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Rated: GC · Book · Food/Cooking · #1612142
Evildawg's Blog of Useless but Possibly Relevant Crap
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This is just a small window into my chaotic yet lazy life.

Oh, the life of an Information Technology Professional can be so exciting... Not so much, no.

I'm a Fifty-something father of an amazing young man (I can't believe he's 20 now!), Atom and his brother, the Ever-Irish Finnegan (7 almost 8). I am married to my best friend and just wish I would have found her 15 years ago... I am a Geek, a Nerd and a Dork, but normal... I think. I DO collect comic books, on and off, as the money permits. I DO enjoy a good table-top RPG. I DO play MMORPG's and various other PC games. I DO live on the PC on numerous levels, but I think that we all do, to some degree. I was also in two rock bands that played in the Austin, TX area often, but I moved back to Southern California. I AM NOT a cowboy but I do own a farm in the mountains between Mojave and Bakersfield, I'm more of a Southern California Punk, if one were to generalize me. *Smile* Not to mention that I AM *Shamrock* Irish *Shamrock* Which some would say explains a lot *Pthb*

Rambling, Ranting, Rating and several other "R" words can be found within these pages... There will also be Venting, Musings, Thoughts and Theories as well. While I cannot guarantee the validity of any of it *Pthb*, I can tell you that the topics shall range from *Heart* Love *Heart* to *Idea* Science *Idea* to *Ghost* Paranormal Research *Ghost* to *Question* Politics *Question* to *Writing* Writing *Writing*; no subject is taboo.

Hooked yet?

If you're not hooked in yet, just wait, someone may win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!!! *Dollar*

Not here or by reading this blog, but somewhere in the world someone will win a *Dollar* MILLION DOLLARS!!! *Dollar* ...at some point... Maybe... *Pthb*

I know, pretty bad, right? And you wonder why I am stuck writing only a blog... *Pthb*

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May 1, 2017 at 11:27am
May 1, 2017 at 11:27am
Today is the last day to enter "Invalid Item's Contest:

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2118205 by Not Available.

For those of you still writing, I remind you that you have until 11:59 PM tonight to post it.

For those who are still editing an entry, you have until 11:59 PM tonight to finalize your story.

Best of luck!!! *Shamrock*




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April 26, 2017 at 3:41pm
April 26, 2017 at 3:41pm
Hey all!

I just wanted to let you know that there is only 6 more days to enter the SFWG's Short Story Contest!!!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2118205 by Not Available.

Oil up your thinking hats and dive in!

See you in there!

April 11, 2017 at 11:01am
April 11, 2017 at 11:01am
"Invalid Item Presents: "The Sci-Fi Short Story Contest - Writing Prompt"

Prompt: "You and he agreed to three places to meet up in the event of a technological disaster, you are entering the last one now..."

The Sci-Fi Short Story Contest is a Contest Series that will have a wide range of Sci-Fi Topics.

The Goal: To write a short story, 1000 words or less, using the concept of Technological Disaster [see writing prompt above] - Let your imagination soar!. The story must be in the Sci-Fi Genre and should be as intense and thrilling as possible. :}>

The Prompt(s): Your story should be based on the prompt of this contest - Technological Disaster. Please, no zombie stories. Remember, this should be a new story written for this contest.

The Rules:
*NoteB*The Short Story Must be 1000 words or less and be rated GC or lower.
*NoteG*Post the story in BITEM format (For help: "Newbie Hyperlinking 101 - Bitem Format)
*NoteV*MUST include Word Count in Story Body or Entry Post.
*NoteR*This should be a new story, written for this contest. No Poetry Please.
*NoteB*You may edit this up to the deadline as they will not be read until after that.

The Prizes:

*GiftB*FIRST PLACE: -- 20000 GP's and a Merit Badge in the Sci-Fi genre and possibly an Awardicon (Total GP Value=30000 - 40000)

*GiftG*SECOND PLACE : -- 10000 GP's and possibly an Awardicon (Total GP Value=10000 - 20000)

*GiftR*THIRD PLACE : -- 5000 GP's and possibly an Awardicon (Total GP Value=5000 - 10000)

This Contest is Sponsored by "Vigilante Angel Ranger Team and "Invalid Item

DEADLINE FOR ENTRY: May 1st, 2017 - Winners will be announced on or around May 15th, 2017 ---

Four Entries are needed before prizes can be awarded.


Donations are greatly appreciated -- Any donation over 40K will receive a Merit Badge!!! All Donations will go to "Invalid Item - Group #1617315

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April 6, 2017 at 5:06pm
April 6, 2017 at 5:06pm
It's hard to believe that it's been two years since my last update... Tempus Fugit...

Okay so my youngest is now almost four (August) and I now find myself with some extra time. It's nice that Finnegan can pretty much do most things himself now; wrangling the TV and Roku remotes and using them pretty well when he is the "Leader," he can get himself snacks and juice or water and can go the bathroom himself always now.

