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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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June 21, 2010 at 12:08am
June 21, 2010 at 12:08am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The results may not always be what we asked or prayed for because spiritual beings know what is truly required. When we ask for what we think is best for us, we may be somewhat disappointed at times because what we ask for is not in our best long-term interest. What we are given, however, is truly in our own best interest to further us along our evolutionary path. It is better to pray “thy will be done,” or “show us the way”. Then when a door opens for us to be of service, however small, we know our prayer has been answered. To be of service to our fellow man is the highest honor that we can ask.

I honestly do not know if I pray. I know I seldom consciously speak to God or the spiritual hierarchy but very often, my thoughts come to fruition. The one time I remember praying, I was in terrible pain. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and crying. One of my life lessons is suffering from extreme allergies. I have experienced anaphylactic shock three times.

This particular night my body was covered with itchy sores -- I won’t go further than that but they HURT. I was on my way to the bathroom for a pain relief capsule and stopped where I sat, looked down with my face in my hands and prayed. Suddenly I heard a gentle laugh, I opened my eyes and I saw feet in leather sandals and the bottom of a robe. The colour was off white or light beige and the material looked very expensive. I felt the hair on the top of my head move – similar to a breeze blowing through it. Of course, I knew who it was. But He was laughing at me. Not exactly at me but you probably have done so with a child who is in pain and as an adult you suffer with them but know that the pain is temporary.

There was someone standing behind and off to His side. I do not know who he was. I only saw their sandaled feet and about six inches of their robes. They were there in answer to my prayer. So you may ask, does prayer work? My experience says it does even though we do not kneel, address a certain individual or in fact know what we are doing.

After a few minutes, after they had gone, do you know what I did? I continued into the bathroom for my pain relief capsule! Well, don’t laugh, I’m human. It never occurred to me until a few days later that I probably did not need that capsule.

Maybe He is laughing again as I write this.

June 18, 2010 at 12:43am
June 18, 2010 at 12:43am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

In the future, there will be centers of learning built in areas of high energy. These areas of high energy have always been with us but will be activated as we become more awakened to our own spiritual self.

The centers will be built to specific specifications, which will be made available to certain individuals at the right time. Some centers are already being prepared and many chosen individuals have been drawn to move there. The specifications of the building of these centers have been given to us in both the Old and the New Testament of our bible. Many people will be drawn to live in these places of high energy where the central building of the compound will be the meeting place. People from all over will come to learn, to renew their energy, then return to their homes to live and to teach the ways of universal love. The lessons taught here would be the same lessons that were taught by the teachers of light who have visited earth since the creation of humanity.

Sylvia Browne writes of these centers in her book “Prophesy”. She calls them centers where all religions will come together to help those in need. She speaks of Rabbis, Priests and others of status in religions of today. Personally, I do not think we will have religions when these centers are operational. There will probably be many individuals clinging to faith-based religions but religion, as we know it now will be forever changed. Some of these centers of high energy are well known to us now, the Pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, Machu Picchu in Peru and so on. Alexander has told me one of the largest of these centers will be located in Arizona in the United States.

There will be houses of healing, both spiritual and physical, instruction in the truth of the bible’s prophets and the interpretation of those prophases. There will be schools for instructors and schools for parenting and family living. There will be instructions for meditation, self-awareness, addictions and self healing.

Many people are gravitating to these areas now without knowing why.

Update on my new job :

The lights hovering at my bedroom ceiling remain there. I have tried to ask them who they are but I receive no answer. I have asked if they are there to help me or for me to help them. I received no answer until this morning. Let me explain – I have spoken of a ‘ghost’ who sings and chants for hours every day. There is also, what seems like two people having a conversation. This also goes on for hours each day and night. Sometimes they go on at the same time along with the continual noise of spiritual energy that never stops. (I have a noisy head). This morning I received a random thought – these two beings of light at my ceiling are the two entities whom I hear having the conversation. I asked my son, who is much wiser than I and he confirms this. Well, not exactly confirms but said “Now you’re learning.”

The beings of light I see are about 2 to 3 feet in length and seem to be attached near the middle – somewhat like the letter H. they do not have distinct outlines but are rather hazy and shimmering. They float in a horizontal position near the ceiling but not touching the ceiling. I wanted to describe them in case some of you have seen or will be seeing similar apparitions in the future.

