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A older idea that i lost the original manuscript to |
Back cover Text: Foxtail is actually surprising, based upon an ancient Japanese legend. With historical facts, and the intriguing story line of any fantasy story, but without the boredom of a documentary about ancient Japan, FoxTails is an ideal read. Great for most age groups. The author takes Japanese legends and turns them into a now day story. Gabrielle is a seventeen-year-old boy, who has a perfectly normal life, at least for the most part. His mother and father are split apart. He lives with his dad and stepmother. Sounds perfectly normal, right? Wrong! Gabrielle is not what he appears to be. After he is forced to go live with his mother ,things change and he discovers the truth of his origin, the reason he has always felt different from everybody. Soon this discovery takes him on a quest to save his new found clan from their rivals. So are you ready to join Gabriel as he discovers his newfound destiny? Fox Tails G.C.Snearley Copyright Notice © An Original Unpublished Work By: G.C.Snearley All clans, characters and character likeness are the property of G. C. Snearley. All infringements on this copyright are executable by law. Library of congress number: ISBN: First Publication Published By: Note from the author I would like to take the liberty to personally thank each and every one of you for not only buying but hopefully reading my work. It is my great pleasure to introduce book One of the Foxtails series. I know it must have been a difficult choice. After all would one rather read a book by a known author, or something from an unknown author? Most people would have chosen the known author. So thank you for taking the risk. I am confident you will be pleased with your decision. And for those of you who were broadly searching through the library and just so happened to stumble upon my book, Thank you for the bravery involved in cracking open the cover and giving it a peek. Hopefully it entranced you to read father in to Gabriel’s world. I hope you don’t think any less of me for the content of the story I will tell you now there are some pretty graphic paragraphs which involves sex, but what do you expect from a creature that feeds through sexual intercourse, a creature who according to Japanese legends took the form of humans in order to seduce and feed, now if you mix that with animal instinct and human lust what is your end project Introduction Welcome to the world of the Kitsune a world were nothing is as it should be, were humans could merely be Kitsune, ware war is a common event between clans of kitsune all striving for the power that the Tenko clan lost. A realm inside our own, unknown by most humans. What are Kitsune you might ask, and a wise question to ask, kitsune are Japanese spirit foxes they possess long lives, superior intellect and mystic powers. They were created by the goddess, Inari, to serve as messengers. But they are not solely spirits most of which are half-human. They have human emotions human thoughts, along with a feeling that they are not what they seem…all their life they feel like outcasts among humans. Until they realize what they are. A young kitsune may see things, or cause things to happen with out knowing how they did it. It is common that the young kit will see their reflections as foxes, or there shadows will look fox-like. At first they will not be able to control themselves, or will think that they are crazy. Some refuse what they are and well lets just say loose their minds. Others except it and some become legends in kitsune history. This is a story of one of those heroes and his quest to regain the power of the Tenko clan, to bring his people back to their rightful place as rulers, among Kitsune, and the spirit realm. But who can truly rule a realm of nightmares, a realm of spirits? A brief history of the clan as recorded by Jerome the historian 1. Tenko: the oldest of all the clans, at one time held in the highest regards in the court of Inari. Due to they were first created as messengers they posse the ability to bend time along with a wide array of others abilities. At one time the Tenko ruled all of the other clans by a Divine right granted to the by Inari herself. The Tenko arrogance is what led to the Reiko rebellion, which began the timeless war. In the end the Tenko were defeated and all clans gained their independence. The Tenko were defeated by a curse that made it so the Tenko could no longer conceive male children. Until the time of Gabriel. 2. Reiko: the Reiko were created after the Tenko they were created for the darker art such as assassination, sabotage and spies. They were created in secret after two failed attempts. The Reiko skill is measured by the darkness of their eyes, the darker the eyes color the more dangerous the Reiko, they are led by Julius Reiko. His true last name is known by only his twelve children, which are all named after a precious stone’s. During the timeless war he hired the Bakemono to curse the Tenko, and led the night raids to kill all male members of the Tenko clan. 3. Bakemono: although not one of the true clans they are a feared tribe whom has dedicated their entire life to the arcane arts. The goddess Inari did not crate the Bakemono. At one time they were Ssakko but they tired of not having any skills to call there own, so they pursued the rumored elemental arcane arts. Upon finding the source of the power they fused them selves with the elements and renamed them selves the Bakemono. They are all connected by the waters of the crystal lakes and have a crystal pool in there dens. 4. Ssakko: the Ssakko posses no super natural abilities with the exception of foxfire. They are commonly red furred with and array of tattoos. They prefer the use of melee weapons such as, spears, staffs, scythes, sari, bow, and bolos. They are respected for there military and follow a strict code of conduct under the rule of their tribe chef. 5. Nogitsune: mix breeds and or rebellious youth that hold no loyalties to any clan. A diverse bunch of either kitsune whom are ill legitimate children of high-ranking clan officials, or youth who did not like the policy of the clan they were born in to. The interbreeding of clans created most of which. They posses a large array of ability most of which are strong Xenophon to be used merely a pranks. 6. Genko: Little in, know about this clan even by Jerome. They are said to be good omens, and will possibly bring grate changes, they are rumored to posse’s god like powers. The true children of Inari, pure of all evil. 7. Kiko: a race of kitsune that have no physical form they are masters of possession. Know for dragging humans in to the spirit realm, eating the human soul and claiming the bodies for them selves. They transport thought the realm as spirits, specters, and ghosts. The hosts they posses have some of the kitsune abilities. Considered one of the weakest clans, feared by humans whom know of their existence. The second attempt at creating Reiko made after the Kuko. 8. Kuko: Indri’s first attempt at creating Reiko unfortunately instead of making cunning masters of stealth, she made blood thirsty monsters that feed on blood the blood of kitsune, And of humans. Due to their eating habits they have been mutated there, mouth has four jaws that open like a flower. Their tongs are as frogs except they are tipped with fangs that not only paralyze there unfortunate victim, but inject a chemical that prevents blood from clotting. This race is infamous for their great strength, dangerous intellect and furious tempers. Although they have trouble thinking and grow, vary weak if they have not fed recently. After there creation Inari planed on destroying them. But when the time came she felt pity and could not bring her self to destroy the monstrous children, instead she sealed them in the swamps of the spirit realm, Kuko fear fire so she sealed the swampy west lands with a great wall of fire and created the fire watchers. Index Of Charters 1. Dennis Snearley: Father of Gabriel 2. Kitty Tenko: Kitsune mother Of Gabriel 3. Kay Lanky: First lover Of Gabriel 4. Gabriel Tenko: main Charter story takes place from his point of view 5. Garnet Reiko: youngest daughter of Julies Reiko's 12 Children 6. Julies Reiko: Ruler of the Reiko clan 7. Onyx Reiko: Kitty's older brother future ruler of the Reiko clan 8. 9. 10. Eva Tako: trainer of Gabriel 11. Andrea Tako: the youngest of Eva's four Daughters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter One The beginning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It all started with a middle-aged trucker on his first and last trip to Japan. To be honest he had a good run and a healthy paycheck waiting for him upon arrival to the port city of Takamatsu. Luckily, on this trip the company had paid all expenses. In a fashion, it was comparable to a paid vacation His heart jumped with relief as the shore came in to view, followed by the unmistakable structure of a rather large port. Although it was not America, his homeland it was none the less land. It had seemed he had been at sea forever, although after the first week he tired of the gray ocean soundings and spent most of the time in the sleeper of his semi truck a large blue Kenworth. Why the freight had not been air shipped was beyond him. Moments latter, the ship was docked and he was at the port unloading his metal monster of a truck. After so long at sea it took him a bit to get use to his land legs. At first walking with out the ground moving beneath you felt strange and foreign. “Dennis “a voice yelled as he pulled off the load ramp as the man looked up from the review mirror his eyes beheld one of he most beautiful woman he had ever seen. “Yes, “he replied a few moments latter after he had come to the conclusion he was not dreaming…although an angel giving you your paycheck is a wonderful dream definitely an angel as beautiful as this one. “This is your paycheck,” she said as she approached “you should be unloaded and ready to return to the ship first thing tomorrow morning” after handing him the paycheck she began to walk away. “Would you like to help me spend my check?” he asked, and then mentally scolded his self for using such a cheesy pick up line. However, for some reason he spoke with unnatural ease, it was as if the words were drawn out of his mouth by her supernatural beauty. Perhaps thus date tapes were acutely helping. “Sure” she said as she smiled and then walked back towards Dennis, “my name is Kitty” she said, as the smile grew wider. She than grabbed his hand with out hesitation “I guess I could show you around and who knows I might show you a bit more” kitty said in a flirtatious voice. After a brief moment, which to Dennis seemed like ages they were off. The day turns to night and we find kitty and Dennis in one of japan most prominent hotels. It is about three in the morning when the now naked kitty awakes to the voice of another woman “Kitty awakens” the voice demands followed by “Come to me my daughter!” “Yes mother” replied kitty. At once she removes the sheets revealing her entire body, And what a body. They say that a woman’s body is a work of art and if that is true than her body was a masterpiece. Her skin resembled ivory color moon beams that accented her gray misty color eyes, her hair looked as thought it had been made of golden beams of light, stolen from the sun it self her figure was that of a top heave hour glass. Standing there in the moon light she resembled the ancient goddess Aphrodite. But then the once beautiful woman began to change and in seconds there sat a sliver eight tailed fox were the woman use to be. As she approached the window her fur reflected the light of the moon covering the entire room in ghostly light. As she looked upon Dennis a tear fell from one of her misty gray eyes. After staring for a moment she walked to the window, jumped out in to the night air, and flew to the roof. Ware after a few seconds she began flaying from rooftop to rooftop until she was outside the city. On the city outskirts, she stopped at what appeared to be an old abandoned farmhouse. After looking about to ensure there was no humans in the area she walked in to the abandoned structure. She then closed her eyes and opened a portal to what is known as spirit realm. Dennis awoke to see what appeared to be sliver arrows fly out the window. Decided he was dreaming. Rolled over and fell asleep. Kitty paid no attention to the nightmarish sounding sand made her way to the Tenko clan den. “I have arrived mother” said kitty as she arrived in Tenko territory, then there was a bright flash of light and she was instantly transported to her mothers throne room. “What did you think you were doing” her mother yelled as she arrived. “I am sorry mother…I lost control” said kitty mid bow. Her mother’s rage did not subside “you are the hire to my name. The future mother of the Tenko clan. You will one day inherit my title and my tails…there is no room for you to loose control. You are to be perfect for it was my imperfections that led to the division of the once proud race of kitsune. My foolishness that created the different clans, my stupidity that aided in the conflict between the Tenko and the Reiko. And all of the other clans ignorance that preserves the conflict to this day. Think before you act. You must be punished, and it is my duty to not only bestow but enforce the punishment” she paused for a moment and looked at kitty with her emotionless black eyes as if begging kitty to say something out of line so she could rant and rave some more. Kitty however knew better after all, this is not the first time her mother had chewed her out and would surely not be the last. “you have taken the seed of a human and so shall you give birth in human