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Rated: XGC · Book · Opinion · #1501776
May my opinions gather wind under their wings and fly, perchance to soar.

These are my opinions. The good, the very bad, the really really ugly.

Pinions are the flight feathers of birds. Without them they remain as grounded as we do. With them they soar.

As "Joy gives us wings" so anger and irrational feelings and thoughts ground us too. It is my hope that not all of my opinions are negative, that some may gain flight (or at least flop around. *Rolleyes*)

Knees of the trees, a fountain, a rainbow, Muscogee, OK in 2004.

During the Azalea Fest the larch's knees approach the fronds.
The fountain's on and soft green feathers brush the surface.
In the mirror of the pond see by what I choose to share
(there... by the golden knees of old larch trees)
what lies beneath my surface.

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We are at War
November 1, 2024 at 11:49pm
We are at War To Athena at YCC: "Bottom line: desperate folks try to do what's safest and legal. If they can't, they must find other means. While some folks tsk tsk tsk and do nothing, those who are threatened (for whatever reason) find a means out. Applies to women needing health care, the homeless, various religious and sexual minorities. Xenophobia, homophobia and a general War on the Poor exasperate an already hopeless situation." To Susan Anderson at YCC: "I ... [Read more]
Watered down...
July 15, 2024 at 6:36pm
Well... even Saint Donald the Martyr thought Project 2025 was a bit much, despite his paw prints all over it. "Trump personally reviewed and edited the [GOP] draft platform before it was presented to members of a platform committee last week, Alvarez said. Committee members then voted to approve the text, 84-18, in a closed-door meeting in Milwaukee that broke with tradition in several ways. The meeting was not televised, as it usually is, and participants said the vote happened quickly... [Read more]
Native Americans have been citizens for 100 years! 😲
June 2, 2024 at 5:39pm
https://nativenewsonline.net/opinion/reflections-on-the-100th-anniversary-of-the-indian-citizenship-act I would say... breaking news... as most Americans don't know or don't care. Unless they live in the Colony of South Dakota Noem, where the governor ruler has "issues" and doesn't understand treaties and sovereignty. Ah... the GOD (Good Old Days) before the Europeans' attempted genocide. Perhaps a good day to remind some folks that the Kingdom of Hawai'i w... [Read more]
Another good writer with blond hair? "Forth Wing" by Yarros
April 14, 2024 at 5:46am
Re "Forth Wing" by Rebecca Yarros. After reading reviews I'll skip this. Squid Games? Cliche enemy to friend romance? Related to reality in what way? Is there any value to this other than popcorn, screaming and crying? I will watch silly BL series from Thailand, thank you. At least I'm learning about language and culture, even if some are just silly or fluffy. So why does everyone LOVE this? It's an escape. It's sugar-coated vengeance and anger. Much what the averag... [Read more]
Haiku rant
April 5, 2024 at 1:36am
A response to : 1) Does the syllable follow in English? If not, what does? As you know... Japanese does not count syllables, nor is it a metered language like Norwegian. Syllables are too 'heavy' in English. Spanish, however, is much better as it's a 5 vowel language like Japanese and cvc syllables can be avoided. Too many cccvcc words in English. 'stretch' comes to mind. 2) Does the last line have to relate to nature or the natural world? Westerners do not ... [Read more]
March 28, 2024 at 1:44am
I commented to Steven: "My best efforts don't necessarily win contests. When judges aren't familiar with what they are judging that's a problem. Some of the best in their field are not consulted. Or some... have semi-retired. Contest winners are not necessarily nominated [for a Quill] by the owners of the contests. Very few people are involved with the Quills. They desperately need readers who aren't stuck in just one genre or put off by the ratings. At times WDC feels... [Read more]
An existential threat to the American Experiment.
March 11, 2024 at 7:46am
Trump would burn down our nation to rule over her ashes because that outcome is preferable to a jailed twilight of his life. Rich Logis of "Leaving MAGA". I really do think that the former president is an existential threat to the American Experiment. The idea that "we can all get along" is an anathema to those who know that some people are better than others. The grievances of those who feel that their piece of pie is being stolen by those unworthy of eating is a co... [Read more]
Does anyone forgive anyone anymore?
March 6, 2024 at 6:11am
