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by shay
Rated: E · Book · Drama · #1686065
Being trapped in a school may sound like fun but not when a killer is trying to get you.

Can you hear that sound? That's the sound of my heart beating extremely fast. I want to run. Scratch that, I want to scream. I want to escape all that I’m feeling inside. Like regret, pain, fear. But I can't. Going back to school is torture for me. I just wanted to stay home and hide my face under the covers. I didn't though. Keeping what happened during summer a secret, was what i chose to do. I tried to concentrate on class and what Mr.Renoli was talking about. He was telling us about his summer and how he was so excited to see his grandmother. Then he started asking the class about how their summer went. I was hopeing he wouldn't ask me. I was relieved once the bell rung and didn't wait a second later to leave the classroom. I headed to my locker to exchange my books for my math class next period. From the corner of my eye, I could see someone walking towards me.

"Hey, what happened?” it was Kage.

I opened my locker and searched for my books. "What do you mean?” I asked, not moving my eyes from my open locker. I finally found my math book and then I shut my locker door.

Kage sighed. "I thought something was wrong. You didn't call me back all those times I called you during the summer." he told me.

I turned around to face him. "I didn't feel like talking to anybody. I see that stopped you from coming over to check on me, just to see if I was okay.” I said, trying not to sound too disappointed. The halls started to clear and I could tell the bell was about to ring for the next class.

"I was going to, but, my mom said to give you your space. She said that maybe you weren’t answering because you wanted to be left alone.” He sounded sad and his eyes were apologetic.

I let out a breath. "She was right. I just thought you'd come over anyway. It doesn't matter really, I’m fine now." I assured him. He nodded. "Okay, just find me after school and we'll talk.” he said. I nodded and headed on to Math class.

Second Period.
Math was difficult. It was always that way for me. I still managed to get C's in the subject. Today Mrs. Carol made it easier though. She broke down the problems for us and made it a lot more interesting to learn. I was finally starting to relax a little and clear my head until something strange happened. Suddenly, all the lights went off. Not just in the class, but the whole school. Everybody started to freak out. The intercom had come on and our principal, Mr.Hayne started talking.

"Stay put students. There have been some difficulties with our electricity and I can assure you that everything will be back on in a moment", he told us.

I stood up from my desk and walked towards the classroom door. "Olivia, where are you going?" Mrs. Carol had asked. I turned around to look at her. "I need to use the restroom.” I told her.

She sighed and then looked at Sidney, a girl who was texting on her phone. "Sidney, make yourself useful Hun and go with Olivia to the restroom”, she said.

Sidney rolled her eyes and then stood to her feet. "This better not take long.” She huffed.

We walked out into the hallway and headed towards the girls restroom. Sidney didn't remove her fingers from her phone the whole time. I was curious to know, who she was texting during school hours.

"Who are you texting?" I asked her.

She glanced up at me and rolled her eyes. "Like it's any of your business", She muttered.

I smiled. "Just curious, that's all."

She let out a breath and then folded her arms together. "Well, if you must know, I'm texting my b.f.f, Ashley, and my B.f, Matt." she smiled when she said "Matt". Once we reached the restroom, i walked to the sink and examined myself in the mirror. My brown hair was frizzy and the dark circles under my eyes were still there from this morning.

Sidney finally put her phone down and she joined me at the sinks. "Look at me. I look hot.” She said staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her golden blonde hair falls past her shoulders and it brings out her big blue eyes. She looked like a model. There was then a loud noise outside the restroom door and it made us both, jump.

"What was that?”, She asked, looking terrified. I walked to the restroom door and slowly pushed it open. There was nothing there. Sidney followed me into the hallway. "It's quiet”, she said. I nodded. "It's supposed to be quiet." I told her. She shook her head. "It's too quiet.” She insisted. We headed back into the direction of our classroom. When we reached the classroom, I opened the door and we walked inside. It was empty. "There's nobody here", I said. Her eyes grew bigger and she looked scared. "Yeah i can see that!”, she shouted.

I walked around the classroom and glanced at everyone’s desk. "Where could they have gone?” “Principal Hayne said to stay put." Sidney pointed out. I shrugged.

"Maybe he called them to his office and we didn't hear.” I said, trying to think of the best. "Then Mrs. Carol would have sent someone to tell us.” “I don't think they're in his office, Olive.” She said.

I sighed. "Olive?"

"Whatever, I just want to find the rest of my class.” She pulled out her phone and started to text again.

"Maybe we should just go check the other classes.” “Maybe they can let us know what's up.” I suggested.

She shrugged. We walked out the classroom and went to the one next door to us. Sidney opened the door and i couldn't believe my eyes. It was completely void. No one. We searched more classes and there was still nothing. Where has everyone gone?

"Man!” “My phone just died.” Sidney wined. I searched in my pockets for my phone and then i pulled it out. "I'm gonna call my mom and tell her what's up,” I said to Sidney. I tried dialing her number, and waited for her to answer. I glanced at Sidney. "Voice mail", i mumbled.

She breathed in and out. "Okay, let's not panic, Olive. Maybe they're in the gym, or the cafeteria. Yeah, i bet that’s where they are.” She sounded like she was trying to convince her self that, not me. I nodded. "That's a great idea”, I replied. I took her hand and led the way to the cafeteria.

'Ughhh!' was my expression when i seen that there was nobody there. We walked to the gym and checked there. "Hello?” “Anybody here?”, Sidney called. But there was no answer.

I was ready to give up. “This is crazy.” I said to myself. Then, in the dark, i saw somebody walking towards us. "Hey you, can you give us some kind of explanation for this chaos?!", Sidney shouted to the person. They didn't reply.

I waved my hands in the air, so that they'd say something. "Hello, we’re confused here!”, I shouted. Still, there was no reply. "That's weird”, Sidney mumbled. I stared at the person as they continued to walk towards us. I noticed there was something in their hand. Something sharp, almost. I gulped to myself and then turned to look at Sidney. "I think we should just go, Sidney.”

