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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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May 21, 2010 at 2:46am
May 21, 2010 at 2:46am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Children born into future generations will have more psychic ability than we do or the generations before us. The ability to see and hear other world beings will be normal for them. They will bring with them memories of the civilization of Lemuria, when all beings were semi-ethereal. That is, they could move about with just thoughts. They could communicate by thought transference. They could heal and do all manor of surgery with only their mind.

Future generations will bring back these memories and they will be accepted as normal. We have been taught to scorn those with these gifts now. Yet, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge that our bible was written by prophets and seers. Somewhere along the way, prophets became the objects of scorn. In the near future, they will once again be held in high esteem, as they should be.

The Old Testament was not all written as a history of the times. There are also the books written by the Prophets as the Ascended Masters have just told us. Archangel Michael says, in his channeled message to Orpheus Phylos in “New Cells, New Bodies, New Life” edited by Virginia Essene:

“For instance, let us refer to that document you call the Bible. Now the Bible has many different idioms, levels of meaning and later, distortions of translation. The ordinary reader may not realize it, but originally the Bible contained about 70% mystical content and historical data, and was seeded with the numeric language of wise, long-ago scientists.” He tells us we are presently defined by a double helix genetic code whereas we formerly had 12 genetic strands, capabilities or full knowledge. Happily, humanity is moving upwards to a triple helix and eventually back to the complete 12 representing full enlightenment. So, my friends, it looks like we have a long journey ahead of us.

May 17, 2010 at 11:38pm
May 17, 2010 at 11:38pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Many will cling valiantly to the ancient book of history and loudly cry ’but I have worshiped thee’. However, their cries will go unheard because they have not heard or responded to the cries of the needy. They have not been aware of the need for universal love, unity and equality. Those who cry, ‘look at me,’ are strangers to God in the final days. Those who sit in the pews surrounded by riches and seek the attention of God will not find Him surrounded by church walls. He who walks amidst the poor and the needy will be rewarded in the new kingdom of God. Heaven on earth will come to those who have worked for it, not to those who proclaim they are worthy.

God will select the ones who are worthy, gold and silver will not buy a place in heaven unless it is used to bring equality, good works without glory; good works without attention to self; good works that advocate for the disadvantaged and maligned in society can expect rewards far greater than can be imagined. Those who are not ready will experience further lifetimes.

Religion takes the point of view that God is the center of the belief system. In other words, God is placed in a box that is created by humanity. Whereas, in fact, God existed eons before religion existed and it is only with God’s gift of free will that humanity was able to manipulate God into a box that suits those who adhere steadfastly to religious beliefs.

Thankfully, we need go no further than the words of the ancient masters who have completed their evolutionary journey and are standing ready to help any who ask. During the countless hours of conversation with Alexander, he also told me that the Old Testament was written as a book of history. The laws and punishments recorded were suited to the day and were never written as a book of religion.

As scholars now believe, the New Testament was written approximately three hundred years after Jesus lived on earth. Many believe the same author wrote the first three gospels. The apostles of Christ were not educated men, therefore, not likely the authors of these books. It is more likely the Romans wrote the New Testament and were not familiar with Judaic Laws and customs, therein lays the differences and the inconsistencies.

May 14, 2010 at 7:41pm
May 14, 2010 at 7:41pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

God is not religion. God is the beginning of all things, the creator of all things. He allowed the creation of religion. He did not create religion. His bountiful love and patience allows the existence of all belief systems.

In fact, religion in its many divisions creates dissention in humanity; it creates division and discrimination. God’s creation of humanity was the extreme example of equality. He did not anticipate the greed that would cause divisiveness and even wars in His name.

I received an email the other day. It was a review and rating for a story entitled ‘Where did Christianity come from’. He gave me a rating of 5 for the story and then he said,

“I have concluded those with this mythological view will one day loose their strength through personal tribulation. In time they will find themselves drifting away into eternity alone and afraid.

Your strong today, but the day will come when your youth and strength will not carry you. Then it will be revealed that all you have believed was vanity.”

(The spelling errors are his, not mine. I just copied and pasted)

I assume he is talking about the New Age philosophy although he does not mention New Age.

I find it interesting that he says he has concluded what will happen to me in the future. In fact, the New Age is not new at all. In one of the books by Virginia Essene in which she channels the ancient ones, Pythagoras born c. 580 bc, Samos, Ionia [now in Greece] says he was the originator of the New Age philosophy.

As I read the words of the ancient philosopher, he did not seem to be afraid or alone so I am not exactly shaking in my boots anticipating a lonely future.

It is good to know that God accepts us, warts and all, on an equal basis. Even those who discriminate.

