Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1898058-2780-The-Race
Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #1898058
This is a Sci-Fi Novel. If you like futuristic this would be the novel.
Dura 2897: the Race.

Chapter 1

The bright flash was as if the luminary to this system exploded, the Sephoras had invaded the system to take slaves and meat.  The space going creatures of this system were just on their moons and had yet to find warp capable jump points, easy prey.  The Sephoram's would take this system because they could.  The large explosion was the lunar plant that the Sepohora had no need of, just slaves, their giant ships clouded the system like bugs on the planet hunting for prey, 22,000 creatures on the outer lunar body suddenly vanished from existance.  So much death would trigger emotional backlash from the Universe eventually, just when, was the question?

Sextans A (UGCA 205, DDO 75) Group galaxy eighth planet from the twin sun primary Sehptasurex looked for more of the local creatures that inhabited the planet, the heat index of the creatures was 99.28 degrees and the ship sensors could isolate in his vision the largest mass of creatures on the planets surface. 

'There you are, Sephormastix use esta-sista smoke to disable and we will drop down and pick up the cattle.'
'Yes lord.' The minor cast ship mate replied neutrally, Sehptasurex hated his status but would obey.  The pain whip of the lord dangled as if waiting to lash out at him for any disloyalty.
'You know you are so formal, i am not so disgruntled and angry that you have to be formal when there is only two of us?' He quested trying to goad the minor cast member into being informal.  He relished treating suboordinates with the evil nature that was stuck to his peoples ruling class.  A battle whip hung from his 2.4meter frame, a slave masters weapon, and had always been used to train underlings.  The whip was just a neural pain amplifier that would be used to induce excruciating amounts of pain in those that would forget the nature of the Sephoras peoples.  He tapped on the flat opaque screen and it zoomed in on the creatures below, he used one of his 4 hands to activate a shielding net that would colapse on the creatures after he gased them into oblivion.  'Good, tonights entertainment.'  He vocalised not expecting an answer from the lower cast crew member.

'My lord do you wish me to prep the new slaves after capture or would you like to initiate them?'  He asked quizically.
'Yes, ill handle it.  Yes.' He loved to strip their skins as they screamed in agony and their fear radiated pleasure to him and all the other slaves would tow the line of obediance.

Sephormastix lived for pain as all his people did, torturing a lesser being and feeling thier squeels was all they lived for as most domineering empaths would.
'My lord, you are gracious to ask however you can command and i will obey, but i will not breach protocal, it would not be proper.'  He responded neutrally.
'Yes, yes as you wish.'  This one was too smart for his own armor.  'Ruin all my fun and someday you will be a Rex lord.' he proceeded to smoke out his new slaves to torture.

The Broxquor peoples on the planet below would go to the core and hide till they all died or had a future chance at life, only 100.8 million citizens on the planet were left alive.  The other 11.2 billion were as good as gone because they were slaves or dead.


Teral was in the lead, although he was on foot and The Race spanned 2 days and 60 miles, he felt elated it was almost complete.  Teral had trained his 6' foot dark frame for six years for the annual race and had never believed he would win and soon all his efforts would bloom, like the ripened fruit he was about to consume.  He had never participated in The Race due to not allowing anyone the knowledge of his skill, he wanted his body in the peak of physical training and no one knew of him; he worked out some four hours a day six days a week even though he was in the military, and carried a captains rank and a full work schedule, he wanted his first Race his best. 
He felt the scratch of a tree limb when it brushed his arm and the sting of a fresh cut throbbed, many cuts laced his body, but he shut the pain down and continued unimpeded the cool air helping his fatigue.  Sweat glistened off his tanned face by moonlight as he trotted to his final prize, his breathing was labored as his brownish green eyes glanced up at the twin moons, he wished he could be in space rather than on the planet, that was his true wish but he knew it would not happen.  He relished the thoughts of finding new systems, aliens, being alone in space.  Alone and away from mankind, searching for civilizations and making contact.  Just hunting for new life and undiscovered alien creatures. Dreaming of being an explorer and knew it would never happen, he brushed up against another tree limb, the dark path was only illuminated by the moons light.  He also felt that when he began running he had the best endurance in his entire battalion and originally thought he would wish for other things, but the war had come and changed all of that; more importantly, he had the strength of body builders in such a small 215 pound body, so competing and winning had been on his mind since he was a child, his body matched his desires.  As the winner you simply got a a piece of the 100 or so fruit that Mother Dura spawned once a year and the acclaim of your planet, no tangible accolades as far as first place other than endorsements, which could be large, but the pride in Teral's mind pushed him to be number one, against Thousands of runners that we're behind him and Mother in front, he wanted the prize and had to have it.

The declaration of war was going to change the dynamics of the planetary arrangement, and soon, The Race, even though the planet was protected by the planetary warships and thousands of automated firing platforms they couldn't last more than two years at the rate the Federation would throw ships and bodies at them, he would protect his world and Mother.  There were 12 systems against one planet, however the government of Dura had to plan for long term and they were fools to allow the one hundred or so fruit into anyone's hands but soldiers, in this time of need.  The Federation wanted what Dura had and they were going to try and take it by force.  Dura would allow this last race and the next one might be different.

The planetary jump point was secure, for now, but still they came.  Fear gripped the military of Dura and a few of the planet and The Race.  He knew what he wanted and that's what he would wish for, although getting your fruit wish was a totally different topic. The people of Dura would not be informed about the progress of the war until they needed to know and only the military knew what was taking place.  Even those military with a spouse could not tell their significant others or face disciplinary.  This would be the last Race that universal contestants would compete in till after the war and the military knew that.  Hundreds of Federation ships had already thrown themselves at the defenses of Dura and failed, however they did manage to grind away the platforms protecting Dura and soon would breach the system and the last protection would be the 1,889 ships that waited.

There were 16,800 contestants at this years starting point and only the first hundred or so would eat and Teral was at the top of the list, he was hours ahead of the 2nd place challenger.  He eased up as he closed in.

Teral logged into his neural link and calculated, by neural net, that he was only a few miles away from the finish and the guardians would let him approach and eat.  The net chip accessed the sat links instantaneously, no one could phone from his own neural link during The Race, but they could access the global maps and were contestants were in relationship to themselves.  The best illimination phone services in the hand held era in a thousand years was the neural link chip which was muted during The Race by Duran League officials.  He felt exhausted and ecstatic at the same time as he looked at the maps of where he was at and how close to Mother he was, the prjection was inside his mind.  The next nearest contestant was two hours behind him, the blinking dots of the contestants on a live screen within his mind, and he knew he could walk a bit as he contemplated his wish, it was so easy to access it while trotting so he slowed and would make sure not trip or fall because of the screen that flashed in front of his eyes.  The optic nerve implants opened a screen yet did not impede his view of the small trail he was running on.  His muscles, though toned and firm, felt as though they would fail him and stop working involuntarily, but he forced them to keep moving.

An unbeatable warrior.  Defeat any enemy. Withstand any attack.  Nuclear or not.  All disease withstanding, or laser shot, to reflect and reverse all attacks.  He would be the ultimate fighting weapon and not a soul had any idea of what he would wish for. He would defeat the federation even if he had to do it alone.

The darkness of the cool night air nipped at his skin, his black hair waved with the nights cool breeze, and he had no awareness of the chill as he approached the guardian towers.  Unexpectedly, A large mechanical demon stepped out of thin air, it's  duel legs were 8 feet to the base of its body, slammed down in front of the tired runner.  "Halt, and be recognized, runner." It challenged and blocked the path. The grayish metal was almost unseen due to its reflective armor, and Teral was shocked at its sudden appearance.  He tripped and fell, the appearance of the machine causing him to trip sprawling in front of the giant mechanical beast.  He had been so careful that this giant beast would probably break something, instead skinning his right elbow before coming to a halt, with a yipe.  He propped himself up on his knees looking up at the creature with eager eyes, as it leaned over.  "Please be still runner we recognize an injury." the low mechanical voice spoke through speakers on the base of the body.  A puff of smoke slowly drifted down over Teral and suddenly his running exhaustion was gone.  As if he had slept for a week and was totally renewed.  His bleeding elbow not only stopped, it disappeared.
"Holy Dura," he swore.
"Please refrain from swearing in her name citizen" the robot vocalized.  The impersonal voice sounded hallow, yet Teral knew there was a priest of Dura watching him from the glowing green eyes of the machine.
"After brief sync i have detailed analysis of you Teral Ogilvy, Captain.'
"Sorry about that slip guardian, but I have never seen a medical heal that quick.  It's magical, are you the only ones that have it's use?" Teral responded generically, amazed at how he felt, he could run another 60 miles or so he felt, he tested his elbow moving it back and forth.
'It comes from Dura, it is synthesized from the protruding roots of the tree.  We chip away enough to make a healing potion at the monastery, and not enough to harm.  Please follow me to Mother.  We wish to praise you, Teral, your implant has notified others that you are the first. You are Teral Oglvey, of the Breach Wood heights sector, correct?" he nodded with agreement and stood.
"Please be aware, your wish must be founded in your resolve and be the only thing your thinking of when you pick the fruit.  The fruit begins its acclimatization process when you touch it." The machine did not stop in its explanation as he and Teral walked towards the Tree.  "All brothers eat of the fruit, I am Zestus.  I ate of the fruit 441 years ago and have guarded the tree from all, since that time.  If you are wondering why no one gets to the tree, it is because my weaponry is eternal and I can destroy anything made of man within 600 miles of where you stand.  Yes, I am telepathic and read your thoughts, and yes I am a man.  This machine was grafted to me as part of my wish, it's part of my gift from Mother Dura.  Please,  follow me." it ambled towards his future.