fashion, you shall suffer the pains of a human mother , in nine months time you shall give birth to a half blood child. Now go and fallow your human, for you kit shall be raised by its father until it is of seventeen human years” Kitty bowed and left. Upon returning to the physical realm she hastily made her way back to the hotel were she had spent earlier that night. Soon she found her self-back at the window were she had fled from. As she flew into the room a piece of paper caught her eye, she took it up quickly and began to look for a writing utensil. Upon finding a pen she quickly jotted down a quick note rolled it in to a scroll placed a wax seal upon it and then placed the parchment on the nightstand. After she placed the note she took notice of the outside sky, the sun was beginning to show itself. After this observation, her body became ethereal and intangible and she entered the body of her sleeping host. Dennis awoke to the sound of the rooster’s morning song. As the sleep left his eyes, he took note of the parquetry parchment that now sat on the wooden nightstand on the side of the bed. After rolling over and discovering kitty was no longer by his side he quickly dressed himself took up the note and placed it in his pocket he rushed to the dock in such haste that he did not take not of the difference in his shadow, which now resembled a fox. After a quick bite to eat at the cafe him and Kitty had spent a bit of time at the night before. He reloaded his now empty trailed truck and after some crazed old man called him a kitsune, he found him self-back on board ship on his way home. It was then he remembered the note. As he reached in to his pocket kitty freed him from her possession and suddenly appeared behind him. “I am here,” she said before the seal of the note was broken. Dennis turned and they rushed towards each other in a near running pace they quickly met and embraced each other. The marriage took place after they arrived back in America sadly lasted about a year and a half. The child was born in the summer and named Gabriel, after the messenger angel that fall the couple divorced and some how the father got custody of the child. Despite being white, the child was raised on an Indian reservation until the age of five when he began home schooling with a well-respected retired high school teacher whom had a son of her own. At the age of eleven, his father remarried a woman with four kids of her own. At age thirteen, the young kit began public school at the eighth grade. At the age of fifteen, he began to see his reflection, as he truly was, a black fox with a golden chest. During the duration of this time, he would only see this reflection occasionally and for merely a few seconds…from this age on he felt as thought he was ether somehow different or crazy. At age sixteen he fed for the first time through the act of sexual intercourse…and this is are story begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Two Are story begins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I could not believe we did not get caught I thought as she climaxed for the last time spraying my bed with the reproductive juices of her delicate lips of the lower body, which I had spent the first part of this session getting extremely close to. She had been calling my name through out the entire session, which mad the event more erotic. It was my first time as it was hers thus making the moment more memorable. “That was amazing,” she said as she caught her breath. Her grip easing off the headboard of my bed and come to rest behind my neck. Her eyes were glowing as she squeezed me with her tender hips, her way of letting me know she wanted more then I had the energy to provide. I beckoned to the temptation; at first slowly in order to not only regain my lost momentum, but to conserve precious energy. Soon lust overwhelmed me and I picked up the pace, not only for the physical pleasure, but the mental impulses caused by her calling my name. However, as I feared, I soon ran out of energy. As my energy faded, I began to notice something else, something I had never felt before it felt like a large energy boost. However, as my energy boosted my partner moaned and went limp and lost consciousness. I separated from her body at once. She looked so peaceful as she lay there at first I got the creepy notion that she had died. She lay there for a few moments and then began to stir. “Are you ok!?” I asked as she came to. “Why did you stop? That was heaven!” she asked and I could not answer I felt both powerless and confused. It was scary for me after all how often dose you partner faint in the act. I was startled and she seemed to not even notice she had fainted. I thought I loved this girl after all we had been living together since March and it was now mid June. We had been living together for three months now due to her and her father had no were else to live. But unfortunately during this time her father and my stepmother had fell into the lust brought by infatuation, and had entrusted me to keep there relations ship a secret from my father. I looked at Kay, her brown eyes fixed on my green. I felt my sexual desires become quenched. I then looked to the digital clock that sat upon my nightstand “it is almost six in the morning” She had suck in to my room around four thirty and we had been exploring each other’s bodies ever since. “I know” she said as she rolled over to her stomach reveling the body I had spent the early morning hours with. She had the normal complexion which resembled most people in the area, her body was well developed for a fourteen year old, her bosoms were tipped with dark dimes and still retained there young perkiness. When I had first entered this relationship, I could not tell her age. I had thought she was a sixteen year old until we started shall we say… playing around. She teased me as she dressed herself but it was a quick tease, after all she was in a bit of a hurry which is understandable considering she was going to court with my step mother over are horses getting out of the gate ,again. After she was dressed, she rushed over to me and kissed me upon the lips “I’ll see you in a few hours, love ya” she said smiling. “Kay hurry up we got to go” yelled my stepmother “I will count the seconds, love you to” I replied. She then rushed down stairs. As I looked out my bedside window my mind began to reflect, reviling that it was mid summer, the corn stood tall in the field that surrounds are makeshift farms. The morning sun shone brightly in to my room thus making it impossible for me to fall back asleep. I got up and watched as my stepmother drove my stepsister; girlfriend and girlfriend’s father down is lane like drive way. As my stepmother turned out of the lane, I decided to get the rest of the way up and began dressing my self. I was alone, there were no other humans in the house due to my stepbrother was at his dads, as was my stepsister. My adopted brother was with my dad. After I was fully dressed, I began my chores. As I fed the horses I realized my father was due back to night and bring with him the seven-year-old monster that I called brother. “At least Kay’s father will sleep in his own room tonight” I said snickering to my self as the horses rushed to there designated feeding areas. I patted my horse Danny and he whinnied and planted his face in his grain bin, soon after my small dog Tedo ran up to me in his fashion, yapping gleefully. “It is amazing that so much beauty could be the face of deception” I thought allowed and felt a tinge of guilt for my part in keeping this secret from my father. It had been months now since their affair had began and I had been covering up for them the entire summer for my own personal pleasure. I walked around the property for a bit trying to relive my self of this impudent guilt, but soon found it would not leave me thus I forced it to the back of my mind, were I could feel it grow in secret. Thankfully, I eventually got over it, or so I thought, and continued with my daily routine of chores. When I finished I found my self-drawn to the giant trampoline in the front yard due to it was bathed in midday sun, were I took the liberty to take a nap. My attempt must have been a success for I was awoken by the sound of a car pulling in to the driveway, despite the fact that is was half a mile away. Much to my annoyance, it turned out to be somebody merely turning around. I rolled over and attempted to fall back asleep but sadly found it a futile effort due to the growling of my stomach. I had not eaten since yesterday morning, due to my step mother had spent the money else were although I was confidant there was nothing in the fridge I look anyway, finding nothing as anticipated due to this issue I decided to entertain my self in other ways. At about three in the afternoon, I heard another car pull in to the driveway at first I blew it off but then it grew closer. Before long, I knew who it was and quickly stopped what I was doing, for as soon as I knew who it was I knew what they had. At once, I felt the pain of hunger, the same pain I had been trying to ignore. As they parked, I rushed to the door “welcome home” I said in a joking manner, Kay giggled “we all know what that means” she said mid giggle. “Yep it means give me the food and no one will get hurt” my stepsister said in a less joking voice as she brought a bag from the back seat. I grabbed the bag and acted like I was going to run away with it. A smile came to my face when Kay attempted to block my path in to the house. I Easily dodged her and made my way to the kitchen to find what the bags contained, my hunger seemed to grow with anticipation. After I emptied all of the bags, I aided my stepmother in putting the ingredients were they belonged. Soon after I heard my dad, drive up the driveway in his large blue semi. As he arrived, my stepmother began to cook a meal before to long we were all eating together on the living room floor. The days passed quickly and before long, it was bedtime, yes unfortunately being almost seventeen doses not exempt you from the dreaded bedtime rule. About eleven-o clock, my self and rest of the kids were sent to bed. So to my room I went as I arrived Kay was already there, warring her normal nightly apparel which consisted of nothing but one of my long track and field shirts. She crawled under my covers and gestured for me to come. As I walked closer, she threw the shirt at me. I could feel my excitement boil, engulfing me with lustful thoughts and desires as the bed drew closer I heard a sound that ruined the moment. “Gabe come Here” my father yelled, I cursed under my breath as I put a pair of sweat pants on to hide the excitement of my lower anatomy, and heeded his call “ I will be back in a few moments” I whispered with a smile as Kay hid her self under the covers. “I am on my way dad I yelled as I rushed down stairs to the living room. My father sat in the living room like a king in his recliner, and looked as thought he was ready to give out the death sentence. “Why were you refusing to go to bed yesterday?” he asked, I felt the familiar fury rise in to my heart for the real reason was in objection to my stepmother’s affair. But I knew I could say nothing for it would ruin my new found notion of paradises that was waiting for my in my room this vary second, hidden only by my covers. “Nothing dad I was just giving her a hard time” I lied, like I had been for the entire summer. The mood in the room seemed to lighten a bit and my stepmother looked relived. Apparently, he bought it for he than asked “would you be interested in going on a short, one day trip with your old man? After all you would be home the morning after tomorrow” he asked with a smile. “Sure, when do I have to be up?” I replied, after all it had been a long time since I had gone with him. “Before eight in the morning, which should not be a problem for you…unless of course you have come down with that summer sickness of sleeping till noon or later.” he smiled and I smiled back. “I will be up, I have the remedy to that sickness, I call it the alarm clock” I said in a joke type manner and then rushed back upstairs to my room and closed my curtain door. I crept in to bed to find the near asleep Kay lying there in the nude “ what took you so long?” she asked in a tired voice as I arrived and set my alarm. “ dad wants my to go with him tomorrow “ I replied as I striped my self and crawled into bed. “ so I wont have you for a whole day?” she asked in a pouty voice and then rubbed the inside of her nude thigh against my manly parts . Unfortunately that’s right” I replied “then I will just have toe treat you extra special tonight, and when you get back, well you will just have to see.” she smiled a erotic smile and we began are new found nightly routine. Soon morning found me alone as usual. I awoke to the sound of the annoying buzz of my alarm clock, a sound I had not heard since the beginning of summer vacation. As I fell further from sleep, I began to hear the sound of a semi engine humming loudly. I quickly got dressed and ran down stairs. Dad sat in the living room. “I did not think you would be up” he said with a troubled smile. “Are you ready to go?” I asked in a tired voice as I wiped the sleep from my eyes. He looked out the window and took a rather long sip of coffee, which was apparently the last sip in his cup, for after he had finished the sip he looked at me. “Well let’s get going the truck is not going to drive it’s self” we both walked with haste to the truck. I stopped but once as Kay came hugged me, and planted a kiss on the right side of my face, not quite on the mouth but almost. “There is a kiss to remember me by” she smiled. Little did we now that that would indeed be the last kiss we shared. “Come on love bird we got work to do” said my father as