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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views

Some torn to the ground
Some burn to the ground
Others removed brick by brick
Redesign for the times
When the lease comes up
Or just fold up

When you have a bad day and need a reason...

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection...

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.” - Some guy, I guess. Look it up?
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice, might as well hand over your civil liberties. Voices could connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues or don't but put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. Or, agree to disagree and have a beer. Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone
- Chris Cornell, RIP

Some other stuff

My recent poetry:

The Absence of Wavelength  (18+)
12.3k views, 2xBest Poetry Period. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind.
#1149750 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Blah, blah, blah

Merit Badge in Rare
[Click For More Info]

I like your work!

Thank you WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for honoring me with your kind words!

Read here some old blog entries...*PointRight* 2018 Highlights

More...*PointRight* 2018: The Quiet Ones

~ Brian K Compton ~
"Invalid Entry A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018 -- WINNER -- Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

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August 25, 2021 at 10:12pm
August 25, 2021 at 10:12pm

No comment really, just caught my attention not too long ago. A guy who seems well spoken on the subject of feminism and pervading perceptions.
August 22, 2021 at 6:36pm
August 22, 2021 at 6:36pm
I think this is the biggest news I've heard in awhile. Trump says 'take the vaccine' in Alabama, one of the worse vaxxing states in the country (36%):


He got booed a little, according to the story. Hm. I know a lot of 'normal' people who won't take it. Not even compelled to help the rest of us reach herd immunity. It's sad.

I don't know if Trump stumping for Covid medicine will sway at this point, because he has never spoken like this...until now. Seems those who've made up their mind will only see him as a turncoat at this point, positioning for another run at the White House.

There are a lot of things Trump has to retreat on to make this statement more true. For instance, stop saying the election was rigged. Further, say it was a fair election and accept the results.

Un-spin the spin, I guess. I don't think Machiavelli would support that. Liars like murderers stick with the untruths until they day they die with blood stains on their hands. That's politics.

FDA approval of one of the vaccines would be another direction to compel Alabamians and the like.

August 15, 2021 at 1:39pm
August 15, 2021 at 1:39pm

I'm just learning all of this now, putting this all together in my mind. If someone were to write a synopsis, or headline, it would be a 'that's what she said' moment. Another way of describing it, not by me, is this could be a 'Saigon moment'. I could not conceive of what happened in the 70s anymore than I can now.

There is so much we cannot know, but if I am to assess from what little I read, the prez doesn't consult to get input from others (generals). I wonder if he'd be more patient/considerate as a younger man...that a lot of civilian lives are at stake, or that NATO is only there because of US presence and pulled up the stakes as fast as waning commitment of the Commander-in-Chief? And, did we give peace a chance?

Not trying to be critical of a political leader but the lack of bureaucracy, when there's so much that's not needed for progress in Washington and around the world. Anyway, this rests on him, however it plays out. It's actual lives that are at stake foremost, however, let alone what could happen to 'democracy' (and safety of young women) over there.

I don't know. My gut reaction. My life moves on, as with anything else I'm delivered as news. Not getting any smarter, just wise.


Furthering my knowledge of the situation (well, that escalated quickly…):


from Brian Williams' lips, but not mine (8.17.21):


One week later (8.22.21):


AND FINALLY...(8.27.21)....
The trail leads back to a post 2020 Election Trump Administration decision to leave a little present on the doorstep of the incoming President to deal with:


August 8, 2021 at 11:32am
August 8, 2021 at 11:32am
These brief dissertations start out as newsfeed posts and evolve into these notions of grandeur that attempt higher thinking only to float back down to the ground wanting to know, 'what aim?'

And here it is --

I might be confused which character I should be (as if that is something yet undecided), aspiring as a 'brilliant repository of...killer one-liners', per Stephen Fry:

The difference in American comedy and British seems one is a little bit rock and roll, and the other, country. And, we do know which derived from the other.

For comedic effect: here, smash my guitar. Oh, what? I'm not supposed to hand it to you?

Hmm. I might be British. *Guitar* Plug this one in and see if makes the same sound. *Wink*

Might just be one form riffing off the other inside of my mind...constantly, as if I'm to evolve into some higher comedic life form. In as much as we borrow from British comedies (ideally, 'The Office'), our American comedic art seems to find it's roots and aim a little higher than Jim Carrey now.

