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When you really have nothing better to do.
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April 7, 2012 at 4:01am
April 7, 2012 at 4:01am
April 6, 2012

"In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your Good Friday was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog."

Good Friday is a Holiday that I never understood the significance of. Now I have a better understanding, but still there is a lot of mystery surrounding this day.
The more I learn about the story behind the life and death and life again of Jesus Christ, the more I wonder... Where did the chocolate bunnies and colored eggs come from? Chickens wearing bonnets and aprons! What does that have to do with anything?

But that was the true meaning of Easter for me. It was a festival of chocolate and hard boiled eggs. whispers:(right after learning about Easter, I learned about constipation)

Why did I think that?

Because that is what I was taught. That is what everyone was taught.

Color eggs, hunt for eggs, little chocolate balls wrapped in colorful foil, those marsh-mellowy egg shaped things that are sweeter than fuck, baskets with that crinkled plastic straw stuff, bunnies, hens, Cadbury cream eggs, and oh by the way Jesus was crucified and died on a cross for your sins...WHAT... What was that last part? Look Joel it's the Easter parade.

I never learned a thing from adults about anything when it came to religious holidays, and Christmas is even worse. Were they trying to hide something?

What's really weird is now that I know : Palm Sunday was the day Jesus returned to Jerusalem and the people provided some shelter from the heat and sun by waving palm branches along the road side to create shade at to act as a fan. Today we celebrate by blessing palm branches and reflecting on the fate which Jesus is about to suffer. Holy Thursday was the day that Jesus broke the bread and drank the wine then he predicted that he would be going away, also that Judas would betray him and Peter would deny him. Now on Holy Thursday Priests reaffirm their vows and serve their congregation in some cases by washing their feet. Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified and also begins Passover. Easter is the day Jesus rose from death... and... so ...Now we color eggs and feed chocolate to kids for breakfast.

What did I miss?

Somewhere along the way, was there a generation of acid freaks who ramped up the Christian holidays to give them more of a carnival like atmosphere? Is it all an elaborate hoax?

But really, for what ever strange reason. Things are what they are and I'm glad for it. Because when little Billy asks, " did it hurt when they nailed Jesus to the cross Daddy?" Dad can answer, "look Billy it's a giant rabbit with a basket of colored eggs.Quick chase him and you can have chocolate and sugar chunks for breakfast."

I'm having a pretty busy Month here. Leslie is in Vancouver, and I have my boy here for the week-end. I'm falling behind in my blog entries and reading all the other entries. I waited until the end of my day Good Friday so I could write about how it was. I wrote late into the wee hours of the morning. I saved and went to bed and then when I checked on things this morning, I found the above Good Friday rampage. So, just to clear the air... I'm not against the way things are, I'm all for chocolate and LSD trips. I'd just like to know...

How did we get from this:
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to this:
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"In the tradition of bloggers everywhere, tell us all about your day, in great detail, even the mundane stuff, but especially the good stuff, the parts of your day that inspired you, that motivated you, that showed you the joy in your life. Tell us how your Good Friday was, whether you laughed or whether you cried. You know, blog."

My day was good, very good. I miss Leslie. Who is going to hide the Easter treats for me this year?

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
I could use some suggestions of how to be more productive while not having to give up any of my bad habits. I tried motivational tapes before, I ended up sitting around all day watching tapes...nothing got done, but I felt great about it.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

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April 6, 2012 at 1:17am
April 6, 2012 at 1:17am
April 5, 2012

Opinion Piece: "What are your thoughts on alternative healing practices? Defend your view."

Luckily I wrote the book on alternative healing practices, in fact main stream medicine is alternative to my brand of home remedies.
It's all relative. Medical research, treatment and procedures are all evolving, when you think of it, we as a society are further advanced in home entertainment
consumer products than we are in treating and curing diseases which countless people die from everyday.
When I was a young boy medical science was in it's infancy. A hospital was a place the old and the sick went to die, not to get better. People were afraid to be sent to the hospital, because you rarely got out, well not with out six pallbearers anyhow.

