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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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June 22, 2013 at 10:19pm
June 22, 2013 at 10:19pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We tend to apply too much value on money and material things. It is true that we need currency to survive in the world today. What we need to do is separate our needs from our wants and think about sharing some of our wealth. It is not necessary to fund every charity that comes calling. It would be best if we would share within our own family and extended family. After that to choose one or two charities that we feel are worthy and contribute whatever we can. It is not necessary to give to the point of leaving ourselves short but when our needs are taken care of and our family is provided for, there may be enough to share with the needy.

As we have said before when we start with ourselves, the effect will be felt in an ever-growing circle around us. Whether it is love, kindness, tenderness or money, the goodness will spread. That is all we ask of anyone, to show love and kindness to those we are close to. Let your guides and helpers in spirit form do the work they are prepared to do. When we do the physical work, it makes it easier for them to do the non-physical work. Trust and it shall be done. That is their promise.

‘Let the children ask questions, they will be answered by crop circles.’

‘Let the children ask questions, they will be answered in crop circles.’

You see the difference? I was given this sentence by Singer. Trouble is, it is difficult to get the little words correct. Now, I know ‘children’ refers to us humans, but since I have found few answers to crop circles and what they mean, how will I find answers to our questions?

I believe crop circles are created by rotary engines or propellers under space craft that spin around, flattening the grain stalks under them. The shape or design is not so important, because it shows the shape and type of vehicle that landed. But, how will they answer our questions? Perhaps this has yet to be shown us, in this age of enlightenment.

Thursday night I was awake most of the night by a very loud conversation between two male voices. These voices seemed different in tone and character than I had heard before. They also seemed closer to my head. I did not understand the words, didn’t even get a sense of what they were talking about.

In the morning I realised the voices were coming from a crystal lamp I have had on my bedside table for more than twenty years. This has never happened before to my knowledge or remembrance. I put the lamp in another room; the following night I did not hear the voices. Whether the voices were not there, or they were talking in an empty bedroom, I do not know. I know I had a more restful sleep, but I miss my reading lamp.

One crystal lamp sacrificed to the voices in the night.

June 15, 2013 at 10:06pm
June 15, 2013 at 10:06pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Kindness is a good quality to possess in the evolution of the soul. In most cases, showing kindness will result in a kindness being returned to the individual. When kind deeds are given freely, the result is often a kinder gentler community.

However, a show of kindness does not always bring the desired results. There are still at this time a majority of individuals who view a kind person as a weak person. The result then becomes the kindness brings just the opposite effect. Some individuals still fear a gentle kind individual because they themselves are not kind and gentle. Such people tend to fear what they do not understand. When they do not understand, they feel they must destroy the one who shows them kindness.

We must show our gentle nature with discernment until we are sure it will not be used against us. It is not in our nature to turn down a request but in order to preserve our own gentleness; we must learn to say no to individuals that are likely to harm us.

The world is not yet ready for the highly evolved individuals in our midst. It is then in our own best interests to conduct our lives in such a way as to protect our gentle nature from being destroyed by those who are uninitiated. It is a delicate balance and in some ways, it is like living with a secret that we cannot yet reveal. Rest assured the time will come when we will be able to reveal the secret and live up to our true potential as evolved souls.

The glory will be ours.

"Our thinking mind works hard trying to understand everything and wants to reject what it cannot "understand." Our spirit just is.....perfect, content to just be without having to run your life. Inspiration in Action is about nurturing more of the spirit's influence in our lives and managing the busyness of our thinking mind. … "

Kathie Donovan

Next world Peace Meditation Wednesday 19 June 2013 at 7:30 your local time

This week the government of the province of Quebec but forth a motion on euthanasia, when to pull the plug, as it were. Just the thing we don’t need laws and politicians to decide for us. What we need is someone who can see when the spirit leaves the body. I would like someone who can speak to the soul, and find out if the soul karma is done, or if there are still lessons to learn and teach.

Wouldn’t it be a dreadful shame if the plug was pulled, only for the convenience of those watching? Perhaps those watching still have to learn the lesson of compassion, which the leaving soul is trying to teach. Just for the ‘convenience’ of the watchers, the leaving soul must then return to another lifetime here on earth to finish the teaching. And all because the government said that is what should happen.

Simply, we do not understand the complexities of the soul and the state of unconsciousness.


This will give you the symptoms that you may be experiencing along your path of ascension. I know I have been waiting for this to happen. I waited for June 2013, with much more anticipation than December 2012.