we finished our trek to the truck. As we both sat down in the truck, I began to feel the guilt once more. As we began backing down the driveway he began bombarding me with questions about my stepmother, and about how life on the farm was, with out him. At first, I handled my self-well answering each question as vague as I possible could. But then he began asking about my stepmother, and Kay’s father. It was under the pressure question I than did what I have been both praised and rebuked for and what I have regretted many times, I broke. I told him of the sins of his wife. This moment I will never forget because it started my story off. My father’s face grew red and his eyes began to water. As I seen his tears fall my own began to swell up “I am sorry dad I should have told you sooner” I said as I began to cry, “I am just tired of lying.” tears continued to fall. “ it’s not your fault you did the right thing, Gabe , you did the right thing” he repeated as I repeated my apologizes the tears soaked both of are cheeks it was the first time in all sixteen years of my life that I had seen my father cry. Each tear that fell from his eyes felt like a knife stabbing in to my heart, filling my soul with pain I had never felt nor have I felt since. Soon after word I fell in to a mild depression, the reminder of that week was spent in the truck my pen being my only comfort. I attempted not to confide in to my father due to he was in enough pain. During the course of that week my father called his wife every day, all she would say is that I was lying. At first, he believed her, which tore me apart inside, but then thankfully Kay and my stepsister got a hold of him and told him the truth. After a week in the truck, I went to live with my former home schoolteacher. During this small amount of time, I would ride a bicycle to see Kay. Unfortunately, most of the time I would only see her a few seconds before her father threatened to call the police. It was now about two weeks from my seventeenth birthday. After on week my mother came for me. Freeing me from the mental prison that I had built my self. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Three In to the spirit realm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was midnight; 4 July had just ended. I had not slept much this entire week due to insomnia caused by a mild depression; it was about twelve thirty when I looked out the basement vent to the upstairs living room. I rolled over to face the door due to the light was making it difficult for me even to attempt to sleep “Gabe” I heard my mother call as my bed room door eased open, I rolled over yet again, the light from the vent was dimmer than that from the door. “Come here” she continued. I fought the desires to ignore her and got out of bed. “What do you want mom?” I asked after I managed to get through all the clutter that now littered my bedroom floor. “It is time I tell you of your true nature” her voice sounded as thought she had been rehearsing this speech for a long time. As she arose to her feet from the chair she was sitting in, as she stood up a purplish black hole type thing appeared behind her. “Fallow me Gabe” she said as she disappeared in to the nothingness. As I walked toward the newfound gateway I could feel it drawing me in, like a vacuum, it seemed to call me. Despite the perplexity’s that now pulsed through my mind, I followed my mother with out thought. “Welcome to the spirit realm” said the voice of my mother as I appeared from the portal. At first, I could not find the source of my mother’s voice but as I looked around my eyes fell upon a sliver fox with eight tails, “mom?” I asked the creature and it nodded. At first, I felt panicky but I was quickly relived. For my mother spoke again “it is easy, focus you mind, the transformation will take maybe a few seconds, use your imagination” said the fox that was acutely my mother. At first, it seemed impossible how a seventeen-year-old gut could become a fox. “Quit thinking and use you imagination” my mother demanded in scolding tone and I did as instructed. I felt a strange sensation come over me as I closed my eyes; it felt as thought gravity it self had increased around me. Thankfully, the feeling faded after a bit. When I felt in no more I opened my eyes to find the world in a vary different perspective. I stumbled and found my self-looking in to a pool of water. In this pool I found a familiar face, the face of a black fox, its emerald eyes seemed to glow in contrast to its golden chest, I looked over my back to find five black tails all tipped with the same gold fur as my chest. As I attempted my first four legged step, I fell as I fell I realized the bottom half of my legs in the golden color, and then I hit the ground which sent a shock of pain through out my entire body. “See how easy it is…one foot in front of the other” said my mother as she demonstrated in slow motion. “Now follow me” she said as she dashed ahead. At first, I found walking awkward, but I quickly learned it was either walk right, or fall, I quickly grew tired of falling and quickly mastered the steps and was keeping pace with ease. After a bit of walking my mother stopped, I rushed to her side. “Gabriel tell me what do you hear?” she asked is a cautious voice. As I listened to the surroundings I could hear many things which ranged from the flutter of a insects wings to the sound of are own breathing. But as I listened closer, I could hear the sound of footsteps and breathing of someone other then we. I hear many things one of which resembles foot steps, and the sound of something, or rather someone breathing.” I replied with a bit of uncertainty, “good now use your nose and tell me what you smell.” At first all I smelled was my self and my mother but as a breeze blew many scents caught my nose all of which resembled my mothers but was each unique in some way. One of which was closer then the others. “I smell many things that smell like you mother “I replied she smiled. “Now Gabe look in to the horizon and tell me what do you see”, I did as instructed. The horizon held many things, the entire realm looked as thought it was woods. On one side of the horizon there sat a large mountain, which towered in to the dark gray sky. But then something else caught my eye. It looked like a giant crystal. “I see a large crystal” I replied. “Good now use all of your senses and tell me more of the breathing that you hear, and what you think the crystal in the distance is.” I did as instructed and the answers quickly came to me. “ the breathing is that of another fox, whom is watching us” as I said this I used my since of smell along with hearing to locate her exact location “ she is hiding behind that bush there” I stated proudly as I pointed to the location with my tails. “You may show yourself Benita” said my mother. As she spoke a brown and green two tailed fox appeared out of the bushes. “Yes lady kitty “said the fox in a make shift bow. “Were you as he said?” my mother asked “yes my lady, exactly as he said” Benika stated. It seemed to me she spoke in dispel when she said he. I also took note of her rather promontory European accent. AS she spoke her eyes jumped between my mother and myself. “Greeting young prince welcome home” said Benika in a all most awed voice “you are dismissed Benika, resume you post” my mother ordered before I could respond. The two-tailed fox complied and disappeared in to the wilderness. “Well done my son, now tell me more about the nature of the large crystal.” I focused my scenes and found I could not hear any thing from there so I began to study the surrounding. At first, nothing seemed to jump out at me, but then I took notices to a bunch of holes in the ground or rather fox dens and from the littler dens, foxes were entering the large crystal. “Is it a above ground fox den?” I asked “yes it is indeed, our den, but lets go we are now behind schedule their expecting you” said my mother as she sprinted off. “What dose those mean?” I asked after I caught up with her. “You will find out soon. Hurry, as I said before we are behind schedule, and you grand mother, or rather, her majesty, dose not approve of tardiness, and it is not beneficial to make a bad impression” We rushed to the crystalline structure with grate haste. As we entered, my eyes beheld a sight I could never imagine. We were in a giant opal like hall, which led up to three thrones. The entire structure seemed to change colors as did the thrones. Around the thrones there was a grate multitude of foxes all of different verities of colors and tail numbers. From how the foxes were seated it seemed those with more tails were considered higher on the social hierarchy and treated as nobles. Were those with fewer tails were treated a soldiers and commoners “Now presenting her Royal Highness Kitty, and her son, prince Gabriel” a voice bellowed as are presents was noticed, after which my mother assumed a noble pose. And side by side, we walked up the hill to the flattened top, which is, were the thrones stood. As we reached the thrones, we turned to face the foxes that surrounded us. I was forced to look down due to the elevation. At this time I realized that I was not only the only black and gold fox…but the only male fox in the entire den for no one else smell resembled mine. My imagination jumped to the perverse side for a moment as I stared down in to the crowed and noticed several vixens (female foxes) I wanted to breed, one of which I could not help but imagine her in her human form. A shortish brown haired girl wearing ether extremely tight jeans or a rather short skirt. I could feel both human and animal hormones raging. I began toying with my tails to get my mind of her almost perfect human figure. As my tails rubbed together, I could feel a build up of static electricity. “You might want to stop that Gabe” my mother said offhandedly and so I heeded her voice “so are you nerves yet” she asked me in my mind. “How are you doing that?” I asked allowed “shush it is called thought speak, it is a form of telepathy. You simple choose a target and direct selected thoughts to that target. Rumor has it that the thought speak can be used to read minds” she looked me over and smiled. As she looked away, I returned my thoughts to the perversion that seemed to linger there. As my mother and I sat down I managed to pull my mind out of the gutter and in to clean thought. It was then I realized the person on my right. She resembled my mother only with a gold and white color scheme, she was for the most part white but her chest, tail tips and socks were gold. Her eyes were a black color that reflected the light, like onyx gems. “Welcome my children” said the countless tailed creature on my right “I have called us here to day to welcome my grandson…yes I said son, to the Tenko clan, he is the only male child since the timeless war” The air seemed to stand still for a moment. In the stillness I gave in to using my newfound sense of hearing as I began to listen, I found I could hear and comprehend all the whispering that seemed to be floating around. Quite a few of the comments consisted of attempts of seduction. Needles to say my mind fell back in to lust. As I fantasized, I head someone say something about training, whatever it was caused my mind to fall out of the gutter. “What kind of training?” I asked allowed “how to use your kitsune abilities” said my grandmother and then she looked back in to the crowed “now another issue surfaces, which will be given to honor to train Prince Gabriel, which kitsune will have the privilege of training the future of the Tenko clan?” I looked at my mother “what am a kitsune?” I asked in thought, “a kitsune is what you are” she replied as I began following my grandmother’s glance. She paused and looked in to the crowed with eyes that seemed to be reading the soul of whom ever fell in to her glance. Finally her glance l upon one of the kitsune whom although had four tails, was in the back with the kitsune whom only had one tail. This particular kitsune was gray with black accents. “Eva Tako I offer you this honor, if you choose to accept it then step forward.” said my grand mother in a voice that almost demanded Eva to do as my grandmother said. My grandmother became silent. “I accept…I have risen and trained four of my own daughters, each of which is a office in your military. I have also been training my youngest; whom is about his age…I thank you for your generosity, your lady ship”. Eva approached me and bowed. “Fallow me Prince Gabriel Tenko, the sooner we start the better the out come” I nodded and began to fallow my teacher. “Before you go young prince, take this” said my grand mother as a strange spherical ball appeared before me, the ball was about the size of a quarter. “What is it?” I asked as I reached for it. “It is your spirit ball, keep it close and let no other handle it, Eva will explain…go now”. I did as my grand mother instructed when the gem first entered my mouth, it began to glow, and it was a ruby. As it sat between my teeth, I could feel something unexplainable. The gem pulsed with my heartbeat. And it admitted a faint light that felt warm to the touch… It felt as if as long as I held this gem I would be safe. I changed from my fox self and placed the in the pocket of my lounging pants, not even the pocket could retain the light from the gem. I then changed back to my fox self I could feel the gem embed its self in the hip of my fox leg… We then dashed off. I followed Eva and took the chance to look at this newfound world that I had some how a part of became. This world seemed to be a reflection of the world I had grown up in, only it was more like the planet before the time of men, the earth in her primal state. Were we were headed seemed to resemble a haunted forest in some low budget film, or Disney