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Evildawg's Blog of Useless but Possibly Relevant Crap
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This is just a small window into my chaotic yet lazy life.

Oh, the life of an Information Technology Professional can be so exciting... Not so much, no.

I'm a Fifty-something father of an amazing young man (I can't believe he's 20 now!), Atom and his brother, the Ever-Irish Finnegan (7 almost 8). I am married to my best friend and just wish I would have found her 15 years ago... I am a Geek, a Nerd and a Dork, but normal... I think. I DO collect comic books, on and off, as the money permits. I DO enjoy a good table-top RPG. I DO play MMORPG's and various other PC games. I DO live on the PC on numerous levels, but I think that we all do, to some degree. I was also in two rock bands that played in the Austin, TX area often, but I moved back to Southern California. I AM NOT a cowboy but I do own a farm in the mountains between Mojave and Bakersfield, I'm more of a Southern California Punk, if one were to generalize me. *Smile* Not to mention that I AM *Shamrock* Irish *Shamrock* Which some would say explains a lot *Pthb*

Rambling, Ranting, Rating and several other "R" words can be found within these pages... There will also be Venting, Musings, Thoughts and Theories as well. While I cannot guarantee the validity of any of it *Pthb*, I can tell you that the topics shall range from *Heart* Love *Heart* to *Idea* Science *Idea* to *Ghost* Paranormal Research *Ghost* to *Question* Politics *Question* to *Writing* Writing *Writing*; no subject is taboo.

Hooked yet?

If you're not hooked in yet, just wait, someone may win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!!! *Dollar*

Not here or by reading this blog, but somewhere in the world someone will win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!! *Dollar* ...at some point... Maybe... *Pthb*

I know, pretty bad, right? And you wonder why I am stuck writing only a blog... *Pthb*

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March 7, 2010 at 11:16am
March 7, 2010 at 11:16am
And, as always, life happens.


March 4, 2010 at 9:58am
March 4, 2010 at 9:58am
Hi all, all... probably... Three people who read this :p

Stuff is happening in life, as is usually does.

First off, since the last time I updated this, I am getting married!!! That's right!! WooHoo!!! I have waited for her my whole life and am so very proud to call her my Fiancee. Not sure of a date yet and we have no problem waiting until everything is just right, but... Yeah :) This web servers hard drive is not big enough to hold all of the reasons why I love her so much, so I will keep it brief. Suffice it to say that she is my everything (In both First and Second Life). I fall in love with her more every day. Because of her, I know joy. I love you, baby *Heart*

In addition to the awesome news above, there are other things in my life that are going very well. Last time (below) I mentioned the two bands that I am in, Jay Satellite and Vast Massive Satellite. They are both starting to pick up a lot of gigs. I fear that I may have to choose one over the other if the schedule gets to be too much, but I will. Maybe if they were paying gigs... :p

I am still going strong in the "Vigilante Angel Ranger Team. I am so proud and honored to be a part of such an amazing group of people. Everyone in the group is so dedicated to helping others... Amazing and Inspiring. Oh, and by the way, congratulations to EarlyHours-A Vigilante Ranger for his fantastically successful "Invalid Item. Way to go!!!!! Also, if you're ever cNote shopping, and who isn't *wink, wink*, check out tangerinedream --- "SilverMoons CNote Shoppe 1. Another Ranger, Mike~Dolphins Fan 4 Life is hosting a mega raffle here, "Invalid Item. Mistress Mayhem is holding two contests: "Invalid Item (Big Prizes and a great prompt) and "Invalid Item co-judged by yours truly :) (We both hate spiders and trying to face our fears :p).

As far as my WdC content lately, here is a short round up: My Sci-fi Group, "Invalid Item is co-hosting a contest called "Invalid Item along with my other group, a Horror group called "Invalid Item. I am writing a new story which should be posted by this weekend. Also, I am co-hosting a contest with Mistress Mayhem .

I quit smoking... YAY!!! I have money again!!! w00t! On my sixth day and doing great. I love how much my fiancee and son support me and are proud of me; that makes all of the difference in the world, it really does. :D So that's the good news, now the not-so-good news. I sprained my back :( I have no clue how, probably while sleeping (Sleep Hard!). But yeah, it's quite painful and incapacitating :( I went to the ER the other day and got put on an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer. One or both of them are making me nauseous. :(

Other than that... Not much else...

So... yeah. Keepin' busy :D

Be Happy,




Spreading Cheer, Encouragement and Hearty Wishes throughout the WdC Community!

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Keep reading, Writing and Reviewing!

Please review any story of mine, if you have time. Here is one of my newer items:
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#1617475 by Not Available.

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February 8, 2010 at 9:24am
February 8, 2010 at 9:24am
It has been a while since I updated my WdC Blog and there have been so many wonderful things that have happened to me, I wanted to share some of them with you.

Most importantly, I am completely and wildly in love with Mistress Mayhem . She is my reason, my light and the love of my life. She is the most wonderfully amazing woman I have ever had the honor of knowing and I adore her more than words can describe. I love you sweetheart!

