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Rated: GC · Book · Food/Cooking · #1612142
Evildawg's Blog of Useless but Possibly Relevant Crap
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This is just a small window into my chaotic yet lazy life.

Oh, the life of an Information Technology Professional can be so exciting... Not so much, no.

I'm a Fifty-something father of an amazing young man (I can't believe he's 20 now!), Atom and his brother, the Ever-Irish Finnegan (7 almost 8). I am married to my best friend and just wish I would have found her 15 years ago... I am a Geek, a Nerd and a Dork, but normal... I think. I DO collect comic books, on and off, as the money permits. I DO enjoy a good table-top RPG. I DO play MMORPG's and various other PC games. I DO live on the PC on numerous levels, but I think that we all do, to some degree. I was also in two rock bands that played in the Austin, TX area often, but I moved back to Southern California. I AM NOT a cowboy but I do own a farm in the mountains between Mojave and Bakersfield, I'm more of a Southern California Punk, if one were to generalize me. *Smile* Not to mention that I AM *Shamrock* Irish *Shamrock* Which some would say explains a lot *Pthb*

Rambling, Ranting, Rating and several other "R" words can be found within these pages... There will also be Venting, Musings, Thoughts and Theories as well. While I cannot guarantee the validity of any of it *Pthb*, I can tell you that the topics shall range from *Heart* Love *Heart* to *Idea* Science *Idea* to *Ghost* Paranormal Research *Ghost* to *Question* Politics *Question* to *Writing* Writing *Writing*; no subject is taboo.

Hooked yet?

If you're not hooked in yet, just wait, someone may win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!!! *Dollar*

Not here or by reading this blog, but somewhere in the world someone will win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!! *Dollar* ...at some point... Maybe... *Pthb*

I know, pretty bad, right? And you wonder why I am stuck writing only a blog... *Pthb*

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April 18, 2010 at 2:22pm
April 18, 2010 at 2:22pm
Llano was fun yesterday. Unfortunately it rained all day and I have no cell coverage from about twenty-five minutes from when we left until about thirty minutes before we got home :( If I would have have had the foresight I would have added the roaming plan for a month for an extra ten bucks or something. Anyway, we drove from Llano and took the pictures of the repaired gravestone of Atom's Great, Great, Great Grandfather and then we drove to Cherokee and took a picture of Atom by his Great, Great Uncle's Gravestone for my Mom.

Tonight is the Red Eyed Fly show Downtown. I am definitely looking forward to that. Today is kind of a kick back and relax day. I was so exhausted last night that I think I passed out. I woke up fully clothed and wearing my glasses... Then we watched Blindside with Sandra Bullock, which was an excellent movie; I can fully see why it won the awards that it did.

Actually I'm a little bored. There are a multitude of things I "should" be doing, but I find that, today, I don't want to do anything resembling responsibility... That may not sound great to everyone, but sometimes we all need a day or two to decompress. I'm decompressing... I guess.

Well, off to rehearse one more time before the show tonight. We have some new songs that I certainly don't want to mess up. :p

Have a great rest of the weekend everyone!!!




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April 16, 2010 at 7:52pm
April 16, 2010 at 7:52pm
I just got a new phone, it's from Cricket... It's a Qualcom A300 or a Cricket MSGM8 - It is kind of like a Blackberry.

I had to test out the camera :p

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This is my son, Atom. Atom, this is everyone... :D
April 16, 2010 at 10:11am
April 16, 2010 at 10:11am
So I have a pretty busy weekend coming up.

Saturday Atom and I are driving to Llano to take a picture of a gravestone we had repaired for my Great, Great Grandfather - Dr. James B. Miller. When I was there a couple years ago it was okay, but last year it has been vandalized and broken in three places. My mom and I hired a stone company to repair it and reset it. Well, it's all done now and I have to go take a picture for Mom and, of course, she wants a picture of Atom by it, his Great, Great, Great Grandfather. It should be fun, we'll get some lunch and have a nice drive and stop and get snacks and all of that. It is about an hour and a half away.

Sunday I have a gig in Downtown Austin @ 9pm @ Red Eyed Fly. I think we are the second band playing. I will post the a video once we have them posted to You Tube. This should be a good show and is kind of like and audition. This is a pretty popular venue for live Alternative, Punk and Rock and we have to play on a Sunday in order to be able to play on a Friday or Saturday. So it's exciting, to say the least. We are all getting together @ 5pm on Sunday to run through the set list once and get packed up and on the road. Granted it is only like a twenty minute drive. :p

So that's it. Maybe it's not a super busy weekend, but important.


April 14, 2010 at 11:42am
April 14, 2010 at 11:42am
So, here are my Top 20 Movies, Bands, TV Shows and Games... Well, not really. I will tell you some of them but I am not going into the whole Top 20 just yet.

These will be in no particular order... :p

Movies: Closetland (Alan Rickman and Madeline Stowe - A Must See), Braveheart (Ummm Duh!), Rocky Horror Picture Show (Again, Duh!), Galaxy Quest (Hilarious! Oh another one with Alan Rickman... Weird...)

Music: Bad Religion (Old BR, not this new shit), Conflict, Subhumans, Crass, Dead Kennedys, Authority Zero, Less than Jake, Shilelagh Law.

TV: Most of my favorite were cancelled after just one or two seasons... Firefly, John Doe, ST:TNG, Lost, Heroes, Fringe, Deadliest Catch, CSI Miami, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Lab, Most Haunted.

