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Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1898135
34 years in sales and still trying to publish.
Lifetimes Worth of Sales Secrets

Chapter 1

“There is no winning or losing, there is only success and defeat.”
Vince Lombardi.

If your reading this book you are on the right track to success.  Let me start by telling you about myself, and you be the judge on whether or not it is right for you to seek knowledge from the austere history of my mind.

First, we will visit the road of my life and tell you of what is needed to be a purpose driven sales machine, in the sales world, by letting me be your Tutor.

Second, as a professional sales person, which I’m proud to say I am, you will learn what is needed not only to succeed in all sales, you will also learn what it is to become a career sales person of wealth.  I know that this is difficult because many of you are asking am I right for sales or can he teach me something no one else has, however let me make this crystal clear ‘you are right for sales, if you believe you are.’  I don’t want you to think I am a motivations coach, I am and I am not.  I want you to think of me as a big brother, a mentor, someone that knows you can trust him with everything needed to make you soar like an eagle.  Listen to your Tutor. 
It is so difficult to get the right information you need at the right time when it is  needed, so what is the solution?  Get help or stop.  Quit.  No matter what, you do don’t stop, get the info from not just one book but many.  Keep experimenting with what you read and study and sooner or later something will be triggered in your mind and you will have it.
Belief, in my view, is 100 percent of the way to success.  You believe you can and you will achieve a ten percent sales ratio no matter what, however success comes from 30 percent closing not ten.  Ten percent will pay the bills, but 11 percent to 30 will take you to heights you never dreamed.

Thirdly, we will visit a several sales presentations and teach you the steps you need to have a ‘tour’ of your own.
Any sales force no matter what you are selling has to be closed on, in other words telling is not selling.  This is something that takes rehearsal, dedication, repeated observance in the mirror long before you take a ‘tour’ and your own outline, in your words.  My words are what I believe to be right, however your words will also be right for you.  Remember, I am your coach, mentor, big brother, your Tutor.  I don’t care who has taught you in the past, no one has ever, told you - You are right in what your saying, You are right when you are touring, your tour is right.  There is no right tour or wrong tour, there is only effective and not effective. Your words can not be duplicated by someone else as a mirror.  Each of us has our own way, however there are guides to every sales situation.

Fourthly, this book will break down each and every tour that you take from the tuff sale to the easy lay down.  You and I both know that the difficult sale is nothing for the Master Closer, because he knows he can sale them and if he cant sale them, no one can.

Lastly, this book will teach you how to close your own sales and become your own T.O.(Turn Over, Take Over, etc.,) or manager.

Chapter 2

First days in sales:

The sky was a perfect shade of blue, although my heart was racing, as though a storm was applauding its thunderous vibrations after lightning strikes, the day was a perfect day.  I knew that this was my first shot at work, other than school and Army.  It had never occurred to me that the interview would change the path of my life forever.  All I knew is that I needed some type of work till I got discharged from the Army.

It was a beautiful June 18th and all was glorious in the world as I drove into a Resort (I will hold back the name for now).  Just the name alone amused ones thoughts of Horses galloping in the old corral.  However, nothing was further from the truth.
Pulling into the main road, at the Resort, was a sure change of thought as I looked to the guard shack that I pulled in front of.  The guard was staring at my Buick Lesabre as if it was a getaway car from a bank heist.  I knew I had done absolutely nothing wrong, however there was always a feeling of breaking  the law when confronted with someone that dished out justice.  This feeling was nothing new to those of us confronted with such instances. 
Does your heart race when pulled over by the police, ready to issue a ticket?  Does your heart beat miles a minute when pulled into the office of your boss unexpectedly?  Does your heart hammer in your chest when someone, with ominous tones says “we need to talk.” In low toned gestures someone waves to you to come here, you see them and your heart races “What did I do?” You worry.  Remember this feeling, you will need to as you continue to study this book.  That is the feeling your 'tour' feels when you call out their name.  You have to make them feel different in the first five minutes or you lose.  You have one first impression, are you a cop (I mean no offence to the law enforcement, but you scare us policemen.  This authority feeling should never be abused some sales people use it and brow beat their clients to join.) or are you a friend.

I stared at the guard as I thought of his gun on his hip.  “Where too?” he asked in a tone that belied neutrality.  “…Um.  Sales center please, I have an appointment with Jim Smith (so and so).”  At this time I have yet to find my first boss, so I will not use his name.  “Oh, welcome to the Resort.  Straight ahead, second right, is the sales center.  Good luck.”  He smiled and I felt better.  After he smiled i felt a bit more relaxed (amazing what a smile does).

I drove in, my heart suddenly jumped in my throat beating like the drums of an Indian tribal war chant, obeying the speed limit, I began to get that nervous feeling again.  I turned right and suddenly I was excited, happy, afraid, eager as I saw my mothers Chrysler New Yorker.
At this time, I should tell the reader a thing of one of my mentors in the beginning years of my sales career.

Barbara was the most resounding bell in my life (Mom).  She and another named Bill S. 
My mother? I know, I know! You may think like everyone that 'I will praise my mother for this or that and it will be as shallow as all the other people have done for their success’.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  My mother was probably the best I have ever seen in the business.  I know you might think this silly, but let me tell you her sales career, stunted by her husband to the point of ignorance of old habits of man, she was a master closer- oops, still is.  My fathers competitive nature hated that she was more of a success than he in closing, and loved it that she brought home more money than anyone could imagine. 
My father would out-sale my mother at the Resort, in deals written, but he would never beat her closing percegntage or her Average Per Guest cost.  My mother in the 7 years I saw her sale, closed 44% of the people she talked with.  This is verified by company records and had an apg or vpg of $9,700 life to date.  This is the most irritatingly silly number anyone could ever have in the business of sales, especially in the early days of Timeshare.  Each time she shook a hand she made the company $9,700 dollars.  Oh how I hate that number, because I never got close.  Oh I had a great closing percentage, of 31% in the time I worked my first job, life to date.  However, my apg was an abysmal $5,400.  Why couldn’t I be more like her.
Never, ever, say that you wish you could be… I have become one of the best Managers and TO’s in the Timeshare industry.  I make enemies of more people by being nice and smiling and out closing them, all the time; meanwhile out closing them on the floor with fierce passion i strive to beat myself. I wish I could be the person everyone likes instead of the bulls eye closer that everyone wants to beat.  This is not pride, or even cocksure nature of the closers you may meet in day to day life.  This is proven written business.  I am by no means the best, but I compete with them face to face on the same ground.  I remember a person that thought he could beat me by wiring the line (taking them out to eat, drink and party. Promise them extra money (spiffs) if he got called to the laydown-deals the rep felt, so what.) However, he failed. I pulled the hard ones and never complained and won over the reps that knew I could make them more money than anyone.  Remember, once you start doing well help any who ask and always be the helpful person.  What goes around, comes around.

