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by Budroe
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1183984
My journey through (and beyond) the valley with Cancer as my companion.
Dear Friend:

This is not a Blog about writing! (I already have one of those.)

This is a blog about a journey I am taking with illness. I have recently been diagnosed with Cancer. My goal is honest therapy as I progress through, and beyond this new reality in my life. I hope that, somewhere along the way you will find some words that will help you too.

While this is, in fact, an interactive Blog, I hope that you will scroll slowly down this page. For you see, the front of this Blog IS my journey. The entries are conversations that are held along the journey.Yes, there is a lot on it--before actually getting to the Blog entries. But, I hope that by the objects and words which appear before the Blog itself, you might come to understand just a little bit about me, and my journey, and some truly amazing friends who have agreed to journey with me. I hope that you, too, will choose to accompany me on my walk--through the Valley.

I invite you to join me, and discover the wondrous truths, meet some truly amazing people, and share those "memorable" moments this journey will undoubtedly present. Come along, won't you?

In His Care,

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Would you like to help me help others? I found this amazing organization, and I am proud to be a sponsor. I hope you will check it out. It's called The Network For Good.  

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("Every thing is funny - Growth through humiliation - Wisdom through loss")


The hilltop hour would not be half so wonderful if there were no dark valleys to traverse.
~Helen Keller~

"If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people."
~Virginia Woolf~
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"There is strength in truth."
~The Barton Family Crest~

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“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

— Helen Keller, American social activist, public speaker and author (1880-1968)

I have moved the list of my thanks for those who have helped to make this little Blog so very special. I hope that you will take a moment to read the list, growing every day, and let these fellow travellers along this journey know that you appreciate the contributions they make to our walk together.

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"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

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Please feel free to click on the Blog Rings icon below to be transported to some of the very best of the Best Bloggers around WDC.

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If you are new to WDC, or to our Blogging community, I highly recommend the monthly edition of "The Blogville News". Feel free to click below, and let scarlett_o_h know that a Blogger sent ya!

Hey! We've started a Christian's Blog Ring on WDC. Click on the logo, and join us!
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Budroe Ring Leader

I have three publications at the moment. Here is a link to purchase my latest one. Buy a great read, and help a fellow writer out, Okay? *Smile*

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December 25, 2013 at 2:30am
December 25, 2013 at 2:30am
I have a special invitation for you today I hope you will join with me and discover how far it really is to Bethlehem, and why the trip is worth it

I wish for you Peace, Joy, Love, Grace, Mercy, and all the blessings of this holiday season.

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#1968446 by Not Available.

Merry Christmas!

Come and see!

In His Care.

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December 24, 2013 at 2:33am
December 24, 2013 at 2:33am
For those friends along the journey, who have been, are now, or perhaps will at some time in the future walking along these footsteps, what I am about to tell you is nothing short of amazing. Ready?

In one week's time, I will celebrate the completion of my 58th year of life on this planet. Normally, that would be routine, mundane, nothing much to shake a stick at. For me?

Well, for me it's a pretty big deal. I wasn't supposed to make it past 51 years, according to some pretty experienced and admittedly much more knowledgeable people than I. Each of these entries in this Blog (495 so far!) is a footstep along that journey. The journey itself does not matter; it never has--at least for me. From the time I created this Blog, I somehow knew there would always be three parts:

Into the valley.

Through the valley.

Beyond the valley.

Into the valley was always meant, from my mind, to represent my footsteps along this journey. A WDC friend suggested I write as a way to cope; therapy as I was, or would be facing some pretty difficult steps along the way. She was overwhelming in her (and her eventual mate's) love, kindness and support in various ways as the journey began. They even (as did others) provided financial assistance at one point. They asked not to be publicly acknowledged, so until now I did not. But, in a moment that could have meant a much different outcome, a long time ago now, they literally were angels on my shoulders. Somewhere along the way, and on a particularly steep grade, their kindness was turned into a shiv that others intended to do me harm. I was damaged, and so were they. That is a sad reality.

