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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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May 6, 2012 at 12:03am
May 6, 2012 at 12:03am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

With just the power of the collective mind, we could find a cure for the majority of problems that infect our world. We must learn to use the power of the mind in a constructive way to bring about the changes that we desire. What the conscious mind can imagine, the sub-conscious mind can achieve. When we truly understand this, we can create change in our self and in the universe. We cannot yet imagine what the power of the mind can do. It may sound idealistic in our present state of consciousness, but we really can move a mountain with our powerful mind even now in our present state of consciousness.

I am going to try to write the impossible. Impossible, because there are no words in the English language to describe what I felt.

Last Friday I turned from my left side to the right in my sleep. I guess you are with me so far, but there was a man in my bed. He had dark hair, eyes, and a short dark beard. I recognised him, but couldn’t put a name to the face. Of course, I knew he was in spirit form, and I was only slightly awake, but the love that emanated from him is what I cannot describe. Nothing on earth, no words on earth could begin to describe that love.

I went back to sleep, still thinking of him and who it could be. Again, I turned onto my left side and slept for about two hours before turning again onto my right side. He was still there. He put his arm around my shoulders – as though we were walking side by side. I felt his touch on my left shoulder. The love was even more intense than it was earlier. His face was very clear; still I was not sure who he was.

I asked someone who ‘sees’ more clearly than I do. She told me it was Alexander. For new readers, I knew Alexander through my friend Terri. Terri did trance channeling when I knew her. She would go into a trance and Alexander would speak through her while she was ‘asleep’. There is also a story in my port called ‘Cleopatra’. Alexander and I had a lifetime together during the reign of Cleopatra. We were both badly burned, I from the sun in the desert, he from a house fire. We loved each other then. We still do today.

I look forward to seeing more of him, and to hear him speak to me.

I am humbled.

April 29, 2012 at 12:05am
April 29, 2012 at 12:05am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We are aware of couples who have been together for a very long time, if one of the couple dies and is taken back into spirit; we see that sometimes the other will also die within a short period. The power of the mind is awesome. We can actively choose to live or to die and our mind will follow our wishes.

Think of how much we could accomplish if we were aware of our own awesome power and combine that with the minds of many. We could literally transform the world we live in with such power, if used in a constructive way could bring peace to nations and advance the evolution of our collective soul. We could shorten the time we have to live with war and hate and we could create the transformation of our present day earth into the heaven on earth we all desire.

Mallard speak.

Last week I mentioned spirit talks to us in many ways, and so they do.

The day before I posted that, something very unusual happened. The significance of which did not dawn on me until later on in the week.

I was coming out of a used bookstore – my favourite kind of store – when suddenly I noticed a Mallard duck and his mate in front of me. I say suddenly, because I did not notice them until I was about two feet from them. I admired the beauty of his plumage, and the drabness of hers. If they were not together, I would never have known she was a Mallard.

They did not fly away, or even move quickly when I approached them. It was raining hard, and had been for several days. There was a puddle of rainwater on the sidewalk. The male scooped up a beak of water and drank it. Still they did not move. I walked off the sidewalk into the wet grass to move around them. I thought it was a bit unusual at the time, because there are no restaurants in that strip mall, no food garbage, the buildings are old warehouses, and there are no lakes or rivers nearby, so I briefly wondered why the ducks chose to be there.

I told a friend about my encounter with the Mallards. She lives several thousand kilometers from me, but she was amazed when I told her. The reason was, that a very similar encounter with a Mallard pair happened to her only six days before. Now my interest was peaked.

First Nations people usually have more knowledge of animals, and there are many very good sites on the Internet about animal totems, and animal medicine. I began to look. I found a very interesting site by Dr. Standley, a Native American Cherokee woman who has a great site on the subject of animal medicine, and what a visit from birds or animals can mean.

Meeting with a Mallard can mean --Protection, Nurture, Introspection.


She mentions a change of diet might be in the life of one who encounters a Mallard. Yep, that’s me. I recently became aware of allergies to all dried foods and drink. That includes teas and coffees. This has been a very difficult transition for me. My friend also found something very significant in Dr. Standley’s website, although it had nothing to do with foods.

Spirit does indeed speak in many languages, even Mallard.

April 22, 2012 at 12:02am
April 22, 2012 at 12:02am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We must remember that love is the essential ingredient in our journey of the mind. Of love we were born and love is the reason we are here. The same love will bring us back to God, the ultimate destination. We are capable, with just the power of our own mind to complete the journey back to Source. Back to God’s love, back to peace, love and joy for eternity.