I saw the sales center looming ahead like a haunted mansion on Halloween night.  As I entered the glass door of the Center, I recognized my mother and father sitting at a table together and two men in suits standing at the front of the room.  No one was talking; as I stood at the doorframe and waved.  I am sure I had a goofy smile as I stared at my father, he looked as if he were frightened. (My dad was never scared of anything, peculiar.)  His face strained and my mother waved to me as if shooing out a bird from a window seal.  I shrugged lifting my hands, in a ‘what?’ guesture.
“What can I do for you?” a blond haired man asked from my right his voice harsh and elevated.
“..Um, I am here to talk to Jim(so and so), I had an appointment at 9:05 a.m.” Sorry to the reader for the last names, again, but I dare not bring it to bear or I might fight the law for the rights of the name.  “…I had an appointment.”
“Not at 905 a.m. you didn’t. I’m Jim and you need to come back at 10 and ill talk to you then.” He raised his voice harshly.  Oh my, had I lost the job before I started.
“I am sorry, my parents told me to come at 9:05.” I persisted shaky at best.
“..ooh and who might they be?” He drawled his ‘o’s and I looked to the left at the multitude of people in the room, 100 or so, and pointed to the table as my mother proceeded to put her head on the table folding her arms over her head.
“He is mine boss. (My dad raised his hand.) I’m sorry Jim, I told him 9:05 sharp because our meeting normally ends at 8:50 or so.” A tall graying haired man spoke up, My father smiled and I smiled for the relief, rescue, and familiarity.  Always know that a friend that is familiar sees you and will wave with the relief of seeing someone they know. Become that friend on every tour.
“I see,” he said observantly. “Well, kid, go sit with your retarded parents for telling you to do that, (Having a handicapped brother I didn’t dare bring that up and say I was offended by his ’retarded’ comment) and I’ll deal with that later.” I scurried over to the table and grabbed an empty chair, trying to become invisible and praying I hadn’t got my father in trouble.  I would later hear Jim yelling at the top of his lungs at my father.  My dad never mentioned what was said.  This man, my new boss, seemed like the Devil.  I use that term heavily because of my Jewish heritage in hopes that you know how I feel about the old school salesman.  Those handling people with fear to do what they say by intimidation belong in a museum.  I find that I can make a person that works for me shake in their boots better with a soft word and  a smile with raised eyebrows, then a loud word.  It is unlikely that motivation should ever be done by hitting a dog, but rather training an animal with treats and incentives gives your pets more loyalty and happier agreement to run to you when you say “treat”. Thus, I feel, (I could be wrong about dogs, but im right regarding sales people) is the same with mankind.  Not that humans compare to dogs, however you get more bee’s with honey then you do without.

  Chapter 3  The interview

I started the interview as if I were playing football and readying for the next practice.
“Yes sir, I know I can.  If you think my mom and my dad are good, wait and see what I can do.” I said with the bravado of a Pro football player not yet  having attended a practice for Highschool ball, needless to say pro.
“Is that right.” Jim said as if saying I’m a fool, ‘riiiiiiight‘. “Well when can you start work?”
“Now,” I shot forth without thought sitting upright and ready to dash.
Leaning forward and reaching for the phone. “Good,” he replied and grabbed his phone and pushed a button and spoke the words of my future.  No forms, no Human Resources, no  extensive 4th interviews.  Just he and I.  “Gary, come in here and grab this newby and get him on tour with Bill.  I want him with the top of the line so we don’t lose him in the process. He is another Ashley what the hell am I thinking, the entire family, I am so screwed.” He hung up the phone and stared at me for a few seconds.  My heart beat faster than it had all day previous.  Remember when the client is about to sign contracts this is the feeling they get.  ‘Am I right Or Am I wrong?  Should I change my mind, or should I do this?’ Remember that feeling and you will save many deals on your button ups.
“Get out of here kid and don’t let me or your parents down.” He stood and reached out for my hand.  I had never shook a mans hand till Jims as an adult.  I was proud.  I was a business man. I didn’t have a clue what was coming next.

“Good lord kid?  Hard, firm handshake.” Oh no I failed already as i squeezed his hand firmly. “Yes sir!” I tried to smother his hand.
“Now get out kid and keep that firm handshake with everyone.” I left.

A tour is a tour.

When I was introduced to one of my newest mentors, I readied myself for a voice of reason.  A football coach yelling at me to follow the right move.  I got just the opposite and I hope to imbue the traits he gave me in you.  Bill  was a grand person in spirit and in truth.  He was more than a teacher to me he was an instructor, motivator, coach, father figure.  I was only a young man and was ready to sell lake lots.  He would make me feel as if I was an old pro.
“Hi Walter!” He giggled and reached out his massive hand and shook mine.  It felt as though my hand were engulfed in a giants.  However, as he shook my hand a warmth fell over me that is indescribable.  He was not a handsome man by any persons imaginings, but he surely was a wonderful man to know which made him more appealing than most.  Bill was 6 feet 4 inches tall with a larger frame at 268 pounds.  His balding head reflected sunlight as if he glowed to me.
“How are you son.” He said smiling and giggling his entire body shook with laughter.
“Fine, thank you sir.” I replied neutrally aware of his position with the company.  He was currently number 2 behind my mother, my dad was number 4.  Jim didn’t want  me to ride along with mom because “Only B can do what B does.” He said as I followed Bill to my first tour ever.
“Remember kid, the most important thing you can do with these clients is make a friend. You get in their heart you get in their wallets. Remember you can not be your parents.” Bill told me as we headed towards the preview center. "Now make sure that while your on tour you shut your yap, i do not want to lose the sale so hush.  If they ask you a question tell them your with corporate and just riding along because your new.'

The couple was as southern as you can get, they came with the slow grace of a cow farmer looking at  the heard.  Ronald and Mary Lou were an older couple from Carthage, Texas and had been married for 37 years.  They appeared to be Ma and Pa Kettle.  Ronald wore overalls and Mary Lou had a dress down to her ankles.  The conservative couple had not been on vacation in 37 years of marriage.  Ronald was a farmer that had countless acres of land and cattle. Bill later would tell me that they were land rich and cash poor.
“Why, Howdy!” Bill reached out with his hand to grasp Ronald’s and clasped him on the shoulder with the other hand.  “Don’t say nothing on tour.  The only thing I want you to do is shake hands Walter.” Bill told me Prior.
“Right here to my right is William.  He was in maintenance and now he is here because his mother got him a job here.  She is the best sales person here and they told me to take this young man around with me.  Folks so you know, they had no more reps available, however they called down to the transportation department and here I am.”  Bill lied!  He told them a straight lie.  I will always know why he did it, however I personally feel it is wrong to lie.  Don’t get the wrong idea, I am not perfect but if you have to lie why sale.  Now, with that said ‘Sizzle is sales’. Jim Pickens.

What is sizzle and what lie.

Definition:  Lie = to say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody.
Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Sizzle = The act, by means of using descriptive words, of making something seem greater than what it is.

Sizzle is selling, simply means you are doing your job to convey your product in a way that makes it so good they cant turn it down.  To become Picasso with words instead of paint.
Nothing is wrong in this juncture of selling, but remember don’t assume the client doesn’t know what your doing.  In fact the clients know the vast majority of time what your doing; they, however wish not to know all the negatives before purchasing they wish you to convey how you feel about it and judge if its right or wrong for them by your emotional beliefs in the product; so in other words its time to become an actor.

We are not here to deceive clients, we are here to sale them something for the betterment of their families and there future generations.  The cost to travel without you would be far greater than with you.  So, in other words, better with your product then without.  No matter what you sale remember they are better with it then without.

Timeshare was invented simply because a new class was created from a better economy after the Korean war.  In the united states and other countries arose a middle class citizen, neither rich nor poor, but able to afford a few luxuries.  This person wanted better for his family then just to eat, work, and sleep as all humans do, he could afford a little.  So if you share expense you can save more money as a large group than if you wanted to buy something alone.  We now have Timeshare in every aspect of our lives.  Airplanes, trains, buses, restaurants, houses, apartments, fuel, taxes, etc,.  We pay for our small piece and the whole covers the larger cost base.  Lets not forget what we sell but hold it tight and know that all deserve better in their lives.

What Bill did was tell the couple a lie, in his belief, because he wanted them totally relaxed and disarmed.  He wanted their minds open and the only way he (So he thought) knew to do that was lie.  No one taught Bill that you can sell without lies.  As a matter of fact, in the beginning days of sales they gave spiffs(cash incentives) for the most useful way to sale and many used Bills techniques.
Bill explained to the client that he worked in the automobile department and fixed the golf carts and maintenance on the company cars and that they were so busy they would call to the carpool and he would come help out on occasion.  His goal was to get the client disarmed from someone that was not in sales.  This disarming means has always been easy for me by just telling the clients if they join or do not it will be ok.

