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by rixxie
Rated: 18+ · Book · Cultural · #1373867
This online collection of cultural stories, poems and essays is unique.
*Books3* This book is a collection of cultural Black stories, set in the now and forty years ago. The first set, On A Mission, contains numerous stories: Mother Smith, Annie-May,Clara-Jean,Itty-Bitty-Ol'-Nasty Man, And The Mighty Zay-eusm are the main ones. These are witty sometimes sad characters, that find their way to carry-forth.
The book also contains cultural poems, essays, and prose. Most of the stories are being created, as I post them, it is a raw blog. I am interacting with my readers taking suggestions for stories, finding out about their interests. It is a work in progress, I go through my stories and smooth then out. It's for fun, some of my stories may eventually find their way into it. The blog is casual and conversational, urban musings. I keep a blog, with the book, to keep readers posted. There are, teaser, excerpts chapters, from my book.
Tales & Myths from The Inner city, a work in progress..The Paperback version, of the book is being smooth out, and edited, and marketed. I featured some of the concepts from this book, on T-shirts, mugs and other gifts : http:www.Zazzle.com/qmarpat. Thanks, I look forward to supporting you, too! Stop by my blog, and say,"Hello". We will have fun and laughs! I have included short reviews of some of the stories, thanks, so much for being a reader! Thank you so much, for hanging in there with me, You can also catch up with me, at: www.Hubpages.com/Qmarpat I have wacky veggie creations and few recipes and jokes, I look forward to hearing from you. I want to thank all my fans, that "Liked" me on Facebook. I love my readers! I wish you Happy Holidays and a very prosperous New Year!
Take care-rixxie

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January 12, 2018 at 10:23am
January 12, 2018 at 10:23am
Today marks the tenth day to the day, that I stumbled upon WDC. Writing.com has changed my life, it has given me a creative platform to ply my craft. It's allowed me a place to create colorful characters, and interesting lifes. I have never met the folks who run WDC or it's hundreds of writers, but I feel a kindred spirit with them. I am inspired by their works also. I haven't written as much as I'd like, but despite circumstances I will post more often. I thank you all at WDC. And maybe one day, WDC can host a writers event at their office, and we can finally meet. I wish you all continued success, may your writing take you to your dreams.


*AwarenessRB* *AwarenessB*
December 27, 2017 at 9:45am
December 27, 2017 at 9:45am
Hi! I promised to give a brief outline of Kwanzaa.. The African-American holiday that follows Christmas, is built around the after Christmas sales. It is set around traditional African family, community and personal values. The seven principle, Nguzo Saba, outline positive family and community values for each day ending on New Years day, with the feast.


1.) December 26th: UMOJA: Unity

2.) December 27th KUJI CHAGULIA
Self-Determination: to define ourselves, name ourselves, and speak for ourselves.

3.) December 28th UJIMA: Collective work and responsibility;to build and maintain our own community together and make our brothers and sisters' problems our problems and solve them together.

4.) December 29th UJAMAA: Cooperative Economics: To build and maintain our stores and businesses and to collectively profit from them.

5.) December 30th NIA; Purpose; to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

6.) December 31 KUUMBA Creativity, To do always as much as we can in all the was we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.

7.) Imani: Faith; To believe with all our heart in our people our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.

Happy Kwanzaa!!! Love, rixxie *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleV* *CandleR* *CandleR* *CandleR*
December 26, 2017 at 9:14am
December 26, 2017 at 9:14am
Hi!!!! How was your Christmas so far? I wasn't able to get with family I had been ill and they had emergencies, so we are celebrating this week. It doesn't matter if our love ones had to work Christmas, or they couldn't get a flight out. The turkey and dressing will still be as flavorful and the wine and pies, cakes and cookies will still be sweet.
Christmas nightmares happen, I had one the day before Christmas. I had to put something crazy out my house. The nut was delusional, she started talking to NEIGHBORS through my wall, I DO NOT interact with strangers or neighbors . That was a clever way for her to lose her mind. Someone where I live is breaking into my house, I'm not sure who it is. I don't interact with people near me, or invite them in. I'm not sure who the crook is. Most people are cool, but when I'm not sure, it's safe to stay to yourself. *Candy1**TreePine*

