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Rated: E · Book · Activity · #1785104
A variety of topics usually related to writing and art. Other topics may be included.
That figures! For my first installment to my blog, I have to confess I've very suddenly become exhausted. I ....wow! It's after 3:00AM, no wonder I'm struggling to stay awake. That's it, I'm moving in here. At least this way, I won't have to go home in order to go to bed. Bed,...What's that? Thankfully if I don't reach my bed before I fall asleep I can at least tilt back in my power wheelchair and sleep. Tilting is a good way to make sure I don't fall out of my chair. Bella and Shady, Ripley and Orchid, and Holly and Bonnie are already asleep. Perhaps the cats mat to roaming around. My brain is going to sleep, so I'd better try to go to bed. Good night to you my friends.

Much has changed since I started this project. There was a time when I thought I had lost this information so started another blog or similar writing. My dogpack bow wow is a mixture of prompts related to Blog City activities. My original idea still is to write here about writing and related subjects, however there may be some other topics thrown into this collection of my knowledge, thoughts on the fly, or perhaps some unique and valuable information which may grab your attention AND HIJACK YOU TO ANOTHER DIMENSION OF MY WORLD.

I've certainly neglected this item for many years. There may be some major changes with this "whatever it's supposed to be" item. I need to think about this and consider what I will do with this before proceeding to add a lot of content here.
Safe travels and many blessings.
April 8, 2014 at 11:26am
April 8, 2014 at 11:26am
Typing right now is a painful experience, however, I forgive my body for giving me this challenge of trying to type with pain accompanying each press of the keys. Arthur, I forgive you, yet, I do not accept this situation. You, Arthur must go away and leave me alone. You do not belong in my body. You, Arthur are not natural nor supposed to torment me. I am a child of God and therefore you are not allowed to be within this temple. Now Arthur, go, leave this place, and allow me to type the words which must be placed here so that I can share my thoughts and knowledge with the wonderful members of WdC and anyone who would read my written works.

To forgive is not just for the offender. It is especially commanded of us because it is a gift from God my father in heaven who cares for and about everyone no matter how and what they respond to Him. His grace is sufficient for me. I know and understand that to hold onto negative thoughts and emotions is not good for me or any other human. We tend to hold onto many things, but, to hold onto negativity is like holding onto and embracing cancer.

Negative emotions eat away at many wonderful emotions, happiness, joy, freedom from guilt, life pleasures, and much, much more. To refuse to forgive is like holding onto cancer or other life threatening illness. It eats away our health physically, mentally, and spiritually. God is protecting us from this serious devouring and killing monster that cares not about us.

When we forgive we are setting ourselves free to be uplifted light as a feather. Our life is open to joy, happiness, and all of the very good emotions, events, and activities which we enjoy. Our choices are to spend time in darkness being eaten away with no forgiveness, or we and spend time in the light, soak up the joyous and happy moments of life. To be sick in the darkness or to be healthy and in the light, that is the question.

I choose to forgive and enjoy all of the good ness and fun in life. I do not want to carry a major heavy load of negativity. I understand and know personally that to forgive is a major challenge. However, this is a choice. For our well being we must make the right decision to forgive. There are steps toward this goal. It takes time and personal investing of thought and working through our feelings. What is worth having is worth working towards, so I take the steps for me which help me to forgive.

Prayer is powerful. Talking with someone is helpful. Having a conversation with the person in my mind sometimes helps me figure out what I should do next, and when the right time comes, especially after a cooling off period; as my spirit feels, I then will communicate with the person who I need to forgive. Another possible way to work towards forgiving is to write a letter, or other form so that in print the emotions and thoughts can be examined. I have discovered that after writing a letter to someone who I must and need to forgive sheds much light on what I should do next. Usually I find that letter to be too harsh and cruel. I sometimes rewrite the letter especially when I plan to send it to the offending person.

I send letters by e-mail usually because after editing several times, I am able to express and explain how I feel and what I think should be the best way to resolve our differences. Very often the response I get is respectful or gracious. Very rarely have I received a unreasonable reply. When this happens, I give the person the benefit of the doubt. I ask for help for me and the person with whom I have this challenge. God is ready to give help. We need ask and wait for Him to act on our behalf believing that this will happen and trusting He will reach out to both of us to help us resolve our differences.

I feel much better when I forgive. It is a wonderful and beautiful experience to resolve differences or be free because I did not continue to carry the hurt, I thrust it off from me and took on forgiveness. Forgiveness is light and joyous. It is freedom and life sustaining happiness and healthy thinking. Forgiveness also ripples through out the world.

When we forgive, we teach and show how doing this is much better than the negative thoughts and responses we can decide to hold onto. The very best way to lead is to lead by example.

When we care for and about people enough to over look their faults, we truly are following the leadership of Jesus and this is a very special life giving and teaching method. Sharing our love and forgiveness is giving the gift of life. Forgiving does not mean allowing someone to get away with something. Forgiving is setting us free. Forgiving is showing an example to the offending person so that they may learn how they can make a life changing decision.

It is better for everyone to forgive because then we all are free. When someone is in prison, when this person is forgiven, it sets all involved free to have a happy and joyous life. I have chosen to forgive so that I may be forgiven of my mistakes and trespasses. When I forgive, then the other person is free to decide to forgive me also. When we forgive each other, we have set each other free.

Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog)
"disABILITY WRITERS GROUPOpen in new Window.Everyone is welcome to join our family.
"ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!Open in new Window. Give a no hassle gift for any occasion.
"disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABINOpen in new Window. Join our gab cabin activities.
NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245
January 22, 2014 at 12:38pm
January 22, 2014 at 12:38pm
I was thrilled several years ago when I found this website. Writing is a passion. Reading is as important as well as educational for me. Many hours I invest into reading, and now because of finding writing.com, I invest many hours into writing.

