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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1317094
Enga mellom fjella: where from across the meadow, poems sing from mountains and molehills.

Enga mellom Fjella


                   as if you own me
I bow before the Bitterroots
and just like you
                   my rocky soil, my withered grass
                   lays prey to the empty sky.

© Kåre Enga 2007 "SentinelOpen in new Window.

Late autumn

Reader's Choice of Poems:

"SentinelOpen in new Window.
"In the midst of silenceOpen in new Window.
"Tales told over scones and hot teaOpen in new Window.
"I, KatrinaOpen in new Window.
"WillowsongOpen in new Window.

Reader's Choice of blog entries from my old blog "L'aura del CampoOpen in new Window.:

"Death of Jeannie New MoonOpen in new Window.
"Winter: 18 Mas'il (December 29)Open in new Window.
"When is it proper to tell someone you love them?Open in new Window.
"Holy day. Autumn in November. A mole.Open in new Window.
"James Doohan, Scotty. Ombra mai fu. Eutin Guitar OrchestraOpen in new Window.



Yellow cheer from sarah

 Kåre *Delight* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop
The Fish
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February 21, 2025 at 9:21pm
February 21, 2025 at 9:21pm
The trickster quietly entered the burrow by way of its exit, plainly marked EXIT.

He didn't expect to catch Mr Badger at home. The word in the woods was that he was away visiting his niece.

"Come sit with me awhile. I'll put on tea."

The intruder wrapped his tail around himself and decided it would be best to just sit on the proffered pillow and not ask questions. And... it was raining outside.

"It's... nice and cozy in here."

"Yes, Beatrix likes it that way."

He noticed a small frame hanging over a writing table.

"Is that... ?"

"Here's your cup. It's a tad hot. Sorry."

"If that's Miss... well she owes me a story."

"How so?"

"I remember her watching me by the Chicken Coop taking notes."

"Do tell."

"You sound amused. No. I wasn't counting chickens. I only eat mice... now and then... and an occasional..."

The front door opened and in walked Miss Potter herself.

"Good evening Mr Badger. Mr Grahame is visiting and I wondered whether you could lend us some honey. Tommy Brock stole all of mine."


"Ahem... Mr Tod... Still upset about that story I didn't write?"

"I wasn't stealing chickens."

"I know. While you were counting chickens I was counting mice."

If a smile could kill, the wily fox thought.

"Counted three times. Thankfully none were missing."

Mr. Badger brought a jar of honey and a steaming cup for Miss Potter.

The silence was deafening.

"I've finished my tea. Time to Go." Mr Tod nodded to Mr Badger and Miss Potter and quickly departed through the front door, plainly marked ENTRANCE.

"You are smirking, Beatrix."

"Yes, I feel the urge to write."

© Kåre Enga (21.februar.2025)
February 7, 2025 at 8:30pm
February 7, 2025 at 8:30pm
The Black Brick

The black doorstop hadn't moved in decades. No one bothered it or the door it held ajar for the cats and cockroaches, its only visitors.

The last human who'd dared to disturb its dust was a child with long blond hair. He'd found it to be too heavy for his tiny hands. They'd be wrinkled by now and those strands would be grey... if he had any left.

It was proud to have kept its secret for so long.

When was it placed here? Only the rotted bones in the oubliette would know. If bones could speak...

Its sleep was disturbed by a rush of damp breeze. Rain? Someone must've opened the outer door to the bricked up passageway.

"My grandfather said he came this way as a child."


They both sneezed.

"And dusty."

The doorstop waited silently.

"There's another door!"

They passed the old brick by.

"What's this hole?"


Their screams could've wakened the dead.

On their way out one tripped over the brick, their boots scraping off black paint revealing a glimmer of...



They tried to lift it.

"Too heavy."

"Let's come back tomorrow."

But they never did.

It was November 9th... The Night of Broken Glass.

A new noise? Laughter?

Two voices tinkled like wineglasses.

"I wonder what this was?"

"Maybe a bunker? A cellar? A dungeon?"