I once knew a woman who had been visiting with the crook, and didn't know it. The woman lived up the street. And when she was gone, was breaking in her house, and acting as if she lived was there. She had gotten a locksmith to make a key. One of my neighbor's relatives, discovered her in the house, called the police, Highway Patrol, and animal control! She had stole her Christmas presents. Please be careful, it's the Holiday's and sometimes, people are NOT who you think they are. They could get you in a world of trouble, and you could lose everything. A little later today, I'm going to list my favorite Christmas songs of all time, and you can list ours.
Happy First Day of Kwanzaa! I'll talk about that more, later. *Candy1* *Holly2* *TreePine* *Candy5*

(FYI, a reminder for this year, or the next. I am NOT affiliated with ANY TV, radio or other broadcast, internet or otherwise. I have not sanctioned the use of my name, voice, likeness in any, form or fashion. The aforementioned entities have no authority to represent me in any form or fashion. And I have no business or personal partners or associates, who can do transactions for me or enter, home or work. They are acting solely on their own, report illicit activities that you are aware of.)

Sorry, but I have to make that legal announcement at times, you'd be surprised at the neurotic stalkers who attempt to intrude on my life and projects. Stay safe--rixxie
First Day of Kwanzaa Dec. 26th,Umoja, unity. Dec. 27th is the 2nd day, Kuji Chagulia; self-determination, maybe a good time to do your New Years resolutions list!
December 27th
Hi, I said I would put a list of m favorite Holiday movies together. If you want to add one of a few, just click on, comment. I'll let everyone know. I have a favorite Christmas and Holiday song list, too. It's on YouTube under my username;Qmarpat.


1. It's A Wonderful Life
2. The Preacher's Wife
3. A Christmas Carol
4. A Grinch Stole Christmas
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas Special
(OK, that's a partial list I'll add some more later, don't forget you can add your favorites,too.)
6. ELF
7. Miracle on 34th Street
8. Nutcracker
9. Santa Claus the Movie
10. Kris Kringle Please feel free to click, comment and give me the name of a favorite Christmas movie.

Take care rixxie

Take care, rixxie December 26, 2017
September 30, 2017 at 8:56am
September 30, 2017 at 8:56am
Hi!!!!!!! I have been under the weather--literally!! you have no idea. I'm back! I been thinking about a costume for this ear. I think I'll be something from D.C. Comics. What are you going to be this ear? Click in and let me know, I'll mention our name. I decided I'd discus all time favorite GHOST moments in movies and TV. Please let me know yours, I know a lot of people like, the scene in the movie Ghost. The romantic, scene--that's not my favorite, but worth mentioning. Here's my list, please click in and let me know YOUR favorites!


1. Ghost Busters, the original version- When the marshmallow man shows up
2. Ghost Busters, when the ghost librarian gets ANGRY!
3. Ghost, the movie, when the ghost (Patrick Swazey) is bugging Whoopi Goldberg's character
4. Beetle Juice, when everyone at the dinner table gets possessed and does a wild dance
5. The Sixth Man, when the ghost of the ballplayer gets mad
6. Ghost Dad, when the dad, Bill Cosby fades the first time, ( I know bad movie, but may be the idea for he Cosby Show)
7. Field of Dreams, when the spirits of the ballplayers show up, the first time
8. Ghost the movie, when Whoopi's character gives a seance and all kinds of spooks show up
9. Casper, the movie when Casper shows up he first time
10. Psyche the last season the 8th, Lassie-the detective has to find the killer of a newspaper man, who looks like him
11. Scrubs, the TV show-It was about the fourth season- the mean doctor keeps seeing his dead friend, moment he realizes he's dead
12. The Jefferson's, it may have been about he 5th season--Florence is quitting church--goes to see her pastor, she doesn't know he's dead

Add to this ghost list! Just click-on, tell us more good ghost scenes.