May 11, 2010 at 11:06pm
May 11, 2010 at 11:06pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When we honor our children we cannot only learn from them but we can encourage them to be the truly spiritual beings that they are.

A child even at birth can communicate by mental telepathy or mind transference. It is the adult’s who have forgotten this method of communication so the baby eventually gives up trying to make them understood because they do not receive answers to their communications.

In the future we will relearn this means of thought transference and will be able to communicate not only with our babies but also those in spirit form. There are many physical bodies now that are able to communicate by mental telepathy and in the future, as we progress in our evolutionary path there will be many more until mind transference will be the general means of communication.

My first grandchild was born in 1982. His parents lived about 3000 miles from me so it was not until he was about four months old that I first saw him. His parents picked my daughter and me up at the Vancouver airport and when we were settled in the car, his mother asked if I wanted to hold him. (There were no child car seats at that time). I gladly held him on my knee facing me and immediately he spoke to me. It was as clear as if real words were spoken. He said “Well, here I am, let’s get started.” I was shocked beyond expression. It was the first time I had ever experienced mind transference. And what did he mean by ‘let’s get started?’ I had no idea.

There is no doubt in my mind now that children choose their parents and family. This was the family where he would best learn the lessons he came to experience. This clarity of mind transference between humans has not happened to me since.

Now imagine when we can all do this in the future. I will write more about this at a later time but try to imagine. Would we have honest politicians? Honesty in business, maybe even guilt in corporations? It is up to us how quickly we proceed in our evolution.

May 9, 2010 at 12:20pm
May 9, 2010 at 12:20pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are here on earth to learn the lessons that will enable us to return to God. Each of us has different lessons to learn. We do not know the lessons in advance, although we chose those lessons while we were still in the spirit form. We chose who would best assist us in the learning of these lessons.

Imagine you who are reading these words knew before you were born that you would be doing so. When I am asked why was I chosen to write these words, my answer is, we all chose together, I chose to write and you chose to read. Together we chose to enhance evolution in this particular way.

It took my soul about twenty years to prepare me to receive this manuscript. My preparation began just after my husband died. For the first time in my life, I visited a psychic fair and got a reading. She told me that my husband had to die so that I could live. That was a bit confusing at the time but became clear as years passed. As half of a couple, I would never have had the freedom to continue the learning process.

Shortly after that, I consulted another psychic after having a disturbing dream. She did not interpret the dream but as she was talking, I saw a vision behind her. I saw that she and I had worked together in a past-life and at the same time, I became aware that we would continue that work in this life. We became good friends and so began my preparation. Terri is an awake and trance channel. She channels her twin flame Alexander. Over the next twelve years, Alexander talked to me at every meeting. I would guess he talked to me many hundreds of hours. During that time, he talked about things that are contained in this manuscript. He often told me that I would remember what he said when I needed the information. He also taught me how to access the seventh dimension where the Ascended Masters reside. Near the end of our friendship, (she moved away) I began to transcribe this book. The name of the book as given to me was, “God’s Dream – The Evolution of the Soul.”

The question, ‘why me’ is incorrect – the question should be ‘why us’. Everyone who reads this is a part of the plan to enlighten others. This plan, decided before we were born, while we were still in spirit form is now coming to fruition. Thank you. For all the wonderful emails I have received, thank you.

May 6, 2010 at 3:32pm
May 6, 2010 at 3:32pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our corporations are merging to create even bigger corporations. Our businesses are using profit as a goal to success. The individual worker trying to take care of his/her family is being used and abused to achieve that profit. The worker is working, not so much for him/herself but for the profit of the business or corporation. Individual workers are expendable in order to achieve material benefit for the business. Real success is equality of all individuals. The boss is only the boss because of fortunate circumstances, because he or she was born into the right family and was able to take advantage of education and circumstances. On a soul level, all are equal.

I remember when I was younger, and would probably do the same now, getting into a nervous panic before a job interview or a major examination. Many times, I felt inferior to another for various reasons. Our fear of rejection or failure is, at times overwhelming. Yet, our talents and gifts, although different are just as valuable to humanity as anyone else’s.

The creating of large corporations is like a testing ground for humanity. So far, I think we are failing. We seem to be moving to divisiveness instead of equality.

May 3, 2010 at 11:50am
May 3, 2010 at 11:50am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are all needed in this dream of evolution; we are very much a part of the entire dream. Whether we are in spirit form or in physical form, we are each an intricate part of the plan. In most cases, we do not know or understand our roll in the plan when we come into our physical bodies, but it will be revealed to us at a time that is appropriate. Those who are taken back home into spirit have a roll in the dream of evolution that is better served in spirit than in matter; and those of us who remain in physical matter serve our roll most appropriately in our present form. All are needed and all are important. God’s plan always moves forward in divine right order.