I do feel Fry fails to acknowledge that while we wise crack, our heroes can show pain in an aside. More depth. Some are anti-heroes, perhaps, rehabilitating from a life of poor choices or general ignorance. We are not truly above it all, just desire to be.

Much of American film of yore might attempt escapism or be Utopian in scope. Today, they craft new movies like, 'Free Guy', that I judge from trailers to be beneath an aspiring intellect, settling more to frame this unwitting character on an adventure he collects the girl's heart on the way to surprisingly overcome by naturally serendipitous instinct in video game-like odds (that may or may not involve an extra life or two along the way).

Perhaps, the new Utopian comedy is to suspend natural disbelief for the surrealistic quality of arcadian dreams.


Yup, add arcadian to list of words I've made up. Capitalize, not capitalize? *Rolleyes* Of course, doesn't matter.

Must be Sunday. Sounds like I stepped up to the soap box, once again.

August 4, 2021 at 8:29am
August 4, 2021 at 8:29am
Perhaps, with the advent of the internet, social media and websites like this, we could all call ourselves recluses for idling here rather than go public with our offerings (for one reason or another):


I know I have plenty of chances to put myself out there (not in here). As been oft iterated, writers like myself don't have a true measuring stick with words spilled within these virtual walls. Perhaps, it's self-aggrandizing to know we can get likes and pretty little virtual ribbons for our efforts to construct conceptions from a tome of English to never truly come under scrutiny by those eyes hungry for fiction or paltry poetic endeavors.

So, I stay cooped up (literally and figuratively) -- retreat from a glaring social stage, because I'm screwed up in little ways that have not deterred my ability to rub elbows with the human race. I just feel a bit too human on soccasions and doubt my ability, my voice on stages constructed to hold potential efforts like mine.

I could work on a short story or novel that was concepted on vacation. Or, could cool it and just put focus on things social like pick up games and the YMCA. My physical health comforts my mental health at these interstices that insist step back from purging anymore thought from this logjam of weighty thought. Just letting stuff work itself out. But, thinking to, how like E.D. or Salinger I could be, for various reasons.

The Beatles were good, but the whitest band of all time.

"The Absence of Wavelength


I'm developing a new approach to my involvement at WDC that will be more rewarding to refuel what inspires me in the future. It begins with some undeniable honesty in a very constructed manner.
July 23, 2021 at 10:22am
July 23, 2021 at 10:22am
If you can't get to the end of what you're going on about before having to defend yourself, you're wasting your energy on that person.

If you are constantly defending yourself (with everyone) before you finish a thought, you might want to hit the 'playback' button.

If you find that one person that agrees with you, after 99 others said you were wrong, don't immediately assume you found your soulmate.

I have ears, too.


And I always say: 'I hear what you're saying, but also what you're not saying.'

Getting pretty good. Where was this wisdom in my youth. And, how to apply properly, at the right time?

Windows are sliding shut all through my neighborhood. 'It's that strange boy again. He's looking at our house. Shut the drapes!' *Bigsmile*

I feel as harmless as a six foot, animated cactus.
July 23, 2021 at 9:10am
July 23, 2021 at 9:10am
For an introduction to this blog post, a newsfeed bumper: "Note: In today's installment of Solving The World&..."

Satire of a fake meeting of people(s) that should get together and talk, because more dialogue is what we need:

United States: China, may we see your Wuhan lab?
China: No.
United States: That's disappointing, because we smell a bat.
WHO: The virus likely came from an animal.
China: Yes, that.
US Senator Lindsay Graham: There's evidence it was genetically mutated in a lab.
Dr. Fauci: We didn't fund that and you're a liar, LG.
China: Well, all we know is there's nothing to see here. Go check the rest of the world for your bat.
Me: I'm making pancakes for breakfast.

What does anything have to do with anything? They're not open to an investigation. It's like people looking at the ceiling when they should look at the ground, as the audience yells, 'He's behind you!' before the unwitting are killed. What's the point of caring, investing in this public drama? Anyone want pancakes?

What's the point of sharing all of this in the media? In this age, our devotion is divided between which bachelor she should choose and the financial freedom of a has-been pop star. When we don't really have a hand in world policy, stuck choosing between the lesser of two evils for public office.