When we look around at our war torn world, we must remember that God’s plan is at work in every area. It is good for us to reflect on the overall plan and remember that God will not let us fail. He wants us to return to Him, He wants His children home and ultimately He will get His wish. We are at the right place at the right time and He will bring us home.

Everywhere around us, we see the power of the mind at work. Simple things like when we see a picture of a bug or spider our body recoils because the image reminds our body what it would be like to be in the presence of the real bug or spider.

If the mind is powerful enough to imagine a creepy crawly bug on us and it makes us shiver, then the mind is also powerful enough to make us well or to bring illness into our bodies. It may take us varying lengths of time but it is eminently possible and probable.

I must tell you about Tuesday night. I have mentioned the spots of light I see in my bedroom immediately after turning out the light. These spots are of varying brightness, and various sizes. Sometime there are a dozen or so, sometimes many hundreds.

On Monday night, I realized I had not seen any light beings in my room for several nights. I was a little worried, because at the same time, my garden of healing had been empty. There was no one in the garden, and no one sparkling in the darkness of my bedroom. I didn’t know if I had been abandoned or it was just a lull in activities. This was a first for me.

Then, Tuesday night, when I turned out the lights, there was an abundance of light beings. More than I had ever seen before, and they were much brighter than ever before. I was astonished. I sat up and looked around. I couldn’t help but smile at the wondrous spectacle. There were thousands of them.

On the stairs outside my open bedroom door, there were five or six very bright lights, dancing up and down the stairs. They were like fairies, dancing in a fairy circle. I hadn’t been abandoned at all. How little faith we have in the presence of our angels and guides. And, then, in the most glorious ways, they show us that they are there with us, helping us at every moment. They are speaking to us in every rainbow, spring blossom, butterfly, bird’s song, bud and leaf. We need not fear that we will be abandoned. That is God’s promise.

April 15, 2012 at 12:02am
April 15, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

We already know that a happy person usually lives longer than a depressed person does. We know that in a time of illness, even terminal illness, a person with a positive outlook on life will not only live longer but also can usually avoid times of deep depression and enjoy a better quality of life during that illness.

These are examples of the power of the mind even at our relatively low level of consciousness. We can hardly imagine what is possible with the highly evolved mind.

As we have said, evolution will move forward with or without our consent or awareness. How much better it is for us if we are fully aware and do everything in our power to increase the rate of our own evolution and therefore contribute to the evolution of our universe.

We have no control over another soul’s evolution; we can only contribute to our own journey, but in so doing we add to the overall base of advancement and in this way increase the speed of universal improvement.

I wanted to write about politics and healing, but I didn’t think anyone would care. Either one is interested in politics, or one is not. However, I think we should all begin to care a little more. There is a trend going on that is very frightening. Conservatives, in increasing number of countries are leading us into a trap, where big business and corporations will rule governments, and they are rapidly gaining ground. Within the next decade, if this trend continues, 1% of the population, the ultra rich, will dominate, and the rest of us will be left with nothing. I mean that literally, nothing. It is happening already. The gap between rich and poor is increasing.

Our angels and guides speak to us in thousands of ways. I had decided I would not write about politics but I could not think of anything else. Politics kept popping into my mind. I pushed it back. Then, today I went into a used bookstore, and within a very short time of browsing, I saw three books about politics and spirituality. Okay, they got my attention.

A few days ago, through a series of events, it came to me that I should stop complaining about our politicians and do something about it. As I was thinking that thought, I could see a fence being created in my garden of healing. Ah ha, this is where our Conservative politicians belong. And with that thought, our Prime Minister and all his goons were behind the fence. Immediately, the PM started yelling at me. I felt safe in my sacred garden. I told him to stop lying to the people and start making laws to protect and enhance the lives of the poor. His face turned bright red, along with the others beside him. He was the only one yelling, and it was fierce. His outrage continued for days. Many think he is a psychopath. His lies cause him no distress, whereas, most people could not cope with the outrageous lies and fabrications, which are normal to him.

Does his physical body know what is going on? I doubt it. I know his spiritual body knows something is happening. I hope he has a change of heart, however small that change is.

This morning, Saturday, they were all gone. I don’t know who let them out, but obviously a stronger power than I. Maybe, like an addict, our world will drop to its lowest state before we rise again. So I have been told.

April 10, 2012 at 9:46pm
April 10, 2012 at 9:46pm
Wednesday, 11 April at 7:30

Your own time zone is the monthly meditation for world peace.

If you are frustrated trying to meditate, Kerry Palframan (Indigo Dreamer) has a good article on the subject. I urge you to read it, as well as, some of her other articles.


