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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/callmetj/day/10-18-2024
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
October 18, 2024 at 5:58pm
October 18, 2024 at 5:58pm
The title, yes fact or fiction, it fits the item because I was there and I still don't know if it's real or make-believe. I do know it's a rather long tale, perhaps enough for a book someday. But today is not that day, so here is a summary of what happened, or what may have happened; only the otters know for certain.

It was just the other day; no not that day, the other one. Well, to me it was just the other day, here it was the other month! Anyway, it was a cool evening, drizzly and dark, when I noticed a deep blue light in the backyard. I stepped out to investigate and noticed it was shining down through the cloud cover, much like a giant blue flashlight.

Because of the clouds, I couldn't see where it was emitting from so I stepped into the light. If you ever hear a voice that says, "Step into the light," don't do it!

Anyway, I did and a tingly sensation swept over my entire body. One second I was standing in the yard among the fall leaves, the next me and the leaves began floating up into the light. As I drew closer I caught a glimpse of what looked like a giant, metallic fish. One of the rather large scales on the fish's belly was open and the light was coming from inside. The next thing I know, I'm inside the metallic fish, in a storage hold filled with autumn leaves!

I tried to find an exit but was knocked over when the fish began ti rise vertically at a rather rapid speed. I think I passed out. When I woke, I was in a room with bright white lights and this big otter, standing on two legs, was looking down at me. I tried to sit up, but I was strapped down to the examination table and could not move.

"Please relax. We mean you know harm." he turned and spoke to another otter standing off to the side, "Dare we release him?"

I think the other otter nodded, I didn't hear anything. Then the one standing over me told me, "I'll release you if you give me your word you won't try to harm us, and will stay calm." I nodded and he, or maybe she, it's difficult to tell with six foot tall otters, unhooked the restraints so I could sit up.

"Where am I? What's going on?" I had so many questions.

"It's difficult to explain, but you are on a spacecraft and traveling through space to our home world."

I let out a gasp. "You're aliens?"

"Yes and no. We are otters, and we originally came from Earth. But the fur trappers where killing so many of our kind we feared we would become extinct, so some of us more advanced otters built a spacecraft and left in search of a safer planet. We return about once a decade in Earth years to make sure our species is still surviving." He, or she, was quiet for a few minutes while this all settled into my bewildered mind. "We also stop by to harvest."

I was about to freak out! "You harvest humans? Are you going to dissect me? Do strange experiments on me?"

"No, not humans, we harvest dead leaves. We have discovered a way to use in the process of converting lithium to dilithium crystal which we use foe fuel and energy needs both on this craft and on our home world. Our world is covered in water and has no trees."

I let out a sigh of relief at hearing this. He, or she, went on, "I cannot tell you more, and you shouldn't even know about us. But, Allen is still an apprentice and messed up, the damage is done. We are returning you to your home and will be soon. But, there is a problem. Even though you have only been here for a couple of days, the time lapse on Earth will have been longer. I have to go back to the control module now, but Allen will stay here with until it's time to put you back."

He, or she, and the other otter left. Shortly after another younger otter came in. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bring you aboard with the leaves, I wasn't watching as I should have, I was playing a game on my phone."

I nodded, "It's okay, we all make mistakes, especially when we are still learning."

Allen smiled, "When you get back, people are going to want to know what happened to you. I suggest you tell them the truth even though they won't believe you. For Otterkind, honesty is the biggest pillar of our existence. Therefore, we won't ask you to lie for us, and besides, by the look how you people drive, it's going to be a long, long time before you ever make it to our world."

Allen and I talked the rest of the trip back, but he wouldn't provide many answers to my questions; I suppose he couldn't. He did offer me a fish, but I declined since it was still alive. After, he escorted me to a platform shaped like a circle with a spiral design upon it. He moved a series of levers on a console and the spiral began to glow blue and spin. The next thing I knew I was descending down from the clouded sky in a beam of blue light and then I passed out. I woke in my backyard, on the ground with my Husky Max licking my face.

That's my story, believe it or not. As for me, I hope one day to visit again with Allen the alien otter...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/profile/blog/callmetj/day/10-18-2024