All training is not good training.

An open minded client is a client ready to listen.  If they listen they ask questions and feel with their hearts how it can help them or hurt them.  A feeling client with an open mind buys on emotion.  An emotional client is always a buyer.  That’s what Bill did.  However, I have found a better way that I stole from someone else to do it.  Does it mean that Bill would ever be hurt by this lie?  Probably not in the harmful way of getting caught, but years later Bill confided in me - “I wish you would have stole that knowledge sooner and imparted it to me.  Maybe I would have felt better about selling timeshare.” Bill told me on the phone one day.  Bill quit timeshare to open up a used car lot because he said he was burned out. His 12 year timeshare career he didn’t look fondly on in the end.  I asked him why and that was how he responded.

Chapter 4 Warmup or stay broke

Warm up:

“Where you folks from,” He asked casually as we got into his yellow mini-van.
“From down near Marshal way.”  Both husband and wife responding.

Getting to know your clients is the beginning of building the trust you will need to break down the Pact that the client has created.
Who, What, Where, Why, and when.  Every question you ask could have 4 other questions attached.
Definition - Pact:  Couples and friends talk with one another of what they are going to do when they arrive at a sales seminar.  This comes in many forms:  Happy clients, neutral clients, moody clients, angry clients, untrusting clients, and the client that is interested.  Be sure to examine yourself first and ask if you never had attended a seminar, or maybe you went to one and were treated good, or bad, remember all mankind is an experience away from forming an opinion on everything.

You may think it odd but you must rationalize that the client will buy something from someone.  Everyone buys something sooner or later.  So why not be that person they put their trust in.  No matter what a client says it is NEVER the money.  It might be the down payment is not there.  But the monthly payment is never the issue.  "How can you say that to me William, my clients truly couldn’t afford to buy?"  I would tell you this: If the client is on vacation spending money then they have money to spend.  They may not buy this because you haven’t made a friend or even created anyway dollars, however they have the money, just not any money for you.

Talk to the client of work, of family, of kids, grandkids.  How they travel or don’t travel.  Of their marriage.  Of their life experiences.  Everyone wants to feel that their lives make a difference.  How did they meet. (if they are married.)  Everyone on the planet touches someone before they die, why not find out about your clients so you can help them to enjoy their future.  Mundane existences are with everyone you pass daily.  As soon as you can get your client to start talking and telling you about their lives and what they enjoy, the easier it will be to find their hot buttons.

Definition - hot button: Something that a client appreciates, or even loves that helps them to enjoy life more.

I get up in the morning and walk into the kitchen and I pore a bowl of cereal.  I pet my lovely puppies and walk into the living room in my underwear and proceed to turn on the T.V. to see the mornings news.  I hope, while I eat, nothing happened around the globe while I slept.  I finish and tiptoe around the house not wanting to wake up my beautiful red head.  I walk into the bathroom, shave (I hate shaving) shower, dress, and go to the office.  I drive through the miserable thousands of cars, and stress, and people driving recklessly in 4000 pound vehicles thinking that they can never be in an accident and die.  Meanwhile, thousands a year die in car crashes.  (My father died Jan 16, 2006 in a car crash) Stress.  I arrive at the office to greet my employees hoping I don’t say something silly or offend someone.  Stress.  I don’t like hurting peoples feelings. Stress.  I then proceed to try and sell some timeshare to folks that can or cant afford, don’t want to afford, or don’t believe they can, resorts. Stress.
After work, I drive home. Stress.  When I arrive at my castle, (mortgage stress) I hug my red headed wife (stress - how was her day) and pick up my wonderful dogs (stress, worrying if they might get sick or have they ate.) I then take off my shoes and get undressed and sit on the sofa with the wife asking how her day was (not always do I do this, stres).  Stress.  Soon as I am done with idle chit chat I proceed to slow down.  Stress is like rust and all of us have it.  Think on why clients need timeshare and you and I both know that we can chip away the stress in peoples lives and help them live longer, happier, more successful lives.
Remember my mundane, and your, existence is probably not similar but we have the same types of stress that our client has.  Help them.
My hot buttons are as follows.  My faith, my wife, my dogs, reading, computer games, movies, golf, teaching people to sale, writing, great food and a good knap.  These are what get me talking, however I’m a lay down.

Definition - Lay down:  a person (like me) who will buy if they like it and its affordable for my budget, and if my beautiful wife says I can.

Things to do in your warmup.

Touching: It is imperative that you shake hands firmly when you meet them even if the lady wishes to limp shake your hand make her shake your hand firmly.  Don’t except the “I got arthritis” excuse from your client.
If she has any jewelry on her fingers try and remember - ‘If she is wearing it she loves it.’  So make it special and don’t fake it, this is not a time for sizzle.  When he shakes your hand if he shakes it too hard tell him. “OOOOh John easy there, I’m not as strong as you are.”  Men love it when we feel we are the strong cavemen position.
When talking to the lady find out if she is proud of the kids or grandkids because they will get pictures for you to peruse. A client that shows you pictures is showing you a road map of why they need Timeshare.
All men who have male buddies act differently with their buddies then they do with their wives.

“A Babtist preacher, Catholic Priest, and a Jewish Rabbi are talking about the tithe that the church members donate to the church.  The Babtist says I throw up the money in the sky, draw a circle, what falls in the circle is mine what falls outside is Gods.  The Catholic Priest says NO,  I throw up the money, draw a square 6 feet by 6 feet, what falls in the square is Gods what falls outside is mine.  NO, no says the Jewish Rabbie.”
“…because what god keeps is his, the rest that falls to the ground is mine. You must have faith.”  Thus went a joke that Ron told me hitting me in the arm and both of us laughing while having cocktails at a bar.  I never told him i was Jewish.

“Oh Jennifer, you don’t understand I have to have that dress,” Lauren told Jennifer as she looped her right arm with Jennifer’s left and proceeded to pull her in the store.  Jennifer already knew she liked the women from the beginning and would buy loads.

“‘Boys will be boys.’ I don’t like the saying but its true.  Remember while on tour your clients are human.  Men treat the guys like a buddy and ladies treat the ladies like a close friend or a sister.

"Get in their hearts and you get into their wallets.” ‘Barbara Laxson’.

In 1980, a 17 year old boy walking into a sales floor of 100 reps, was carrying a bag of herbal products that he sold on a multi-level program. (Months before applying for the job.)  Instead of working in a fast food establishment, it made more common sense to sale and make money, like his mother and father.  He had played football for many years and knew he could do anything he set his mind to, however this was something totally foreign.  He knew that as he walked into a boiler room of many, sales reps turned and stared at him.  The hour was 9:05 a.m. and the Director of Sales turned at the same time to see the young man.

“What the hell is wrong with you people, 164 tours and 22 deals?  You know and I know we are double that in production.  Why is it that Sam and Barbara can write  5 deals, a quarter of our business yesterday and the rest of you are lounging around playing cards?” He chided the group, as I felt a tingle of pride at hearing my mother and fathers name.
I waited and listened further.
  “I don’t seem to get what you people are doing out there 2 and 3 hours at a time.  Why is it that one day you write 45 deals and the next you can’t give it away.  Can someone tell me why that is.”  He chastised the group further.
My first introduction to sales, in the modern new age of sales, was very strange; however I did manage to get a great feeling of joy at knowing my mother and father were the best there, so I had hope for nepotism.
Further in this book we will talk about the old modulated sales manager and how they believed they could motivate by intimidation.

