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Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally efforts for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge in July... now just a blog
The 30 Day Blogging Challenge ..... lets see how far I get... Pretty far it seems!

Winner (1st place) for the July 2013 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Second place for the September 2014 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
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February 2, 2015 at 4:19am
February 2, 2015 at 4:19am
Soundtrack to My Life - track one

Well, it is just about to turn 9am and Iā€™ve been up since 5am. I woke up and just could not get back to sleep. So, I decided to get up and fire out loads of emails. I figured, if I could get all my important things done, I would have a chance to try and rest my whirlwind head for the rest of the day. Or, at least, get my teeth stuck into somethings I actually want to do. Hopefully it will work.

Todayā€™s track is the first CD I ever owned, personally. Given where we lived at the time, Iā€™m guessing I must have been about nine years old. I thought the song was funny so I played it over and over - much to my brothersā€™ destress!
However, about a year later, I realised that it wasnā€™t cool to own such a ridiculous CD. If any of my friends ever spotted it, I would by plagued by it forever. I think it was a Christmas present, so I didnā€™t want to just throw it out - thatā€™d have been harsh.
Instead, I tried my hardest to scratch it so badly that it would have to go. But, Iā€™m telling you, this CD was indestructible. Whatever I did, it still played - really well. I dragged it along concrete, chucked it at walls, covered it in gravelā€¦ you name it! It still played! *Cd*

In the end, my brother said, ā€œthis is ridiculous,ā€ and jumped on it until it snapped. Haha that did it. *Laugh*

Oh to be young againā€¦ if the only thing to worry about is getting rid of an embarrassing CD, youā€™ve got a good thing going on. Huh? *Laugh*


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January 31, 2015 at 7:16pm
January 31, 2015 at 7:16pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day thirty-one
Prompt: Rework your previous blog entry into a (minimum) twelve line poem in any form.

Well, 31 days have past. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve been ā€œintoā€ this monthā€™s challenge as I may have been on previous occasions. However, I made it to the end and I gave it my best shot. That, my friends, is all I can ask for. From tomorrow, my blog posts will be based around music once more. Hopefully you will continue to read my babbling nonsense!

Interrupt me
Ignore me
Pat me on the head
thatā€™s just dandy
I laugh at you
You think youā€™re big
You think youā€™re clever
You think youā€™re posh
You might be vain
but be warned
Youā€™re not blind
so watch ā€˜em eyes!

Obviously youā€™ll need to read two of my previous posts to ā€œgetā€ this ("Invalid Entry and "Invalid Entry)
January 31, 2015 at 5:38pm
January 31, 2015 at 5:38pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day thirty
Prompt: Voltaire once said, ā€œI have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous. And God granted it.". Has someone ever upset you to the point that it was actually funny?

I usually laugh off anger, anyway. So, this prompt is no big deal for me. There are only a few occasions I can think of where Iā€™ve been angry and not found it funny after a while. Most of these include the blind guy I spoke about the other day! *Laugh*

Yesterday I had a local Member of Parliament join me for part of my school visit. I knew he was a Conservative as soon as he walked in - he could not have been any posher if he tried. This, in itself, was funny because before he turned up the kids were saying things like, ā€œI bet heā€™s so posh he lifts his little finger up when he drinksā€. *Facepalm* *Laugh*

The kids were clearly laughing when he basically took over my session. A representative from my company was there, too. So, I needed to make a good impressionā€¦ tricky when Iā€™ve been completely interrupted by a Mr Burns look-a-like. I was giving stern looks to the kids, while trying not to laugh myself. They made me look good though by telling him all about our key messages, even though we'd not got to them yet! Boom... cheers kids.

