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by C.
Rated: · Book · Action/Adventure · #1536702
A Short Story of a Wish
"No!!! Don’t!!! Please... I'll come back I promise."
Once upon a time there was a lake.
A beautiful green translucent lake its colours were breathtaking. Anyone who passed upon it was drawn to its liveliness. This particular lake situated in the north of Portugal had a legend, a legend that people do not speak of now a days.
Beneath its amazing physical appearance, all different types of fish swam in its warmth. The fish had various colourful, ones with big fins and others with large shinny tails, some with small bodies and frightening teeth.
Except for one particular fish that hid behind a rock. It was so beautiful, it was said that this particular fish had a different appearance to ones who saw it. Some people said it looked like a legendary coral, that couldn't be caught because each time the hook tried to pierce its soft edges would just caress the hook and so the hook would miss its prey.
This fish was the only thing that lasted, whilst other fish died. It was said that this particular creature had been hiding beneath that rock, since the only thing that mattered to it had died.
On a bright sunny day a car had stopped in front of the lake. A girl came out of the car with elder women. The girl had long orange curly hair pinned up in a bun. Her eyes were blue as blue as the sky.
As she got out of the driver's seat she waved her arms up in the air and said energetically "Not again!" She turned to the other side of her red van with a hippie side to it and opened the passenger's door. The elder woman with light blond hair got out of the car with her walking stick to the side. Her little weak feet trembled a bit. As the women took off her sun glasses her eyes squinted. At that very moment her heart pounded harder and harder as if this place was familiar to her. She collapsed down on the floor hitting her on the dusty ground. All her memorise came back to her.
Flashback of the past came through her mind. Images that had long gone had reappeared. Pictures of a boy with blue hair and pail skin hit her memory as she was regaining continence. Yes the strange boy with blue hair and green eyes that she had known so well had re-entered her life. His large smile showed off his white teeth. As she opened her eyes she heard a faint cry. The cry came again "Aunt... is you all right? You fell." The elder lady had been placed next to the lake with her head laid on her bag. The girl continued " Imp sorry auntie but we must camp here, there is no more gas." She handed a bottle of water to her aunt as she looked around to see if there was anymore wood they could use strengthen the fire. The elder stood up gently and said "Sammy dear we are here." Sammy undid her hair bun and sat beside the lake. In a small laugh she replied «Auntie Do you think you can tell me the story once more? It might awaken him." The auntie smiled and replied back as she sighed a little "Sweetie isn’t you a little old for story telling? I always knew you were special darling... You really believe in fairy tales. Even if they are fiction you believe that no matter what they are true." Sammy smiled she took off her shoes. She turned her back to the fire and dipped her feet in the cool water of the legendary lake. As she looked around, the sun was setting, and the fire was going out.
Auntie, sitting by the fire looked around and started.
"This is a tale my tale... When I was small my mother took me to a place not far from this lake. Its some kilometres from here to be quite frank. The only real problem I had with the house was that I was isolated from children my age.
My mother used to tell me fairy tale as I do to you. I believed them. To me they were the center of my universe..."
As she took a deep breath in she continued "One night, very much on a night like this I ran away from home and, I was tired of not being able to see people my age.
The only answer that came to me was to run...To run as fast as I could. I was quite small and I fell... I fell in a lake where I was saved. Saved by a boy. He held to the surface of the water his arms were strong and his voice was soothing. I could never thank him because the last time I saw him he was dead."
Sammy turned to face her aunt. In shock she asked "Auntie you never told me that part of the story...He is dead how so?"
Auntie lost her smile she falling lightly back on her bag she stared at the stars. "My dear these stories can have a meaning. Yes dead after my saving I met him every night we would talk and he would tell me stories and fair tales of a kind that I would never forget. One night my guardian followed me to this very lake and got out his bow and arrow and shot in the water. As the boy rose to the surface he was non other than a fish. I argued with my guardian that he had murdered a boy. A boy of the water but he said it was a fish. After two week s of fighting he took me to a mental hospital thinking that I was not wholly...
After a month I was released and knew that my guardian had died. He had left all to me. Yes he wasn't a bad man, just afraid of different things." Sammy turned back to face the lake and in a small whisper she said «If your soul still remain therefore I am sorry for what happened to you. You saved my aunt...Whatever you are fish or human I will always be grateful to you."
Auntie and Sammy feel asleep next to the lake as the fire went out.
