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Rated: GC · Book · Food/Cooking · #1612142
Evildawg's Blog of Useless but Possibly Relevant Crap
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This is just a small window into my chaotic yet lazy life.

Oh, the life of an Information Technology Professional can be so exciting... Not so much, no.

I'm a Fifty-something father of an amazing young man (I can't believe he's 20 now!), Atom and his brother, the Ever-Irish Finnegan (7 almost 8). I am married to my best friend and just wish I would have found her 15 years ago... I am a Geek, a Nerd and a Dork, but normal... I think. I DO collect comic books, on and off, as the money permits. I DO enjoy a good table-top RPG. I DO play MMORPG's and various other PC games. I DO live on the PC on numerous levels, but I think that we all do, to some degree. I was also in two rock bands that played in the Austin, TX area often, but I moved back to Southern California. I AM NOT a cowboy but I do own a farm in the mountains between Mojave and Bakersfield, I'm more of a Southern California Punk, if one were to generalize me. *Smile* Not to mention that I AM *Shamrock* Irish *Shamrock* Which some would say explains a lot *Pthb*

Rambling, Ranting, Rating and several other "R" words can be found within these pages... There will also be Venting, Musings, Thoughts and Theories as well. While I cannot guarantee the validity of any of it *Pthb*, I can tell you that the topics shall range from *Heart* Love *Heart* to *Idea* Science *Idea* to *Ghost* Paranormal Research *Ghost* to *Question* Politics *Question* to *Writing* Writing *Writing*; no subject is taboo.

Hooked yet?

If you're not hooked in yet, just wait, someone may win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!!! *Dollar*

Not here or by reading this blog, but somewhere in the world someone will win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!! *Dollar* ...at some point... Maybe... *Pthb*

I know, pretty bad, right? And you wonder why I am stuck writing only a blog... *Pthb*

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June 19, 2010 at 5:17pm
June 19, 2010 at 5:17pm
Can I just say... WooHoo!!!

That show was amazing!!! We played well, a good friend had his On-Stage Bass-Playing Debut and he did awesome! I finally got to see the Drummer for my other band, Vast Massive Satellite, play in his Other band, The Ex-Optimists. His "On-the-back" guitar playing was phenomenal!!

I am really proud to be a part of both Austin's and Bryan / College Station's Music Scene. The B/CS scene is quite a bit more close-knit. I like that.

Videos of the show should be up sometime today, maybe... It depends on the Singer and if he gets the time to do it today.

More later...

June 18, 2010 at 5:30pm
June 18, 2010 at 5:30pm
Tonight's show will find me in Bryan, TX @ Revolution Cafe. The cool thing is that this is Red Fest there, a big TX Wine Festival (Yes Texas has some pretty good wineries!) so there should be some good crowds.

I will upload some video once it's posted.

June 16, 2010 at 4:47pm
June 16, 2010 at 4:47pm
This song is brand new as well, first time played live. :)
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June 15, 2010 at 9:25pm
June 15, 2010 at 9:25pm
So we played Red Eyed Fly last night and it was a blast!!

Below are some videos but first I wanted to share something.

I invited a girl to come see the show through a dating site where we have been communicating. I wasn't sure if she was coming or not, but once I got on stage, while it was still light out, I thought I saw her, or at least someone who resembled the pictures I had seen of her. She was clapping after each song and I was pretty sure it was her. Turns out that she had emailed me to the dating site but my phone wouldn't get on the site :( Once the show was over we cleared all of our gear off the stage and I went over to her and told her that she looked familiar and I asked if it was her, It was! Yay! What a pleasant surprise!! We ended up talking and going around downtown until about 12:30am. I had such a good time! I really like her so I hope that she feels the same. I hope, I hope :)

Okay, for the videos:

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This is a new song and the first time we played it live. I really like this song!

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This one is done in 6/8 time, not a lot of drummers can do this apparently. He is a really good drummer. :)

Over all it was a good night, no... scratch that... It was an awesome night!!!

June 13, 2010 at 11:25pm
June 13, 2010 at 11:25pm
My Ex Wife and I are best friends, we have always been best friends.

Recently (By recently I mean like three to four months ago-ish) I was going to have someone move in with me, someone that I love dearly... Someone I was going to marry. As a compromise we agreed that her boyfriend could move in.

Well my situation fell through, as does happen. Sadly hers did not. He moved in and has been a thorn in my side since day one. We let him have control over the yard and its maintenance and upkeep. His idea of maintaining the back yard, which is basically a field of Dallas Grass and other weeds, was to plant Morning Glory and have it "overtake" the weeds... Well, I take issue on several front with his logic.

First, Morning Glory is highly toxic to animals (Per the ASPCA Website: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/plants/morning-glory.html). We don't have a dog but our neighbors have two and one of them, the Boxer, can jump the fence and is in our yard several times a day.

Second, "overtaking" the weeds in the year is a multi-year process, it does not take care of the issue that we live in a subdivision with an HOA and there are rules for the back yards as well as the front. Right now the the weeds are about four to five feet tall. I can't mow them with a mower with it taking all day (it's a big yard). So I have to rent a Brush Hog to do it, there's forty bucks.