An unbeatable warrior.  Defeat any enemy. Withstand any attack.  Nuclear or not.  All disease withstanding, or laser shot, to reflect and reverse all attacks.

Teral and the Guardian shuffled to where a pavilion stood enclosed in glass, a simple dome enclosed the tree.  The dome looked as if it was a 1000 years old, however it gleamed as new.  Teral didn't see any way into the dome but knew they would show him when he got closer.  The enclosure was surrounded by trees and beautiful shrubs that bloomed perpetually, besides the tree. 
"As you see, Mother Dura controls all that grows here and she is unaffected by time as we know it.  She begins and dies.  When she dies could be as long as the sun lives or as short as tomorrow.  Her life cycle is not ours, however the dome has been for 683 years. You know Duras planetary rotation is 27 hours and circles it's primary every 1 year and 3 months standard time, so that unique part of the planet is how she thrives.  It is this planetary cycle that allows mother to flourish and In that period these shrubs and flowers will ever bloom for Mother Duras roots feed all of the area." the Guardian proclaimed reading Terals thoughts. 
Teral grinned with anticipation of his future.  He was beaming with happiness and anticipation that the Guardians words were almost lost.
The Guardian continued talking to Teral with the enthusiasm of a teacher anticipating thoughts as they came.
"Please don't be anxious you will soon eat and then be moved to the infirmary for two weeks while you transcend.  Don't be alarmed if there is pain, without pain there is no growth." he continued.
Without knowledge of where to go or what to do Teral had assumed he would walk up to Mother Dura, pick his fruit and eat. 
"That is true, however it must be under guard because of Mothers unarmed abilities she can only defend herself sonically.  She can stun any living creature within her radius but not a bomb or diseased dart.  So, yes, you will pick and eat but only after I Am told to bring you."

It is so nice not to talk or converse, i am so tired, It's nice for you to answer without my vocalizing.  "Do....?"Teral began.

"Yes and no.  Most all who have partaken of Mothers first fruits can link to Mother no matter where in the Universe they might be, however Mother can talk to all of her children if she feels the need at the same time and Yes, that's handy for the war, but we have never had to go to war so it is unknown how it will help.  You are in the Ranger Corp and you are about to wish for military aide, we have no idea what the fruit will give.  Everyone's DNA is different and we are hopeful, that now that a soldier has won the Race it will be favorable.  Please approach Mother, she is ready."
Teral suddenly tensed and moved forward as the dome glass shifted and dissolved.  Without thought, as if in a dream, Teral was standing next to a God. The Mother Dura, all that the planet could give, was in front of him.  He almost staggered as his feet and body didn't wish to respond to his demands.

"You must relax Teral, your heart is at 165 beats per minute, you will pass out shortly, 172 beats per minute I am administering a mild sedative please breath deeply.  This has happened before.". The giant machine man sounded as if he was right behind Teral.  Teral felt woozy and tired and the fog diminished and he began to breath normal.
"Very good, your metabolism is responding greatly." The drug was slowing his metabolism, but kept him alert.

Teral stood close to the tree, but it wasn't a tree. Curious it looked as if it wasnt even wood.  The small blue lights that illuminated the tree we isolated around the dome so lighting seemed better and he saw the base of the tree and it was strange.
"Mother is not...?" He realised for the first time in his life she was not a plant.
"Correct she is not a tree but soon she will explain all, grab a piece of fruit but don't pull it off.  The fruit will scan you and fall and settle in your hand.  Now rehearse your wish, over and over, think of it. Don't stray. Stay on your thought as you hold the Child of Dura.  Keep your wish pure, rehearse the words, feel the words". The guardian almost seemed to be soothing Teral.

An unbeatable warrior.  Defeat any enemy on ground or space. Withstand any attack.  Nuclear or not.  All disease withstanding, or laser shot, to reflect and reverse all attacks.

Teral touched the fruit and felt a tingling sensation and he said his wish in his mind over and over he repeated the long wish.  Again he repeated it.  The ultimate weapon, he and he alone would defeat the federation.  Nothing could harm him. Traveling in space. Defeating the thousands of ships that the platforms didn't destroy.  The ultimate weapon, nothing could harm him, no weapon, no disease, nothing would hurt him, no weapon would cause him harm.
Over and over he chanted then 'plop', the fruit fell into his palm.

"oh," he was amazed and surprised at its suddenly falling into his palm almost dropping it.

The fruit: the wish, he recited the words as the guardian pushed his hand to his mouth.
An unbeatable warrior.  Defeat any enemy. Withstand any attack on ground or space.  Nuclear or not.  All disease withstanding, or laser shot, to reflect and reverse all attacks.

After taking a bite of the fruit, plesantly it tasted of strawberries, Teral felt ravenous he ate the entire thing. Minutes after eating he blacked out and the fruit began its transformation.  The body of Teral would never be the same.

Pain shot through him in gout's as he awoke and passed out hundreds of times.  What was to be a few weeks was 46 days and then Teral awoke.

The gifts of the tree were radical DNA based changes and completely alien as they went to work on the human body, opening pathways and closing. Almost Godly in the changes from the organic to the mechanical as his body was no longer flesh and bone.  The Child would change the human structures and DNA to things only God could create. 
The fruit of the tree was not a fruit that mankind could descrive, nor did Mother Dura allow any to know until after they ate of the fruit.  The entire 51,000 years of Mothers memory was of the creation of creatures on thousands of worlds, and every Mother on every habitable world carried those memories.  It always seemed to fatigue her if she viewed into the past to make predictions of the future, these thoughts would be written upon the Childrens memories as well.

Mother hoped that Teral would save this race of man, they had know idea of the creatures they would meet in so few thousand years, and they were so loyal and helpless.  Such a noble creature, and yet how could they survive the tens of millions of ships of the Sephorans?