June 14, 2010 at 4:17pm
June 14, 2010 at 4:17pm
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is better in the eyes of God to feed a hungry child than to own a priceless work of art. It is better to help a family of refugees than to hold untold wealth in a bank vault. Material possessions only hold a value in the eyes of God if they are used for the purpose of helping our fellow man. Our light will indeed shine brightly all the way to heaven when we use our gifts to bring comfort to the needy. Our wealth and our material possessions have no significant light unless they are used for good deeds.

I know I will never own a priceless work of art because I have no desire to own anything priceless. My family will always come first. In a strange way, when I help others, there seems to be more than enough for myself. When I purchase things (usually they become useless in a few months) for myself, my pension cheque hardly lasts until the end of the month.

Compassion and love start within the family circle and from there it will spread outward. Every family is different of course, but we are urged to show our love within our immediate circle first and from there to neighbours, community, town or city, country and ultimately to the world. In this way, the circles overlap and soon love and compassion will be evident everywhere.

My new job:

I think I have been demoted. In the beginning, I was aware of great crowds of lost souls looking for guidance. There was a sense of confusion and fear. Recently the crowds have dwindled to a few individuals and the feeling of fear has diminished. However, I am awakened often during the night and in my mind, I sense there are one or two recently dead individuals around me. I believe my guides are using my sleeping body and mind to help these few choose the correct path to go forward. So you might say I am now doing my job in my sleep.

June 11, 2010 at 12:10am
June 11, 2010 at 12:10am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The wisdom that lies within, we are learning, is the wisdom that we need to transform ourselves back into the enlightened beings we once were. There are as many paths back to the light as there are individuals on the planet. Each individual then becomes their own teacher when they access the wisdom of the higher self that was implanted in us at the time of our creation. This search for wisdom can be triggered by many things, such as reading a book about the experiences of the author and then accessed on an individual basis by daily meditation. The wisdom may then return like a memory long lost.

My own awakening began with the death of my spouse at the age of forty-eight. Although I soon realized my whole life was leading up to that point. My youth growing up with our father deceased and a deaf mother resulted in a severe lack of parental involvement. Not many can say they have never had a conversation with a parent or guardian. Our mother loved us unconditionally but her lack of social involvement was not conducive to preparing us for adult life. Living in the Canadian prairies, far from neighbours gave me the solitude to explore my inner world and experience some visions and clairaudience occurrence. As an adult, in midlife, these psychic experiences returned and were quite comfortable for me. The evolution of knowledge and experience increased rapidly.

My new job:

After a few nights of watching the newly dead light up the ceiling in my bedroom, I began to feel impotent to help them; I didn’t want to ‘see’ them anymore to make me feel guilty. I put a small night-light in my room just to avoid seeing them. I knew they were there; I just didn’t want to see them. My friend told me that I would soon begin to understand the singer’s words and sure enough on Tuesday morning, I did understand and I understood why it had been difficult. On awakening, I heard him say ‘Today is the day’. He repeated that phrase a hundred times or more then he said, ‘you will be alone.’ He repeated those words a hundred times or more and finally he said, ‘Do not be afraid.’ The problem was I did not know he repeated the same words so many times. As I write this Thursday evening, he has not returned. Now, three times a day, I address the newly dead and direct them to the portal of light that will take them into heaven.

Many are afraid, most feel unworthy and there is lots of confusion. As a healer, they come here for guidance and it is always the same. They are worthy or they would not be here. They have completed their life plan and are now going to receive their rewards. So far, I have not noticed any who did not proceed to the portal, although there may be some hiding in the darkness. If there are I am sure they will remain there until they are confidant and have heard my message enough times to proceed to the entry.

June 7, 2010 at 2:30am
June 7, 2010 at 2:30am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Power, what is power? Power is the ability of the mind to focus on the task it wants to accomplish. The human mind has unlimited power. In general, we use only about ten percent of the potential power of the mind. During a period of deep meditation, the mind may ‘see’ things that are not visible with normal sight. There is much to see in our world that is not possible to see with our physical eyes.

Apparently, I have a new job to learn. That is to identify those newly dead that come to me for help before they move through the portal to enter the eternal light of heaven. I assume most go through without incident. The story I told last entry was the first vision I saw of people with questions or problems. Last night I saw another group. I was able to determine that they felt unworthy of passing through the portal. I tried to help but gave up and went to sleep.

