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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
Being Retired now, I thought that it was time for a new name to this Blog
         Talk about perks, my career had one of the best I can think of! I traveled in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications (for eight more weeks). I knew that when the time arrived that I would retire. That time is now. I've always said that if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, get out! I can't handle the heat anymore. I was qualified to deliver approximately 32 different classes, but about half of those were 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students were/are technicians, those who maintained, programmed, calibrated, and repaired large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I traveled, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where have I been?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries to update you about my life before and during my employment with Motorola Solutions. I also intend to update you all about what I'm doing in retirement. Well, here we go with this new adventure, let's see where it takes us.

A signature for exclusive use for members with Honorable Mentions in the 2019 Quill Awards
Best Cultural And Regional Honorable Mention
June 26, 2022 at 10:29pm
June 26, 2022 at 10:29pm
Locale: Bloomington, Illinois

Week of: 6/20/22

         This week was a rare 'Resident' delivery of the course 'Fleetmapping'. A resident class is a class that allows open registration. What that means is that any customer can register for the class, and attend it. Resident classes are normally delivered in our Schaumburg or Fort Lauderdale faciltiy. When the pandemic hit, we delivered a lot of classes remotely (from home). It was early in the pandemic that I was asked to deliver this class, and have been doing that for 2 years now. I find I really enjoy this class, and I'm not sure why. This class was no different from my other fleetmapping deliveries, other than there was little discussion/questions from the students. That's somewhat normal in many virtual classes, but I usually get more participation in this class than other online deliveries. Not this week though.

         I think I've mentioned this before, but Fleetmapping is all about configuring the system (in particular, a server at the Core called the 'Provisioning Manager') and the radios to maximize their capabilities. Customers spend million of dollars on these systems, getting them configured correctly can be a challenge. That's where Fleetmapping comes in.

         Don't get me wrong though, this was a good class, everything went well. There just wasn't that many questions from the students. Maybe I don't ask enough questions myself to bring them out of their shells, who knows?

In Closing

         I am home next week delivering Fleetmapping once more. This time it will be four hours/day for four days, instead of three hours/day for five days. This is a Federal customer, and I guess they get Friday 7/1 off. I don't, I will still be online in a Virtual classroom presenting a special presentation to any military members who are leaving the service soon and might want to work for Motorola. If they do, they will be Interns until their enlistment is up, then get hired as a Field Tech. If I was 20 years younger, I'd love to do that. Then again, maybe not, I love teaching too much. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
June 23, 2022 at 9:07pm
June 23, 2022 at 9:07pm
Locale: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Week of: 6/13/22

         I'm back in Fort Lauderdale this week, still having fun of course. Right now, I'm scheduled to return in July for four more days, then December for a week. We'll see what the future holds, won't we?

         The first week was spent delivering a basic Networking Class. This week was a more advanced Networking class that focused on the networking addresses and equipment used in our radio systems. Like the class last week, there are a lot of hands-on opportunities, and the students spent most of it doing just that. The students love it too, making it even better. Monday, and part of Tuesday was 'Death By Powerpoint' as I like to call it. After that. it was all hands on. I emphasized to the students that everything we were doing was in the Powerpoint slideshow, but doing it was far better than reading slides. Additionally, there's a lab guide to follow, and we did. Actually, we went above and beyond the lab guide.

         Since I was here two weeks, I rented a car for the weekend and drove up to Clearwater/St. Petersburg, My Father-In-Law lives there alone now after losing his wife in September. I figured he would like some company, and I was correct. He insisted on fixing me dinner Friday night, and took me to breakfast both Saturday and Sunday. In return, I was able to do what I'd intended, take him to dinner Saturday night. (See below about where we went). It was a great weekend though. He needed someone to talk to, someone with a common background (We served on the USS Theodore Roosevelt SSBN 600 together) that would understand the things he mentioned. So I listened. A lot. It was a very good visit, and a must really. After all, he's 87, no telling when or if I'll see him again.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Batch - New Southern Kitchen          https://www.batchsouthernkitchen.com/ftl/          I came here to try their Shrimp & Grits. While they were very good, they don't compare to the dish in Charleston, SC, at Fleet Landing. I'll come back here though, the meal was good, service was good, I had a nice time there!

