This is my first blog entry. I decided to try entering my thoughts on an online journal. I guess my first entry should be on how I reached this decision. I saw in the latest (well a couple of weeks ago) contests letter a piece about blogging. I checked out the blogs portion of the site and I was impressed. So many people sharing the intimate details of their lifes. I want to do my part. This may not be the best blog entry, I know. But, I want to learn how to express myself better. I also want more people to get to know me on the site. Today I plan on watching college football and reading during the commercials with the mute button on :). I may check some more of my e-mails and read some more online stories and try and comment on them. I try reviewing everything i read. I admit sometimes I read something and dont review it. Other times I am afraid I write a pretty crappy review. But noone has commented so far. Well I will go for now. |
I started back in the gym this weekend. I went Saturday and this morning at 2:`15. I plan on going 3 days a week. So far... so good. It only took an hour or so and it's not too far from my house. I also plan on walking 10K steps per day. Hopefully I can keep this up. |