Take care, rixxie
August 1, 2017 at 8:07pm
August 1, 2017 at 8:07pm
It's Summer 2017-get out there and have some FUN!! I remember a couple of years ago, when people started talking about, "Stay cations". People, were saying they couldn't afford, to take their family on vacation. The idea of stay-cations, came up. You stay home, and bring the beach and goodies to your home. I said that sounds a bit BORING!! Remember? I came up with the new term--Fake-cation!! It's faking an expensive vacation, like Jamaica or Hawaii, or Europe, but staying close at home! It works like this if you live in Los Angeles, you can slip away to near-by Catalina Island! It's lovely and when you take the photos and upload them, they look like you're somewhere exotic! If you live near San Francisco, CA. you might try, one of the exotic looking spots like Sausilito, looks kind of like Europe. You ca even take the ferry to a near-by island, retreat. The photos that wee uploaded, look the same as other spots across the world.
Happy Fake-cation 2017!
June 10, 2017 at 9:44am
June 10, 2017 at 9:44am
I know you probably guessed I've been ill. I'm going to make a stern effort to post twice a week, it may be in the middle of the night. I don't want to leave you hanging too long. I decided that this Summer I was going to patch myself up, and take short trips around Northern, CA. I was just reading this book, about strange or quirky places in California. I got all fired-up! I was looking at the section on San Francisco, Wow! I want to see places where famous movies were filmed. did you know that Fort Point, right under the Golden Gate bridge is location for several movies? The movie list is endless for this location; "Vertigo", "Foul Play", "Dopamine", "High Anxiety", "Point Blank" and "The Presido", are just some. I was really surprised that same spot was the location for, "Xmen 3" and "Monsters vs Aliens", I just rented that one last week.

The book also featured, hunted houses in California. You can read the book, Hunted Mansions of California, I can't read it. It spooks me all the way out. I only remember meeting one ghost in my life, and it scared the fire out of me. She looks like the female ghost in the original Ghost Busters", movie of the 1980's. You remember the science wear, the Ghost Busters featured a ghost reading UP HIGH in the library. She looks like an old school teacher from he 19th century. This ghost looks like that, only she is standing against a fence, that is in front of a house, in North, Oakland, CA. The location is near, the old Merritt College, that was located on the former, Grove street. They call it Marin Luther King blvd. the building became, the new Oakland Technical High School, "Tech". I won't tell you exactly where she hangs out, 'cause kids are crazy. They would put her up on Youtube and Facebook, she might get mad like the one in the movie. She looks like she's looking for somebody. It was probably, her husband that went to get a cow, in 1895. She's got a blue light around her, and YIKES!! YEAH- that one is real, EXIT stage right!!!!! I'm ghost I'm vapor--talk to you later!!!!!!!

*Smile* Talk to you--rixxie

July 1, 2017
I think I've just about got my fill on haunted books--YIKES!!!!! I do want to go see some of the sights, I've seen in the book, Sightseeing in Northern, CA. Did you know it was his vacant building at the corner of Howard and Sixth street, In San Francisco, that is ow a art exhibition? I was amazed there are couches and chairs and lamps falling out the window, in suspended animation. It is a sight to behold. I plan to go see it and several locations in San Francisco, where famous movies were filmed. It should make for good photography. I want to pose as some of the characters. Do you remember Vertigo? It was a spooky movie, played with your perception--I think in the end the man, had already killed his wife. The Kim Novak character was somewhat of a decoy. Can you think of another movie or book that hands you a twist in the end? I think that's why I was so into The Twilight Zone, it played with your mind and ideas. I like Star Trek The Next Generation for the same reason. What was the name of the room, they would go in to experience the past or an alternate reality? Click on comment if you know. And don't forget to tell me about a interesting movie, that played with your mind or perception of it.