"Why?” “Maybe they can help us.” As she said that, she was staring into the darkness. I shook my head. "We need to go now. I have a bad feeling about this.” “You need to chill, Olive. Everything's good now.”
I stared at the person and i could see that they were even closer. Now, i could bare out the thing in their hand. It looked like a Knife. No kidding.

"Sidney, we need to leave now, I'm not playing!” I begin to shout even louder. I pulled her hand and started to run out of the gym.

"What's the matter with you, why are you acting like this?!” She threw lots of questions at me once we were in the hallway.

"Let's just leave, Sidney.” I told her.

She sighed. "Go home?"

I nodded. "Yes, I have to go home. Something doesn't feel right, and that person in there had a knife. I don't know why, but I’m sure that’s what I saw.” I tried to breathe, but I was talking way too fast. “I don't know what you're talking about.” Replied Sidney. The gym door flew open and the person came walking towards us. A mask covered their face, so I didn't know who or what it was. "We have to go!” I shouted.

I ran down the halls and Sidney was right behind me. Now she believes me. Now she saw what i saw. What was happening? Who was that? I raned to the school exit door and tried to open them. They're locked. I started to run down the halls even faster, searching for somewhere to hide. I was running so fast, that i bumped into something, or someone.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down.” They said.

I looked up and there was Kage.

"Oh my gosh!" That was all i could say before squeezing him tightly in my arms.

Sidney was right behind me.

"What's going on guys? Are you okay” He asked.

"Not at all, some weird dude is coming after us and we need to go now!” Sidney explained.

I nodded. "There's no one in the school and I’m really worried right now. I don’t know what's going on.” I said.

"Me neither, I just came back from the library and everyone was gone. All the doors in the school are locked, and there's no way out of here.” He told us.

I sighed. "No. There has to be a way. I’m not staying in here with that creepy guy coming after us!” I exclaimed.

He placed both his hands on my shoulders and then looked me in the eyes. “We'll find a way out. Okay? There's an emergency door on the other side of the school and we'll leave through there.” He informed.

I nodded. "Okay, but we need to move fast.” I said, glancing behind me. The weird person was nowhere in sight. Kage took my hand, and i took Sidney's, and we started to walk really fast. I didn't know where we were going, but anywhere would be better than in the hallways.

Kage should know his way around the school, being the 12th grade president. I wanted to be president too, once I’ve reached the 12th grade, but all that has changed now.

Kage brought us to the teacher's lounge. He released my hand and searched in his pockets for the keys. Sidney however, still held onto my hand. I could feel her hand trembling in mine. Kage opened the door with his keys and pulled me and Sidney both inside. I’ve never been in the teacher’s lounge before. It was huge in there. There were Sofas, bookshelves, and laptops. In the right corner, there was a huge refrigerator where I guess they stored their food. It looked better than our cafeteria or any other room in this school. Once we were all inside, Kage locked the doors behind us. Sidney walked over to a sofa, and sat down. I pulled out my phone and dialed mom‘s number. Still nothing. I decided to go sit next to Sidney. I have to at least breathe and try to relax.

Kage looked over at us and noticed how sad we looked. “Guys, come on. Everything’s going to be okay.“ He assured us.

I sighed. “What about Mrs. Carol and all the other students? No, what about the whole school? How come they suddenly disappeared and we’re still here?” I asked, looking confused and curious at the same time.

Sidney jumped to her feet and started waving her hands in the air. “Okay people this isn’t funny anymore! You can come out now. Camera people, Ashton, anyone?” She looked around, waiting for someone to suddenly jump out of nowhere. I grabbed her arm and tried to get her to sit down.

She pulled away from me. “No! I’m waiting! I know this is some kind of game and everyone thinks it’s funny. Ha ha ha, very funny, now stop this nonsense and come out this instant!” She exclaimed.

“Sidney I think you should sit down.” Kage told her.

She glanced at him with cold, wet eyes. “Don’t tell me to sit down, Kage Michaels! I didn’t even want to come to school today but my mom said it’s always good to come on the first day. Looks like she was wrong.” She sat back down on the sofa and stared at the floor. Her face was red and puffy from crying.

Kage sat down on the floor and we all remained quiet.

There was nothing to do, but sit and wait. I can’t help but think that bad things follow me everywhere I go. It’s because it’s true. The idea of summer and what had happened makes me question everything.

Sidney fell asleep and Kage just sat there. All I could do was think. Think about Oliver and how much I’ve missed him. Kage came to sit beside me.

I looked at my phone and sighed. “It’s 9:25. There’s only 5 minutes until next period.” I pointed out.

“It’s just confusing to me. I don’t understand how everyone in the school can just disappear like that.” he said.

“Yeah I know. Maybe Sidney is right and this is some kind of game they’re playing. I mean, that’s the only explanation I can come up with.” I told him.

He nodded. “You’re probably right. But if this is some kind of game, why us?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know really. We were probably in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Or in the right place.” he mumbled.

I suddenly heard the intercom click on. I glanced at Kage and he looked hopeful. “I can see you, I can see you.” a voice whispered slowly. The voice was hard, and raspy. It sounded like a guy, but it could have been anybody.

Sidney woke up and looked confused.

“Who was that?” I asked Kage. He couldn’t even answer.

The voice kept repeating what he said over and over again.

“Make it stop!” Sidney ordered. She was holding her ears.

“What does he mean by that?” i asked, not really expecting an answer.

Suddenly, the chanting stop. I stood to my feet and glanced at Kage and Sidney. Sidney’s face looked freaked out and Kage was clueless. “We got to think of some other plan, other than staying in here. We have to at least try to escape.” I explained.

“That’s really risky. And you may be willing to risk your life, Olive, but mines is too important.” Sidney said.
I glanced over to Kage to see what he thought about it. “I don’t know, Olivia. He could be right outside that door waiting for us to come out.” he told me.