Unsolicited kindness is a very special kind of love. Faithfulness to a friend can be a great blessing, or a great sadness. As the journey into the valley continued, this lesson would be reiterated again, and again. Yet, even today, I am the beneficiary of extraordinary kindness, selflessness, and fidelity. I do try to demonstrate through my words, as I recount the moments of my journey, worthiness. I'm not really good at it. I do try.

As the journey through the valley began, I had to decide not only who was right, but who was worth counting. I know it sounds harsh, and it most likely is. But, for those called to this journey, or for those called to be alongside someone on this journey, much harsher realities will be faced. This one is truly one of the most difficult. That is, I think, because it is so very necessary a lesson to learn. Such lessons as these are unbearably painful, not only as they begin, but also as they continue, and even after they are concluded.

It doesn't seem fair that one called upon this journey should have to bear such grief. It isn't fair. One must bear it anyway. How one deals with such horrible moments determines not the number of days on this journey. But how one travels this journey is really important. No matter how many come alongside, helping just because they care, because they learn of a need and answer it, on this journey you are always alone--in some ways. Much of the time, you are by yourself, required to place one foot down, one more time. Sometimes, you can lean. Sometimes, you can't. Sometimes, you are the support of those journeying with you. Think of Moses upon the rock before the Red Sea, and you will see what I sometimes feel.

When so many do so much to make your journey even bearable, any opportunity you have to give back matters; that is a very large deal. But, on this journey many lessons of this life are learned "OJT" (On the Job Training). Some lessons become almost instantly apparent. This may be because you are attuned to the footstep, or to the journey, or the path, or of someone alongside for a time. Some lessons take time, experience and/or skills not yet mastered to reveal themselves. But they are always revealed at precisely the exact time you need them most. That, too is a most important lesson. When this lesson takes hold, for instance, you relax a little bit. You deal with what you know, or can learn, and you let the rest go. If it is real, or really important, you will see it again. And, you learn that is okay. You learn not to dictate so much every step. You stop demanding guarantee of safety. That is really a great blessing. Your lessons are for you alone--first. Being able to share them with others, or even just consider them in a way such as this writing can be of great benefit to you. Your lessons may not (and most likely will not) be the lessons I learn. Share them, and perhaps together we will provide understanding for some future traveler we will never meet here.

Great "learnings of blessing" come at the inevitable cost of great strife. Learning that is itself a huge blessing on this journey. Regardless of why you are on this journey, you will come to finally accept that you ARE on this journey, regardless of how you feel, or what you think about that. I have come to know, for instance that if the medical knowledge we have today about life-ending illnesses, disease, injury were around in 1970, my Mother would most likely have survived her journey, or my Sisters, or my Dad, or so many others. Yet, it is my turn, and my journey. Even in the relatively short time I have been in the valley, it has been medical knowledge, newly found and confirmed which has allowed my journey to continue. Yes, that does anger me greatly sometimes. It's just not fair. I hate the truth of it. I shouldn't be the survivor! So many, so much more worthy and important to the world should still be here, changing the world for the better. Yet, sad as the reality may be, it is I on this journey. Okay.


That is a question that I have been asking since October 28th, 2006. I ask it still. There is, however a distinct difference in the answer answer today than perhaps the answer a couple of years ago provided. As weary as I have been, become, or will be tomorrow, I have never given up. I can tell you that my bags are packed.

I'm really ready to go on home. I have my ticket, and I know my destination. That helps a lot, because I am not afraid. Being sore is a pain (Sorry!) but only temporary. Forever? Well, that's just a really long time; even longer if you are wrong about things.