More laughter.

"Afraid of ghosts?"

"Never! You'd scare them all away."

"What's this?"

The brick glimmered in anticipation.

"Just a yellow brick painted black."

"It's heavy."

"Leave it."

They went through the door.

"Nothing here but a hole with old bones. Let's go."

The black brick had enjoyed the interruption.

It chuckled as it went back to sleep.

© Kåre Enga (7.februar.2025)

~285 words.

October 24, 2024 at 2:19am
October 24, 2024 at 2:19am
He ain't no virgin!

         "The Witch is back and there's hell to pay." —Winifred, Hocus Pocus

The door slammed open.

"Bing bang the Bitch is back! I see Donald's up to his usual shenanigans but I'm looking for a virgin."

Winifred looked peeved. She always looked peeved. Her exile hadn't suited her. Her side kicks had abandoned her and her used broom was making her itch. "Fleas", she grumbled. "Fleas!"

The barmaid hid under a table. The bartender fainted.

Winifred didn't notice. She wasn't interested.

"Where's that kid?"

Max stood up and strode over to her.

"Well, I'm old. And don't think you can get lucky again. I'm not a virgin."

"Children?" The gleam in Winifred's eye said it all.


Winifred slumped.

"You're out of luck. But... if you need a ride to the cemetery..."

Winifred started to mumble and twitch her fingers.

"That won't work."

Wide eyed but curious, Winifred mouthed "why?"

Max laughed. "I've invested in every ward in the world. Would you like a gummy?"

Winifred turned and fled as fast as her bad leg would allow her.

"I would've given her a ride to the Senior Center if she would've let me."

Max sighed.

"It's hard getting old, even for an old witch with dementia."

© Kåre Enga (29.oktober.2024)

~205 words
October 24, 2024 at 2:16am
October 24, 2024 at 2:16am
Little rays of sunshine

         "I never drink...wine." — Dracula

Break out the glasses and cut of their heads.

I have a headache.

I'm off to bed.

We'd have much to be thankful for if you would.

Now... don't spill a drop.

Waste not want not.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine"


The party was getting out of hand.

Melinda and Belinda were pulling each other's polyester wigs and the Count was dancing on the tables.

Who had spiked their drinks?

You'd think that Draqquie would be more careful what he invites to these shindigs. Last time...


I wonder.

Pauletta and I made the rounds. We were attached at the hip so that was a swirling task as we faced opposite directions. No one cared. Pauletta is/was/will-forever-be a force of nature. No one got in our way. No one dared.

We whispered in each others ear.

Do you think? Did you see?


Apparently Lizzy was in a tizzy because Donnie wouldn't stop sucking on her... and she fell from the chandelier and crashed through the floor.

Bats. Crazy bats. She should've just spread her wings.

The party broke up just before dawn.

And that's when we realized that someone hadn't turned off the grow lights in the orchid house. A little too much "sun" had driven everyone mad.

Sad really. They'd be hung over until the Day of the Dead... if they lived that long.

If not...

We would see them then.

And as Pauletta reminded me, again and again.

© Kåre Enga (27.oktober.2024)

~250 words
October 22, 2024 at 12:31am
October 22, 2024 at 12:31am
Day 3: “They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” —Johnny, Night of the Living Dead

Barbara and Johnny... and me.

No, Barbara. No one is coming to get us. We're always left behind.

Like holey socks and underwear, useless except as rags to sop up the blood and tears. I say my prayers every time Johnny goes out. Sigh with relief if he doesn't come back with a kill.

He's out prowling tonight.



Yes, Barbara. I fixed your favorite fish dish: anchovy pizza with creamy white sauce on the thinnest crust I could make. You oughta learn how to bake, Barbara.


Johnny, what a pleasure to see you! No, there isn't any pizza left. Barbara... Yeah, I know. She's a bit of a glutton. But she's eating for five these days. What? You didn't know?


Barbara! Noooooo. Not in my bed!


