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My thoughts released; a mind set free |
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations. Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free. Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written. |
I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with, "Sometimes you're the Bug, sometimes you're the windshield", or something similar. Yesterday, I was the bug! Yes, it was one of those kind of days. Actually, it started Wednesday evening when one of our neighbors came over right after we had let the dogs out for the last tie before bed. We gave them their treats, then settled in to watch a little TV before bed, when he knocked on the door. He doesn't come over often, only when he needs something, and this was no exception. His Straight Talk phone wasn't working right, and he needed to use a phone to talk to customer service to get it working right. I agreed to assist him, but it would have to wait until the next day, which was yesterday. Here I should explain a bit about him; he's a nice, elderly, guy who pretty much keeps to himself, unless he's having problems. He lives alone and is a bit of a hoarder, which isn't a problem for me. But, he is also not very clean. He doesn't shower often, wears the same cloths for weeks, and doesn't clean his apartment, doesn't take out his trash, and chain-smokes to the point that everything inside is stained yellowish-brown, not to mention he keeps it about 80 degrees inside and there is a constant fog of cigarette smoke. The day started out like most other days, I was up early and enjoyed some coffee while my wife and I talked about our plans for the day. She had a few things to do around the house, then planned on going over to her elderly mom's to do some cleaning, visiting, and then a bit of shopping before returning home. I planned on spending some time in WdC, going through the Community Newsfeed, engaging in some Small Talk, and wanted to try and pull a poem up from the depths of the abyss for Express It In Eight. I also wanted to try and get a blog entry done for Andre's Banana Bar before spending some time reading another Nameless book I had downloaded from Kindle Unlimited. But, I also had agreed to help our neighbor with is phone, so I wanted to get some of this done before I went over to assist, knowing I would want to shower and put on clean cloths upon returning. We spent about an hour in our Bible Studies, then she grabbed her guitar to do some practicing while I spent some time in WdC. But, her nephew is staying with us for the winter and got up a few minutes after she started her practice. She's just learning, and he sometimes gives her tips and advise. Wednesday, he decided to give tips, advise and instruction. This made it difficult for me to concentrate and focus, so I took the dogs out, then putzed around until it was time for her to leave for her mom's. Since I couldn't do much of anything else, I decided to get the unpleasant task of helping the neighbor out of the way. I could have asked him to do this at our house instead of his, but the dogs continuously try to lick his filthy clothing and we would have to clean and sterilize anything he came in contact with (seriously, he is that bad). But, after trying for about an hour, we were still waiting for someone to answer his call. So, I went back home with the unpleasant task of returning later in the evening, around seven. I showered, changed cloths and thought I would do my time in WdC, read, write, et... but, my wife's nephew decided to sit and visit, watch videos, and just hang out. Since I can't focus with a lot of noise and distractions, I decided to work on our dinner, my own recipe for red beans and rice. By the time I had dinner simmering, my wife was back home, so we visited a bit and then enjoyed dinner. After, it was back over to help the neighbor get his phone working. We got through to customer service after a half hour wait, then went through removing the sims card, turning the phone off and back on a few times, and then were told to hold for a specialist. But instead of being placed on hold, we were disconnected. We called again, we waited again, and we went through a lot more of the same questions, routines, and in the end were told it was something wrong with the phone. Up until now, all that was asked about the cellular data is if it was turned on. I took his phone, turned his data off, then turned it back on and the phone worked like a charm... After, he thanked me. I went back home, took another shower, changed into some comfortable clothing, and relaxed with a glass of Fireball, then off to bed; the day was shot and I hadn't accomplished anything I had planned on--just a bug! |
