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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1383396
My Blog. Generally Intended for Reading-Not Eating!.
Rose-Tinted Ramblings

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A Little of What You Might Expect & A Lot of Everything Else that You Don't!.

My writing style for my blog is invariably 'snarkastic'. This is because I am a nice, unassuming and quietly-spoken person IRL-and this blog is where my innermost moments and torments happen. Trust me, I am no exception to that delightful rule.


Welcome to my THIRD blog here on WDC. A re-incarnation of my earlier version of my Blog, here "Insanties and Sensibilities" this v.03 should prove to be equally...challenging and hopefully, entertaining. That said, life often weaves through our writing in mysterious ways, and this Blog will probably prove to be no exception to that. We are very likely all quite different, yet the same, us writers and our collective little whims, fascinations and insecurities.
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December 23, 2008 at 11:05pm
December 23, 2008 at 11:05pm
December 23, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 44 (F) Cloudy, light rain.
Events of Note: Anticipation.
In the Nudes: Bush issues 19 pardons.

*Snow2* It's that strange, odd atmosphere of anticipation and lagging tiredness in our little household, tonight. Both my hubby and I are run fairly ragged, since we work in tandem with urgent restaurant work-whatever comes up, and that can quite literally mean, well, anything, really. The weather is calling for snow and small hail for tomorrow and Christmas Day, which sounds incredibly festive and seasonal, if it wasn't FREEZING OUTSIDE. Remember, I was raised celebrating Christmas on a Pacific island, with golden sandy beaches, surf and sunshine, sipping cocktails, and reading trashy holiday literature.

*Snow2* "Beanie" celebrated two Christmas calamities all by her own self, today. The first was, panicking because she didn't think she had a real stocking to hang up over the fireplace for Santa [ *Check3* Yes, I remembered that]. The second, had her thinking that Father Christmas had already visited her, and she'd missed out completely [nope, darlin'-Mama promises *Check4*] It's going to be a long and protracted 48 hours in Rainbowapple land.

*Snow2* My husband's grandmother is doing better. Not 100%, but no worse, mercifully.
December 21, 2008 at 9:56pm
December 21, 2008 at 9:56pm
December 21, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 52 (F) Heavy Rain.
Events of Note: Just had half a glass of Australian shiraz, and am nearly snoozing.
In the Nudes: David Hicks keen to clear his name.

*Flower1* My day began with discovering a most beautiful and thoughtful gift from alfred booth, wanbli ska -a poem!. Such a special surprise. Thank-you once again, Alfred. You've made my holidays so memorable.

*Flower3* My husband's grandmother is very ill in the hospital at the moment. She's 97 years old, and has a serious respiratory illness. Poor sweetheart. I hope not, in many ways, but we may well be finding ourselves boarding an unanticipated flight to Nebraska, shortly.

*Flower4* On a brighter note, we are all appreciating daily "Skype" chats with my in-laws who are vacationing in Thailand over the Holidays. Seems like they can rent a gorgeous condo-style apartment, with private swimming pools and mini-marts (and $2 meal room service) for US$148/mo. No surprises where they are considering living out their retirement.
December 20, 2008 at 7:36pm
December 20, 2008 at 7:36pm
September 20, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 45 (F) Rain and cloud.
Events of Note: Old-style toys still turning tricks.
In the Nudes: More U.S. troops headed for Afghantistan.

*Snow1* Isn't it interesting how the 'classic' toys still continue to be entertaining, irrespective of what toy advertising (especially voracious throughout the Winter holidays) proclaims and bleats to the contrary?. Yesterday, "Beanie" used 1/3rd of her pocket-money to purchase an old-school slide puzzle. Granted, it has princesses printed on it, but this is something that has entertained her exclusively for an entire day+. It's a vast improvement on jigsaws for children of her age-missing bits disappearing, frustrations, impatience, cleaning up messes afterwards....I remember getting a similar slide puzzle in my Christmas stocking as a child, and while it's not officially the ETA of one Mr. F Christmas, Esq, as yet, that said slide puzzle has likely saved our sanity in the face of dumb distractions from work-such as menus not printing properly and assorted calamities because people surrounding us are doing as little as possible in the week leading up to The Holiday. Besides, "Beanie" earned the slide puzzle by loading and unloading the washer/dryer and folding four different loads of laundry, unloading the dishwasher twice, and feeding and bathing her guinea pigs daily for a week. At the moment, she's wearing a cerise pink long-sleeved T-shirt that says on it in silver, glittery lettering (70's retro style), "Mom's Little Helper". The shirt was $5 online, and was my personal gift to my daughter this year, for being my fantastic little helper. She adores it!.

