This should really have a different title, but this title hit me, and I'm stickin with it.
Locale: Saline, Kansas
Week of: 7/11/22
This past week was spent in Saline Kansas. Don't say Say-leen like I do. Instead it's Say-line. Whatever.
The class started out very strong. There were six students, each with a bit of RF background, each looking to bolster their knowledge and learn more about a Trunked RF System. Monday was excellent, one of the Senior Engineers commented that he was learning a lot already. That comment was special because it seemed the others looked to him for guidance and advice. Back at my hotel Monday evening, I received a call from the Motorola Project Manager. Someitmes this can be a bad sign, and I wondered what might have prompted the call. As we talked, he said one of the students had called him immediately after the class ended and raved about it, saying, "This is exactly what we need to learn!" What a compliment to recieve on day one. The rest of the week was just as good as day one.
What I really love in delivering a class is receiving a lot of questions from the students. There are two reason for loving questions on my part. First, it shows they're interested, and want to know more about topics I haven't covered and may not cover. Two, if I don't know the answer I look it up, and in the process, I also learn. There were no unanswered questions durin this class though. This class is particularly suited to many questions and answers, we took full advantage of every opportunnity there. During breaks, it was hard to get out long enough for a restroom call, letalone relax a little. I didn't mind, but I did excuse myself on occasion to take that restroom break. Other than that, I remained in the room answering questions.
On Wednesdaty I developed a minor cough. With my coughing experience from last year pretty fresh in my mind, I figured it was due to new pollens in Kansas that I had not been around before, and that the coughing was due to allergies. Or was it wishful thinking on my part? Yep, as you might know now, I contracted COVID, verifed by a test completed Saturday with results coming in on Sunday. I had a very mild case of it though. I only had the cough, a little bit of 'going to the bathroom frequently' (trying to keep it clean here), and a bit of fatigue. I've spent all my time staying home since this, and did not go to Fort Lauderdale as planned Monday. I was relegated banished to the living room per the CDC guidelines. We don't have an extra bathroom, so that was shared. Anything I ate was placed on a small table at the living room entry and I carried it from there to my small TV tray in front of the love seat. Yep, small house, and small living room. I slept on the love seat three nights (and days at times), which is not long enough to accomodate my body. It was cramped, but livable and doable. Once the weekend passed, I seemed to get better quickly, but am still not 100%. It might take a while to get there.
In Closing
I am in Schaumburg next week for 5 days, and will spend the weekend home. As of now, my schedule is full to the gills through the end of the year. I look for it to remain that way. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!
Jim Dorrell |