To read or not to read is based on multiple things, one of which, is can I. Maybe not so much, "can I" but more like do I want to mess around with the item in question. You see (pun intended) more and more people using fancy fonts (comic and impact) as well as smaller fonts around WdC. This is fine, you can, and should use whatever you prefer. But, when writing for other people to read, keep i mind that not all of us have good eyesight. Many of us older types have difficulty with our eyes, but many younger people also have vision problems. So, if your typing something and use "comic" font, it is more difficult for some to read. If you also decrease your font size, it becomes close to impossible. And, if you type with impact font, it's all in code unless the reader copies it and deciphers it. I cannot speak for other people, even though I see posts and comments stating much the same, but as for me, I have neither the time or the desire to decipher something written in code. My opinion is, if you want me to read it, you'd write it so I can. This also goes for using comic font. Yes, I can read it if it's large enough, but I do find myself straining my eyes unless it's written in a larger than default font. When it's both comic and smaller font, I'll get a headache from reading. I also strain my eyes and have to stop reading completely to let them rest, which cuts into the time I have to spend on site, which is often too little already. So, if you want everyone to read what you've written, be considerate and use the default size or larger, especially if your using a font such as comic. I'm sure there are many individuals around here that would agree. As for me, I'm tired of straining my eyes to read something, so I just pass over it and move on. When I was in college, I took Writing Composition. Our instructor informed us that everything we wrote and turned in had to be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, written with black on white paper. Anything else would (and did) go right into the trash. I understand now why. If this sounds like a rant, it isn't. I really don't care how other's write, that's your choice. I just wanted to address this to let anyone who reads it know my reasoning and why I won't read items that are strain-full and difficult. One last thought, color also matters. It may look pretty, but some colors on some backgrounds are difficult for some of us to read. I don't mind reading colored items, but please, be thoughtful and ensure the contrast is not a source of eye strain. It's really quite simple, if you want people to read your writing, write so they can. There are additional items from other readers posted in the comments, such as: "Too many emoticons". Please read and leave any addition content you feel should be included. Thank you A proud member of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group" ![]() "Reading soothes the soul, writing sets it free." T.J. |
Why am I writing some of my thoughts on what poetry is, because Grumpy wants to be edjumacated (his words). See: "Grumpy's Short-Lived Poetry Contest" ![]() Poetry is an art form, or should be, much like a song without the music. However, like music and song, there are many various styles (too many to list here). Some are easy, some more difficult, and some down right difficult. I believe poetry should be fun, both to read and to write. However, reading poetry can be a bit difficult because the reader doesn't know the pauses and flow the writer intended. With music and song, we have the notes and pauses provided (if a person knows how to read music), but with poetry, all we have is punctuation (not always) to show pauses, stops, and flow. When I was in school, I disliked writing poetry simply because of the rules we had to follow. Looking back, I now understand it was to teach us how to write various forms of poetry, but at the time it was a difficult task for a child to do. Trying to understand things like line count, couplets, various types of rhyme (is it abab, is it aabb, etc...), meter, and flow seemed like a lot; it still does and often I have to research to write a poem correctly. Most often, I just focus on rhyme and flow. I enjoy poetry that rhymes and has a smooth flow, both to read and to write. I often don't look at meter at all, as long as it flows smoothly. Some poems don't even need to rhyme, think freestyle. For example: It's winter now and cold outside the ground covered with snow. I like the spring and fall the best, summers too hot and winters too cold. But where can I find a place to live that's always spring and fall? I'd have to migrate like a bird across the entire globe! To me, this isn't poetry, it's a statement. To some, however, it's both poetry and their preferred way of writing. Similarly, much of my poetry doesn't incorporate meter, so to others, it's not correct. In other words, poetry is different to different people; there are many forms to fit different tastes. As I stated, I usually just focus on a nice flow with catchy rhyme, but I can write poetry that follows various rules, such as limericks, acrostic, and tanka (you can find some in my port). I can also write a poem that has correct rhyme and meter, such as the one I did for Grumpy, over at, "Grumpy's Short-Lived Poetry Contest" ![]() ![]() In summary, poetry is an art form of expression and can include rigid rules and format, it can be expressed freestyle, or it can be a bunch of gobbledygook. It can be serious or silly, sharing emotions or just for a laugh; poetry, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. |