         Tiki Tiki          https://letstikitiki.com/menu/          This place was 'found for me', it was recommended I come here. I have to say it was a good recommendation. I tried the Ahi Tuna Nachos which were HUGE! I couldn't finish them of course, but did add what Tuna that was left to my leftovers I took back with me. My meal was their Ahi Tuna Poke Bowl. Do you see a theme here? *Smile* As mentioned, I added the tuna from the Nacho's to the leftovers of this bowl, and had it for lunch the next day. Wow!

         Con Murphy          https://www.conmurphysfl.com/          Let's just say that although the food was pretty good, I probably won't return here. The blackened Grouper on my sandwich looked a little like Tilapia. I've sold enough fish in my life that I can identify some, Tilapia is easy to identify, and I don't really eat Tilapia, even though it is a white fish with a mild flavor. Plus, I don't want to pay Grouper prices and get Tilapia. Now, Tilapia is not on their menu, but it would be easy to use any white fish in place of Grouper, and charge for Grouper. Tilapia is MUCH less expensive than Grouper. Am I being paranoid? Maybe, I'd like to think I'm not. After my experience in North Carolina years ago, I wouldn't be surprised if this was being done by far more than one restaurant. Especially in today's world and times. So, I won't be going back.

In Closing

         I am home for three weeks now, teaching classes the first two weeks, then working on a course review with a curriculum developer the week of July 4th. My next trip is to Kansas, the town of Salina, followed by a return to Fort Lauderdale again! Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
June 13, 2022 at 6:48am
June 13, 2022 at 6:48am
Locale: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Week of: 

         I'm back in Fort Lauderdale this week and next. I find it ironic that our facility opened here about 5 years ago, and I've been scheduled to be here at least once every year. However, the schedule changes frequently, so this is my first year making it down to this locale. Right now, I'm scheduled to return in July for four more days, then December for a week. We'll see what the future holds, won't we?

         The first week was spent delivering a basic Networking Class. Everything went well, even if I was a little rusty with the course materials. I love the hands-on opportunities offered in this course, and spent most of it doing just that. The students love it too, making it even better. Monday was 'Death By Powerpoint' as I like to call it, we finished that up the first hour Tuesday. After that was all hands on. I emphasized to the students that everything we were doing was in the Powerpoint slideshow, but doing it was far better than reading slides. Additionally, there's a lab guide to follow, and we did. Actually, we went above and beyond the lab guide.

         Since I have two weeks here, I rented a car for the weekend and drove up to Clearwater/St. Petersburg, My Father-In-Law lives there alone now after losing his wife in September. I figured he would like some company, and I was correct. He insisted on fixing me dinner Friday night, and took me to breakfast both Saturday and Sunday. In return, I was able to do what I'd intended, take him to dinner Saturday night. (See below about where we went). It was a great weekend though. He needed someone to talk to, someone with a common background (We served on the USS Theodore Roosevelt SSBN 600 together) that would understand the things he mentioned. So I listened. A lot. It was a very good visit, and a must really. After all, he's 87, no telling when or if I'll see him again.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Pirate Republic Seafood          https://piraterepublicseafood.com/          This place sits on a river here, with beautiful boats cruising past. I finally saw the one I'd own if down here. A small inflatable dinghy. I had their Spicy Garlic Shrimp for an Appetizer, and their 'Pirate Bowl' for my meal. It was excellent, but even being on expense account it was expensive. As a result, I may never return, unless I have someone to dine with and want them to experience the atmosphere and the pleasure of dining there.

         Rocco's Tacos          https://www.roccostacos.com/fort-lauderdale/          I was there twice this past week. I dined alone on Monday. While there I saw that on Taco Tuesday they have 'All You Can Eat Tacos' for $25. When I mentioned that in class, two of my students wanted to go, so the three of us went there when class was done,. It was so nice to have someone to dine with and talk/exchange information with. I didn't do the All You Can Eat because despite my looks, I can't eat enough (you'd have to finish off 5 tacos to not be wasting money, since they normally about $5 each). I had my favorite dish, Chile Rellenos. This place really rocked on Cinco De Mayo, I was there, and it was crazy.