I shook my head. “He was just in the principal’s office. We can’t stay in here forever and you know that.”

“It could be a trap though. Our parents will come for us after school, and when they see there’s hardly anyone here, then they’ll know that something’s up and call for help.”

“What if it’s too late by then?” I asked him.

“I’m not sure, okay. We just wait for now.” he ordered.

I walked to the door and placed my hands on my hips. “You guys can wait all you want, but I’m finding a way out of this school.“ I turned the lock on the door and opened it.

Kage jumped up from the sofa. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, but I was already out of the room and heading down the hall. I heard him coming up from behind me.

“Get back in the room.” he said.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Olivia, I’m not kidding. You’re being crazy right now.”

“I’m not. I just want to get out of here.” I said stopping, and turning to look at him.

“Please go back in the room.” he begged.

I let out a sigh and folded my arms together. “Why should I? I need air first of all, can‘t breath in there, and second of all, I‘m tired of waiting. Why can‘t I just leave?”

“Because there is no way out of here, I told you that already.” he informed.

“You said something about an emergency door.” I reminded him.

He stared at me, annoyed. “That is on the other side of the school.”

“Great. Then that’s where I’m going.”

He buried his head into his hands as if he was aggravated and then he glanced back at me. “Fine. But there’s no way I’m letting you go by yourself and we’re not leaving Sidney.”

I nodded. “Good, then go get her.” I told him.

He let out a breath and then turned to walk away. I guess he forgot something cause he turned back around. “Do not move, at all.” he demanded.

I chuckled and then nodded obediently.

I watched as he walked back into the teacher’s lounge to get Sidney. I knew she was going to be mad at me, but I didn’t really care. She was going to thank me later, I told myself.

Kage walked out of the room and looked freaked. He came towards me fast. “Sidney’s gone.” he told me.

My mouth nearly dropped. “What?”

“She’s not inside. This is all your fault!” he exclaimed.

“Thanks a lot. We have to find her.” I told him.

He sighed. “Really? You’re sure you don’t want to just, I don’t know, leave?” He said bitterly.

“That’s not fair. I didn’t know she was going to disappear so fast and you shouldn’t have come after me then maybe she‘d still be here!” I exclaimed.

He stared at the floor and folded his arms together. “Excuse me for caring.”

I let out a breath and begin to talk more calmly. “I’m sorry, okay. I should have listen to you.” I said sincerely.

“Yeah, you really should have. It doesn’t matter now, let’s just try and find Sid.” he said.

I nodded, agreeing.

We headed down the hallways looking for Sidney. There was no possible explanation of what happened to her, except the creepy bad guy got her or she decided to go her own way. I stayed very close to Kage and we were both watching each other’s back.

The intercom clicked on again and me and Kage stopped walking. We froze like penguins from Antarctica.

“Your friend is fine. No use trying to find her because that’s not possible.
Don’t even try to escape, because I will find you. And if you play the game by the rules, you have nothing to worry about. But don‘t do anything stupid, unless you want to die.” the voice had said.

I sat down on the floor and begin to cry. Tears poured from my eyes so suddenly. Kage kneeled down beside me.

“Stop that. Everything’s going to be okay.” he assured me.

I shook my head. “Do you think that Sidney is …” I couldn’t even finish the sentence.

“No, no. Of course not. I have no idea how that thing or whatever snuck past us that fast, but they did. But don’t think that way. Sidney’s fine, I promise.” he told me.

“You know that you can’t promise me that. If something happened to her, it is all my fault. I’m responsible for everything.”

“No you’re not. All you did was come to school, Liv. We‘ll fine Sidney and then well get out of here.” he said.

“Okay.” I stood to my feet and wiped my tears away. “What about what he said? If we try to escape he’ll find us.”

He sighed. “I honestly don’t care about what he said. He’s messing with my friends and that’s not okay with me.” He grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.” he said. I nodded and followed him down the hallway. We passed the music room, Art, Drama class, each room we searched for Sidney but she wasn’t there. This dude must have some kind of supernatural powers or maybe he’s not the only one in the school with us.

“I have an idea.” I told Kage. “We should go check in the cafeteria.”

He looked confused. “Why there?”

“I don’t know. He said that we wouldn’t be able to find her, so if we look in the least place she’d be, them maybe we’d get something.” I explained. He still looked confused.

“Okay, I guess so.” he mumbled.

We walked back the way to the cafeteria. Ounce we reached it, I grabbed the glass door, to walk in but Kage grabbed my hand before I could.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“Let me go in first.” he said.

I nodded and moved out the way for him to walk in. I was right behind him. We walked into the cafeteria. “I don’t see anything.” he told me.

I headed towards the kitchen, and he followed me. “Sidney!” I called out.

“Do you really think he’d put her in the kitchen?” he asked.

“I don’t know, Kage. I guess we’ll see.” I looked everywhere. Under the tables, in the food cabinets, still no signs of her. I was ready to give up.

“See, she’s not here.” Kage said.

I let out a breath. I noticed the Meat locker in the in the back. I walked towards it and examined how it looked. I slowly pulled it opened and walked inside.

“Oh my gosh.” I mumbled.

“What is it?” Kage walked up next to me and gasped. He raned inside and walked next to Sidney. She was tied up and laying inside. I couldn’t help but shiver from how cold it was.

Kage tried untying her and I walked inside to help. Her body was freezing cold like ice. We pulled her out of the locker and closed the door.

“Is she okay?” I asked him.

“I don’t know.” he said.

Her eyes were shut tight and she looked very pale.

Kage felt her pulse and the glanced at me. “She isn’t breathing.”

I shook my head. “But she has too.”

He gagged and placed his hands over his mouth. My mouth nearly dropped as I noticed the sharp blade in her stomach.

“She‘s dead.” he told me.

“Maybe she‘s not. Maybe she’s okay.” I assured him.

“I just said she was dead. What part of that did you not understand?” he angrily said.

