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My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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September 11, 2008 at 5:07pm
September 11, 2008 at 5:07pm
September 11, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 50 (F) Cloudy and foggy.
Events of Note: Reflecting on seven years past.
In the Nudes: Everyone's still talking about Palin

*Balloon1* Isn't it amazing how determining the priorities on what's newsworthy can change so rapidly?. Yesterday, while at the drugstore, I noticed that every popular magazine (as well as some of the 'gutter-style' rags) all had Sarah Palin and her son, Trig, on their front covers.

*Balloon2* On this day, seven years ago, I was undergoing exploratory surgery for cervical cancer. I was wheeled into the O.R, while all around me, medical staff were clustered around hastily found, blaring television sets all tuned to CNN, and my mother, true to the journalist in her, was out trying to locate a special afternoon edition of the morning metropolitan daily newspaper that she once worked for. My initial reaction to my room-mates before I'd left for the hospital, as we'd watched and waited as New York medical and emergency staff had prepared for a grim rescue and recovery operation, was, "George Bush will declare war over this." At that point, being located at the bottom of the world, suddenly became rather comforting. That was then. Now, over 200 books have been written on 9/11. There's been the 9/11 commission, and the U.S continues to be at its war on terror in the Middle East, although with considerably fewer allies and friends than it initially began with. From then on, two catch-phrases seem to have governed the U.S-"freedom" and "fear".
September 10, 2008 at 7:53pm
September 10, 2008 at 7:53pm
September 10, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 56 (F) Sunny.
Events of Note: Completing one project, moving on to another.
In the Nudes: Bolivia asks U.S ambassador to leave; protests mount.

*Balloon1* In other news...my sweet husband and I had tentative discussions about planning for our follow-up trip back to New Zealand. We always have something in mind-an end-game, if you will. So far, we've managed to cram quite a lot into almost four years of marriage.

*Balloon3* Still looking forward to Friday. No idea why. Will tell you when I get there.

When in doubt-take a tub.
September 9, 2008 at 11:32pm
September 9, 2008 at 11:32pm
September 09, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 49 (F) Foggy and chilly.
Events of Note: Constantly wishing it's Friday. Shedding my skin...
In the Nudes: Notorious couples: Ike and Texas.

*Balloon1* [Today's entry is re-invented, after my delightful husband disconnected our broadband right at the very nano-second I was about to post today's waxing long, lyrically and philosophical entry...&^%$#$#%]. Some days, our victories are of seemingly small insignificance, while sometimes it just pays to surrender to the s**** storm. Generally, I try to be all "Zen"-if there's crap on my nose, maybe I should wash my face, and just get over it?. On a similar subject, I'm ditching all of my skincare, in a bid of desperation, to try to isolate what's irritating my skin. Think I've found a much more harmonious solution. That, combined with an anti-histamine to help me sleep, should stop me from descending into premature madness a little less rapidly. Anything, anything to deaden the unrelenting itch-scratch cycle.

*Balloon3* While I was putting together "Beanie's" HK bedding, I was contemplating and inwardly cringing at just how many different material things that she's managed to accumulate just within three short years-at this rate, adding a third, luxury floor on to our shack won't just be a fluffy, fuzzy retirement dream-we'll need it to house "Beanie" avec all of her "accessorizing". Did I say something about clothes, hats, bags...?. Our child has entire outfits.OMG! OMFG!. So much for my grandmother's phrase (as I was raised) where she constantly wore new holes in that old saw, "One on, one in the wash, and one, 'just to ring in the changes'." At last count, "Beanie" has 20 T-shirts, 14 long-sleeved shirts, 4 party dresses, 8 pairs of jeans, 6 pairs of casual pants, 5 jackets, and 8 bags-and that's what was left after I photographed a whole pile for me try and sell online. While I was at it, I photographed some Chanel items of mine to sell, which is sort of strange and spooky since Nada mentioned Chanel in her entry today, too *Laugh*

*Balloon3* My mother wrote, at last. My dear uncle's surgery was postponed because of some [typical] scheduling screw-up with the hospital, so his surgery will now be at the end of this month.

*Balloon4* I'm off to have a Klondike bar as a surrogate for a triple Rum&Coke. If I want a Coke and Jacks regularly, I'll have to resort to purchasing my own bottle, and that could become slightly un-funny. Brings new meaning to the phrase, "Clean liver". Gawd, I've got Dr. Gregory House on the membrane !.