I still have my amazing moments of self, and self-indulgence, self-pity, and terrible self-esteem. But, what I have witnessed on THIS journey has been just incredible! Amazing, for certain. I am willing, with each and every breath given to me, to take one more step on this journey, and hope daily that I will, someday, live to tell you about what happens beyond the journey. I'm not there yet. I've got more footsteps behind me than I have in front of me. That is, if nothing else, a statistical truth. Chronological superiority does, after all, have an upside! *Bigsmile*

I hope that if you are called to this journey, you might somehow find these words, this Testament of outrageously radical gratitude along with the mundane and the usual. I hope you will find something here that will help you on your journey, too. Perhaps you might even choose to create your own footprint here, and find the community of love, kindness, and simple grace that I have witnessed here. I hope so.

I intend to create a lot more footsteps to tell you about my journey. Thank you to so many who have been willing to share their footsteps with me, and the readers along this journey. Every day I wake up, I am grateful.

So, wake up every single day, okay? Don't wake up to survive, unless that is the best you have. Don't come to play. Come to win! If you will do that, you will learn just what it means to do much. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I promise. You see, friend, if there is one lesson I have definitely learned on this journey, that is it.

Yes, there are some difficult lessons you must learn. Learn them! I tell you that they are each and every one well worth it! No matter what! Try, every single day you are given on this journey, to remain,

In His Care!

December 23, 2013 at 9:24pm
December 23, 2013 at 9:24pm
We can sometimes find greater forward progress on our journey if we stopped trying to determine the best answers to a given question, and started seeking better questions to answer.

I think this is true, and I put it before you for your unfettered consideration.

I've recently been right up to my previously infamous curmudgeonly self of days past . If there were but one definitive reason to be found for such nefarious behavior, this quote would surely be in the center of it. I do really, with all possible candor and energy, recommend this quote to your most erstwhile consideration, deliberation, and instigation.

One of the wonderful gifts I have received this season is a wonderful (as any recipient will immediately attest) Shower of Joy upon my humble portfolio. Pretty awesome, right?

One of the reviews I got was a TOTAL of six (6) words--1 star. I went nuts. Preview average for the piece prior to this "review"? 5.0

Average after this "review"? 3.5 I went nuts all over again. Yes, there were only three previous reviews. Andddd....your point?

It was the second 1 Star "Review" I have ever received...period. These TWO Reviews have falsely suppressed my average review for any item in my portfolio since September, 2006.

I've wondered all night long whether or not my rather acrid response to the reviewer was too much, over the top, or simply an accumulative reaction for both undefended 1 Star ratings.

1. No. "Defend it, or remove it."

I stand by it. The Black case reviewer has history here for more than 1 year. There are copious opportunities (one within my very port, in fact) to review, learn and master basic techniques of reviewing.

2. What's the deal with the whole "Stars" thing, anyway? I don't know, you tell me.

Is your gorgeous blonde, blue-eyed child your better child? Is it your stunningly beautiful red-haired, green-eyed wonderkind that comes out in front of the popularity contest that IS your family? (Great sons, by the way!)

Questions--and Answers.

Neither of these above-posed interrogatories defends the idea of better questions. Part of the reason for that is the quality of the possible answers they support.

1. No question requires a profound answer, but some answers are profound.
2. Neither questions nor answers need be eternal in order to be immortal.
3. The very best of all possible answers is equal to, or less than five words long. It's a rule. Adopt it for your own.

Some questions do not, as of this writing, have an acceptable answer. That is most often, believe it or not, because we are asking less-than-acceptable questions.

If you want better answers, ask better questions. Just do it. Okay? It may take some digging, thought, and even intelligence for this assignment, but I do have ultimate confidence in your elegant ability to allow you, and I to remain,

In His Care,


PS: With less than 24 hours remaining in this year's "Secret Santa", I would like to thank and honor MY Giftee, . . .and I WILL, tomorrow! *Giftp* *Music2* *Gifto* *Music1*
December 22, 2013 at 2:17pm
December 22, 2013 at 2:17pm
Well! Way to blow a goal outa the water, even if I do say so myself! :(

It's okay though. Goals, like resolutions, sometimes have a very short "shelf life", especially when things do tend to happen at the speed of life.