Chapter 2

As he opened his eyes it seemed as if everything was gone, blackness and claustrophobia.  He saw nothing but darkness, then he felt her presence.
"Hello my son, I am Florina but you can call me Mother.  Don't try to move I will explain what is taking place.
Your wish has transformed you into something i did not expect.  You wished for what exactly my son?"
Her warmth felt as though she was holding his hand or even holding him.  Confusion swam from him as if he was in a dream and needed to awake. He couldn't move his arms or legs.  Nothing worked right.
"Am I talking or are you in my head Mother, i can not see anything please tell me whats happening.  Where are my eyes?" he asked.
"Both Teral." she replied warmly, Teral had the wonderful feeling that he was being hugged yet he didn't have the sensation of touching anyone. "You are feeling both my touch and my telepathic link.  All my children feel it thus."
Teral had the emotional contact, however he still could not see, it was darkness. He assumed they had bandages of some type over his eyes but couldn't move his arms.
"Mother, do my arms work and my eyes?" He had no need to speak, Mother knew his thoughts as they popped into his head.  However, Mother was aware of human reactions after hundreds of years, she didn't like invading the privacy of the humans she was linked to till her or their deaths.  Teral tried to wiggle his feet, fingers, nothing responded.
She gave a mental shrug and Teral realized it.  "Mother?"
"My son, I have to make you aware of what has taken place within your body." He was beginning to worry as Mother continued. "Do not worry my son, but there are some things you will get used to eventually.  First, I do not know how long it will be before your sight returns but it will.  Secondly, your body is not in the infirmary, your body is housed in the orbital shipping repair docks circling Dura.  I am not with you but it will always feel as though I am.  Soon you will regain your sight but don't be alarmed.  You are becoming what you wished for in the interpretation of my children.  Genetically you are changing, evolving, however you may never stop evolving and I do not know what your DNA will do or continue or stop." She hugged him, he felt it as well. "Mother, I am not afraid but I am curious?  What do I look like?". He asked none verbally, he was getting used to the link mentally.
"I would rather you wait and see for yourself, however I will tell you this.  I believe it is exactly as you wished.  I know that this is vague, however you must realize that your metamorphosis is very likely the first of its kind." This peeked Terals interest. "What?  Please tell me Mother, I must know what's going on." She flashed him the mental picture of herself, she was beautiful.  " You are looking at a facsimile of my persona as you see it. I can change it if you wish, but I will show you what is taking place.  Please relax.". The picture he saw was of a small ship, almost invisible at the angle she was showing.  Black as space with reflective armor.  The hull of the ship was shaped like a tear drop the front of the ship was a point and the rear of the ship round with no engine protrusions.  As if a mirror had been tansformed into a ship. "Mother that's a beautiful ship, am I inside?". He asked wonderingly.  "No my son," she hugged him.  "The ship is you." He gasped, but felt no breath. "Mother I don't understand, where is my body?"
"The ship my son.  Please relax, we no longer can monitor your heart rate because it is encased in a living metal hull and I have no idea how the ships metabolism works.  Your body.  You wished to be the ultimate weapon this is it's form.". Teral began to panic and his very first thoughts were of his arms and penis. "But, but, how can I?"
"Teral forget for the moment of the ship you just stared at and remember, the genetics to do this is more than magical and the child knows how to change you or adjust to your circumstance, so, I believe, although I am not positive, that the child can change you back to human form.  However, I also believe that the child will only change you back at your wish and depending on your protection.  I do not yet know of your life span or what will happen after the war.  While you were sleeping there was a massive solar flare and your hull, or body, not only absorbed it you reflected it back in a passive form. Do you recall anything happening prior to waking?". Teral was in awe, speechless. 'Omg I'll be able to travel. Will I be able to have my body back?  Will I be able to roam free? Will I be able to have sex?  Thank Dura, oops, sorry Mother'
"It's very alright, do not feel you can stop being yourself.  I feel you will earn it over the next few months. Answering your questions is part of my transitioning you. Yes, you will only answer to me and the planetary council, they will give their advice to me and I will pass it to you until you can talk to them directly.  You are, in affect, above the council.  Not that you are leader of Dura, it is a free planet.  However, you are well it's guardian in times of need.  I don't know what your ship drives will be like or whether you will be able to travel through jump points, but I assume you will be as powerful a ship as all the ships in the federation combined." she hesitated and Teral felt a sensation. He didn't know Mother Dura had, Worry!  "Mother, why are you worried?" he asked almost blasphemy asking a god what was wrong, yet he asked.
"Shuttup Teral, I am no God, even though I have been alive for 2,980 Duran years in this form.  I can die and will someday.  Then one of my children will take my place and my thoughts will not perish.  I am worried you might forget who you are and never come back to us.  I will remind you for the rest of our lives who you are and our duty." She told him a bit sternly.
"Yes mother, please never let me forget, I will not let you down, or Dura."
"You must rest now Teral, your new body is changing and all the lines we have connected to you will take its toll.  Can you rest with this information?" she asked lovingly.
"I don't think I can.  Mother, something is happening, um, I can't describe other than I am sensing things. The tangential speed of Dura's rotation at a point on Dura can be approximated by multiplying the speed at the equator by the cosine of the latitude.  For example, the Dura Space Elevator 44.59° North latitude, which yields a speed of: 1,614.4 kilometres per hour (1,030.4 mph) × cos (44.59) = 1,670.23 kilometres per hour (1212.56 mph) Wow, did you know there are 27,881 items in Orbit around and within 2 light seconds of Dura? Holy crap how did I know that? Mother I am linked to the net but it's different, um Mother, I am sorry to be so questing but it's instantaneous.  Is that normal?"
She tilted her head as she talked to him seeming to search for words. "In your case we have nothing to measure it.  You are a living ship, a weapon that we have no idea of limitation.  We do not know what the child is doing, nor do we understand it or if your a computer linked to the ship or if you are the ship linked to the computer.  The child has all of my DNA, all of my knowledge without my experiences, I am not worried but I am eager to see what she is doing and what you will be." she continued.
Suddenly, alarms flooded Teral, he could see. "Mother! I can see.  Holy god, the planet is beautiful Mother. Holy crap the moons.  Mother we have 3,847 firing platforms, of which 448 were destroyed by the last Federation attack.  I thought there were only 50 or 60.  Did you foresee this war Mother?"
She hesitated as if she were holding back but decided to tell him. She giggled, "I must tell you, yes, I did.  Hundreds of years ago.  Approximately 668 years 3 months and 4 days ago I foresaw what is happening now.  You, are a surprise, however, I knew soldiers would eventually eat I didn't envision a ship.  My children still surprise me even now."
"I guess I can call them senses or my sensors maybe, I am detecting every thing within a light minute signature.  It's amazing how many things I am tracking at the same time.  Mother I am scanning my body and can not see my arms and legs.  I see 12 plasma cannons, two pulse cannons but no torpedo launchers.  Um, how will I fight long distance mother?" He was puzzled for a moment.
"Do not worry my son, when the time is right the child knows my thought process' she will give you what you need, after all your wish was to be unbeatable.  Your shielding, I can not tell you what will happen when your attacked but I do know that your wish is imprinted on your DNA now and the child.  Don't fret.  Can you tell me what your wish was Teral, exactly?" she replied and followed his train of thought.  She could read his mind but would never intrude unless he asked her too. " ...and remember the child knows that you are new and will probably take over if you do not know what to do."
"Take over? Wait, what do you mean Mother? Take over?" he asked eagerly.
"Well, every ship has an automatic protection system in our DNF ships.  Artificial Intelligence that operates most of the ships, you are no different, the child has an automatic function, I am sure to preserve you from too much damage.  Relax Teral." she coached him energetically.
"Yes Mother.  This is what i wished for Mother, 'An unbeatable warrior.  Defeat any enemy. Withstand any attack ground or space.  Nuclear or not.  All disease withstanding, or laser shot, to reflect and reverse all attacks.'  Mother, I have a light foot print of ships jumping in and out of the jump point can you tell me how to link to the DNF military satellite and how to reach military com?" he asked searching for a way to contact the fleet.  " Yes, first you must think of what you want and the child will create it if she has not already done so."

It had been two days since Florina had talked with him and he found it odd that so many ships were in and out of their system and then he recalled the 16,800 contestants in the Race, they must be leaving.  Then as he was looking through all his sub-systems a wave of nausea hit him and he thought 'Can a ship throw up?'
Mother responded, "Your so funny Teral.  I miss laughing.". She responded to his query.  "Mother, I am so sorry I keep forgetting that if I phrase it as a question you will probably be interrupted.  It seems as if I can now hear the spacial Coms from DNF control.  It just started transmitting a few minutes ago. Excellent.  I am going to link to military Coms Mother. 
'Duran Control, this is captain Teral Ogilvy of Beach Wood heights 137th 41st brigade, over." he challenged the Coms central space station.
"We read you Captain, hold one." A few minutes went by and Teral felt as though he had more friends finally.  He was so tired of playing net games and watching movies.  Now that he didn't eat or drink it was strange doing nothing.  The ship (his new body) was self sustaining, it only needed water and general components that the child produced from matter that was connected by tubes locked into the ships platform  he was connected to.
"Captain Teral, Admiral of the fleet Sherrington connecting," there was a pause. "Teral, hot damn we are excited by your future and what your abilities might do to help our fleet.  Mother has talked to me about you exhaustively and the first engagement is going to be you and you alone boy." Teral mentally gasped.  "We have promoted you way past your pay grade and your payroll reflects commander which is colonel pay status, congrats you wet dog you.  Very few soldiers can say they are ranger slash marine slash wet dog flier.  You also get hazard pay, and flight status pay.  When this war is over you will be able to pick your career boy.  Congrats." Teral was dumb founded.
"Um, thank your sir.  Um, sorry but I'm sure they will tell me how much that is sir but approximately?"
All Teral heard was laughing.  "Hehehe leave it to a grunt, your a millionaire kid.  When it's all over maybe a billionaire. Congrats, your planet and I thank you for your service.  Your payroll chit is linking to your mainframe now.  We would like to play some war games with live laser fire to test your reflective counter measures and your shielding this week if your growth is semi complete. Would that be ok?". The Admiral asked almost apologetically. "Um, sir you just tell me do and I'll go.  I am still army and your my boss sir.". He replied shocked that the 200 year old admiral asked him and didn't just order it.  He would store that information for later.
" I can do it any time sir, I am bored so just tell and I do. Over." he replied energetically.
"Roger that Sherrington out." The Admiral finished.

Teral was more than excited and the ship shuttered for a moment, Teral thought his enthusiasm is what made that happen.  He asked or thought for his child to make an on board Nav Comp and an artificial intelligence system as well, the DNA to do so was taken from the Naval Hospital Clone storage and Xedra, Capital of Dura.  The Companions, that the big ships used, helped the targeting officers in the ships for calculations fire control, as well as Nav-sat triangulations on Ling ranged ballistics details.  Teral didn't want to do 3 dimensional geometric algorithms when in a fight.  Each of the systems would have their own personalities and he would have more friends.  The belief that AI's were not real was insane and Teral had his child build decoys and an automated shuttle that could transfer goods back and forth so he could have some of the larger torpedoes that the child integrated into his ship.  He was now 778 meters long and seemed as though he was always growing.  Small machine creatures scurried about on his decks in every direction, fusing, building, welding, adding, changing, Teral was amazed at the creatures.

Three days later the calls came at 0530 Duran Standard Time.  "DNF SP command to lone Ranger, come in" He received the message and was very excited.  "Go ahead command."
"We have green light, zero war ops at 0620 DST, we will coordinate.  You are clear for doc release, please move your ship to inbound coordinates and go stealth, over.".
"Roger that command.  I am go for release, do I have laser release to engage, over."
"Command to lone Ranger, that's a Roger kick their butts, over." The communications tech responded.

