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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1508897
Blogging/Journaling/Complaining on an entirely inconsistent basis.
Scribbles by me

This is just a place to talk things out with myself......keep track of moments I don't want to forget......of rants & raves I have.....new discoveries of self awareness or whatever.  I have nothing to say.......and i enjoy every moment of getting it said when I can tie myself into a chair and force myself to write!  So, here is Scribbles by ME.  The ME are my real life initials--image that!

I haven't been faithful in keeping this as you will see if you look through it, but I am putting it in the New Horizons' Fresh Water to force myself to perform.  Can't wait to see how that works out!  *Laugh*

*Heart*    *Heart*    *Heart*    *Heart*    *Heart*

I cherish your input if you would be so inclined.  That would prevent me from not only questioning myself, but would prevent me from having to answer myself as well.....a hazard I am finding more and more in the twilight years of my life. 

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Saturday, Sept. 3 Prompt
September 1, 2011 at 10:51am
Dear Grammar Garden Students: Be aware that I will be readying each and every entry you post. So, all tricks of your trade will then be in my arsenal. Don't forget that Tank--my rather large classroom assistant, may walk softly, but he carries a mighty LARGE STICK and may invite you to the outhouse for correction if you are not careful. Besides, I know all the brown-nosing tricks in the book. I challenge you to come up with one that I haven't heard of, or had tried on me, or tr... [Read more]
The Flower from the Walk w/ YaYa Entry
August 31, 2011 at 5:33pm
I did discover the name of the flower in the picture. It is a Passionflower. The flowers are about 3 inches in diameter. some times they can be all white. It has the 5 drooping yellow stamens around the pistil which has 3-4 stigmas. Therefore, it is self-pollinating. It has roundish elongated green pods as fruit that is eaten by quail. The leaves are 3 lobed on a climbing vine with tendrils. the best place to find them are along fence-rows, roadside, ditch banks, and Open area. They are a... [Read more]
Early Morning Walk with YaYa
August 29, 2011 at 6:27pm
Birds chirping, the sun breaking, rolling white clouds, cool temperatures, and my faithful Border Collie walking in front of me as we tackle our morning's two mile trek. It's hard to believe the Garden of Eden could have been more beautiful, As the grasshoppers rub their legs together, three deer cross the road a few yards in front of us. When they reach the other side, they stop and stare at us to see what we are about before heading off to who knows where. They'll be back in o... [Read more]
Worst First: A Way of Life
August 20, 2011 at 1:31pm
I pretty much think we all make our decisions about our outlook on life. We can choose to be happy, sad, depressed, dreadfully bummed out, humorous, joyful, thankful, negative or positive.....you get the general idea. Yes, we can . I realize that there are some who suffer from medical conditions which influence their view of life, but even those people can choose better paths. Today I want to share one of my most successful hints for the procrastinator, the people who rarely complete pro... [Read more]
My Personal Favorite in the Rixy's Port
August 18, 2011 at 6:22pm
This story started out as an assignment for the Cache course at my beloved New Horizons Academy. The assignment was to write about an something that occurs in public. Then, write the viewpoints of three different characters allowing us to see how each saw something differently. The piece was a favorite of mine from the beginning, but it has undergone many changes since I learned how to use effectively the following concepts: 1) Literary devices, such as similes and metaphor in fiction 2) Di... [Read more]
Grandma's Front Porch Swing
August 16, 2011 at 1:30pm
... [Read more]
Remembering the 1st Lesson Students Taught Me
August 13, 2011 at 6:16pm
I suppose I need the blogging/journaling experience more than most folks. I sitting here looking at the screen and discovered that I don't have anything to say. All the students that I have had in my classroom over many years are laughing about now. My husband just peeked over my shoulder and he began to laugh. How interesting: Mrs. Estes with nothing to say. I know I can't address the quote of the day....I'm not too good on those. Quotes seem to me to be really personal... [Read more]
What I Learned from Participation in NaNoWriMO
August 29, 2011 at 5:25pm