I've found myself surrounded by negative, argumentative people this week, while trying to wind up a business year at the same time. My businesses will be quite different in 2014, reflecting the changes the times, and the owner require. It's been a great journey, but the man is getting older, quicker. I'll be pulling back some of the new businesses, tossing away an old one, and working hard to maintain the "core" businesses.

It has really been an awesome journey in 2013, and it has come with new friends and colleagues, new businesses and business opportunities, and newly explored areas. Much learning has been my lot of 2013, and for that I am very grateful. There are some things you cannot do twice that I have learned matter. Everyone knows you do not get a second chance to make a good first impression, right?

Well, you cannot type the first word of a novel twice, either! *Bigsmile* Ah, the things we learn!

I have said, in a wild variety of ways, "No thank you!" this year, mostly to new projects. I have, however taken on new projects that will proceed into 2014. Teaching and writing are the two primary areas. I'm still considering a couple of "I really want to!" offers, but will most likely be barred by my favorite "White Coats" from following through with them. I like to say for travel reasons, but truthfully, medical reasons are there, too. That sucks.

So, if writing is on the table, why is the continuing of my WDC account not a settled question? Money, of course. I shut down two radio shows this year and one video podcast for the same reason. Great ideas, low budget, not enough money. I have until the 31st to pay current. That may be a bit late, as I am not paid until the 3rd. I may/or may not use GP's for 1 month coverage. I'm evaluating the reasonability. It's not exactly like I have much impact with my writing, much less here. One of those things I have learned this year is to do no business which only makes someone else money. I do not begrudge anyone, and especially WDC the right to earn income, I do unfortunately have a writer's business mentality: Money flows TO the writer. It has not, from a purely business prospective, done so here for me.

I came here to learn more about my craft, to become a better writer. I've done quite a bit of that, thanks to a ton of really great people. I'd like to be relevant in my writing here. How does one make THAT a goal?

I'm working on a radio show   that today will ask people what three political gifts they would love to receive this Christmas from Poli-Santa. It will be interesting to hear, and read their responses. I still hope to make it to my birthday. No reason in particular to doubt that I will. It has just been my consistent yearly goal since 2006. I've had a goal to have as many RL friends by my birthday as the number of years since 2006: that one hasn't worked out, either. Sometimes, why just doesn't matter.

Christmas. Goals. Simple. Be there. It most truly totally sucks when you cannot afford even the simplest gifts for those whom you love the most. For myself, and many millions of Americans this Christmastide, that is a revealing and very stark reality. It is easy to say that it is the thought that counts--right up until that is all you can afford. End of year things show me the wisdom and folly of my responsible stewardship of that which I have been given. When you have cut to the bone, and more cutting is required, well that's just what you do. No matter what.

Sorry, didn't mean to dump. Well, actually, this IS my blog, about MY journey. What better place? It's lucky I promised this blog would be only for me. It is. It kinda makes the desire greater for sharing, but the reality more saddening. I wish for you a Merry, Merry Christmas. Who IS this "HE" that is the reason for the Season? That very same one, in whom I do remain,

In His Care,


December 16, 2013 at 2:34am
December 16, 2013 at 2:34am
Cold, and hot.

It's cold where I live, and I'm hot under the collar. How's THAT for a conundrum, I ask ya?

I believe it is absolutely true that mean people suck. I'm all out of excuses, acceptances of apologies. I was born to be, trained to be, and find myself ready to be a total curmudgeon! It's personal, in RL. Imagine what could make me as angry as I am tonight. Yep, that's it.

I'm a little concerned. I have to contact Social Security (DHS) tomorrow and talk with my case manager. It's a little more disconcerting than usual, because I've already done that for my annual review this year. I got a piece of snail mail that says one of my services is discontinuing effective 12/20...but I have no idea what service(s) the letter is referring to.

No snow. No parcipitation. Just danged cold. *sigh*.