*Snow2* Last night, well after midnight, I scrubbed down our professional-grade kitchen prep table-something to do with desperately needing to get my mojo together again for prepping a huge gingerbread re-order (still outstanding) for next week's restaurant rush. Of all the baking and preparation that I do, I hold a secret (well, not so secret now) distaste for the difficult labor intensity of gingerbread-in particular the slicing and frosting. So much bloody standing!. Made it to bed at 2am, only to be kicked in the shins (accidentally) by my husband, three different times. So, I went and slept with "Beanie" for a few hours, who was a silent statue by comparison.

*Snow3* I think that here in the U.S. at least, most of us, on either coast, or on the Great Plains, can say that Winter weather conditions are here at last. Safe Travels and Warmth, wherever you are.
December 19, 2008 at 7:19pm
December 19, 2008 at 7:19pm
December 19, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 43 (F) Overcast with showers.
Events of Note: Thanks to my Postal Service worker
In the Nudes: Belgian govt collapses.

*Smile* Whatever the time of year, I'm always appreciative of my U.S Postal person. She has a bright, cheerful personality, and invariably brings my mail directly into my living room on a daily basis now. She also knows that, if I'm upstairs, I'll take an extra few moments to respond, because I have to slide downstairs on my backside. She was bursting with pride and excitement when she delivered my university degree envelope from New Zealand last week. We are the last 'customers' on her all-day residential route, yet she rarely seems tired, jaded, nor cant-be-bothered. Someone commented to me recently that they felt that U.S postal delivery workers get paid too much for what is (on the face of it) such a straightforward occupation. Still, customers expectations are still just as high, that the mail does and always gets through, no matter what
December 18, 2008 at 10:30pm
December 18, 2008 at 10:30pm
December 18, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 46 (F) Heavy Rain. RealFeel@40 (F)
Events of Note: Leaving a Seasonal Trail...
In the Nudes: UN divided over gay rights declaration.

*Check2* I haven't done very much for actively acknowledging the Holiday Season, this year. My reasons are myriad and varied. But, I have made some awards, here, today, and they are awards that I've been saving up for, all year. Mine are awards to individuals whose writing has touched or illuminated me in some way, this year. Simple, really. Perhaps that's what I like most about such Holidays. The thoughts of and for someone else other than ourselves.

*Check2* Heavy rain here, all day, with a distinctive wind-chill factor. A real polar rodent with teeth. When I went on a rapid, last moment walk, earlier this morning, the rain splattering on my oilskin coat was bordering on sleet mixed with rain (or as the forecasters call it, winter precipitation).
December 17, 2008 at 1:35am
December 17, 2008 at 1:35am
December 16, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 31 (F) Clear. Forecast Low Temp: 25 (F).
Events of Note: Plastering my MPH (Hons) degree on my wall, at long last.
In the Nudes: Some rapes only minor events: Australian minister.

*Gift1* On December 6th, I graduated from my Med School back in New Zealand, and made the Honors List. I was #203 to graduate at that particular ceremony. For the first time in ten years, I don't have to spend my Holidays thinking or working on university work of some description. A strangely bittersweet moment. I gained Second Class Honors, First Division-just four marks shy of First Class Honors. Now, I can move on. In any and all directions.

*Gift2* Ever notice how artificial scents and flavors, like Strawberry can be done particularly badly?. Fake plastic strawberry is likely only surpassed by fake banana. However, the worst 'natural' smell in my experience in the world has to be reserved for the Asian durian fruit. Not just smelling it, but consuming it. Makes me retch, just remembering its sheer pungency and the disturbing texture. Some people have likened its pervasive odor to that of a rotting human corpse. Beyond brave is the soul who can outwit a durian, and still have sensory senses intact to tell of it!. Thank-you to Nada who's recent, "I Second That Emotion" entry reminded me of this remarkable fruit, and of the ones that I much prefer to snack on (such as strawberries).

*Gift3* Black ice on our local roadways and a high level of stress seems to be taking over our city, as the Christmas holiday draws closer. It's ultimately one day of the year, and a smile and a kind, considerate word costs nothing.
December 16, 2008 at 2:04am
December 16, 2008 at 2:04am
December 15, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 29 (F) Small hail, sleet and cold.
Events of Note: Pitter-pat, pitter-pat...don't you love to hear the rain?.
In the Nudes: Bush dodges a shoe, or two; moves afoot to impeach Illinois governor.

*Snow1* Oh, yeeeeeeeeeah, baby, it's dang cold tonight, and I ain't goin' anyplace!. It's been bitey, mighty cold here, today, and we've had all of that fancy Canadian Dry weather.

