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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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April 11, 2015 at 9:16pm
April 11, 2015 at 9:16pm
Time as we know it now will change with the evolution of the planet. Even now, we are experiencing a shortening of day light hours. People are busier and busier with little or no time left for them or loved ones. This is partly due to the ever-increasing activities available for families, partly because time itself is decreasing.

In the future, we will have our twenty four-hour days divided evenly into twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness. This will mean a major shift in lifestyle for everyone.

Even though our clocks will measure sixty minutes to each hour as they always have, the time itself will be compacted by spiritual inspiration. We will experience tension as we become used to the change. Some individuals will find this extremely stressful while others will accommodate these changes with a minimum of stress.

Just as our time will change, so will global warming change our lifestyle. Eventually our global temperature will be a constant seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. This is inevitable and will be accomplished, not by our own effort but by the effort of our spiritual helpers and the continuing cycles of our universe.

Our spiritual guides are even now managing the ozone layer more so than we ourselves are, in order to bring about the desired results.

72 degrees Fahrenheit is 22.22 degrees Celsius.

Road rage -- never even heard of that until a few years ago.

I think we should do all we can to manage global warming, but it will happen anyway, because we need the nutrients and enzymes that have been frozen in arctic regions for safe keeping. They will be released as we need them.

April 4, 2015 at 7:04pm
April 4, 2015 at 7:04pm
At this level of awareness, one can see that all experiences, thoughts and emotions are lessons to be learned in the evolution of the soul back to God’s love and the original form, which is spirit.

Now some would proclaim that some individuals are more deserving of love than others are, and that some individuals are not deserving of love at all but each one has a small part to play in a huge endeavor but every small part is a very important part of the puzzle. When all the small parts are put together, the picture will become complete. Without even one small part, there is delay in achieving the universal goal.

Love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you are admonitions we read in our book of guidance called the bible. Similar guidance is contained in other books of guidance throughout the world. What better starting point is there to end small disagreements and large wars? If each of us loved our neighbor as we are asked to do, compassion and universal love would follow. Small pieces put together with love and joy leads to world peace. It is achievable in our time. It is God’s Dream.

March 28, 2015 at 9:19pm
March 28, 2015 at 9:19pm
All around us, we see nature completing the cycles that bring us the seasons of change in a never-ending pattern of evolution. The summer changes to autumn and autumn changes to winter, winter to spring and then back to summer. These are the visible cycles of nature, but there are thousands of invisible cycles that affect the way we live. Earth has cycles of movement that cause changes and movement just as our oceans do.

Our colder arctic regions freeze and thaw over the centuries and this leads to changes in people and animals that live in the arctic regions. Enzymes and minerals freeze in the Polar Regions and when the time comes when the evolution of humanity needs these enzymes and nutrients then will come the thaw, and our requirements will be met. All this happens in the cycles of the universe.

We will be known as a people without a country when the present manufactured borders are withdrawn. Race, religion and color will be a part of our history when evolution brings us to a point in our future when universal love and compassion will be our common life style.

Racial inter marriage will eliminate the color barrier as we know it now. A coming together of the various religions as we know them now will eliminate the tension and therefore the wars that are now fought in the name of God. God does not sanction wars. God is love and love does not condone wars. It is religion that is the cause of wars and religion is man-made. God expects only that we love one another and have dominion over the earth, not over humanity.

When we come together in universal love, there will be no war. When one has reached the level of awareness where universal love is achieved, there is no room for bias or discrimination. An individual who can accept every other individual on the planet as an equal creation in God’s love has no room for anger, hate, bias or discrimination.

March 21, 2015 at 7:42pm
March 21, 2015 at 7:42pm
There is joy in the heavens among the spiritual hierarchy when one soul returns to their original love nature.

One by one, souls are finding the way back to God. Each soul that returns increases the base for an exponential growth in the number of returning souls. Each returning soul builds a broader base of energy for the rest of us to enter the upward moving energy of returning souls. The more who enter the upward spiral, the broader the base of energy that engulfs those that are remaining.

The ‘each one brings one’ philosophy works well in the enlightenment of souls. Light workers need not dwell on the multitude of souls still to be shown the way they need only show one soul the way to seek his or her own path.

The best way to show the path to enlightenment is to live it every day. Love shown in daily living spreads to those around you and soon your world will blossom forth in love and abundance.