movie. One of the many strange things included these ghostly figures, which seemed to wonder around aimlessly and then vanish as thought they were never there. “Those are shads; they are for the most part harmless. Although they have been known to steal souls or the occasional spirit ball. They are the product of are brothers the Kiko.” She sighed “I guess I should start the lesson. The spirit ball, or soul gem, is energy storing gems. Only if some one else get a hold of it they can control you. They also have the power to bring you back to life. Every kitsune has one some ware. Speaking of death you can only die if your major organs are pierced the gem known as jade. It is also rumored that if you crush you spirit ball you will die. Were as if another crushes it you will loose you immortality until another one is formed.” She lectured as we walked through the forest. After a bit more talking, she fell silent. I eventually found my self in a place were the trees thinned out and created a bit of a circle. “This will be your training ground until I feel you are ready for something a bit more, Andrea come forth and meet your new shall we say play mate?” Out of the shadows a blond furred four tailed fox appeared “I see you have been practicing your shape shifting” said Eva as her daughter went from fox to were fox form. “Yes of coarse mother I had nothing else to do …so is that her?” asked Andrea as she looked at me. “It is not a she…but a he and yes he is you new sparring partner” said Eva. As she spoke Andreas face changed to an expression of surprise, she then changed to fox form and began smelling my all over the place, literally all over the place. Which honestly a new experiences for me, and a somewhat exiting one at that, apparently for both of us, as she sniffed me her body began to produce the pheromones necessary for reproduction. At one, I cold feel my animal instants attempted to take over but thankfully, I suppressed the desire “That’s plenty of sniffing for now. Lets get started we have a lot of work to do. Both of you to your human forms” growled the now bitter sounding Eva. I closed my eyes and attempted the change. As I attempted, a strange sensation came over me. I was startled and opened my eyes to find my self in a half human half fox form.(to be honest I kind of liked this form) “even better Andrea do the same” growled Eva as she realized my half change. Andrea did not even close her eyes but in seconds, she transformed in to a beautiful well proportioned were fox her long blond hair blew in to wind along with her four tails; her eyes were a hauntingly beautiful blue color. “To day we will be going over the process of opining a portal, or verge rather, between the realms it is one of the Tenko natural abilities. My daughter already knows how to perform this task as soon as you are successful you may go home. Tomorrow we are going to began Kitsune-Bi training, which is the ability to create fire by use of either your tails or mouth. And we are going to began using Kitsunetsuki, which is the art of possession. As well as the Tenko fighting style and a brief history of the Tenko clan. Now began” said Eva in a teaching tone Andrea approached me “first you must focus your mind harnessing all the energy around you. First get a clear mental picture of were you want to go” said Andrea in the same tone as her mother. I found my self-unsure to whether she was imitating her mother, or if it was her regular voice “how do I harness it?” I asked “focus and it will come” she replied. I then began to block all things out of my mind, with the exception of what I was intended to do; as I focused, I could feel an intense heat sounded me. “Now unleash the energy to do your focused will.” I did as instructed by releasing my focus. I felt a strange sensation come over my as the energy left my body…it felt as thought I was rapidly cooling. I then opened my eyes. “You are capable of harnessing more energy then most kitsune “I heard Eva say in disbelief as she stood by a extremely large portal that would have been big another to swallow my whole house. “So may I leave now?” I asked my teacher my voice contained the same awe as hers “yes you may” she replied a few moments latter. She than looked at me and bowed. Andrea soon fallowed. I bowed back to both of them. Eva Smiled, I walked through the merger of the realms and found my self on my mother’s front porch. As I closed the portal, I quickly went back to my human state. I walked to the front door and opened it with ease, much to my surprise no one was home. I shut and locked the door and then retreated to my basement den as I arrived in my room I looked at the clock to my surprise only twelve thirty five, only five minuets had passed since I had left to the spirit realm. After I took the gem out of my pocket, I placed my spirit gem on a necklace chain and placed it upon my neck. The safest place I knew. I then went to bed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER FOUR A summer of trials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I woke up the next morning happy…the depression had ended. I went strait to the spirit realm. “so we did not scare you away after all young prince” said Andrea as i walked out from the portal “sorry but no “ i said as i approached her she smiled “mother prince Gabriel is back to play” she yelled and out of the shadow Eva appeared “so are you ready to begin poses ion?” she asked “yes as you said the sooner we began the better the results” i looked at fer face for approval “wise words but do you have the wisdom to back it.” she looked at me with a bit of distaste. “possession is no simple matter after all it takes both patients and drive to master.” Eva seemed to read me. “Let us first meditate so you can get in the mind frame.” soon we were all seated in a circa l and we began. At first Eva and Andrea began chanting. I just sat there with my eyes closed. I did not feel the shall we peace of mind that seemed to overcome my trainers. The chanting carried on, as they chanted i opened my eye . The training ground began to glow with a white aura which seemed to erupt from every living thing. It started as white spheres about the size of golf ball. it seemed to gather around Andrea “young Tenko, young prince.” whispered a voice from the light. At once Andrea began to flout. Her eyes then opened, but she was not staring out of them. “Young prince you are truly a merical you should not even be living but yet your souls somehow managed to find away to surpass the Bakemono curse. A curse that has haunted you clan for many years a curse so potentate that even the Tenko themselves could find a remedy” the voice seemed full of spite and hatred. Andreas body then started to leavatae and began to flout towards me. I quickly changed to fox form. “ your soul is so purer, i must add it to my collection” the voice yelled as a strange dagger appeared in Andreas hands it was of a green hue and seemed to glow with a dark malice, at once knew it was a blade of jade. The floating figure of Andrea came at me. Due to i was in my fox state i dodged it with ease and dashed off i to the forest. I could hear Andrea cackling as in the distance as i ran blindly in to a hostel surrounding. “ you cannot escape me young prince.” the voice cakeled as it fallowed me through the wilderness of the spirit realm. It was at tis time i found that i did not know why i was running. all i knew is that i was filled of fear. As the fear left i found i did not know were i was. I was surrounded by dense forest. The area smelled of death. The air seemed to be thick and difficult to breath. It seemed like everything was clouded in darkness. In mid run i tripped over myself and fell to the putrid bloodstained earth. “funny how you find yourself in the vary place your grandfather meet his end” is all i heard before blackness took hold of my mind. I awoke in a daze. my head was pounding as i stood up “were am i ?” i asked my self as i attempted to stand. I at once knew i was no longer in the middle of the forest. “he is up dad” i heard a voice yell, due to my current state i could not tell the direction the voice came from, or the gender of the owner of the voice. “hello! Whose there? Were am i?” are the questions that escaped my mouth almost instantaneously “you are in the village of Kip stranger, in my shed to be exact” said a older male voice “now tell us who you are if ya would.” the voice continued “i am Tenko Gabriel the prince of the Tenko clan, how did i get here?”. “ Well young prince, we found you to the wood about a mile from here. At first we thought you were a goner” he replied as i finely managed to get reorientated. As i turned around for the last time and found the man whom was speaking to me. “are you Kitsune?” I asked as i gathered what little balance i had managed to gain “yes Nogitsune actuality” said the figurer as he stepped out of the shadows giving me a brief glance of his rather brutish features. “as i said before, you are in the village of Kip, one of the biggest Nogitsune settlements. At lest it use to be, until the Reiko took the government from are people. He growled in detest as the word Reiko came out of his mouth . “do you have food here?” i asked after he finished speaking. “yes of course young prince fallow me welcome to the Barrington family farm i am Jason, and this is my son Joel.” he said offhandedly as we walked to the main house. This was strangle familiar and reminded me of the physical world. As i entered there dwelling things kept getting more and more normal the kitchen reminded me of my mothers. It had a stove sink, and kitchen table complete with chairs. “nice home you got here. It kind of reminds me of my home in the physical realm.” i said in a voice of interest. “oh, thank you, my family is a distant relative to the Tenko bloodline. Which, of course is how we got these items “ i am honored to be int the house of fellow Tenko clan members” i said with a smile “ we are not Tenko clans men” he replied, the look on his face was a bit sour. “ my apologizes” i said as a bowed my head in a sign of respect “ i meant no disrespect” i raised my head, he smiled “ now i know for a fact you are Gabriela. No other Tenko would treat a Nogitsune with such respect” “why is that Jason aren't we all the same? ” i asked as i sat down to eat , the chairs were nice compared to the knee mats that the Tenko used. “most Tenko don't believe so, most think that they are above all other races of kitsune, they believe that they should have the right to rule no matter the situation. In some cases they are right , but in others they are dead wrong but what can one expect, they were given the right to rule by Inar, but unfortunately they were cursed with pride and arrogances , which clouded there judgment, and in the end caused them to fall from power” he grew silent “ but i will say the Tenko can rule better then there Reiko counter parts” he began eating “ever since the Tenko fell the Reiko have been using there Talents to take over this realm, and now there empire includes most of the other races, they rule from behind the since in most places capturing the government officials in a web of lies and fear. In other places, like Kip, they are the government officials” he took a swig of his drink “has any one considered overthrowing the government official?” i asked cursorily as i ate. “no...that would be suicide, the governor of kip is a friend of prince Onix. And so far he has not angered the people enophe for them to revolt. And even in he had no one would have the guts to stand up against him. They enjoy the fact that he holds festivals, and of course, the tournament.” he smiled a bit whit a smile that seemed to dare me to ask more question i fell in to his dare “so my good man tell me more about these games” he smiled a disturbing smile of satisfaction, a smiled that reveled more of his charter to me and i at once knew there was more to him then he was ready to let me know. His son then came to the table “aww the festivals, what a wonderful time, so much dancing , drinking and love making, blessed by the succumbs's and her kin, in the week of the festivals men and women are freed from their vows to one another and allowed to do as they please with whom they please. No matter age. It is a time when sex takes place any were at any time. A grate place for kitsune demon, and human alike. Although there are vary few human in this realm, and the day after the festivity, games are held and on the vary last day, the governor holds rule free duels and whom ever wins agaist all of the other competitors gets to face governor black stone himself. The competitors in the duel are chosen in a rather interesting way. For every day there is a special trial held for only the brave. Those whom participate and seceded move on the next trial there are a total of seven trials, and useuly there are about twenty one people whom make it to the final fight. once in the fight there is only two ways out , you can ether forfeit, or die.” he smiled a bit “so tell me why are you giving me this information?” i asked . “thats a interesting question your majesty, perhaps you are not the only one whom is tired of Reiko oppression and perhaps you may be able to help” he smiled “ go on” i replied “lets just think for a moment, what if a Tenko prince defeated Black Stone. The people of Kip would be free from there Reiko oppressors and perhaps even aid the Tenko in the future” he smiled wickedly “but what if i failed and he won?” i asked “well that is a possibility, but as of right now you don't have a choice, after all you ate my food, and benefited from my hospitality, unless of course Tenko honor is not but a myth, you owe me a favor, and on those terms you must do the favor i ask.” he smiled as thought proud pf him self, but unfortunately he spoke the truth and it would infringe upon my honor if i did not comply. “ you are right as my host you have every right to make the request, but how do you figure that i fight against a skilled combat such as that if i have little training in the art of Golden Fox which is the Tenko clan fighting art? I Stated, as the words slipped from my mouth his face changed to a less evil smile in in to a more honest smile. “ i will train you in the use of the tonfa” he said as he rose from his seat and walked over to what appeared to be a dresser and opened the top drawer, a cloud of dust arose , and soon faded reviling two sets of what looked like the police night sticks you see on TV you know the ones that are made of wood and about 18 inches long with what appear to be handles on one end, Kinda like a capital L with a small growth from the bottom corner. “these are tonfas or side arm batons ,which ever you prefer.” he then placed one set down and took the other by the handles. As he took the handle the tonfa lay across his forearm. In a blur of speed he spun in around, the part that was on his forearm now extended from his fist. And then after another blur he no longer held the handle, he now held the top of the L, and then the bottom, he moved so fast i was astounded “ so will you help us?” he asked and i had no choice but to agree . