? Why? Why not?

I find it healthy to TRY to see the good in everybody BUT not to just see the good in everybody! Just seeing the good leads to being taken advantage of and used. If you never see the bad you will never see how manipulative people can be. I am not saying that everyone is manipulative. I say you need to see people for who they are. Either they are mainly good or mainly bad and then react to them as need be. If a truly evil person can show a little good then bully for them. Just don't see them as all good, take everything they do with a grain of salt. Look beyond the good to the motivation! This is the only way to avoid a confrontation later.
January 5, 2014 at 11:36am
January 5, 2014 at 11:36am
I don't know why I am so darn tired. I have been taking vitamins and sleeping for at least eight hours a night. I still wake up exhausted. I really hope I am not coming down with something; can't afford to miss work by being sick.

I think it might be this terrible cold weather we have been having. It was warmer yesterday, a whopping 38 degree high! I guess on Tuesday it is going to be in the single digits again! I hate it when it is January and I am wishing for Spring already. I think I will check out some websites for seed catalogs and plan out my garden. It can't hurt, Spring is on it's way... it just may take longer to get here this year!

Without the Winter cold, Spring would not be so anticipated!

Happy Spring thoughts to everyone!
January 4, 2014 at 1:23pm
January 4, 2014 at 1:23pm
I really did not know which of my not-so-secret passions I was going to write about. That was until I was checking on one of the webcams I have book-marked on my computer. Now, before any of you think bad things- I have book-marked various webcams from zoos around the US.

What I want to discuss here is my passion for little black and white bears! Pandas, of course! Many people assume that my pen name is for the ice cream PandaPaws... wrong! My pen name stems from my love of these cute bundles of joy! I think pandas are just about the cutest animals on the planet.

I have always had a passion for these bears. I was thrilled to see the baby panda at the National Zoo when my husband and I went to DC for our honeymoon in 2008. He has since been sent back to China for breeding purposes. Mr Wu, Xiao Liwu, lives at the San Diego Zoo and he has his own webcam so people across the world can watch his antics! I have been watching him for about a year at http://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/cams/panda-cam.

There was a pair of panda cubs born at the Atlanta Zoo this year. They call the cubs twins but they are really litter mates, not officially twins. At first the twins were thought to be boys but after doing some genetic testing it was discovered they are girls! Pandas do not express their genitalia until they are about 3 years old! They have a webcam at http://www.zooatlanta.org/1212/panda_cam.

The Smithsonian National Zoo also had a new arrival this year; pretty little princess, BaoBao. Her webcam is http://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/webcams/giant-panda.cfm. Each day, at least once and sometimes up to three times a day I check on my little babies! It is so much fun watching the little cubbies grow.

One thing I learned about these adorable bears is that they are actually carnivores! Yup, they not only eat bamboo but they also eat small mammals! Maybe they are not as cuddly as they appear!

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#1949138 by Not Available.
January 3, 2014 at 11:20pm
January 3, 2014 at 11:20pm
I struggle with letting things go. There are people from high school who I still hold grudges against because of the way they treated me back then. When I attended my 20th reunion I ran into one girl who ran up to hug me and all I could remember was how badly she had treated me 20 years ago! now, who has the problem? That would be me. I never should have harbored bad feelings for 20 years for something that was said by immature high schoolers.

That being said I hate bullies! But, in time my wounds should have healed. By not letting go of the anger and the hurt I allowed that hurt to fester and become more hurt. I let that hurt become a wall around myself where I sheltered myself against more hurt. Or so I thought. But I was allowing myself to wallow in my self pity.

I need to think of bad moments as balloons, that I should just let go of and allow to float away. They can only hurt while they are still in sight but after they float too high they burst and all the pain they cause escapes!

Yep! I need to think of these hurtful moments as balloons!
January 3, 2014 at 8:50pm
January 3, 2014 at 8:50pm
Frozen frost
Spun on windows.

Holy freaking frozen tundra Batman! It is so cold here in Western NY that if you breathe through your nose you, quite literally freeze the inside of your nostrils! It is a whole 1 degree at the house right now and it is 61 degrees inside. However, I am quite toasty in my sweats and gloves... no lie I am typing with gloves on. I have also opened a bottle of Yellow Tail moscato . Warm on the outside and the inside!

I hope everyone else is staying warm and toasty!
January 2, 2014 at 10:26pm
January 2, 2014 at 10:26pm
Honestly, my high for 2013 was having a friend post about Writing.com on Facebook. I followed the post to the website and immediately became a free member. I then began my novella. Which, since March of last has gone NOWHERE! However, I have discovered a am a poet and according to some of you a rather talented one. I know I should blush after that statement but I am not going to. I have written several poems, won some awards and later this month I am sending one poem to magazines to have it (hopefully) published! If it is published that will be a highlight for 2014!

My low for 2013 is extremely personal. I am not willing to speak about it on the internet .Suffice to say it was terrible, it affected many people and it was not caused by me but by someone I love.

Here's to 2014!
January 1, 2014 at 7:20pm
January 1, 2014 at 7:20pm
There are some days that you plan and plan so that they turn out ok, and then blam! Someone or a group of someones throws not just a curve ball but every curve ball they have at it.

I had such high hopes for 2014 and they have all been dashed... the whole 365 days of the years have been dashed. Now, instead of having fun for the year I have to rethink every decision and replan every plan!

Happy New Year my ass!

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