Have a starry night!.
September 8, 2008 at 5:37pm
September 8, 2008 at 5:37pm
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Great Southern Land-Part One

Welcome to the first in a twice-weekly series about my most recent travels, “DownUnder” –back to my home-country of New Zealand. It had been three and a half years since I’d been back. At the time that I’d left New Zealand last, I was five- almost six months pregnant with my daughter, Anya, and, after only a few weeks of marriage had been apart from my new husband for three months of my pregnancy, while we waited for approval on my immigrant visa entry to the U.S. My mother had never met our daughter in-person before now. In addition, in the intervening time, my brother’s wife had given birth to our niece, Arwen, just four months after our daughter was born. So, after abandoning our earlier (and disappointingly futile) efforts to get ourselves down to New Zealand in the past two years, this last June, we were finally on our way!.

My in-laws drove us, and a frightening amount of luggage, from the steaming hot inland mountains of North-Western California, through to San Francisco International Airport, to catch our evening flight out on Air New Zealand-a direct flight from SFO-Auckland, New Zealand, non-stop. Total flight time: 13.5 hours. Little did we know, on passing casually through security at SFO, that our dearest, darling daughter had packed a shiny, nine inch nail (“borrowed” from her father’s toolkit) into her cute, co-ordinating lime green and pale pink rolling backpack, complete with detachable lunch-bag. Our “Beanie” ever the charmer, promptly struck up an extremely serious and pressing conversation with the female security officer who was now meticulously searching her bag. “We’re going on a big, special plane to New Leazland!” she declared triumphantly. “Did you know about this?”, the security officer asked us in a bemused tone, holding up the offending sharp object in a rubber-latexed hand. I looked at my husband, and he looked at me, and we both couldn’t help laughing in a cautious-kind-of a way. “Noooo, we didn’t-what’s she doing with that in her pack?”. Anyway, this deadly discovery was clearly so compelling that she had to call her supervisor over for a more detailed determination. “Does da kid look like a threat to you, Tony?.” ‘Tony’ blinked owlishly and smiled somewhat a few times, as “Beanie” hopped first from one foot, then to the other, confirming exhuberantly, “That’s from my Daddy’s toolkit!” Yeah, no kidding. “You can go ahead and confiscate it.” I suggested. “Ahhh-doesn’t matter-don’t worry about it.” the security officer shrugged, quickly packing the nail back into “Beanie’s” pack. (Several days before our departure, I’d had a pre-conversation with my daughter, explaining how her bags and her shoes might be checked by security-she had seemed cool with the whole situation). So, onwards we went.

We’d forgotten how tenuously tiny those Economy Class seats can be, especially if one is overly tall (as all three of us are). Poor “Beanie” squirmed, shifted, wriggled and grunted, but however much she contorted herself into any direction-she was distinctly uncomfortable. Eventually, out of sheer desperation, she crawled underneath the seats in front of us, and fell asleep for the entire duration of the flight!.

After 12,500 miles of flying (and a mostly sleepless night), we touched down in Auckland, New Zealand. It was “Beanie’s” third birthday, so a double-celebration.

That ‘unfortunate’ nail was back to haunt us again. Before catching our domestic, connecting flight from Auckland to Christchurch (see map on title banner) we were stopped by New Zealand security. “But, why would you pack something like this into your CHILD’s carry-on luggage?” Well, how about, we, her parents, had no knowledge of the fact that our CHILD packed it?. Suddenly, there were additional questions-Mr. Rainbowapple’s occupation?. Did he use these types of implements in his work?. Why were we in New Zealand?. Eventually, we were allowed on our way again, but not until the security officer had called all of their colleagues out to, “Look!. See what I found!”. Yes, the nail was finally confiscated. Apparently, national security doesn’t care as much if you’re leaving with something dodgy on your person, but they are positively rabid about you entering a country with same-said object.

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[Our Air NZ plane at SFO]

Our domestic flight from Auckland (in the North Island) to Christchurch (located in the South Island) seemed to take forever, despite only being an hour and a half. We were each exhausted, nursing blistering headaches, as well as daunted by a heavy dose of anticipation. Would everyone be the same as we remembered them?. What had changed and why?. Well, by the time we reached Customs and Immigration, and “Beanie” had unpacked her entire collection of Play-Doh in the immigration holding area, “Beanie” was hysterical and in no mood whatsoever for playing Miss Nice, anymore. Meanwhile, I’d been ‘processed’ somewhat faster after officials found out that I was a returning kiwi Medical School graduate (education gets you absolutely everywhere in New Zealand-it’s a measure of status, integrity, character…). Once we were all back together at Customs, the officials were friendly and expeditious, and after such a long, long wait, we could at last see my 6’9” tall brother peering at us expectantly from the other side of the international Arrivals Terminal.