I have money, lots of free time. I spend where return makes me happiest. I'm not a part of the ignorance and I'm not a part of the process. I've been an unwitting sideline fan who's tried to be a participant. I was a journalist, giving me unique insights to how information is disseminated and couldn't control the flow of information any better than the guy flipping food on a grill.

I write here. Yeah, blah, blah, blah is all I see after I type and move on to the next. I read what others have to share. I see a lot of blah, blah but also what I can add to my arsenal of dull cutlery (an expression for anything learned I can't do anything with). I add everything witnessed to an ongoing, circumstantial, subjective truth brewing part in imagination and a little place I'd like to believe is reality.

I like maple syrup with mine.

I suppose I could always waffle on this subject.

Embrace the ignorance and thank Allah we'll all be dead soon (okay, that was dark and I want to say racist? I'll leave it to the PC squad to get online and fix me, working with parts/transistors from the black and white television era),

Undeclared, sort of


July 21, 2021 at 12:05pm
July 21, 2021 at 12:05pm
I should lead with a topic sentence to introduce this blog post, but I want to introduce a man underappreciated in his time: Carl Sagan. I have a clip that will explain how we ignored him and likely will continue. I think I'll finish with my rant of the new dystopia that was envisioned, that we didn't plan for. But first, four minutes of your time, in a sort of news bite that's easy for you to consume:

Illiteracy is promoted in a nation that's melted into itself, without finding a way to blend all our religions and cultures, while Jim Bob and Billy Bob get their noses bent out of joint by what they see coming but are too ignorant to change their ways to do anything about it.

I've watched ignorance wherever I go. I have seen manipulation of the stupidity or lack of awareness on many fronts. I work in a place where people act like sewer rats and don't care for their planet, much less for the future of whatever this is that we call home.

I'm not the most educated. I'm not the type of person who should step up and lead a nation away from the dust bin of collapse. We are the perfect planet to demolish, wipe out, start fresh, because we are in a sort of dystopian decay. Industries that court governments divert the attention away from the ignorant over-invested in social media, sports and more, which holds so many clues and indicators to our ongoing demise. Could we not stand up to it and redirect this PC-ness for what it is, a diversion, from some real issues?

I could march into a great many topics on so many levels. But, literacy is the key. Watching now our higher education systems turn into diploma mills, a lame, online honor system of mostly self-learning that churns out degraded degrees for cash. Didn't hurt that we went through a pandemic, keeping students off campuses.

But, public schools went through it too. Not prepared. And while there are online public educations programs, I have seen first hand how it cannot hold my child accountable for their output. Watching TV, using phone and in online sessions with multiple trips to the fridge and other points around the house to pull in solid passing Ds. My kid ain't got no use for schoolin' and it is becoming less necessary or cool, if you can be a YouTube sensation or social butterfly.

I could rant more. Saving it. Got nowhere to spin it. This was not even a blog prompt. Screw blog prompts. How about, just write a blog post about something you're passionate about? How about an entire blog devoted to something that inspires you to consider, investigate and write? Not, write something off the top of your head like a moron.

What the F do I know? Apparently, jack s---, because I'm not worthy of the medal-driven activities the fill the space between my ears, like bugs that have crawled inside to lay eggs or eat me from the inside out.

Two rants, one blog post. Who knew?


I'm not gonig to edit this piece of shit. see?

I'm a f'n nice guy. I could do just as well as a prick. +finger bombs+ on way out.
Remember when arguments were civil? Ignorance, are you there now??

July 21, 2021 at 8:15am
July 21, 2021 at 8:15am
An example of how inane and poor reporting has become:


My response. I don't give a fuck about all this posturing. Go find a war to report on and then come back with a Latte from that.

What I take away: why wouldn't the reporter be more concerned employees at Starbucks earn minimum wage, rather than assumed micro-aggression from a worn out TV actor, half-ranting, walking out? in LA, no less. Or, is the minimum there like $30 an hour so they can afford housing, a ride to work, less than the cost of those coffees. Around 12 bucks?

WTF are you talking about? The war is that way, reporter.
I can see your byline that you can act marginalized by my comments. It does not excuse posturing in an article. You probably get paid less than the baristas. I should just pity you instead. There are some great journalism courses online, if it would do any good.