I've met quite a few MPs in my time... NONE of them have been as vain as this one... 20 minutes on photos? geeez, it's ok I'm not trying to work or anything! He got the representative to take about 1000 photosā€¦ I felt better when she looked at me and rolled her eyes. I realised I wasnā€™t the only one who thought the guy was a dick! *Laugh*

I figured he would leave after the photos but NO! He sat down RIGHT where Iā€™d been delivering from, in front of the projector - helpful! Anyway, I played a game with the kids then settled down to do some chatting about our key messages. I was talking and asking about communication, listening, body language etc.
While one of the kids was answering a question, I looked over at the MP and saw he was looking down at his camera! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Soooā€¦ tee heeā€¦ given that it was on topic, I asked the following question:
ā€œwhat would you think if you were talking to me and I was sat here texting?ā€ hahahaha *Laugh*
Kids: ā€œthat you didnā€™t care or didnā€™t want to be here!ā€ Boom! Thanks kids! *Bigsmile*

When he left every single person (even the teacher) put their head on the desk and sighed loudly. *Laugh*

On my way home, I randomly decided to go and join my (small) local library. Iā€™m not sure why but I donā€™t know why I do lots of things. The librarian was filling out my membership form on her PC and asked for my email address. I started by saying ā€œFranā€ ā€¦ blank stareā€¦ ā€œF R A Nā€ā€¦ blank stareā€¦ ā€œF R -ā€œ ā€¦ ā€œoh Iā€™ll forget that bit, I donā€™t know what youā€™re sayingā€¦ā€ Riiiiigghht, nice librarian! *Laugh*

I got a few books, picked up some dinner, went back to the car and heaved my wheelchair into my boot. I was just about to close the boot when a woman, with her kid, wandered past to the car next to mine. She pleasantly asked if I needed a hand - I pleasantly said no thanks and closed my boot. Then my ears bled when I heard: ā€œooh arenā€™t you clever, shutting the boot by yourself!ā€ *Facepalm*
I froze. After my day I just wanted to punch her - especially when she continued by telling her kid how clever I was! But instead I just hopped in the drivers seat, after which I found she could no longer look me in the eyes and drove off very quickly. How embarrassing for her!! *Laugh* *Laugh* *Laugh*
January 29, 2015 at 5:23pm
January 29, 2015 at 5:23pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - day twenty-nine
Prompt: Is there ever justification for revenge? Has vengeance ever paid off for you personally?

Okay, so, revengeā€¦

Iā€™m pretty good when it comes to forgiveness and I donā€™t tend to hold grudges. Sure, there are a few people whoā€™s eyes I would like to poke out. But is it really worth it?

For example, there is one guy in particular that I feel deserves a good olā€™ severe eye poking. But heā€™s blind anywayā€¦ my efforts would be fruitless.


Surely, that is the best answer youā€™ll ever get for this prompt. Even better because it is completely fucking true! *Laugh*

Ahh Iā€™m still behind with my comments on other blogs. But looking out the window, I might get an unexpected day off due to snow tomorrow - if so, Iā€™ll do it then. I canā€™t really afford for a day of work to be cancelled. However, on the other hand, Iā€™m not feeling too well so it may not be a bad thing. Hmm weā€™ll see.
January 28, 2015 at 5:39pm
January 28, 2015 at 5:39pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - day twenty-eight
Prompt: Name a totally useless possession and tell us how you came to acquire it.

When I first saw this prompt this morning, I started looking round the house (as I went) trying to work out what I had that was useless. Turns out I own a lot of crap and really must have a clear out soon.
I did find something to talk about. But then, a few hours ago, something came to my attention that made me change my answer. Iā€™m not sure if it counts as a possession, per se. But Iā€™m going with it anyway.

Okayā€¦ here goesā€¦

My fatherā€¦

Utterly useless to me!

Iā€™ve definitely spoken about him before in this here blog. However, if youā€™d like a bit more context, check out: "Invalid Item for a cheesy poem about his uselessness

So, heā€™s a 63(?) year old guy with very little care for anything other than his own little world (i.e. himself). He has three biological kids (me and my two brothers), aged 30, 38 and 40 this year. He also adopted his second wifeā€™s son (aged 28?)ā€¦
He got married for a third time last March. His new wife definitely looks a good five (or more) years younger than I am. Soooā€¦ sheā€™s 25 or less. I thought about sharing a photo with you but itā€™s not really fair. Also, it might put you off your next five meals! Just saying *Sick*

I am going somewhere with all these ages by the way.

