Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1509487-Working-Title--Heart-Fall
Rated: · Book · Other · #1509487
romance sci-fantasy-horror mixed
Chapter One

  Tru sat at her table in her favorite coffee shop, sipping a plain black coffee while awaiting for Keith to come to the small yet busy restaurant filled with busy commuters. She was livid and still angry from the night before last when she had caught him with another woman, kissing of all things. She did not wait for anything else to give summation to what she had seen. She just told him to leave and go over to his friend's apartment for a couple of days while she stewed in her madness. Tru thought she had a man truly capable of a monogamous relationship and that was not the case. The restaurant was filled with people having their morning repast and the cash register ringing its sale in the back ground while a mother shushed her irritable toddler. She stared at her cup of coffee held in a styrofoam cup with a cup wrap protecting the person drinking from getting burned. Her anger was like that of the coffee she was drinking except it was frothy redness just waiting to spill out and hit anyone in close range. She kept her focus on her drink unaware of the noise surrounding her just counting the beats of the clock ticking waiting for the ass called Keith to show up.

    She had debated even having this meeting with him not knowing why he even wanted to bother after he seem to have gotten what he wanted from that redhead. She remembered, after he left that night that she set most of his clothes and dispensable items on fire except for a certain case he had she never touched nor investigated after she gave him a kick in the ass. She had  wished she had brought her laptop with her while she was waiting for him to show; rushed as usual never prepared for much. She did not know what attracted her to him in the first place, but it had to been his looks or humor.But now, she had to face the rest of her life as spinster. She wanted some things in life like any other person but her destiny never aligned itself properly it seemed.

      She finally saw Keith come in the entrance of the restaurant and gave him a glare full of venom and distate, still in shock that the man could not be faithful to her.The last thing she wanted to do is go to work and place her Id tag on her blouse. The small company she worked for had a lot of locked doors and hushed secretive meetings; beside the usual run of a business but there was something fishy about it and she did not want to be there today. Keith stared at her from the entrance taking in her look of disgust and hate in her grey eyes.

Keith wanted to take her into his arms and bring some warmth to her to break that icy exterior but she had never given him the chance to explain himself or the other woman. The other woman which had to happen to be a beautiful vivacious red head was working for the company that she works for and when giving him the last bit of info was trying to give him the kiss of death.He had to fight her but to Tru it looked more than that.

" Hey Tru." He said with some politeness trying to get on the right foot of the situation.

"Hey Bastard." She said without preamble full of wrath and incomprehensible pain, staring at him with some feeling still there that lingered though she had tried to scrape her heart cleaned of it with a knife.

  " I am glad that you wanted to meet to discuss things, maybe allow me to tell you what I have been actually doing."

  " Do I look as if I care for whatever you have to tell me.... I am here to tell you its done. We are over and there is no going back." Tru said barely screaming it to him as he came to sit across from her at her table. She became even more upset when he did not leave after that statement. He was going to make this much more difficult than she thought.

        "You need to know, there is stuff happening at Chrism...the company you work for they are doing many wrong things there and you need to know." He said with truth and conviction of what he was saying, but he knew that Tru did not have much time before she had to walk to her job which is about two blocks from her favorite restaurant.

" What I need to know is how you could have play me for a fool and expect that I would wipe the damn slate clean and welcome you in my arms once more. First ...how is that who I work for is the reason behind your involvement with me. I am not that naieve, my dear love." She said watching him wilt somewhat in front of her as she made it clear there was to be no saving face at least when it came to her. Keith thought by trying to tell her about Chrism she would see the wrong but no- all that matter to her was her feelings.

Keith had to admit he did deserve it to some degree but he loves Tru with all his heart and the fact that he is a government agent trying to bring down a corporation is the secret he never told her.

Keith had been assign this case by his unit or division, his agency was not known to regular FBI or CIA. He wasn't suppose to fall for anybody and yet he did when he met Tru. He had observed and watched her before instigating himself further after realizing she did not have the level of classification to get the papers he needed to show his boss.

Chrism has been developing a technique to turn average people into demons and finding a way to keep the demons hidden. It is a project that even Lucifer would be proud of if he is walking the earth as God said long ago. He long ago found out that Tru is a spirit operator not just a data entry operator and with certain information she puts into the system she unwittingly helps their process. He knew she is a not a woman easily fooled so they kept tight rein on her but still he did not mean to fall for this sexy as hell brunette whose favorite color is turquoise and loves to drink black coffee.

" Why are bothering with Chrism and what is with the attache case that I cannot get into. You know i been trying to find out more about you but again your the average asshole so what else is new." Tru spoke once more noticing that Keith had let his thoughts trail while he tried to think of any answer to her queries.

" I have no further time for this crazy BS, I need to get to work and here is some of the things you left at my place. Don't bother coming over until you drop the superb act and tell me why you cheated on me. As if that will happen anyways." She said with no hesitation and left the table making her way through the crowd of people weaving in and out to the exit of the restaurant.

She suddenly felt claustrophobic and invaded but she did not want Keith to see the angry tears falling from her grey eyes beside ruining her mascara.

    She finally squeezed herself out of the restaurant glad to be outside in the fresh air, before she took further steps she check to make sure she had her purse and ID badge card to get inside of work. Tru had been thinking of calling it quits and looking for a new job. The pay wasn't all that great and her boss is a certifiable nut case beside always trying to ask her out among few other things. She look around and up at the sky, the people walking beside her feeling like she is the only woman in the world. Tru experience slight joy at seeing rapidly approaching storm clouds, knowing that Mother Nature would be cleaning the world of ill will and filth that cover the city streets and the people. Tru notice sharp red lightning crackle through the clouds and it made her nervous. She has never seen red lightning at all in her small life yet something spook her on the inside making her whimper slightly with fear. Tru recover quickly and did not stop to window shop or pick up lunch from the corner store as she has habitually done in the past. She popped her umbrella up and it flicked from its tripod immediately providing her some comfort as the rain came down. She did not hear the screams as she ran to the building where she work at, the rain was more than needles or minature daggers but it stung and beginning to kill. She slid her card in time as the door snicked open to let her in and she stood in the lobby of Chrism. In the midst of this venture, she wonder if Keith survive the storm yet even though they had seperated she still had concern for him. It did not matter if she was a woman scorn but still she had hope, maybe a glimmer that they would get back together. Tru still not seeing yet what Keith was talking about did not know how black and evil her world had become.

The end of Chpt One!!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Tru's Decision/ Keith Hero or not ? 5.95k

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