The following is an example of how our spiritual hierarchy communicates with us. After falling asleep, I had a dream that I was in the British military. I was a servant to an officer. The dream didn’t mean anything to me until I awoke about 2 a.m.

Here I must explain there is someone who talks to me on a daily basis. He often sings so I call him ‘the singer’. I think his job description is to help me to understand the problems of the newly dead. But since he talks so fast, I cannot understand what he is saying. (Apparently, I am to learn to understand him but I have no idea how to do this).

When I awoke after my dream, the singer was singing a song from the British Army world war one vintage. The name of the song is “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag.” There is a line in that song that says, “While you’ve a Lucifer to light your load, smile boys, that’s the style.”

Okay, now I got the connection. The image on my ceiling was that of some military duds who had killed in their line of duty. They were afraid they did not deserve to go to heaven because of their deeds. They were afraid of ‘Lucifer’ or the Devil. I explained there was no Lucifer or Devil and they had been forgiven for what they did. They were just following orders; it is the commanders and leaders of their country who will be held accountable for their actions of war.

They passed through the portal.

This is getting interesting, I wonder who it will be tonight and will I be able to help? And will I get more sleep than I have been getting lately?

Note to those who read my blog who are not members of Writing.com. I think you can click on the envelope after my name to send an email. Please include your personal email address if you want me to answer your questions.

June 4, 2010 at 7:29pm
June 4, 2010 at 7:29pm
Sometimes life is just too funny for words. I hope I can do this story justice.

We all shine brightness into the heavens. This is how the spiritual hierarchy identifies us – by our light. As a healer, my light is distinctive in some way that I cannot explain but I attract the newly dead to my presence. With the help of others, I can tell this story.

Some nights there are as many as a thousand newly dead that pass through my home. I have seen some, heard some but for the most part, I am not aware of them at all.

Well it happened last week there was a couple I saw in my bedroom. They were kind of hovering up there on the ceiling. At first, I thought it was a reflection from outside. But I had a friend visiting who identified this couple as a man and a woman who were in need of answers. I had sent them ‘to the light’ many times but they stayed. My friend talked to them and found they had been together for centuries and did not want to part. They were afraid if they went through the portal to the light, they would be separated and thus end their long relationship. He told them to hold hands tightly and pass through the portal one after the other but as a single unit – holding hands.

The next night they were still floating on my ceiling. What to do? I asked them why they had not taken my friend’s advice and moved on to the brighter side of life.

He said, “We don’t have any money.”

I said, “You don’t need any money.”

She said, “We don’t have any food.”

I said, “You don’t need any food.”

With that – zip, fast as lightening, he moved out and left her alone.

I guess he forgot their centuries old relationship and was looking out for himself. She let out a gasp of astonishment that he would leave her like this.

I said to her, “Hurry, go, you might find him on the other side.” She was gone before I had finished the thought. I was laughing as I turned over and went back to sleep.

“Alive” or “dead” we don’t change.

Many years ago my friend in spirit, Alexander told me, “You are just as dead now as you ever will be.”

June 4, 2010 at 12:03am
June 4, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We have used simple language with simple sentence structure and much of the information contained in this book has been written many times, in many ways over the last two thousand years. But the message is far from simple. The message is the everlasting truth that many messengers have brought forth in stories, verse and writings since the great leaders and teachers of Light lived and taught on earth while they were in human form.

For the benefit of some new readers, this is the beginning of the introduction. Indeed, this has been the case. We are all at different stages of evolution; all have different knowledge and different understanding. All are right, no one is wrong. Our course is the same; all desire peace, harmony and justice. Mostly we want the kingdom of God to arrive on time and on schedule. We have a role to play and every roll, small or large, has a place in the puzzle. We do not know what the finished puzzle will look like, we know it will be grand, colorful and each of us will be welcome and joyful in the kingdom.

It is our responsibility to help the children remember who they are and never deny them the memory of where they came from. Each generation has more experience and more knowledge because they have more lifetimes spent on the planet. The soul remembers, the adults must acknowledge this fact. The children will teach us.

May 31, 2010 at 12:06am
May 31, 2010 at 12:06am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Understanding that evolution will not proceed at the same speed universally is very important and very frustrating. We must be tolerant of this fact; we must be cognizant of the fact that all are equal in soul but not in physical life. All physical life will evolve at very different rates of progress. No one-way is better or superior to another way. It is encouraging to see that more and more people of all areas of the world and of all levels of education are coming to realize these facts. When this way of thinking becomes the way of the majority, we will see nations and countries blending together in peace and harmony, willing to help each other evolve rather than cause violence and war to bring about the opposite result for which we strive. God never condones violence and power struggles; He knows that the best method to create peace is to be peaceful.