Anyway, I got news this afternoonā€¦

*deep breath*

My Father is having a baby!

I cannot believe I just typed that and it not be a joke! *Laugh*

Heā€™s a shit dad! He doesnā€™t like kids. Mind you, he doesnā€™t like pets either and it seems they have a ton of those. But, seriously, he doesnā€™t care about the kids he has and heā€™s 63. Why in blue hell is he having another one?

More to the point, my already tiny chance of any inheritance just flew out the window and landed in a skip! Thus, useless! *Laugh*

How did I acquire him? Wellā€¦

How a baby is started

Sperm are the male 'seeds' that contribute to starting a new life - living sperm look a lot like tadpoles (under a microscope).
When sperm are ejaculated (say ee-jak-u-lay-ted) from the penis during sexual intercourse, they swim up the vagina (vaj-eye-na), through the cervix (sir-vix), into the uterus (you-ter-us) and then into the fallopian (fal-o-pe-an) tubes of the female. These sperm are looking for an ovum (or egg) to fertilise.
When a female is born she carries thousands of ova or eggs ready to use when she becomes adult. These are the female 'seeds' that, along with sperm, contribute to creating a new life.
Once a month, the female releases an ovum (one egg) .
If an ovum has been released, a sperm can unite with it, fertilise it and make the first cell of a new baby.
Once one sperm has fertilised the ovum, no other sperm can get in.
For the sperm it's like a race and there is only one winner. *Trophyg*

What happens next

This fertilised ovum immediately divides into two cells, these cells then divide again and again over the next couple of days as the cluster of cells makes its way to the uterus (womb). Here it is planted in the lining of the uterus and continues dividing its cells to make billions of new cells. The female is now pregnant *Clapper*

*Laugh* *Facepalm*
January 28, 2015 at 6:50am
January 28, 2015 at 6:50am
Right... My tiny brain is awash with all the things I need to do and I can't seem to order anything, which means I'm just sat here staring into space doing nothing.
Sooo... This is what I need to do (a mix of real life & WDC stuff)

*Boxcheck* Email a teacher to point out that 24th March is a Tuesday NOT a Wednesday and to tell her to STOP changing my booking with the school
*Boxcheck* Email new schools on my booking list and pray they book in soon
*Boxcheck* Email a CEO of a charity to book a meeting with her
*Boxcheck* Confirm next week's visits
*Boxcheck* Order an online food shop - we have no food
*Boxcheck* Go to physio to try and sort out my bloody foot
*Box* Send an expenses invoice in
*Boxcheck* Work out how I'm going to deliver my messages to 6th formers with SLD using just games TOMORROW *Facepalm*

*Box* Start working on the Circle Journals I've just received
*Box* Start replying to the ton of Snail Mail I have
*Box* Renew my premium membership (using expenses money cuz I is poor innit)
*Boxcheck* Work out who I owe MBs to and when to send them
*Box* Update "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge with new MB info
*Box* Update "Merit Badge Projects with new MB info
*Box* Tell people how they can earn my new MBs
*Box* Do *something* for "Invalid Item *Facepalm*
*Box* Do *something* for "WDC Addicts Anonymous *Facepalm*
*Box* Write blog posts
*Box* Enter a contest or something
*Boxcheck* Write my Dear Me letter - I've left this to nearly too late
*Box* Comment on "30-day" blog posts
*Box* Reply to comments on my blog posts
*Box* Reply to reviews

Ugh that'll do!