In my experience as a spiritual healer I met a few people who were, in my opinion, resistant to healing. They talked the talk but could not walk the walk. They preferred to live in the past hurts that were done to them in their younger life.

Yes, all those hurts are important, but there is no healing if we still live within those hurts. No parent is perfect, and seldom is there a parent who chooses to bring hurt to their children. But it happens. Our healing can only take place when we can overcome our childhood, and younger years, both good and bad, and live to know that those past experiences were given to us to learn the lessons we need.

If we continue to dwell on our past and do not use life as a healing process, we will not move forward. We will stay in place until we can use the lessons given to us. More importantly, we cannot help others to move to the Light.

I have on a few occasions had people turn on me for pointing this out to them, so feel free -- I'm a tough old lady :-

March 14, 2015 at 8:57pm
March 14, 2015 at 8:57pm
This was God’s dream, that the soul as the connecting link would be the teacher. He then gave each soul full reign in the development of His dream. The soul would develop the lesson plan and carry it out to its completion. The soul decides the lessons in the order that is best suited to the individual. If we did not have individual souls, we would all be learning the same lessons at the same time, for example we would all be male or female at the same time; all be leaders or students at the same time and so on. In order to diversify the population and have a balanced mix, we were given individual souls that work together and cooperate in a higher dimension to create a complete and balanced population.

Each experience, thought, idea or ideal known to man must be experienced by each soul ever created by God. That is, each person must experience being every color, race, creed, religion, every illness known and yet unknown, every state of consciousness. In other words everything or condition known to humanity must be experienced before we can return to our original and final state which is spirit.

March 7, 2015 at 8:49pm
March 7, 2015 at 8:49pm
Living in a heavenly setting with semi ethereal bodies, where we are governed by universal love, living with universal love, becoming universal love, who would not work towards that goal if they knew what the reward was? Now you are aware of what our goal is and what our reward is. It is time now in the new century to become aware and to work toward our new life.

If you are reading these words, you have already been selected to further God’s Dream. Those who have been encouraged to pick up this book and read these lines have been pre-selected to carry on the Dream and work towards the achievement of universal love throughout the world.

I stopped here because this is so very important -- remember these are not MY words but the words of the ASCENDED MASTERS as they were given to me.
February 28, 2015 at 3:18pm
February 28, 2015 at 3:18pm
We are told in our religious books that life is eternal, and so it is. The spirit and soul were created together in the beginning of time and will live into eternity, ever evolving to a higher and higher level of awareness.

Life does not begin at the birth of a child. Life began eons ago when time was unknown and will continue until time is unknown again. This is the path of the evolution of the soul and spirit until we return to God in complete love.

When it is time for the soul to make the transition from spirit to that of human form, there is a transformation.

The memory of the time spent in spirit and the memory from all previous human life times is forgotten. It is only very seldom that previous lifetime memories are brought to the present human form. Once the human vehicle is chosen and the soul enters the new form, the memories of past human forms are forgotten so that the new human form can begin learning the lessons it has come into this present atmosphere to learn. The learning begins immediately upon birth.

If the new human is deformed in any way, part of the lessons it must learn and teach others is the lesson of compassion. There are always many souls upon the earth that have volunteered to become human in order to teach others the lessons of universal love and compassion. This is one of the most difficult lessons that we, who are relatively healthy and whole, have to learn. To have compassion for those who are less fortunate than we are.

Now we understand why there are so many illnesses, disease and other physically restricted humans on the planet at one time. They are here primarily to teach the lesson compassion.

If you do not learn the lesson of compassion in this lifetime, you will be brought back repeatedly to live in increasingly difficult circumstances until the lesson of compassion is learned. Compassion is the basic ingredient in universal love. Until each individual has mastered the condition of universal love, our dream of heaven on earth is just an elusive dream.

You know you are getting old when:

You buy a new(er) car and it takes three weeks to learn how to turn on the windshield wipers.

Answer: You don't when they are set on automatic. DUH!!!

February 21, 2015 at 9:20pm
February 21, 2015 at 9:20pm
We will be known as a people without a country when the present manufactured borders are withdrawn. Race, religion and color will be a part of our history when evolution brings us to a point in our future when universal love and compassion will be our common life style.

Racial inter marriage will eliminate the color barrier as we know it now. A coming together of the various religions as we know them now will eliminate the tension and therefore the wars that are now fought in the name of God. God does not sanction wars. God is love and love does not condone wars. It is religion that is the cause of wars and religion is man made. God expects only that we love one another and have dominion over the earth, not over humanity.

