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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371613
My Blog....Pearls of wisdom and/or foolish mutterings.....You be the judge....
A little of this, a dash of that......epic mood swings.......A LOT of foolish mutterings and occasionally a few words of wisdom. It's a crapshoot. You never know what you'll find in here...

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March 20, 2008 at 9:27pm
March 20, 2008 at 9:27pm
Holy crap! I will be so glad when March is OVER! So far this month, I've had a killer upper respiratory infection that totally kicked my butt and then right on the heels of that, I caught a stomach flu bug of some kind that sent me to bed for two more days. I am sick and tired of being sick! I'm pretty sure that every germ within 50 miles of my house has paid a visit here or a least made a drive-by.

I'm about to resort to wearing one of those stupid looking face masks. Except that those things are really uncomfortable, not to mention unattractive.

The worst part is that my sense of humor is totally non-existent when I'm sick. I'm sure that's probably true of most of us, but when I say non-existent, I mean non-existent as in it takes a hike and stays gone for days and is replaced by supreme bitchiness. Like when my husband calls me a sissy for staying in bed for the second day in a row and I tell him in no uncertain terms just exactly what I think of his "sissy" comment and that I know what he's really saying and how dare he call me lazy, I am not lazy and I'm nothing like my mother; when I'm sick, I'm really sick and I don't play that stupid game of hypochondria just to get attention. As a matter of fact, I ask him, if he's so unhappy in this marriage, why in God's name does he stay? Huh, answer me, damn it, why? Don't walk away from me, I'm talking to you!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my husband is sick and tired of me being sick too.
March 18, 2008 at 1:18pm
March 18, 2008 at 1:18pm
Hey everyone - please check out my son's blog. This is his first foray into the blogging world - I'm hoping that I have infected him with Blogging Addiction. He's very excited to have made his first post (and I'm probably as excited as he is about it!)

 Random babbles  [13+]
Last Entry: 02-18-09 @ 9:20am
by Eli

March 17, 2008 at 10:40pm
March 17, 2008 at 10:40pm
Here's something for your You're Kidding, Right? file:

A securities trader in New York filed a lawsuit today alleging that he suffered serious bodily injury when the dancer giving him a paid lap dance swung around and smacked him in the eye with the heel of her shoe. No word on what kind of monetary damages he is seeking,

I ask you, what kind of a world do we live in when a man with a high stress job (he's a securities trader, for pity's sake, people!) can't have the basic expectation of safety when he's just trying to relax a little with a lap dance that he has paid his own hard-earned money for? I mean, really, how hard can it be to just make sure you lift your leg OVER the man's head when you spin around while doing a lap dance? Surely that must be one of the basics they teach you in lap dancing school? And what kind of shoddy skills-testing must they be doing at the Hot Lap Dance Club that the management would risk putting their clients at such risk?

The man just went there for a little R&R and now - well, who knows, he may be blinded for life, or at the very least he may end up with a really bad scratch across his eyelid. How can he be expected to go to work looking like that? What can he say when a client, or even a co-worker, asks him how he got that nasty scratch across his face? His career may be in shambles. And all of this thanks to one clumsy lap dancer who just doesn't care enough to put a little more "ooomph" into her spin-kicks. A little more enthusiasm is all it would have taken, for the love of God!

In the words of the inimitable Roseann Rosanadana, "It just goes to show you, it's always something."

March 16, 2008 at 4:15pm
March 16, 2008 at 4:15pm
My, my, how time flies. Miss one day and suddenly it's 2, then 3, then...... yikes. Well, so much for my Blue Month this month. That will have to wait for another time. I'm pretty sure I can live with that.
It's just too close to tax time to be dedicated to very much besides taxes right now anyway. Yuck. If there is anything that makes my procrastination kick into overdrive (that's an oxymoron or something, isn't it?), anyway, if there is anything like that, it's taxes, tax season, tax accountant, anything to do with taxes. Yuck, yuck and double yuck.
Still though, here I sit procrastinating about the taxes. I've done half of what I'm supposed to do and that was to take the easy part to the tax accountant. The rest of it - aka, the HARD PART - is what I'm still procrastinating about. We started a business last year and even though organization is not, never has been and never will be, my strong suit, I am the one keeping all the records. I buckled down a few weeks ago and got most of the information entered into Quicken on my old laptop. Then I got a wild hair and went out and bought a new laptop and had to transfer everything over to the new laptop. The Quicken file didn't transfer for some reason and then the old laptop crashed, taking with it all of my hard work. Crap! So now, I want to procrastinate even more because I have to re-do what I had already done, plus finish up the rest of it. Uggggghhhhhh!!!!!!
Have I mentioned that I hate tax season?
March 13, 2008 at 1:54pm
March 13, 2008 at 1:54pm
Yesterday I received a notice in my mailbox from the United States Postal Service. It was hand-addessed to: Resident @ my address, blah, blah, blah. I had a pretty good idea what might be inside that envelope before I ever opened it. But before I get into a full-blown rant, allow me to do two things first.