January 28, 2015 at 6:50am
January 28, 2015 at 6:50am
Right... My tiny brain is awash with all the things I need to do and I can't seem to order anything, which means I'm just sat here staring into space doing nothing.
Sooo... This is what I need to do (a mix of real life & WDC stuff)

*Box* Email a teacher to point out that 24th March is a Tuesday NOT a Wednesday and to tell her to STOP changing my booking with the school
*Box* Email new schools on my booking list and pray they book in soon
*Box* Email a CEO of a charity to book a meeting with her
*Box* Confirm next week's visits
*Box* Order an online food shop - we have no food
*Box* Go to physio to try and sort out my bloody foot
*Box* Send an expenses invoice in
*Box* Work out how I'm going to deliver my messages to 6th formers with SLD using just games TOMORROW *Facepalm*

*Box* Start working on the Circle Journals I've just received
*Box* Start replying to the ton of Snail Mail I have
*Box* Renew my premium membership (using expenses money cuz I is poor innit)
*Box* Work out who I owe MBs to and when to send them
*Box* Update "CLOSED!The Monthly Reading Challenge with new MB info
*Box* Update "Merit Badge Projects with new MB info
*Box* Tell people how they can earn my new MBs
*Box* Do *something* for "Invalid Item *Facepalm*
*Box* Do *something* for "WDC Addicts Anonymous *Facepalm*
*Box* Write blog posts
*Box* Enter a contest or something
*Box* Write my Dear Me letter - I've left this to nearly too late
*Box* Comment on "30-day" blog posts
*Box* Reply to comments on my blog posts
*Box* Reply to reviews

Ugh that'll do!

January 27, 2015 at 5:28pm
January 27, 2015 at 5:28pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - day twenty seven
Prompt: Share an item or blog entry from any of the eligible competitors this month. Include a review link for bonus points.

As I write this, I am sat in a school classroom while my group and supporting teacher have gone off for break and assembly. I hate it when shit like this happens because Iā€™m kinda stuck. I am sitting here picturing the cigarettes (normal or E-cigs - thereā€™s both) nice cold can of coke, sandwich and bar of chocolate in my car. But I have no idea where my car is. So Iā€™m now regretting saying, ā€œnah itā€™s okay,ā€ in response to the teacher saying, ā€œdo you want to drive your car round to where weā€™ll be all day?ā€ ā€¦.

Yes! Yes! Always say yes! Especially when your car has food in itā€¦ daamn it!

Todayā€™s school is in the middle of nowhere. Literally. So much so that I actually fear for my life - Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m going to get home! I use my phone as a Sat Nav but thereā€™s no chance of any signal to kick it off for about a 30 mile radius. If you lose signal after youā€™ve set the route, itā€™ll keep working. But thereā€™s no chance of it starting off from here. I donā€™t do maps so Iā€™ll have to click my heals and pray.

Jeeezā€¦. Itā€™s only 10:40am! It feels like it ought to be 3pm. Bugger.


Iā€™m now typing at home so I obviously made it out of the sticks - only just mind. Now Iā€™m sat in bed with only 10% battery left and an ice-pack on my foot - itā€™s swollen like a balloon and absolutely killing me. My charger is downstairs so thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going to get it. 9% ā€¦ I better get on with this promptā€¦

The trouble is, I donā€™t want to! Iā€™m not sure I agree with this new tuesday prompt. I donā€™t like picking out peopleā€™s stuff and not other peopleā€™s. Itā€™s like favouritismā€¦ even though it isnā€™t, but you know what I mean.

Sooooā€¦ Iā€™m not going to! *Laugh*

Elle - on hiatus ā€™s blog is funny, honest and sometimes random
šŸ’™ Carly ā€™s blog posts are short and sweet but well thought out
Charlie ~ ā€™s blog is interesting, musical and honest
skeason ā€™s blog is funny, to the point and purposely jaw dropping
abcoachnz-Sometimes around ā€™s blog is well thought out and interesting
Prosperous Snow celebrating ā€™s blog is thoughtful and poetic
KiwiBee ā€™s blog is new and intriguing
Alexi 's blog makes me smile and think
Kate - Writing & Reading 's blog is far too quiet *Wink*

4%ā€¦. quick quickā€¦ byeeeeee

January 26, 2015 at 2:34pm
January 26, 2015 at 2:34pm
30-Day Blogging Challenge - Day twenty-six
Prompt: What does it mean to you if someone says "It sounds like you've got a case of the Mondays"?