WdC is a priceless and precious gift from you to me and the WdC members, because, I have learned much about writing, reviewing, reading, punctuation, written communication of many types, leadership, and more than my money could buy.

Friendship and having many activities in common is very dear and beneficial to me and I'm certain other members. I am not lonely or challenged with deprivation of other social maladies because I can log into Wdc and enjoy sharing my writing, thoughts, and helping members. Many members reach out to each other daily which would not happen in this special way if you had decided to do something other than create and build this website.

I know that many hours of planning, creating content, and figuring out how to make features and functions work for members were invested into Writing.com for everyone here and new members who will join us in the future.

Written communication is an art form, a challenge to be met because we are not face to face, and something that everyone on some level, even people who live with disABILITIES can enjoy. Much work has been accomplished so that this website is user friendly for many physical and mental challenges. I can tell and understand that you do as much as possible for making this website user friendly and easy to navigate, even for people who need a little help. I am one of the members who has challenges with disABILITIES. The recent changes are wonderful!

For people who live with disABILITIES, this site is treasure because often I/we may not be able to go out into the community as often as most people who can drive a car or ride a bicycle, or walk to their destination. On the internet, everyone is able to roam around this virtual world. I have a home here at WdC because I roamed around the internet and found you. I know personally that many members who have physical and mental challenges are happy and fulfilled active members who have worth and purpose because you provided a safe place for us to mingle and help each other. All of us have uniqueness and worth, something to share and offer a helping hand to each other when needed.

You created this special home for writers from the depths of your hearts. Going beyond and growing your hearts to include ways for members to purchase many items, one important item being upgrades of our accounts is a most precious gift to me and other people who need your generosity and gift.

I am writing, reviewing, and enjoying other activities because I feel that this is the very best writing website available to me. I will thank you and appreciate everything you have done and will do, and thank you again and again for my writing home.

Safe travels and many blessings.
*Smile* *Angel* *Thumbsup*

Viv (dogpack) & Bella (service dog)
"disABILITY WRITERS GROUPOpen in new Window.Everyone is welcome to join our family.
"ONE SIZE FITS ALL RAFFLE IS OPEN!Open in new Window. Give a no hassle gift for any occasion.
"disABILITY WRITERS MOUNTAIN LOG CABINOpen in new Window. Join our gab cabin activities.
NaNo Winner 2011 http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/848245
June 14, 2011 at 8:44pm
June 14, 2011 at 8:44pm
In the beginning there is white usually or what ever color of paper or background you prefer. If you're writing manually you most likely should have a few pencils and a huge eraser. My friend says, "live life in pencil and carry a big eraser." I say better still, "have a lap top and a working delete button". Which ever tools you decide to use, there is more to writing than this simple paragraph has in content.

I have no idea when I started this project, however, I lost it. Then I totally forgot about it. After that, I decided to do some other activities. Just recently, I remembered I had created a blog, but was not able to find it or figure out where lost and found was located. I did a search and nothing showed up, so I figured it just disappeared. My next move was to start all over again. Well, would you believe, starting all over again caused quite a stir of events.

I looked to see if my static item I just created actually existed. Then I decided perhaps I should stash it into an appropriate folder. So, I looked at the list of items in my portfolio and saw a floder titled "Long Items" or something close to that title. Curious I looked inside this folder. And, what did I find! A item I had careated quite some time ago which I had forgotten about and then decided was lost forever. I also found another item I had either misfiled or forgotten.

The truth is that you have to remember something in order to forget it. I suppose I may have not remembered the information in the first or second place. Either way, I do know that stress will cause; at least me: and possibly other people to have their minds run away with their memories yelling and screaming. Then you have to go all over creation hunting and looking for those lost memories and eventually when you find them you are tired or so much time has passed you have to take a break. Then you start all over getting your thoughts collected, filed properly, no; organized, then filed properly, make a path to those entries or collections of information and hope you do not lose them again.

When I am stressed, have a huge amount of things on my mind, or am multitasking, and or trying to please someone or several someones; this is when I start having great difficulties.

I have to gear down, slow down, and then give me a rest until I have the energy, the organisation , and the focus to get back on track and get going again. Sometimes, I get a traffic jam and this requires a simple pause in what ever I'm doing and then I'm, ok again. No, I havn't lost my mind exactly.

I have an enormous collection of life experiences and information which is causing me to have to take extra time to find information I'm looking for, organize this information, and be able to retrieve this information. It is like starting with a file drawer with no files and then winding up with rooms and rooms of files in many different buildings. The more information you have the greated the chance for misfiling, not finding something because you are too tired from looking, not finding something because you lost the path to your destination/road map, or any other issues from handling way too much information.

Back to the stress thing and other baggage which doesn't help. When you add stress, it doesn't go from no stress to double. It often goes from no stress to tripple or more stress. So, as you can see I am juggling a lot of information and having to add more information to what I already have. This makes writing interesting. It is also a reason why I write. I write also because I like sharing information with people and helping people. Yup, I'm crazy; crazy for helping people and loving researching, exploring, and loving information. Learning is important to me and helping people learn and understand is as important to me.

Unfortunately, I will have to stop for now because if I do not force me to stop and get the rest and sleep I require, I will not be able to recharge my batteries, have the stamina and will power to writes and then this will sit for who knows how long until I get back to it again. Writing and letting things sti around for extended periods of time usually is very unproductive.
I wish you a nice restful sleep. Many blessings and safe travels to you. Thank you for reading this. A reminder; I have not reread this/edited this.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1785104-Write-right--News-You-Can-Use