'Holy crap, this is a big deal.  I am laser live fire on our own ships. I'll dial it down to min regs so I don't penetrate shields.  Woot.' His enthusiasm was so palpable that Mother even noticed. 
"Calm yourself, my son.  You know it's live fire so don't get so excited that you forget your laser locks.  Your a new weapon." she coached him further.
"Mother I already took care of that, my weapons computer AI, Mike,  already has those instructions.  Once I give him the lock info it's fire and forget." He smiled at thinking of the AI computer creation.
"Oh my goodness, you are thinking ahead of even myself.  Congrats my son, what else have you done?" she asked him seeming extremely interested.
"Well I have two rail guns, 16 multipurpose lasers with 1 to 2 GJ per square inch.  I have four torpedo launch tubes fire sub and bi-nuke torpedoes from 250 to 550 megaton.  I have twenty two 110 cal gatling nuke tip armor piercing cannons for close quarter fighting.  I have 15 ship boarding automated soldiers that when fired will penetrate and board to disable, I hope I don't have to destroy everyone.  The soldiers look just like Zestus, tell him he has 15 brothers on my ship, um, on me that are twins to him.  Lol. Mother are you up to date on the I-net abbrevs?"
"Lol, yes I am my son.  My, my, you and the child have been very busy.  More weapons than I believed possible." she replied.
That was another shock to hear the Mother of the planet tell him she didn't know something. "Mother, I also have another shock that others will not know.  Please do not tell anyone including command, I have shielding and absorbing that is stronger than planetary sat shielding.  I believe I could with-stand all 422,000 ships in the federation firing at the same time.  It is strange to be this formidable.  I also have a stealth system that makes me totally invisible to all forms of scan, but I can't bring up firing systems without them noticing my signature.  The good thing is the military federation platforms can not target me if I wish it.  I am about to engage in war games, as you are probably aware and I am going to tell spat-com to hit me with everything they have, if they can hit me at all."
He told the Mother energetically.
"Just remember, your a Duran, and we need you alive." She responded warmly Teral felt her arms rapped around him. It was very strange feeling physical contact when he knew nothing was there.
"Yes Mother.  I'll be careful, although Andrew, is in charge of damage control.  He is my third AI.  I like not having to do the extra work.  Andrew is in charge of that, Mike is in charge of ships weapons and boarding, and Avon is in charge of flight and navigational.  I am just loving this.  Mother we are over 6,800 meters long and preparing for war games departure, can you tell me if any of the Federation is in contact with Dura?" he asked curious as to the war efforts.
"No my son.  They are total blackout and Duran CIC says that we can be sure they will be coming through the jump point any time now.  Good luck with your practice."

Space was void of winds, of friction, encumbrances, and Teral was on a heading 400 thousand miles from a firing platform when it challenged him, "Andrew, what's the new password for the platforms.  Exo119 was the last one."
"Thats it exodus119," the computer responded.
"Mike take us to stealth and passive systems only.  I don't want any of those ships to know we are here and block the platform from transmitting.  I don't want any snoopers."
"Teral, the platform, Ang11, says that she is filing an objection that she is a war platform and that her systems can not be blocked due to her protection grid." Mike told him.
"Ops, ok tell her that no friendly ship is to be made aware of our position or even if we are here.  Tell her we will unjam her but when she is challenged of our location she has no idea."
"Roger that Teral."

The platform was over 20,000 meters across and 22,000 deep, but with Teral so close it had to reconfigure its gravitational firing alignment because the G-drive online with Terals field generators. 
The G-drive was a gravity well generator that would project a field in the font of the ship and pull the ship rather than pushing it.  The field would also deflect fire due to the flux as if it were a mini black hole.
"Detecting 881 signatures, on G drive actives. 780,000 miles out and spreading.  They are putting up radar, lidar, and gdar nets.  We have two boogies in bound at 317.23 ranging 634 and closing.  When they are 600,000 out I'll go to blocking measures and jam them.  No one would ever think a battleship as small as us would have jamming. 15 seconds, prepare for battle everyone.  All weapons on passive, I'll light them up with laser battery when they reach threshold." Mike told Teral.  Teral was speechless his excitement was palpable.
The 15 seconds seemed as though a lifetime would pass before he acquired the two ships.
Each battleship was more than a match for Teral in normal circumstances, but the 12,880 meter battleships had no idea what was about to destroy them in mock battle. 
"Jamming commenced Teral, they are confused as to our location they are firing gravity probes.  I'll jumble them all, and mute them.  When do you wish to disable them?  They are all weapons hot, don't forget that the Nukes are hot as well. We don't know what shielding will do.  I am assured that we can withstand any hit from any ten dreadnaughts but I am not positive.  I do not know what Mothers child has done to you and your shields that mankind didn't create already but I know that it had better be good." Mike, the AI in charge of negativity, Teral thought.
"Don't worry Mikey, it will be fine, trust me." Teral responded.
"Avon bring all gravs online and swing us in parallel.  Let's take these guys out quick. As far as we know they were told whoever strikes the first damage gets a bonus so let's not get them their bonuses.  "Teral we have 490g in thrust powered up and pushing, we are traveling so fast they can not target.  Their firing solutions are based on 10 to 15g collectively, they will not be able to hit us except luck.' Avon responded.
The ship made a figurative shutter and Teral was exhilarated, he never imagined this would happen.  Three months ago he was staring into space and now he was navigating the stars.  Soon he would be a bloodied war vessel.

Chapter 3

The ship accelerated to 300 then 400 gravities without any problems.  The normal ship could only accelerate to a max 16 gravities so instantaneously his advantage was as if a an ancient catapult was trying to fight a modern ship killer.  He could circle each ship five times and still not be hit. 
"Slow us to ten gravities Mike and let some of their weapons hit, I want to test the shields and run diagnostics."
"WHAT!!! No sir, you can not put us in that danger to test theories sir.  This would make Mother Dura frantic." Mike shouting at Teral.
"Mike, I know that Mother has programmed all of you with fail safes and protocols to protect me but this is safe.  Trust me Mike."
"I concur with Mike, Teral, we should not push contact with weapons fire unless it hits on its own.  Avon, how do you feel." the AI's were friends already and Andrew was on there side, Teral knew that Mother and Child had programmed them all.
"Teral is my commander I will do as he says, not you two.  Turning about to to 329.3 80,000 and inbound, I'm pinging for location fix at 15 gravities.  They have us locked on, I have 110 inbounds we are being hit with static and laser batteries sir.  No damage, Teral we are absorbing an enormous amount of energy and our ships mass has grown 12 percent." Avon gave him a play by play.
"What? Wait, we grew in size" Teral asked confused.
"Yes Teral our physical mass has grown and is continuing to grow.  The automatic builders that are housed in four quadrants of our ship are all working sir.  I have 878 feet square that has been produced. The G-drive is unaffected. Ships battery is unaffected and we have four new laser battery's ready for fire.  Ships lasers have disabled 65% of the missiles and continuing.  Do you wish to let one through?" Avon asked.
"I WILL NOT let a nuke through Avon and you can not stop me." Mike chided.
"Ha, you will have no choice Mike I will do as Teral says and I'll stop all power from main-eng and you will be lifeless.  Teral is our leader and.."
"Stop you two, no more fighting that's an order.  Yes Avon let one track through and then minimal power to all laser battery's lets take both ships out. " Teral laughed at the two AI's fighting.  He really loved his ships crew but his new body was almost invincible.
"Mother, I am sure you are listening in so do you have ideas as to why the Child, and how, it is using raw energy to build into me, um, the ship when not in space doc?" Teral was watching through outside cameras he had thousands of them on his hull but many of those were max viewing so he zoomed in 1 million strength on the two ships as the lasers he fired contacted and overwhelmed there shields.
"We have surrender queries from both ships Teral and we have one Nuke inbound as you asked me too."
"Thank you Avon. Mother?"
"Yes Teral, I am observing your builders.  I can not contact the Child as I can with you, I can only feel her and she is, well for a better word, happy and excited.  You are allowing a missile through screens, what's contact?" she asked him with a tinge of worry that he felt.
"contact 8 seconds, Mother." Mike responded.
"Thank you Mike but do as Teral says, Teral, I will contact you after." Mother responded.
Unexpectedly, all of Terals viewers were black.  Avon had dampened all viewers so Teral would not be blinded for any long duration.
The ship shuttered but nothing tangible happened.
"Sir, we have absorbed the explosion and the energy has been dispersed to amidships storage.  We have grown 14% since battle began.  Sir, we have zero damage. You have a hail from the battleship Bartis do you wish to chat with them, sir?" Avon asked.
"Sure, they are still blocked from contacting the fleet so put them on."
Teral was eager at talking to the Commander of a real battleship, after all he was same rank but he still felt he was a lowly captain.
"Commander Teral Ogilvy, I am commander Aderson of the Bartis.  Thank you for taking my hail, you have us blocked so I figured while we are sitting out here, my GOD of DURA what the F--k you boys cooked up in that ship.  When they told me full clip, i thought you were dead meat and probably a drone.  They said you were a solo commander running that ship, what the hell." the Navy Commander cursed his face turning pink as he shouted to Teral over the video com.  The ship to ship audio contact was automatically filtering, unusual.  Teral was awe struck.
"Haha, we are just something new that the fleet has cooked up.  Please make sure you keep all video feeds private and tell everyone you come in contact with, that this ship will be the first contact that the federation has when it arrives.  We have a surprises in store for the Federation of criminals, Hoodlums with a lot ships soon will be nothing but wreckage.". On the view screen Teral projected a visual likeness of himself on the screen so the other commanders in fleet were not talking to air.
"Well, let me tell you this Commander Ogilvy, your ship is a thousand years ahead of any tech we have ever seen.  You pulled a 300 gravity split when you first pinged us then we lost you, was that real or was our displays wrong?" The commander asked eagerly, Teral could almost read him like a book.  "As it was your displays and scans were working correctly, and I slowed Down to allow your lasers and missiles to get through to test our weapons. Yes I know it was risky but the next ship like mine is a year away from completion and I wanted to stretch her out and I hope you get one of your own too." Teral exaggerated his tech hopefully letting them know that his ship was a ship and not himself.
"Holy Mother of God, it's put us light years ahead of any known tech," The commander started.
"Commander please forgive me, but please stop using the Holy Mothers name in vain, I am a priest as well" Teral asked politely because he knew Mother would be listening.
"Thank you Teral but not necessary" Mother responded.
"Oh I am so sorry no one told us, they only said new war tech was being tested and we should fire every point weapon we have so as to give us a look. We didn't know it would be a ship that was manned by a priest commander.  We only thought it would be a drone. By the way, I am assuming you are growing or are my sensor suites malfunctioning?" The Commander recovered his pride enough to ask more questions.
"Ensign Avon please give the commander all our specs." Teral said as he continued observing other ships that were inbound.
"Mike are you tracking all boogies inbound?" Teral asked eagerly.  Teral was more eager than nervous, he found himself counting on the Child to protect his body and its vital organs.
There was a hesitation with the AI's response which made him pause
"Of coarse Teral there are 110 on course for intercept with the last known plotting of the other two ships.  I am putting us behind the last ship in bound and moving to stealth.  We have 300 gravities boosting to 500 and will be in place in four minutes.  They can not track us at 300 G but they will know when we slow down. I am assuming you are going to slow down again?"
"No, no we are not, and good job putting us on intercept, i like that you assumed what i was going to command. Avon keep commander of the DNS Bartis in the loop, I want them observing, so put it on Commander to Commander viewing only.  Andrew what's ships damage and control doing." Since he had started the war games he had not heard from Andrew.
"Overseeing the building and frame work, architectural development, planning, ships battery's, ships storage for larger weapons absorption, we have added 19% to ships size and will need to bring the ships engines offline for 10 seconds if  you have a moment after this next engagement to make the second engines drive is operational? Also we will need to make another cargo bay for crew soldiers that we are building, another 100 boarding soldiers and 158 repellers.  Each automaton is AI capable if you wish we have made 40 independent leaders in case we lose communications?"
"Hold on a second Andrew, your building artificial intelligent officers, excellent idea why didn't I think of that, continue on then. Also make sure the Officers are named so i can defer to their names not, officer one or officer two etc. "
"Roger that Teral, also with your permission, we have developed a new weapon that we believe the Federation has no future plans. Nor anyone as a matter of fact, the Child directly inputs the logistic, technical, and architectural data to build items we need.  She has downloaded specs for a hi-beam magnetic disruptor that disables all electrical and neutralizes power output, we are reluctant to mount it do to the abilities of the weapon.  With your permission we would like to use the item only on the enemy.  Once employed it destroys the enemies ability to use power and wage war.  It also stops all use of their ship, their suits, as a last rights weapon.  Breathing on a destroyer or larger would be forfeit within 4 hours or so using it we feel would be inhumane at this point unless the Federation decides to play naughty.  We have done simulations on the fighting that is incoming and suggest a first strike might stop the war." Andrew told Teral and hope lept inside his mind as the hero of Dura that would stop the war before countless deaths.  He envisioned a new planetary vision of exploration and first contact in his current guise as a ship.
"Wait so what your telling me is we can disable any ship or ships, can we disable more than one at a time?" he responded thinking ahead as a soldier in combat.
"Yes, but it is only limited exertion that we split the beam into portions. The smaller the amps the more confined the spaces of electrical and energy output.  For example; we could aim at 20 ships and render their engine generators useless or we could take out two entire ships compliment."
"Holy crap, that freaking rocks.  How long before you can mount the weapon." he asked jumping up and down metaphorically.
"32 minutes and some seconds."
"Do it. Avon please get Com-space and get me Admirals Sherrington, Wentworth and Planetary President Halbringer." He told Avon as she quickly went to work.
Teral could hear the count down on the 110 ships that he was swinging around behind to attack and disable.
"Hold attack Michael and bring us to all stop, i want general broadcast for cessation of practice fights.  In contact with the Nav-com and Com-Sat control talking to the war department."
"Andrew give me a general broadcast to all ships of the fleet, hold hostilities while in talks with the war department."
"Aye Aye commander."