Hmmmā€¦ Iā€™m not sure anyone would ever say that to meā€¦
Here we are more likely to say we have the ā€˜Monday morning bluesā€™, which I am guessing is what todayā€™s prompt means? There is also, of course, Hump Wednesday   - close to the weekend but not close enough.

I had a case of the Monday morning blues all day today. Well, until about 45 minutes ago, that is.

Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™ve mentioned my PAs (personal assistants) in this blog before? Probably not.
Right, I have two wonderful PAs. They basically help me do the stuff I would struggle with. If I didnā€™t have them, Iā€™d have to chose between working, living and contributing to society, OR doing all the household stuff. I choose work and life. Therefore, my PAs do everything else.
Iā€™m very lucky as I employ them myself so I have full control over who works for me. Sometimes I choose wrong. But, right now, I never want them to leave.

However, it is no secret that I love my own space. Sometimes, if I donā€™t get my own space, I go a little MAD. Unfortunately, having PAs means that the only time someone else isnā€™t here is on Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

This morning I woke up and decided I needed space. So, I got up, went to the supermarket and got some breakfast. Then I drove my car to the furthest away and quietest spot in the carpark and just sat. I didnā€™t do much: ate, drank coffee, smoked and listened to the radio. I tell a lie, I also plucked my eyebrows! As you do, in a carpark!

Unfortunately, when I got home I, for some reason, felt overwhelmed about all the things I needed to do. I was making endless lists in my head. So much so that it got to the point where I could hardly think clearly enough to get anything done. It annoys me when I do that so myself.

So, there we have it, Monday morning blues.

Tomorrow Iā€™m getting up at 5am so will no doubt have an extreme case of Tuesday morning blues *Cry*
January 25, 2015 at 2:24pm
January 25, 2015 at 2:24pm
30 Day Blogging Challenge - day twenty five
Prompt - The Sunday News!: Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation.

Well, I've nearly caught up with the blogging situation. I wasn't too far behind anyway. But, as I've said before, I have never done this challenge and not posted every day. I'm partly annoyed at myself as I do everything to win (I'm not going to lie). Given that I've been late a few times and have barely commented on other entries, my chances of winning this round are slim. That is okay though. Alas, I have to accept that life gets in the way and sometimes has to take priority. It has also been good for me not to beat myself up and feel like I need to do everything all the time.
That reminds me, I really need to write my Dear Me letter!

So, news... have I mentioned that I hate this news prompt? However, by my calculations, this is the last time I'll need to do it... for this round at least. Better get cracking then...

My news story this week is:

School for LGBT pupils planned for Manchester

The first school in Britain for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people could open its doors within the next three years. Based in the centre of Manchester, the specialist state school plans to take 40 full-time students from across the area and will offer up to 20 part-time places for young people who want to continue attending a mainstream school.
( The Guardian  )

Right, I first heard this on the radio over breakfast the other day and my first reaction was to roll my eyes. I haven't changed my mind.
I understand that a lot of people who identify as LGBT get bullied and have a hard time: I feel for them, I really do. But everyone who doesn't "fit in" to societal norms will have a hard time at some point. Hello! I speak from experience. Yet, surely, segregating minority groups from mainstream settings is downright wrong? Why on earth would this be a good idea?

To me this idea would just entrench the problem further..... "these kids are different so we're moving them to a different school so you can see how different they are. Carry on bullying, kids!"

Personally, I am different. Maybe more so than any gay person will ever be. I had two very different schooling experiences. I started school in Malawi, Africa where I barely had any in-class support. Then I moved to the UK, where I was forced to have full-time in-class support. The difference was phenomenal.

Perhaps my positive memories of Malawi were due to exactly that. Whereby the encouragement to be as independent as possible, including a lack of support in school, meant I was more accepted and never bullied. Whereas, in the UK, the increased support in schools "singled me out" as being different and I was bullied constantly.

Teaching and acceptance is the key. Not segregation.

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