What's that you say? Yes, I can find parents for your puppies. Just don't leave them for me to care. And... don't expect Johnny to be much help. Yes. He did drop off a mouse this morning. He's out there prowling again. I told him a rabbit would be better but he likes rabbits. As friends. Here's some cut up chicken and tuna. No, you can't have my porkchop.


Look, Johnny. Aren't they cute?


Hey, you two. I just got a call. I need to go out this morning. Old Hoot has a hard case to solve. He says he needs me to interpret. Yeah, yeah, I may just be a lowly parrot (his words, not mine. I think I'm magnificent) but I'm multi-lingual. One informant is a horse.


No, Johnny, you're not a suspect. But Barbara... Just between you and me she ought to be careful. I think someone's out to get her.

© Kåre Enga (22.oktober.2024)

~279 words
June 30, 2024 at 5:32pm
June 30, 2024 at 5:32pm
Aggy and Jiggy were among those left to take inventory of who and what remained, thankful that all was not lost. Life went on for those left behind. With numbers reduced, they paired up to prepare for the oncoming cold their long-gone elders had warned them about. Everyone burrowed deep as temperatures dropped... and then rains... and a nip of frost. More were lost to the flood before Jeremy took pity, threw leaves on top and brought a tarp. It would keep them snug and warm till he and the sun returned after the coming ice and snow had melted.
June 30, 2024 at 5:26pm
June 30, 2024 at 5:26pm
Home heated up until many left to find a cooler damper spot. Why did they cross the sidewalk? To get to the other side where there was shade and where sprinklers watered the grass. Not all made it across as lizards guarded paths and robins hunted from above. Dagmar was the first to go missing, then Biggy and Diggy. At home Aggy sang a dirge of death and defiance till Jeremy came to turn over the compost to help it rot. He hauled half of it away. To where they did not know. They prayed it was a better place.
June 30, 2024 at 5:20pm
June 30, 2024 at 5:20pm
Jeremy's compost heap soaked up rain as the Gnome dumped more worms to churn it. It had been a long winter but a few elders had survived in the heart of the pile where it stayed cozy. They welcomed the newcomers, showed them around. When everyone was fed and settled-in they mated.

More rain, more manure, more food to feed their wiggling offspring: Aggie, Biggy, Dagmar, Diggy… After-the-thaw was a season of plenty. Joy! Joy! Joy! They made haste to be fruitful and multiply before the hot globe reached its zenith to bake their home... as June sang its tune.

June 16, 2024 at 5:31pm
June 16, 2024 at 5:31pm
Seymour: before you die...

Oh, Seymour —

Make me happy, Seymour. Water me, feed me, speak to me.

I'll sing about the trials of my day: dawn, noon's sun-scorch, twilight, the ...

Nights of White Satin

as you fall asleep unaware I keep watch over you.

Last time you traveled no one watered me and I feared for my existence.

Then you nearly drowned me with tears as you sobbed it was all a mistake.

I've been here 15 years.

I helped you bury your cat, your dog, your mother ...

I'll miss you.

Who will you gift me to? Do they know that I can sing?

© Kåre Enga [181.26.S#6] (16.juni.2024)

100 word drabble. Prompt: a plant or animal.

Made into an item: ""Seymour: before you die..." S#6 100 wOpen in new Window.
June 9, 2024 at 8:07pm
June 9, 2024 at 8:07pm
Blackie lay dead.

"Must've used up all nine lives."

"With some help."

"Hey, it survived the last time I killed it."

"Well, then what..."

"...or who."

"That tomcat over there looks guilty."

"So does that dog."

"That old lady sure looks mean."

The raggedy tom hissed. Boris threw a stone.

The pit-bull growled. Alexandria growled back.

the old lady spat at them.

"Hey, aren't you rabid? Who let you out?"

The two brats laughed; then bored, they left.

Miss Cherry-Mae, Pretty-boy and Fluffy carefully approached.

Are they gone?

The cat meowed.

"Good job everyone, maybe this time they'll leave us alone."

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