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by Jules
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1901521
A young girl discovering her unusual taste for murder.
This is a story of a young girl and instead of just coming of age she is coming into being a serial killer. A part of this book is her youth then part two is her adult life. the time period is 2012 in the mountains of Maine basically. Im looking for making my sentences better and the content is it good? Does it keep your interest? Also I apologize ahead of time. I'm having issues withhe font so I'm sorry for the small print. I had this on yesterday but kept making errors with the font so after editing many times I decided to delete it and reenter it today, and leave the fonts alone.


The Naming Ceremony

As the moments ticked by Tauri grew concerned. She wrapped her arms around her chest, in which part will this animal live? Gazing into the fire she tried to envision… she giggled. “Will I change after I’m chosen?”

How will this animal change her life? This event has excited her family for months. Her parents sent out invitations, called caterers for today, “The Naming Day Ceremony.” Questions spun in her head that she was too embarrassed to ask. This day frightened Tauri. She didn’t want anyone in her body.  Why can’t I just be me? She thought. 

Tauri was afraid to run away.  Then she reasoned how painful can it be? My parents and brother were chosen by animals. They act normal. Kalin had his Naming Day Ceremony two years ago, he’s okay.  She remembered her dad criticizing grandpa with the folklore of the Indian ways. Dads insisted these stories were fairy tales. And she thought this Naming Ceremony is another Indian story. I mean seriously no animal can enter your body. She realized her foolishness. Tauri swayed her legs back and forth as the oak logs crackled in the fire pit. Sparks shot out into the dark, appearing as fireflies on the autumn’s night cool breeze. She watched the dancing flames as they flourished taller than her seven-year-old body’s height. Faint voices in the distance pulled her from her muse. Looking up she smiled as she observed Grandpa and Uncle Dan recreated her backyard into the reservation they lived on many moons ago. 

From her peripheral vision she perceived a shadow. A spotlight mounted underneath the house eaves cast this shadow. She crept closer. To stay hidden she kept near the house. When the shadow faced into the spotlight she recognized the Phillips boy. He lived at the next ranch.

“Dennis,” she whispered. He held an object in his hands. “A cat. He’s got a cat. His hands are gripping the cat’s neck.” She muttered. Then he bent the neck as if it were a twig. Tauri's face winced with pain for a second then bolted towards the boy. “What did you do?” She screamed.

He dropped the cat- like a sack of flour. Tears burst from her eyes. “Why?” She viewed the cat lying motionless dead by his sneakers. Tauri stooped over the animal. She noticed the mangled black and white fur. Its small eyes closed for the last time. Anger grew from her toes to her head in seconds. She glared at the boy. Her hands tightened into ball-shaped fists. Revenge flooded her mind. She wanted to break his neck. She grew excited at the prospect of witnessing his life fade from his dismal eyes. Where did I get these feelings? Tauri wondered knowing this is not normal. She shook her head to erase these horrible thoughts.

He stood before her laughing. “It’s a stupid cat.”

Tauri punched him hard in the stomach, and then she delivered a powerhouse kick. She felt alive as adrenaline poured through her veins. Those were the lasts words from his mouth before the pain from his stomach and genital area overwhelmed him, He doubled over and fell to the ground. From her Tae Kwon Do lessons, Tauri learned how to hurt the sensitive areas on a man’s body.

He began to cry. He then wailed looking past her. “She hit me and killed Lacey.”

Tauri wondered why he lied. Then her mind shut off all feelings. She wanted him dead.  She grabbed the boy by his shirt lifted him from the ground and raised her fist. A sudden flash of strength flowed through her veins. Someone grab her arm preventing her from carrying through with that punch.

A deep voice pulled Tauri from her muse, “Stop don’t move. What has happened here?” Mr. Phillips six- foot height billowed over Tauri.

“Dennis killed this cat.” Tears dripped on her cheeks. She wiped them with the palm of her hand.

“She’s a liar dad. She’s the one who killed Lacey.” He rubbed his sore stomach.