I let out a breath and tried to breath. I suddenly heard the sound of the cafeteria door opening, then closing. I glanced at Kage and he took my hand and walked me to the counter. We hid behind there.

“What about Sidney?” I whispered.

He didn’t answer. I held onto his hand tight, and tried not to move a muscle. The footsteps grew closer and I could tell he was next to the meat locker. I could hear the locker door opening and then closing. He was going to know that we were here. He was going to see Sidney on the floor and know we’ve found her. He was going to kill us. I shut my eyes and tried not to think about it. It was going to be okay, Kage said so.

“I’m going to go out to distract him and when I go, I want you to run out of here.” he whispered to me. I opened my eyes and turned to look at him. “No. No way.” I mumbled.

“Come on, Olivia. Now’s not the time to get into it with me. Please listen.” he told me.

“I’m not. I just don’t want to leave without you.” I said.

He sighed. “And I don’t want you to leave, but, this is my plan okay.”

“What if something happened to you, like Sidney?”

“Nothing will happen to me, I promise.” he said, unconvincingly.

“I hate you. Stop promising me stuff that you don’t know is true or not. Look what happened to Sidney.” I whispered.

He nodded. “I know. But you need to hear it, even if isn’t true. Please, I need you to believe in me right now. I need you to listen.” he whispered back.

I tried to stop the tears from pouring down my face, but it was too late. “Okay, I believe you. But if something happens to you I swear I’m going to hate you forever.” I told him.

He smiled. His smile is like everything’s okay. Like, he’s not worried at all. “Now, wait for my signal and when I jump out, you run.” he informed.

I nodded. I had to let go of his hand, although I didn’t want to. I watched as he stood to his feet and walked from behind the counter. “Hey you! What did you do you to her?!” I heard him yell. I take it, he was talking about Sidney. I breathed in and out a few times and then stood to my feet. I could see Kage standing up and the masked man. He was going to get himself killed. He’s stupid!, really stupid! I started running towards the door.

I pushed the door opened and ran out of the cafeteria. I headed down the hallway. My only hope was looking for the emergency door. I grabbed my phone from out my pocket. It was shut off and now I knew it was dead. I was so annoyed. All I had wanted was to get out of this school. Now all I want is for Kage to be okay. I stopped at the library door and went in.

I sat in one of the seats and tried to breath in out of my mouth. Nothing was going to get me to stop worrying right now. I’m way past the “Calm” stage. I had to go back. I just can’t leave without Kage. I stood to my feet and walked out of the library and I jumped suddenly as I seen the masked guy standing in front of me. Dang, he moves fast! I backed away from him slowly. I tried to run back inside the library but he was too fast. He grabbed me by my hair and through me to the floor.

“What do you want?” I asked, looking frightened.

“What do I want Olivia? Just to see you.” he said.

I tried controlling my breathing, but I was excessively scared. “How do you know my name and Why are you doing this?”

“You are the one who betrayed me. You did this to me.” he told me.

I started to look confused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I told him. He kneeled down in front of me. “Of course you do. What happened during summer, sis?”

My whole expression changed and my heart started beating fast. “Oliver?”

He pulled off his mask, and there he was, looking how he looked the last time I saw him, except angrier.

“Yupp. It’s me.” he said, grinning.

I shook my head. “No, it can’t be you. You shouldn’t be here.”

“Well, I am. I’m here to get my revenge out on my favorite school and my sister.” he said.

“You’re crazy. I had to do what I did, and you know that. There was nothing I could do about it. And you‘re taking all this out on the school because of it?, why not just me?”

“You could have taken my side, you know, your brother.” he told me.

“You killed that girl, Oliver and you killed Sidney. You’re a monster and you don’t deserve my side.” my voice was starting to break and I felt like I was going to fall out at any time.

He chuckled. “They weren’t the only two people I killed.”

I felt like I was going to throw up. “Are you talking about Kage?”

“My good old friend, Kagester. I see you’ve developed those feelings for him, I always tried to accomplish. But, it doesn’t matter now Liv.”

Tears came down my eyes. “So what, you’re going to kill me too?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. I kind of like this game though, its fun. You know, when I was killing Amber during the summer and you walked in and seen me, I was so angry with myself at first. I didn’t want you to think of me as this monster. But then, you showed me that you didn’t care about me and I started not to care about you. I never told anyone your dirty secrets, like what you did with that one guy or the other one, but you told mine. I Thought it was us against the world, but I was wrong.” he informed.

“What I did with those guys have nothing to do with you killing Amber, so don’t try to turn this around on me. I made a mistake, but you took someone’s life. You can‘t expect me to keep that a secret, I had to tell.”

“But why? I didn’t hurt you because I’d never hurt you Olivia. It was her. I killed her for you.” he told me.

I shut my eyes tight and then opened them again. My head was hurting and I promise it was about to explode. “What are you talking about?”

“Amber was going to tell everyone what you did. She was always such an evil person. She deserved to die.” his face was carefree.

I glared at him. “So that gives you the right to kill someone.” I mumbled slowly and quietly.

“I enjoyed killing her. Her blood in my hands was amazing. Watching her squeal and beg for her life, made up my day.” he asserted.

I placed my hand over my mouth, trying not to throw up. He nearly perforated my heart. “How can you say something like that?”

“Because I don’t care. I don’t care about killing anyone anymore.” he declared.

“Then kill me.” I said, without thought.

He paused for a minute, taking in what I just said. “No.”

“Why not? You said you didn’t care about killing anyone anymore, so kill me.”

He sighed. “You’re my sister.”

“So what?” I mumbled.

“I wanted to rip you up in pieces and hurt you so bad, when I got here. But I just can’t. You’re the only one I care about.” he spoke almost sincere.

“No. That’s not fair; you can kill my friends and people, so you can kill me Oliver.” I huffed.

He chuckled. “And you call me crazy. I’m not going to kill you, Olivia.”

I stood to my feet and started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and knocked me into the wall. If my back wasn’t hurting before, it was definitely hurting now.