This is a lesson in objectivity, I think. I'll check myself later to see. Not political, I swear.
To be truthful, I was hoping for something sardonic based on the headline. Or, satirical? What's happening to our young people. No tongues in cheeks. Not even wagging out. Did the internet swallow them whole?

July 19, 2021 at 7:51am
July 19, 2021 at 7:51am
It's so quiet here
I treat this space like
you're up there in that hidden space
still at my table by the window with my guide
lighting a path to the other side
in my virtual space hidden
I treat like a church
it's so quiet here

I'm so accustomed to you
being in that loft, forgetting
you've been gone for, how long has it been?
my memory fades from this vantage
afforded an inept accountant
of time spent by a clear pane

I look out into that lonely, early street,
know it will fill with love calling,
spinning wheels at this intersection,
bikes and buggies aimed at the park,
while wind whispers, louder out there,
through visibly aging trees

I look through this room, past two elbows --
the frame of a room I'm in,
the frame of a door left open, further,
where you slept in, most mornings, while I
typed, played dreams on a visual stage
unseen, heard likely by you, dreamer,
who always needed a few more hours rest.

Which one of us still exists in this space?


7.19.21 -typed in five, edit later, I suppose. Not motivated and shouldn't be creating until I get a handle on me.

Swore I wasn't going to add more to "The Absence of Wavelength until the accounting of my works was complete, an audit that could take some time when I see the unedited pieces, some hidden, staring back at me, while thinking of my son, the college dropout, who's up before dawn, gone to a job, still here when I type or play a song and think of this unnecessary need for reverence, quiet. He never stirred when I played songs from my laptop, and I shouldn't have worried. But, somehow, I still do until I know he's alright.
July 17, 2021 at 9:24am
July 17, 2021 at 9:24am
If you get a cat that cuddles, hold on to that pet. You would be so lucky, as we were with a cat named Pele.

Pele passed in 2018 after 19 long years, the last was especially miserable. Couldn't tell what was happening, but she felt hollow and light when picked up. She might have been blind, but then would do some of the cutest things.

We have a landing in the middle of our split level home below the stairs going to the upper level with the bedrooms and bath. She would carry around a toy or anything she could find like a sock in her mouth. She'd lay it at the landing and cry like she was calling for the other cats to come play. Eventually, the game caught on and the other cats started doing it after she passed, as if carrying on the tradition. One of our remaining two cats who we call 'Buddy' because he's more like a dog than cat, crows before dawn and cries through the house as if he's looking for someone to play with all the time, for no apparent reason.

Our other cat is named 'Mels' which is short for Carmella, which is really acknowledging her predominate fur color appearing like caramel. Though it's also an abbreviate for 'smells' because she's always lifting her head and demonstrably sniffing the air when there is a scent that intrigues. For a short time, Buddy would do the same during these moments and I nicknamed them 'Whiff' and 'Sniff'. *Laugh*

Best Friends, though they have their spats that usually turns into play

After Pele, I have worked with our two remaining felines to see who wants to be my next lap cat, snuggler. Pele was always on my lap and always good for a hug. With her thick fur and her tender purrs I couldn't feel more contented to have her love. It was sad to see her become a hollow shell of herself, sleeping in her litter box during her last days. I hoped I could carry on her memory with a pet who wanted to snuggle, too.

Mels and Buddy are very skiddish animals when company visits. Buddy has gotten more comfortable with certain guests. Mels just hides under our bed upstairs until everyone is gone, leading us to wonder if she needs anxiety meds. Then, one day she found a friend she liked and would stay in Myles room when they had sleepovers, or get togethers. But my efforts to adapt one of them into a cuddler has failed. You might say 'get a dog.' I can barely take care of myself. {e:laughahhsad?}

Buddy will come when he's called. He will flop on me with his 16 pounds of big boy weight. But, I think he has ADHD or something, because he don't sit still. He won't jump up in a lap of anyone on a chair, but will reach someone's leg with his paw and try rub his face on the furniture. Just not comfortable in a kitchen chair, and only a few moments in a recliner. In bed, he'll flop on my wife and even spoon her! If he were a lion he'd be an awesome bed mate! *Laugh* But, he won't cuddle. Squirms away when I squeeze and he's off to another room like I've offended him, because he's my master, afterall. *Bigsmile*

Mels is just as quirky. She will allow a little hug and she's so slight that I'm sorry to say there's not enough there to satisfy a lonely boy. She sits on my lap at night and will lay there all night if I don't move. But, I need to move my back and legs so they don't tigethen up and then she's between us at the end of our King size bed. She is less likely to come when called, always pensive and thinks something is up when we want her attention. So, I've basically given up on both. Hugs from humans don't seem as good as Pele's. I miss that cat.