The next morning Sammy woke up to find a beautiful coral next to her bag. She was confused "how could a coral get in a lake?" She smiled and thought «Fairy tales? Reality you mean." Sammy arranged her things and woke up her Auntie with a smile.
Auntie stood up and stared at the coral next to Sammy. She exclaimed «Where did you get that coral? Corals can only be founding the ocean?" Sammy replied «Auntie that’s just the trouble I didn't get the coral! » Auntie fronded and exclaimed «Stop Samantha please dear, comes wherever that came from put it back, or at least putt in the lake.
We must get going; we have at least 45 minutes of a walk to the house." The Auntie got he walking stick and got back in the van to check if they had left anything in the car.
Sammy giggled; she kneeled down by the lake and let the coral fall lightly in the depths of the water, as she whispered a small prayer "maybe someday we will meet... I believe you exist or at least something of you exists."
As they walked they approached the house. Sammie’s eyes were wide open. It was a big farm house that was in very good shape. The house itself was white, and four floors that each had its different style. The kitchen that was on the ground floor was completely composed of marble. All the pots and pans of copper. Yes the house was a dream. Sammy got up to the third floor and found her room. Which was very simple and country like? As Sammy got her self comfortable she decided to visit her new summer house.
As the sun went down and the night arrived, Sammy decided to go back to the lake. And from that night on it became a habit a habit to her to visiting the boy, as a result form that night on Sammy went to visit the boy every night for 2 months.
But on a particular night Samantha saw the boy. He had blue hair and gold eyes. Samantha approached him as she peered down the lake with glazing eyes at the boy. The boy crawled up from the lake to the dusty ground. His physical body was of a boy 17 he was quite regular except that his fingers were jointed together as fins. Sammy got close to him and asked «Are you who I think you are? Please don't be scared I...I talk to you at night". In one backward jump he dived back into the lake. Samantha not knowing what she had said wrong, automatically she dived in the lake after him.
As she got beneath the water, her whole body got cold, as her curls undid themselves into a long wavy motion. She kept on swimming down, but as the pressure got higher her lungs were getting soar. Her whole body wobbled with fear until she felt faint.
As she felt the cold air caressing her soft skin and the waves of the water slapping her softly. Gentile words were lulling her to sleep. Samantha turned her head and opened her eyes. She was facing the boy eye to eye. His eyes were gold except for a black ball of black giving him a human touch. She was being held up by a boy. The boy being startled pushes her out of the water with his strong pale arms.
Sammy felt her body throne back on the dusty ground. She crawled back to the boarder of the lake. She looked at him and with a smile she asked «What is your name? » The boy did not answer for a while until his mouth dropped opened and a sound came out. Sammy could only make out the word "Fish» Samantha laughed and ran back to the house.
As Sammy came back wet, auntie was angry. She exclaimed "Sammy at the age of 21 you should know how to act" Auntie saw that Sammy was in bed and had been fed. Samantha in her warm bed thought of the boy that she had met.
The next night before she left the house, Auntie asked where was Sammy going. Sammy just smiled and said "to my fairy tale' Sammy left the house and went back to the lake and waited for the boy to arrive. The boy’s appearance made Samantha smile. She hesitated and asked again "so what is your name?" The boy only replied one thing "after my father's story mine must have an ending" Sammy instantly replied with a tear in her eye "than the ending shall be this one".
Sammy jumped into the lake and hugged the boy and kissed him tightly.
As she kissed him she wished that this creature's father would come back become alive as they once were.
In a flash of light an older man appeared and transformed into a fish as the boy in her arms also became what he was meant to be simple fish.
The Auntie that had been hiding came out from her hiding place and whispered." I kept my promise... I came back to give you an ending the right ending."
The auntie came and looked at Samantha, which was getting out of the lake confused by her actions. Without a word Auntie said
«Thank you my dear... I knew I could count on you...You are the one, you were always the one, since I got you from the orphanage." in a flash of light auntie had disappeared.
The one that told the fairy tale was the fairy tale herself.
Samantha in the confusion and wonder went back to the house, and found her auntie’s journal open, she decided to read it, all the questions she had had, became clearer to her.
When she closed her auntie’s journal she decided that she would publish it, and that it would become the best Fairy tale ever, known to this country and especially this lake.
"The one who tell the fairy tales is the fairy tale itself."

Hope you enjoyed :)
Sorry but i don't know how to spell check on this website :0
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