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My early experience with Doctors and medicine were not very positive. When I had a toothache I was taken to the dentist. The dentist was a friend of my grandfathers
I'm not sure if he actual had a license. He may have been a throwback to the days when if you needed a job and you didn't mind the sight of blood, you hung out a dentistry sign and started fixing teeth. Seriously I think the government just let this fellow practice dentistry because he was old and would retire soon, and they probably thought that nobody in their right mind would actually let him work on their teeth. But, there I was, holding my mom's hand as we entered Dr. Posner's office.
The Dr. was smoking a cigar at his desk next the the dentist chair when we arrived. It was all new to me. I didn't mind sitting in the chair and letting him have a look at my teeth. He hollered to my mother in the outer room, that he would have to give me a filling. Mom thought that might be too expensive, so, after a bit of discussion (me not included) it was decided, a better option would be to pull the tooth. I did not like the freezing needle at all. SO I WOULDN'T FEEL PAIN!!! THE NEEDLE WAS PAIN ENOUGH!! I was gripping the arms of the chair pretty tight. Poor Dr P. he might have tried a different approach if he knew I was about to bail out of his chair when it became clear to me that he intended to use a pair of pliers to take out my tooth. I let go of the chair arms and grabbed the pliers I straightened out my leg booting him squarely in the groin. I was trying to get out of the chair and out of the office, but the Dr. held me down and called my mom in to help him out. Well they convinced me to let him pull the tooth but it was a pretty bad experience. As soon as it was done I got out of there so fast my mom had to run a few steps just to keep up with me. Mom took me shopping in the downtown Eatons store which is now home to the Winnipeg Jets. In the store I sneezed and blew mouth full of blood and cotton balls across the store. It freaked people out. The next time I went to see a dentist I was 20 years old.

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One Sunday night when I was back home after a camping trip with a youth group, I discovered I had a wood tick in-bedded in my neck. "Dad! I have a wood tick on me," I made the mistake of saying out loud. Two things that my Dad was known for was: 1. he had the shakiest hands ever and 2. he liked to drink beer (a lot) So there we are...Dad has me holding a lit match while he holds a large sewing needle over the flame in his trembling hand. I see him move the heated needle towards my neck and I bail. The old man gets mad and tells me to get back in the chair. We go through the needle heating process again, this time I'm crying as he shakes the needle through the flame. "Okay, close your eyes he says."
With my eyes closed tight I feel a sharp pain in my neck, exactly as if some drunk lunatic stuck a heated needle in my neck. It hurt like hell, but I was brave. Then Dad says, "Shit, I missed it." I had to go through the process a couple more times, but the old man finally got the wood tick off of me. I never ever after that told either of my parents if I was hurt or sick. More than a few times I had cuts that should have had stitches or bumps, bruises and sprains that should have been at least looked at. You know how they say, "we should take an x-ray to be on the safe side."

Even to this day I would rather be taken to emergency on a stretcher before I would call and make a doctors appointment.
With the Easter weekend upon us I take comfort in reflecting on the notion that our bodies will not be joining us in the afterlife, in fact it is our bodies that will fail us in the end, regardless of medical treatments of any kind. Spiritual health is easily attainable, physical health is alternative medicine.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 4, 2012 at 3:13pm
April 4, 2012 at 3:13pm
April 4, 2012

Day 04 of 30. Another of your prompts from the Challenge War Chest. Have some fun with this one.
" Several television stations have ‘reality shows” about businesses, is the business/career you have/had "reality show” worthy. Why or why not? What would be the name of the show? If you don't work choose somebody you know and their business/career."

It's too easy. I have the perfect business for a reality television show. In fact on the most recent reality show I watched, the winning business idea was a lawncare business. Redemption Inc with Kevin O'Leary on aired on CBC (not sure if the rest of the world was watching)

I think I will pitch this show idea to the networks so I can at least sue somebody when they use my idea.
The show would be called ...
Can You Cut It ?

*Tv* 10 contestants will be chosen from the most unlikely backgrounds.

*Tv* The contestants would be given a company vehicle and lawncare equipment (just the minimum basics) on a one year lease as well as a small start up fund.

*Tv* The contestants will also receive three customers to get their business started. (unknown to the contestants - these three customers come back to judge them along the way)

*Tv* The contest begins in November and contestants are required to provide snow clearing services to their customers as well as add new customers.
the object of the contest is to build the largest and most successful lawncare business you can.

*Tv* Weekly shows will have footage of the contestants on the job and on the show. Contestants will have weekly goals to meet as well as a weekly group challenge. Additionally the three secret judge\customers will be tossing them the occasional curve ball along the way.

*Tv* Contestants will be judged on achieving their weekly goals, their placement in the group challenges as well as how they handle their curve ball customer situation.

*Tv* There are two special elimination shows during the season, where one business from each of the two episodes will be closed.

*Tv* In the final episode of the season 5 companies from the remaining 8 will be chosen to compete in season two.

