Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1909913-Drops-in-a-Puddle/day/1-3-2014
by OOT™
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1909913
A place to keep my personal thoughts.
My thoughts, like teardrops, splash onto the page, causing a rippling effect that disturbs the calm and quiet.
January 3, 2014 at 4:28pm
January 3, 2014 at 4:28pm
Do you have any tattoos or piercings (other than your ears, ladies)? If so, what have you had done and why? If not, would you ever consider getting a tattoo or piercing? What would you get done and under what circumstances?

I have no tattoos and no piercings (other than my ears). I'm pretty boring. *Worry* I wouldn't consider getting a tattoo, as I have never been interested for various reasons (the pain, the permanency, the need to cover them under certain circumstances, etc.). As to piercings, I'm not as opposed to them, but I wouldn't want anything extreme. Maybe a navel piercing would be ok. I think eyebrow piercings are sometimes cute, but I would never do that, because it would be considered too unprofessional in my career field. *Frown*

January 3, 2014 at 12:00am
January 3, 2014 at 12:00am
If you could assign someone else a New Year's resolution that they HAD to keep, who would you choose, what would you assign them, and why?

I'm writing my Day 1 entry last, because I'm already almost 24 hours late. So much for the "stop procrastinating" New Year's resolution. *Rolleyes* Anyway...

I would assign a resolution to the accountant at my office, and the resolution would be to stop being so closed-minded. I realize that she grew up in a small town (so did I), but she is SO judgmental and unwilling to adapt to changes. While I respect everyone's opinion, I think they could keep it to themselves, especially when it's hurtful to others.

I have a gay man working at my office. You couldn't ask for a better person. Yet, she constantly belittles homosexuals, going so far as saying they should all be put on a deserted island together. She speaks of blacks being with whites as if it's the equivalent of capital murder. The love of my life is a black man, and I'm white. He dogs anyone who buys a vehicle that isn't American made. I could go on, but I'm afraid I'll have to punch her in the face when I get to work tomorrow if I do.

Wow, I'm not as sweet when I'm sick. *Smirk*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1909913-Drops-in-a-Puddle/day/1-3-2014