Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1452322-Madisons-Story
by Callie
Rated: E · Book · Drama · #1452322
This is the story of Madison's life.
Chapter 1:

Madison sat on Yankee, her chestnut gelding. Suddenly, she saw something move in the distance. Madson clicked her heels against his side, Yankee took off at a racing gallop. The animal chased after them, then suddenly he was in front of them. It was a mountain lion! Yankee reared up in fright throwing Madison off. He galloped away, his tail flying behind him.

Madison stood up and started to walk toward the ranch. the bright Montana sky slowly turning a radiant blue.

Suddenly, the mountain lion shifted an started to follow Madison. She took off at a sprint. She hopped over the creek and took a turn to hide behind a tree. The mountain lion kept going while Madison light jogged to the ranch house. Yankee was standing just outside the barn with his head down to the ground, munching on the grass.

"Oh, Yankee! Your okay!" Madison exclaimed.

"She picked up the reins and lead him into the barn. Madison untacked him, washed him down, and put him back in his stall.

Chapter 2:

Madison walked into the ranchhouse. She skipped down the steps into the kitchen.

"Hi Madison. I see you took Yankee out this morning," Madison's mother said.

"Um, yeah I did. A mountain lion came up and attacked us."

"Oh, Madison! Are you and Yankee alright?" Her mom questioned her.

"Yeah. I checked Yankee over and I left a message on the white board in the arn for Wolf to chck him again and to check the ridge for the lion."

"Alright. I'm glad your taking care of Yankee. Maddie, there s something I need to tell you. It is very serious and a lot of changes are going to happen around here," Madison's mom started, and she didn't have a sparkle in her eye anymore.

"Okay Mom."

"Your father and I are getting a divorce. We just cannot be married anymore. The process is going to be long and your father and I have decided that it would be best to send you to boarding school," her mom finished.

"Um......Okay mom,"

"That's all you have to say on the matter?" Her mother questioned her.

"Well, I mean, I always hear you guys arguing at night. I expected something was going to happen. Plus you have all these boarding school pamphlets and lying around the house and the websites on your favorites list." Madison stated.

"Oh, I didn't realize it was that obvious."

Madison stood up and said, "I like the one in Conneticut by the way."

Chapter Three:

Madison was sitting on her bed, eating dinner, and watching “Gilmore Girls”.  There was a knock at the door.

“Come in!” Madison said.

“Hi honey. I think that you and I should talk.”

“What about? I thought we talked earlier.”

“I know, but sweetie…this is hard for a mother to deal with. Not only do I have to worry about my divorce, but I have to worry about how you are taking it.”

“Mom, look I want to go to boarding school. I’m totally cool with it. I had previous knowledge that you and dad were having problems. It isn’t like it came as a shock to me.”

“Oh. Madison, I’m sorry. I really am. I just thought I would bring you some catalogs to look through. Choose whatever you want for school.”

“Thanks mom.”

*          *          *
The next morning Madison walked out to the barn.

“Hey Yankee!” Madison said as she rubbed his head the way he liked, “How are you doing this morning?”

“Yank is doing just fine. He’ll be better enough to ride in a few days. The lion didn’t do but so much harm to him…but, Yank might have some emotional problems for a while, especially around the area where it happened.”

“Alright. At least I know to take it easy with him. I guess I’ll ride Ace?” Madison said questioningly to Wolf.
“That’s probably a good idea.”

Madison put a rope bridle on Ace and slipped onto his back bareback. She nudged him into a gentle canter and they loped across the plain.

Madison’s phone vibrated against her side where it was in her pocket.


“Madison, you need to get back to the house. You need to pack immediately.”

“Pack? For what?”

“Boarding school! You got in to the one in Connecticut that you liked.”
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/item_id/1452322-Madisons-Story