When we come together in universal love, there will be no war. When one has reached the level of awareness where universal love is achieved, there is no room for bias or discrimination. An individual who can accept every other individual on the planet as an equal creation in God’s love has no room for anger, hate, bias or discrimination.

At this level of awareness, one can see that all experiences, thoughts and emotions are lessons to be learned in the evolution of the soul back to God’s love and the original form, which is spirit.

Now some would proclaim that some individuals are more deserving of love than others are, and that some individuals are not deserving of love at all but each one has a small part to play in a huge endeavor but every small part is a very important part of the puzzle. When all the small parts are put together, the picture will become complete. Without even one small part, there is delay in achieving the universal goal.

Love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have them do unto you are admonitions we read in our book of guidance called the bible. Similar guidance is contained in other books of guidance throughout the world. What better starting point is there to end small disagreements and large wars? If each of us loved our neighbor as we are asked to do, compassion and universal love would follow. Small pieces put together with love and joy leads to world peace. It is achievable in our time. It is God’s Dream.

Time as we know it now will change with the evolution of the planet. Even now, we are experiencing a shortening of day light hours. People are busier and busier with little or no time left for them or loved ones. This is partly due to the ever-increasing activities available for families, partly because time itself is decreasing.

In the future, we will have our twenty four-hour days divided evenly into twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness. This will mean a major shift in lifestyle for everyone.

Even though our clocks will measure sixty minutes to each hour as they always have, the time itself will be compacted by spiritual inspiration. We will experience tension as we become used to the change. Some individuals will find this extremely stressful while others will accommodate these changes with a minimum of stress.

Just as our time will change, so will global warming change our lifestyle. Eventually our global temperature will be a constant seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. This is inevitable and will be accomplished, not by our own effort but by the effort of our spiritual helpers and the continuing cycles of our universe.

Our spiritual guides are even now managing the ozone layer more so than we ourselves are, in order to bring about the desired results.

February 14, 2015 at 8:17pm
February 14, 2015 at 8:17pm
There is joy in the heavens among the spiritual hierarchy when one soul returns to their original love nature.

One by one, souls are finding the way back to God. Each soul that returns increases the base for an exponential growth in the number of returning souls. Each returning soul builds a broader base of energy for the rest of us to enter the upward moving energy of returning souls. The more who enter the upward spiral, the broader the base of energy that engulfs those that are remaining.

The ‘each one brings one’ philosophy works well in the enlightenment of souls. Light workers need not dwell on the multitude of souls still to be shown the way they need only show one soul the way to seek his or her own path.

The best way to show the path to enlightenment is to live it every day. Love shown in daily living spreads to those around you and soon your world will blossom forth in love and abundance.

All around us, we see nature completing the cycles that bring us the seasons of change in a never-ending pattern of evolution. The summer changes to autumn and autumn changes to winter, winter to spring and then back to summer. These are the visible cycles of nature, but there are thousands of invisible cycles that affect the way we live. Earth has cycles of movement that cause changes and movement just as our oceans do.

Our colder arctic regions freeze and thaw over the centuries and this leads to changes in people and animals that live in the arctic regions. Enzymes and minerals freeze in the Polar Regions and when the time comes when the evolution of humanity needs these enzymes and nutrients then will come the thaw, and our requirements will be met. All this happens in the cycles of the universe.

February 7, 2015 at 8:08pm
February 7, 2015 at 8:08pm
We Have Dominion over the Earth

Now when the earth was young and people were in a semi ethereal body, they were able to pass through solid objects by speeding up the atoms and molecules of which they were composed. They would re-arrange their composition by warming the atoms and molecules by speeding them up, and then in a decomposed condition they could pass through a solid object molecule by molecule and re-compose their form once they had passed through the solid obstacle.

The knowledge of this practice is with us even today and certain individuals are able to accomplish this even now.

In the future when this knowledge becomes widespread throughout the world, we will once again find it common practice to move about without concern of being hampered by solid structures. The power of the mind, we will find is without limits.

When we were spirit in ethereal form, God knew that in order to become matter there must be a link that would bridge the gap between spirit and matter and then on the return trip back to spirit. That bridge is the soul. We were given a soul to act as our teacher that could teach us the lessons we needed to learn to become matter and then continue the guidance that would lead us back to our true and original form, which is spirit.

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