So, I renewed my Premium account and here I am.

Look for some contests and other goodies in the near future as well as some Vigilante Angel Ranger Goodness....



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November 13, 2014 at 6:00pm
November 13, 2014 at 6:00pm
Well I'm back, again.

It's been a long time and I have wanted to come back many, many times but I just haven't had the time. Technically I don't have the time now but I need to make time because I have been missing writing and WdC.

So what has happened?

Well *lays down on the shrink couch* it all started several years ago when I met my wife.... Seriously, I met my wife, moved from Austin to SoCal, work, had a baby (well I didn't but you know what I mean) and inherited three step-kids (good kids, all of them). If that's not enough, they each play a sport; one of my five is a teenage boy and I have two pre-teen girls. Yeah, so that's happening...

Needless to say I have been busy and I have had to put some of my passions by the wayside for the good of the family. I think that, now, I can safely say that I have a handle on raising a big family. I mean it only took me almost four years and I still don't know anything even remotely close to everything so this whole parenting thing is a work in progress.

Anyway, I'm back and I plan on resurrecting "Invalid Item and "Invalid Item as well as rekindling the "Vigilante Angel Ranger Team (I've already started!)

I hope that everyone is well and I look forward to stalking you through the halls of WdC!!

July 12, 2013 at 2:39pm
July 12, 2013 at 2:39pm
I know it's been a while since I have posted anything to WdC but life has been busy and we all have our priorities.

As you know I met a girl and moved from Texas back to California and we got married. Our one year anniversary is this month and all is well.

Well, we are expecting Finnegan Carter Daly in a few weeks and we could not be happier. In fact, her last day of work is today; at least for four weeks before and six weeks after...

My job is good, IT for Hyundai / Kia at their Proving Grounds and Powertrain facilities in Southern California. Nice house to live in and good cars to drive. A little money in bank, bills paid and brand new son with the woman that I love with all of my heart.

Life is busy though! 2 girls in soccer, a son in Parkour and another little one who swims. Hardly time at all for writing or spending time on WdC, but I do occasionally find the time to pop in here and there, like today, and update everyone on the happenings.

I hope everyone is well and happy.

Love you all!

November 5, 2012 at 3:08pm
November 5, 2012 at 3:08pm
Wow, I can't believe it's been 3 years since I decided to Join WdC!! Time flies, right?

I know that I haven't been too active lately; I hope to change that by xmas time. New job, new wife, new step-kids, moving and the holidays have been taking my time.

Thanks to everyone who has made my first 3 years so memorable and I hope I continue to see you around the halls of WdC for many more years to come!

August 6, 2012 at 12:57pm
August 6, 2012 at 12:57pm
It's been a long time since I posted on here. Thanks to Work and Life...

I just got married last Monday @ Voodoo Doughnut's in Eugene, OR to my, now, Wife - Heather.

Supper fun trip! Rafting on the Rogue River, Family Reunion and a Doughnut Store Wedding!!

We honeymooned in Eureka, CA for two nights and went hiking in the Redwoods, walking on the Beach and a lot of shopping including new Keen Hybrid shoes for both of us, an Irish wool sweater and a Scottish Beanie for her, a new Backpack for me and a lot of really good food.

Went to Lost Coast Brewery and had 8-Ball Stout Beef Stew and bought some Downtown Brown schwag.

All in all a fabulous time!!!

Talk again soon,

March 5, 2012 at 7:15pm
March 5, 2012 at 7:15pm
Well, I hate to speak too soon but it seems I am back into WdC... I have been doing my Rising Star duties as well as my Vigilante Angle Ranger duties for several days now and I don't really see it stopping any time soon.


I moved out of the Lab at work to exist upstairs amongst the people with whom I support. There is a lot of lag time now that I don't have constantly reimage PC's and Laptops.

Nice to be back!

March 2, 2012 at 11:18am
March 2, 2012 at 11:18am
Hey all! Sorry it's been a while since I posted... 99 Days, 11 hours and 55 minutes to be precise.

Work and an active lifestyle keep me busy. Soccer for the kids and working out at the gym when time allows and whatnot.

Bought Jeep! 2008 Wrangler Unlimited Sahara. It's nice and is great off-road. Fully loaded, it drives like a dream but is a bit of a gas hog. Wit the uncertainty of gas prices, that is the only buyers remorse I feel.

I get my son all weekend and it will just be us as my fiancee and her kids are going out of town for Meghan's Sectional All-star Tournament. So we will hang out and see a movie (Ghost Rider 3D most likely) on Saturday then go out to see my parents on Sunday before I drop him back off with his mom. Dude Weekend! Maybe some off-roading *Bigsmile*

Okay, more later, time to get back to work.


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EvilDawg - Vigilante Ranger!! has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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