Games: Ultima Online, WoW, Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Unreal Tournament, Second Life

So... Those are just a few of my favorites, I will be popping in occasionally and updating this list with more titles.

So far, today is a good day. I am sitting in Friar Tucks Pantry with the Manager for the Band and we are writing and chatting. Good times.


March 31, 2010 at 5:41pm
March 31, 2010 at 5:41pm
Oh yes! That's right! The number is FORTY-TWO. What is the significance of this number?

The number "42" is significant in many ways such as... it is the sum of twenty-one plus twenty-one. No really, as anyone in my Sci-fi Writers Group, "Invalid Item, knows 42 is the nothing less than the answer to the universe... of life, the universe and everything...

Today, however, the "Invalid Item has just reached it's 42nd member!!! Yay!!!

When I started this group I never imagined that it would ever have this many people in it. Apparently it was a good idea at a good time. I love the authors in my group! They are some of the greatest people in the world!!! And yes... I may be a little bit partial. :)

Doing a little better today. It's funny, once you think you have dealt with something, it resurfaces in some way. Yes, Love can be a bitch but let me tell you this. I would risk getting hurt any day of the week if it meant finding love. Maybe not everyone is like me, but I am a relationship person. I am not a "dater" or a "Club goer" or whatever. I am more of a random kind of person. To me, it seems to mean more if it just occurs than if you are out looking for it. Maybe that doesn't make any sense.

Okay so tonight is movie night. The picks for tonight are:

Galaxy Quest - Yes!!! Love this movie!! "Put 'em up on screen saver 2" LMAO

Rocky Horror Picture Show - CLASSIC!!! One of my top 15 movies of all time. Like Galaxy Quest, so quotable!! "...We'll just stay where we are, then go.. back to the car, we don't want to be any worry." GREAT!!!

One of these blog entries will have to be "Evildawg's Top 20 Greatest Movies of all time!!!" --- ...it's a work in progress... :p

Okay all, thanks for listening :)




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March 30, 2010 at 1:22pm
March 30, 2010 at 1:22pm
Well, I see that WdC has some new coding for embeding YouTube videos in blogs. Okay then... I have a mission.

So I went about searching my YouTube subscriptions and I found a pretty good video of me playing bass in Jay Satellite. This was from our last show at The Beauty Bear in Downtown Austin, TX

[Embed For Use By Upgraded+]

Hopefully that link worked. :)


March 30, 2010 at 8:36am
March 30, 2010 at 8:36am
Forgot to give the update on the whole no smoking thing...

(Drum roll...)


March 30, 2010 at 7:41am
March 30, 2010 at 7:41am
If everyone doesn't know who Eddie Izzard is yet, allow me to be your guide through the humor that is... Eddie Izzard.

First of all, you need to know, that Mr. Izzard is transvestite. Not a weirdo transvestite, like J. Edgar Hoover and the tutu, but more of an action transvestite because of the running, jumping, climbing trees... kissing girls. Really he is an Executive Transvestite because of the globe trotting.

Secondly, you need to know, this guy is really funny!!! If you like history and people that are smart enough to make fun of history in a mart and funny way, then Eddie is for you. Like how Brittan conquered the world with the cunning use of flags... :p Or how the Welsh were used to transport the massive stone blocks for Stone Henge by the Druids... Most people don't even know what a Henge is. ...says Mr's Izzard. :D

Lastly, if you ever get a chance to see Eddie live, do it! I saw him at the Coronet Theater in Hollywood about two weeks before I moved to Austin, TX. It was, by far, one of the most humorous events in my life. Front Row People...! That's right! You know how I roll...

Might I recommend some Eddie Izzard items?

         *Check*Dressed to Kill - DVD --- This was my introduction to Eddie. I watched this so many times with my Ex... Hilarious!!! The bit about "What if Darth Vader was British?" is priceless. Really any Eddie Stand-up DVD will be the funniest thing ever :D

         *Check*Mystery Men - DVD --- Mr. Izzard is one of the Disco Boys. My favorite quote by him - "Disco is NOT dead, Disco is Life!" Also just a great movie of you like comedy.

         *Check*The Riches (Season One) - DVD --- Hilarious show about a family of Gypsies who find the remains of a car crash and decide to assume the identities of the dead family in the car. LMFAO!!! This show lost some momentum after the first season, but, the first one was superb.

So now you know, I am a HUGE Eddie Izzard fan. His comedy shapes my life because I use his funny-ass quotes all day! :p

So I ask you... Cake or death?


March 29, 2010 at 9:57pm
March 29, 2010 at 9:57pm
I'm sitting here watching the screen... I guess I'm waiting for it to do something. I had intended on writing something profound and relevant, but I clearly don't have anything to say. Maybe it's so bad that I'm speechless... Maybe it's so good that I have nothing to complain about...

No answers today, maybe tomorrow...
March 25, 2010 at 8:13pm
March 25, 2010 at 8:13pm
So here is the thing....

Life is odd. Need me to repeat that?

So many things have happened in the last three months and they have mostly been positive. That's the good news. The bad news is that the not so positive stuff was life changing, for me at least. I remember feeling like life came and took away all of my happy.

Suffice it to say that I love her more than she could ever know. I want her to follow her dream and I don't want to stand in the way of that. Let it be known that I love her so much that all I want is for her to be happy. We ARE best friends, just like we were before any of this recent stuff. I can live with that. I will always be here for her, always a shoulder, always a ear to lend, always protective. I'm here if it doesn't work out and here if it does.


But when one door closes, another opens, right? Is it okay to look at things that way? I don't know.

Who knows?

I don't know.

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