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Rated: E · Book · Young Adult · #1880936
Trying to help two friends Abby soon finds herself in more trouble then she bargained for
The twins, having the absolute misfortune to be born to a woman with not one wit- bit of humor. that was until it came time to name her two sons. Christening one Ford and the other Mustang after their father took off with his one true love for parts unknown.

There was no end to the ridicule until our fourth grade teacher stepped in dubbing them both Henry. Fast forward almost ten years with them, their luck really hasn't changed, thou that's mostly by their own hand now, so I shouldn't have been surprised to find them on my front lawn on a weekday, with a stolen bulldozer and a whole truck load of tools before the sun even had a chance.

"Morning Abby," Mustang said with a sheepish smile. "Can we use the garage?"

I suppose most people would have at least asked a question instead of just handing over the keys. Slipping my flip flops on and following Mustang out to dads old work shop, flicking on the florescent lights as Ford backed the flatbed up into the garage taking out a good chuck of wood out of the door frame for the trouble. The lights slow to flicker to live showing off the faded and beat up skin of the bulldozer with the words Vinton Co. tattooed across its side.

"What were we supposed to do; they were going to tear down old Joe's house?" Mustang said as if that was all the explanation anyone would ever need.

“You want some coffee?” I couldn't find anything else to say. Joe was an old man that lived just on the outside of town in an old run down shake. He would never hurt anybody or even bothered anyone but his house was clearly visible from the highway and since our little town annexed out that way there has been a push to tear it down. Getting it passed was easy, after all it's a small town.

Starting the coffee pot up, I still wasn't awake enough for this.

Thinking about it, it did make perfect twin logic: Joe went and got a lawyer to go pro-bono, most people around here signed a petition but to the twins, why not just remove the problem all together, why not just steal the county’s only bulldozer. Pouring myself a cup of coffee watching the two set about their work. Ford loosening the tie downs as Mustang unloading the tools. “Does anyone know?”

“Who would we tell; besides, we were out playing pool when the idea just kind of hit us, that’s all.” Ford said finishing with what he was doing before turning to help his brother. Again twin logic, “But – what are you going to do with it?” Panic was starting to take hold in the pit of my stomach.

“I don’t know maybe we could just take it down to Clark county Scrap.”

“Maybe, take it to scrap?” Panic was over riding the sleep. “You mean you don’t know what you’re going to do with it?” I couldn't think of anyone but these two that would ever think to steal something like this without even an idea. “Why not just bump it somewhere?”

“You know how hard it was to get our hands on it? Besides they would only find it again. Hay can we use this?” Mustang had found the air tools along with the compressor stored under the large bench taking up the back wall.

“Yeah, that’s the point. They get their bulldozer back, you two made your point no harm no foul.” Panic was taking a firm hold now.

The two of them glancing at each other, clearly the thought that I might protest them parking it here clearly hadn't crossed their minds. Ford trying a different approach “ aren't you tired of everyone just doing what they please just because they have more money. Joe hasn't ever done a thing to anyone and now this town is running him off just because his house isn't up to their standard. If it had been any were else no would have ever have care but it’s right on the main high way. That’s the only thing they care about.” It was a pretty speech for on the spur.

“this isn't going to help anything. You think just because you took the county’s bulldozer their just going to walk away. Someone is going to come looking for that thing. That’s grand theft and it’s in my shop. Everybody is going to know you did this. What time do you think those boys get to work what is it six, seven in the morning. It’s already passed three. Unless your practiced at chopping something like that there is no way you’re going to get that thing out of here before someone decides to come looking for the two of you.” Ducking passed them, uncoupling the flat bed. “Hay wait, now you just hold up Abby, what do you think you’re doing?”

“Mustang, someone is going to come a looking for that thing, and soon. The two of you have no idea or even care about the trouble you just got me into.” Dodging passed him yanking the truck door open.

“Hay just wait, where do you think you’re going?” Mustang grabbing the door keeping me from closing it, “I don’t know, I just – we need help.” With that jerking the door loose slamming the door closed.

One thing about the twins they kept their truck running in good condition. Bouncing down the county road, with a bloom of dust getting caught in the red glow of the tail lights trailing behind me, I really didn't have any idea where I was going.

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