         Cuba Libre          https://www.cubalibrerestaurant.com/en/fortlauderdale/menus/dinner/          My Uber Driver told me that Cuba Libre was better than my favorite Cuban place here, Padrino's Cuban Restaurant. Frankly, I liked Padrino's a little better. I had Paella in both places, and prefer Padrino's over Cuba Libre. The view is better at Cuba Libre. Once again I dined with a student, and he about broke his neck several times as a woman walked by. *Laugh* Padrino's is also quieter which I prefer.

         Shuck N Dive          https://shuck-n-dive.com/food/          This place is more of a Dive than anything, but it was fine., I was in the mood for Cajun food, so I went there. The Mahi Mardi Gras was smothered in Crawfish Etouffee, and was served with Beans N Rice and Hushpuppies. The food was pretty good, but lacked the heat one would expect in a Cajun Dish.

         Salt Rock Grill          https          This is an excellent seafood restaurant! If I was looking to complain, I'd just say that I ordered their Shellfish Stuffed Sea Bass, and though it was outstanding, it wasn't stuffed, it was more like strips of Sea Bass just covered in their excellent Shrimp, scallops, and crab stuffing with citrus cream sauce, and garlic mashed potatoes.
But that's being very picky. This is where I took Ken for dinner Saturday. He had never been there, and loved it. For our appetizer, we had Tuna Sashimi, which was just scrumptious. Our table was outside so we had a nice view of the boats at the pier. Overall, it was a nice relaxing afternoon/evening.

In Closing

         I spent the weekend in Clearwater as mentioned, and am right back here in Fort Lauderdale next week. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
June 8, 2022 at 6:27am
June 8, 2022 at 6:27am
Locale: Bloomington, Illinois

Week of: May 30, 2022

         Back in the Before Time, the department would have everyone meet in Schaumburg for Cross-Training/Meetings. It was always a good week because despite being co-workers, there were several instructors I rarely saw. Seeing them in person, chatting, exchanging information and knowledge was always a good time. Plus, Friday afternoon we'd have a picnic/bbq, an afternoon of fun and games. Then the Pandemic hit, and everything shifted to the online enviornment. We didn't travel anywhere of course; in fact we spent 6-7 weeks just editing course materials to be used in an online enviornment. Of course our week of meeting & cross-training was moved to the online environment also. This meant that the department didn't fly in those who live & work remotely. Counting myself, there are 7 or 8 people who would have flown in (I would drive up to Schaumburg of course, no need for me to fly that short distance). With airfares the way they are right now, plus meals, cars, and hotels, that would be about $2000 person. As a result, any chance we have to meet during a 'vacation week' such as Memorial Day, Labor Day and such, is long gone. Instead, we end up meeting online. In my opinion, the days of getting the group together are gone forever. The savings alone dictate that. Never mind that we thrive on seeing each other, can learn so much more in person it seems, or the mental benefit we get just from being together. That's what happened this week of course.

         I was given the chance to share my knowledge of Fleetmapping with the group; in fact, while every other meeting was about an hour in length, I was scheduled for 4 hours. No, that wasn't because I'm so great at this, that time was necessary, but it still wasn't enough. Everything went fine, except not one person felt they can deliver Fleetmapping without sitting in the class first. The people saying this are very experienced at their jobs, very knowledgeable about their subject matter. To say I was disappointed to hear that from them would be an understatement. I always figure that if I can do it, so can they. They would have an advantage over me too. An advantage in having decent course materials to work with (I had to re-write the course, and edited it several times), as well as having a resource to ask questions of (Me!). I had no one I could turn to with questions really, since this class had always been delivered by Contractor Instructors. Oh well. It's a course I enjoy, I'll jjust continue delivering it.

         Overall it was a good week, I guess I just long for the 'good old days' when we'd meet in person. You can't have it all, and change is inevitable.

In Closing

         I was home this week fo course, and will travel again the first week of June. I will be back in Fort Lauderdale for 2 weeks delivering Networking classes. The weekend I have free, I plan on getting a rental car and visiting an old friend in Clearwater/St. Petersburg. He lost his wife in October and does not get out much. There's no telling when or if I'll see him again, so a visit there is almost mandatory.. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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