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter Five Trials of the tonfa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- he tossed me the other set of tonfas, they were black and made of oak, “the tonfa although dangerous is used wrong is a vary simple weapon made typically of wood they were first popularized as weapons when the Japanese invaded the kamegata territory. Do to the area had little metal the farmers began developing weapons of wood. The tonfa was developed to counter the Japanese katana, the weapons true orgian however is unknown. Due to the weapon is easy to master the police use to use it as a side arm, although they called it a night stick” he paused “why are we going over the weapons past ? Shouldn't you be focused on teaching me how to use it ?” I said abruoptley. “ to use a weapon effective one must know its history” he snarled a bit and soon began to show me the basics on how to use the weapon. At first we discussed the basic spins and positions. After a bit of practice he walked off leaving me to play with the wooden clubs. The tonfas were rather simple to use, depending on were you held them. You could switch from a offense to defense with a simple swish of the wrist. After awhile I began toying with switching my grip. It took some time but I got the hang of it. It was around this time that I began to think about my trainers, and the course my new found life had miraculously changed to. As I reflected I continued to practice. Spin in, spin out, spin around, switch grip, club, club, switch grip hook,hook,hammer. The transferal became easer with each cycle. And I fell deeper in to each thought . “Gabe come here” I heard the voice of Jason yell I walked to my trainer “yes?” I asked as I arrived “are ya ready to use your new found toys?” he asked after he finished what he was saying to one of his Nogitsune brethren. I nodded. “there is a couple of Reiko thugs beating on people at johns heres pub, take care of them if you would” he smiled “i will do as you ask” I nodded “fallow me” said the man whom I assumed was John. Moments latter we were walking threw the town of kip. I instantly knew it was a farm town due to the large amount of fields that circled the village “ the pub is this way” said my guide as we walked down the dusty dirt street, the town looked like a older western town that had lost touch with the changes of civilization, which was understandable considering the fact that this was a separate realm. The town square consisted of a general store a pub and city hall. “there in there “ he said as he pointed to the pub I nodded and walked in to the building. The bar was gloomy and smelt of alcohol and vomit my stomach wenched as I walked through the door. The main room ine bar seemed hazed in a cloud of smoke. I walked to a empty table in the corner and waited. As I sat there I watched each of the patrons, attempting to discover which of them was the Reiko. After a bit I took notice of this group of men at the card table whom despite the drunken festivity's seotwmed to be not only sober, but monitored the pub closely. Picking on random drunks and if thing got out of hand they would flash what appeared to be a green dagger. After a bit more time I approached there table. “Excuse me but have any of you seen any of the Reiko scumbags whom have been shell we say annoying the locals?” there faces grew a bit red “big words for a Nogitsune” said one while the other two stood up “to bad it will be your last! Get em boy,s !” as he spoke I seen a flash of green come at me. I dodged with ease and reviled my tonfas. with a quick swing the first of the Reiko fell to the ground but I had no time to savor this victory due to moments latter the next one came at me, jade dagger drawn. He swung at me but hit nothing but the wooden fore arm of the tonfa I brought the other hand around and smashed it in to the back of his head. He came crashing to the ground face first. “is this all you Reiko's are capable of?” I snarled as I waited for the other to stand from the card table. Well young Nogitsune, you have accomplished more then most of your people, and demonstrated more bravery then the rest of this pathetic village. Face me next week on the tournament field of battle and we shall see what you are truly capable of “ he then stood and left the pub moments latter John walked in “ well done Gabe. thank you for clearing this mess up. Jason is expecting you back at the farm ” he said with a smile. “ I will take care of those two” he smiled and I left. And took a tour of the town, finding there was a bit more to Kip then what first glance would reveal I walked through the dusty city and discovered many thing I had not seen before it was as if the whole city had changed , it was as if it had grown out of nothingness . I was utterly perplexed by the new found streets. I stood there for a moment and found that I was in the center of a town square about the size of a playing field I watched as the buildings grew out of the scenery. Soon I was surrounded by rather tall buildings. The pub was much larger then I originally thought this farm town had many secrets and I had just scratched the surface. Out of the field near the town hall there appeared a large stone structure, which seemed to resemble the roman calousem. And off in the distance you could see this rather large manner. At once the towns men started to appear “how are you doing there stranger” asked a towns man as he ran in to me. “how long have you all been there” I asked “ we have been hear the whole time. We watched as you beat the snot out of those two Reiko.” he smiled “well if you excuse me I have shopping to do” he nodded and walked to the general store. “were all of these people here the entire time?” I asked my self trying to ensure I was awake I pinched my self, and it hurt “so I am not dreaming, have I gone crazy?” unfortunately at this time I could not think of any way to prove sanity so I pushed the thought out of my mind and rushed back to Jason's farm house. “so you were successful in your assignment, that good now lets rest for the day, we will restart training tomorrow” he went back to what he was doing “why didnt you tell me more about this town, you could have told me that the entire place is covered in a Reiko illusion.” I growled. “what are you talking about?” he asked, and for some reason his voice seemed e honest “do you not know? This town is blanketed in a illusion, to me it seemed to be nothing but a village until I had been here awhile. As I left the pub the entire city appeared out of no ware.” he looked at me “ I think you got hit a bit to hard in the head” he smiled “well back to training” he said as he gestured twords the field in the back of his home ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER Summers end and Schools began ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I awoke to the sound of my annoying alarm clock that seemed to torture the mind until you finely get up and either hit the snooze button or shut the clock off. But today the annoying beep held a new meaning. This day it held the fact that today was going to be my first day at a new school. I went through the normal routine of showering, waking up the little brothers, and making sure they got there showers. After every body was up, I retreated to the basement. Strangely, I had acutely planned this outfit. After all they say that first impressions are the most important for it sets the coarse for the rest of the year. On this day I wore a pair of white stone wash jeans a black leather jacket and a maroon colored shirt that read gone wild and of course a pair of leather fingerless gloves. I mounted my bike due to the truck was in the shop getting repaired. And was off. I always love riding my motorcycle the wind in my hair, the relaxing feeling of freedom, the sound of the motor roaring. I arrived at the one story, mile long building. As I parked my bike, I was a bit amazed at the size of the building. But it was nothing compared to the shock I got as I entered the cafeteria auditorium mix. I had come from a school with a hundred students and a signal hallway. To a building with six halls and about nine hundred students. The first day I got lost in the halls quit a few times. I could sense there curiosity in each class that first semester, by both students and teachers, unfortunately I also fell in with a rather bad crowed and managed to get dangerously intoxicated, even for a kitsune , after all we may be only able to die by a jade blade. But how dose one explain that to the officials whom have you hospitalized. And even if you did manage to explain it they would most likely have you placed in a mental facility, or worse. Along with school, I also continued to both work and train. By the end of that semester, I had learned a lot, not only of my heritage but of my kitsune abilities. I had learned that I was not the only male in the spirit realm, which was a bit of a relief. But I was still the only male of my clan, named the Tenko, whom had been cursed by the Bakemono and the Reiko, to bear no male children for the rest of eternity, but something had happened that allowed my self and my brothers to be born. One of the things I found disturbing was the final night raid that ended the timeless was but began the curse. I soon began to train with the katana, which was one of the many things I pick up on quickly. Along with learning how to fight, I learned more of the Tenko history. Apparently, the Reiko caused the Tenko to dishonored themselves by sleeping with clan to continue the clan growth. The Tenko were forced to sleep with human men and produce half blood daughters. The Tenko had once been the greatest of all the clans but the Genko whom were the true children of Inari the goddess whom created the kitsune. The Tenko practiced one of the old Myobu rituals. Although I did not share the belief, I found it entertaining to watch one day I watched the ritual I realize only the pure bloods seemed to participate in it and half bloods only if they chose to. I was one of the few half bloods whom chose not to Those of us whom choose not to participate remained out side the sanctuary while the prayers and such were being said and I became aqua tinted with some of the other half bloods and soon had a rather large number of female friends. Some of which became my many lovers. For the most part life was good school by day and training by night usually during either my brakes at the work place, or after I got off work. I was instructed not to use my powers in the physical realm, I often broke that rule. Usually on the same targets, this consisted of a jock and is annoyingly preppier friends. At this time I was thought to be a loner and a troublemaker. Both were partly true I had accidentally started a fire on the bus, and I did prefer to be alone most of the time. One day in PE class this jock and his friends began to make fun of me. At first I ignored him, after all he was not but a dumb jock little did he know how dangerous I really was. Near the end of class his words finny managed to get to me. And so I created a miner illusion and turned the teacher in to one of the kids commonly picked on by him and his friends After looking about for a few moments the jock took the bait and did exactly as I had anticipated and began his usual set of comments and jests. Needles to say the teacher grew furious and my foolish enemy was given a detention. The jock was shocked as I removed the illusion. I often teased him about that day. The ten-minuet bell rang soon after and we were allowed to go get dressed. A week latter I began to manipulate dream, another fun pass time. The first dream I inflicted was that of a preppy girl, whom despite her attitude, was extremely attractive. She had fallen asleep in psychology class and I could not help but take advantage of the moment. As she finely drifted in to slumber I projected my self in to her dream. At first I remained intangible and observed. In her dream she was in a nightclub the music was blaring, strobe lights flashed off and on in such a speed as to make the rest of the world look as thought it was trapped in some sort of slowed alternate reality. One in which the laws of time did not apply. I watched as she, for some unknown reason, began intoxicating her self, drink after drink shot after shot, she reminded me of some drunkard I had seen in a movie once I think it was a old western. I watched her as she left the bar and made her way to