I wanted to participate in NaNo last year (2009), but I was still teaching and teaching for me was a full time experience. Since I had no ruler of how much time would be involved, I opted out. I did promise myself, however, that I would take up t he challenge in 2010. So this was my very first experience. Hear are the things I learned: 1. All you need is a sentence to get you started and a vague idea of where it is going.....it always changes. 2. You'll get your characters all mixe... [Read more]
Getting Old is Hell!
November 17, 2010 at 6:20pm
I have become an expert on getting old and when I am not having any senior moments, I have decided to make a list of why! 1. Mind works, body not so well. 2. The hot 20-year-olds used to be me . I used to have an 18 inch waist. 3. When I arrive in the bedroom, from some other room in the house I have forgotten why I came to the bedroom. 4. Then, I remember what I was doing and needed to end up in the kitchen, not the bedroom. 5. My cell phone which goes off roughly once a week....i... [Read more]
US Politics and Solutions to fix our Country!
August 6, 2011 at 6:34pm
The elections are coming up. The really, really, really elections. Most of us have been totally nauseated by all the belligerent, probably lying commercials we have been forced to watch for 17 minutes of every 30 minute program. Sorry if I sound belligerent, but I am. I firmly believe that in order to criticize politicians, one must have paid their dues....voted and possibly have a plan for what ails our wonderful country. I will vote and reading you will see the start of my plans. I... [Read more]
Cell Phones Rudeness
October 22, 2010 at 9:01pm
I do not think there is anything ruder than for someone who I am supposedly visiting or talking with to receive a call, answer it immediately and (1) try to talk to both of us at the same time or (2) ignores me for the phone call. Let me give you some examples: Ted & Jane are our week-end guests. They live about 3 hours from us and we are always glad to see them. However, the following things have occurred over the last few years concerning the damn cell phones: (1) Jane receives many ... [Read more]
Cell Phones on the Road
October 21, 2010 at 9:37pm
With all the publicity I would have thought people would not use their cell phones while driving. We have almost returned home from a wonderful trip through Tennessee to the Smokey Mountains and along the Blue Ridge Parkway. I am still amazed that--and I counted ever so often when I was not enjoying the scenery--4 of every 10 people were talking on their phones. And, most were weaving in their lanes, going too slowly, cutting off others, etc. If you have never traveled from Memphis to Knoxvi... [Read more]
Ruby the Red Corvette Convertible
September 1, 2011 at 7:57pm
Not long ago my husband asked me what kind of car I had always wanted. I told him it was an older model BMW. I liked antique cars. He messed around on the Internet and came up with the perfect car and a convertible to boot. We made arrangements to go and see the car the next week. I wasn't very excited at first, but after he had made an appointment to see this treasure, I began to picture myself in this beauty. I began to plan where I wanted to keep it and what I would name her. A fe... [Read more]
Two Pet Peeves on Reviewing
August 5, 2010 at 1:58pm
Today, I have two pet peeves about reviews. Only two you say? That's refreshing. I know from where both of these review problems are coming, but give me a break. Reviewer #1: Great story. 4.0 or Needs improvement. 4.5 or Average story. 2.0 My Rebuttal: If it is such a great story, why not a 5.0? If is needs help, does it deserve a 4.5? I don't really personally care about the ratings, but how can a person deliver a rating when they can't find m... [Read more]
Beware of PayPal
February 15, 2010 at 1:04pm
Yes, I know Paypal tells us that by using their service, that it is the safer, easier way to make an online payment. Well, obviously, you did not read some of the print, such as "In general the Seller Protection Policy is intended to protect the seller from certain kinds of chargebacks or complaints if seller meets certain conditions including proof of delivery to the buyer. PayPal states the Seller Protection Policy is "designed to protect sellers against claims by buyers of unauthoriz... [Read more]
Emergency Weather Precations from Wyoming
March 26, 2009 at 10:42am