"So, you asked what's going on here recently? You didn't ask? Oh, sorry. My bad. But, since you're here and I'm here, I may as well tell you." There's still some uncertainty as to whether my wife has a job or not. She has been out of work since the start of November when the company asked for volunteers for a lay-off until Jan. 2. She called in and told them she had an appointment on the 2nd and wouldn't be able to return until the third, but then heard through a friend at work that they had extended the lay-off until Feb. She talked to one of the supervisors who confirmed that her name was on the list of people off until Feb. but didn't understand why she was supposed to return on Jan. 2 and said he would look into it. Meanwhile, since it's been tight with her out of work, she applied for a different job and is now starting classes for it. She has online classes for two weeks, starting to day, then goes in and takes a test, then two more weeks of online study, another test, and then she goes in for clinicals for a week, takes the state test, and starts her new job. So, if she's suppose to return to work, she won't be able to, but if she's still on lay-off, we have some unemployment for the month. It's been tight with her unemployment, but if that runs out, it's going to get even tighter. Oh, and last week, the brakes went out on the car. I took it in last Wednesday and picked it up today. It was leaking fluid pretty fast, so there wasn't a lot of braking power, but I managed driving it in to the garage, having to pump the brakes to stop. The brake line had rusted out, so the mechanic replaced it, fixed a slow leaking front tire, and checked it over for us. It wasn't as expensive as I had thought it would be, but when money is short, everything is expensive. But, once my wife starts her new job she'll get better pay, better benefits, and more vacation time. She's done this type of work before and enjoys it, and we do have a bit tucked away in savings to carry us through. So,, it may be a bit of a rough start for the new year, but it's looking better. |
Happy New Year often means, in simple terms, same shit, different year. Or, at least it has seemed that way for the past few. But I also remember some years being better than others. Why? What makes one year different than another? There are some forces at work in this world that we cannot control, there are other circumstances and situations that can make a year good or bad, and again, many we cannot control. But we can control how we react or respond to things, and we do have the power to change ourselves and how we perceive things. In other words, even a crappy year can be better or worse depending on our own perspective and choices. I have tried all of my life to see the brighter side. Even in bad situations I can choose to be bummed out or not. Of course, it isn't just a simple process, shit happens and it brings me down just as much as the next person, but I have a choice from there; do I want to continue to wallow in misery or do I want to enjoy life. I pick enjoy life. It's difficult and takes time, but it's better than just existing in total despair. How is 2024 going to be? As good as I can make it. Did it start out good? Not particularly, but like so often, it could be a lot worse. There are a few things going on that are unpleasant, but that's life, right? I need more time to read, more time to write, and more time to spend doing what I desire to do. At the same time, there are outside factors that are putting high demands on my time. Some are legitimate and must be dealt with, but others are just other people refusing to think beyond their own wants and desires. There are even a few that just refuse (or are unable) to think for themselves at all. I want to write more this year, and I also want to get back into reading. I used to read a lot and would often finish even a thick novel in a week or less. But, to read or write, I need quiet and to be undisturbed. A little noise is fine as long as it's not loud or right next to me. The biggest requirement, however is to just be left alone to do my thing. This has become almost impossible for me at home, but there isn't any place I can get away from it without driving for over an hour. And, the last time I tried to write in a public library, I was interrupted and annoyed by peoples rudeness and inconsideration. My wife and I agree, I need what some may call a man-cave. I don't like the term and prefer to call it a writing-den or something similar. But, it needs to be mobile! There would be no escaping if it was located someplace on our property. I found this out when I tried to use our camper for such a place. Neighbors would come over to see what I was doing! I would explain my purpose, but that did not trigger a hasty apology and retreat from them, they would sit and converse how they have the same problem, or offer their thoughts. Of course, it's also close and convenient for family to show up with problems, seeking advice, or just to let me know what's taking place outside my secluded hide-a-way. I'm still leaning towards a small camper or a van converted into a mobile office, bu money is rather tight for us right now. It's something I will be pondering, but for now I will deal with it the best I can, |