I had a good couple of shows today, with nine more hours this week to occupy my attention and need for research inquiry. For the moment, I'm going to try to decompress with some British television. I love BBC!

In His Care,

December 14, 2013 at 12:18am
December 14, 2013 at 12:18am
This has been truly a day of "Ups and Downs" at Chateau de Budroe. I'm emotionally exhausted.

Part of the day has been preparing an article   for the one year anniversary of the Sandy Hook Massacre. It has been filled with tears. The enormity of it all has gotten into the core of my soul. Overwhelming sadness for so many, who wish only to be left alone--especially on this day which tomorrow will bring. That is dancing on the edge of a sword, but it raises another, perhaps more important question.

How do you relate to someone in such grief? That seems an appropriate topic for this particular blog, and for those on this particular journey, doesn't it? When all the easy, comfortable, at-hand words have been said, and the loneliness of the grief pervades your every waking moment...what do you say? How can you share this moment in a way that is unobtrusive, yet real?

I have chosen to respond as a Grandparent, to the Grandparents of those victims of Sandy Hook. Why?

Well, because they are often the most forgotten ones in such tragedy as this. You see Grandparents do not cry but once. Or Twice. Grandparents cry three times. If you think about that, it should make sense. Yet, their grief is most often set aside (or, in some cases cast aside) for the "greater" grief of others. We usually think of them as their grandchildren. They are not.

These are the lost children of their children. Grandparents cry for their children's children. They cry for their children. They cry for themselves. They, for the most part feel completely immobilized, unable to do anything to touch those pains. The most any of them can do (they would tell you) is to stand watch over their children, and their remaining grandchildren as Watchmen of the Tower. They try to deflect any intrusion, irritation, or further pain from coming through the gate of the vulnerability of their families. First. Then, and usually in small, private moments, they grieve either alone, or together with those who know them best. I hope you will remember the Grandparents of Sandy Hook tomorrow. I mean, especially remember them. They, too are deserving of our best wishes and fervent prayers.

I let the tears flow. But they flow for us all. What are we allowing ourselves to become? Here is a really important video that I think, and I most deeply hope, can be an answer, if not the answer. (Tissue Alert!) It is important that we see this, to remind ourselves of something. I'll have more to say after the video.

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Those people, who found themselves immersed in such tragedy on December 14th, 2012 were not Democrats, or Republicans. They were not Nazi, or Antisemite, or Nationalists, or Liberal or Conservative. They were not Christian, nor Muslim, nor Jew.

They were people. Flung from across the span of time into a never-ending moment, who would say to us only one thing:

Make It Stop! Please make it stop.

And the best we can do, the most we have to offer them is a sad truth:

"I cannot make it stop."

Some will gladly say "I will not make it stop!"

I say: "I cannot make it stop, but I do know who can. I will go to Him, and beg for His unending Mercy to come to you, rained down from His High and Holy Place, to fold you in the loving arms of Heaven, and bring you His Peace as you weather this most horrendous storm."

Because, you see, mine are the only arms He has to hug the hurting, to feed the hungry, to bear for a time the burdens of the fallen. There is so very much I cannot do. But, I can do this much. If I do this much, doing all that I can possibly do, He will surely, upon the eternal promise of His Word, do all I cannot do.

Yes, I believe this with all my heart, mind and soul. I believe this with all that I am, or ever hope to be. No matter what. To do this alone is insanity of the first order. But, to do this because I can, because I must, is simple proof that I remain,

In His Care,


PS: Now, we, all of us, humanity must go through this all again, from the place that I called home for more than 26 years, and the school that gave rise to my business. I pray for you tonight, Arapahoe High School, Centennial, and Englewood, and Littleton, and Aurora and Denver and Colorado. I pray for us all.
December 12, 2013 at 8:09pm
December 12, 2013 at 8:09pm
I received a couple of notices today which confirm, for me at least, that it is now officially the Christmas Season. In a bit of strange irony, both came from the same friend, Legerdemain

The first was the notification that I am, in fact and deed, a 2013 "Secret Santa". Oh, this is a very good thing!