Chapter 5 The client

Introductions to your client:

The most burdensome thing when trying to relax your client, and getting to know them rest in the hands of the professional.  Remember, they don’t have to like you, you have to like them first.  If you don’t find an inner liking for your client, something unique, something that fills common ground, then you have to fake it.  This is extremely difficult for the sales person, almost impossible.  Acting is something that is taught, right?  Wrong!  You must be aware of your limitations and you must overcome them or go around them. Anyone can act, my wife does it all the time.  She always acts like she likes me in the midst of my stupidity.  A good sales person finds a common factor. (Or I’m sad to say, must fake some type of common ground in a reality format.  Simply put, a 3rd party story will do it every time.  Even if you don’t know if the 3rd party story you have heard was true or not.  Ill review more of this in the 3rd party story section.) You must find a commonality that you and your client can come together on.  It is the same as meeting a future date in a public setting.  You try to woo them, or you try to make them laugh.  To what purpose do you do this?  To GET THEM TO LIKE YOU.
Introducing yourself to your client is a difficult task because you are an actor/actress on stage, and you must fool your audience into believing you are that person.  Many sales trainers will tell you to be yourself, I WILL not lie to you and say be yourself, until you find yourself; because some of you are not .  You must find ‘your sales self’ or your second personae. If the happy version of you is vibrant, outgoing, fun loving, excited, enthusiastic, caring, desirable, affluent, appealing, how much longer could I go on; then that is the person you must be to your client.  Otherwise you must fake it in a convincing manor, basically act.  You must, MUST become 2 and a half times your normal self.  You must fake it, till you make it.
With many clients you’re a psychologist. With some you’re a friend.  Some you are a brother or sister or niece or nephew.  Everyone wants to be like you because you make many people fill good about themselves, and if they can just glean a portion of you that helps them, they will love you for it. Unfortunately, the first impression is the best and only impression you will make on your Mr. and Mrs. owner.  So how important is the first impression? Life or death.
We start with the basics of the warm up which should be no longer than 3 to 15 minutes, or until you can talk to them without fear, and you will have to start with your urgency statements to achieve it.

The musts of selling.
Find a conducive places to sell.  Face the water.  The beach. A pond. A fountain.  Why water? If its around you, you need to be by it.  Water has an innate ability to relax people and creates a euphoric since of peace. If there  is no water find a cool place to sit and relax.  The warmer the location the more hot your client is, a hot client is a client that will not listen.  The cooler the client the easier to open their mind.  That is why sales floors are always cold.

A.  The warm up, in the introduction.
You must have a firm handshake from both the wife and the husband.  Don’t allow the wife to wimpy, wimpy, wimpy you into a bad handshake. I know that much of this might become repetitious but with repetition comes memory. Grab hers with both hands and imagine its your mother, turn her hand parallel with yours and take the other hand place it on top of hers. “Oh Mary pleased to meet you.  You can squeeze my hand like a (insert your city, example: Like a Las Vegas Millionaire-) Squeeze Mary.  Yes that’s a Vegas handshake.  Then when you shake Mr. clients hand respond with, Ouch that’s a strong handshake Mr. Olympia. (Or something to that extent.) The controlling element in this is that both of them respond. Eye to eye contact must be held and met at all times.  Don’t be distracted by anything at this point, be confidant at all times in the sales process.
  “Mr. and Mrs. Client, welcome to (X) I am so glad to meet you, follow me folks.”  “Mr Client may I call you frank or do you have a nickname your friends use. Now move along and engage them in how much fun they are having in your City.  They are on vacation or they are on business, either way its time to shine.  (Don’t be a phony version of yourself, just be 2 and a half times more enjoyable to be around;  but still be your sales you.) Never forget, and they wont either, you’re here to do business with them and you know they will love what you have.  That confidence should dominate your presentation.  It does not really matter as much what you say, or what the product does, as it does believing in the words you are saying.  Confident in your pitch is essential.  Confidence is the pinnacle of the best sales people anywhere.  The more your confidence in everything you do and say, the more the client believes there is something special that you are offering.  NOT COCKSURE.  Don’t be cocky be likable and sure of yourself.

  “But mom, I cant do what you do!” I responded to her teaching.  I was such a scared young man.  “Yes you can,” she would yell.  My mother was such an annoying person because she knew who I was and what I was capable of.
My football days and my scholarship to college ball at Austin College was a big deal for me, at the time.  My mother knew I made Second Team  All State and she knew what I could do once I set my mind to it.  She had me at a disadvantage as she began my training.  The summer of my high school graduating year was the off season.  Thus, my timeshare sales training began.

As your walking (She would say) in to your sales center, car lot, etc., remember that the client is nervous because you are the person going to try and take their money, so a tug of war must not be sought out.  Don’t try to sell them.  Remember, that when in doubt “take it away”.  ‘Mr. Client I just want to welcome you to our office and thank you for your time.  I know you must be anxious over what is going to take place, however lets first get some refreshments and ill show you around.”  Show them to the drink station or food, and the restrooms.  Then guide them to the table you will be sitting at.
  “Bob, have a seat there, and Mary you can sit there.” Always tell them where to sit, and take charge, you must control them in their seating and in their chit chat. Now wait for them to get seated.  (If they are eating you better be too, people eat with people they like, friends break bread with friends.) This time is a vulnerable time if your eating, it will naturally relax the clients if you do the talking and make them laugh.  When the human body digests food the blood in the body moves to the stomach to process this food ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ The client thinks better on a full stomach, and is more at ease with their surrounds.  Don’t trip this process up.  Don’t get in the way of a sale.  When you eat with the client you endear yourself to them and its easier to approach them with a proposal.  ‘The fastest way to the mind is through the stomach.  So maybe carry candy bars if your not eating with your clients, a friend always told me.