Seconds ticked by and suddenly the responses flooded in.  "YOUR not allowed to stop war games Commander Ogilvy, how dare you stop my games. This is Admiral of the fleet Wentworth.  What the hell are you thinking?"  The angry admiral shouted video to video.  The lag between the Admirals vessel and his was 900,000 miles and at light speed with not relay it was 20 to 30 seconds old.
"Avon boost my signal, i want instantaneous link."
"Roger that sir. Now you have link."
"Admiral," he paused for affect. "Let me first say that im sorry but i have urgent news that might stop the war.  Would you forgive my stopping we can always continue and i destroy you all in 5 or 10 minutes after?" He continued.
"Thats not fair young man.  You only crippled two of our vessels we have over 800 to go." The pompous Admiral came back. His pride was showing and the AI aboard the Battle cruiser Phillip Ryan sent back the feelings that the Admiral was a fool.  However, Avon would not tell Teral that till later.
"Sir, i am sending you the specs of engagement and the percentages of ships to survive the 1 hour and 27 minute war.  Let me say you lose and i grow 12,790 meters by absorbing your hits.  Anything else on that matter i think can wait in light of the new weapon my ships techs have created.  Dont you think?"

"Admiral Wentworth, this is Sherrington, stand down lets hear what the boy has to say."  The admiral of the fleet basically telling his subordinate to shutup.  However, he didn't say it to keep the mans pride.
"Thank you sir, but i would prefer the planetary president to hear this.  We have created something that has never been done.  It will in first strike, i feel, stop the war.  My ships techs give me a 92.48% possibility that they will surrender if we do it right." he continued.  'Mother please tell me, are any of these people blessed with a Child of you?' he thought to Mother.
'All of them my son," she started.  'But i can not link my thoughts to them only you can, but that is too mundane for you so i apologize.  I thought they would be more open minded. The Admiral is closed minded and puffed up with pride is all, i figured it would be easier.  Please listen to what im telling them Mother and if you wish to add please do.
"I am here Teral, um, Commander." The president quietly linked in, and 'Ms Halbringer was so beautiful, for Teral, he might have a shot at asking her out when this is over.'  'Keep your  thoughts private Teral.'  'Sorry Mother, forgot you were in my head.'
"Thank you madam and sirs, firstly, let me say we have created a gravidic pulse weapon that works as a nuclear EMP."
"In your past you had only one avenue for EMP and that was missile formatted and 97% are knocked out of space unable to hit their mark, and according to our calculations, each missile is 22 million Duran credits and a waist to shoot. We have a new patent pending method of delivery weapon.  We will not list it on the Universal Patent office roster on Centauri Prime due to licensing and the Federation stealing the knowledge.  I believe if we keep the patent with Mothers memories and our own AI's we will keep others from getting the information now and in the future and the federation stealing the specs is slim.
What can we do, and what did we create?  You will look on your Personal Asistants and your PA's will have a schematic of the device that is now installed on my ship.  We are installing the 2nd that will be activated in less than 2 hours.  They are rarely simple to build and install, you also have seen a growth of my ship which started off as a small cruiser, however we are now as large as our largest dreadnaught the Achilles.  My ship spans 11,081 meters and the growth is due to the Child and my AI's onboard, they are building relentlessly.  I am taking in Solar radiation by the score from our Primary and with that raw energy my abilities grow.  If i wait a week before taking the jump point i will be 22,000 meters in length and will be able to withstand 40,000 plus ships of the Federation line attacking me simultaneiously.  They will not be able to attack me however,  because  we have two aces in our hole.  First, i will have 2 gravidic pulse weapons that will disable more than 500 ships at the same time multiplied by two on first shot and i can return fire on those seconds later. Secondly, their AI's are only under calculations to fire at 10 to 15 Gravities of drive.  I on the other hand can maneuver at 300g to 500g and it will take them weeks to recalibrate fire and speed after they figure out who and what i am.  In our first engagement we should attack the next quadrant or Centauri home world.  We have calculated home world and all 32,883 ships disabled without loss of life to 1% based on random explosions. 
Our presentation is to sale you on that fact that we can finish this war in a month or less.  They have a 95.3% ratio to sue for peace within a week of home world desolution.  If we had to, which i would not advise, we could disable half the planetary primes and they would sue for peace in the first week. I could hit 22 worlds in first month disabling their abilities to produce power, however, that should be our bargaining chip, we see a 31% loss of life if we proceed to planetary Gravidic Barrage.  It would not kill anyone but the aftermath projections of havoc and bloodshed are high from people trying to survive.
We believe if we proceed to Centauri Prime and destroy all the grav drives of all space going vessels, we then could ask for their surrender and demand a peaceful resolution to this debacle." Terals form in the video gave the assumption that he was talking to them from a command center aboard his ship but the simulacrum was for the purposes of people seeing him as a person even though he was the ship.  "Questions, " His facsimile asked.