“That doesn’t mean I’m through with you, because I’m not.” he told me.

“What else do you want?”

“I want you back again. I haven’t seen you since summer and I want to do some catching up.” he said.

I sighed. “What do you want to catch up on?”

“Just tell me; did you ever for one second, miss me?” I looked at his eyes. They were serious.

“Everyday.” I mumbled. He placed his hand on the side of my face and begin to talk again. “I dreamed of your face and how beautiful you are. I never thought that my little sister would turn against me. I thought that you were just too nice a person.” Now, I couldn’t tell if he was serious, or just talking.

“That isn’t true. It took me everything in my power to tell on you. I hated myself for it, but then I knew I was doing something right. You’re the one who betrayed me. You made me not trust you and I knew that all those things you told me before and how I thought you really were, were all lies. I then knew that my brother was a killer.” I told him.

Looking at him, made me scared. I was scared of what he had become. I was terrified of him, just knowing what he did to people. I was looking into the eyes of a killer and I could picture him killing random people. The thought made me shiver and I looked away.

“Come on, Olivia. At least I didn’t hurt you. I never hurt mom or any of our family members that have to count for something.” he foolishly said.
I looked at him, unbelievably. “But they’re still people, Oliver. I can’t stand to even look at you knowing what you did.”

“Fine, then don’t.” he joked.

“That isn’t funny. You promised you’d never turn out like dad, but you have. And even worse.” I said.

He let out a breath. “We all break promises from time to time.” he said. That made me reflect back on the promises Kage made me.

“I want Kage. Tell me where he is now!” I ordered. “How do you know if he’s alive or not?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t. But I know you wouldn’t kill him.” I answered.

He backed away from me and then I was able to breathe better. “Why would you think that?” he asked, looking confused.

“Because you know how much I care about him. You said it yourself, you wanted to hurt me, but you couldn’t. If you hurt Kage, you hurt me.” I explained.

He shook his head. “I forgot how smart you were. So fine, I didn’t kill Kage. But I’m not taking you to see him.”

I glared at him. “I hate you.”

“You don’t mean that.” he avowed.

I nodded. “No, I do hate you. I honestly do.” I assured him.

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll take you to go see him, but that’s that. I’m not making you any promises.” he informed.

“Oh it’s fine if you make me promises, because you’re going to break them anyway.” I said bitterly.

He scowled and then pulled me suddenly by the hand. “Don’t be such a smart one, little sis.” he mumbled.

He led me down the hallways to find Kage.

“He’s going to be pissed off when he finds out that his friend is behind all this.” I said.

“He’ll be pissed off at you, too. You lied to him didn’t you? About what really happened to me.”

I sighed. “I lied to everyone. I told them, you went to stay with grandma.”

“You dirty little liar. Why on earth would I leave my home, to stay all the way in New York? That’s the dumbest lie I ever heard.” he said, laughing.

“Yeah, well I had to come up with something. Mom, didn’t want kids to know, and I couldn’t take people asking me questions and stuff.” I told him.

We stopped ounce we were in front of the art room. “You were scared people would know your brother was a killer.” he pointed out.

“You say that like it’s a good thing.” I said.

“Just keeping it real.” he said. He opened the Art room door and we walked in. I saw Kage tied up to a chair.

“Gosh.” I raned over to him and embraced him a with a hug.

“And we are all reunited again.” I heard Oliver say. I glanced back at him angrily. I turned back around and quickly untied Kage. Ounce his hands were free, he gave me an even bigger hug.

“Liv, what is your brother doing here?” he asked.

“Here to kill people.” Oliver said.

Kage stood his feet, looking confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I killed your one lady friend and lots of other people. I’m the one behind all of this.” he admitted.

Kage glanced at me. “Is he serious?”

I nodded. “He’s crazy.”

Oliver laughed. “Whatever you say. Now give me back my sister.” he ordered.

“No.” Kage said, holding on to my arm. Oliver laughed again. “Okay, I am going to pretend like I just didn’t hear you say that and then I’m going to try it again. Give me back my sister.” he demanded.

I could tell this wasn’t going to go well.

“Oliver I don’t know what happened to you, but you obviously need help.” Kage told him.

“No I don’t need any help. All I need is my sister. Now are you going to let her go or am I going to have to come over there and get her.” Oliver huffed.

I shook my head. “Stop. This is crazy. Just stop, Oliver.”

“I will when you come over here.” he informed.

I glanced at Kage and then began to walk over to Oliver. Kage grabbed my hand so suddenly. “No.” he mumbled.

“Stop it, I’m going.” I told him.

“No you’re not. I don’t trust him with you.” Kage had said.

“You don’t trust her with me? That’s my sister and she’s coming with me whether you like it or not.” Oliver said. He walked over next to me, and pulled my hand away from Kage’s.

“Let go of her!” Kage exclaimed.

“I’m going to kick your..”

“Stop guys! You’re hurting me!” I shouted. They let go of me at ounce.

“I can’t believe you would do something like this. Why would you kill people? Like Sidney, she did nothing to you and now she’s dead.” Kage said.

I nodded. “He’s right. You’re horrible. I watched you kill that girl. I watched you. And I hated you, like I do now.”

Kage turned to look at me. “What girl?”

Oliver started laughing and I wanted to punch him in the face. “And the secret is out.” he mumbled.

“Summer. You asked me what happened and I lied to you. Oliver is what happened. He killed Amber, this girl that stayed in our neighborhood, and I came in and saw. I tried to stop him but it was too late.” I glared at Oliver.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kage asked. His face was in shock.

“I should have. I was scared, I guess.” I told him.

“This is insane. I can’t do this, this is crazy.” he said. He turned away from me and started to walk away.

“Not so fast.” Oliver said. Before I knew it, he pulled out a knife and stuck it into Kage’s side. “And that’s for not giving me back my sister when I told you too.”

“No! What are you doing?!” I shouted. I watched as Kage fell to the floor.