B. The Intention of your presentation and the Pact break.

The client needs to be relaxed and let off the proverbial hook, so its time to tell them what’s going to take place today.
          If your at a location with a podium speaker, tell your client about him/her. In your intent, you have to do 5 things in most the questions you ask.  I call this the 5 W’s of William.  Who? What? Where? Why? When?  Zig Ziegler and Jim Pickens have been the best teachers for me at how this works.  My mother fine tuned it and they deep seated it into my mentality over the last 28 years.  Remember everything I write in this training is based on knowledge I acquired over 28 years of Timeshare sales.  I know nothing about any other sales, however, we in Timeshare feel that if you can sale an object that’s not a tangible item, or can’t be touched, or tasted, smelled, it is a intangible.  Its not a shirt you can wear, or a car you can drive, or a house you can move into; Timeshare is a dream of things to come.  So you must sell the senses of it, not the logic of it.  This is an emotional sale backed by logic.
  “Bob and Mary, let me tell you what is going to take place today.  First, I’m going to find out more about you and your travel desires. Then, after I have done that, ill show you how our product works along with a wonderful film of our clients. (if no film, replace)  After that we will tour the resort and test out what its like to enjoy a bit of luxury.  At that time we will see if we can fit something into your vacation life.  However, let me say this, I know that before you two came here today you probably had a conversation similar to this, “Mary, when we get their, I don’t care how good it is, how good looking the rep is, (That’s me. Throw in a joke like this to lighten the Pact break up.) What it cost or how many resorts they have; when they get down to money be quiet, ill do the talking.  We will get our gift and get out of there. Now, who said it?” (After you have done this laugh if they do.) -Now you wait for a response and address their Pact.  You must first acknowledge that they have a pact as we did previously.
  “It is only human nature to be apprehensive, coming to a sales presentation of some sort, that’s ok.  However, if your not interested or cant fit it in the budget, when I am through just give me a simple yes or no, fair enough?  Now let me ask you this folks, when does my company want you to join? Today or in ten years? (Wait for them to say today.)  When do you fill they are going to offer you a better price, today or in 15 years? (Again wait.)  That’s right folks, so if you were going to try my product when would be better time if you were? Today or in ten years? (Wait for their today again)  Yes, but with that said, I know that if you don’t see the value, it doesn’t fit financially, ill let you folks go get your gift when I’m through and then ill get another client.  I just ask you try to keep an open mind and either way we will depart semi friends, fair enough?  Always throw in the joke at the end semi-friends.
This next paragraph is based on you and the clients age, location of residence, and life circumstance.  You must base this part of the pact address on the excuses you know will come from this bracket of client.
A long time ago I was told this by a manager, that I didn’t really care for, because he was always trying to get me to call him to my tables when I didn’t need him, but I remember him talking to a new rep and I over heard it.  We can always learn if we are open. ‘Plug the holes in the Damn.  You know the client has excuses so overcome the excuses before the client brings them up.’
You know if their 30 what they basically will give you for an excuse. (We are buying a home, we are too young, we are a new family, etc.,) If they are 40 (You know they probably have a home, saving for kids college, economy.)  If they are 50 (They have parents, kids going to college.)  You know if they are on their second marriage probably what the excuse will be, we haven’t thought of this before, or we are new in the marriage.  YOU KNOW THEY are going to use these excuses so stop it.
  “Bob, let me ask you this?  Do you feel I have heard loads of reasons why folks should or shouldn’t purchase my product. (He will say ’well probably.)  That’s right, my kids are too young, to old, kids in college, buying a new house, saving for retirement, retiring in a few years, my dog needs braces, the economy.  That’s right I had a lady from Arizona tell me that years ago. Do you know what it cost to put braces on a dog? I DO.  I told her “Elinore I can save you 4000 dollars on your dog braces.  (I was so dumb, DON’T  do this) Fly your puppy to  Brownsville, Texas and my family will Smoke him on a grill, you save 4000 and buy brand new pair of dogs with what I save you.” This is true.  I had to learn what not to do, so do you.  Elinore  purchased, but filed a complaint on me saying I wanted to eat her dog.  100% true story.  Don’t be stupid (ignorant of clients feelings) like I was, learn from the experience of others and steal what you need to sale.
  “Folks, you and I know that my company is going to offer some Large incentives today should you become members, right?  We are going to put our best foot forward right now, and we also know that from doing business all these years the clients, 20-30 percent of the time, will join and 70 percent of the time wont.  I am ok with that. Simply put, we are going to offer you one time incentives to help motivate you to join, if you feel you like this, would use it, and find it comfortable in the budget, then try it.  If you tell me no after you have seen all the extras today its ok.  You can always come back and pay a bit extra for peace of mind.  If you tell me yes we will be great friends, however if your not 95 percent convinced you should try it just tell me no and we will still depart Semi friends, fair enough?
If you follow this word for word you will succeed in never getting a ‘I have to think it over again!’  This is almost always fool proof.

Chapter 6

The Discovery

What purpose does the discovery solve for us? Read on and you will find the answer.  This is your roadmap to the hot buttons for your sale.  Don’t shortcut any client you take, remember that the minute you get sidetracked and shortcut your client is the time you lose the sale.  Hot buttons are normally found in the discovery.

Hot buttons:  The things people love about your product that will help to sell them.  It is the items people like to do, or use, or enjoy that determine a hot button.  People love the beach because of the sand in their toes and the water on their feet.  People love to ski or surf or tour etc.  Hot buttons.

Credibility in your product discovery,

Most reps will talk about company in the beginning of the warmup ‘we are this and we are that,’ I say you have not earned the right as of yet to discuss business if you haven’t warmed up and give your intent of the sale to explain how my company does this or that.
The company must be talked about after you have broken the pact and you find out how they are currently traveling on this trip, with who, what, where, why, and when. You must do it briefly and not sound like your selling.
The client must be confidant that your company will not only save them money but will be Safe for their money. Use visual pieces to show where your company can be trusted with their monies.  Say it and show it.
The size, the history, how many clients you are helping as a corporation.  What your company has done, go beyond the normal.  Making sure that the client has the best service in the industry.

Rent vs. Own.

Why is this so important?  If your client purchases, the majority of the time, by emotion; then, the decision should be backed by logic.
Many times the client will say ‘I don’t need luxury’ and the rep will try to sell the client on the need for it or even go the wrong direction.  No.  This is not right.  The client only needs one thing in life, good health, everything else is choice.  Don’t sell the need of this, it’s the desire for fine things that motivates the majority of us to purchase, not the need of it.  However, for the great few, you can sale on emotional needs- that I will talk about later.
  “Mary, if I may, put this on the beach in Hawaii.  (You should be showing them a wall tour or pictures, or if your lucky, a computer viewing of resorts.) You walk out of your sliding doors onto the beach.(only use her vacation she tells you about.)  Bob, your cooking on the grill and the smell of the bar-b-Q is overwhelming as you listen to the sea.  Or you check into your motel $110 single room 4 miles away.  Which would you prefer? The view of the ocean or the view of the dumpster, Mary?  (Wait for their response and always ask the woman first.) “Mary, would you prefer First class flights if they were the same as coach?”  When she says ‘Well sure if it wasn’t for the price,’ You have got your foot in the door to sell the vacuum.
  “Bob, let me ask you this, are you staying in lower, medium or upper grade hotels when you do travel?  How much per day would it cost you in Hawaii, for your medium grade. (He will more than likely tell you some low ball amount.  Always follow with ‘Your probably right Bob,’ and then show them comparative prices of resorts over hotels.)  That’s probably right Bob and am I right, your just like your wife, you would prefer first class as well if it was the same price as coach?”  Most always the husbands will agree with their wives, not always.  “Sure if it wasn’t for the price.” Now move in for your first strong trial close.  “So in other words if it wasn’t for money you would love the best resorts, am I right Mary, over motels if the price were the same? (She will almost always say yes, now take it away.) Mary and Bob, you don’t have to take this today, 70 percent of the time folks don’t, its not for everybody. (Always give it back at some point as well.) However, I know from what you have told me so far that luxury does interest you somewhat even if it may not be the best of times to purchase it.  However, some folks feel luxury could be a log cabin by itself in the middle of no where.  So remember folks, if its not for you, you are smart people you will know it when I am done.” You must break the Pact throughout your tour as often as you can and give it back.  Remember that when you talk about lower, middle or upper grade hotels, you can say, cheaper, middle, or upper grade hotels.  The purpose of that would be no client likes saying they are cheap unless they are smoke screening you.  It also throws in the psychology of sale, that a client will see cheaper not in the same likeness as you.  My wife will see cheaper hotels as a Ramada or Holiday Inn, I see cheaper as a Motel 6.
  “In the next ten years Mary, give me 5 vacations you would like to take.” It is critical that you get the five trips or more if you can, but don’t force them into giving you too many trips; five is plenty at this point for the rent to own.  Many sales outfits call this a value planner, whats the value to the client.
“Hawaii, Florida, Mexico, Europe, Virgin Islands.” Great, now don’t ask why they wish to go to these places proceed with cost.  Always, you must pick the obvious, most expensive location to use this comparative.  Don’t ask why they wish to go to these at this time, hold it for the condo.