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[L to R-our SIL, Jenn, Arwen and Anya-and the offending rolling backpack!]

On Day Two after arriving in Christchurch, we awoke to discover a light dusting of snow. It was quite unremarkable as snowfall by U.S standards goes…

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["Beanie" says, "Meh" to the GodZone version of snow-Christchurch, June 07, 2008]

Part Two-That scenery that LOTR made infamous....
September 7, 2008 at 8:09pm
September 7, 2008 at 8:09pm
September 07, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 59 (F) Sunny with low clouds/fog
Events of Note: Catching up with "WordPress"
In the Nudes: US govt intervenes with Fannies and Freddies.

*Balloon1* Moody day, today-unfortunately not soothed by a much-welcomed sleep-in, till 11:30am, after which I had to get up to take care of "Beanie-Weenie", while my thoughtful husband went off to work. Nonetheless, I did manage to pull off three loads of dishes, mopping and sweeping the kitchen, cleaning out our kitchen dresser, as well as hauling some seriously scattered junk out from underneath the stairs. Creeps and crawls, it does, I'm convinced of that disturbing fact. After which, I suddenly remembered that I was out of laundry detergent.

*Balloon3* I've been listening to Alison Moyet, while "Beanie" watches Japanese cartoons. 80s flashbacks in glorious, gory, glory. Acid-washed jeans, angst and badly, big hair (Moyet keeps a blog on WordPress called, "Letters Home").

*Balloon4* Major difficulties writing in a prescriptive way for a series. We'll see. Tomorrow will tell, and the rest, as it's said...is history.
September 6, 2008 at 7:43pm
September 6, 2008 at 7:43pm
September 06, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 70 (F) Mild and sunny, sunny and mild.
Events of Note: Quiet day-usually the way I like it.
In the Nudes: Don't get sick in Zimbabwe-the hospitals are a shambles.

*Balloon2* Odd day. Lazy. Dozy. Dopey. In-laws wrote and said that they are headed to Thailand, to escape the Winter here, then off to try Central America, until next April. Ah, retirement.

*Balloon3* My memorial garden for Mr.Spot has germinated already, so that cheered me up more than somewhat. Have not much motivation to write anything else-probably because I'm working on my new blog series. I'm a non-believer in muses, too. Besides, gotta split, as the darned duck-girl is demolishing my front porch.
September 5, 2008 at 8:04pm
September 5, 2008 at 8:04pm
September 05, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 78 (F) Grillin'
Events of Note: Still stuck inside, beating off panic attacks with a lollipop stick.
In the Nudes: Rice lands in Libya - one last "Hurrah"?.

*Balloon1* Not that much has been happening, but I will confess reluctantly, that my avid fascination with Disc 1/Season Four of "House" has been terminated. Disc 2 has been hijacked by some other "House" addict, so it could be a long-suffering weekend. In more ways than might otherwise be imagined, too. Half-a hundred different projects progressing extremely pathetically right now, just to add to my maze of confusion and awkward haze. I've secured 2/3 professional referees for employment applications. Wondering if I can slip in someone like, oh, Mickey Mouse for shortlisting [kidding, kidding, kiddies]. A little bit startled to discover that certain employment applications have a requirement of a full, physical examination and medical tests as mandatory-not just talking MRSA swabs, either. So, I'm communicative, just not communicable. What a recommendation.

*Balloon2* "Beanie" has been slightly off-color, today. Nothing specific. Mainly headaches, and a tendency to be aggravating by yelling everything at me and laughing manically. SHE has a headache?. Sheesh!. Seriously, she's a good little kid, and is likely mildly mad from having to be a shut-in, this week. She has a new big bed now, though-a full-sized futon, with Hello Kitty bedding and linens (and matching drapes). Will post pictures once her room has been downgraded from "Tropical Nursery Storm" status.

*Balloon4* New series in my blog, beginning Monday. Be prepared to be stunned. Actually, just be prepared...
September 4, 2008 at 7:10pm
September 4, 2008 at 7:10pm
September 04, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 68 (F) Sunny, warm and pleasant.
Events of Note: Stuck inside, writing a report, polishing my resume.
In the Nudes: Latest Hurricane and presidential predictions.