April 8, 2012 at 12:01am
April 8, 2012 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

The soul, when it enters the human baby’s body is not a new, immature soul, the soul is eternal as is the spirit, and was created eons ago when creation began. It will continue to live eternally, it will continue to progress and evolve eternally. Although we do not recall our eternal experience, the soul does and leads us through the lessons we need to learn.

Even the souls who have returned to enlightenment and to God, and are now spiritual beings that are not required to return to physical embodiment continue to evolve. Any spiritual being can at any time choose to enter the physical world if their work would be better executed in the physical form. We hear of spiritual beings that are so highly evolved that they are no longer accessible to human channels; they reside in the higher dimensions. Our world teachers, one of whom was known as Jesus, continue to evolve and resides in the higher dimensions but because He is a world leader and teacher He is still accessible to humans whenever we wish to call on Him. This is His promise.

This is Easter Sunday when we celebrate the life of our World Teacher of Light and Love.

One problem I have with the resurrection as described in the bible, is that Jesus was seen in the body of flesh and blood after he arose. Those of us, who have experience in seeing spiritual beings, know that they are not flesh and blood, and they cannot be mistaken as flesh and blood. Yet, the story of Doubting Thomas says that Jesus was seen in the human body form.

This leads me to believe, and as Sylvia Browne explains, that his death and resurrection was a carefully guarded orchestration by his friends and Pontius Pilate, the governor.

The drink he was given was administered by the governor’s physician, and was something that would cause him to lose consciousness. He was taken down from the cross, and placed in a cave where is Mother Mary and his wife Mary administered to his wounds. In three days, the stone was, indeed, rolled back and he ‘arose’ from the sick bed to appear again to his disciples.

One of his friends, who was part of the plan, was a ship builder. Remember Jesus told his disciples he would again meet them at a port city. From there, he and his wife sailed away from their homeland, never to return, because he was a wanted man.

This passage is taken from www.allaboutjesuschrist.org

“A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!' Then he said to Thomas, 'Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.' Thomas said to him, 'My Lord and my God!' Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed' (John 20:26-29).”

So, was he spirit (he walked through a locked door). Or, was he flesh and blood (put your finger here; see my hands) He could not be both.

My wish is for you all to have a wonderful long weekend.

April 1, 2012 at 12:02am
April 1, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Eventually our global temperature will be a constant seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. This is inevitable and will be accomplished, not by our own effort but by the effort of our spiritual helpers and the continuing cycles of our universe.

Our spiritual guides are even now managing the ozone layer more so than we ourselves are, in order to bring about the desired results.

Many people have been talking about the unusually mild winter we have experienced in 2011 - ’12. This is what the Ascended Masters have to say about it. Here in southeastern Ontario, we have had the mildest winter on record. Even now, we are experiencing temperatures in the 70’s. Just three years ago, we had a 30-inch snowfall in March.

When we experience the same weather globally, whatever will be talk about? We could vacation in Norway instead of Mexico. And wherever would be go for a sleigh ride? I can see it now, artificial snow and cold temperatures in amusement parks. Grandparents telling their little ones, “See, that’s the stuff we had to walk in to get to school.” “That’s so cool, Grandpa.”

March 25, 2012 at 12:03am
March 25, 2012 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Each soul must experience every possible experience at least once in the evolutionary process. As an example, each soul must have the experience of being every nationality and every skin color. Each soul must experience every kind of illness known on earth. Each soul must experience every emotion, thought, fear, addiction, sexual orientation and every other experience known on our planet including abortion, infant death and old age. Every possible lesson must be experienced in the full course of the evolution of the soul back to enlightenment.

The emotions experienced when a loved one departs the physical body are part of the learning process. When we ask, ‘Why does God allow an innocent child to die?’ The answer is that life is eternal, the soul that inhabited the child’s body did not die, it completed the evolutionary learning that was required in that certain lifetime and returned to spirit. This is not an easy lesson to learn but necessary to understand. The wisdom of the soul determines the life path of the individual, whether they are young or old. The soul is the connection between the individual and the spirit. The spirit is the immaterial, intellectual or sentient part of a person.

For the past week or so, I have been troubled with guilt, sometimes to the point of near tears. Not from something I have done recently but what happened in a former lifetime.

Suddenly, I saw myself as a male, in a captain’s uniform, walking along an ocean beach. I could see a sunken ship in the water. I knew I had been the captain of this ship. I also knew that many had drowned because of something I had done, or not done. I do not know if I had saved myself while others died, or if I had also died. The man on the beach, of course, is in spirit form.

I have known about this lifetime for many years, but never had any more information than what I have just written here. I have never before felt guilt about the incident, until last week.