"First, let me say to you and your crew, well done Teral.  Well done. Secondly," the president began she had no idea it was just him on the ship and he admired her breasts.  'Ops,' he thought.  "'My vote is on a first strike.  They declared war, then let's give it to them." Teral looked at the presidents body and always admired her boobs, I wonder if they are real.'
'oops sorry Mother I keep forgetting your listening in.'
"I approve of any decision as long as its first strike Sherrington and promote the boy to Admiral in Leu.  He will earn it." Teral was so excited suddenly the ship shuddered with his joy.  'Me and admiral of the fleet. Lol'  He broadcasted.
'Calm yourself sir. We have bots all over your hull that you could shake loose.' Andrew told his commander.'
'Oh, sorry about that crew I forget myself.'
"...thirdly, I would say make Teral independent with Mother as the contact relay for us.  We would lag hours if we didn't use her first contact with Teral.  If that's ok with you mother?" Amanda Halbringer, president of Dura asked politely of their Duran goddess.
"Of course Madam president but lets be clear about this I disapprove of anything that causes the most deaths." Halbringer, Sherrington, Wentworth were all winners of The Race in their days.
"I understand Mother. As for myself you have my vote, work out the details Admirals and once again great job Teral.  When this is over you and I will have dinner about your future.  Halbringer out.". She vanished from the meeting as quietly as she had joined.
"Sherrington, what do say about this puppy going out and about fighting a war without any knowledge of space warfare?  I think it's nuts.  Maybe we should put a senior officer on board his ship just in case?"
The angered Admiral was still fuming over the war games being stopped by a new ship commander.
"I was thinking the same thing but the problem is only Teral can take the stress of 300g.  500g is unthinkable speed half the speed of light, just boggles.  That still is mind blowing that Teral can pull that off and not be a splat on the ships hull.  Also do not forget he has every battle of every space war in history at his finger tips.  I feel he will be just fine." The grey haired admiral scratched his head as he pondered the thoughts of spacial theory.
"Yep forgot about that.  Well we could have commander Taggert fly one of those tricky spy ships into the Centauri system now and advise him if he needs help? Whatcha think Sherr?"
The admiral looked up quickly and smiled, "That's it.  Your orders are not formal Teral, you will volunteer for this or not go.  You are to proceed to Centauri Prime, you will engage the fleet there and disable all inbound and outbound ships of war.  Then you will negotiate their surrender.  If they do not you will proceed to all systems that are within a weeks flight of Dura and repeat that process until they give up.  Good hunting Admiral Ogilvy.  Taggert is being dispatched now.  Prepare your ship you leave in 22 hours.  Sherrington out.". The blue eyes of Sherrington flared with the anticipation of a battle about to be won and answered and was gone.
"I guess that means my damn games are over.  Good hunting Ogilvy, and don't screw the dog on this. I'm out." The angered admiral Wentworth was gone.