In the first place, being a "Secret Santa" allows for the selfless giving of good things to a WDC member you may not know, or regularly interact with. The first part of that is my favorite: selfless giving. This is, to me, the whole, complete and entire purpose of giving to another. Without expectation of return, you can wrap it as you wish, fill it with whatever you wish, and send it for joys' sake. It is redemptive, in a way. A truly good and selfless act of kindness, mercy, love and cheer does something special to the giver as well as the recipient. That is a high moral purpose. But, it must be done purposefully, with intent aforethought.

Secondly, although there are only 12 days involved, life-strong friendships can be formed, forged, or made stronger. It doesn't seem possible that such a short time can yield such long-lasting results, but it is. And, with relatively "low impact" requirements, to boot! I can honestly report to you that I can name every member to whom I have been a "Secret Santa" from the first year I participated. I can also tell you every member who has served as a "Secret Santa" to me, as well. I have no idea if they remember it, but that really, absolutely is NOT the point. I do.

Thirdly, there is that whole "Secret" thing. This activity, and this time of year serve to remind me that no gift I give should reflect or indicate anything about the giver. No whining about life, no bragging rights, no sense of superiority in this work, I tell you. While the potential exists for all three (or any combination thereof), it is the giver's compact to avoid these potentials like the worst plague ever to strike the heart. That truth serves to remind me that they do exist IN the heart of every belly button kid, and yes, even mine. So I get to reflect on those, too. I can, should I choose, eradicate them even as I drill deep down inside myself to find the "selfless" part, and feel the joy of the "secret" part. Some people need no reminder whatsoever of their importance to themselves, this place, or their writing. But, you know what? Some of the most unlikely of suspects DO need reminders. Can the gift, or the giver be trusted to selfless motives? Am I willing enough to be vulnerable enough to permit such belief? Consistency provides the answer, and the details. I love giving gifts that tell, within them "en toto" a story. My supreme preference is to tell the story of how I percieve the giftee to be. It is true that this plan can truly demand the very best of creative writing! It is, however, always worth the effort. If I'm really "in tune" with this activity, I will at least attempt to tell the story of how my Dad perceives the giftee. No preaching, testifying...just giving.

Finally, you'd be surprised how effective this WDC activity is at helping me communicate with myself, about myself. That's really a daunting challenge which (I believe) is the number one reason why more WDC members do not participate. If the motivation to participate as a "Secret Santa" is NOT pure, or good, or selfless, what does that tell me about me? That's a deep introspection that many find impossible to safely navigate--or so they tell themselves. You already have an ally during the days of being a "Secret Santa". Use them! If there is something you find disturbing within yourself, consider what gift might help you find some peace with that? GIVE IT! There is one very strong school of thought which tells us to give selflessly that gift which we would most like to receive. Without going all psychological on you, it works. It works because all of us belly button kids come from the same original place. We all have needs and wants. You will always have more hits than misses with this strategy. And you might even be shocked at the beneficial effect YOU receive. That's not selfishness. That is virtuous selflessness.

So, who is going to recive gifts from me this Christmas? For whom shall I be a "Secret Santa"?

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Yeah. Right. Try again! *Bigsmile*

The second bit of news from Legerdemain is that she has agreed to create the original artwork for our Annual Advent Adventure! You may well be aware of this talented artist's work around WDC and may even be the recipient of it. If you are not, for some strange reason, familiar with her work, you should make it your business to find out about it, and own some of it.

While it is true the Annual Advent Adventure will not be proceeding for this Christmas season (which means that I am usually late in getting the work completed), it is also true that the entire Adventure will be completed before the Adventure begins next year! I'm not sure if I have somehow lapped the field, or gotten on the the lead lap somehow. *Smile*.