“Tauri I am surprised at you. Why did you kill our cat?” Mr. Phillips helped his son stand up and dusted him off with his hands.

“Me? She pointed at herself. I tried to stop him.” Tauri defended herself.

Mr. Phillips stared at Tauri. “That cat is his. You expect me to believe that he killed his own cat? Come on, let’s find your parents and discuss this before I call the police.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you Mr. Phillips. You son needs a doctor. He hurts animals. It’s a sign. ” Tauri is mature for her young years. Her Dad commented she’s an adult in a little body. She stood before him with hands on her hips. She stood proud for a seven- year old.

He stood there for a moment in silence.  Mr. Phillips held his hand on his chin. He glanced back at his son. Dennis’s tears were not for the cat. But from her punch. And he glanced at Tauri’s authentic tears.  She truly loves animals. He switched gears realizing his judgment was wrong. “Tauri,” his tone dropped to a whisper, ‘’that is an awesome dress you have on today. What’s the occasion?”

“Oh, today is my Name Ceremony day. It’s an Indian tradition.”

“Congratulations, and I’m sorry my son has spoiled your day. Could we keep this between us? You’re right. Dennis had many pets that died mysteriously over the years. Why I didn’t put it together sooner?  I don’t want this spread around town.” He then put his hand on Tauri’s shoulder. “I’m sorry for what I said. I’ll get Dennis the help he needs. This will never happen again. He turned to grab his son. “Pick up Lacey and give her a decent burial, right now.” He stamped his boot on the ground.

Dennis scooped up the cat by its broken neck, allowing the cat’s body to dangle as he walked away, without a thought.  Mr. Phillips viewed how cold his son handled his pet cat and walked away. “Go and put this behind you.  Thank you for caring for Lacey. She was a great cat. “I’ve got to make sure that Dennis is providing a decent burial for Lacey. Thank you again Tauri.” He turned and walked away his head hung low.

Tauri felt sorry for Mr. Phillips. But, she knew the monster Dennis will grow up to become. If he’s allowed to grow up, a smile peaked from her lips. She loved sneaking off to watch Dexter and other serial killer shows behind her parents back. She related to his thoughts. She skipped towards her house to enjoy her fire again.

As she sat in her camping chair she glanced at her white dress. Tauri kneaded the rough fabric. She remembered that her Mom and Grandma wore this and now it’s her turn. The smell of mothballs still lingered from the garment.  Her Mom did air it out last week. Mom insisted she wear hand me downs from neighbors that out grew them. And Tauri rebelled at the thought of her skin against the filth of others.  But, due to this occasion, she allowed it. “A day of honor and tradition,” her mother stated while she helped her slip on the dress earlier today. She scratched her head wondering what traditional meant. Nevertheless, she reasoned tradition is wonderful it provides memories for us. 

“Dresses,” she muttered digging a rut with the tip of her moccasin into the dirt. Rules came with them. Keep your legs together.  The hide weathered well over the years. The fabric consisted of a blend of deer and elk hide. Gold trim embroidered around the neck, sleeves and hem, which ended above the knees. Thin strands of the hide draped to her calves.

Anxious, Tauri stood up and patted her clothing with her hand. Soon the ceremony will start. She replayed her mom’s words when she slipped on the hide, “Do not get this dress dirty under no circumstances. Do you understand?” Another rule.

“Tauri, are you out there? Come inside, it’s time to finish dressing.” Her mother yelled, sticking her head out the door searching for her daughter.

She skipped toward her house rubbing her index finger around the collar of the dress to relieve the itchiness. Pushing the kitchen door open Tauri glanced around for her Mom. She padded into the living room still no mom. Where could she be? Tauri wondered as she yelled.  “Mom where are you?” She stood in the hallway scratching her head trying to decide where to look next.

“In your bedroom dear,” she heard her mother’s voice echo through the hallway.

She spotted mom by her dressing table. As Tauri walked by the mirror she stopped for a few seconds and admired her fashionable attire. Nevertheless, she missed her comfortable T-shirt and jeans, which she wore most days. Dressing up was fun but uncomfortable. She fussed with mom on her hairstyle to no avail.  Mom always won and Tauri dealt with looking like a stranger for the day. Tauri wanted her hair cut short like a pixie style, but Mom insisted she keep it long.