The Comparative rent to own

  “Europe, nice, what part? (Wait for them to tell you.) Italy, and Paris. (always compliment their choices) Those are two of the most romantic and beautiful places.  The Eiffel tower, French food.  Sorry I got off track.  Facial expressions are important as you talk about things you, apparently like (or fake that you like) so act the part.  (French food - close your eyes and say it thinking of your favorite dish.  Your smile, your eyes squinting, this is the sizzle of sales so sale it.  The Eiffel Tower, act it.) I want to go with you.  Now lets talk about the airline ticket for the both of you. How much do you feel it will cost you to fly per person.”  (Normally you will get 700 or 800 a piece.  What ever they say write it down.)  “Now, how much per day for the resort accommodations?” Wait for them to respond, DON’T help them with a figure. “They will give you 150 or higher, just don’t help.  If they say hostiles or family always kill the excuse here and get them to hotels.  Hostiles? Yes, share a bathroom for 89 dollars a day and your wife comes back hostile.  Not my wife.  Her idea of a hostile is a cheap motel here.  Family? Yes that is one romantic get away, lets sleep next to moms room, its so romantic.  Folks, sincerely, family and friends is convenient however if we won the lottery we would be staying in the best.  So for an inexpensive hotel in Europe how much per day?  (What you have just done is let them know your not a push over, even though you said to them earlier that this is not for everybody, you are in this to convince them of the good of this whether they purchase or not.)  “Ok, 150 a day,” they say.  “Great folks, how much for food?”  Wait for it. How much for fun per day.  How many days will you want to be there. Etc etc.  What your doing is getting the approximate cost for this one trip.  When your done talking about this trip you should end up with 6000 to 9000 in cost.  Now ask them, ‘How much do you feel Hawaii will cost, Mexico, Florida, Virgin Islands?  Don’t help them with these trips, let them tell you.  In these five trips you should end up with 15,000 to 25,000 dollars.  Now its time for a comparative rent to own.  Remember that whatever number you get remember your exchange company will save them loads on airfare because of their size.  Then minus the airfares from the total monies so they know your not over inflating it.  Act like (Oh I forget our timeshare doesn’t cover air so lets minus it) you over looked it.  As you do this they become more trusting of you because you remembered that we don’t do something for them.  Never make it too good to be true.  This is a baby negative, always throw in four or five baby negatives.  Clients want to know what’s in it for the company.  Even if clients don’t admit it, they like doing business with a company that makes money.

You first must have rates from leading resorts, at least 3 of them for this to work to its best values.  Before you do a comparative rent to own you must have prices of at least 3 resorts to show them (visual aides).  There are many magazines at book stores that give rates of five star hotels and resorts globally.  If not, get them online to internet websites for travel.  Do your homework.  It must be real rates.
  “Folks let me show you 3 locations that you can use with us and the rates of those places.”  When you show them that 500 dollars a day and higher are the rates you then say - “Bob, let me ask you this. That trip to Europe?  How much higher would it be if I inserted the best resorts money can buy into the equation.  Am I right in assuming you and I would probably not be going on that trip for less than 15000 just for the one trip?  Your Comparative rent to own, over the next 10-20-30 years should be hundreds of thousands of dollars if you take what they are spending per year and insert resort cost per day instead of their current costs for cheaper hotels.  (Wait for him to say yes.)

Time for a big Tie-down.  “So, what your telling me is you folks would love to travel more and in nicer accommodations if it wasn’t for the money?  What if I could put you on  those vacations, you just said you would like to go on, if I could save you 80% of what your going to spend and then when your done with it I gave your children that right.”  Their response is a big step to your sale.


For each person that is on commission sales, you should applaud yourself.  No pay unless you sale, how could you do that?  I cant believe that you work for nothing unless you get a deal.  I would never work for nothing, they would have to pay me.  These are the things said to sales people due to the fact that the weaker minded person is never going to make what you can.
The highest paid people in the world are sales people.  Lets review why you got into sales in the first place.
I know I can, I know I can, I know I can, or maybe I cant.
Maybe I cant is the person that must move along to the hourly job because you must be sure of who you are and what you can do.  Being sure of oneself is the pivotal issue in sales.  This is the most important thing you can learn from this book, so as you read on, remember, ‘Its not what you say but the belief in your mind and heart in how you say it.’  We can only sale if the client believes in everything coming from our mouth, the client must have absolute certainty in the trustworthiness of what you say.  You have heard it before and now ill tell you how critical it is, it does not matter whose timeshare you work for, or whose car lot you sale at, or whose housing development you sale from, if you don’t ACT you wont get paid.

Acting is not a crime, and it is not a sinful thing to act like you like someone.  Movie actors are so over paid that we look on them as special somehow.  They are not special, they are salespeople that get paid more than us to act.

Trial close time.

  “I am not asking you to purchase this Bob, however if I could put you in the best money could buy for Half of what you would spend normally for trips here in ‘X’, am I right in assuming you would love to take Mary to resorts if it was less then you were spending?” If you have done this right he cant say no.  He already told you he would love first class if it was  the same as coach earlier.
Take away time.  ‘This is not for everyone Bob, and if you tell me no when I am done, that’s ok because I know money is very important; however I know your going to like what I have to show you.  You may not join today, however I know your going to like it.  The last sentence is not the best unless you finish it with a close.  You may not join today, however i know your going to like so if i find you a product that fits would you like to have it if the price was comfortable?

Condo close

Once your in the condo remember that this is their first time with you in the condo, so make it count.  Always ask this of the female, (or the one that is most interested in your perception.)  “Mary, let me ask you this.  If John said to you lets get this Mary, if it were 100% financially comfortable, would you like to have this if John would?”  Now wait for her or his yes.  Now ask him the right way.  “John, Mary would like to have this.  If I can make this 100% comfortable would you like to get this for Mary if it fits.”  Ask it this way and you have him.  If she says yes, he has to follow his wife if he loves her he cant say no.  “Well, I don’t know if I can fit it in but lets go back and see if we can find something.”

I don’t want to tell you something that will hurt you, however with that said remember the word, ‘But”.
In the next few paragraphs notice the words that are stopping words.  Words you are using or have used or will use.
“John I know that you have children in college, but don’t you agree that you will spend the money with or without timeshare?”  This is a stopping sentence with one word changed it becomes a closing statement rather than a stopping statement.  I want you to stop reading and find the one word in that sentence that stumbles rather than helps, do that now.
“John I know that you have children in college, but don’t you agree that you will spend the money with or without timeshare?”  Folks you and I know that when your in an argument with a family member and you say ‘I know that you feel that way, but?’  This just creates another excuse and your telling them ‘yeh, yeh, I know that but your not making logical sense.’

Stop words, or words that make you stop.

But, buy, think about, mull it over, maybe, these words hurt rather than help and there are a thousand others. Research your sales craft.
Join, try, do, bonus, club are better words that help with slow task tension.


Just bought a house.

Folks I understand, this program sometimes comes at the wrong time.
Although, I do know that you are here on vacation spending a little money,
even though it may not be that much your spending.  Let me ask you this, if I could get this program given to you for free, no strings, would you take it.
(If the client says yes proceed, if not go back to the rent to own and start

Well, let me show you how, (proceed to show them all they save with LEASURE plan and show how the savings makes their payment.  After ask them can I welcome you aboard.  (They probably will say no so proceed, however if they start asking questions you have them ).
Folks I understand, however you did say earlier to (reps name) that you would spend 1500 a year, is that not in fact 130-150 a month you save for that.  (Think on your feet and overcome, once you have them asking questions or challenging you, you have to assume the sale because they are HERE spending money despite the house.) The worst case scenario, take the money that they are refinancing and include an extra 14000 on the mortgage.  Example:  300,000-315,000 at 6% interest and on your calculator just add a 30 year mortgage or a 20 year or whatever type they are doing. (Don’t tell them your adding 14000 to the mortgage, just do it.  Then ask, ‘so your mortgage is going to be ‘x’ am I correct?’ They will say, yes about that.  The mortgage will not increase more than 30 a month ever.  At this point tell them, ‘well folks, let me welcome you aboard, the reason why I say that is I just included the 14000 into your mortgage and it did almost nothing to your monthly’s.

Planning on buying a home or move.