*Tv* One feature of the show will be: contestants will be given one property in very, very, very poor condition. They will be judged on a season before and after picture of said property.

A before and after spring clean-up photo might look like this fine job done this afternoon by the talented and humble crew of Brother Nature Lawncare

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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 3, 2012 at 10:31pm
April 3, 2012 at 10:31pm
April 3 2012

It's time for one of the prompts you supplied party people, let's take a look in our "Challenge War Chest"....
"Tell us about your siblings: How many sisters and brothers in order and tell us a story of you and your siblings. If you don't have any siblings of your own, tell us about some siblings in your life."

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. So in an effort to shorten this entry up I'd have to say, "I'm the fifth of six. five boys one girl. I'm the prettiest" *Crown*
Sadly Dad passed away, but there were eight of us sharing a small house. We were close, and still are. It was cool being among the younger of the family. Not only did I graduate to having my own bed as my older siblings moved out I was able at one point to have a bedroom to myself. We were close, and still are.

Here we are all together in a fairly recent celebration of Mom's Seventy fifth Birthday.
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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 3, 2012 at 1:31am
April 3, 2012 at 1:31am
April 2, 2012

Here is another of Earl's Pearls to challenge your blogging prowess...

"Have you ever had something stolen from you? What was it? How did this make you feel? Did you get it back?"

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I grew up in a part of the city where it was commonly said, "If it's not nailed down, someone will steal it".
Just about when I was getting tired of being a victim of theft, I hooked up with a group of people who were seemingly
benefiting from committing said thefts, and guess what? They were accepting new members. So... I confess to you, my
brothers and sisters that I have sinned... however, Just about when I was getting tired of being a victim of theft, a victim of my environment, and a victim of myself
I figured things out. I resolved to do the right thing, to do what was in my heart, and become the kind of person another person might say they are proud to know.
Having said that I can now say, although I am not proud of some of the things I participated in through out my youth. I feel blessed to have the knowledge
I gained from learning about life, people, and survival from opposite ends of the spectrum.

You wanna know about stealing? I'll tell you about stealing.
When I was 7 or 8 years old I was flying a kite in the park with my eldest brother, he was 14 or 15 years old. The entire ball of string was let out and the kite fell out of the sky about 200 yards from where we had been flying the kite from. I wound up the ball of string as I walked towards the landed kite. When I got to the kite I was quite a distance from my brother and there was a group of older kids approaching me. There were 4 or 5 of them and they were between say 13-15 years old. I had the string finally wound back up, but when I picked up the kite one of the older kids pulled it from my hands. With out giving it a thought I grabbed my kite back and pulled it right out of that kids hands. Then the biggest of the kids punched me directly in the face and again pulled my kite out of my hands. I turned to call for my brother to come, he was a long way off, but he heard me and I saw he was moving in my direction. The older kids started running off with my kite. I took chase and caught up to the biggest kid, who held my kite. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and tried to throw him to the ground, but I only managed to tug on his shirt a bit.
He was at least twice my size. He punched me in the face a second time and turned to start running again. Before he did though I managed to get a hold of my kite again and I pulled it from his hands. One of the other kids pushed me hard to the ground then took my kite and the group began running again. I looked back and saw that my brother was still heading towards me but he sure wasn't moving fast. I yelled at him to hurry up. I notice now the my nose is bleeding. Doesn't he see what's happening I ask myself? I got back up and started running after the group of kids. They aren't moving too fast and I'm making ground on them. They pass a group of adults, and I yell to the adults, stop those kids, they stole my kite." These kids run right between this group of 5 adults, right by them! I'm yelling, "stop those kids" I know they hear me. They do nothing and the kids run away. I looked back to my brother and he's walking. I looked ahead past the group of adults and the kids who stole my kite were outside the park now and doing a slow jog down the street. I decided to just keep on walking I was headed in the direction of home anyhow. I walked past the group of adults, "why didn't you do stop them I snapped at the men?" before they could answer I turned my back on them and continued walking.
I heard one of the women say, "he's bleeding maybe we should help him." I never heard anything else said, they were okay with just letting me walk away. My brother caught up with me about a block down the road. He was mad at me now. Mad at me! Mad at me? He was mad at me because I should have known better than to pick a fight with a group of older kids. When I explained that they stole my kite, he said. "So, why didn't you just let them have it?" When we got home I got lectured about the cost of clothes because my shirt was ripped and bloodied.
And...Now you know about stealing.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
Renovating won out over arsonating and I began my exploration into the plumbing trade. I NOW have water! Problem is: it's showering down from the basement ceiling.
Still no refrigeration. Leslie is in Vancouver for the next 10 days. I feel a bit like Mickey Mouse in the "Magicians Apprentice"
I might let the truck take me back to the lake.