A lot to think about.

June 8, 2013 at 10:18pm
June 8, 2013 at 10:18pm
Past life puzzles

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Some of our thoughts from our childhood that have attracted illness to us are deep rooted in our sub-conscious mind. They are indeed the truth to us. It is very difficult then, to dislodge the truth, as we are accustomed to it. It has been our truth for a very long time. It is deeply embedded in our minds.

Perhaps we feel helpless to change our minds about our condition. Perhaps we feel unworthy or guilty. We must then remember that every event in our life is a lesson contributing to our evolution. There is no need to feel guilty or unworthy when we are here to experience these lessons.

Remember that what was truth to our childhood mind is not necessarily the truth as we look at it with an adult mind. Each soul that God created is equal in the mind of God. We must understand this truth from the bottom of our heart and mind. All are equal; no one is better than another is whether they are smarter, prettier, and stronger, etc. each soul has exactly the correct attributes to improve their own evolution. All are equal. Every piece of the puzzle fits perfectly to complete the whole picture. Each piece is equally important whether a soul is a homeless panhandler on the street or a king in a mansion. The plan of evolution could not proceed without each important piece.

Remember, in the next lifetime, those positions may be reversed. The king may be the homeless panhandler and the panhandler may be the king.

Such is the progress of evolution, that when we all reach the ultimate position of heaven we will all have had the experience of being every position known to humanity.

Whisperings in the night have been going on for many years, and many people hear them but don’t necessarily recognise them. My mother heard them, she also was deaf, as I am, but she heard someone knocking on her door. She said they always came at about 2 in the morning. She said, with surprise, that during the new-fallen winter snow, they left no footprints. Later in her life, she learned ‘they’ lived with her and talked to her, and she talked to them.

Strange, how we are slow to learn. When I visited my mom, I could knock on her door with a hammer, she would not hear, yet she heard the quiet knocking of spirit on her door. I, and others I know, hear our name called, the doorbell, phone, or knocks, and are often fooled into arising to answer the call, only to find no one there.

I don’t know why spirit does this, but they must have a reason. Perhaps they ‘need’ us at a certain place, at a certain time, or a certain state of consciousness and this is the way they maneuver us to the spot where we are required. I know they need our physical body to do their work, that’s why we get strong urges to go to certain places, stores, malls, and other places. Sometimes we are urged to be at a certain place, at a certain time to meet someone from our past lives, whom we have agreed to meet with. This meeting could simply be a passing in the street, or a smile and a ‘howdy’ in the grocery store. Simply, these meetings could fulfill a past-life obligation.

One day my car was acting up. My grandson, Robert was with me, and he told me to turn onto a residential street. At that point the car would not go any further, yet there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. A gentleman came out of his home to help us. He got the car started, and he said he would follow us home, ‘just in case’. All was well, and he left us, advising me to take the car in to a shop the next day. There was no need. The car was fine. I asked Robert, who, at the time spoke freely with spirit, why this incident happened. He told me that he, Robert, had ‘taken a bullet’ for the man in a past life. This exchange was repayment.

One more account paid in full.

June 1, 2013 at 10:00pm
June 1, 2013 at 10:00pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There are many ways such as these where the mind will attract attention to the body in the form of an illness. The symptoms may be treated but the condition is often permanent unless there is a spiritual awakening and the cause is found.

These conditions are quite different from the ones mentioned elsewhere when a soul volunteers to come to earth with a medical condition in order to teach compassion and to teach the medical community lessons to enhance medical technology.

There are of course, other reasons for the onset of illness. The children who are born into poverty and famine are most likely to bear the burden of their impoverished lives. Those who grow to adulthood are likely to experience a variety of conditions that are the result of lack of human compassion. These conditions will be eliminated as humanity evolves to a higher level of awareness.

I’ve heard a few strange whispers in the night recently, none that are helpful to readers. For instance, one of those who speak seems to be a lecturer. He goes on for hours, and I am lucky if I catch a word or two. Another seems to be a radio announcer, sometimes naming stations that are not accurate in our world today, for instance, one time he said, ‘this is CBS, in Lethbridge, Alberta. Well, CBS is an American station, and Lethbridge is a Canadian city. So these rants are not of much help to me – at least not that I can understand.

Another recent rant was the lecturer going on and on about movies and actors. I have no interest in the subject, and didn’t recognise, the movies he mentioned, nor the actors. In the end he asked, ‘What were the actors paid?’ Huh ~~~ What is this, the University of spiritual drama? I hope I was not marked for the non-answer.