A friend--ok, so I actually taught her in the 6th grade eons ago--lives in Wyoming and sent some really good tips for weather emergencies. Since we had to deal with the Ice Storm from Hell, these ideas are great ones for anybody in any part of the country. So, Thanks Michele Barrelle for sharing. Something that is great to have for emergencies is a hot water bottle or two, along with covers. They are great to tuck down into your bed for added warmth too! You can put extra heated hotwater ... [Read more]
What do Teacher's Make?
March 11, 2009 at 8:28am
This is not my work, but forwarded to me on the internet. I like it and thought I would pass it on. Hope you enjoy how this very wise teacher rebutted a CEO.WHAT TEACHERS MAKE: The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?" He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teache... [Read more]
Sayings I Encountered Today
March 10, 2009 at 11:13am
Givers sleep well; takers don't. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Our minds are all like parachutes. They only work when open. The greater the obstacles, the more glory in overcoming it. Pain and suffering are unavoidable. Misery is optional. Do your best, God does the rest. If you can't stand up, Stand out! ... [Read more]
A Story in Two Parts---Part III
September 9, 2009 at 12:04pm
Last week another student brought a knife to school. He had it open on the bus and cut a seat. He was a junior high football boy. His penalty: 1 day of IN school suspension. Same superintendent, same principal as in Part I and Part 2. Travesty Rules!!!... [Read more]
A Story in Two Parts--Part II
September 9, 2009 at 12:02pm
Yesterday, a 12-year-old boy in the elementary school took his brother's knife to school. This young man has Down's Syndrome and probably has a mental age of half his living age. This young man is one of the sweetest children you could ever meet. He would not hurt a flea. He took the knife out at school to clean his fingernails just like he had seen his brother, daddy, and granddaddy do many times, I would imagine. This child had no clue that he was doing anything wrong. His pu... [Read more]
A Story in Two Parts--Part I
September 16, 2010 at 10:58am
I teach school in a place where everybody knows your name. Our kids are raised without a city mentality. They are mostly basketball players or farmboys. Last year, a couple of junior boys were involved in an incident. These boys were good friends and just playing around. Boy #1 gets his pocketknife out and has it open. Boy #2--not knowing the knife is out or open--accidentally turns and swipes his forearm against the blade. Boy #2 needed instant help and eventually went to the hospital ... [Read more]
The Beauty of Bev Doolittle
February 19, 2009 at 7:02pm
I know nothing about art. I either like something or I don't. Many years ago I was introduced to the work of Beverly Doolittle. If you are not familiar with her work, do yourself a favor and visit her website: www.bevdoolittle.net Here is a little about her and her work from her website: "She is often called a "camouflage artist" because her distinctive use of context, design and pattern help viewers discover meanings which seem hidden only until they become obvious. "... [Read more]
Taking Things Personally
February 19, 2009 at 7:12pm
I always take things personally. It is not a healthy thing to do because we who do this worry about stuff---I love being able to use that word---that sometimes has little to do with us. I believe the reason we do this is because we truly want to help someone solve their problem and because we become angry when we feel like people are mad at us about something we might be able to control. Anyway, at a teacher conference at the beginning of this school year, a speaker had a great idea. He sa... [Read more]
How to Raise a Child..
February 17, 2009 at 8:33am
I found this and thought it worth sharing: Training began with children who were taught to sit still and enjoy it. They were taught to use their organs of smell, to look when there was apparently nothing to see, and to listen intently when all seemingly was quiet. A child that cannot sit still is a half-developed child. -----Luther Standing Bear, Lakota... [Read more]
Valentines from Mother Earth
February 14, 2009 at 5:38pm
Today I decided to spend time in the yard it was so pretty outside. I got my old 4-wheeler, George, started and rode around the yard--about 8 acres--to give George and the two dogs a chance to stretch their running legs. Stopping to fix the deer feeder, I turned my face toward Mrs. Sun and let here place her sweet tingling kisses on my cheeks and forehead. Mr. Wind played riffs in my hair. WIld onion plants marked their locations with good long tendrils and new grass outcroppings from my g... [Read more]

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