“Come here baby.” Mom patted the chair. “Sit. Let’s spend some time together before we join the others. It’s been a while since I’ve brushed your hair.”

Tauri slid into the chair her back faced her mother. A glow of warmth spread across her mother’s face as she stroked her daughter’s long black hair. Looking in the mirror Tauri observed mom’s sparkling emerald colored eyes, and her loving smile. Mom’s smile warmed Tauri’s heart.  Her mind danced like a ballerina with thoughts spinning wildly. She wanted today to last forever.

“Are you excited honey?” Mom whispered near her ear as she continued brushing waiting for the shine to appear, which usually occurred on the one- hundredth stroke.

“I can’t wait for the animal to talk to me mom.” Her naïve voice resonated with enthusiasm. “Does the animal whisper in your ear? She tucked her hands under her legs, swinging them back and forth. “Do you share your body with this animal? Do you feel different with this spirit? Tell me please?” She rambled on bobbing in her chair making it difficult for her mother to brush her hair.

Mom chuckled at her daughter’s youthfulness. “Not quite baby. Maybe I can explain in another way.” She folded her hands on her lap.  “A voice inside your head will guide you in making decisions.  And at other times, you sense that you know the future. Sort of like a déjà vu moment, but reversed. Not always, mind you. Your animal may need your help too.” She looked at Tauri noticing a face of bewilderment. Smiling. “Don’t worry about it now dear. When it occurs, you will understand. Why am I going on like such an old fool? This is way too much information for you to process at your age.”

Tauri squirmed in her chair. Her energy needed releasing.

“Just a minute longer. Now sit still.”  Her mother scolded her as she continued to bring a shine to her hair.

She continued swinging her legs back and forth waiting impatiently.

Mom laid the brush down when Tauri’s hair glistened. She added a yellow rose to complete her daughter’s hairstyle. Standing up mom grabbed a wooden jewelry box off the dressing table. She sat facing her daughter, placing the case on her lap. Mom stared into space for a while. Tauri didn’t understand what she was doing.

“Hello mom are you in there?” Tauri covered her mouth chucking.

Her body jerked. “Oh honey I’m sorry. I was having one of those déjà vu moments. My mom sat before me holding this very box.” She slid the clasp and opened the lid. “Tauri your Grandma, on my Naming day gave me these beads. And the dress you are wearing.”  She dangled the necklace displaying their beauty. “I am passing these to you.” She fastened them around Tauri’s neck.

Tauri sensed their energy when they touched her neck. Suddenly she saw images of animals circling on the walls of the room. She felt grown up wearing this dress and jewelry. She stood up and pranced as she watched her reflection in the floor length mirror.

“One more touch.” Mom lifted the top of the painting case, she kept on the vanity. Grabbing a paint brush she painted Tauri’s face with red and blue stripes on both cheeks. “We can’t honor our ancestors without painted faces, now can we dear?”

“It’s time honey.” Her mother grasped her daughter’s hand as they promenaded outside to join the others. The horse ranch covered fifty-two acres of land, with trees scattered to the horizon. Her parents and Grandpa decorated the backyard to recreate the reservation in Arizona lived decades ago.  In the middle of the tents stood a six-foot wooden totem pole waiting for the chosen animal. The top of her pole was blank. And carved below were carvings from her father the Cougar, an Owl from mom and the Tiger from Kalin. Everyone’s totem pole represented their families chosen animals.

When the time came, her Uncle Dan will carve her animal. This carving took two weeks to complete. He prided himself on his totem poles for his tribe.  There were varieties of tents set up for family and friends to continue with the party after the formality.