So, if you get a cat that snuggles. Hold on to it for as long as you can.


This is our cat Glaeder who died before we got Mels and Buddy. He did not survive his first year, with a rare disease. We'll never know if he was a hugger. He was interested in sitting in my lap when I was on WDC, kneading a spot with those claws, making it hard to concentrate. We all sat together with him as he expired just around midnight 2013, with tears in our eyes. We cried and mourned as a family a tragic end to a promising cat life.
** Image ID #1036918 Unavailable **


July 16, 2021 at 7:20pm
July 16, 2021 at 7:20pm
~ I’m in an old, poorly scripted sitcom and I’ve just answered the phone and no one seems to notice that the phone cord is dangling, unattached to the receiver. Because everyone is going along with it, I start to twirl the cord. Now that I have pointed out the reality of the situation, no one wants to view anymore. Change the channel.

~ I’d like to have a conversation with these people who dictate our logic because they haven’t obviously heard anybody else’s opinion.

~ Each day I examine the evidence and come away feeling pissed off. I walk back into my cave.

~ Nothing means anything. Just don't watch.
July 16, 2021 at 8:57am
July 16, 2021 at 8:57am
Own It

When you’re a kid playing with Hot Wheels on the carpet with wooden building blocks, you make a garage with your brother and each dream all the vehicles you'll own when you’re a millionaire one day, not realizing you’ll need a billion with inflation.

And you grow up and want a particular car, drool in front of the salesman and then negotiate. They take advantage of you, like the bank, but you don’t know finances. So, the dealer screws you, the bank screws you and you end up paying the next six years for a pile of crap, because you don’t know from Hot Wheels what a real car should operate like.

Then, you wonder if your dreams just got 1,000,000,000,000 miles further away as you kneel on the carpet with your kid to play…with trains.

By the way, mom got rid of all the Hot Wheels, trading cards or anything collectible from your nostalgic childhood, fading from any remaining happy memory. So, you go out and write about it, thinking something tangible could be salvaged. A lesson learned.

My brother became a service manager. We don’t talk anymore. Yeah, irony. Supposed to be humorous. Maybe, to you. I'll laugh at the next guy...

July 12, 2021 at 4:33pm
July 12, 2021 at 4:33pm
It's easy to see now. If you guys want me to whip out my credit card (so you can get your cut), you need to be able to recognize:

Water Symphony

A lake symphony set to begin,
my ears cleared by green bassos,
single notes gulp an opening silence.

Brown minstrels grasp surface air,
whoosh water, vacuum twilight wings
skittering a surface to escape.

Pinholes in an ultraviolet horizon
gasping, last rays angle, strike
the silvery surface below.

On my shore, lawn chair erect,
violinists in the green pit harmonize
instruments in unison, lay
undiscovered, build a sound-bed
consuming ears harvesting
a cacophony of familiar notes.

Eyes trust a rising moon clear-cutting
a path to the dock, stretching
across dimpled water illuminated.

A water symphony punctuates.
Glistening, dark cellos splash-snap,
splash-snap a delicacy of movement.

Metal creak of this woven seat, finite!
I ease back, wonder if this calm
allows a mind to dream, forget
mosquitos masqueraded arrival
for an unexpected banquet,
preparing me to pay with my flesh.

I try to tell myself everyday there are competent people out there, in here. That there are decent people. Feels like I have to hold up a fistful of bills to get attention. Producing content that draws in fools like me is the sad irony.