Same as above however, if they are buying a home ask them their payments.  (they will say I don’t know yet, or X payment.  Then ask what their interest rate is, then calculate our program with their Purchase price of the home and do a 15 or 30 or 40 note financing and include our price.  Their home payment will go up maybe ten a month.  Then ask them What if my payments were ten a month and you got them.

Planning on refinancing our home.

Wonderful folks, I know your going to love me when I’m done.  Let me ask you this, what kind of amount are we refinancing for interest.  Wait and do the same as above.

I heard availability is never open.

Folks your correct, and with old timeshare that was the biggest problem it had, however with computers and cars and health we always have improvements.  Guess what, our system isn’t perfect however it’s the closest thing to a VISA card you can get.  Test me, how bout Hawaii, give me a month you would like to go to Hawaii…Even if your not going.  Ill prove it. (goto main frame, prove it and you have them) If you prove it your win them over.  If i can prove that this works the way you need it too would you give me a try if the money fits?

Not a good Real Estate investment.

Oh my goodness you are so right.  You and I both know that Real estate is a LARGE purchase investment in comparison to something as tiny as this, however let me ask you this…Other than your families pictures and memories, vacations have never been or will ever be a good investment, don’t you agree?  You spend on vacation and blow your money based on having fun.  Fun is not an investment for recovery or financial gain.  However, can you put a price on your families enjoyment Mr. Client?  That’s right you can’t, however the last ten years sell me your Family vacation receipts, what are they worth money wise?  That’s right zero, and turn that around and look at me, if I sell this product, speaking of money, in ten years for half or even a quarter of what I paid, what’s a better financial investment; Motel receipts or Deeded resort property.  That’s right Mr. Client, how would you like to handle the monies your financing or ours.

I’m Dieing.

Um I’m so sorry about that, bless your heart.  Folks in that case this may not be for you, however let me ask you this, are you leaving the kids or the estate money and investments when you go. (They will usually say yes, if they say no ask them; ‘Don’t you think this is perfect for you in that case then?’) Well, I know and you know that, if you go back to your 14th Birthday, do you remember all the presents you received?  (They will have to say no, if they say yes ask them ok name all of them. Decent boldness.)  That’s right, but I would almost bet you remember at least 3 vacations you took with mom and dad IF they took vacations, true?  Folks what is this worth to our families when we are gone.  So why not live for today, enjoy what’s left of your life and give the kids the product for their futures when you are gone, leaving a legacy of love for your family?  You know and I know you leave them money they blow it on a car or mortgage, but every time I go to Disney I think of my mom and dad.

I can’t afford it.

You know I have to tell you that is one excuse we can’t overcome Mr. Client.  Let me ask you this, knowing that you don’t travel that much, or wont in the future because of money doesn’t that make you feel bad? (Yes proceed, if they say no, decent boldness time.  Mr. Client it doesn’t make you feel bad that your family can’t travel in luxury?  If that is the case I can not do a thing for you.)  Well let me ask you this, since your not traveling do you do anything at home to keep your sanity, for fun; movies, Blockbuster, Mc donalds, bowling, sports, Starbucks, anything.  (List off some things that cost at least 25 a week or more.) Thank goodness you do something for your sanity, because stress is the number 1 killer and number 1 reason for vacations.  You told me earlier that you spend 3,000 a year traveling however this is not affordable.  Lets break that down.  You said your traveling every year and your spend just enough to go.  I know 3,000 a year will not put you 4 weeks in Australia, however do you not agree that 3,000 a year you spend will go up with time? (wait for their answer)  Well lets say it does not go up a penny, do you feel that you are at least committed to going every year on some type of trip even if its cheaper? (Wait for the yes or no) Yes you are so basically the most you could handle in your budget is 3,000 or less per year.  If i could get you a vacation program for less than 3,000 per year would you like to give me a try if i make that fit?  If its 'no' then let me ask you this if i could put you in luxury for half of what your spending per year am i correct that that would interest you.  Always be closing, ABC's of vacation sales.

If you can think of excuses that the client comes up with it needs to be posted, and the timeshare Tutor needs to show you how to overcome it. Join the forum sections and get all your answers with Live chat now. I have given you 7 or 8 objections and a means to over come them here, however look at all the unanswered excuses below.

I cannot make a decision this fast, I will be back. I have to think it over

This excuse comes to you, on average, 20-30% of the time with most tours. The minute this tour excuse comes up people ask WHY, or what do you have to think about? No, no, no, no!!! Have  I made myself clear on what you do not do? Don't get frustrated and blow them off. The vast majority of the time it's an excuse or it's simply 'give us more info so we can make an informed decision.' I do not care who your trainers are or who your motivational speakers are; If they have not had 5 years or more of front line Timeshare talking to clients, they do not have the foggiest idea how to overcome these clients except by what they have heard or read. It is time to agree with your client and let them off the hook."You know, Mr. client, thank you for at least keeping an open mind and letting me know you like it and you need to mull it over. Let me ask you this, what is it about this product you have to discuss with each other? (Now when you start this close you can not pause for effect. You must continue talking without pause or even breath at this point.) Is it the fact that you dont like resorts, is it the fact that you dont like our quality, or is it just the money right now?" Now you wait for their response. The majority of the time you will hear, "Well, it's just the money right now." You always want to get it to the real objection and thats 1 thing, The money.  If they say 'No i just need to think about it,'  Follow up with this:  Sir, let me ask you this, where was the last Timeshare you toured at in the past, this year or was it last year?  Wait for their response.  They will tell you, 'oh we don't know, it has been years.'  No matter when they toured last, it doesn't matter follow with this.  'Oh i see, so 2 years or so ago you saw a Timeshare and the reason you didn't purchase way back when doesn't matter.  What matters is that you have had 2 years to think it over, this product is about can we fit it in financially, so which part of this is the most difficult, the initial or the monthly?'  Now wait.  IT'S always the money.

I have to talk to my accountant, attorney, family.

Most of the old timeshare mangers or closers will say, " Sir, i understand how you feel, but have you ever called your accountant/attorney/mother to check and see if it was o.k. to go on vacation or something to this affect. Some closers will say We certainly understand. Most families trust their attorney to advise them when it comes to tax or legal matters, just out of curiosity, what would you ask them? Don't attack. DON'T EVER USE THE WORD BUT while closing a sale. This is the weakest form of trying to convince a client. Never, if you can help it say WHY is that folks. Any time you say "I understand how you feel, or but, or why." Your closing and they know it. We have an educated tour now and the clients have HEARD it.

But = any time you use the word But in closing you just canceled the 10 words prior to the word. "Bob, I understand how you feel, but dont you agree that your still going to spend the money?" Of coarse he agrees with you, however he will not be buying now.

Why = Any time you use the word ''why' it's no different than your children or siblings saying, "why, why, why," if it frustrates them as it will frustrates you then don't do it. Dont you dislike it when your spouse or your children come across to you with, but why mom, or your husband but why...

The answer might be, Folks I couldn't agree with you more, any decision involving large sums of money should be talked over with people that protect your income. Let me ask you this, no matter what we do in life if we are spending the money anyway, would you agree, that we want to get the best bang for a buck, we want to have our money protected, and we want to enjoy what we are buying? Wait for the response. Great, in that case, last year you spent over $3000 dollars and you got middle of the road vacations, just as you told me earlier, and you would prefer first class as you told me earlier. We protect you legally, my company has taken care of that and if you feel the need to take the documents to your attorney we hope you will for peace of mind so which of these two programs are you leaning towards; or Folks we know clients like yourself who are interested in purchasing need reassurance about decisions every day, however until you own it and go on your first trips with my company you will have some doubt so when you try my product and go on vacation bring your mother and once she has seen how happy you are dont you feel she will want the best for her children as well; or Folks i understand totally and appreciate you giving my product this close of an inspection that you want to fit it into your budget and need to talk to your accountant to see if you can squeeze it in. DON'T do this Bob, and Mary, don't squeeze it in. Let me ask you this, lets find a payment that you dont have to squeeze in that is totally comfortable then it makes this an easy choice.