“We’re in the right place, right on time.” These words are from a meditation tape I used many years ago when I was beginning my soul journey. The words have given me great comfort through the years and have often popped into my mind when I least expected.

We may try to understand why we are experiencing what life throws at us but as the Ascended Masters say – we may only know at the appropriate time.

Another lyric from my early years is, “We’ll understand it all by and by.” This is from a Christian hymnal used by the Baptist church I attended in my teen years.

But in all my studies the words most meaningful are, “Change your mind and change your life.” these words can be used in most situations. These three quotes have had a powerful affect in my life.

April 30, 2010 at 10:20pm
April 30, 2010 at 10:20pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Lands now arid shall bloom again with flowers and trees when the climate changes to a constant median temperature of seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit.

As the polar ice melts, the oceans will rise and the rains will cover the earth to bring it back to the lush garden it was meant to be. All this and much, much more happen in the cycles of the universe. However, humanity has made the planet earth into a place for his/her own convenience and in doing so has shown little or no respect for her preservation and care. We were created to be caretakers of the garden, to have dominion over the earth; instead, we have used her bounty for the collecting of material things for our personal ego fulfillment. This must stop. If we continue to misuse the earth’s generosity, she will most definitely take back control of her own evolution in order to keep herself moving in a forward motion.

Much of what they say is repeated in slightly different ways and slightly different sentence structure. There is much discussion and controversial arguments regarding man-made green house gasses and the detrimental affects on our planet. The Canadian Arctic is especially affected. The melting ice pack is affecting the animals and the indigenous people. Mining and oil production is exacerbating the problem. Man-made and spiritual intervention are coming together to create permanent changes. Who is right and who is wrong is not the problem. Forward thinking, non-political minds are needed to plan for the future. Unfortunately, partisan politics stands in the way of our evolution.

April 27, 2010 at 11:24pm
April 27, 2010 at 11:24pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

All talents are gifts from God. It is our responsibility to seek out what our talents are and to use them to the best of our ability to glorify God. There are those who feel they are just not good enough to display their talents. Each one is to use their talents to the best of their ability. We have been given just what we need to enhance our own evolution, which enables evolution in general to advance at its own pace. Not everyone can be the best at what they do but we can be the best to our level of ability. When we compare ourselves to others, it is not productive. Either we exceed others in our abilities or we fall short of others. Either way comparison to others is not recommended and is divisive. All must work together in cooperation and dwelling on comparisons denies that cooperation.

My ten-year-old grandson has been playing soccer since he was four. He has great determination and stamina, but he is not a fast runner. Last year his team did not win a single game. I hid my sorrow because I felt so bad for him. Yet, he did not seem to be discouraged at all. The fundamental premise of the league is to cooperate as a team player, do your best and have fun.

His five-year-old sister is in her second year of soccer. At this age, there are no scores and no ‘wins’ or ‘losses’. This lack of competition is what we should strive for. No one is better or worse than another. Yet, somehow we lose this ideal and incorporate competition into our activities, which does not enhance our evolution.

Now, if only I could write as well as Maeve Binchy or Dan Brown.

April 25, 2010 at 10:04pm
April 25, 2010 at 10:04pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Now some would proclaim that some individuals are more deserving of love than others are, and that some individuals are not deserving of love at all but each one has a small part to play in a huge endeavor but every small part is a very important part of the puzzle. When all the small parts are put together, the picture will become complete. Without even one small part, there is delay in achieving the universal goal.

(That's a very long sentence Portia)

We have soul memories from past lives. Therefore, if we hate someone in a past life - chances are that we will hate them in this life.

In defining my own spirituality, I can easily say that I am not Christian, not Atheist, not Agnostic, not Deist. The closest I can come is Gnostic. And yet, that is not entirely accurate either. If it feels right in my heart and soul, then that is my truth.

“Gnosis is undoubtedly an experience based not in concepts and precepts, but in the sensibility of the heart. by Stephan A. Hoeller (Tau Stephanus, Gnostic Bishop)”

I have had countless encounters with spiritual beings, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and other beings of light. Some I have recognized and others I have not. Some bring messages and some show up just to give me encouragement. I cannot deny the existence of a spiritual hierarchy. I also think that if our creator wanted us to experience evolution and quickly return to our true spiritual self, we would not have been given free will. It seems apparent to me that an all-knowing god would see the downfall of free will. My unanswered question is – was our creator infallible?

Maybe my little rant does not fit with the words of the Ascended Masters above but these thoughts were in my mind when I woke up this morning.

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