“You didn’t think I was just going to let him go, did you?” Oliver asked, looking like what he just did wasn’t wrong at all. He laughed. “Funny. Really hysterical.”

I fell down next to Kage and examined his side. The blade was deep inside, and blood oozed from out of his side.

“Just go.” Kage mumbled.

“No way. I am not leaving you here.” I told him.

“Oh yes you are.” Oliver pulled my arm and lifted me from off the floor. “Let’s go.” he said.

I pulled away from him. “No. I am not going anywhere with you!”

“I am not going to tell you again, little sis, let’s go.” he said, grabbing my arm again. He pulled me to the door and out into the hallway. Ounce we were outside, I started hitting him.

“What is the matter with you?! You stab him and now you’re just going to leave him there!” I exclaimed.

His expression was still the same, careless. “Give me a break. I could’ve killed him instantly, but I didn’t. You should be thanking me not yelling at me.” he said.

My mouth dropped. “I can’t believe you. You cannot do this! I’m calling the police, I should have did that in the first place.” I took my phone out of my pocket. He grabbed my phone and threw it on the floor. It hit the floor with a thump and broke into two pieces. “I got a bit of Déjà vu when you said that.” he said.

I stared at him in shock. I was so close to knocking him in the face, taking that knife from Kage’s side and stabbing him with it. “You did not just throw my phone on the floor and break it.” I said in a non-question way.

He just shrugged. I turned around and opened the door to the classroom. “Hey!” Oliver called. I ran inside and locked the door, before he could come inside.

“Open the door!” he called from the other side.

I ran over to Kage, who was lying on the floor.

“You should have gone to get help instead of coming back.” Kage said.

I kneeled down in front of him. “Whatever.” I told him.

He sighed. “But your brother, he, he’s still out there. What if, what if he leaves?” Kage started to look weaker and weaker and he paused after every word.

“Oliver isn’t leaving. But I’m more worried about you right now, not him.” I said, taking his hand. “Just wait, okay. Help will be here soon and then you’ll be okay, I promise.”

“Don’t promise things you don’t know are true or not, remember?” he reminded me.

I shook my head. “No, but it’s going to be with you. You are going to be okay, you have to be.” I informed.

He shook his head lightly. “You want me to be, I don’t have to be. But don’t worry about me, I want you to get out of here. Oliver won’t hurt you so if you could just go back out there, you’d be..”

“No! Shut up. Stop telling me to leave because I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here until I know you’re okay.” I assured him.

He nodded. “Okay.” he agreed. I held onto his hand tight. I couldn’t think about how bad he looked. Positive, only think positive. Dark circles begin to form under his eyes.

There was a knock on the door and we already knew who that was.

“I’m going to leave, Olivia.” Oliver said. “Good, now go.” I told him.

I heard him chuckle. “Yeah but I had this fun idea and I wanted to run it by you first.” he said.

“What Oliver?” I was really annoyed with him. “I just thought it would be cool if I was to burn the whole school down, don’t you?” he told me.

I jumped up to my feet and ran to the door. “What are you talking about?” I asked, talking to the door.

“Burning the school. I’m a fun, active person and now I’m really bored. So if you want to live, you need to open the door and come with me.” he explained.

I shook my head to myself. “No. You are NOT burning this school down Oliver! Don’t be stupid!”

“No, but see, I am going to burn this school down. Why?, because I want to. So it’s up to you Olivia Rain. Are you going to come out, or what?”

I glanced at Kage. “No, I’m not.”

“Okay, suit your self sis.” he said.

I walked back over to Kage. “Oliver’s going to burn the school down, or so he says.”

“You believe him?” Kage asked. “Yeah. He keeps his word.” I told him.

He sighed. “Then if It’s true, maybe you do need to leave.”

“Kage, no. I don’t care about these games he’s playing. I don’t want to leave you.” I said.

“Why? Why don’t you want leave?” he asked the question like he was confused or something. He would ask me something like that.

I let out a breath. “You’re my friend. I wouldn’t leave Sidney if she was here, and we weren’t even as close. I just can’t stand to see someone hurt and know I can’t do anything about it, especially you. I just- I don‘t want you giving up on me.”

“We have known each other since we were five, I think you know me better than that.” he avowed.

I smiled. “I do. But you aren’t invincible. And I know that you’re going to be okay, because you have to be, but I just can’t leave you, not now, not ever.” I assured him. I meant it too. There was no way I was going to leave him like that. Lying on the floor, hurting. I hadn’t realized my feelings for Kage before, but I know they were always there. Every time I see him, I smile. When I’m mad, he makes me feel better. Of course, he being the one that made me mad in the first place. Truth being told, Kage was my best friend and I wasn’t ready to loose him.

I suddenly started to smell smoke. “He’s actually doing this.” he said, in a non-question way. I nodded. “He’s crazy, I told you that.”

I stared at his pale face. “Is there another way out of here?” I had asked.

He nodded. “Yeah, right outside that door.” I frowned. “I meant can we get out from in here?”

“I don’t know how we could. There isn’t any windows in here or anything.” he informed.

I folded my arms in frustration. How are we going to get out of here? I could always open the door like Kage said and just leave. But no. I can’t do that to him, even if he’d suggested it. I wasn’t leaving him. The smoke got even worse and I begin to inhale it. Kage coughed a few times, so I know he had inhaled it too. I pulled off my sweater and placed it on him.

“You need that, to cover your face from the smoke.” he said. I stood up and walked to the supply closet. I seen Ms. Carol take things out of a supply closet all the time. I opened the door and searched for something to cover my face with. I seen small cloths and I grabbed all of them. I also noticed a first aid kit and I grabbed that too. I walked back over to Kage. He looked at me, confused.

“I’ll use this to cover my face.” I said, holding up the cloths. I opened the first aid kit and looked inside. There was not much I could use for Kage. “How’s your side?” I asked. “Other than a knife being shoved into it, it’s fine.” he said.

