Chattanooga, Tn
Week of 10/7/24
I wasn't sure about this week's class mainly because it's one I don't teach that often, and to be honest, the course materials are no where close to being 'top notch'. And of course that became a source of comments on their part. It's okay though, there isn't a lot I can do with the materials other than let those that can do something know, That's been done.
I really liked Chattanooga, it has a lot to offer people. There are nice parks downtown as well as around town, decent hotels (A lot of construction everywhere, but that's about normal), and quite a few nice restaurants. I thought I'd add a statement here about the Crime rate there. I'd say it's about average. There are some bad areas, nice areas, very nice areas, and very bad areas. So about par for the course really.
Despite my misgivings about the course and the materials, everything went pretty well. The major hangups were a lack of passwords for the equipment. Of course I was asked for the passwords, but I didn't know them, I am only the instructor. I'm not trying to pass this off or blame anyone, I'm only saying that as the instructor, I won't know passwords unless they are passed to me, and they weren't. Those are things that the Motorola Support should know, as well as the customer radio shop manager. None of them knew them either., But we survived and walke through the activity. Not as good as it could have been, but it could have been worse.
The highlight of the trip was being able to drive there & back. It's about an eight or nine hour drive, so I broke it into 2 days, staying ovenight in Nashville going there, and one day to return. There is a restaurant in Brentwood (where I was twice recently) that I wanted to visit, but honestly, we were disappointed. The food was very good, the service was about average, we just didn't choose well, so to speak.
Noteworthy Restaurants:
Hennen's Steakhouse We had their Flash Seared Tuna appetizer which was very good. The tuna came on a bed of Togasrashi with a nice Sizzling Soy Vinagrette. The problem as far as I was concerned, is it was pretty dry. I had their Surf n Turf Kabob's, (Black Tiger Shrimp, Beef Tenderllon, Red Onions, Crimini Mushrooms, Bell Peppers, Teriyaki Marinade, Pineapple Salsa). I chose decently well and loved everything., Could I have chosen better? Maybe. All in all though, it was a nice dinner
My Current Schedule - Nothing has changed here. I can't believe we'll be spending two more weeks together before I travel again. That's only to Schaumburg, the real travel will start in early Novermber.
Oct 21: Schaumburg
Oct 28: Vacation
Nov 4: Seattle
Nov 11: Work From Home
Nov 18: Schaumburg
Nov 25: Thanksgiving
Dec 2: Seattle
Dec 9: Washington DC
Dec 16: For Lauderdale
Dec 23: Christmas/New Years 'Relaxation'
Dec 30: Christmas/New Years 'Relaxation'
My 2025 Schedule has a few classes on it, but not that many. Right now, I have classes in upstate NY in Jaunary, Washington DC with the US Senate Radio technicians in February, Washington DC again with WMATA, and Schaumburg, both of the last 2 classes in March.
That's it for now. Until my next entry, write all you can, and love everyone, especially those special people who fill your life!
Jim Dorrell |