*Flower1* Quite remarkably, I was reasonably impressed by Palin's cheerleading, last night. Not that I need to be impressed to be empowered to draw my own conclusions, but anyway...Think the Dems were running a little short on caffeine-infused, campaign descriptives, if all staffers managed to blurt out was "Shrill". Methinks they protest too, much.Who cares?. I can't vote, and frankly, wouldn't want to have to choose, one way or another.

*Flower2* Am mildly dismal, today, by comparison with yesterday's brightness-am trying to keep the cellophane-like curly edges of an impending funk from sabotaging and curtailing my efforts. If I linger, I'm sunk. Whereas, if I persist, it'll suck, but won't become all-consuming. Meanwhile, my clever husband has located "House" on DVD, so failing all else, I can couch-curl tonight, with the complicated-looking remote, and an enormous box of chocolates and see what I want to look at for a change ("Beanie" having watched the entire gauntlet of successive versions of"Shrek", Strawberry Shortcake, Fairies, Bratz and Spongebob Sparepants...ugh, ugh, ugh). She's been uber-hyper all day, which is usually the pre-amble to her crashing sometime later night...hope springs eternal...
September 3, 2008 at 5:05pm
September 3, 2008 at 5:05pm
September 03, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 60s (F) Sunny and mild.
Events of Note: Contemplating the serious issues in life....
In the Nudes: Hanna, Ike, Josephine.

*Balloon1* Overslept today. No particular reason. My husband managed "Beanie's" morning routine, including her breakfast-warm milk, wheat toast with orange marmalade-after which, he promptly vanished off to work, which explained why "Beanie" subsequently roared upstairs to smack me in the head, soundly informing me that I had to wake up, like yesterday. No surprises that she'd systematically trashed the downstairs living room. Oh, well...it's a rough life. So, I'm taking a while to pull it together today.

*Balloon4* For the first time in over a year, I watched network television, last night. Specifically, "House". Aggravating as ever (the programming, not the drama). For every four minutes of the drama, there was another five minutes of high-volume, tacky advertisements. My cunning plan, Baldrick?. To get the whole of the last season, out on DVD, to try and make some sense out of nonsense.

*Balloon5* Have been considering some renovations to our house, but those need additional consideration of my spatial perception difficulties. My brain finds it impossible to make any adjustments since it can't pick up on certain cues anyway. Such cues are either missing, messed up, or scrambled into infinity. Something as seemingly simple as moving a bit of furniture around, can really throw off the physical cues that I'm so reliant on, just to function on an everyday basis. It's a real challenge for me to figure out the depth of steps, distances, and changes in patterns in flooring, etc. Probably the sort of details that most other people wouldn't otherwise need to give a second thought to. Another reason why I'm a creature of habit and adore my home comforts. They greatly enhance my personal safety as much as anything else. Added to that, just getting around my own house. We live in a two-storied old villa, and the quickest, safest way for me to get myself up and down our main stairs, is on my backside, or monkey-crawling. Which sort of makes hauling laundry and clothing to and fro in addition to myself, a prolonged and complicated chore. In addition, it wears out the rears of my clothing a lot faster-especially my jeans!. Still, there are always solutions available, and sometimes it's just a case of figuring out how everything could work differently or more efficiently.

*Balloon2* Well, I'm rambling, and it's sparkling, bright sunshine out, and since I'm a self-confessed sun-bunny, I'm off outside to catch some rays. While I still can.
September 3, 2008 at 12:08am
September 3, 2008 at 12:08am
September 02, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 50s (F) Cold and clear.
Events of Note: Re-invention.
In the Nudes: Palin's future SIL is a self-confessed red-neck.

*Flower2* Since returning from DownUnder, I've been -itching-in more ways than can be counted. My skin is driving me nuts. Simplicity aside. Changed everything-laundry detergent, dish-washing powder-heck, I even purchased myself a new pair of vintage denim jeans (quirky, tube-fit-they make me look like a confirmed soccer Mom-gee, thanks). I'm tossing out screeds and sackfuls of material items that are mostly meaningless to me/us, now.

*Flower1* Trying to get my professional 'ducks' in a row, too. You know, professional affiliations and memberships, online registrations for job-hunting. Signed on with a huge HMO (or, sold my soul to the devil, I dunno). Gotta email my Med School about my graduation, or lack thereof. I'll miss out on the fur-lined gown and gizmos, but at this point, just my degree in the mail would be, oh, super-duper.

*Flower4* "Beanie" just scored us a GROCERY bag full of hot, buttered popcorn from the local video store for free. Toe-rag, cheesy-grinned cutie. Guess what's for dinner?. *Laugh*

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