(Hang in there readers--from time to time, I get nut-jobs that hack this site. And insert bad language and other lunacy. They are the ZAR of the universe in their own minds. I hope they will fly back to their own planet, or die-out I don't want this post to be a playground for the mentally ill.)

Take care-and do new thing and have new adventures to have a WONDERFUL summer! It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of money!
Be well--rixxie
April 18, 2017 at 10:56am
April 18, 2017 at 10:56am
I don't usually comment on the political arena, but some craziness can't be ignored. I DON'T like the new Marijuana laws in California. It sends a mixed message to kids, the media tells them to not do drugs and then they legalized weed. I'm sorry, but t is Not totally harmless. people all over were smoking massive amounts of Marijuana and went to, harder drugs.They were hooked on the buzz they got. And if alcohol impairs your judgement, weed surely does. I was okay, with the Medical Marijuana bills. You needed a prescription and, there were limits on the use. I think someone caved to special interest. I can't see where, the line is drawn. Public intoxication is still frowned upon, and I guess you would get a DUI if you were driving and smoking it. I think in a couple of years, there will be a fall out to this.

I don't like the current political climate, and seems al kinds of haters think they are same to perpetrate violence, against whomever they hate. I don't like them but I don't see it as any kind of justification, to act out my HATE fantasies on the objects of that hate. I hope those of use who are still sane and in control of our faculties, will find ways to throw things back in a more humane, sane environment. If you are in charge of some youth group, I hope you will send out an anti-bullying message. Some of the videos that turn up on social media are bone-chilling and awful. YOU can change things around you; you can "Redflag", bad, violent or extremely vulgar videos or photos. You simply click, where is says; "flag or report this post or item", something to that affect.

*Clapper* *Mic* *TV*
On a lighter note, has anybody seen any GOOD movies lately? I think I may have mentioned it in a earlier post, I FINALLY saw some of the old movies, I heard were good. I finally watched, Fried Green Tomatoes. I like it a little, but it's a little creepy. I didn't see that, eating that man scenario coming, at all! It creeped me-out, I don't think I'll see it again. I'm going to throw the name of some movies, that came out a while back and if you've seen them please click, on "Comment", give us your rating on that movie. It could be the movies or a TV movie. Okay here goes a short list of movies, I want to know about, they might be several years old. I've heard about them, I want to know if you like them. Don't forget to keep your comments CLEAN, bad words are deleted.. I'll mention your first name or initials, if you click comment. I'll mention your name in a few days.


1.) Glows in The Dark - stars John Ritter
2.) The Entity
3.) The Secret Lives of Plants
4.) The Hunger Games
5.) The Lion King
6.) Pirates of the Caribbean (the last one)
7.) RISE (a dance flick about 10 years ago)
8.) Madea Goes to Jail starring Tyler Perry
9.) The whole Fast and Furious Franchise ( You can review either one of those movies)
10.) The whole Kung Fu Panda franchise starring Jack Black
11.) The Secret Lives of Bees starring Queen Latifah
12.) The James Brown Story
And you can tell me about any other mainstream movie that has been on commercial TV or shown at the movies. Just tell us, the name who starred in it, the main plot. Tell us if you like it.

Keep reading and writing, talk to you soon, bye--rixxie
February 17, 2017 at 1:51am
February 17, 2017 at 1:51am
I am very disgusted! And I want my readers to be the first to know; I am NOT associated in any form or fashion, with these vulgar old ladies dancing on TV and movies. A coupe of years ago, I created the concept of a dance group of CLASSY older ladies dancing. We were to be ladies 60 and older doing classy dancing to R&B music The nasty old hags on TV and movies doing all that vulgar "Dancing", makes me sick. They do it around children, they are dressed like old grey-haired Black church women, and I am highly offended. I have NEVER seen Black church ladies like that, and it is a le and a deception. Those nasty characters, don't have to be Black, may not be old, and they may NOT be women! My group has not been organized yet, and would be classy older ladies, such as myself doing more elegant dancing, similar to a Broadway production

