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Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #1568898
A mother helps children who lost parents to The World Trade Center tragedy.
Can I Stay?

"Can I stay with you and Kia?" Jasmine asked Mrs. Bordely.

Mrs. Bordely put Jasmine's face in her hands, "we'll talk to Kia and the social worker.

I'm sure we can work something out."

Jasmine hugged her tight, "thanks, thanks so much!" Jasmine had just released her when Kia

entered the kitchen.

"Get my shirt off now!" Kia demanded.

"Mom tell Kia to leave me alone." Jasmine frowned.

"Mom! That's a joke! First of all, she's not your mom she's mine and don't forget it" Kia put

her hands on her hips. "Second, you wear my clothes without asking, and last of all you take

time away from me and my mom. Now get my shirt off like I asked you to do."

"Kia, that's enough. Get your lunches and go outside to wait for your bus." She gave both of

them a kiss on the cheek.

"Mom this is so unfair! She goes in my room, she wears my clothes without asking and you

don't say anything!

"We'll talk about the rules when you get out of school today, okay?"

Kia snatched her lunch off the counter, slamming the door behind her. "This is unbelievable."

She uttered.

Kia and Jasmine always sat in the front of the bus. Today Kia walked to the back of the bus.

Jasmine avoided Kia's unwelcome stare.

Kia started thinking about how much things had changed. Her father died shortly after he got

to work that awful morning. The news replayed the crash over again and again. Shutting the

television off didn't help. The visions were forever embedded in her mind.

Shortly after that her mom had a vision from God. She should help the children that lost their

parents in the tragedy. Take them in, give them love, clothe them, feed them, and bring them up

in a happy home. Jasmine was the second person they had taken in. Billy, the first boy

had been placed with a family that he loved. The Social Worker's job was to find Jasmine a place

to live, and as far as Kia was concerned she wasn't doing her job at all.

The fact that Jasmine reminded Kia of her dad, she wore her clothes without asking, and she

over stayed her welcome made Kia want her gone already.

The Bible verse from Sunday's service kept repeating in her mind. "I command you to love

each other." John 17:17 Kia din't feel much love for Jasmine. She felt anger and jealousy. If Kia

asked herself the question the youth pastor asked them, "are you a true Christian?" The simple

test to take is John 15:17 We are commanded to love each other. If we don't we need to take a

good look at our life. Kia tried to love Jasmine, but something always happened to make

her mad.

After school they sat down at the kitchen table to go over the rules of the house. Kia's mom

spoke first.

"Jasmine, Kia's clothes are off limits to you. If you ask her and she says that it's okay than

you can wear them, but you just can't go in her room and wear whatever you want. It's not the

right way to handle it. Do you understand?

Jasmine nodded her head yes. "I understand Mrs. Bordely. I'm sorry Kia, I hope you will

forgive me."

That night Kia was walking past Jasmine's room when she heard faint crying. She couldn't

help but stop and listen.

"Dear God, please help me. I don't want to move again. Iwant to stay here with Kia and her

mom. I want this to be my home and I want Kia to be my stepsister. But, if it hurts Kia too much

for me being here than please find me another home, just like this one. A home where there is

love like the love Kia's mom has. Please God answer my prayer."

Kia slowly backed away from the door. She couldn't deny the tears in her eyes when her

mom came in to say night time prayer.

"Honey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Her mom asked her.

"Mom I feel just awful. I've treated Jasmine really bad. I thought she was going to take you

away from me. I've yelled at her for wearing my clothes, I've resented her for taking time away

from you and me, and she reminds me a lot like dad." Kia started crying, "but God commands

us to love one another, I just learned it in church this week." Kia started crying again.

"Honey this is a good thing."

"It is?" Kia asked.

Her mom grabbed Kia's hands, "Honey, God is convicting your heart. That shows that he still

loves you and cares about you. It's when he doesn't convict you that you should start worrying."

"Mom, I want Jasmine to start staying with us for good. Can we talk to the Social Worker

tomorrow and let her know?"

"Yes. I'll call her first thing in the morning. Now you get to sleep, okay?" Her mom said.

"Okay. Mom, I love you."

"I love you too honey." Her mom closed the door behind her.

The next morning Kia ran into Jasmine in the hallway.

"Can we talk?" Kia asked Jasmine.

"Sure!" Jasmine exclaimed. Kia hardly ever wanted to talk to her.

They went into Kia's bedroom and sat on the bed.

"I've been very mean to you Jasmine. I'm really sorry for that. I am asking for your forgiveness.

I am also repenting of my sin. Will you forgive me?"

"I forgive you Kia." They gave each other a big hug.

When they went into the kitchen mom had breakfast done. They were both famished! She

fixed eggs, bacon and toast.

"Mom I told Jasmine everything. She said that she forgives me and she wants to stay here

with us."

"Well that's great! I'm so happy for the both of you."

She served them their plates.

The knock at the door had all of them bewildered. Who would be making a call this early in

the morning?

Mrs. Bordely answered the door and there stood the Social Worker.

"You must be psychic." Kia laughed.

"Oh yeah? Why is that Kia?"

"We were just getting ready to call you." Jasmine said.

"You were? Why would I get such a special call?"

"Well have a seat." Mrs. Bordely said. "Want some coffee or tea?"

"No thank you."

"We've all made a decision here. We want to keep Jasmine with us," said Kia.

The silence in the room could have been cut with a knife.

After about five minutes Mrs. Bordely spoke up, "Is there something wrong Ms. Chadwallder?"

She asked.

"I'm afraid there is. You see this was just a temporary thing until a new home was found for

Jasmine. A home with a mother and a father. It's just one of our placement rules."

"What does that mean mom?" Kia asked.

"It means they want Jasmine in a home with a mother and a father. Of which one of those we

don't have."

"This is unfair!" Jasmine blurted out. "I should be able to choose who I want to live with. I'm

fourteen years old you know?"

"I know how old you are Jasmine, but we feel if you grow up in a home with both parents it will

be more stable for you. I'll pick you up after school, than we'll go visit the Cartanzas."

When Ms. Chadwallder left Jasmine started to cry. "I don't care what she says, I'll run away

and they'll never find me!" Jasmine looked from Kia to her mom.

"Jasmine! You can't run away they'll find you. Than you'll be in more trouble. That won't help

anything." Kia said.

Jasmine looked at Kia, "So you think I should go?"

"Ms. Chadwallder said you have to go there today for a visit, right?"

Jasmine nodded her head yes.

"Go see them and than tell Ms. Chadwallder that you don't like them. My mom will fight to

keep you with us, and believe me when my mom decides on something she doesn't give up until

she wins!" Kia smiled.

"Fine! I'll go, but I'm not going to like it one bit. I can tell you that right now. I love you and

your mom and nothing's going to change that."
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