I've said it before, I get better at my craft in spite of the ignorance. People said my honesty when I used to review was negative, though it was objectively truthful, and just my opinion. And, I'm getting sick of this, what's going on right now. If we're going down this road, then I can take the kid gloves off again.
July 10, 2021 at 4:02pm
July 10, 2021 at 4:02pm
I've been adding notations for sometime now, especially in "The Absence of Wavelength, to help readers AND judges realize what's at work within some of my poems. In the case of my latest entry for Writer's Cramp, having to bitem my piece, I added several informative links for readers and the judge, who let me know it was helpful. Even if not award-worthy stuff, I can keep shining the light on different writing approaches, including how-to poetry, more specifically, free verse.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2254224 by Not Available.

I've taken the liberty of re-editing the piece to remove highlighted prompt words, so it won't distract. The original is still in blog, "Love Fool: A Distant Memory. I usually start in blog and develop a poem from there. In the case of Writer's Cramp and its restrictive entry process (bitem only), I usually delete the original and maintain blogged versions with notations what inspired. Now, if they were daily handing out ribbons to adorn winners, it would be tough to trash.

If I don't renew premium in fall, I know what folder to clean out when the time comes: "Invalid Item I'm at 266 total items now with 15 mingling in my trash can. I seldom make statics now. I could get 10 reviews easily 15 years ago. I average about three now. Why not just blog? Easier to edit. Easier to link. And, contests are accepting blog posts as entries now.

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item

Group above is in development. Sorry for delay; deciding what direction to take it. Little time devoted to new ideas and development. Reception to "Wheelbarrow Group" was lukewarm, being more calculated?

Newest idea: free for all forum to promote anything, as long as it's poetry/poetry-related. Kind of a writer's support group meets a poetry newsfeed. Had a catchy title but did not store it. Afraid it's gone. Memory. *Rolleyes*

July 8, 2021 at 3:02am
July 8, 2021 at 3:02am
Being diagnosed ADD didn't feel like the divining moment, because I thought it was more, something else. There had to be a better explanation for my childhood and everything until now, so I could stop feeling shame and pain for the way I am.

After another visit with my brain guru, yogi said nope, I'm not a highly-functioning-whatever-you-think-that-is. You're just a high functioning person with Attention Deficiency Disorder. Why can't they give it a cool name like Asperger's or Autism? *Think*

I couldn't sleep tonight. Like a power puppy (one description I use for my condition), I got up and started noodling with googling and found stuff when I asked in the dialogue box 'how come I feel' this way (not in so many words, but in many different words) until I found a link that said everything perfectly that I'm feeling:


Reading it makes me think I need to go through my paces, slow down a bit. I do at times, but then I start running away from myself like a child with a new toy until I become bored again. I needed to tell myself not to bite off too much of life, just the way I eat sometimes, inhale everything because I moved on to something new and can't think about food anymore. I was told to try mindfulness once, got bored with the exercise after a few tries.

This makes me think of people who workout but don't have a good diet, never make (desired) progress and wonder why.

Wrapping it up. Though, I'll wonder more later. Until I can sort myself out, I shouldn't be taking on project after project until I can learn to just complete one thing.

My research, as yet, doesn't fully explain why I don't find friends that put up with me. Should be happy I found my wife? Or, why I don't acknowledge people in my life as friends. Why I don't open up more to people online, fear manipulation (from all the other times I've been taken advantage of) and frustration and shame that I'm not the person people need me to be. And, I go running off before any matures into something real.

More blathering after a good, solid discovery that should relate me to others. Not that I should feel the need to...just that I can't...don't know how to...where to go from...


I might quit blogging for awhile. Or, wait until the meds kick again. Been off those pills three plus days. Keep forgetting.

edit later, maybe add some blurbs from link. Wait for the two clicks on this blog entry to know 'someone' read. Probably to make sure I'm not off my leash, so they can call me back, 'good puppy.' 'who wants a treat?' I'll stop there. *Rolleyes*

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item
July 6, 2021 at 9:35pm
July 6, 2021 at 9:35pm
We've all had them, good and bad. Write about the best boss you’ve ever had.

Um, my mom?
Definitely not dad.

I think you're asking the wrong question. There are soooo many bad bosses and lots of great anecdotes about the stuff they do, bungle a work situation. I quit over a half dozen jobs in my formative years because of bad bosses. Whose with me? Who wants to tee off? *Laugh*
Kåre Enga in Montana , I'm hearing your blog battle cry again (lacking a better expression). *Bigsmile*


Okay. The guy at the explosives manufacturing plant where we handled nitrate delivered on trains from Chicago. It was a three man operation. I don't remember either guy's name, but had access to keys from the trailer where we logged in, took my breaks. That got me access to another trailer with actual explosives sold to demolition companies.