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Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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April 1, 2012 at 11:53pm
April 1, 2012 at 11:53pm
April 1 2012

Day One -- An Earlian Prompt.

In honor of the journey ahead, list your must-haves for a successful road trip. Feel free to expand with your favourite road trip anecdote.

Howdy folks, Thank God you're here, and not out there, on the road, risking life and limb just to get from point A to point B. Everybody is in such a hurry. Even the calender seems to be in a rush to get to the end of the year this year. Did anyone else notice that they put April fools Day and Palm Sunday, on the same day this year? What's the rush?

I have an extremely busy month ahead of me. I have to complete my last two assignments and write an exam for my web design course (before April 25). I have to move (part time) back to the city, and either renovate or *BurstR* arsonate the house on Bannerman. I have to relaunch my Lawncare business. (Brother Nature Lawncare)

Just thinking of all the things that need to be done in order to change over from winter mode into summer mode is mind numbing. I made a pretty ambitious plan last night which includes writing a blog entry each day of the month. When I read today's prompt this morning, while I fell behind in my plan, I could not believe my luck.

ROADTRIP!!! I'm going on a road trip TODAY!!!

I can write my blog as I drive. No wait, that would not be safe. I'll just have to consider the prompt, so I can quickly address it this evening when I sit in a house with no TV or running water. Let's address that prompt, shall we?

There is no list for a successful road trip for me. Any road trip that gets me to my destination (I am never on time) is successful.

Today I drove my 24 year old pick up truck from Sunset Bay to Winnipeg. It's about a 135KM trip, and the old pick has made the journey many times. My truck knows the way, which is great cuz it gives me time to concentrate on other things while I travel. On one such journey I wrote a poem..."Invalid Item.

A list of what NOT to take would better serve the community in general. Cel phones folks...don't need to be talking or texting, that's dangerous. INATTENTION!!! Strike drugs and alcohol off your list too. INTOXICATION!!! Of course there are laws to promote safety, thank God. Something that I can proudly claim is that our nation's highways are policed and patrolled by none other than the world famous law enforcement agency known as. *FolderR**LeafR**FolderR*The Royal Canadian Mounted Police*FolderR**LeafR**FolderR* or R.C.M.P. or Mounties.

I have a habit of "harmonica playing" and driving. I'm curious if I could get a ticket for doing that if I were to be spotted.

In order to cram everything into "Moving back to the city\April fools\Palm Sunday\First "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSDay" I decided to attempt to make a driving to the city while playing harmonica while singing a newly written song (special for this blog) while making a video of the whole thing.

The video didn't turn out too great. It's totally a bad idea, but I'd rather be sorry for trying something stupid that didn't work out, than being sorry for never doing anything stupid whether it works out or not.

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*BurstR* Arsonate: word origin - I made it up. meaning - describes the value of a property as being, better to burn it to the ground, then collect the insurance money.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

Truly it was a busy busy day. The house on Bannerman didn't fair so well over the winter so I can add to my list
*Bullet* repair a broken water pipe
*Bullet* replace a refridgerator, which decided to retire.
My blog post is going in late but at least.....here it is. Enjoy!!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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March 27, 2012 at 11:20pm
March 27, 2012 at 11:20pm
March 27, 2012

Today's prompt:
see:"Invalid Entry

I hope you all saw the entry I submitted starring "Brutus"
here it is
"Invalid Entry

Brutus came to visit with us last summer, and we took him everywhere we went, while we spent some time visiting with him and his grandma. We stopped to try a little off shore fishing. I was helping this nice lady out with some personal fishing instruction. Leslie narrates, as we have a pretty good little "Gone Fishing" video going on.
Then...The money shot.

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Definitely going to work some video into the mix.
You better not be laughing at our dog!!!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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March 27, 2012 at 2:30am
March 27, 2012 at 2:30am
March 27,2012
There might be a prompt, Hang on I'll go check.
Yep there was a prompt alright:
"A place from my past that felt like home." I was 7 minutes late. Had I been 7 minutes earlier the prompt would have been:What inspires you to write?
and if I wait 23hrs&51mins the prompt will be:"If you were going to redecorate your home, what would you change?"