1. If any of you, my dear readers, are postal carriers or work in any capacity for the United States Postal Service, let me apologize in advance to you and ask that you not take this rant personally and please do not go postal on me.

2. I will give you a little background information before plunging headlong into my rant, in hopes that I will not seem completely stark raving mad for making such a big deal out of this in the first place.

Okay - the history part:
We have lived in the same house, on the same street for the past 20 years. We live in a quiet neighborhood of relatively small houses. Most of our neighbors have recycled once or twice during the 20-odd years we have lived here, primarily because the original owners have gone on to buy bigger houses as their families have grown.

I have four children who were just that when we moved in to this house - children. Children who did not own or drive cars. When we moved in, our house had a single car garage and driveway. We also had an oversized attic which we reclaimed and remodeled, adding two bedrooms and a bath. Additionally, we remodeled our garage into a small den/office and most recently, poured cement to expand our single car driveway into a freakin' huge almost-parking-lot wide enough and long enough to park six cars.

At present, there are 7 people living in my little house and every one of them drives and owns a car, with the exception of my 3-month-old grandson. My house is a busy place and, as you can well imagine, so is my freakin' huge almost-parking-lot driveway. Lots of comings and goings at all hours of the day and night. Also, because none of us who live here exist in a damn bubble, we all have various friends, acquaintances and even other family members who also own and drive AND PARK cars. We are a social bunch so at any given time, there can be more cars here than will fit into my freakin' huge almost-parking-lot driveway.

The mailboxes on our street are of the type that sit on posts out by the street. Over the years, everyone on our street has made the effort to find the perfect spot for their own mailbox, the spot that would keep it free from obstruction, easily accessible to the postal carrier, and least likely to be backed over by the neighbor across the street as they are exiting their respective driveway. Over the span of twenty years, we have had numerous postal carriers - some have been good, some have been great and some have been a little of both. Until now.


So, as you can tell, when I received that little hand-addressed envelope from the USPS in my box yesterday, I did indeed have a clue what I might find in there when I opened it. And I was right. But, it was worse than I expected. It was an official USPS form saying, "Your Mailbox Needs Attention." Then there is a list of 19 conditions that the LAZY ASS Postal Carrier can choose from to indicate that said box does not meet USPS required conditions. One of which is that "the approach to your box should be kept clear of snow, VEHICLES, and other obstacles." There is also another box which I think LAZY ASS Postal Carrier could have checked which would have fit more closely which states, "Box must be located so carrier can serve it without leaving vehicle." But I'm sure that LAZY ASS Postal Carrier was true to form and was TOO LAZY to read the entire form to find the actual appropriate violation of USPS Official Regulations.

To top it off, the form ends with the threat that delivery service may be suspended until the faults are corrected. NICE.

This is what I wonder: Whatever happened to "Through rain, sleet, hail or snow, a postal worker will not be deterred from his designated duty to deliver the mail." Guess that does not include "occasional inconvenience to LAZY ASS Postal Carrier." And I also wonder how it is that I was under the impression that the street in front of my house does not belong to the USPS and that it is a free right of way, meaning that if someone parks their car in front of my house and I wish they woudn't, that's all I can do is wish because it's free to anyone who wants to park there except, of course, to me or my family because the freakin' USPS says I can't. BECAUSE IT WILL INCONVENIENCE THEIR LAZY ASS POSTAL CARRIER.

I wanted to save you all from having to slog through my tirade by putting a nice little return note back in the box for my LAZY ASS POSTAL CARRIER that would say quite simply "F*^% YOU!" but my hubby wouldn't let me.

Okay, I'm done. Thank you for indulging me.