I used to keep my most personal thoughts and situations in a blog set for yellow cases+. It's now open... but it took many years for me to share myself. My first blog is still chugging along. I used it to share my reality whilst homeless. That outer reality shocked some but interested others. The daily drama was like watching a train wreck. For years I've had a place for raw opinions and I've managed to offend quite a few here by blog comments and posting on the Newsfeed. Do I ca... [Read more]
An answer to Stik regarding reading media.
February 25, 2024 at 11:32pm
An answer to Read long pieces: I agree; however, I'm a slow reader and long is problematic when I'm trying to garner bits and pieces of everything. Determine what to focus on: Good advice for others. I look at patterns and being unfocused works for me. Seek out the articles: Again, great idea. Videos tend to be biased or second-third-hand. I don't make the time. Because I'm in slowmo most of the time however long it takes you multiply by two or three. Ask yourse... [Read more]
Will another "democracy" elect a ____?
January 17, 2024 at 2:15am
An Australian friend I met in Mexico posted something on buukface that disturbed me. Yes, I agree that the current president has issues; but, the alternative may be a wannabe-nazi. And yes, I think there are two candidates for that ignominious position. For those who are upset by the use of the term "nazi" I'll remind them that Germany democratically put the Nazis in power in the 1930s. One aspect in the aftermath of that election was that the socialists and communists were fi... [Read more]
R U A ... article from 1941!
December 23, 2023 at 7:26am
Dorothy Thompson writes in 1941 "It’s fun—a macabre sort of fun—this parlor game of “Who Goes Nazi?”. She describes various people, those who are born Nazis, become Nazis, will never become a Nazi. She concludes: "Kind, good, happy, gentlemanly, secure people never go Nazi. They may be the gentle philosopher whose name is in the Blue Book, or Bill from City College to whom democracy gave a chance to design airplanes—you’ll never make Nazis out of them. But the frust... [Read more]
Zionist or Jew?
December 2, 2023 at 12:29am
Zionist or Jew? 2.desember.2023 Not the same. "Judaism is a religion and a cultural identity, while Zionism is a political ideology focused on Jewish nationalism and statehood." Many American Jews are not Zionists. In my opinion, Israel has a right to exist... but so does Taiwan, Kosovo, Gaza, Palestine. Becoming a single-religion theocracy instead of a refuge is not a right that was granted in any accords (that I know of). American support for some theocracies while w... [Read more]
August 12, 2023 at 10:40pm
Inspired by a blog entry by . Sidewalks... I know a few. Missoula Montana is good at maintenance for safety. Snow removal is not as big an issue as elsewhere in the North but it's addressed. As summer AirBnBs and second and third and fourth homes multiply this may become more salient if seasonal vacancies are not kept up. People are aware of heat problems as our new bridge had a surface that scorched. Folks here love their dogs and it was not safe. Debris, oil, trash, et ceter... [Read more]
Super Bread Bowl and Silly Circus Share#4 P1&2 [13+]
February 12, 2023 at 11:20am
Today is Super Bowl Sunday in a world far far away from Reality in the Land of Smiles and Stench (disclaimer: I do not work for the tourist bureau). SB LVII will be start at 06:30 ICT. I'm sure that there will be a crowd of expats watching; however, I wont be one of them. I do like both teams so I have no favorite. But... UStatians love to choose sides and fight fight fight. It's a basic bread-and-circus extravaganza brought to you by America, Inc. The players, no matter ... [Read more]
Children aren't standard Share#3 P4&12 [13+]
February 9, 2023 at 10:23pm
Yes, most children should be given aptitude tests and standardized tests are useful to gauge where they are at. Unfortunately, children are not standard size boxes meant to be stacked in a warehouse, to be used up when needed by society and thrown out if substandard or useless. It's why the former middle class is outraged. They were standardized and fed like beloved chickens. Now they run around after their heads were cut off. No one welcomes feeling disposable. So, yes, I think t... [Read more]
Trump. The Insurrection. The Pope. Sexxx. Share#2 P15 [GC]
February 5, 2023 at 11:56am
Shit, suck, fuck... any of those words are safer than Trump. At least swear words have lost some of their luster. Trump has lost none of his bluster as he can still muster his minions to repeat lies. Lies and conspiracies. Can't talk about those either. Ah... The Insurrection will stir up the pot! In America we have to have someone to hate. If we get tired of hating on each other, nations we don't love or understand will do. Russia and China easily fulfill Amerikkkas deepest xe... [Read more]
Americans Worship Ignorance P14 [GC]
February 13, 2023 at 5:52am