*Snow2* Speaking purely for myself, I'm feeling especially illuminated, tonight. Today, I went and blew $10 on fancy new shampoos and 'ditioners for ourselves, mainly because the Dollar Tree sludge was becoming tiresome. Hubby scored best of all with a L'Oreal Vive for Men shampoo w/free styling conditioner. Personally, I think that there's no actual difference in the formulation in the bottle-just a gender-specific/friendly label, in suave, sophisticated, shimmery gray. My *new* "Pantene" is 'supposed' to be infused with liquid crystals, which probably means that someone concentrated those liquid sulfates and shook up the silicones a little more. From the same company that ran an advertising slogan that claimed, "It won't happen overnight, but it will happen"-perhaps they are playing to either the gullible or the eternal optimist in me. Anyway, we'll all have clean(er) hairs for the Holidays.

*Snow3* With continued gingerbread baking orders, emergency call-outs, weekend work, and such, life is anything but dull. However, today, we all, more or less, stayed home, and fancied little of anyone and anything else except ourselves.

Meanwhile, I'll just have another cream caramel on the strength of that thought. Cheers to all you non-cheery, gloomy elves!.
December 10, 2008 at 9:23pm
December 10, 2008 at 9:23pm
December 10, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 39 (F) Clear and cold.
Events of Note: Thinking – a dangerous occupation, lol.
In the Nudes: Obama calls on Illinois senator to resign.

*Flower1* A shortened entry, today, because I’m not doing well at all. I have an entry residing somewhere in MS Word, but it can wait, for now. My husband is working a double shift, tonight. Chance for others of us to stay home and stay warm..and relax. Saw "Dark Knight", last night. Excellent film, with an over-abundance of SFX.

December 9, 2008 at 11:06pm
December 9, 2008 at 11:06pm
December 09, 2008.

Whether the Weather be: 48 (F) Chillsome-is that a descriptive?.
Events of Note: Appraising.
In the Nudes: Fiji faces Commonwealth suspension.

*Balloon1* As I mentioned to Kåre Enga in Montana , yesterday, I wrote a submission in support of arguing against the proposed criminalization of homelessness and street begging- via a private city by-law, in New Zealand. Punitive and adversarial solutions only add to the alienation of vulnerable populations, and erode, rather than enhance, social cohesion. In non-sociological language, this means that arresting individuals and sending them to jail because of personal circumstances, is no way to build a city community, and to win friends and influence people. It's that classically flawed ideal of if we make something disturbing go away, then the problem doesn't exist anymore. The basis of the proposed bylaw is fairly petty, as far as I can tell - based on someone's personal squeamishness and biases. Which probably speaks more to a lack of tolerance and basic human empathy.

*Balloon2* My husband is working again, tonight. Last night, he was home by 10pm, which was a sensible hour, all options considered. Gave us time for a late dinner and a film. I woke up feeling squeamish this morning, but my thoughtful husband stepped in and up, helping with many of the more difficult chores. With chilly temperatures, all of my major muscles freeze up and cramp up, sometimes instantly, without warning. Severe muscle spasm is no joke.

*Balloon1* I'm now down to creating and putting together imaginative and zany stocking stuffing items for "Beanie". The boy guinea pigs are both constantly burbling, chiggering and shrieking. Between our animals and "Beanie", our conversations are becoming increasingly enlightening, yet sometimes also mildly disturbing. Our piggies adore watching the Tee-Vee at night. Current favorite DVD: Invader Zim.

*Balloon3* I'm off to polish my French translations and reading. It's predicted to snow here to sea-level this weekend, which should be fascinating. It rarely, if ever snows here, on the Northern C.A coast. Seems like a storm blowing down from Canada has a sting in its tail especially for us. Thanks.
December 8, 2008 at 10:20pm
December 8, 2008 at 10:20pm
December 08, 2008.

Whether the Weather: 40 (F) Cool and cloudy.
Events of Note: Strictly mediocre day/night. Lots o' noodling around.
In the Nudes: Three dead following San Diego jet crash.

*Balloon2* Sometimes, when Monday rolls around, and my husband has worked all weekend, it's as if Monday blues hit doubly. Moreover, in the case of today, my loving husband is working at the sushi bar tonight, because Mondays are impossible to get a full staff roster throughout The Stupid Season. During which time, he makes four times his 'normal' wage, so I'm not seriously concerned. Whatever it takes, we're prepared to put up with [almost] anything, even unreasonable, intractable customers.

*Balloon4* My medication is wreaking havoc with some startling and nasty side-effects, but I'm close to completing the treatment course, before I can try something else, bright, shiny and new...oh, bring it on !. I'd like to be feeling glittery inside for the rest of this year, for "Beanie's" sake. Maybe my kidneys will oblige me on that.

Sometimes, mediocre days can turn out to be the least problematic of the lot, after all.

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