******Spoiler alert******
I'm going to do all three prompts right now.

uheioew iuwed iwqdij woijehujds ygapuhd po ghogeediu ew ewuhhnxncp8ew eiuhevds uhfphy[fhe f eguygasdhruyb ewugheoooiuhe iuoewhyoiu WE OIUHEWHGU p oueefwu hewp'[ewoi efwuhjhd7uyKJEFN VOEIyujshsydadhudsp89ywefbhgdo pew ew ewugheouhg ewuih EWDHakihgvd

Okay NOT blindfolded.

"A place from my past that felt like home." ahhh my old home.
What inspires you to write? My undaunted belief that some one out there actually gives a shit.
"If you were going to redecorate your home, what would you change?" Definitely the decor.

I haven't been getting much practice in when it comes to blog writing. I started to make my own internet, but lost interest when I found out Fivesixer already has a couple, and he lets people use them for free 24/7... it's true... pass it on. I tried to enter a couple "Daily Flash Fiction Challenge, but quickly developed writers block. I concentrated on doing some reviewing. Oh yeah I won a prize for reviewing.

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I reassigned my blog rating to 18+ in order to have it posted in "Talent Pond Blog Harbor MOVED TO 1700829, so I can swear it up in here now if i wanted to. I find swearing to be somewhat offensive so I'm not too tempted to start writing swears all over. I would have never typed "shit" up there like I did earlier before I changed my rating. I might have typed "crap" or "$#!T" which actually looks, sounds, and feels much sexier than just typing "shit"
   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

I also received a free image as part of the "poetry prize" I went out and bought a cool image to add to my blog (My secret weapon ah ha ha ha!) come April when the challenge picks up for real. I'm looking forward to writing everyday. I haven't written daily since mid February but I have been reading a lot of the blogs, I even reviewed Prosperous Snow celebrating and sunnystarr blogs through my "Showering Acts of Joy Group affiliation. I am very inspired that Sunny Starr kept up her blog entries so faithfully, only missing a day or two due to having surgery. She wrote a very kind review on MY blog on her last entry. I felt very honored that she would do that. Thank you Starr you are very kind.

*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression
I wasn't a big fan of poetry when I first signed up on this site. I listed Dr. Seuss as my favorite poet. Lately I have developed a fondness and much deeper respect and appreciation for both reading and writing it. Hmmmm that gives me an idea, what if Dr. Seuss had Tourette's syndrome. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish, fuck.

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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March 19, 2012 at 6:28pm
March 19, 2012 at 6:28pm
March, 19, 2012

March 15, 2012
Celebrating the life of Ashley McCurdy
Fundraiser for: Guitars for Kids

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On March 15, 2012 a benefit concert was held at the Pyramid Cabaret in Winnipeg.
Eight local bands performed in memory and celebration of Ashley McCurdy. Ash formed and played (guitar) in a few notable bands, Artificial Joy,  Buckethitch,  Mr. McCurdy and the Drinking Problem,  and most recently playing along side his brother and cousin Jim Hawkins in a band called, Little Nails. Ash participated in many other bands (more than I know about) in some way or another. He was active in the music community in many different ways. Ash was a music teacher and dedicated much of his teaching time to providing lessons to less fortunate young students. Ashley founded an organization which provides free guitars to the young students that may not otherwise have the opportunity to own one.

"Guitars for Kids Wpg" is a non-profit organization that provides guitars to youth in lower income areas in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
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During a television interview Ashley stated that, When you get a young student involved with learning how to play guitar and you provide them with their own instrument to practice on there is a far reaching positive change that takes place. The students become dedicated to learning and practicing. There are reports of the students becoming better behaved at home and improving their grades and attendance in school. There is also evidence that the students are less likely to become involved in gangs and crime. It's win win.

   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   

Yours Truly was honored to be the emcee for the evening at the Pyramid Cabaret. I was able to meet with and introduce to the stage all of the acts. The capacity crowd was treated to an incredible concert by a host of talented local entertainers. Among the the many performers were, Tim Butler of the Tim Butler Band


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Tim Butler at the Pyramid

Justin Waterman http://www.justinwaterman.com/Bio.html, Lee, and Kamar aka Cilly Cyb Fung High http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqxez_QqJJY Played as well. All of the musicians I spoke with made mention of how honored they were to play for Ashley and Guitars for Kids. Little Nails took the stage with a tribute set in Ashley's memory. Little nails is fronted by Anthony Ducharme, one of Ashley's older brothers.


