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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #1950649
My Personal Blog.
This is a blog about the book I am currently writing, CHERRY’S WINGS. This book is a follow up to my published book, CHERRY’S ARMY. My’ blog will also deal with other things that I am doing now.
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September 18, 2019 at 9:51pm
September 18, 2019 at 9:51pm
I just found out my book has been published! It is available on iuniverse and will soon be added to Amazon and Barnes and Noble! *Ha*

Cherokee Rose--Paper Doll Gang Alumni

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Cherokee Rose of the Paper Doll Gang

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September 17, 2019 at 4:25pm
September 17, 2019 at 4:25pm
Quite a few things have happened since I let my membership expire. One major thing is that I wrote a book and iuniverse is publishing it. It will be released in October. The title is CHERRY’S ARMY. I hope you will purchase it and read it. It is a powerful account of my abusive childhood and my recovery. I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, (DID), formerly called Multiple Personality Disorder. (MPD) my book is written in verse, as well as having some pages in regular writing.

I am planning on blogging about my current life experiences on a regular basis. Here is the first entry for my blog.

Many people wonder why I chose to put my journal verses in book form. The reason is simple. I had all these verses scattered through several notebooks. I didn’t want to lose my verses, nor did I want to keep all the notebooks. They were taking up too much room and I couldn’t locate any specific verse if I wanted to reread it for some reason.

I decided to gather all my verses into one place, so took out my notebooks and started to copy them onto a word document. I was amazed at how many verses I had actually written. This was a very time consuming job and I almost gave up several times. I am a determined person however, so I would always resume the project at a later time. It took me several years to compile my verses in one place. I misplaced many of my poems due to the fact that I am a very disorganized person. As a result some of them are missing.

My psychologist, Dr. Alan Franks, had asked me many times to share my verses with other abuse victims, as he felt they could be helpful in their recovery also. I wasn’t interested at the time. I was much too busy trying to survive the memories as they were recovered. After a few years had passed and I was functioning more normally, I started thinking about what Dr. Franks had encouraged me to do. It kept bothering me that I was keeping them to myself when I should have been using them to help others. That thought kept circling around in my head until I felt compelled to do something about it. I felt that if I didn’t, I would never have any peace. The experiences didn’t just belong to me, they belonged to all the others inside and they wanted me to share them.

I decided to write about the verses, explaining what was happening that caused me to write that particular verse. I figured that if I was going to write about my past abuse I needed to introduce my story by writing about my family life. I wrote about my birth family and about what I had experienced at their hands. I also wrote about my current family and what they were experiencing as I recovered. It seemed that the more verses I wrote, the more explanation was needed.

June 24, 2015 at 1:00pm
June 24, 2015 at 1:00pm
I meant to blog yesterday, but things got way out of hand. My daughter was almost to Beaverton, OR for Jaidyn's appointment with the DR. who was going to evalute him for autism. They forgot to request approval from the insurance company so is now rescheduled for July 6th. My daughter was very upset to say the least. She decided to go to a playground so he could do something fun. He was running around having fun when some other kids decided to make fun of him. he hid in a tunnel in the playground and my daughter had to pull him out. He was so upset he had a number of meltdowns. During one of the meltdowns he managed to get dog poop in his hair. My daughter was livid. It was the first time Jaidyn had been bullied, but I know it won't be the last last. I hate this. Bullying is so wrong and feel so helpless. What right does anyone have to be mean to a 4 year old? Why don't their parents educate them to be kind?

As if that wasn't enough I had to have a tooth extracted from my mouth. It was my bottom tooth, the last one on the right. They had to dig it out because there wasn't enough molar left to pull out. The crown had fallen off and took some tooth with it. I was miserable. I had chocolate milk and ice-cream for dinner. It didn't make up for the pain I was in, but it did help temporarily. Sorry this blog is so long, but I could have ranted on for hours.
June 22, 2015 at 7:19pm
June 22, 2015 at 7:19pm
I haven't been blogging for a long time. I need to document what is going on with my little lamb, Jaidyn.

Jaidyn turned 4 in February. I don't know what I last blogged about him so I will start from where we are now. Jaidyn is currently diagnosed with:

1. Developmental coordination disorder

2. Receptive/expressive language disorder

3. Speech disorder


5. Sensory processing disorder

All these disorders are lumped into the diagnosis,

Global Processing Disorder

He is currently being evaluated for Autism. The final part of the evaluation is tomorrow. When my daughter, Kerri,and her husband, Nathan, met the psychologist two weeks ago he gave them an application for social security for him, and an application for respite care, so they can get an occasional break from parenting him. I will let you know what the diagnosis is tomorrow.
October 2, 2014 at 1:31pm
October 2, 2014 at 1:31pm

I wish to apologize for my swift disappearance from writing.com. I didn’t expect to be gone so long. I thought I would only be gone, maybe two weeks at the most. I had a nervous breakdown because of all the things affecting my family. Here is a partial list of the issues we are faced with:

My 12-year-old granddaughter was unable to deal with her cousin's suicide and ended up in the psychiatric ward of the children's hospital. She is now my second little lamb. My youngest daughter, the mother of my little lamb, became pregnant and had severe morning sickness. She ended up in the hospital a number of times because of dehydration. She and my new grandson are both at home now and are doing fine.