Not much to tell. We took a one hour lunch to watch General Hospital or All My Children? Seemed like a family atmosphere. I decided to leave that job suddenly and move back to Michigan. The owner/operator was cool with it. Even bought me some road food before I left town. Not much of a story. Maybe, if I had stolen some explosives or he let me take some dynamite. *Bigsmile*

Had some teenage bosses when I was in high school and one of them picked me up when I needed a ride to work? Plus, all those managers partied and drank, letting me join their parties. Bunch of alkies, but good people. Hm.

The Original Logo.

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item
July 5, 2021 at 7:28pm
July 5, 2021 at 7:28pm
You’re out with friends for the evening and have ended up at a Karaoke Bar. You’ve all agreed you will sing at least one song. What song will you sing? Why that one?

I've only done karaoke once, on eve of my wedding, after they fed me fuel from the bar. I'm not a public singer, though I could be. I sing around the airport when I'm alone. I sing in the car when we go on trips. I sing from the front row in church and during children services before Sunday school to lead the group. No has made me shut up, which is good. I like to sing, all the time, which gives me pretty strong vocal chords for a soft spoken guy.

So, if I'm going to nail a song at a karaoke bar, if there's one around here (I've been asking for awhile) it would be, "All of Me" by John Legend. Pretty much all the songs I link in "The Absence of Wavelength I can sing, at least along, or accompany. The list would be pretty long, because I've been singing "Amie" by Pure Prairie League forever. I'll join Eric Clapton on "Lay Down Sally."

I do prefer female artists, though. I like the challenge of matching Sara Bareilles on "Gravity" and Sarah McLachlan on just about anything, but the penultimate would be Jessie's theme from Toy Story 2. I can wade into the first two albums of Norah Jones with ease, too.

I've written my own lyrics, but lack skill for instruments. Though, there are plenty of musicians in this house. Just no collaborators. I've considered singing my songs acapella but find it hard to share, unless perceptions change. Youtube audience varies from one to five hits. Someone here once said they would collab with me long ago (Michelle), but we drifted apart.

That's more than you wanted/needed to know. What is it about me that wants to share? *Think* At least, I fulfilled the July 5 obligation of:

The Original Logo.

Hey, Bethany. Remember when I sang, 'give it away, give it away, give it away, give it away now'? RHC
If you don't know who she is, it's a bit of a recurring theme in my blogs now. Inside thing.

Poets Needed:
"Invalid Item
July 4, 2021 at 2:16pm
July 4, 2021 at 2:16pm
I'm reminded of my child who won't take care of their issues, would rather deal with others problems to deflect. I tell my wife I write for catharsis; but, what if I do it to deflect? Just taking the time to objectively opine why my kid will always struggle is ironic, as I've been floundering nearly all my life. And then, I see another who struggles. I relate to their struggle and want to lend some encouraging words? What am I doing? Am I taking away from me, especially since my attempts might not be on point, or unwanted?

I can do for me. Reaching out to others can do for me, too. At what point do you tell yourself they don't want your support, just move ahead? In fact, it feels like it can be intrusive to give unconditional love, being overly cautious not to overstep your bounds. And when you back up, turn in another direction, easy to get lost which way to go. Kind of sad, you know?

I remind myself. I had direction before. Just get back on track and stay in that lane.

It's sad. I can relate, come equipped to know struggle, emotional sensitivity, the issues with self-worth and identity. It's natural for me to want to help others before strengthening my own resolve to focus on what gives back to me. And, if I ever find my kid spending more than five minutes in our house again, I'll remind them that if people only take and don't give back you'll feel empty. If you give to someone or something that can use that love to feel better, repair onerelf or become whole again, it can redeem you. But, if it does not, walk away.

You can always go back. But, maybe you should just let the wounded animals be, so they can get help from true experts. Breathe.

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I really do care. People who question my intentions don't know me. No hidden agenda. There are agendas all around. If I have an agenda, it's self-preservation foremost.

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