Her Grandpa, Chief Shamen, wrapped his Indian cloak around his three hundred pound framed body to inaugurate the service. He chanted Indian words that Tauri did not comprehend at her tender age. She memorized four Indian words to accept her animal during the ritual. And she studied these words diligently over the past few months. His leather cloak embroidered with the animals his tribe suited over the years. Stripes of red and blue paint decorated his face around the deep creases of his cheeks and forehead. As a tree matures rings announcing its age, we have deep creases in our face to announce ours as well. 

Dad wore his Indian attire, which consisted of a tan V-neck shirt with frayed leather strips on his sleeves and pants. His face painted too matching his tribe.  Mom bore her Indian garb as well, a tan dress with leather strips dangling from the hem and sleeves. Her face painted as well carrying on the tribe colors.  Everyone sported moccasins.

Her parents recited Grandpa’s words. As Grandpa’s meaty hands rose toward the sky asking the gods to choose this animal. Her parents, Sheila, and Roy Dakota proudly stood by her side. Her right hand grasped mom’s hand and her left one grasped her father’s. Her older brother Kalin by two years positioned himself behind her as the event began.

At seven years old, the gods chose an animal for every Indian boy or girl. The Chief of the tribe, who in this case happens to be her grandfather calls forth to the gods in choosing the animal’s essence. When the chief sees the animal the gods have chosen, he then summons the spirit into this child’s soul.

The thought of an animal living in her body telling her things to do bothered Tauri.  She had enough people in her life doing this already.  Her mother explained the ritual. She was grateful that it wasn’t what she imagined. Now she could relax and look forward to it.

A few of her distant cousins from the reservation in Arizona, attended the ceremony But mostly her parents and her friends came and participated with great enthusiasm. Her Uncle Charlie beat on his drums throughout the ritual. Drums are the heart of the Indian culture. Others danced surrounding Tauri and her family. She observed her best friends Abby and Carol wearing headdresses filled with feathers, faces painted as they danced by her giggling. While she waited for her grandfather to finish his ritual her mind wandered off to the thought of marshmallows. She could fit ten on a stick and roast over this fire. She licked her lips just thinking about tasting the chocolate and sticky marshmallows. Tauri tried to stay focused on the ceremony knowing its importance, but her mind jumped aimlessly.

Grandpa stood before her holding his magic stick in one hand and placing his right hand on her forehead. He then chanted Indian words asking her to allow the chosen animal into her soul.

Tauri memorized the answers in order to know when to reply. She understood their meaning and accepted the chosen animal to abide throughout her life. After completing the answers she noticed thick clouds approaching nearby. The brilliant stars disappeared behind these clouds creating darkness. She watched one white cloud form into a bird. No an Eagle. She rubbed her eyes with disbelief. Five clouds transformed into Eagles. They hovered above her head. She tugged on her parent’s hands looking for approval.

Tauri clung to her parent’s. Her mind raced, I wonder if anything will poke me like a needle or worse. No one tells you beforehand when pain is involved. Too late to back out now. Sort of like when you reach the top of a roller coaster after that long journey up listening to the chains pull you up the rail.  Mom and Dad keep smiling at me. They don’t appear nervous. Tauri sighed she gritted her teeth and kept her grip on her parents hands for now.


Thick black clouds grew closer to her house. Tauri observed them getting lower to the ground. Lightning lit up the sky and thunder echoed throughout the mountaintops. Tuari jumped the thunder scared her. The clouds now circled above her head. She looked up Mom and Dad still smiled. A cloud infiltrated her body.  “Now I can’t see.” Tauri murmured. She gripped her parent’s hands tightly. I don’t like this one bit. She wrapped her arms around her tummy to keep warm from the damp and coldness of the clouds.  Tauri held her breath afraid to move like when she enters haunted houses at Halloween.

“It’ alright baby.” Her father’s calm voice whispered. Her dad swung his arm with hers for support through her transformation.

Tauri sighed with relief hearing her daddy. The first cloud dissipated and the second cloud followed suit. She was confident and in control now. She experienced a little chill, but nothing different than a rainy day. She can handle this now. And she wished she had her sweater. Goose bumps covered her body. Everyone stood around and chanted Indian lyrics as the spirit entered her body. Five different clouds passed through her to complete the spiritual process. After the fifth one past, besides being frozen, Tauri felt serene and magical with a wish to fly. She placed her arms out to her sides and flew imitating the eagle’s flight. The crowd laughed knowing the transformation is complete.