I remember the first whispering, it was in January 1987, it was day one of the first course for me in the art of spiritual healing – Reiki. I’m sure I have written about this one before, but a refresher for us all.

It was a four hour Friday afternoon course, and the seating was extremely uncomfortable wooden chairs without cushions. The circulation was hampered in the back of my thighs, and during the night, I awoke with severe cramps in my legs.

I saw a picture that looked exactly like this )(. The whispered message was, place your hands on your upper inner thighs; it will help circulate the blood.

Yes, it worked, and I slept soundly for the rest of the night. I have used this exercise often over the years, both for leg cramps and for stress related high blood pressure.

I hope it helps someone else. We are all healers, you don’t have to take a course.

May 25, 2013 at 9:12pm
May 25, 2013 at 9:12pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We see a situation that often occurs in the life of an only child; the child receives all the attention from the adults in the family. A child with all the attention focused on them will possibly have a difficult adjustment to make when, as an adult, they must share the attention in a roll as a spouse or parent.

When attention must be shared with a spouse and children, the adjustment is sometimes too difficult and the mind will attract a medical condition or accident to bring the attention back to them. Such an adult is hardly ever able to attract enough attention to them because their need is so great, and so the condition takes control.

A hodgepodge of whispers and another visitor this week.

No matter how often it happens, recognition comes slow for me. For the last few weeks a phrase has floated into my mind. Something my older brother used to say when we were children. I won’t repeat it here because it was a little rude and something teenagers are likely to say. I wondered why this phrase kept repeating in my head, until Friday morning. Then I ‘got’ it. My brother was visiting.

My brother was about six years older than me. There were ten of us, and I was the youngest. By the time I remembered things, most of them were gone. But I do remember this very insignificant phrase. This is how those who have gone on before us attract our attention. Repeating a phrase, or thought that identifies with them exclusively.

I don’t know where he is now, whether in the light or in the dark, but there was no indication that he was not in the light. He had a very difficult life, bad marriage, addictions, and in the end living in rooming houses or perhaps on the street. I don’t know. He was in western Canada, and I in the east. I did not know him as an adult, but his addictions led to a stroke, which ended his life here on earth in the early 1990’s

The whispers – one was about taking a busy road with a traffic circle. I was thinking about taking a different route, when a whisper said, ‘no, it’s alright’. So I took the traffic circle. I had to make a left-hand turn, so I had to go three-quarters around the two-lane circle. When I got there, the circle was empty. That was very unusual indeed, and I zipped right through.

Another whisper – a shopping list I had left on the kitchen table. At my age, memory has a mind of its own. When I got to the grocery store, I was directed to every item on my list. That was very unusual indeed.

Small things that spirit whispers to us making us aware of their existence and presence in our lives.

Yes, those beyond the vale are making themselves known.

May 18, 2013 at 10:42pm
May 18, 2013 at 10:42pm

Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Let us explain a little about illness in the human form. We see much illness and wish to explain how it happens and how an individual is able to help them. Any illness will present itself in the weakest area of the body. If the cells in an organ are weakened, that organ will be the first affected by an illness.

We bring illness to ourselves usually by the power of the mind when we compare ourselves to others. Very often, this comparison begins at a very young age when our parents compare us to our siblings. It may be that the first-born child is a much-cherished child and treated as such. Now let us say there is a second child born. Suddenly life changes dramatically for the older child. The child with a child’s method of reasoning cannot comprehend or understand why their life has changed. Suddenly the baby is the cherished jewel in the family. The first child feels helpless and abandoned; they only want their old status back. It never happens so they may attract an illness in order to get the attention they crave and deserve. The illness or medical condition may stay with them for their entire life. They may never know why they cannot get help for their medical problems. If they are told that the condition started in their mind, they are unlikely to believe it. This scenario may repeat itself as more children are born.

When parents are not aware of how some illness begins, they simply cannot avoid the onset of the condition in their children.

It’s been a significant week in spirit experiences for me. Sometimes I go for weeks with nothing unusual, but this week started with a bang.

I was awakened from a nap on Monday afternoon by a very bright golden light filling the living room. There were golden rays of light slanting across the room – not coming from the window but from the door to the hallway. Then, within these rays of golden light, there was a design of diamonds. Not the gems, but the pattern of diamonds, like a patchwork quilt. Gold on gold. I closed my eyes, thinking there was something wrong with my eyes, opened them again, and the light was still there. A very significant visitor starting my week.