the dace on the bar. My eyes never left her wonders female curves. I could feel my lower anatomy began to throb. I made my self appear in the dream and walked towards her she smiled erotically. At first we merely danced together. Her body against mine was a pleasant sensation that soon led to many other pleasantries. It had been about four five moths sense Kay and I had shared are love with each other and I was definitely feeling lonely. As we danced her hand slipped down to my rather large German sliver belt buckle and began toying with it. As she toyed I slipped my hand down her rather short leopard print skirt. as my finger tips brushed against what felt like silk panties she unlatched my buckle. As the buckle hung there life less I felt her slender fingers entwine my lower body part. At first her hands were a bit chilly. But the chill seemed to enhance the sensation. As soon as I felt the grip, I plunged my fingers, which were teasing her lower lips, in to the warm wetness of her fleshy depths. Her breathing changed slightly and she began stroking my throbbing tool. As she began stroking I began prodding. The night club slowly began to melt away. At first slowly, everything began blurring together the lights, the people all seemed to come together in to this strange liquid like pool and then it all melted away. Soon we were no longer in a nightclub, but a hotel room. As the area around us completed its change she removed hands from my person. And began to strip me. I removed my fingers and took the liberty to do the same to her in a frantic state of lust . I slipped her cute little black shirt up and over. Reviling a smallish set of beautifully firm breasts, held only by a bra that matched her skirt. I wasted no time in removing her girls from there halter. And began to suck on her bright pink nipples as my mouth did its thing my hands began doing there’s and removed her skirt. I took my eyes off her bosom and looked upon her silky black thong as I attempted to remove it I suddenly found my self back at my desk. She had awoken. Her hands were in her pants and apparently she had been moaning., The entire class was staring at her. As she arose to her feet she removed her hand which was covered with a milky liquid that seemed to reflect the light in the class room. She ran out of the class in such a hurry she left everything behind. As she exited the class room I caught a lace of her black thong. Unfortunately now I was aroused and could not relieve my self. I searched the class for another sleeping beauty but no one was sleeping now. The prep did not retune to class. The day carried on until PE my last class of the day. Apparently the preppy girl was not just the normal prep as it turns out she was the girlfriend of my rival, john , the jock I hated. And apparently she had told him of her dream. As I entered the gym I seen his eyes, they seem to burn with not only blind furry, but with envy. As I walked by he never let his glance leave me. It was obvious, to me at lest, that he now had it out for me. Several times before the bell rang he seem to want to approach me…and not in a kindly manner. However , every time he started to approach me his friends held him back. “ to day we are going to play pin doge ball” said the teacher as the bell rang “ which is like normal doge ball, except the object of the game is to knock the opposing teams pin over” out of the corner of my eye I could see the twisted smile that came to his face as the teacher spoke. Needles to say I was his primary target. We went to get dressed in the locker room as I began changing John drew up close to me “ you are going to die on that court today, you freak” he said smiling. I looked him in the eyes and smiled “ fuck off dumb ass” I said in thought speak, and apparently he herd me because he backed off. As I left the locker room I knew he would have a hit on me “time to brake a few more rules” I said allowed to my self. Soon we all were in the gym and paired on are teams. The teacher blew the whistle the first ball that flew was aimed directly at my head. Thankfully I dodged it and it thundered off the wall.. At first I was merely dodging all of the balls with ease but then one caught me off guard and plowed in to my stomach removing my breath for a few seconds. It was after that ball I decided to shall we say…use my natural abilities? Ok ok cheating by using my illusions making it look like he was just barley missing. I then heard him mouthing to the rest of the team. Which distracted me. At once I felt a burning pain streak across my face. I was momentarily stunned . But quickly shook it off and walked to the bleachers and waited for him to get out, which took less then a minuet. During his celebration one of the underclassmen got the guts and got him out in a kamikaze run. Unfortunately the underclassman was hit in the head less then a minuet latter. And so the game of cat and mouse began again he soon began chucking balls as heard as he could…all of which seemed to be directed towards my head . And so I decided to reverse the roles, and play a bit of fox and mouse , I being the fox, and as we all know foxes eat mice. Soon I noticed he was mouthing yet again I felt fury rise up inside me and with every ball that came hurtling towards me it grew. Soon I lost control and shot a blast of fox fire as it flew from my hands as I realized it a strange sensation seemed to overcome me it was like a wave and it froze time quickly enophe to, with the help of an illusion , convince the class the ball of fire was never there. Although the suspicions were obvious they said nothing , I could not get over what had just happened. Soon the ten minuet bell rang pushing the perplexing thought to the back of my mind for now. Although I had little time left I decided to try another fox trick, which I have learned to call Kitsunetsuki, which acutely means being possessed by a Kitsune. I created a illusionary double of my self as I went intangible, as he threw the ball at the illusion I rushed in to him it felt strange at first, like a melting sensation fallowed by a brief sense of heaviness. With no resistance I was quickly in control of his entire body, he unlike my teacher, was to weak minded to prevent it. After the felling of distortion I began experimenting with my hosts body at first I started to toy with his arms, I could feel there power. Soon ,after I mastered looking thought his eyes. It was then I got an idea that would not only hurt his popularity but perhaps his social standings “ may I use the rest room?” I asked in his rather gruff voice “yes but hurry the bell is going to ring shortly” said the teacher “everything is falling in to place “ I said to my self as I left for the rest room. In the rest room I rushed to the stall. Thankfully the bathroom was unoccupied. I closed the door and began to make my host strip him self. As I threw the clothing aside I began to run through the halls. The stares were unimaginable. I rushed through each of the wings. I was about to enter the last wing when the S.E.T.T. (special emergency trained teachers) caught up with me. At once I felt my hosts balky naked body come crashing to the floor. As they struggled to confide my host I freed him of my possession I slipped back to the locker rooms in the form of intangibility. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAPTER The Mundane Life ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The bell was ringing in the distance as I left for my mundane work place forgetting the oddities of earlier. Over the summer my step father had managed to get me hired on at Inky printing, were I staked paper on pallets in the cutting department. It was a rather shabby place seemed to me to be more of a prison then a work place. I was given a brake fifteen minuet every three hours, my to most favorite fifteen minuets of the day. As the bell rang I hurried to the bath room stalls and opened a portal to the spirit realm. As I emerged in the spirit realm Eva was there waiting for me as usually. “Fallow me” she said in a inpatient voice as she gestured with her hand. I fallowed her out of both curiosity, and of course because she was my trainer. After what seemed like three hours I found my self on a rather large peninsula at first glance it looked as wide as a football field and as long as a airstrip. As we approached I heard the paws of a rather large pack of foxes and by there scents they were all male. They stopped running about and approached us as they approached the black and red fox whom seemed to be leading the pack changed to were fox form Eva and I did the same. “ who are you?” Snarled the black haired were fox “ I am Tenko Gabriel prince of the Tenko clan ” I introduced my self as my mother and instructed. “a Male Tenko that is not possible, you lie” Replied the were fox as he readied his blade. “it is true he is indeed the prince of the Tenko clan.” said Eva as her hand drew close to her scabbard. “how do we know you speak the truth woman?” Yelled one of the were foxes from the back of the pack. “yes indeed, how do we know what you say is true?” asked the leader of the pack. “you can either believe me or we can settle this with a duel…it makes no difference to me, after all it has been awhile since my blade has tasted Reiko blood and it is feeling a bit thirsty today” she replied her blade jumping from it scabbard in to the first stance of the golden fox style, her eyes seemed to burn with the fire of warfare. At once the group grew silent, it was as if in that instant the group knew whom she was . “We want no trouble we just want proof” said the leader of the pack, his voice seemed to have lost some of its confidants. “ dose he posses the legendary Tenko art of time manipulation?” the leader asked nervously. “that is what bring us here so he has a place to prefect the art” she replied, the fire in her eyes burned down to red cols, begging to be rebuilt again slowly she place the blade back in its scabbard., leaving one hand on the hilt. “we will except you word Eva the Burning Eyes, and question you no more about this mans identity, but what brings you here?” asked the pack black furred pack leader sharply “as I said before we have come to train” replied Eva in a annoyed voice. “ you do realize this is Reiko territory?” Asked the leader in a strange voice that sounded as thought it held a bit of hatred, mixed with caution. “yes prince Onyx” she said attempting to hide the annoyance in her voice “ which means I could have you arrested for trespassing” growled Onyx. “ you could try but it would be highly costly…and a bit messy” she replied as the flam rebuilt in her eyes and blade jumped back in to her hands. The movement was so fast that not even I could see it. “yes vary true… taking in a champion is always messy” said Onyx as he shifted back to fox form and dashed off, the rest of the group fallowed. “typical Reiko Back down from a fair fight” said Eva as she watched them rush in to the horizon. “who was that?” I asked after they were out of my range of sight “Onyx Reiko the crowned prince of the Reiko Clan”she paused “today we will began the basics of time bending..” “what is time bending ? And why have you not menchened it before?” I asked a bit offended. “ time bending is the Tenko ability to…shall we say controls time. Now sit down” she ordered “how do you suppose I do that? Time has no master?” I blurted out with out even thinking. In replied she boxed my ears, which for some reason always brought me down to my knees. “foolish boy, you are no longer human, you are kitsune, you have always been kitsune human laws do not apply to you. Remember that!” she said in almost a yell. She then calmed her self and continued the lesson. “although the first few times you might have to concentrate it will, like all other things, eventuality come with no thought. First thing to remember is that time bending is one of the reason's the Reiko clan wants are kind dead. Focus your mind, imagine time as a tape watcher, or , DVD player. You are in full control, you can, slow it down, speed it up and pause it at will. You are in full control. Now slow it down and open your eyes. At once the same strange felling that I had felt in gym class overtook me. I beheld a strange sight as I opened my eyes. every movement was slowed almost to a stop there was no sound. As I moved in a still world I noticed yellow fields of energy around every thing that should have been living. Out of curiosity I focused on a aura of what appeared to be a cocoon. I sped time up in only that aura. In mere seconds the cocoon opened, reveling a butterfly. I then focused on my owe aura and slowed it down to all the rest time “well done young prince” said Eva as time returned to normal. I smiled as the butterfly like insect flew by me. After what seemed like nine hour of training and lecturing. I had mastered this skill. And even discovered how to go back in time. (although it took a lot more energy.) by the end of the training session I could go back in time five minuets, and theoretical could go as far in to the future as I chose. Although I never tested sending my self in to the future I did send many other things. By the end of the day I had grown twenty trees and one sapling all of which had originally been seeds. As I grew the last seed I converted back to my human self and checked the time on my cell phone. It was 5:28PM, which seemed strange sense I had been in this realm for about twelve hours. And I ha entered the realm at 5:15PM. I quickly opened a portal to the physical world I rushed back to my machine. The ton sounded as I arrived. My operator looked at me strangely and began cutting paper. As soon as the stakes hit the table I staked them on the skid, as I fell in to the repertory rhythm of staking my mind began to wonder about the things I had done not