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Rated: E · Book · Writing · #1881424
What's your beef?
January 13, 2025

Well, I have not visited this for sometime. I do keep my other blog going but it is time to revisit and see if I can pick a bone with someone!

Question (or argument)? WILL TRUMP DO WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL DO??

I say yes he will to the point that the previous administration hasn't cause so much work for him to straighten out that he cannot complete his promises. The reason I believe he will come through is that has had years to think about what might have went wrong in his first term. He also has had to observe the last administration and now sees what needs fixing. His eyes are open. He is surrounding himself with experience people, hopefully more honest people, people who will be dedicated to his wishes to their best ability. The question is, will he have enough time, this time around, to straighten out some of the deep messes that we our in??

What say you??


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July 23, 2012

Have a bone to pick? Something annoying you? Did you ever wonder where the phrase came from? According to a source on the Internet, it dates back to the 16th century. It refers to the concept of a dog who is chewing at his bone, picking it clean (I have a bone to pick). It references the phrase, in similarity, to another phrase, "bone of contention". That phrase goes back to the 1500s and implies that two people are arguing over the same issue. Or, in the case of a dog, two dogs fighting over the same bone.

Well, with that in mind, that is what I would like to do here. I don't necessarily want to argue but discuss issues that, I am sure, bug other people as well. I hope you will come along and join me and see what bones we can uncover.


February 4, 2025 at 8:35am
February 4, 2025 at 8:35am
I hate answering machines! I mean, when you call a business you want to speak to a person not a machine. Machines are cold, do not welcome me and make me feel unimportant. It will ask you questions, take your answers, yes, but then when they put you through to a live body, they ask the same questions. Where is time saved?

I feel society has really lost a lot by putting the machines in to place. Sure, it replaces a job, saves money probably for the employer, but for us folks whose time is just as important, we need the real thing. I like speaking to people because I know that they have heard me. A machine cannot be sympathetic, cannot say I understand Mrs. West - those are important comments. They totally cut out the chitchat. Chitchat can be important, reassuring.

Oh, then there is the fact that, once you get through to a real person, you might get transfered because the machine didn't put you through to the right person and you get put through to another person. And, OMG - you better remember to get the person's phone number they are transferring you to because sure as heck, the system will drop your call!

I hate answering machines. How about you?


My signature
September 24, 2019 at 4:58pm
September 24, 2019 at 4:58pm
Today was one of those days. I live near my son and he has a contracting business. In his line of work, he has a enclosed trailer he pulls everyday. Since the combined trailer and truck weight is over 10k pounds, and since it is used in his business (that makes him commercial), this trailer is considered commercial and must be inspected annually. Okay, you say, no big deal. Normally that would be true. However, trying to find a place that does this type of inspection, today, was a nightmare! It would have been easier if my son way driving a semi-truck!

Recently, the State of Utah has decided that regular vehicles no long have to have safety inspections, so many places are not doing inspections, which I am sure eliminated a good portion of his choices. Secondly, it has to be done by a certified commercial safety inspection business to be legit. The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is somewhat in control of this; but refer you to the Highway Patrol safety section for a list of vendors who do inspections.

The fees that are required to register the trailer (for license/tags) is under the control of the Tax Commissioner and they refer you to the Safety Inspection department of the DMV.

After calling several places provided by the Highway Patrol (HP), no one was either doing them anymore, knew nothing about it, out of business, or too backed up with work and would have to schedule weeks out for something that the HP says should take only minutes. Also, my son wanted a list emailed so he would not bother the HP again, but the lady at that unit said that it was private and could not give the list out. (go figure).

After calling several businesses that my son thought might do the inspection, he got a referral from a referral that was from another referral and found a place on his own (hours later and time lost in his own business).

All in all, what a lot of time and craziness in getting something done in the name of safety. Don't you just love bureaucracy!

** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **
June 30, 2021 at 2:13pm
June 30, 2021 at 2:13pm
June 30, 2021

Okay I know I am going to make a few people angry, but, here it goes! This "mask" thing has bothered me since day one. When I think of a mask, I think about a vacuum sucking in. Well, what goes in and doesn't come out, hangs there, can not be good. Anything going into that mask is going to stay there, trapped, until a new one is put on. Requiring someone to wear one without them changing it (every time you pass a new person or introduce a new person into the area?), you are setting them up to breath in who knows what! Common sense it seems to me.

Here is just one article on the subject matter. There are more if anyone wants to do the research.


I cannot tolerate a mask (tried using them when painting walls, cleaning,) and only wore it at dentist and doctor's offices.

Anyone wish to comment on this one?

** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **
April 28, 2019 at 2:07pm
April 28, 2019 at 2:07pm
Come one come all! What do you think about the risks of vaccines? Or do you think there are risks? Do you believe we are a society of "over vaccinated" to the point that we have destroyed our immune system? It is looking more and more like our children are suffering from various vaccines. The number of vaccines required to enter school is constantly increases year by year. The strength of each injection is very strong these days that children become very sick from them.