The The Vigilante Angel Ranger Team is doing great! We consistently dole out kudos, encouragement, GP's and yes, even sometimes, delicious food to the WdC Community; the community that has given writers so much in the way of support and well wishes. To all of the Rangers, well done! I am proud to be a part of such a monumentous undertaking.

As many of you know I am in two rock bands. Jay Satellite and Vast Massive Satellite (VMS). VMS has played several shows here in Austin and in Bryan, TX to very encouraging and supportive crowds. Even though we try out new songs live that don't always sound... what's the word... Good? :p Jay Satellite is having their Album Release Party on 2.20.2010 in College Station, TX, including a live performance from the band. VMS is back in the studio, cutting new tracks. I have to say that if you are a Joy Division fan, our cover of Shadowplay at the Stafford Main St. last Thursday ROCKED THE HOUSE! Here is a link if your interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yGSos8ZDSw.

Finally, I'm still writing and have a few new stories posted and am working on a couple more. I am so glad that I joined WdC and I thank EarlyHours-A Vigilante Ranger for the Premium Upgrade, You, Sir, Rock Like Slayer!

To all my friends in WdC Land, I wish you a great year and much success in your endeavors.

December 12, 2009 at 11:28am
December 12, 2009 at 11:28am
Well... Mom is gone and the house is getting back to normal. Xmas music plays constantly and the stockings are hung and the tree is up.

I suppose it's time to get back to writing...

It's hard to jump right back in, so I thought I would update the blog. technically the first since Mom left was adding to "Invalid Item. I skipped once while Mom was here as she, for the most part, wanted to go shopping. we did have some nice mornings when were drank coffee and read in the living room for hours. I miss that.

I also skipped a few times on Mayhem's Quest, tangerinedream's campfire.

I feel like I'm back now, mostly. I still have a lot to do to keep this house clean and getting the family ready for their trip to So. Cal. on 12/20. That's right folks, I will be all alone on Xmas day :( But, it's important for Atom, my son, to see his extended family in the OC and Simi Valley.

I hope and trust that everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season as much as I am.


December 1, 2009 at 8:13am
December 1, 2009 at 8:13am
So the time has finally come that my Mom has come for a visit, her annual end of the year visit to Central Texas.

It has been nice so far and is always good to see her. Sometimes a boy just needs his Mother (Though I think that she really came to see her Grandson :p)

We made and ate our Thanksgiving dinner last night and it was amazing. This was the first time we have cooked together in years and I think that I may have schooled her a little bit; the student becomes the teacher, as it were.

We still have the rest of the week and the weekend to hang out. One day we will go to Llano, TX to go over some family history; it's about an hour from here.

Okay, well... Time to go.


November 26, 2009 at 9:51am
November 26, 2009 at 9:51am
I just found out that I'm going to be published in the Spectacular Publishing's November Issue. WooHoo!

It's for "The Cube

Oh, and, Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2009 at 8:29am
November 23, 2009 at 8:29am
So... I'm 39 today. I know, at least I'm not 40. That's the thing though, I don't really care about age markers. I feel the same today as I did yesterday; in fact, I feel the same today as I did ten years ago. Maybe a little more sore from mundane things, but the same.

I think that too many people put too much emphasis on age. You are as old as you feel and you should never stop doing the things you love because others are telling you that you're too old. Fuck 'em!

Anyway, all ranting aside, today I have the following planned: Get my car registered (I got an Expired registration ticket on Friday :( ) then get some gas and stop by the City of Hutto to show my proof of insurance and registration. They will have to trow the No Insurance part of the ticket out as I had been waiting since Nov. 1st for Progressive to send us our Proof of Insurance as we are insured from Oct 30th through April 30th. Texas is very harsh on the insurance stuff so we have always been insured. Then I will try to talk them out of the No Registration ticket.

Wish me luck!

November 16, 2009 at 10:20pm
November 16, 2009 at 10:20pm
So both the Dining Room and Living Room now have wood flooring! Much better than the cheap-ass carpet the builder chose that could be stained by spilling water on it.

It really does look amazing!

Steve-0 out!
November 14, 2009 at 11:54am
November 14, 2009 at 11:54am
Today is the Community Garage Sale (You need a permit from the city in order to have one and the HOA only lets you have them twice a year.)

I am amazed at how much stuff we have accumulated!

Most of the junk can be your for fifty cents!

So far, the total is about $75!!
November 12, 2009 at 9:01pm
November 12, 2009 at 9:01pm
It means being able to help those in the WdC Community by Reviewing Authors, Reviewing Reviewers and Spreading Cheer.

It means Encouraging every author, regardless of skill level, to Keep on Writing!

It means being a positive influence in the WdC world.

It means having access to the Super-Secret-Cyber The Vigilante Angel Beacon so I can Summon him.

It means that you have to love Peanut Butter! {Which is just fine with me!}


EvilDawg - Vigilante Ranger!!

Vangel Ranger
for The Vigilante Angel

Spreading Cheer, Encouragement and Grilled Salmon throughout the WdC Community!

Please review any story of mine, if you have time. Here is one of my newer items:
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© Copyright 2022 EvilDawg - Vigilante Ranger!! (UN: evildawg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
EvilDawg - Vigilante Ranger!! has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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