We know that there is no time or space in other dimensions. Therefore, all lifetimes are happening in the now. So, why do I feel the intense emotion of guilt in the present time?

It has also been about a week that a fellow healer has been administering to my spirit self. I have been on her healing table, in her house of healing for all that time. First, I asked to be on her table for a present physical problem. That problem was soon cleared up, but I remained on her table for more than a week now. Gradually my feelings of guilt have diminished.

These things have raised questions in my mind. Was the guilt I felt from that previous lifetime holding me back from evolving now? What will be different in my life, when this guilt is lifted?

Last night, I opened my eyes slightly as I turned from side to side in a half sleep state. The hallway outside my open bedroom door was brightly lit with an intense white light. Is this white light connected to the healing of my guilt?

I will probably never know the answers to these questions while I am in physical form. I wish I did.

March 18, 2012 at 12:02am
March 18, 2012 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Each one of us on earth is following their own path to spiritual enlightenment. This means that no two lives will travel the same path. We often hear the question ‘Why did God allow this to happen?’ We are beginning to realize that every experience is a learning experience, which is why we are in physical form, there are no mistakes in life, only lessons to learn. Each life is given certain lessons to learn that will enable them to evolve in the certain way that is essential to that soul’s path to enlightenment.

A child who may be born into this physical life and only stays a few minutes, hours, days or years has, in that short time already learned or taught all the lessons that is required of them. The education is not only for the child’s soul, but also for the family they were born into and everyone involved or associated with that life. When a child lives only a short life, the lessons they came to teach are often for the medical profession as well as the family. How many surgical procedures are learned by the medical profession because of the death of an individual whose family gave approval for an autopsy?

I think I have been in a desert for a few weeks now -- a dry spell. Not much is happening that is interesting enough to write about.

So, I will tell you a story that happened a few years ago.

My grandson, Robert lived with me for about ten years. During some of that time, he worked on a horse farm where they boarded horses and gave riding lessons.

Although he had an apartment overlooking the riding ring, he did not want to stay there over the weekends – inevitably, he would be asked to work. So, each Friday evening I drove out to get him. There was a paddock where one of the horses stayed close to his entrance door.

One Friday, I brought an apple for this horse. The following Friday, Robert was a little late coming out so, I waited in the van. I watched the horse. First, it looked at me in the van, then to the door where Robert would come out of the building. Back and forth, its head turned like it was watching a tennis match. This went on for about ten minutes. It took me awhile to realize the horse was smart enough to know why I was there, and that I was waiting for Robert.

When Robert opened the door and came out, the horse reared up on it hind legs and whinnied. Smart indeed.

According to Sylvia Browne, the psychic, all pets go to heaven and stay there. They do not reincarnate as we do. When we reach heaven, she says, all our pets are there to welcome us, and stay with us forever. She says, our friends and loved ones wait for the pets to greet us before they come forward with loving arms to welcome us home.

March 11, 2012 at 12:04am
March 11, 2012 at 12:04am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted inblue

Dreams are a very important part of our evolution. Some dreams tell us what to expect in the future. Some dreams warn of events to come and some seem to have no meaning at all. While we are sleeping, our ego or personality is at rest and therefore our guides have clear access to speak to our sub-conscious mind. We may wake up in the morning with a new idea or a new way of achieving a goal or even an answer to a question or problem that we have been struggling with for some time. Our guides are always willing to answer our questions or solve our dilemmas; we have just to learn how to listen.

When we are in our dream world or in deep meditation, we are in a different dimension than when we are awake. Both are real while we inhabit them but when we are in one dimension we are not aware of the other. The same applies when we are in the physical reality; we do not recall our spiritual reality. When we are in the spiritual reality, we only remember the lessons we learned while we were in the physical reality. We receive information from our guides while dreaming that assist us in our physical dimension.


Last week, the Masters spoke of angel sightings. They said, “In the future angel sightings will be a common topic of conversation. We will become accustomed to seeing our guides and quite willing to talk to them, and about them.”

Well, talk about coincidence !! Not only have others spoken to me about orb sightings this week, I saw an orb in my home last Monday.

Now, I have seen many spiritual beings and talked to them, but I have never before seen one in the form of an orb as shown in the link above. A friend, who sees the future, said, it is this time in our evolution, that we will begin to see orbs.

Look at your photographs taken during the past few years. Do you see them? A photograph I took in 1982 clearly shows an orb, or perhaps three.

World Peace Meditations 
Wednesday, March 14, 7:30pm
(based on local time in your time zone)

Future Dates 
Wednesday - Apr 11, May 9 at 7:30pm

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