Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1922488-Gears-of-Aspiration
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1922488
A fantasy novel centering on a power struggle for control of the kingdom of Riverford.

    Ambition raises its ugly head within the kingdom of Riverford. It stands upon the shoulders of greed. It roars its intent to the cold stars and tramples upon those that stand in its way. Ambition in Elysium, the capital city of the kingdom of Riverford, wears the face of Rikard Sarris, youngest brother to the king and the most enterprising man within the kingdom. Nothing stands between Rikard and his desires. What is it Rikard desires? It is the Amethyst Crown, which now weighs heavily upon his oldest brothers brow that Rikard covets the most. He craves the whole of Riverford. Rikard Sarris will not stop until he gets what it is he wants.

    But there are problems. King Addard IV has no intention of giving up his crown, hard won over a decade earlier in battle against King Henri Lelani and the whole of Clan Lelani. Add to this the fact that Rikard is not next in line to obtain the throne of Riverford. That honor belongs to his other brother Gregor Sarris. Gregor is not an ambitious man. He spends his time in taverns and brothels when his battle prowess is not needed in war and obtaining the Amethyst Crown has never once crossed his mind. Neither of the two can fathom the betrayal their youngest brother has in store for the two of them as Rikard Sarris is skilled at masking his villainy by attaching blame to others. Will Rikard Sarris gain the Amethyst Crown? And if he does, what will be the cost to his soul? His life alone?

    But, Rikard is not the only man with aspirations to wear the crown of Riverford. Nor is Addard Sarris the only man with a claim upon that crown. Others have ambition as well. Across the Sea of La Manche, a man with an ancient claim upon the Amethyst Crown plans his own rise to power within the Island kingdom of alpine forests. Forces collide with each other as ambition devours those around it as they attempt to rise in power and importance. No matter who wears the crown of this kingdom, it seems that ambition itself will be the only winner of this conflict.

#5. Chapter 1.
ID #776669 entered on April 3, 2013 at 4:31am
#4. Chapter 2
ID #777101 entered on April 3, 2013 at 9:38pm
#3. Chapter 3
ID #777100 entered on April 6, 2013 at 1:01am
#2. Chapter 4
ID #776672 entered on March 11, 2013 at 6:50pm
#1. Chapter 5
ID #777326 entered on March 11, 2013 at 6:51pm

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