Do you know the reaction signs that occur for shots? Here are some of them:

Excessive bruising, bleeding or anemia
Loss of memory
Body rash or hives
Shock/collapse followed by unresponsiveness, deep sleep
High fever (over 103F)
Joint pain or muscle weakness
Onset of chronic ear or respiratory infections, breathing problems
and the list goes on....

Are you aware that Under this law by August of 2014, almost $3 billion has been awarded for vaccine injuries
and deaths suffered by over 3,500 children and adults, according to the NVIC.org.

According to The federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), providers of vaccinations are required to give parents and/or individuals vaccine benefit and risk information before vaccination. Has this always been the case for you and your child??

If you would like more information, I encourage you to watch the following video give by Dr. John Bergman on Vaccine Ignorance:


I would welcome your comments on this topic.


** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **
January 17, 2025 at 10:41pm
January 17, 2025 at 10:41pm
I am almost 80 and I am teaching myself to read piano music. I want to be able to read enough to learn songs. I play by ear (no jokes please). Have been doing this for years. I can hear a song a few times and then I can play it or most of it. But to get the piece down really good, I need to know all the notes.

It is very hard to remember where to notes sit on their perspective lines, at least for me. I would have loved to have learned years ago when my mind was sharper. But, I don't find it a burden as I just love to hear the sounds of the tunes. Many times, while playing songs I am so relaxed that I just about put myself to sleep.

I am reading a beginners music book, using flash cards and practicing on my keyboard. It is coming along, slowly, but I have made a promise to myself to dedicate more time to the study of notes. If any of you out there have any suggestions of a program or other method to learn, feel free to share.


My signature
March 20, 2025 at 10:31pm
March 20, 2025 at 10:31pm
My beef this time is hedges! Not just any hedge but those that seem to be planted right near driveways. Today I went to the bank, Social Security office and when leaving both places, I had to be careful getting out. I have been many other places where getting in the driveway is a hazard or getting out. Sometimes it is a person walking that also can't see me coming. What is it with people who think hedges belong where driveway entrances are? I mean, don't they think about cars coming and going when planting these things.

I just don't get the psycology of it. Hedges for the most part are planted to hide things or give some privacy. Why would you want to hid a driveway entrance to a shopping mall or bank? I have to nudge my car out slowly, hoping I don't get clipped or clip someone or something. Hedges always seem to big, too talk and right at the end of the drive. I want to come back some late night with my clippers and give the damn things a haircut.

What do you think about hedges?

My signature
October 29, 2018 at 11:56am
October 29, 2018 at 11:56am
Should kids of the ages of 11-13 have cell phones?

Well, should they? I say no but I am just a grandmother and it was different back in my day. I was born in 1945 and of course there were no cell phones. I am sure my dad would have loved to have had one working as a laborer, well digger, carpenter and a few other jobs. We had a party line (that was interesting).

But, back to the point. Kids get attached to these things (cell phones) and it is like a leech grabbed on to them. They are mesmerized by them. They can't hear you and then they get "smarty" as if they have gain some new intelligences, or ? However, I can see the benefit for parents keeping in touch with the little munchkins! So, what say it you?

** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **
July 24, 2012 at 3:20pm
July 24, 2012 at 3:20pm
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July 24, 2012

Well it is Tuesday and I am on my second day of my blog. I do hope I will attract some folks who might want to tell me about their "bone to pick".

Today my bone to pick is on labels. No not the kind you find in stores, however, that could be another day of discussion. The labels I am talking about today are the kind that get pined on us as certain types of people. Such labels are liberal, conservative, republican, democrat, Christian, socialist, hate monger, etc. I registered as a Republican but I believe I will change that. I call my self conservative but am I really? I am not sure any of us are any "one" thing. Are we not many things? I am Irish, Scottish; part of the great melting pot.

I am a mom, mother-in-law, friend, grandmother, aunt, widow, American, US citizen, patriot, woman, senior, native California, Utah transplant, Internet junkie, Facebook fan, lover of Writing.com and so much more. What are you? Do you fit in one box?

The only label I every what to see myself wear is one that says my name is Sandy Davison. Hi, how are you.

** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **
July 23, 2012 at 5:46pm
July 23, 2012 at 5:46pm
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July 23, 2012

Some people should not drive, period! That might include some seniors, teens, people who insist in putting on makeup while driving; people who must have their dog or child in their lap; those who just cannot live without their cell phones, and, of course those unceasing, texters!

It isn't that I don't mind if they do their own thing. Just don't include me in it! I don't particularly want to end up as road kill, nor do I want to see road kill. I don't want to explain to my insurance company that it wasn't my fault, especially if you just happen to get away with something stupid causing my car to engage in someone else's car.

Haven't you, at time, wanted to be like the tunes, as in cartoons? I have always wanted one of those special cars that comes equipped with a grease slick delivery system, a bumper hammer, a small cannon attached to my car or a flame thrower. That way, I could take care of the situation myself. No offense, but waiting for the Highway Patrol to show - well, you know what I mean. They are never around when you need one.

You say I am a little harsh? What's your answer for the inept driver.


** Image ID #1877260 Unavailable **

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1881424-I-Have-A-Bone-To-Pick