an hour ago. After awhile of pondering I realized there was no noise, which is unusual for a factory. At that moment I also discovered that I had not staked any paper for some time, and that my operator had not moved for the same period of time. A strange yet wonderful feeling came over me as I realized I could bend rime in this world as well. I returned time to it norm and went about the rest of my work day, dragging skid out, starting new skids staking paper etc. At 8:15 it was time for my second brake. Although I was tempted to go to the spirit realm I decided I would rather toy with my new found abilities. So to the bathroom I went. Luckily for me, and tragically for them, there were already three people in the bathroom. Two at the urinals and one in the stalls and so I decided to toy with them. At first I rewound time, it was strange hearing someone pee backwards, and I did not want to imagine what the man in the stall was suffering. So I decided to fast forward time a bit. I then froze them in time and went on with my visit and completed my business. As I finished I returned them to the appropriate speed. My victims panicked as they looked at the clock. And quickly left the bathroom. The man in the stall was still in there as I left. I rushed to the brake room and got something to eat. Before long the tone sounded and i was forced to get back to work. The second part of the day carried on much like the first. And thankfully before long it was time to clean up and clock out. I rushed up to the time clock and waited. I waited for about five minuets and the tone sounded. I swiped my time card and rushed to my motorcycle. It was a nice night for a motorcycle ride. The air was cool and clean and before n knew it I was entranced by the roar of the bikes engine. The night was mine at last, or at least it felt that way. After about twenty minuets of relaxation I found my self on the familiar road, bound for home. I normally rode with my step father home either that or he would lode my bike in the back of the truck. I was relieved when I pulled in the drive way I had arrived home before him thus avoiding a boring lecture. My step father is best described as a small man with a volcanic temper and a body of stone. He had been married to my mother for about fifteen years, although I don’t know if he knows what my mother brothers, and I really are. After I arrived home I covered my bike with a tarp, due to the night sky was now cluttered with storm clouds. It is always night when I get home as I place the last rubber bungee cord.” I got to get out of the printing industry, and in to journalism, or writing or something else.” I thought allowed and then realized I have a lot of dreams just not the finances to back them. I pondered these thoughts as I looked to the moon. A cold breeze soon forced me in to the house. I walked to the kitchen and found the lunch box that I was suppose to take to work. I ate my lunch and packed another “ perhaps I will remember this one” I thought allowed as I ate. When I finished my late meal I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, I then retreated to my room striped my self and shut out the lights. It was extremely quiet this evening, or at least it seemed to be my mind quickly got lost in thought and I soon fell asleep. The next morning came all to quickly . Soon I was awoken by the alarm clock blaring.. I got up woke my brothers and took a shower. The normal array of voices asking to come in and use the bathroom. First staring my long haired thirteen year old brother, Azriel, the arch angel of death, mimicked by Michael, a cute little six year old whom was named after one the archangel, although he is small for his age he is dangerous, and fights the oppression of his big brothers in any way possible. To day he was a bit upset for having to get up early. After he used the bathroom the lights began to flicker and the shower curtain was covered in a blue light. I moved the curtain to find a large blue sphere floteing, or levaating rather, over the toilet. As I watched in disbelief it began to move towards me. It then opened up and engulfed me. At once I found my self in the spirit realm before both Eva and Andrea. Although I was Benares's to be in front of them in the nude I acted as if I payed no mind and shifted to were fox form. “how did I get hear?” I asked after the shift was com pleat. “ I summoned you” I suddenly felt very ill.” what was that blue thing ?” I asked and then vomited “that would be a summoning orb. “ replied Andrea in a disgusted voice . I vomited again and fell to my knees. “you are suffering from summoning sickness, it should pass in a few minuets“ said Eva as she watched my body at first convulse, and then slowly go numb. I could feel the paradises creeping through my vans , fallowed by extrema cold. My vision grew blurry, and then blacked out. Thankfully soon after my vision returned, as my eyes seen yet again the rest of the symptoms seemed to fade. It was a won dress feeling, being able to not only see again, but move, and speak with out vomit sprying forth from my mouth. “you recovered quick for a new coummer, I thought you would be out at least for six minuets. But no you recovered in three.” said Andrea in a teasing voice. I ignored her and stood up. “what was so argent that you had to summon me here?” I asked , a little annoyed, which in my opianoin I had every right to be after all I had been drug to the spirit from the shower, suffered thought summoning sickness, and now stood before my training rival, and my teacher in the nude. “ we have reason to believe that a Reiko assassin has been sent to the physical realm. We were ordered to summon you to tell you how to identify, and destroy a Reiko assassin. All Reiko assassins have a rather attractive human form, although some just posses attractive humans. Reiko's have a habit of possessing the opposite gender of their targets. If the Reiko posses a human host. The hosts eyes color will change to that of the Reiko.” “the most dangerous assassins have deep green eyes, were as newbie have really light blue eyes there are two main way to ether conquer , or destroy a Reiko assassin. One is to kill the host of there posses ion another is to perform an exorcism. And cast the Reiko in to a gem” said Eva, she then presented me with a garnet gem. That was about the size of a dime. “ once you have it in the gem bring it back here to be destroyed.” added Andrea. “exactly in this spot and in only this realm” I said sarcastically. “ this is not a matter to handallightly. This assassin could be after anyone in your flammable, including you self…or your brothers!” said Andrea in a slightly worried voice, Eva ovisaley realized the hit of worry. And it apparently disturbed her due to the face she made. She soon began to teach me the art of the kitsune exorcism most were rather brutal…but a few were faith based . After a few spirit realm hours of lecturing they finnley allowed me to return to my shower. After I finished washing mt self and dressing my self I left the shower, and went down stairs. As I descended the step I seen Azreail asleep on the living room couch. And Michal watching cartoons “wake up Azriel” I yelled as I entered the kitchen. He did not reply. At first a wave of fear came over me . Due to the new found knowledge of the assassin. I walked with hast back to the living room “wake up!” I yelled once more. This time he set up and threw a pillow at me, I laephed at my self and lunched the pillow back at him and went back to the kitchen in search of breakfast. I soon found what I was seeking, in the form of cookie dough flavored pop tarts. As I ate I watched the clock after all in about twenty minuets I would have to get the my brothers to the bus stop. Unfortunately that twenty minuets passed rather fast. Soon we were heading to the bus stop. I sent my brothers ahead and checked on my bike after I ensured everything was alright I started the tread up to the bus stop. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER Deadly Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As arrived at the bus stop I was awe stricken by the beauty of the local hot girl next door. She had at one time been a natural blond, with wonderfully bright blue eyes. And a slender figure with medium sized hips an a rather small bosoms. She had fallen in to the punk fashion. To day she was warring a pink and black shirt, a pair of tight black jeans with chains and such hanging off. Her hair was now streaked with black. Despite the alterations of her appearance she was still the hottest girl in the neighborhood. I approached her “so how are you this morning ?” I asked in my casual way…for some reason she always made me nerves. Around her I could never think of what to say. “fine Gabe” she said off handedly and then continued to visit with her clique. I felt like a fool…not knowing what to say always seems to be my down fall with her. And it always seems to happen in the same pattern. Thankfully the bus arrived shortly after and I had a chance to find my tung. As I entered the bus a strange sent caught my nostrils, despite the sent was strange and foreign I at once knew what it was, “Reiko” I accidentally said allowed. As I realized what I had said I looked quickly about…discovering that, thankfully, no one was listening., I walked to my seat, which thankfully no one had claimed. As I sat down I tried to ignore the flaring of my nostrils I now knew that the assassin was with in thirty six feet of me. The assassin I sought was on the bus with me, some were hiding amongst the humans waiting for the right moment to strike me or my brothers down. A feeling of nervousness over took me, altering both my human, and fox senses. As I sat there I began to sniff the air. Soon I began to locate the Reiko’s sent and began the slow process of discovering the target that now targeted either me or one of my brothers. Just as I located the seat that contained my foe someone in that general area decided to pass gas. At once my nose began to burn with the putrid smell of another persons bowls, my mind fogged, my eyes watered and I found my self on the verge of consciousness. Thankfully Azriel managed to get a window open which although the window was across the bus from me, helped considerably. I could fell my lungs and nose fill with the new air. And I could comfortably breath again. As soon as I could comfortably smell around I began searching for the Reiko. The sent seemed to drift from seat to seat and then just disappeared or hidden by some sort magic ability. I spent the entire bus trip attempting to logically discover the identity of my hunter. Unfortunately the bus trip was over before I could figure anything out the flicker of panic remained as I left the bus. My mind seemed shrouded in chaos due to this altered state of awareness which led to paranoia. A new found sense of the absents of sanity seemed to arise, fed by fear for my own life and the lives of not only my family, but my clan, all seemed at risk. As I entered my first class I caught a sent of the Reiko. I threw my stuff on the floor by my computer and rushed through the halls and fallowed the sent to the girls locker room were I stop my hunt due to the outrages number of people in the hall, shoving and pushing all in a hurry to get to there destination before the bell. I had no time to create a believable illusion, and to many people were around to become intangible. And I had to retreat back to yearbook class at least I knew one thing. That the Reiko was female. The bell rang as I entered the class room, I sat down as the tone faded. “ listen up journalism class we have work to do…we five pages due by are first deadline…which is this Wednesday “ the teacher continued the speech . I was hardly paying attention as I pondered this new found stress I spent the rest of the class working on my pages attempting to relax. Soon the tone sounded and I was on the hunt yet again this time I did not catch a sent which meant that P.E was not her first class. Apparently she had used her sent to throw me off her trail, which explained why I had caught it in the first place. I then rushed to wood shop. My project was coming along nicely. I was in the process of creating a pair of tofna's. I had taken advantage of my shop teachers stupidity and convinced him they were decorations. When in all actuality they actuality weapons. After I created the first one he made the relaxation they were weapons. But instead of destroying them I made a plaque for them and called it a decoration he still held a grunge and often threatened to tell the school bored about them. Today thankfully all we did was take notes. Although we had the option to work on are project I did nothing but waited for the bell to ring. Thankfully the bell rang soon after I finished my notes. Soon I found my self in psychology class as I entered the class the smell of my elusive pray made its self known.. With it fallowed not the normal symptoms of fear and chaos. but a sudden lust developed, and erupted through out my body as I located the host. She was indeed a extremely attractive girl, the kind you wanna be with but are usually taken, or high matience. The kind of girl whom has he own style. This particular girl was a fiery red head. she had a pale completion that was accented by her black clothing . Although she was some what Gothic I was instantly infatuated. I my self was somewhat partial to the Gothic fashion , although now days i mixed it with the biker fashion which I assume make me a Gothic biker, although I don’t ware markup I do ware black most of the time prominent black leather. My eyes began to simultaneity observe every crook cranny and curve of her body. Both my human and fox hormone began raging. Soon I lost control of my imagination and found my self in a pornographic