I got to see just a peek at it today, and it is AWESOME! It's not merely the art itself. It's what she does with it to integrate the entirety of the Adventure into the art that makes it live, and give it central message focus for the entire Adventures. You may never know the hours of her selfless giving, in dedicated service to the entire adventure team as each adventure comes together, but you can certainly see it!

This Adventure theme is really "off the charts", as Adventure themes go. The work required to graphically represent the activity this time is tremendously difficult, and not for the rookie Graphics Artist, or even the first time adventure for the insanely gifted Graphics Artists of WDC. You must think of the story of the "Three Dollar Fiddle" here. What is usual become extraordinary when in the right hands. There are very, very few pairs of hands I would trust on such a large and complicated task as designing every graphic representation for any Adventure. Adventurers have seen these works, and proudly own them in their own portfolios over the last five years here at WDC. That's who Dad has called me to trust. I've never been sorry about it. Ever.

Now, there must be a year's waiting time. This, too is a strange and new reality for the Adventure team. Yet, their work continues. That just tells me that the next Advent Adventure is going to be stupendous! I hope you will visit the workshop of Legerdemain . Let her know I sent you. Purchase your needed art from her. If you have a very special project, contest, raffle, or activity, entrust it to her artist's eye. It will, and I guarantee this, ONLY make your activity better.

In the meantime, I get to go shopping! I'm a (preens self--just a bit) "Secret Santa", you see! Yet, I really do remain,

In His Care,

December 12, 2013 at 12:37am
December 12, 2013 at 12:37am
I don't like doing just a whole ton of writing work for zero response. I'll tell you why.

I never know if it is a vote against me, my writing, or the topic, or the style....

That's why, I guess, we have reviews. I admit that the impetus, and the decision to do the work on this year's Annual Advent Adventure has been mostly mine. Sadly, that looks pretty much the way it will go until its end as well. Perhaps this is the message Dad would have me know. If so, I accept it fully, with the knowledge that my willingness to walk through this particular valley was complete.

The original plan was to open the work at 9:00 PM Central Time not later on December 12, 2013. That will not happen. The Adventure, for the first time in five years, never made it out of the barn.

Everything prepared for the Adventure will remain dark. That work which has been contracted will proceed to completion. It's much like having a party, with nobody showing up. Utterly sad and pathetic. It isn't so much the value of the gift. It's the degree to which nobody seems to wish to want it. I'm just not sure how to interpret that. So I'm not going to try.

Merry Christmas to you all, and may you be richly blessed, indeed. May 2014 be much kinder to us each and every one.

I will do my part, and I will remain,

In His Care,

December 10, 2013 at 1:47pm
December 10, 2013 at 1:47pm
The Annual Advent Adventure is supposed to begin in two days.

So far, there have been no indications of interest in participating.

IF there are not any participants by Friday, The Adventure will remain dark, and I will be ready to believe that Dad isn't in this one. That would be a shocking surprise, but it may answer some lingering questions I've had regarding the project.

The silence is deafening. Given the things of real life, the silence is disheartening. I'll figure it out. With Dad.

In His Care,

December 7, 2013 at 8:09pm
December 7, 2013 at 8:09pm
Hello, there friend.

There's nothing much going on around Chateau de Budroe today. My friends are visiting, and I'm pretty much tasking the day off from writing.

Much of the writing of the past few days has brought me up to date on my WDC activities, and those writings are simmering, waiting on responses. That's always a difficult time for writers, because we are designed to make things happen. Patiently waiting can be one of the greatest advantages to good writing.

In the Mystery genre, especially, when both the writer, the character(s) and the reader are compelled to wait it can be a powerful tool for anticipating the next point, or part of the story. As in life, however, it is difficult.

"A watched pot never boils!" My grandmother used to tell me that. Being a parent teaches us that, doesn't it? As a writer, it's just counter-intuitive.

So, catching up on other tasks is the order of the day. And a movie.

How about you? What's your day going like?

In His Care,


In His Care.

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