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by flicka
Rated: ASR · Book · Experience · #1290118
This is for the 500 Word a Day Challenge
Thks book item will be for first drafts, free writing and anything else that I write to meet the 500 word a day challenge.
August 14, 2007 at 7:05pm
August 14, 2007 at 7:05pm
The old house : It was a grey two story house with white trim around he windows. The RR tracks interrupted the normal grid of the streets and this short street had only two structures on it. The house and an older model mobile home that looked equally abandoned. The mobile home was sitting on cememt blocks and was to tall for me to see in any of the windows. The door was locked.

The house stood on a small square of overgrown lawn. A picket fence marked the boundaries of the yard. A picket fence, that had once been white was now a weathered grey marked the boundaries of the yard.
Most of the ground floor windows were boarded up with plywood. The front door was partly open, the top hinges had been ripped out of the wood frame. Along the right side of the house, about half way back a small room jutted out from the house.
One of the few ground floor windows that had not been boarded up revealed a bedroom.
This room had been ransacked, the contesnts of the dresser drawers were scattered on the floor and the bed. The drawers themselves were stacked haphazardly by the closet door.
The closet still held a few garments. M I could just barely see a night stand on the other side of the bed. . Around the back of the house was a small closed in porch. The door was firmly closed and locked.

As time went by I wanted to explore the inside of the house. A winter passed and when I drove by the house I could see that the weather or more vandals were taking a toll on the old house. The front door now was merely propped against the door frame. Weeds and vines were growing up and covering the door way as if to make a door to replace the one More of the second story windows had been broken and now were boarded up. I was strange though that some of the broken windows were left broken and uncovered.

I pushed open the front door just enough so I could squeeze thru.
In front of me was a hall leading to the back of the house. On the right side of the hall was a staircase leading to the second floor. This staircase ran along the outside wall of the house.
On the left side of the hall was a set of French doors leading to a living room and the bedroom that I had seen from the outside. I opted for the stair case first. I gingerly tested each step before putting my full weight on it.
The stairs were sturdy and didn’t even creak.
At the top of the stairs I found myself in the kitchen of an apartment. At the top of the stairs was a small dining room table and two chairs. The table was made of wood and was painted white. The chair frames were made of metal tubing and the back and seat were made of green plastic . Beside the table

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July 23, 2007 at 7:43pm
July 23, 2007 at 7:43pm
First draft of a query letter.

I would like to propose an idea for a book. I am already doing dome research for the book as a personal interest project.
The book is about the AKC Working Group and the working / versatility titles that are awarded by the individual breed clubs.
There are several competitions that are multi breed and those will be explained in the firs t= section of the book. These include obedience, rally, confirmation, tracking, agility. These completions are included in the requirements for most of the titles so I will discus these competitions all in one section of the book.
I will talk about the purpose of each competition, the history of the competition such as
Who started it and when it was started, a general discussion so the rules of each level of that specific competition and the requirements for earning these titles.
I will also include a history of the first working breed dog to earn the titles and also kennels or individual dogs of note.

On to the second section of the book. This is where I will cover each breed individually. For example the Bernese Mountain Dog club of America offers Drafting titles and Versatility and Working Dog Awards.
The Drafting title has two levels, the Novice Draft dog and the open draft dog.
The Versatility award requires titles from Obedience, agility , herding. The working dog title is divided into working dog and working dog excellent awards.
This award requires titles in Draft dog, obedience, tracking, herding, agility . The working dog excellent award requires slightly higher awards in the same competitions.
Here I would go into more detail about the drafting titles and what is required to earn them as well as a history of the title including dogs that have been awarded the title and kennels or breeders of note.
I am hoping to get interview with several people involved with each breed and the respective titles and awards. I also hope to get pictures of good representatives of each breed and individual pics oof asome noteworthy dogs that have gained these titles.

I am a dog lover and I have trained, showed and bred dogs in the past. I now have physical limitations that don’t allow participation in doggie events.
I am looking forward to getting a service dog in the next few months.

I have written stories and kept a jpournal for 20 + years. I have recently decided to combine these two loves and try to write a book. Looking at your web site I saw that you are willing to work with new and inexperienced writers.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Carol Neumann
Home phone
Cell phone
Caroln62@sbcglobal.net email

Where does the email in my inbox come from

Three different blindness related lists
One cooking blind list
One breed specific dog list
One service dog list
Several writing lists

G mail addy
Papa Johns pizza
Kim Kommando computer list
A few private emails

Thanks for stopping by
July 17, 2007 at 7:20pm
July 17, 2007 at 7:20pm

I have decided to start looking for another service dog. I need a cross trained mobility assist dog/seeing eye dog.
I have had two service dogs in the past Tess, a Cheasapeake Bay Retriver and Juniper, a Doberman.
I trained both of these dogs myself and I am hoping to train the next one also.

Tess was a large female Chessie, she was about two years old when I got her, she was a retired show dog and came to me already obedience trained. I taught her to bring me things that I needed such as the phone, the cell, meds, water bottles from the fridge and other things.
When we were out and about she wore a specially made harness that had a three in rigid handle above her shoulders.
I grasped this handle when we were walking and Tess would pull gently as she walked forward. This slight forward pull helped me to keep walking in a somewhat straight line. . When she felt me start to lean or loose balance one way or the other she pulled or pushed against my legs to keep me from falling.
She also was trained to alert me to obstacles in my path, curbs and steps.
Tessa was dog aggressive, mostly she just wanted to make sure that every dog around knew that she was the queen . LOL If she was working she was fine but dog parks were out of the question.

Tess was a dream dog to work with . She was always on the job, watching out for me, making sure I wasn’t going to fall . After I had her for a few years she developed Epilepsy and one day she went into a Grand Mal seizure and she never recovered from it. I had her put to sleep that evening.

After a few months of grieving time I found Juniper, the Doberman. He was a big goofy dog who just didn’t have what it takes to be a service dog. He would do all the basic obedience commands but his mind was usually somewhere else. He had a very short attention span and he wouldn’t or couldn’t focus on my and what I needed.
If he felt me start to fall he would get out of the way so I didn’t fall on him. Good survival technique but it didn’t help me much. After about six months he went back to the breeders and once again I was dogless.

That was almost a year ago and I am still dogless. I have just started checking out web sites and writing letters to breeders to see if I can get another dog.

I have considered going to a training school to get a dog. I have talked to several schools and there aare two
or three that I am seriously considering. One is the Guide Dog Foundation in NY and the other is South Eastern in Florida.

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flicka has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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