I sighed. “Maybe, we should take it out.” His eyebrows rose. “No way. Unless you won’t me to, to die, I think it’s better if it stays in there. If we um, take it out, all the blood would rush out at ounce.” he explained.

I closed the first aid kit and stared at him, sincerely. “Is there anything I can do?”

He nodded. “Yeah, but you’re to stubborn to do it.”

I glanced over at the door. “I think Oliver left.”

“Maybe.” he mumbled. I stood up and walked to the door. “Be careful.” Kage warned me. I unlocked the door and slowly opened it. I didn’t see Oliver anywhere but the smell of smoke made me cough very hard. It was blurry in the hallways and I could see Orange flames down on the left side. He was really burning the school down and fast, I knew we had to get out of there. I went back inside and closed the door behind me.

“It’s getting worse. The fire is spreading so fast and it’s getting closer to us, we have to leave.” I told him.

“I can’t walk, Olivia. Not with this thing in me.” he reminded me. I let out a breath in frustration. Kage can’t walk, I can’t leave. Simple as that.

“I have an idea. If I go to the nurse room that is like four doors down, I can get a wheelchair. I can pull you out of here and we can leave.” I said, looking hopeful. That idea wasn’t very pleasing to him. “No, Oliver can be waiting somewhere. And plus, inhaling to much of that stuff isn’t good for you.” he told me.

“Oliver won’t hurt me, remember? I’ll take the cloths, okay. This is a chance I have to take, so don’t tell me not to.” I said.

He let out a breath. “Okay. But please be careful.” he stressed.

I nodded. I grabbed the cloths and put them over my face. I opened the door and walked out. I made sure I closed the door behind me so no more smoke can come inside. I headed down the halls to the nurse’s room. Everything was kind of hazy and I couldn’t really see. I used the wall as my guide so I wouldn’t fall down. ‘This is going to work.’ I told myself. I finally reached the nurse’s room and opened the door. I raned inside and closed the door behind me. I had to catch my breath. I had to breath. I walked to the sink and wet my face a few times. I noticed a wheelchair on the side of the sink, and I grabbed it without thought. I ran out of the room in an instant. I headed back to the art room.

“Hey, I got it.” I said, rushing into the room.

He glanced up at me. I shut the door behind me. “It’s spreading even faster and I can barely see out there.” I told him. I pulled the wheelchair next to him.

“I guess we need to move fast.” he said. I nodded. I kneeled down in front of him and looked at his side. “I’ll help you get on it.”

“Yeah. Okay.” he replied. He wrapped his arm around my neck and I pulled him up to his feet. I swiftly grabbed the wheelchair for Kage to sit on. He sat down on it. “This really hurts.” he groaned. His face was sad and he looked even worse. He was in pain. “I know. It’s all going to be over soon.” I assured him. I gave him one of my cloths. “Put this over your face.” I told him. He did so.

“Okay, here goes.” I took in a deep breath and walked back out into the smoke. I seen the fire getting even closer to us. I headed back down the right hall.

“Kage, I don’t know where the emergency exit is, so you have to help me.” I said.

“Just keep going straight.” he told me. I did. I had no clue what I was doing. Without Kage, I’d be lost in my own school. My eyes began to burn from the smoke but I tried not to think about it. All I want to do is get out of this school. I want to go home to my mom. And the sad thing is, nobody knows what’s going on here. Everyone thinks we’re just doing a normal day of school. Sooner or later, they’ll know. They’ll see the fire and know. Where’s a cop when you need one? I still don’t believe Oliver could have hurt everyone in the school. At least not by himself. “Turn right here.” Kage said, as we got to the end of the hallway. I turned right. I felt like I was driving. If I was, it’d be the highway to freedom. “The emergency door is on the next corner.” he informed me. He said it like he was talking about a store or something. I continued on down the hall until I came up to an exit sign. “This is it.” Kage mumbled. I let go of the wheelchair and walked to the door. I tried pulling the door, but it was locked.
“Unbelievable. The doors are locked.” I placed my hand on my head and sunk to the floor.

“Oliver must have locked them from the outside. The only way to unlock them will be to go to Principal. Haynes office.” he explained.

I shook my head. “That is on the other side of the school, Kage. We came this far.” I huffed.

He started to cough. “Keep that cloth over your face.” I reminded him.

I put mines over my face as well. “I don’t even have my inhaler. It‘s in my locker.” I mumbled.

He glanced up at me. “Oh no. Your asthma, I completely forgot.” he said.

I sighed. “It doesn’t matter. Don’t worry about it.”

“Of course it does. We have to get out here. It’s more serious than we both think.” he told me. Actually, I know how serious this is. Kage’s side is in pain, my lungs are tightening up. Anything can happen to us both, in any second. I rested my head against the wall.

Oliver knows about my asthma. Still, he’s burning up the school. He said he wouldn’t hurt me, but he lied. That’s what he is, a liar. My breathing started to get worse. But I couldn’t give up, not now. I had to stay alive with Kage.

Minutes passed, and there was still no way out. Nobody came for us. All we could do was sit there. I glanced over at Kage. His eyes were shut.

“Kage?” I called. He didn’t answer. I stood up and walked closer to him. “Kage?” I said, shaking his arm. He didn’t respond to me. “Kage, wake up okay.” I held onto his hand tight. He has to wake up, he has to. “Just open your eyes“ I told him. “Please wake up. Don’t leave me here.” I sobbed. I let warm tears fall down my face. He wasn’t waking up. He wasn’t responding. I ran to the emergency door and started to bam on it loudly.

“Somebody help, please! Please help me.” I shouted. I fell to the floor and cried even harder. There’s no one here. Nobody can hear me. I glanced at the ceiling. “Please God, let him wake up. Don’t take him from me.” I prayed. I hope God would hear me, I hope he’d save Kage. I looked at Kage’s pale face. He wasn’t moving, wasn’t breathing, and wasn’t speaking. “Please, God. Please let him wake up.” I sobbed quietly. My heart was breaking and I felt like I was next. I wasn’t breathing any better and without my inhaler, I was going to die.