Then on Tuesday, I was awakened again, this time during the night to the distinct voice of Singer. Not singing this time, but with a warning to beware of guests I am expecting in July. He said he would be with me, and indeed he was, sending me a very good idea, through a very unusual source. They had been planning to stay with me, but the last time they visited, was a very bad experience for me. Some people need house training. Tonight I made an agreement with them, that I would rent a motel room for them for their stay in Ottawa. I told them they would have more privacy and freedom. They agreed. Much easier on my nerves and mental health this way.

On Thursday I had a very unexpected visitor from the other side. A woman who died of cancer almost ten years ago paid me a visit with a message. This woman was not a friend. In her view I and my family were less than the dirt under her shoes. She was very involved in church work, and a very good Christian, I, the sinner that was surely going to hell. In the vision I had of her, she sneered at me with contempt, and announced that there was no heaven. Gee, what a surprise. Made my day.

It’s been a good week.

May 11, 2013 at 10:09pm
May 11, 2013 at 10:09pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is our natural state of being fully alive when all our senses are functioning. The individual who cannot fully utilize their full spectrum of senses is limited in knowledge and power. We shall soon all return to normal as evolution moves forward. Blessed be the children for they shall lead us.

Next World Peace Meditation is

Wednesday 15 May 2013 at 7:30 your local time.

I seldom buy magazines, they tend to be a book of advertising with a big price tag, but when a news magazine had a cover story asking ‘What if Heaven is Real?’ I felt I had to read this. Of course I was disappointed, as I knew I would be, but perhaps someone else will benefit from the stories mentioned in the article.

Recently books telling of near death experiences seem to be flooding the market and hitting the best seller list, often staying there for years. A 2010 poll of Canadians found more than half think there is a heaven, only a third acknowledges hell. I find that interesting indeed. One academic called his belief ‘an unreligious afterlife’, I like that.

Alexander Eben, a neurosurgeon, had a near death experience and wrote a bestselling book called

Proof of Heaven. Four year old Colton Burpo had a near death experience in which he traveled with his sister, who never had an earth life as his sister, because she was miscarried. Colton spent some of his time in ‘heaven’ sitting on the lap of Jesus, and some time with his never-born sister.

The article ends with a wise understanding that we are progressing away from religion to a more individualized spirituality – but then we already knew that, didn’t we?

• Mclean’s magazine, May, 2013

May 4, 2013 at 8:50pm
May 4, 2013 at 8:50pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Children born into future generations will have more psychic ability than we do or the generations before us. The ability to see and hear other world beings will be normal for them. They will bring with them memories of the civilization of Lemuria, when all beings were semi-ethereal. That is, they could move about with just thoughts. They could communicate by thought transference. They could heal and do all manor of surgery with only their mind.

Future generations will bring back these memories and they will be accepted as normal. We have been taught to scorn those who have these gifts now. Yet, it is perfectly acceptable to acknowledge that our bible was written by prophets and seers. Somewhere along the way, prophets became the objects of scorn. In the near future, they will once again be held in high esteem, as they should be.

Sometimes we just don’t know what we got, till it’s gone.

I was sitting with a friend one afternoon. She was waiting for a ride home, and I was in the mall shopping when I saw her. We chatted for a while. Hannah is a psychic and did readings in the mall, for anyone who came by, and was interested. Marie, who was going to give her a ride home was a little late, she was a student as a hairdressing school, which was located in the mall.

Eventually Marie came by. It was winter, and Marie had a bulky scarf around her neck, and on the scarf was her necklace, a very large silver crucifix. Marie said she would go out and bring her car around to the entrance.

When she was gone, I asked Hannah if Marie was depressed. There was a heavy, sad feeling around her, and her eyes looked sad and listless. Hannah told me Marie had just broken up with her long-time boyfriend. He had borrowed money from Marie to start a business, and then fled with the money. So, yes, one could say she was depressed.

I asked if Marie was a strong Catholic, since she was wearing the huge cross. Hanna said she didn’t think so, but her family was, and Marie was brought up in the church.

I knew the cross was causing her some depression, so I asked Hannah to ask Marie if she would remove the cross for a few days. See what would happen.

The next time I saw them, they were both was all smiles. Marie told me removing the cross made a huge difference in her mood and attitude. In fact, she said that the crucifix disappeared from her apartment right after she had taken it off. She had looked for it for days, but could not find it.