March 12, 2008 at 12:22pm
March 12, 2008 at 12:22pm
I've been catching up on my reading this morning and would like for you all to know how very much I enjoy all the diversity, energy, opinions, information and just plain fun from everyone on this site. So many posts have caught my attention today and made me smile, ponder, laugh out loud, sigh wistfully, and ultimately wish that I was a graduate of the Evelyn Wood Speed Reading Course so I could read even more in less time! Some days there just aren't enough hours in the day. (I've noticed that since I've gotten older, but I refuse to attribute it to my getting slower.)
For any of you who haven't had the opportunity to check out Rock 's blog entry dated March 1, let me encourage you to do so. In particular, her rant for that day. I couldn't agree more. Priceless and very well stated.
"Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

March 11, 2008 at 2:49pm
March 11, 2008 at 2:49pm
I have been reading back through my posts and comments from the past several days, and one thought keeps running through my mind. (I can feel smart-ass coming on even as I type...)

I can not believe that not a one of you has given me a hard time for my choice of Dick Cheney on my Sexiest Men list. That can only mean one of two things. Either, number one: you are a much more perceptive and broad-minded crowd than I had already given you credit for (and believe me, I gave you lots of credit before!) or number two: you are totally not paying attention.
March 11, 2008 at 2:35pm
March 11, 2008 at 2:35pm
My, my, my. That post yesteday that I thought I might regret today was actually kind of freeing. I'm glad I posted it, I got some wonderful support from some wonderful people (thank you one and all, you know who you are!) I woke this morning feeling pretty much the same way. Got out of bed, looked at my Pollyanna suit lying there in a heap on the floor where I flung it yesterday and decided just to leave it there because I don't feel too Pollyanna-ish today either.

Today is a little different though, because I do have some of my fight back. So that's a good thing. It's never good to shed your Pollyanna suit and your fight at the same time, because then what you're left with is hopelessness. That's where I was yesterday and at least I'm one step away from that today. Who knows? As the day wears on, I may even make it up the ladder to scrappy or maybe even to my favorite rung of the ladder - smart-ass. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

That's all I've got for now, folks. Check back with you later!
March 10, 2008 at 6:31pm
March 10, 2008 at 6:31pm
I bought a new book today - it's called This is My Life, I'm Stuck in It, Now What the Hell Do I Do?. Not really, I didn't buy that book, because I don't guess anyone has written it, but maybe I should write it, because I bet a lot of people, especially women, would buy it. I would probably buy it if someone else wrote it. And today I would even read it.

Today is one of those Shit Sandwich Days. Ever have one of those? You know, as in, Life is a shit sandwich and every day you take another bite. I really do consider myself an optimist, but today I'm taking my optimist sign off the door and replacing it with a GO AWAY sign.

I think some days there just isn't enough hope and optimism to go around. And that it ran out before it got to me today. Tomorrow I'll probably read this post and be aghast that I posted it, but by then it will be too late, because I am posting it and tomorrow can deal with itself.

But, hey, get this. I still stuck with my resolve to stop procrastinating. I checked several more things off my list today. So, at least there's that. And I didn't skip a day blogging, although tomorrow I'm sure I'll wish that I had.
March 9, 2008 at 5:45pm
March 9, 2008 at 5:45pm
This one is for all the women. (Sorry guys, but read on, you may learn a thing or two) Tell me who you consider to be three of the sexiest men in the public eye today and why. This used to be a favorite game at work and I'm sure you've all played one version of it at some time or another.

Now don't pick the obvious ones - really think about it and be creative. To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, I'll start:

1. James Gandolfini's character, Tony Soprano - hear me out before you start making any judgments. Tony is sexy as hell, not because of his looks, his fashion sense or any of those conventional things that might attract a woman to a man. Tony is sexy because he is dangerous, he's that bad boy character Debi Wharton talked about the other day. I'm sure it must speak volumes about my psyche that I am so attracted to this type of man, but I think I can live with that. Tony is the reason I tuned in to HBO religiously every week when The Sopranos was on because he was just so intoxicating - he was unpredictable and oh so dangerous. Yummmm.

2. Jimmy Smits - OMG! This man just smolders. He has those eyes that absolutely caress you and the man looks spectacular in whatever he wears and best in nothing. S-E-X-Y The way he walks, his voice, just the way he looks at women, everything about this man is HOT, HOT, HOT! And yes my husband does know that if Jimmy ever comes knockin', I'm gone. *Smile*

3. Dick Cheney - yeah I know - I've gotten plenty of flack over this choice for a long time, but I'm sticking to my guns. You see this is what I mean by unconventional choices. Again, it has nothing to do with looks. The man has a brain - he's brilliant; he's powerful, he exudes confidence. He's comfortable in his own skin. I mean we all know who has actually run the country for the last 8 years and does it even matter to him that he has the job and not the title? Nope, not at all. Quiet, powerful confidence - it's a powerful aphrodisiac, I tell ya.

Your turn now - how brave are you?

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