I shut my eyes tight and continued to lie on the floor.

“Is there anybody in there?” I heard somebody say. It sound like it was coming from behind the emergency door. I sat up.

“Yes, we’re in here!” I shouted.

“Okay, we’re going to get you out of there.” they said. I’ll guess it’s the police.

I walked over to Kage and kneeled down in front of him. If Kage is gone, then so am I.

2days later.
If it wasn’t for the police breaking into the school, I’d be dead. Kage was rushed to the hospital instantly. I haven’t heard from him since. The doctors said he started breathing again, but he still remained unconscious. They said they didn’t know how he remained alive, but he did. All I did was wait in my bed. I waited for some answers, for someone to tell me he was going to be okay. Mom laid with me in bed. She was upset to know her son was behind all this, but she was very relieved that I was okay. I thought about Sidney and how her family must have felt. Turns out, the school was ordered to go home due to lack of electricity and everyone was okay. I still didn’t understand how me, Sidney or Kage, didn’t hear. None of it matter anymore. I just wanted to tear that memory out of my head. The phone rung and mom went downstairs to answer it. I kept thinking about Kage. Every time I did, I felt like he could hear me. Like he heard me praying for him to get better. Mom came back inside the room. “Kage is awake.” she said. I jumped out of my bed so suddenly. “For real?”

“Yes, honey. He is.” she answered. “Well can I see him?” I asked, hoping she’d say yes.

“His parents may want him to there selves.” she told me. I frowned. “I just want to see him mom. I really miss him.” I told her. She nodded. “I know honey. Just wait until tomorrow morning. I’m sure he’d be glad to see you.” she assured me.

I nodded and then got back in bed. I was glad he was awake, but I wanted to see him now. I guess I could wait until the morning. I was able to sleep better that night, just knowing Kage was okay. I couldn’t wait to see him.

I was up early enough to see Kage. Mom said it was too early and he might be sleep, but I didn’t care. She drove me to the hospital and I went to his room. His mom and dad was sitting in a seat by his hospital bed. They glanced up at me.

“Olivia. How are you doing sweetheart?” his mom asked as I walked in. I sighed. “Better now that I know he’s okay.” I told her. She nodded. “That’s good. I’m really glad you’re okay.” she told me. “I am too.” Mr. Michaels, Kage’s dad said. I smiled. I glanced over at Kage and his eyes swung open. “Olivia came to see you.” Mrs. Michaels told him. “We should give them some time.” Mr. Michaels suggested. They both stood up and left the room. I walked next to the bed and kneeled on my knees. “I am so relieved that you’re okay.” I told him. He reached for my hand and then grabbed it. “I probably scared you.” he mumbled.

I nodded. “Yeah. I thought I lost you for a minute.” I pointed out. He breathed in and out. “They asked me how I survived and I told them the whole time I was thinking about you. But it was something else that got me through, God. I know he saved me.” he looked serious.

“Of course he did. And it was for a reason. Everything’s for a reason.” I told him.

“Yeah.” he said.

I examined his face. “You look better. I’m glad because that other look made me so scared.”

“Me too. But hey, they said I’ll be able to get out of here in like a day or so. I just can’t do a lot of walking.” he informed me.

“Yeah I know. But we don’t have to worry about school so there shouldn’t be a reason for you to walk.” I said, but it didn’t look like he was listening.

“Oliver. Where is he?” he asked. I shivered from the idea of him. “Nobody can find him. But let’s not worry about Oliver.” I had said.

He nodded. I climbed into the bed with him and rested my head on his shoulder.

“We’re okay. That’s all that matter.” I mumbled.

“Yeah. You’re right. I just don’t ever want to go to school again.” he said. I chuckled. “I feel the exact same way.” I told him.

“So, how about it. We never go to school again?” he suggested.

I laughed. “Nice try, but, I have to go to school Kage.”

“Well I don’t. Besides, it’s my last year anyway.” he pointed out. I nodded. “Yeah, but you should finish. The twelve grade is the most important grade and I’d want to finish it if I were you.”

“I know, but I’m already getting straight A’s and being on top of everything really, I’m just ready for college.” he said.

I paused. “College?”

“Yeah, why is that a shock? Of course I’m going to college.”

“Oh. Well, I guess that’s good.” I said, unconvincingly.

“What’s the matter? I mean, you’re going too right?” he asked me.

“No. Well, yeah. I don’t know, maybe.” I looked confused and so did he. “College is good. I just.. You’re going to be gone before I am while I’m stuck here doing my last year of boring high school.”

“Oh, I see what the problem is here. Olivia, we’re only going to be away from each other for a year. That’s all. It’ll be fine.” he assured.

I shook my head, disagreeing. “We might not even be going to the same school Kage. I doubt it if I’d get accepted to a great college like you. I don’t get straight A’s, maybe straight C’s, but not A’s.”

He chuckled to himself. “Let’s not worry about that right now, okay. We’re going to be okay, I promise.”

“Kage Michaels, you never learn.” I joked.

“Yeah, I know.” he agreed.

I closed my eyes and grasped the fact that he’s okay. That he’s sitting here carrying on a conversation with me and a minute ago, he couldn’t do that. He was okay, both us were and that’s all that mattered.

Now can you hear that sound? That’s the sound of my hear beating extremely fast. And it’s a good feeling. A feeling of knowing that we’re both okay. So where do we go from here? I don’t know. I guess we just take it day by day, that’s all you can really do right? I mean, nobody really have the answers to everything. We can’t change everything either. Maybe you’d blame yourself for the things that’s happened, or hate yourself for it. Or maybe you’d even cry about it for days or question things. We all do that. But sooner or later, we’re going to realize that everything happens for a reason. We can’t control the world and all the devastating crimes that happened. All we can do is, Live. And if we get trapped along the way, we just got to hope that we can find a way out.
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