I can not afford this

Is it just me or more and more of your clients saying this? Gotcha!!! if you said "yes they are" then guess what, we are buying into the fact that they do not have the money "For you". If you are getting this alot then you are losing them on the anyway dollars. "Bob, Mary that is 1 hundred percent why folks such as yourselves do not become members with us. However, (now go back to the anyway dollars) I noticed you are spending the money on this trip and last year and the year before (DON'T stop talking at this point finish.) Wouldn't you agree that if we found the right cost you would try this if it fit? If i could get you involved and it didnt cost you any more than you are spending am i correct that you would try it if it fit?" If this is done right you are right back to the money.

Most closers will say i can appreciate that folks, but let me ask you a question. Is it that you can't afford it or is it just the down payment or some such. Remember that word? But. I can appreciate that folks, but. LIAR, you dont appreciate anything we just told you because you just canceled out our excuse. This objection will come up often, and at the end of your presentation, and if you have not done a proper discovery of vacation dollars they are spending, and you will not be able to over come this without an extensive battle with the client.

I am not interested at this time.

If you have not done a proper discovery and haven't got a vacation committment at this time you need to start over again. However, with that said, "What is it about vacations are you not interested in (DON'T stop talking through this one either) is it the fact that you do not like vacations with your lovely wife and family or is it the money you do not like spending? If you can put it back on him and the money, always do so. Some might even say, "Which part of my program are you stumbling on, is it the fact that we do not give you enough vacation for your dollars or is it just not comfortable financially, at this time? When in doubt, "So what part of my package is causing you to say that, is it the use or the money?

Kids are in college

Let me ask you this, and correct me if im wrong, you like the program and would use it correct and the only thing stopping is that money is going to the kids in college, am i correct? I appreciate you sharing that, and it sounds to me like you love your kids. You have no idea how many clients tell me the kids are on their own, its pleasant to hear that clients take care of their babies the way I do. Let me ask you this. Do you feel that your spending habits will change after the kids get out of college down the road and you might consider me then? (The client feels left off the hook some what because your putting it off to the future.) So your only going to vacation the way you have been doing and your not suddenly going to spend $10,000 dollars on vacations before the kids get out of college, correct? Ok, with that said, then your vacation habits are not going to change for a few years. In that case, if i could upgrade you, (find you a program) for the same as what you have been spending or less so it doesn't dip into the kids money im correct that you would probably upgrade (join with me) today if it fit, correct? When you get the 'yes' you have them. If they say no, right now we dont want to spend a dime then you have your work cut out. You must get them to say yes on the money, and if you have done a viable discovery, and you have the anyway dollars with their agreement you can use their anyway dollars to refute their excuse.

Bob, if your going to upgrade some day (or if your going to purchase this someday) then when would be a better time? Lets face it, you know and i know, this companys prices will not be any cheaper than they are right now during this type of economy. If you agree you will do this someday then how about doing it today for the same or less than what you are spending.

The economy is too uncertain, or i may lose my job

Sir/Mrs i can really appreciate how that must fill, the loss of a job, the economy being so ruff, let me ask you this, i know if i lost my job I am not going to stop my life I am going to find another job, however even with that fear I am still going on vacations. How? Because i have prepaid it. If i lived in fear of my job the rest of my life i would never go on vacation, I believe you feel the same way because your here on vacation. I know that many clients book vacations and something happens they dont cancel the vacation, they go. However, its no different that if you prepay your vacations you dont need to cancel your plans because you have pre-paid them. Now let me ask you this, if you joined with me today and a year from now or 2 or 5 years from now you lost your job what would you do? Thats right you find another job, however if something happens and you have to sell this or rent it, dont you agree its better to have it and run into financial issues then to not have it and regret not getting it if no job issue arises? Lets face it, when we are young we say we will wait and do it when we get older, then 10 years goes by and we are 30; we will wait and do it later, now we are 40 theres a mortgage bills we will wait; now we are 50, 60, we say why didnt we do it when we were 30 because we just cant do it now.

You can also go about it from the stand point of the recession. Bob and Mary, let me ask you this: for the last two to three years we have been in the worst economy in 30 years and our prices have come down to match the economy. Now we are on the up swing, our companys stock has never been higher and we have not raised our prices in years, with that said our company is going to raise this price enormously in the next few weeks, months, and you and I know that if you could have gotten the same prices now as they were 10 years ago you would be doing this right now, am i correct? (Wait for the client to respond.) Well what if i could get you a program at prices from 20 years ago? Same product but at the prices from 1980 or 1990, you would jump on that in a second, am i correct? If they say yes then they are committing to a price, you have them, now find that price.

Nothing in life is certain, however we can plan and save in case the worst happens. If you lost your job, could you retire today? No? Well most people can't so like most families faced with this unpleasant situation what would you do? Would you give up and die or find another job to pay your bills? So, if you agree that if i lost my job I would find another, chances are you would be fine. However, to be on the safe side what if we could get you a program for less then what your going to spend anyways, am i correct that you would be my newest members? People don't plan on failing they fail to plan. Your here on vacation spending money, even though when you booked this trip im sure you had no issues from work, yet your still here. That means your worried about the economy but your not scared to death otherwise you would be here.

Stock Market losses

Bob, I couldn't agree with you more, all that have money in the stock market get hurt or get rich, or both every day, however as I understand it you dont live here your here on vacation, correct? So that means there is some money that you will spend on vacation despite the market that is what we are after the money you will spend no matter what, however at this time not alot. So, if I can find a program that fits you, that you can start off with and down the road when you recover from the market you can upgrade, am i correct that if it fit you would be my newest owners? If they say no then the Market excuse is not the real objection. (It never is the real objection, the excuses).

This type of excuse is always the same, whether they are saving for a home-they are still spending money- saving for a car- still spending money- what ever the excuse they are on vacation.

We wouldn't use it.

If your wanting all the answers for free then your not willing to do the work it takes to get the job done.  JOIN the timesharetutor group and progress daily.  All of the answers are in your forums and live chat today.

I need to talk to my lawyer, my kids, my accountant, my mother, whoever.  So many excuses you need the tutors so keep on reading down this list and tell me if you have all the answers.

It's to costly.

I want to compare it with others

I want to speak to anyone.

I can't afford the cost.

You're pressuring me.

I'll be back.

Give me a day to think it over.

I am too old, if you could have reached me when i was young.

I am only shopping around.

I have too many payments.

I am buying a new home, new car, something.

I can get it cheaper on the resale market, internet.

We have just got married and we want to get 'X' first.

I just bought at ____ resort, you just missed us.

If i didn't already own.

I am looking on behalf of my mom and dad.

It's too big, too tiny, i don't like this type of vaction.

I just don't feel right about buying today.

I can't fit this in my budget.

I don't want to buy.

I'll get back to you within the week.

I have a friend, or someone, I use theirs.

I don't buy anything unless i pray about it.

Can you give me some literature and ill think it over.

We are satisfied with the way we are traveling.

I had a friend, family, business associate that had a bad experience.

It is just not the right time.

If i were to do this today i would pay cash, however we don't have the cash and we don't finance. (lol)

It is too much to take all the info in at one time we need to study.

I was told by so and so not to sign a thing.

I don't do anything unless i sleep on it.

How do I know it will be as good as you say it is.

These are multip[le excuses not objections of what the clients will say to you on a day to day basis, there are responses that is why you must study.
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