I tried to return to writing.com sooner, but whenever I would attempt to return, I would get a mental block due to my anxiety disorder. I will be unable to work extensively with my Little Lamb's group for a while, but do intend to add to it as my recovery allows. I am hoping to get on here on a regular basis, but time will tell. I will enlarge on my family’s issues as I am able to. Thank you for your understanding.

Write on!

October 13, 2013 at 11:01pm
October 13, 2013 at 11:01pm
Receptive Language Disorder

Part 1

A child with receptive language disorder doesn’t understand what others are telling him. This disorder is also called central auditory processing disorder or comprehension deficit. Usually these children are also diagnosed with expressive language disorder. Not only can they not understand what is being said to them, they can’t use spoken language.

Approximately three to five percent of all children have a receptive or expressive language disorder. Most of them, according to experts, have both. My grandson is one of them. Central auditory processing disorder and comprehension deficit are other names sometimes used for receptive language disorders.

Speech–language therapy is one treatment option. My Jaidyn has been receiving speech—language therapy since he turned one.

Symptoms of receptive language disorder vary from child to child the, but some are:

• They ignore you when you talk to them. Since they can’t understand language, they don’t have any idea that you are speaking to them. My grandson babbles constantly, and he no doubt thinks we’re just babbling too.

• Many aren’t interested when we read to them. My grandson does like being read to and enjoys looking at the pictures as we point to them. “Look, there’s the white duck. He says ‘quack, quack.’ Jaidyn mimics us by putting his finger on the duck, but he doesn't say anything

• These children don’t understand sentences that are long and complex. Sometimes I don’t understand them either. *Wink*

• A child with receptive language disorder doesn’t respond to verbal instructions. Even though they can hear the instruction, they don’t know what we said or what we want them to do.

Some children echo words or phrases. This is called echolalia. My grandson doesn’t echo. He didn’t say “bye” in response to our “bye” until he was just over two. Now, sometimes he says it and sometimes he doesn’t.

To be Continued.

Cherokee Rose--Paper Doll Gang Alumni

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Cherokee Rose of the Paper Doll Gang

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September 18, 2013 at 10:37pm
September 18, 2013 at 10:37pm
Hello people. I have been working out in the garden today, trying to get it ready for fall and winter. I need to find more time for writing, but we are going to have rainy and cold weather soon and need to get things ready as quickly as possible. I am the founder of the Little Lambs Support Group. Come on in and check it out. *BigSmile*

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Cherokee Rose--Paper Doll Gang Alumni

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Cherokee Rose of the Paper Doll Gang

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September 15, 2013 at 12:36am
September 15, 2013 at 12:36am
I had a wonderful time with my little lamb and his parents. We had Kerri, Nathan, and Jaidyn over for dinner, along with our married son, Jamin, and his wife Angie. Jamin got on the floor with Jaidyn and flopped down on the floor, on his stomach, beside him. Jaidyn copied his uncle by flopping down on his stomach. Jamin did a push-up. Jaidyn copied as well as he could. Jamin kept changing his position and Jaidyn kept copying for quite a while. Everybody was laughing really hard watching the two of them, and they were both laughing too. It was awesome!

Cherokee Rose--Paper Doll Gang Alumni

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Cherokee Rose of the Paper Doll Gang

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September 14, 2013 at 12:42am
September 14, 2013 at 12:42am
I'm too tired to update my blog.
September 10, 2013 at 1:50pm
September 10, 2013 at 1:50pm
Well, I've edited my brag barn by adding more images and rearranging the ones that were already there. I'm continually researching my grandson's medical diagnosis and now know a little more about receptive/expressive language disorder. I am posting more information in my Little Lambs Message Central, and my Baa Baa Blog and Brag Barn. Everyone is welcome to visit and/or join my forum. I also have a Little Lamb Information page you might want to peruse.
September 7, 2013 at 9:47pm
September 7, 2013 at 9:47pm
Well, I think I have the Little Lamb Support Group looking pretty good. Why don't you go have a look?

                    ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** "Hope For Autism Group Home Page

If you have a special needs child somewhere in your life, we would love to have you join us. It is our mission to offer loving support to all caregivers, family members, even educators of our special little lambs.
September 2, 2013 at 9:31pm
September 2, 2013 at 9:31pm
Monday, September 9, 2023,

This is one of those days where every thing is calling for my attention. I didn't get much accomplished, but tomorrow is a new day. Eventually this community will be built!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013,

Another day filled with appointments. I'm not sure if I will have time to do any site work. Later: I did get a little bit done and edited Message Central and Baa Baa Blog and Brag Barn. Still lots to do on these two items. *Smile*

Wednesday, September 4, 2013,

I've been working on message central and the blog and brag page, but accidentally deleted a couple sentences and an image from message central. I am still trying to fix the page. I will blog more tomorrow. *Smile*

Thursday, September 5, 2013

It's all coming together and I feel like I accomplished a lot of editing today. Hopefully I will get a lot more done tomorrow.
November 25, 2019 at 1:49pm
November 25, 2019 at 1:49pm
I am researching robins and will post my article as soon as possible.
November 25, 2019 at 1:43pm
November 25, 2019 at 1:43pm
I am currently working on a research article about robins. I am also battling depression, so please be patient. I’ll try to finish the information article soon.

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