mind frame. I quickly rushed to my seat and found that she sat in front of me. As she walked to her seat my eyes were entangle by her black skin tight leather pants which seemed to hint the presence of a thong. My body seemed to heat up, starting with the serpent that lived in my pants, it seemed to be begging for freedom. Luckley today there was a gust speaker, allowing me to fall deeper and deeper in to lust , now the Reiko sent seemed to entire me almost to the point of forgetting she was indeed the assassin whom was supposes to be hunting me Her eyes sought my glance she smiled, her eyes were a deep green hugh and seemed to glow as she caught sight of me , she was ovisley vary good at what she did. And now I had a feeling she new whom her target was due to the almost evil grin that now lingered on her face. Now the game was truly on and now both predator and pray knew the identity of there targets. As soon as she sat down she began teasing me “so how are you to day Gabreal Tenko” she said laphing in a strange voice. “fine how about your self” I said as I slowed time. So the young prince wants to play” she said her smile becoming less evil and more playful she then removed her jacket. Reveling a black leather teddy, or brassiere depending on the time period. And her belt contained a bunch of nasty toys (not of the sexual fashion) I noticed a rather uniquely shaped green dagger. I stopped time. But strangely the Reiko did not stop. “you over estate your self “ I said in a scolding fashion she smiled and her eyes grew darker. As I confronted my enemy I gathered the energy around me and attempted one of the first tricks I had been tough ruing one of my trancing sessions. As I gathered the spirit energy it began to take the shape of a pair of tonfa’s. they were the first weapon that came to mind. “ oh look at me manipulating spirit energy” said the Reiko in a mocking tone “it’s a Tenko thing, but I guess you wouldn't know that, would you” I smiled as her smile faded, but quickly returned. “you don’t know whom I am do you?” she asked in a surprised tone “you are of the Reiko clan which makes you my enemy, and the enemy of my people.” I said with a bit of pride in my voice. “you call them your people, yet you no nothing of them, you don’t even know who I am” she said a bit disgusted. “well then come forth and enlighten me” I replied “you are playing a dangerous game young prince, but I like games” she replied as she flashed a dangerous smile. “you know who I am now, perhaps you should introduce your self” I said as I flung my tofa twoards her face. She pulled her dagger and block the strike “you do know of jade don’t you” she said smiling and placed the dagger were the flat of the blade rested against her forearm. “don’t get to cunfey young prince” she said smiling and then jumped over my head. She would have landed behind me but I anticipated her intention. And turned just in time to block her dagger from cutting in to the back of my neck. “why so jumpy young prince?” she smiled innocence “ I am the youngest jewel of my fathers eye. I am a high standing member of my house hold.” she smiled. “you are princess Garnet, of the Reiko royal family.” I replied “so you have heard of me, all good things I suppose” she said sarcastically and amused at the same time. “but of course,nothing but the best. You are the youngest of the seven sisters and of the five bothers. The deadliest of you family. The top of the top five, let see it goes yourself onix,ruby, diamond,and pearl. are the crazy ones were opal and aquamarine are the sain two…none of the other members of your family are that memorable.” I smiled due to my knowledge. “I am almost impressed you don’t look like someone who pays attention in history class” she snickered and placed the dagger back in its scabbarded. “so are you going to kill me? Or play with me?” I asked as she jumped off the desk top “I like you so we will play another time, for now lets get back to class.” she smiled, this time it was one of those smiles that seemed to scream youngest child, it was a smile that was both cute and mischievous. “only if you promise not to stab me in the back” I said with a hint of caution in my voice. “I give you my word of honor as a kitsune” although I did not want to believe her I did for a kitsune can not brake its word of honor. It is kind of like a spirit ban, one of those things that a kitsune just cant do. I reverted time back to its norm, “git back to your seat young lady” yelled the teacher as she noticed Garnet was up and about. “yes mam “ replied garnet still smiling. The class carried on with out any issue and eventually the bell rang. Strangely enoph my next class was history thus causing me to wonder about my own kitsune history. We were discussion the I civil rights movement. Garnet words seemed to echo in my mind, making it difficult for me to concentrate. Although I did not know what class she was in, I could sense her presence some were close, she was no longer trying to hide. But not only her words troubled my mind but body as well. I could not help but imagine her in the nude waiting for me in a bed room. My imagination kept wondering wild, and I kept drawing it back in to controls,or at least that’s what I thought. But I was dead wrong I eventually gave in to the franticness, causing me to let my guard down. I was brought back to reality by the sound of the lunch bell. after I got my food I walked to the only empty table in the cafeteria. As soon as I began eating garnet walked by and sat down at the same table. “hello again Gabe” she said with a smile “yep it me again sweetheart so did you poison my food?” I asked foolishly ,after all it was dumb of me not to check it before I ate it. “I already told you I am not going to kill you, not today you are to much fun.” she smiled “my my what would your father think?” I replied. “my father is not the one who placed the hit upon you” she laphed “ it wasn‘t? then who was it ?” I asked offhandedly knowing she would not tell me. she laphed again “ your are funny, you know I cant tell you that it would not only be a violation of the contract, but would ruin my rep.” she smiled and then began to eat. “ I am watching you Garnet, for more reasons then one” said and then took a bite of my chink nugget sandwich. She never took her eyes off me as I ate “why are you watching me so close, after all I am not the one whom is a pro assassin.” I said as I watched her watch me “you are such a sweet talker you know that don’t ya, a real flatterer .” she replied and then began eating. Something told me she trusted me less then I trusted her which I found interesting and began to watched her closer. “now whom is staring at whom?” she asked. “ you’re the assassin I smiled and finished my food. She finished her food soon after. And I took both tray up, after checking hers for any deadly powders. She mearley smiled in a entrancing way and thanked me for grabbing her tray. She was gone when I returned, in her place there sat a price of paper, folded to look like a envelope. I picked it up…yet again I was being foolish, after all you should not pick up a parchment that a assassin handled before you, especial if you are the target. Oh well it was to late now. I opened the parchment and found a message “meet me at Eva's new training ground tonight, if you dare” I searched the area for her but found no signs of her presence. Soon the bell rang ordering me to study hall were I slept the entire hour. The bell rudely woke me up and I went on to business class. Finley the bell rang freeing me from one of the teachers foolish games and I went on to P.E. were things got interesting. As the bell rang and we lined up I happened to notice my P E teacher standing by the gym door, talking to none other then Garnet. And judging by not only facial expression but gesture she had him entranced. “this is garnet everybody ,she is a new student, treat her with respect , if not you will answer to me!” the teacher smiled as if hoping someone would object, she defentley had him entranced. for he then placed her behind me in line. I turned slightly so I could see her out of the corner of my eye. “don’t you just love having me behind you?” she said smiling “no not really I would rather be behind you so I could stare at that ass” I smiled embarrassed. Due to what I had just said to the person whom was hired to kill me. She laphed “don’t worry young prince you might get your chance and then we were given the command to go get dressed. As we walked to the locker room she rushed in front of my and added a bit more of a shake to that walk of hers…my hormonal began raging as she produce the pheromones that arouse males of my spices…cursed pheromones As soon as I entered the locker room I rushed to the stall and froze time. i had the dire earge to relever my self I went intangible and rushed to the girls locker room. Driven purely by instinct, but what I saw there stopped me in my tracks. There at the first locker as you entered the door stood Garnet. she wore a black bra and a black and red thong…my eyes ,after creasing her body fell upon a strange neck less in her hands. I examined it for a bit. It looked like something of the SIFI channal. The neck less looked like a hour glass, inside the hour glass there was a strange sand like substance which seemed ti glow in a reddish light it had to sphere of energy around it meaning it was in the same time speed as my self . After examining it I grabbed it and placed it is my pocket. Although the temptation to quench my thirst on the person that coursed it was strong. As I stared at her her sent sought me. I instantly knew she was in heat, she also smell like a first timer fresh to the breeding world of the kitsune. I knew the sent not only by instant, but by the fact that I ’ve had my way with many Tenko first timers. I was about to loose control of my intents when I took notes of a human girl whom I had liked for about two semesters, she was a junior like my self, she was skinny enophe for me to almost be able to place my two hand entirely around. Her hair was the colorer of midnight, her curves were mediocre for one her size she most likely lived by the saying “more than a mouth full is a wast.” she wore a blue bra and matching panties. I removed my new found apparel from my pocket and placed it around her neck. I watched as she then sped up to my time speed. At first the time exhilaration was a allow process. But the magic of the neck less eventually brought her to the speed I was. She shrieked a one and placed her arms as thought she was hiding her body “what are you doing in here Gabreal? “ she yelled, and shortly after she screamed after making the discovery that no one other then us were moving, or breathing for that matter. “ware are we, and how did we get here?” she asked calming a bit “we are in the girls locker room, however the second question is a bit harder to answer. Partly buseuse I don’t know if I can trust you” as I said this my hormones were still raging. She then slowly approached me. “this is like a dream” she said as she lowered her hands, her eyes shining. “like the dream I had last night” her cheeks grew red “I have never had my dreams like this come true” she said as she smiled and began removing what few articles of clothing she had on. She removed her clothing in a slow yet enticing fashion. When she had her bra half off she stopped “ something is wrong here” she said as she approached me. When her body was mere inches from mine she unlatched my studded belt. her smile seemed to grow as she slowly began removing the belt from its loops. I kissed her upon her lips the first kiss in a wide array that soon fallowed. “Oh my, looks like someone wants to come out and play.” she said as she managed to find the opening in my boxers. I winced as I felt her slender fingers bring my monster from it den. As the beast with in escaped from captivity I found a bench to sit on. Soon my senses jumped, as I felt the warmth of her mouth surround my penis. I felt my lower anatomy harden as I got lost in the constant up and down motion of her head. I began moving my hips to match her momentum, the end result was amazing. A new since of pleasure overtook me filled by human lust. I soon lost control and slipped my hands down her silky smooth waist. And found the top elastic of her panties in a fluid like moment I had my hand petting the top of her what felt like well kept pubic hair. She removed her mouth from my dick and began kissing up my abdominal mussels. As she moved up my hands moved down soon my index finger found the top of her lower lips I knew she would be a good time for I had hardly gotten a finger tip in her and I felt her lower body and abdomen flux. As my finger penetrated her I hear her breath deepen and felt her body tempter greatly increase and felt mine due the same. Soon she was on my lap and in a matter of seconds I felt the fleshy warmth of her lower lips encircle the head of the serpent whom willingly crawled in to its new found den. Unfortunately it vomited covering her lower torso. Luckily it did not blow inside of her. We stopped long enophe to grab the proper protection after all I was not in a dream like the first time, this was real after what seemed like hours of exotica pleasure we stopped . “so this is why kitsune make such good lovers” she said offhandedly as she became orgasmic. Mixing my mess of sexual fluids with her own. she was only the second human I had ever truly had intercourse with, but sadly it had to end. After gathering my clothing I retreated back to the place I was suppose to be. Still pondering how she knew what I was, thankfully my sexual desire were fulfilled. It was at this time I realized that I had left the necklace in her possession and so I rushed back to |
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