"Holy .. Crap.  Did you all hear that.  Hehehe I am a temporary admiral and I was just a ranger captain a few months ago.  That has to be a record." Teral was elated and if he could jump up and down he would.
"Admiral this is lieutenant Dorn of first Bat second Division we wish to congratulate you on your sudden promotion. I would like to ask you a question sir, if I may." A metallic sounding voice spoke through the com center.
"Sure, and who are you again Dorn?"
"Sorry sir, I am you newly commissioned officer AI of your landing and boarding soldiers.  I am Dorn Leutinant, sir."
"Oh kewl, I hear your voice but don't see a visual, can you give me a visual relay of yourself Dorn so I know who I am talking to?"
"Sir I am an artificial duplicate of guardians of Mother Dura, just a Brain case in a machine but I can program a face if it makes you feel better when I video conference you."
"Sure, that'll work Dorn. What's on your mind?" Terals spirits were jovial at so many changes in his life. 'I need a vanilla Sunday. I need to find out if I can simulate food tastes I miss eating.'
A brown haired man of 25 or 30 appeared on his screen Teral assumed it was the Dorns likeness.
"Sir, we are 550 strong and wish to know if we can perform drills in vacuum with the new men sir?" the soldier asked.
"Hm, your machines, even though your AI machines.  You actually need to practice?" Teral was a bit confused by that.
"Yes sir. We need to test out our Maneuvering abilities and sinc together."
"Roger that, do that Dorn. Ogilvy out." Teral was eager to go through the waypoint and concerned what it would be like.  The transition to Centauri was 14 days through.  Maybe they could improve on that as well.
"Andrew, can you tell me if you can partition your building activities and start working on improving weypoint speeds or even the projected subluminal flights.  Maybe partition the weypoint speeds and give us a boost of some type. I was thinking that it would be advantageous if we could beat others to the punch.  Plus it will help us if we have to go system to system."
"Yes sir, i believe i can.  Would you mind if i build an architect AI that could focus solely on new renovations to current tech?" The AI asked helpfully.
"Yes, sure do that. The two of you on it at the same time we might be able to find some huge renovations to our current tech." Teral responded.
"Also sir, you mentioned earlier that you would like a vanilla milkshake?" Andrew asked helpfully.  Apparently the AI was looking after its creators health.
Teral thought for a moment.  'Can all of you hear my thoughts?'
Four 'Yes's barraged him. "Yes," the AI's and Mother responded at the same time.  'Holy crap you all can hear me all the time when im talking to myself?'
'Yes,' The yes's flooded in again.
'MOTHER!!! Why didn't you tell me.  Holy crap.  Sorry everyone, ill try to keep my thoughts down to a nil.'
'No sir.  That is not healthy for you to bottle up.' Andrew came back.
'You can partition us from listening Teral.' Mother responded.
'How do i do that Mother.  It is weird not having my own thoughts or having someone listening in.'
'Simple, first you focus on a block.  Use this technique, think of a door right now.  Now think of all of us and close the door within your mind.'
'Ok i did that, now what?' Teral waited and there was no answer.  'Hello?' he asked and still no answer.
"Ok Mother, how do i let you hear my thoughts when i want?"
"Open the door, my son." She responded as if talking to a 3 year old.
'Ah i see, ok listen up everyone.  If you are ever hearing my personal thoughts you need to tell me 'personal' and ill shut the door.  What is our current status on our build Andrew?'
'We are approaching 13,000 meters sir.  By the time we jump to Centauri Prime we should be 16,000 meters.  Now once we shift to combat mode the builders increase output by a magnitude of 5.  After the battle we should be 16 to 20,000 meters.  We have 3 drives now for redundancy.  All drives will be active during battle but in transit i will shut down drives 2 and 3.  I also have improved our maneuvering speeds to 550g in battle.  I adjusted the Gravidic Transducers to mix with the adjusting Jets, the Hydrogen fuel mixture is enriched and we can make Sub-light speeds which at this point will make us invisible to the enemy.  I can bring that up if you wish.  However, for future reference we can never take humans to that speed if they are on board our ship unless they are in stasis.  I have created 30 new stasis tubes for human travelers if we ever need them they are sealed until then.  Also i have taken the opportunity to create a galley that can feed up to 100 people for a month and ships stores are sealed until we need.  To my point, i can give you internally a Vanilla Shake in your food tubes that are currently supplying your bodies nourishment.  Even though you no longer eat human foods totally i can mimic a shake if you wish, or any food for that matter.  You tell me feeding times or even suggest do this or that and i can mimic.' Andrew responded.  More words than Andrew had ever said combined.
'Holy crap, thats perfect.  Do it, get me a Vanilla Shake Pronto, Monsenior.' Teral was excited.
'Infusion in 20 seconds sir.
Suddenly, the taste, if he could call it that, was magnificent. 'Oh my goodness, can you all taste what I am tasting or do i have to open another door for that?'
'It is marvelous, sir.' Avon called back.  'Sir, i can not begin to tell you how i appreciate that.  The feeling is unlike anything i have thought possible.' Mike called back.
'My son, i have had that feeling before but the taste of it is refreshing.  Many of my children have never done that before.  Maybe its the circumstances, but thank you.  I love Vanilla Shakes, Teral.' Mother responded with a hug.
'Andrew? For dinner i want a Steak with horseradish sauce, backed potatoes with butter and sour cream and for dessert i want a Lemon Pie with cream.  Serve that at 1900 ship time please.  I have found that now that i need only 2 or 3 hours sleep a cycle i can do so much more.  Mike, how about you, anything you need?' Teral asked of his weapons officer.
'No sir, but do you need a weapons update of the soldiers or our weapons compliment?' Mike responded.
'No i am fine Mike, however do we have the 2nd Grav-gun mounted yet?'
'Yes sir, and im working on the 3rd as well.  We should have 4 mounted in 2 to 3 ship days.  The difficulty is the separate generators and the Gravducers that are required to operate the pulses.  We should be ship shape on the 3rd by jump.  Sir can i continue mounted Grav-guns through jump to Centauri Prime?' Andrew asked helpfully as if a child asking his parents for help.
'Absolutely, as many as the ship can take.  How many can be mounted if we had them, at this point.'
'42 sir.' 
'Alright mount as many as you can produce.'
'Avon how many hours before jump?'
Avons female voice was so opulent that when she talked Teral often thought of a beautiful run way model.  'Holy crap, Avon you heard all my thoughts.  Ah shit.  I am so sorry Avon, ill start shutting the doors more often when i want to think naughty thoughts.  Please forgive me.'
'Sir, there is nothing to forgive.  It would be nice, someday, to hold you and let you do the things to me you were thinking.  We are all new to our posts, if anything i am sorry.  You see, every time i heard your voice i was having wet thoughts of what your human frame looks like.  So please forgive me Admiral, i simply knew how to shut the doors to my personal thoughts.  It is 17 hours to jump.  Commander Julie Taggert is jumping in 4 hours and wishes a moment of your time.' Avon responded with a mental wink.
'Yes Avon, get her on the horn.' He was so embarassed at the women in his life knowing what he was thinking.
Teral shut all his open doors so he had no peeping Toms in case she was a good looking commander.  Now lets see who ill be working with.
The view was of a strawberry blond hair bordering on red, her eyes were splendid, almost an ocean green.  Her appearance was of a 30 or 35 year old woman unless she had regen or had ate of Mothers fruit. 'Mother has she eaten of your child, this Taggert?'  Teral called.
'Yes.' She responded neutral.
'Is it polite to ask what her talent is?' Teral wanted to ask the Admirals but didnt want to intrude.  That was private
for the persons knowledge.
'You can ask her but i will not respond to anyone asking of any persons privacy.'
'Good morning,' She hesitated. 'Admiral Ogilvy.' She sat straight up at attention as she talked.
'At ease Commander Taggert.  Please, i was just a Commander yesterday.  No need to be formal.' he responded.
Her shoulders relaxed, her demeanor changed a bit as she took a sip of some drink.
'Thank you sir, i certainly found this odd.  I am out bound and still don't know why.  My ship has got 340 crew and we are all waiting and holding our breath.  We are creeping into home world.  Can you tell me why?  This is almost a death sentence if we are attacking?' She responded with a flourish of questions and hundreds unanswered.
'Yes, yes.  I am so sorry for the delay i thought they would have told you.  Ok, let me say this is classified and no one on your ship will have this in writing.  I want this message on safe view.  LOCK it down now.  I will wait for confirmation from your relay officer and your AI that its only you and i on the com.' Teral waited 15 seconds and the Avenger responded. 
'This is the DNC Avenger with legal lock, i am certifying that no one other than you is on this coded freq.' The AI reported.
'Thank you Shiela. Ms Taggert or may i call you by your first name?'
'Sure, my friends call me Jules.'
'Jules thank you, and please no Admiral crap.  Teral is my name, in private thats what you call me.  Now this ship i think you have noticed is odd correct?' Teral started.
'Yes sir.  It is growing.  Meters per hour or even more.  What are those weapons batteries your people are building.  YOUR NOT even in space dock and the builders.  WTF sir.' she responded.
Teral laughed for 10 seconds then responded. 'Well yes, may i first ask you a question before i begin, personal?'
'Fire sir.'
'You have eaten of Mothers fruit.  Your child did what to you?' He asked calmly.
'Oh, um, i didnt expect that. Well sir.  I am a career officer and plan to be Admiral in the next 20 years or so.  So I wished for life.  I also received the ability to breath in vacuum of space.  How bout you sir.'
'Well let me just say this.  If you look through your ships magnified view screen you will see me waving.  I wished to be the unbeatable soldier.  In a nutshell, the ship, its me till the war is over.  You can fire on me and it will not hurt me.  You can missile my ship and my ship will feed on it.  I will grow.  Right now i am only barely growing because of the radiations from our primary.  However, when in battle, each hit on my shields goes into a storage bend, basically, and i will grow.  You have one Artificial intelligence running your ships operations and people doing all the other jobs.  I run myself but i have created 3, no 4, AI's that run my mundane operations.  The Child has changed me to become the ultimate weapon.  When the war is over i should be able to blend into and out of this ship in human form.  My Medical officer, Andrew, he has told me that currently i am fully integrated into the ship.  After the war is over i will pull out of the ship and be able to fully integrate through my pod here in my CNC.' Jules whistled. 'I have currently 3 G-Drives with unlimited abilities to induce more drives.  I am currently the largest ship in Duran space at over 14,000 meters in length.  We are also more powerful than any 2,000 ships combined.  We have 222 close fire cannons.  186 Laser batteries.  1,000 Missile launch tubes however we will never use missiles so those tubes were redesigned by my weapons and medical as Mega laser projectiles.  When i goto battle i will have 4 Grav-guns that you have never heard of.  These are unique inventions to me.  We have created a way, without explaining how, to disable any ship in the fleet.  I can disable up to 1,500 ships with one shot at current time.  When i am done i should be able to disable tens of thousands but thats going to take time.  We intend to jump into Centauri system and disable all 32,000 ships in one swoop, in the first day.  Your job is to help with advice and NOTHING, let me repeat, NOTHING else Jules.  You will stay in our wake and in stealth.  You and i will talk mind to mind.  I ask about your gift because i know we can chat through Mother.  That is what you will be doing.  No ship to ship transmissions.  I have created a means to broadcast to all bands and interrupt all ships bands as well.  You can not stealth my ships communications.  In other words no spy ship can hide from me.  So if i have that ability maybe they do too.  Also your job as a Senior Commander in the DNS is to help give me advice after the surrender of the Federations planets.  You got me so far?'
"Holy Dura sir.  What the F.  Sir, that was alot of info, gimme a second to digest.  You have Grav-guns.  WTF are those sir.  2nd you said, holy shit. Sorry sir but you said disable 1,500 ships at a time? What The F why dont we have those installed and how many people will die?'  She responded almost horrified in her visage.
'No, you dont understand.  We are not destroying those ships, we are disabling their abilities to fight war.  Their generators will be, basically, without detailing how, no longer able to work.  We will leave life support and communications active but we will steal their power.  Our Grav-guns will disable their engines and power outputs to weapons.  They will not be able to fire.  But remember there are 32,000 plus ships there guarding Centauri.  No one has a fleet that can take that amount of fire power, except me.  Mother and Child have given me the gift i asked for.  The only draw back is the ship.  Once i am full grown i could be as long as 100,000 meters.  Plus one more thing.  Hold your breath on this one.  YOU WILL DO NOTHING i repeat.  You must not engage anything or any one.  My ship will do it all. If i look like i am hurting stand back.  It will be a ruse.  The good news, or unbelievable news, my ship can adjust course in battle at a speed that you have never seen.  We can fight in battle at 500g plus excel.  We are invisible to the Federation targeting computers.  I am in permanent stealth.'  Teral waited for that to seep in.
Jules leaned forward in her seat. Her eyes got bigger, and they were just lovely.  Man im horny.
'Sir, let me get this straight.  You have created a gun that renders our ships obsolete. You travel at almost half the speed of light in battle.  What the fuck am i going for sir?' She responded.
Teral again laughed out loud.  "Well Jules, Admirals Wentworth and Sherrington wish you to observe and advise nothing more.  To have a second person they trust more than me.  Thats what i assume.  You will not put yourself or your crew in harms way you can broadcast that.  I am sorry you pulled this boring detail but remember ill be fighting for only my life and my Child.  I dont want to die, so if i feel i can not take something ill pull back and wait for repairs.'
'Screw that sir, sorry sir.  They wont be able to hit you with anything, just lucky shots. Wow I wish i could fly with ya but i would be dead at 14 gravities if i wasn't in a cry-tube.  Will you do me a favor sir when this is all over?'
They had been talking for a bit now and Teral was beginning to like Jules.  'If i can Commander.'
'Sir, let me take a walk on your ship.  I would like to see your creation inside.'
'Roger that Jules, you got it. If there is nothing else ill see you on the other side.  Ogilvy out.'
'I am out, thank you sir.'

Chapter 4

The flash blink of Taggerts ship was as if a light blinked on and off from a camera.  The Avenger went to warp.  Teral was hoping he could beat Taggert to the Centauri system with the improvements when alarms started going off in his head.
'What the heck is wrong Avon? Why are Alarms going off?'
'Sir, the firing platforms around the jump point are reading inbound ships.'
'How many Avon?'
'I have 1660 signatures sir.' Her response gave nothing away to anxiety so Teral felt less than a bit worried.
'Dang, ok signal to fleet that we have picked up Sub-light transmissions of inbound ships.  They are not pinging Ident and we will engage unless told otherwise.  I will disable all Federation warships and leave them before we transit.'
'Aye aye sir. Admiral Sherrington says good hunting and they will pick up the pieces.  The fleet is standing by at 800,000 miles they are on Ready 5 if we fail.'
'Ha, fail my ass.  Bring us about and go to a circular pattern Avon i want 500g and i do not want to be seen.  Mike bring all 3 grav guns online now if you haven't already.  I want all 1660 ships disabled in one shot.  Do not injure them just disable and after words hail them Avon.'
'Roger that sir.' She replied now more eager.
'Sir, weapons went hot the minute Avon notified us of the inbounds. Taggert left right on time.  Convenient.  Sir i suggest we fire at one time after all ships have entered.  The Duran platforms will fire, however i have instructed all platforms to pause 3 minutes for this battle.  I will take out each major group that exits or we can wait?  The platforms have logged their complaints with CIC but they are being ignored while they watch us.'
'Wait for 80% and track all at same time.  Where they go i want them at all times.  Once the first 500 ships are through we take them. The others will be mop up.  Before you shoot i want this broadcasted to the Federation ships Avon.  Now hear this, 'You are attacking the system of Dura. You have declared war on a peaceful planet for military gain.  We will now retaliate with technology you do not have.  Be warned, you are about to lose the abilities to fight a war.  We are powering down your weapons and engines in 5 seconds.  It is not your ship that is in error.  After this is done you will surrender or we will laser your ships to oblivion. You will have 5 minutes to comply. Prepare to be boarded.' Send that to Dura CIC and to the Federation at the same time.'