I am changing the name of MY group from, "Old Lady Dance", to something on the order of, "Smooth Ladies of Time". The vulgar dancing of these old trashy nuts, reminds me of that nasty, "Twerking". I hate that vulgarity. People who really know me, would know that I would NEVER be associated with such a thing. We were invited to dance at the California State Fair, a couple of years ago, I cancelled due to my illness. I hopefully , will regain health, and can put on a small, classy, nice dance.

Take care, Stay Classy, (like me!)
February 6, 2017 at 11:48am
February 6, 2017 at 11:48am
Hey! What's going on I've been watching, old TV shows to do my little history review. You know I'm fascinated by popular history. I was watching, What's Happening? It's an old comedy, it featured characters Rerun, Big Shirley and others. I noticed that the actress that played the Mother was, Mable King. You may remember her, as the witch Eveline, in the play The Whiz. This was a total departure, from the fussy mother on What's Happening. Do you know the name of the actor that payed the role of Rodger? He is also the actor that played the upstairs creepy embalming neighbor in, Everybody Hates Chris. He's a womanizing undertaker---yuck! We now know he is versatile. I wonder what happened to the actress, that played, Dee. I didn't like the rude little girl she played.

Does anybody know what happened to, Ella Joyce? She's the actress that played the wife, of Roc. That was the name of the TV show of he 1990's.

I'll talk to you later,

Take care rixxie

I found out online, that Ella Joyce is still acting. That's great to hear.
December 8, 2016 at 8:35am
December 8, 2016 at 8:35am
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! *CandyCaneR* *StockingR* *Holly2* *GingerBread* *StockingV* ( I have some great Holiday songs for you!Go to my WWW.Youtube.com, page, under my username, "Qmarpat". The list is, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!").

Hey!! How's Christmas and the Holidays shaping up? I hope you've been on the NICE list and get plenty gifts! I must say though, when you're a grown-up, people on the naughty lists get gifts TOO! Living crazy like that has it's perks--I'll pass!! I'm a feisty old lady, that has learned to turn almost nothing into something grand. You can too! This is the time if you're short on cash, to check out the library, books on making your own gifts. A little homemade wine maybe, some sweet crunchy cookies, a nice warm scarf you mad yourself. The coolest little kids cars and trucks, I've seen were made out of wood. The guy that made them was unemployed, but he gave his kids really cool gifts.

You can go online and check out the toy lending library. You can borrow, three really large toys for three weeks. You can borrow some more after that. The toys are expensive, like a little girls kitchen, with everything, wagons and bikes. The toy libraries of some cities, are $15.00 for the WHOLE year.You could split it with another family if you're really broke. The other idea is the a cookies swapping party, where you bring nearly new toys, your kids outgrew or didn't play with. I've seen parents, with toys from three years ago, that put back in the box, and on a shelf. Kids aren't allowed at the swapping party, because you are going to pick gifts for them. If you have people at church with kids you don't usually see, or people from work, or people you don't see a lot. They are good people to invite. You want to invite at 20 people. You put all the gifts on the table, everyone should bring three things. Some could be small. You then take turns, going around the table "shopping", you also get to pick a box of cookies. Remember, really small kids, aren't going to care about how much something costed.

If you've got plenty of credit cards and plenty of money, save some for next year! I'll check with you before the Holidays! I feeling spunky like trying out my, "Instant Diva For-a-Day", routine I have to find, a casino that has open-mike. I'll do that soon as this old lady gets over the croop, this cold weather kills me. I sometimes think the buzzards of life hover over my, sleeping body. They're thinking, "well-she's almost dead", and then I leap up in the middle of the night, to my favorite song and do the, "Running-Man/Trick-Daddy".

Take care, eat some Holiday goodies, get some nice gifts--talk to you later...

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