We have learned this as parents; violence does not promote a happy family unit. On a larger scale, violence against countries will not promote a unified peaceful world. Fifty years ago, children were strapped at school and at home, now there are laws to prevent corporal punishment. Gradually, as we evolve governments will understand the truth of compassionate coexistence. Our patience is being tested as individuals and advocates who sense the wrong attitude in governments but we also know that we see only small parts of the whole. God in His wisdom views the whole.

May 28, 2010 at 12:01am
May 28, 2010 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Jesus said I am a man as any other man. I do not want to be worshipped. I came to earth many times like other men. I was the Son of God just as you are the Son of God. Each of us is created in the image of God; those who have spent many lifetimes on earth are called old souls because we have so much experience in the earth plane. When we have experienced all things, we are wise in the way of the earth and wise in the way of spirit. Then we can be called an old soul. Then we become known as a teacher. Those who say life begins at conception are uninformed; they are not wise, and they are not teachers.

He asks that we do not wear a crucifix, especially a crucifix with the figure of His image on it. He says He is not dead, He is as alive now as He was when He walked the earth. As we are and always will be.

I had a client come to me to be treated for depression. When I met her, she was wearing a large silver crucifix. I was intuitively aware immediately how the neck chain was affecting her depression. Yet, I did not want to ask her to remove it. She is a Catholic from a Catholic country and I thought she would be offended if I seemed to be interfering in her religion. On her third visit, I asked her, how important the neck chain was to her. She said it was a gift from a former boyfriend. I then asked if she would be willing to remove it for a period of a week to see if the cross was affecting her depression. She immediately took it off and put it in her pocket. The next time I saw her she was smiling and told me that the chain and cross never made it home with her. She lost it on the way home. When I expressed my sorrow at her loss, she told me it was the best thing that had happened to her in years. It was also the first time I had seen her smile. This was an important lesson for me – trust your instincts and don’t question the instructions of your guide.

It is much better to wear an equilateral cross. This symbol forms four ‘L’s’. They represent Law, Life, Light and Love. Law of Balance. Life, what we are living now. Light is what we are evolving to and Love our ultimate goal.

May 24, 2010 at 12:07am
May 24, 2010 at 12:07am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

When people are treated with respect and dignity, they will respond in times of trial. Race, color or religion is not a barrier when universal love is the bond that grows between individuals.

Do you believe in coincidences? I don’t. I believe our lives are orchestrated and very fine-tuned. I believe we are constantly watched over by the spiritual hierarchy. A few blogs ago, I said that Pythagoras was the founder of the New Age movement. I was wrong and now wish to apologize for that error.

This is what happened: I had just finished reading a book and was ready to start another but I was waiting for a new book I had ordered from Amazon.com. I picked up a stack of eight books (I have a stack or two in every room) and was going to place them in a bookcase I had cleared out. On the top of the pile was the book, ‘New Cells, New Bodies, New Life’ which I had read about ten years ago. My bright idea was to re-read part of this book until my new book arrived. Then, on page 50 I came to the channeled chapter by Paracelsus. I realized my error. It was Paracelsus that claimed be the father of the New Age in the medical movement, not Pythagoras. Do you think it was he who directed me to move that stack of books that had been in the bedroom closet for about ten years?

By the way, that was last Wednesday. On Wednesday, the mail carrier delivered the notice that my book was ready to be picked up. BUT, he hung the notice on the outside door handle – I rarely open my front door – the mail is shoved through a slot in the door. On Friday evening on my way to bed, I was of a mind to open the front door, perhaps there were some papers scattered on the step. It was then I found the notice left by the mail carrier the previous Wednesday. It was between Wednesday and Friday that I read the first 50 pages of ‘New Cells’ and found my error. But that was all just coincidence, right?

I have had the same letter carrier since I lived in this house, more than 20 years and he has never before left a notice on the door handle. I also had mail delivered both Thursday and Friday so it would seem reasonable that he would have shoved the notice in with the rest of the mail since he saw I had not found it for two days. So because of a series of 'coincidences' I was able to find the correct name and correct my error.

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