Lastly, he did mow... but only pathways to get to his cactus which he planted in the back yard of a house with an eight-year old. Is anyone seeing a pattern?

So finally I told him, after several other issues (link how not to water the same spot for more than twenty minutes per the City water bill) that he cannot take care of the yard anymore; it wasn't working out. Basically it all boils down to respect and following the rules.

Let's be real here. I'm the landlord and he is the tenant. My name on the mortgage, my house. My rules. They are not unreasonable, though I'm sure he would disagree because he is an alpha-male type and likes to be in control. That of course is not my problem.

So now he has left, paying less than the pro-rated rent amount, and went to a friends house in Austin but will be back Friday. That's great, it gives me a chance to get some yard work done and not be as stressed out for a whole week when I have to constantly remind him not to use his cast iron skillet in my kitchen because it was never seasoned right and it always smells like burning, smoking oil; among other things.

She and he are moving out at the beginning of July, so I will be in need of finding a roommate. Honestly I can't wait to move back into the master :p

Okay, time to go to sleep.

Oh, we have a really big show tomorrow night @ Red Eyed Fly in Downtown Austin. :)

June 9, 2010 at 11:35pm
June 9, 2010 at 11:35pm
I really like this new song.. We just practiced it, Jay and I, tonight for the first time and we filmed it... What do you think? I think it's catchy :)

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June 9, 2010 at 9:59am
June 9, 2010 at 9:59am
For those of you who don't know, The Vigilante Angel is a Super-Secret-Cyber-Hero who dwells in the ether of Cyberspace, primarily WdC. HIs philanthropic nature and cheer-spreading demeanor have provided WdC authors millions and millions of Gift Points to use as they see fit, usually to continue in the goodwill themselves.

You see, what The Vigilante Angel does is highly contagious. I am proud and honored to know him personally.

As a The Vigilante Angel Ranger I roam the ranks of WdC and award and reward members for a variety of reasons. Here are a few:

*Check* Rewarding Reviewers: As you must know by now, everyone loves to have their works read. You do, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it for people to see :p There are those that go above and beyond and review many items a day. Yellow Rose is one, Princess Megan Rose 22 Years is another... The list is long. What I do is simple, I go to the public reviewing page http://www.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/rrs and scroll down the list. I like to reward newbies because it give them a sense that what they are doing falls well within the spirit of WdC. I also like to reward those whom I see often as well as those who give amazingly concise and encouraging reviews. Every review counts, even if you don't agree with it. In my experience, 95% of the reviews given on WdC are thoughtful and encouraging while the other 5% may be harsh and of no merit. As an author, it is our prerogative to dismiss anything that we feel is inappropriate or inconsequential to the item.

*Check* Reviewing Items: I will go into an authors Portfolio and randomly pick an item and review it as a The Vigilante Angel Ranger. Mostly this is not an in-depth review but more of a thank you for contributing to WdC. Again, everyone likes to have their items read and rated and reviewed. I will offer advice and comments if necessary as I know that I appreciate that with my stories. It is a great way to make a good story even better.

*Check* Donations: The Vigilante Angel Ranger's make donations, sometimes large, to various Contests, Raffles and other activities throughout WdC. Everyone needs help sometimes; everyone needs encouragement. Personally I like donating to contests and I usually make a donation that will cover at least First Place. Why? So the creator can focus on other things, like running the contest. :)

The Vigilante Angel Ranger's are an amazing group of do-gooders and well-wishers whose only goal is to help and spread cheer through the WdC Community.

Now you know why I do it and why it is so important, not only to me, but to the WdC community as a whole.

June 8, 2010 at 2:16pm
June 8, 2010 at 2:16pm

I'm still in shock! I seriously don't know what to say...

I guess, first, I want to thank everyone involved in making this decision. To be honest I will have to look into how one becomes a Preferred Author because I really don't know how it happens. Is one nominated? It is just Storymaster and/or Storymistress picking people? Regardless, thank you to whomever had a hand in this.

Wow!! I am honored, truly honored.

June 4, 2010 at 9:34am
June 4, 2010 at 9:34am
So I have a new job that was supposed to start this Monday... I just found out that it got pushed back to July 28th... This sucks.

Can I just have something go right for once in the last year and half? Actually there is one thing... It's a person... she knows who she is *Heart* and in case she doesn't here's a hint for you (Anime).

Ugg! This is just so frustrating!! I have my music, I have my health now, I guess... My son and good friends... All I need is a fucking job!

I refuse to go work for Walmart or other retail as I make more money on Unemployment and have a child to consider. Well I guess I can write more now... :\

June 3, 2010 at 4:09pm
June 3, 2010 at 4:09pm
It was award day at school!!! He got the "Techy of the Year" award, for the whole school (He is in third grade!) and is on the A-B Honor Roll!

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EvilDawg - Vigilante Ranger!! has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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