The sky grew bright again and the ceremony ended. Everyone shook their tambourines and ranted with excitement. Then with warm embraces and kisses, they congratulate Tauri. Abby and Carol started throwing questions at her. Tauri told them she’d explain later in the tent. Mom and dad kissed her. Grandpa wore his enchanted smile eyes gleaming like Santa Clause. Moreover, Kalin tapped her on the shoulder and winked at her. Which is what he does to display his emotions.

The favorite part of the ceremony is about to start. The feast. Mom yelled and rung the dinner bell for everyone to eat. Tauri smelled the twenty-five pound turkey cooking all morning. The bird and all its trimmings were arranged on two five-foot tables for the banquet. Bottles of wine and soft drinks stacked up by the cooler. The group formed a line waiting to fill their plates smacking their lips and breathing in the food with their eyes.

Everyone consumed the food within minutes. Dad passed out the chocolate cake frosted with butter cream. The desert table held ten different pies and cans of whip cream, and a variety of cookies, brownies for the choosing.

As dusk settled into night people said their farewells. Her friends waited for Tauri in the tent gossiping about the day’s activities. A few chose to camp. Uncle Dan enjoyed the campfires telling Indian folklore. Grandpa stayed in the center tent with his Siberian Husky. He never left the house without Dusty the Husky. He treasured repeating stories of his boyhood with sprinkled Indian Magic added of course.

Tauri shut the front door locking it after the last people left. “I’m going to grab snacks and head outside dad.” She yelled not seeing her parents in site. After she opened at least ten kitchen cabinets she grew frustrated. “Okay,” she muttered, “where would Mom put the marshmallows, Hershey chocolate bars and graham crackers? She scratched her head and turned around when she noticed a paper bag on the corner table. She peeked inside to discover the ingredients for her Smores.

Smores, she licked her lips at the thought. She also grabbed a bag of popcorn. As she walked out the backdoor she saw the fire still in a blaze, her friends circled around the campfire leaned over listening to her grandfather. Ah, he’s started already filling my friends with his stories. Tauri thought walking towards them.

A few hours passed when Tauri noticed her parents approaching. Arms wrapped around each other sitting Indian style as everyone else did and listened to Grandpa tell the same stories they remembered as kids. In the background Uncle Dan tapped the drums creating ambience for the storytelling.

The hour grew to midnight and the girls struggled to stay awake. Mother Nature knew they needed rest. And everyone knows you don’t mess with Mother Nature. The Sandman arrived. Kalin helped his parents put the girls to bed.  Grandpa and Uncle Dan put out the fire and retired to their tent for the night.

Tauri woke during the night with a heavy blatter. She drank way to much soda. She unzipped her bag inch by inch looking at her friends to make sure she didn’t awaken them. Once she stood outside the tent she wanted to acknowledge her Eagles ‘presence. Now that this spirit is in her, she wanted proof. Maybe as I walk to the bathroom the Eagle will speak. She needed a clue that it worked. Tauri felt like she had a new toy and she wanted to play with it, but it wasn’t cooperating.

She unzipped the tent and padded into the house. Glancing around her backyard she thought how different things look at night. So different from day time. Mom left the backlight on just in case the girls needed a pit stop. Her exhausted parents did not join in with the camp out. They yearned for their soft beds for their aching bones. Parties are fun and they love them, but the preparation and clean up wears one out. She walked a few steps then stopped and listened. Nope,” she muttered, “I don’t see or sense anything yet from my Eagle.  Possibly the totem pole needs carving first.  That must be it. She skipped into her house relieved her blatter and returned to her tent. Her friends were snuggled like bears. Tauri slid into her sleeping bag leaving the zipper unzipped. She knew Uncle Dan needed two weeks to finish her totem pole. So she would have to wait. Tauri hated waiting. She then fell asleep.

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