None of the Fed ships could track the darting Ogilvy as he was moving beyond the tracking systems and the Grav bursts hit.
Everything happened at once as the Grav-guns fired simultaneously.  1511 ships of the Federations best simply floated lifeless.  Engines stopped.  Weapons disabled.  The good ship Ogilvy managed to do what no military had in a 1000 years, not kill a single person in the first opening of combat.
Hundreds of surrender calls came in at once, the entire force had surrendered.  The remaining 149 ships did not need to be disabled they simply winked back into the jump point and Dura had its first victory and 1511 new ships in their fleet to repair and staff.
'Admiral Ogilvy, the other ships bugged back into the jump point.  They were to far away for a Grav shot'
'Thats ok Mike, we did what we needed to.  When we arrive in Centauri we should be there at the same time they arrive or sooner, they will never expect it and they can't com to Cent-Prime in transit.  They will get home and we will be right behind them or right in front of them.  Turn the platforms back on and make sure that each platform has the generators and one Grav-gun or the specs to build it.  Also send this message to DNS CNC, 'Admiral Sherrington we are jumping in less than an hour, if you have any messages please Net-mail me ill read in transit.  AD-Lieu Ogilvy out.' Send that Avon.
'Yes sir.' she replied.

The jump point Dura was invisible to the eye, if you were looking  through a view screen, however on the com-console of Teral, which he projected in front of his viewers made it feel as though he was sitting in space alone. (Which he was, even though he had surrounded himself with friends of his Childs creation.  Even though all the Artificial clones that manned his ship were not of his DNA it still felt like his kids, they were his responsibility.)  He projected a 3 dimensional view of the jump point and it appeared as a swirling mass of grey and blue.  The gate was outlined by computer projected lights, however in real time nothing out of the ordinary would be seen. You couldn't travel the anomaly without sub-light speed; once you engaged engines the jump point simply boosted you to another point of space as if sliding above normal space.  The speed was 1,586,000 miles per second at Sub-luminal speeds once you made jump.  At that speed they would bypass 4 quadrants and take 14 days to arrive in Centauri-Prime. The small 149 ships that jumped out were from Cent-Prime, and he knew that he would beat them there with 6 days to spare.  With luck they would come home to the Federations surrender.  However, Andrews new AI, Brenda, created 48 hours before, a means to boost Grav drive 100%.  Teral was not willing just yet to push the speed of light so he would boost to 750,000 miles per second.  This would put them there 6 days before the small fleet would be able to spread the word.
Terals plan was to disable 15,000  ships or so then send the com for the Federation to surrender or lose al 30,000 plus ships.
'Grav-drive engaged sir, and we are on threshold.  Max speed is 747,000 mps, ready to engage at your discretion. Plot to Cent-Prime is on your screen.' Avon told him.
Eager and anxious about this Teral was aware of so many of the ships lost in transit.  But he was self sustaining so he knew nothing was wrong with being lost.
'Engage, lets go hunting.' He told Avon.
The kaleidoscope of colors and sights that shunted past his awareness was a brilliant flourish of rainbows and hues.  He knew it was amazing to travel in space however this was beyond him.  He also assumed he would get used to the lights streaming by yet he just peered at the lights approaching and passing.  The plot had a 3 dimensional ticker that counted down the minutes and hours to arrive.  With the new boost of Brenda's they would arrive in 9 days.  Teral was excited about the time differential that he cut off, and about the futures of more than light speed.  The things we can achieve being able to travel 100 light years or further can put Duran settlers as well as Mothers Seeds to other Duran like planets millions of light years away.
'Mother, are you there?' Teral called.
'Lol, surely, i never leave.  What do you need my son?'
'Well Mother this war will end i believe, in the next 2 weeks to 8 weeks, can I stay in this form to push the boundaries of Dura.  Become an explorer.  Or maybe i can transfer my body out of this form and stay connected and probe the universe that we never had access too.  Dura is the farthest outer planet in the Federation. 
157 light years from Dura is planet 2318zgi in the Belt, I know there are planets that can sustain life there, I would like to search and maybe settle other planets for Durans and if you wish maybe, if you honored me with the opportunity to bring that planet a Mother such as yourself?'  He hesitated.
'Oh my, i never imagined to have a counterpoint sister.  Yes, i might like that and i have decided to send seedlings to the planets in the 12 systems already so that there will not be a war again like this one.  I thought of splitting myself and sending seedlings to other planets however it would hurt Dura so i never did.  Now that this war is on maybe I should have done it eons ago and saved thousands of lives.  I can not fathom why i had not thought of this light years ago but sisters on the other planets would have saved so much in life.  Will you have the ability to disengage from your own body, the ship, in human form and still travel in the ship?' Mother asked, she was not privy to some of the inner thoughts of Teral now that he could open and close those doors.
'Oh yes mother.  My medical AI has been working on my behalf behind the scenes and has isolated my genes and can put me in a cloned body of myself and i can jack right back into my ship at will.  After the war ill transfer my consciousness to a clone version of myself and be able to be human.  Although, my human form will not be my original form the clones should sustain me, well, forever.  Ill still answer to you and the Duran authorities and ill never make decisions without my crew and you but ill basically be myself again.  Andrew says my clones will have some upgrades and ill find out what before I move my conscious thoughts.  If you are wondering, ill probably have the Federation galaxy under temporary surrender within 38 hours of arrival. I plan to disable 15,000 ships in the first 15 hours.  After that ill send my surrender terms to all ships and explain why all the ships have lost power.  Maybe they can salvage the remainder of their ships and surrender sooner and I will make sure one of their lunar bodies is Duras as a watch dog slash emabassey.  Any suggestions for me other than this plan Mother?' Teral finished a bright light just flashed by his periphery and he looked away for a moment and Mothers screen.
'No my son.  Be careful and if you take damage make sure its not life threatening.  How large is your body now?' She asked light hearted.
'Lol, well we are going to be 19,000 meters upon arrival.  Andrew says the raw energy in transit is overwhelming our storage, so he is building more and more energy storage capacitors. We have a 4th Grav-gun that will be online shortly.    I am right now the largest ship in history and soon will be 2 times larger than any ever conceived.  So we are breaking records and creating new technology as if discovering all new ideas for the first time.  We simply are improving what already existed but are doing it thousands of times faster.'
Mother pondered for a moment, '...Um, what about your shielding and absorption generators.  Can they be overloaded, such as flying into a sun?'  She asked mildly aware of his dangers.
'No Mother, if we flew into a Gravidic well we still could not take enough damage not to fly out.  A sun would be a mild inconvenience due to the heat index on the metal alloy hull if the shields were overwhelmed.  However, the shielding would take 60 ship board minutes to deteriorate and then the hull would last another 12 minutes so we would be safe.  Thats why we are building so many generators and engines as fail safes in the worst case.  Andrew is all about my health.  But Mike says he believes that he and Brenda have found a way to dissolve a sun.  Its long and drawn out but basically syphon.  A means to bleed off all burning fusion to its core and use the power to grow the ship.  Scary huh? I wont try any of that for a long time though.  Any way ill talk at you after, please let Commander Taggert know my arrival time.  I am off to oversee some new construction.'
'I understand, bye my son.'

Andrew was currently over seeing 100,000 building bots that were moving across his hull with the ease and perfection of experienced nano builders.  The bots varied in size from 2 meters to 10 meters in length and scurried unaided by some type of unseen propulsion.  Teral observed how fast they converted the raw energy and the metals that adhered to his hull with a DNA based polymer.  The new parts to his ship simply appeared as if they always belonged to him.  He watched them building some sort of dome above his bridge. 'Andrew, whats the dome for?'
'Ah, that is your future bridge for your clones.  It has a self-contained unit for 8 people and ill just keep it dormant till your ready for it.  I have it completely self contained.  Once your cloned body hooks in you will be able to withstand 100g boosts but the ship will not go any faster under failsafe. Your body takes precedence over all else, however if your clone failed you would simply be in the same form you are now, or we can transfer your conscious thoughts on demand and put the clones in stasis and your back to 500g or faster boosts or more without complication.  I have designed that module as a safety net for your clones and without hooking in we can sustain 90 to 100g boosts without black out.  Once the clones are ambulatory you would not be able to take 100g boosts but while they are locked in 100g is the max. That is a 1000% improvement over current tech.  Also we have managed to create a new transportation system called the T-Port loop.  This will enable your cloned self to port anywhere within this ship.  Current tech is 200 to 300 years from this tech.  It might be a trillion credit invention on the open market.  We have filed 1,192 patents with Duran Net patents at Xeeter patents, only the war department has access to any of these.  Admiral Sherrington is very excited about the T-Ports as a delivery system.'
'I can imagine the use of an instant delivery system in times of war, however, they have us locked out so i do not know how long before something like that will go active.  We are the Universe's best prevention of war along with all these inventions the leases of mine, um, ours on the civilian side billions, trillions of credits.  Wow, ill need a butler to help manage my funds.  Accountants, geebers.  I am rich. lol who knew.'

End of first half of the book.
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