I know wearing the cross is traditional in the church, but it is the sign of death. Anyone sensitive to moods and feelings will pick up the death energy.

Now think about this – what if all crosses and crucifixes disappeared. Would the energy of the world lift accordingly? I think so.

I would rather see a cross with equal sides indicating the four directions, and the four elements to honour the universe.

The choice is clear -- honour death, or honour life.

April 27, 2013 at 10:10pm
April 27, 2013 at 10:10pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There is still evidence on our planet and in our oceans of these ancient civilizations that we speak of here. The pyramids are the best known of these ancient remains. There are also the ancient cities of the Americas and ancient ruins and pyramids not yet discovered at the bottom of our oceans. Some more will be found but not all. Some will remain undiscovered. It is not important that they be discovered or not, there are many ancient ruins already known on earth. What is important is that we realize how long the earth has been inhabited and how long the soul has been evolving back to God. It has indeed been a long journey.

Time, as we know it is running short. We are now entering into what is known as ‘the latter days’. In many countries, we see individuals being treated with more equality. Women are being listened to and in some countries; women are being elected to high office, in some cases to President or Prime Minister of the land.

There is still a long way to go in the treatment of the poor but that will also change. Change will come more quickly with each generation. Those being born now have a vast knowledge of equality. They will not for the most part, follow example of their parents. Each generation will forge ahead in bringing equality to all individuals. We will see an end to the division of gender-based employment. We will see equality not only in gender but also in color. For the most part these changes are already seen in many countries but not yet in all parts of the world. The progress will become more rapid, just as advancement in technology is becoming more rapid. We will not have to wait thousands of years, now the end is almost within our sight. We see evidence now that we are in the ‘latter days’.

Erich von Daniken was the first writer of paranormal experiences I read. He has written 55 books, and as far as I know, he is still travelling and writing. When I read his book, Chariots of the Gods, I 'knew' that I was one of those gods. The feelings and understanding as I read was like a long-lost memory for me.

There is so much we don't know about our planet Earth, we seem to be just scratching the surface of our history. This is just one of 17 pictures -- a shoe print sealed in granite. There is another footprint, but I found this sole of a shoe most interesting. You might want to look at all the pictures, most seem to indicate that we have been here a very long time. Some perhaps show parts of space-ships that have visited in the past.

I, for one, believe we are visited by space ships on a regular basis. At least there is hope.


April 20, 2013 at 10:01pm
April 20, 2013 at 10:01pm
Words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Civilizations that allow researchers to tamper with creating a new species by combining various parts of different species, that civilization will be destroyed just as Atlantis was destroyed. Evolution is our soul’s journey back to God and pure love. Evolution does not include tampering with or destroying the soul. We must not allow this to happen.

The civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis were the creators of air transportation we now call space ships. They were propelled by hydrogen and were controlled by the mind. They were able to travel great distances. Some of these aircraft were used as medical ships and were as well equipped as our hospitals are today. They traveled to outposts that did not have hospitals and were able to provide any medical needs that were required. There were surgeons and all manner of doctors aboard but there were also many psychic healers on board who used the power of the mind to heal. The art of psychic healing is again becoming well known. It will continue to become increasingly accepted in the years to come.

We will know all these advanced technologies here again. The young people who are being born now have a soul memory of these things. They will be in a position to bring them about again for our use.

I wonder if this also applies to GMO seeds and foods. Monsanto Corporation appears to be the ‘guardian’ of our foods, leading us to the point where there will be no foods that are not altered. I wonder also if these altered foods are leading us to increasing weight problems, as well as other diseases and illnesses.

Getting Older by the Minute

I woke up this morning

The sun was shining bright,

I rolled on my side

And turned on the light.

Oh no, the light goes on at night

I remembered just too late,

Then I looked in the mirror

And there I saw my fate.

Whose face is this that looks at me?

A face I hardly know,

Those creases surely are not mine,

Last night they did not show.

The hair once smooth and shiny too

Looked back at me all dull and grey

It can't be me, I am too young,

And I was filled with dark dismay.

I grabbed my toothbrush

And opened my mouth,

Gone were the lovely pearly whites,

In just one sleep they've all gone south.

I stepped in the bath

And to my disgust

My creaky bones

Had turned to rust.

I couldn't get up,

I couldn't get down,

And try as I might,

I couldn't turn ‘round.

I can't avoid it any longer

No matter how I spin it

Body and mind combine to say -

I'm getting older by the minute.

This means I forgot to write a blog this week

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