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   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   *Music2* *Music1* *Music2*   

The crowd was treated to a performance by The Gaudry Boys an extremely talented young group lead by Dylan Gaudry, who gave violin lessons along side Ashley in the Big Hearts Program in the North end of Winnipeg. Joining Dylan in The Gaudry Boys are Brandon Nash on guitar, Ryan Gaudry on drums, and Zachary Gaudry who plays bass. It was a special honor for me to meet with the boys prior to their performance. The brothers' (The three Gaudrys) mother grew up in a large family in my neighborhood. Our families have been friends for many years, and share countless mutual friends.

The Gaudry Boys have been performing for 9 years. They have performed at many venues and festivals across Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and western Ontario. They have had the opportunity to play at the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C and take part in the grand opening of National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution in Sept 2004. The Gaudry Boys were the Opening Acts for Charlie Major in 2005 and Sammy Kershaw in 2008, Johnny Reid in 2009, and Jessie Farrell and Charlie Pride in 2010. The group also took part in the Walk Against Racism fundraiser with Tom Jackson. With the strong demand for their style of music from their listening audience came the production of a CD, called "REMEMBERING THE BARN DANCE" which is available today. A release of a second CD named "THE ACADIAN JIG" is available NOW!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Gaudry Boys @ John A's in Nashville/ from their website

Chris Ladd who has taken over the duties of keeping Guitars for Kids going set up a station for people in attendance to make a donation to that cause. Several people donated guitars and amps and there was a generous out pouring of cash donations as well. C Ladd http://cladd.ca/ was also one of the artists who gave a performance. Dan Lavack a gifted drummer was joined on stage by The Dirty Lowdown to close out a night of great entertainment.

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I know Ash would have been proud of all his friends who attended, supported, and performed. On behalf of Ashley's family I would like to thank everyone who was in attendance, bless you all.

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*Cat* Another kick at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression{/size

On the day of the event I went to a little print shop to have copies of a hand out re-produced. While I was in the shop a woman was also there who was ordering some business cards. We exchanged a couple glances and spoke very briefly. The reason I'm saying this is because later in the evening a woman approached the donation table and made a donation, then she turned to me and asked, "didn't I see you in the print shop earlier?" Small world! Turns out her name is Deborah and she has a design company. Deborah shared a connection to Ashley through mutual friends.

*Cat* Yet Another kick!!! at the cat *Cat* : it's just an expression

At the end of the night I was approached by this fella that had been hanging around all night, he had a guitar strapped to his back. He said to me, "I was told I have to talk to you about playing on stage."
I explained to him that the guys were in the process of tearing down, so probably not going to happen. The fellow said that Ashley would have wanted him to play and that he was hoping he might get the chance to play.

"Okay, what's your name," I asked.

"Unkle Donny," he said.

I went to the stage and asked one of the guys if they would leave one mic and one amp plugged in so I could put one more act on. The answer was no, but then he asked, "who wants to play?"

"Unkle Donny"

"Okay then. We'll set back up for him."

When I told Unkle Donny he would be going on stage to play, he was very happy. He asked me how many songs he could do, and I told him, "You just keep on playing until someone tells you to stop." Unkle Donny's eyes opened up like saucers and he said, "REALLY!!! You are the coolest guy I ever met."

So...with out further adue. Please welcome to the stage...One last performer...U N K L E     D O N  EEEEEEEEEEEE.

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Unkle Donny @ The Pyramid

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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March 12, 2012 at 11:50pm
March 12, 2012 at 11:50pm
March 11, 2012

Is there NO way to enjoy the world news? Does nothing funny ever happen on a global scale? Here is what I'm about to do.
I'm going to go "LIVE" in 5 - 4 - * - * - * Okay wow that worked! I don't believe it, but it worked. I'm live. Okay brb...

Okay! I'm back. Live. I just went and copied this head line from our local online newspaper...

View 7–Day Archive

U.S. soldier goes berserk, slaughters Afghans

brb grabbing a couple more...

Top World News
Colombia arrests suspect in murder of Argentine folk singer

AP source:
US to bring trade case against China over materials used for high-tech goods
03/12/2012 8:45 PM0

There! That should be good. Now! This is what we do. Using only the words from the headlines in today's news, re-create a new headline that is as funny or up lifting as possible. Okay? Good!

I'll go first

berserk, folk singer goes to China to bring used goods to trade for high Afghans.

Ha ha ... not bad. Now it's your turn.

   O M G !   Look   at   the   time!

Joel aka Brother Nature

Member of
The Showering acts of Joy Group "Showering Acts of Joy Group

Rising Stars "Retired Founder, Rising Stars Program
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