Americans are wrong! Lost an entire entry... just as I was finished... This is just a few thoughts so I can rewrite it. A week later: Unfortunately, I'm stressed and I have a deadline. And I'm angry. Learn another language? Hell yes. The rest of the fucking world doesn't have a problem picking up skills. Language, art, music are all skills that make Humans less of an Ape. Americans think that their military power and wealth makes them exceptional, almost holy. Get... [Read more]
Nothing comes for free! Share#1 P17 [18+ for tone]
February 1, 2023 at 6:07am
Nothing comes for free. In Thailand your family looks after you => you look after family. Most Asian cultures operate on this system. The concept of individualism so popular in the Wild West version of America isn't the norm. The saddest Thai is an orphan without friends. The Korean movie "My Perfect Roommate" explores the sad situation of those who have no family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ER5sZRzP3M No, nothing comes for free. But Americans decided on public s... [Read more]
"No to nuclear" [ASR] Monkey Week 4 prompt #3 (288w)
January 26, 2023 at 9:55am
It's a 13 minute walk from Ponnya's workplace to home. I timed it tonight. No need for a car. There are 14 floors which include parking, a pool, a fitness center... no 20 acre suburban sprawl. Thailand is more compact even in rural areas. People live in communities and aren't as isolated from others (nor as fearful of them). In Montana they could build with better heating/cooling in mind, and not build throwaway structures that fall apart in 30 years. We have good water, so that&... [Read more]
Don't spoil it for others BANANA #3 Prompt 2 [13+]
January 19, 2023 at 1:09am
Don't spoil it for others. Americans love their independence but no one survives alone. Humans are social animals. We need each other. We also make mistakes. And we need to be seen and appreciated. Where should the line be for the common good on personal freedoms (yelling "fire" in a crowded theater, etc.) and who should draw it (government or ?)? Every community draws lines. In Thailand one CANNOT insult the king or the royal family. This is NO joke. In the USA the presiden... [Read more]
The closer to the ground the better BANANA #2 Prompt 2 [13+]
January 15, 2023 at 10:00pm
Which is worse, local or national politics/politicians? My dreams soar into realms of the unknown, unknowingly forgetting that the farther they go the greater the fall back to reality. The same seems to apply to idealists that enter government. Good intentions does not equal good governing. And those who have no ideals have no vision and those without a heart no shame. At least those who have nefarious intentions unabashedly ignore the consequences. They tend to rise to the top. Mos... [Read more]
Outhouse Part Deux [13+]
January 5, 2023 at 8:13pm
I remember the smell of rotting tomatoes while 'taking care of business' as a child. I suspect that anything rotting was thrown into my grandparents' outhouse. Outhouses were topped with lime and eventually moved to a newly dug hole and the old one filled. Most anything was thrown into outhouses. I shudder to think of outhouses in cemeteries... I'm sure they once were common. If not for the guests then for the ground crews and grave diggers. But... if an outhouse is... [Read more]
Be a localvore, unless... [E]
January 4, 2023 at 9:54pm
I believe in more calories for my buck. Upscale 'heathy' markets are expensive. Mega-marts offer 100 types of peas. Who needs peas, please? I want calories. In Missoula we have summer and winter markets. They focus local on produce. Our region is known for locally gathered huckleberries and morels, cherries and peaches, melons and tomatoes. Dairy is controlled by Washington state; beef is sent to China; potatoes are grown in Montana, locally even, but the market is dominated by Idaho.... [Read more]
Be like an outhouse [13+]
January 3, 2023 at 8:36pm
A proper outhouse is biodegradable and self-cleaning. At the end so is the Earth and so are we. There has been an effort in the last century to mechanize everything and eliminate the need for slaves humans. Here in Montana I share the toilet. I realise that this is un-American; but, so be it . One of our local poets is our janitor and I'm thankful for his 14 plus years of cleaning up after me. I do try to not make a mess. In Isan I will clean our toilet if Ponnya doesn'... [Read more]
Technical writing for Dummies?
December 11, 2022 at 12:22am
To Holly: "Brevity isn't always better than clarity but it's more digestible. A religious example would be the 10 Commandments. It's been argued about for centuries but compared to the Talmud it's the go to teaching. Both exist for reasons. Children start with the commandments." To expand... technical abstractions are revered by some but they don't get the rice planted nor harvested. If it is important enough to say or do it's important enough to translat... [Read more]

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1501776-O-Pinions